LP The Centipede

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Auburn, North Fairview, Quezon City,

Metro Manila Auburn,
North Fairview, Quezon City.


I. Learning Objective

 Explain the differences between being Madness and Mindful.

 Appreciate the story about ‘The Centipede”.
 Perform a task that shows Goodness in everyone.
 Value the importance of being Me and You.

II. Learning Content

Topic : The Centipede

References : English 7, Pg. 157-161.
Materials : Visual aid, Pictures, Laptop.
Days : 3 days

III. Learning Strategies

a. Initial task

Task 1 : Analyse the sequence

Directions : 4 pics one word.

Task 2 : Vocabulary
Directions : The students will read and write the vocabulary for the day.


Sheathe Viciously Sapling
To put into sheathe Very violent and cruel. A young tree, especially
To cover (something) with something that protects One with a shoulder
it. Stricken Trunk.
Powewrful affected by
Conceal Desease, trouble, sorrow. Carapace
To hide A hard shell on the back
(something or someone) Of some animals.
from sight Pierced
A body part: having a hole Silhouette
Engulf that was made so that a piece A dark shape in front of a light back
To flow over and cover. of thing can be worn trough it. ground.
Shriek Grinning
To make a loud, Smiling broadly.
high-pitched cry.
Whimpered Extremely bad or unpleasant.
To make quiet crying sound.
To complain in a weak or Keen
Annoying way. Highly develop

Coiled Perversity
Wind Wrong different in a way that others feel is strange
(something long flexible) in or
A joined sequence of Offensive.
Concentric circles or rings.
Not exciting or interesting.

b. Discovery task

Task 3 : Group Activity about the story of ‘The Centipedez”.

By Rony V. Diaz
Directions : The Students will be divided into 4 groups and will be given a
task to find each Setting, Character, Plot,
and Theme, but individually task.

Group 1: Theme
Group 2: Setting
Group 3: Character
Group 4: Plot

Task 3 : Let’s Find out if you read!

Directions : The students will answer a following question
if they really understand the story.

1. What is the title of the story?

2. Who is the author of the story?
3. What Eddie feels when he saw his sister beat his dog?
4. What is the root cause of their trouble between Eddie and Delia?
5. What Eddie felt after what Delia’s told her?

c. Final task

Task 4 : Group Work

Directions : The students will be group into 4.
: Each group will have be given a task to do the list.

 Demonstrating about the being kind and helpful in a two different scenario.
 Performing a role play which made by their own story about the end in The centipede.
 Sing a song made by their own lyrics, which the theme is I love my brother and sister.
 Performing a presentation that shows respect and unity.(tabloo)
IV. Learning Extension

Task 6 : Who I am for anybody?

Directions : The students will write a narrative that tells about
: “Who I’am for anybody’’.

Prepared by Student Teacher Approved by Cooperative Teacher

Kenneth Emmanuel V. Criste Christiana Flores Caratao

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