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International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (IJSRCH) | Online ISSN: 2456-8457

© 2018 IJSRCH | Volume 3 | Issue 1

Trace Metal Distribution and Nutritional Values of Some

Varieties of Water Melon in Ogun State Nigeria
Madu A. N., Echiejile F.
Industrial Chemistry Department, Crawford University Faith City Igbesa Ogun State Nigeria


The trace metal distribution and the nutritional values of some tropical varieties of watermelon found in local
markets in Ogun State Nigeria; Citrullus Vulgaris. Var. Lanatus, Citrullus Lanatus Var. Citroides and Citrullus
Vulgaris Var. Lanatus has been investigated and results has shown that the three varieties have nearly same
percentage water content on their fleshy fruit part; Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus – 91.45 %, Citrullus L.Var.
Citroides – 91.50 % and Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus – 91.35 %. Accordingly the water content of the seeds were
also close; 5.15 %, 5.15 % and 5.10%. The bulk of the proteins were in the seeds; 28.10 g, 28.10 g and 28.20 g
whereas the flesh indicated low values; 0.60 g, 0.59 g and 0.61 g. Also the bulk of the lipids reside in the seeds;
46.2 g/kg, 46.20 g/kg and 47.25 g/kg whereas the flesh indicated low values; 0.42 g/kg, 0.41 g/kg and 0.39 g/kg
respectively. The carbohydrate content indicated high values in the seeds; 15.21 g/kg, 15.21 g/kg and 15.28 g/kg.
The values indicated by the flesh were significant; 7.18 g/kg, 7.05 g/kg and 7.11 g/kg. Ascorbic acid was only
present in the flesh. The trace metals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper and
manganese were found in varying amounts but selenium was only found in the flesh and not in the seed.
Keywords: Watermelon, Carbohydrate, Lipid, Protein, Trace Metals, Curcurbitaceae

I. INTRODUCTION leaves, fruits and sometimes as flowers by villagers

throughout Africa. (IPGRI, 2002). In most countries,
Curcurbitaceae is a large family which includes many melon seeds are eaten as snacks while in other places,
economic species such as melon, watermelon, various it is either prepared as whole toasted seed or fried into
gourdes, pumpkins and cucumber which are of a cake usually prepared from the milled seeds (Odunfu,
particular importance to the inhabitants of sub-Sahara 1981; Ikereogu, 1984; Okigbo, 1984).
Africa (IPGRI, 2002). Cucumber (Cucumis salivas L)
has its origin as India, melon (Cucumis melo L) and They belong to the family of the cucurbitaceae, and
water melon (Citrullus lanatus) in Africa whereas are widely cultivated for their seeds, which have high
squash pumpkin and gourdes (Curcurbita species) has content of fat and protein (Ng, 1993; Itam, 2006). In
their origin as America. Thus, cucumber, melon and some places too, the seeds are used greatly in West
water melon are relatively recent introduction to the African cookery, (Anhwange et al., 2010) where they
new world. Most domesticated species of curcurbitae are obtained either in shelled or unshelled conditions
were introduced from Mexico, Central America and in most southern markets.
South America with the migration of Native
Americans. (McCreight, 1998). Many curcurbitaceae The immense nutritional advantage of watermelon
species are eaten in several different forms as seeds, lies in the significant content of Citrulline. Citrulline,

