LP The Centipede
LP The Centipede
LP The Centipede
I. Learning Objective
a. Initial task
Task 2 : Vocabulary
Directions : The students will read and write the vocabulary for the day.
Coiled Perversity
Wind Wrong different in a way that others feel is strange
(something long flexible) in or
A joined sequence of Offensive.
Concentric circles or rings.
Not exciting or interesting.
b. Discovery task
Group 1: Theme
Group 2: Setting
Group 3: Character
Group 4: Plot
c. Final task
Demonstrating about the being kind and helpful in a two different scenario.
Performing a role play which made by their own story about the end in The centipede.
Sing a song made by their own lyrics, which the theme is I love my brother and sister.
Performing a presentation that shows respect and unity.(tabloo)
IV. Learning Extension