IJSRCH183305 | Received : 01 May 2018 | Accepted : 28 May 2018 | May-June-2018 [ (3) 1 : 34-40 ] 34
a product of the catabolism of arginine in the research work have been done on the nutritional
endothelial cells is present in different varieties of evaluation of some locally available fruits, (Obizoba,
water melon and is highly concentrated in the rind Vellon, Colomer and Lupu 2005;. Adepoju and
than any other part of the fruit. Adeniji 2008; Ene-obong 2001; Essien (1994); AOAC
1991). Not much has been done on the nutritional and
Citrulline plays an important role in the body’s urea anti-nutrient contents of many locally available fruits:
cycle which removes nitrogen from the blood and their pulp, seeds and rind which are most times
helps to convert urea, which is then excreted in the discarded. Information regarding the nutritive and the
urine. Disorders in the urea cycle can lead to a lethal anti-nutrient content of various parts of these fruits
building up of nitrogenous compounds such as will encourage their consumption in diverse ways and
ammonia in the blood streams. This is where re-utilization of the vast amount of seeds and peels
Citrulline help to create arginine: an important amino which often are discarded as waste for human food,
acid involved in the urea cycle of which some animal feed and fertilizer (Johnson, Iwang, Hemen,
individuals produce too little of. Arginine boosts nitric Odey, Efiong and Eteng, 2012)
oxide which relaxes blood vessels and then helps treat
“angina” and other cardiovascular disorders. It also II. EXPERIMENTAL
play a major role in the blood circulation problems
associated with sickle cell anaemia and has been Sample preparation
credited with boosting muscular growth, stimulating Fresh samples of the three varieties of watermelon
the immune system, improving wound healing, curing citrullus vulgaris var lanatus, citrullus lanatus var
impotence and more.(Rimando and Perkins-vaezie, citroides and citrullus vulgaris var citroides were
2005). Citrulline may also function as a natural washed with normal saline and allowed to dry in an
alternative to Viagra. Both Citrulline and Viagra airy corner of the laboratory. The rind was carefully
increase blood flow to pelvic regions and across peeled off with a sharp knife. The seeds were carefully
spongy tissues. Citrulline does so by increasing the picked while the fleshy edible part was thawed with a
body’s release of nitric oxide while Viagra does so by juice extractor. The extracted juice was then filtered
destroying those enzymes that inhibit nitric oxide’s with muslin cloth and later centrifuged at 600 rpm
effects. Watermelon is also loaded with lycopene, a and the supernatant stored for analysis. The seeds
powerful antioxidant which is widely recognized as a were then dried to constant weight in an oven at
protective against prostate cancer as well as a 60oC for 24 hours to remove moisture content and
significant agent in the enhancement of male fertility then ground using mechanical grinder, put in air tight
(Leskover, Bang, Crosby, Maness, Francu and Perkins- container and stored in a desiccators for further
vaezie, 2004). Watermelon seeds are good sources of analysis. Similar procedure has been reported by
trace metals like zinc, copper, iron, manganese, (Ekpa, 1989). Digested was carried out using a 1:2
calcium and even sodium. Recent studies also HCl and HOCl using the Kjeldahl distillation
interestingly reveal that despite the presence of apparatus, filtered and stored for analysis.
oxalates and phytates contained in the seeds, the iron
and zinc present in watermelon is surprisingly Sample Analysis
bioavailable up to the tone of between 85-90%. These The carbohydrate content of the various samples of
oxalates and phytates can sometimes bind with watermelon prepared for study was determined using
minerals like zinc and iron so as to reduce their the Anthrone Method. In the method, carbohydrates
bioavailability. Selenium is known to be present in the are dehydrated by concentrated H2SO4 to form
fleshy part but not in the seed. Although several furfural while furfural itself condenses with Anthrone

International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 35

reagent to form a blue coloured complex which is mosquito, and should be reliable for other small tissue
measured spectrophotometrically at 629nm using UV- samples (E. Van Handel, J Am Mosq Control Assoc
2401 PC by SHIMADZU CORP. The ascorbic acid 1985, 1, 302). In the method, a pink colour is allowed
content was determined using the 2, 4- to develop for five minutes and read at 490nm. The
Dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) Method in which Biuret method was adopted for the protein
the ascorbic acid present in the watermelon samples is determination based on the principle that the -CO-
oxidized to dehydro-5-ascorbic acid. The dehydro-5- NH- group of proteins form o purple complex with
ascorbic acid then couple with the 2, 4- copper ions in an alkaline medium and all proteins
Dinitrophenylhydrazine to form oxazone. By treating contain the peptide bond. The method is fairly specific
the oxazone formed with 85% H2SO4, causes the and there is little or no interference from other
rearrangement which yields a red coloured complex. compounds. Some substances like urea and biuret
Thiourea added to the 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine interfere because they possess the -CO-NH- group.
prevents the oxidation of the 2, 4- Trace metals in the samples were determined using
Dinitrophenylhydrazine by interfering substances. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry;
The red coloured complex so formed was measured THERMOSCIENTIFIC iCE TM 3000 SERIES with
spectrophotometrically at 520 nm using the UV-2401 dedicated flame and furnace
The moisture content of the samples was determined Analysis of trace metals and nutritional values of
by heating a unit quantity of sample to dryness in an locally sourced tropical varieties watermelon was
oven to a constant weight. The total lipid content was carried out using the spectrophotometric method for
determined colorimetrically by E van Handel’s the trace metals, biuret method for protein, Anthrone
Method; a colorimetric method mainly used to method for carbohydrate etc. and the following results
estimate lipid content in very small samples (some mg) were obtained.
or in small aliquots of large samples. In this method, a
micro-colorimetric assay is developed for a single

Nutritional Values of Different Varieties of Water Melon

Table 1. Nutritional Values of Watermelon varieties
Parameters Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus Citrullus L.Var. Citroides Citrullus V. Var. Citroides

Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruit Seed

Water % 91.45 5.15 91.50 5.15 91.35 5.10
Protein (g/kg) 0.60 28.10 0.59 28.10 0.61 28.20
Total lipids(g/kg) 0.42 46.20 0.41 46.20 0.39 47.25
Carbohydrate(g/kg) 7.18 15.21 7.05 15.21 7.11 15.28
Vitamin C (ml) 9.80 Nil 9.48 nil 9.54 nil

International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 36

Trace Metal Content of Varieties of Water Melon

Table 2. Trace metal distribution in Watermelon varieties

Parameters Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus Citrullus L.Var. Citroides Citrullus V. Var.
Fruit Seed Fruit Seed Fruit Seed
Calcium (mg) 8.00 53.00 7.80 52.00 8.20 53.00
Iron (mg) 0.16 7.20 0.15 7.18 0.15 7.22
Magnesium(mg) 10.00 5.20 10.50 5.30 10.80 5.40
Potassium (mg) 114.00 628.00 112.00 640.00 113.00 642.00
Sodium (mg) 2.00 95.00 1.80 95.50 1.90 95.55
Zinc (mg) 0.06 10.14 0.05 10.08 0.05 10.06
Copper (mg) 0.03 0.68 0.02 0.63 0.02 0.62
Manganese (mg) 0.03 1.55 0.02 1.53 0.03 1.52
Selenium (µg) 0.10 nil 0.09 nil 0.08 nil

Table 1.a Nutritional Values of Watermelon variety - Citrullus

100 Vulgaris var. Lanatus


40 Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus

Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus
0 Seed

Table 1 b. Nutritional Values of Watermelon variety-Citrullus Lanatus var
70 Parameters
50 Citrullus L.Var. Citroides
40 Fruit
30 Citrullus L.Var. Citroides
20 Seed
1 2 3 4 5 6

International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 37

Table 1.c Nutritional Values of Watermelon variety - Citrullus Vulgaris var
40 Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus
20 Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus
1 2 3 4 5 6

Table 2.a Trace metal distribution inWatermelon variety - Citrullus Vulgaris

var. Lanatus
300 Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus
200 Fruit

100 Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus


International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 38

Table 2.b Trace metal distribution inWatermelon variety - Citrullus
Lanatus var. Citroides
300 Citrullus L.Var. Citroides
200 Fruit
Citrullus L.Var. Citroides

Table 2.c Trace metal distribution inWatermelon variety - Citrullus

Vulgaris var. Citroides
Citrullus V. Var.
300 Citroides Fruit
200 Citrullus V. Var.
100 Citroides Seed

III. DISCUSSION varieties. The vitamin C content was highest in

Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus 9.80 ml. However, vitamin
The results obtained showed that for each variety of C was absent in the seeds. Trace metal analysis
watermelon, over 90 % of the weight of the flesh showed that potassium was very high in all the
consists of water whereas the seeds contain as little as varieties, both in the seeds and the flesh. This was
5 %. The concentration of protein was in the seeds followed by magnesium and closely by calcium. Apart
with very little (below 1.0 g/kg) in the flesh. The from Selenium which was not present in the seeds, all
lipids were mainly found in the seeds as much as 46.20 the trace metals were predominant in the seeds as
g/kg in others except for Citrullus V. Var. Citroides compared to the flesh. Iron was found in a significant
where the value was higher 47.25 g/kg. The amount in the seeds as high as 7.22 mg in Citrullus V.
carbohydrate content was seen to be much higher Var. Citroides while Citrullus V. Var. Lanatus and
(nearly double) in the seeds than in the flesh and Citrullus L.Var. Citroides gave 7.20 mg and 7.18mg
again higher in Citrullus V. Var. Citroides 15.28 g/kg. respectively.
There was no significant difference in the other two

International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 39

IV. CONCLUSION grown with okro (Abelmoschu vulgaris L) Ph. D.
Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 259.
The entire result of the trace metal analysis has [8]. IPGGRI International Plant Genetic Resources
revealed the extent of the require trace metals that are
[9]. Itam, J. A. (2006). Characterisation of Oils and
available in all the samples monitored. It a common
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practice however that people consume watermelon
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flesh and throw away the seeds especially in local
Development,46: 361365.
environments. The essence of this work is to
[10]. Johnson J.T., Iwang E.U., Hemen J.T., Odey M.O.,
determine to what extent the nutrients in watermelon
Efiong E.E. and Eteng, O.E (2012). Evaluation of
are maximally consumed. Since most of the required
anti-nutrient contents of watermelon Citrullus
trace metals are bound in the seeds of all the varieties lanatus. Annals of Biological Research, 2012, 3
of watermelon studied, it means that what is thrown (11):5145-51 50. Scholars Research Library
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International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry (ijsrch.com) | Volume 3 | Issue 1 40

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