Hypotensive Clonidine-Chlorthalidone and Methyldopa-Chlorthalidone

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392 14 November 1970 BRumsn


Hypotensive Action and Side Effects of Clonidine-Chlorthalidone

and Methyldopa-Chlorthalidone in Treatment of Hypertension

British Medical Journal, 1970, 4, 392-395

Summary: In an open, randomized, cross-over study ination; electrocardiogram; creatinine, electrolytes, and uric
the hypotensive action and side effects of cloni- acid in serum; blood glucose; 24-hour creatinine clearance;
dine-chlorthalidone and methyldopa-chlorthalidone com- intravenous pyelogram; and urine examination for glucose
binations were compared. The diastolic morning blood and protein and microscopy of the sediment. Other tests,
pressure could be reduced to 95 mm. Hg or below in including urinary catecholamines, arteriography of the renal
significantly more patients with clonidine than with arteries, etc., were performed when indicated.
methyldopa. Side effects, however, were more commonly
encountered during the clonidine than during the methyl- Therapeutic Regimen
dopa phase.
Throughout the study all patients received 50 mg. of
Introduction chlorthalidone daily. All other antihypertensive agents were
interrupted at least one month before admission to the study.
It has been shown conclusively that clonidine produces a sub- The decision to admit a patient to the study was made after
stantial lowering of blood pressure during prolonged oral repeated visits to the hypertension clinic when the results of
treatment of hypertensive patients. The exact place of this the tests mentioned above were available and when it was
new drug among hypotensive agents is as yet unspecified. It certified that the patient was able to take correctly his blood
seemed to us that a comparative study of clonidine and one or pressure at home.
more established hypotensive agents would be useful, with Patients admitted on an even day began with methyldopall
special attention to their respective hypotensive actions and (250 mg. per tablet). It was planned to adjust the number of
the nature and frequency of side effects during prolonged oral tablets weekly until the recumbent morning diastolic blood
administration in ambulant patients. This paper reports an pressure, recorded by the patient, was 90 mm. HIg or less, or
open, randomized, cross-over study comparing clonidine and until a maximum of 10 tablets a day was reached. Patients
methyldopa. were seen at monthly intervals at the hypertension clinic,
Chlorthalidone was associated with both drugs since a where the number of tablets was altered if required. The
diuretic enhances the hypotensive effect of methyldopa (Wil- patient was transferred to clonidine¶ (0.3 mg. per tablet)
son et al., 1963; Colwil et al., 1964; Smith et al., 1966) treatment if sufficient blood-pressure control was obtained
and clonidine (Jungling, 1968; Onesti et al., 1969). during the previous month or when, notwithstanding the
daily intake of 10 x 250-mg. tablets of methyldopa, the blood
Patients and Methods pressure was not sufficiently controlled. The same decision
was taken if the blood pressure remained too high and fur-
Selection of Patients ther increase of drug intake seemed to be impossible because
of side effects. During the clonidine phase the daily intake
Before admission to the study patients had to fulfil all of was also increased to a maximum of 10 tablets a day. Patients
the following positive and none of the negative criteria. admitted on an uneven day started with clonidine and were
Positive Criteria.-A persistently raised diastolic blood pressure transferred to methyldopa, the same criteria being used.
(measured in the hospital, in the outpatient clinic, or by the house The shortest time the patients were on one drug was two
physician) of 110 mm. Hg or more. A persistent diastolic blood months; most of them took each drug during three months,
pressure of 90 mm. Hg or more during diuretic treatment (50 mg. and the longest phase on one drug was four months. The
of chlorthalidone daily). The patient had to be willing to collaborate tablets were taken three times a day-on rising in the morn-
and able to record his own blood pressure at home four times each
day: recumbent before rising in the morning, standing within five ing after blood-pressure measurement, at noon, and before
minutes after rising in the morning, standing in the evening before sleeping at night after blood-pressure measurement. If fewer
going to bed, and recumbent in the evening after five minutes' rest than three tablets were taken the noon and morning doses
in bed. were omitted; if three or more tablets were taken they were
divided into three doses, the evening dose being equal to or
Negative Criteria.-Presence of grade IV retinopathy (Keith greater than the others.
Wagener) at any time before admission to the study. Severe renal
insufficiency: two subsequent determinations of a serum creatinine
of 4 mg./100 ml. or more. Hypertension secondary to Conn's or Controls
Cushing's syndrome or to a phaeochromocytoma. No contraindica-
tions to thiazide treatment-that is, serum uric acid level of The patients measured their blood pressure at home four
10 mg. /100 ml. or more, with or without diuretic; symptoms of times a day and noted the results on a special data sheet,
gout before or during diuretic treatment; severe diabetes mellitus which was handed to the doctor at each outpatient visit. The
requiring 40 units of insulin or more; and digitalis administration. mean and standard deviations of the last 10 days were
calculated and used in the figures given in the Tables.
Preliminary Investigation During each visit to the hypertension clinic three points
were checked. (1) The patients were questioned on the nature
All patients underwent investigation, including a history; and number of tablets, and by use of a questionnaire the
physical examination including fundoscopy; chest x-ray exam- frequency and importance of side effects were recorded (see
*Teacher of Medicine, Section of Cardiology; Head of the Hypertension
Table VIII). (2) Blood-pressure readings taken in recumbent
Laboratory. and standing positions by the patient with his own egotest
t Professor of Medicine; Head of the Section of Blood Coagulation.
t Assistant, Department of Medicine. 11 Supplied by Bayer as Presinol.
f Investigator of the Belgium Research Council. 4Y Kindly supplied by Boehringer Ingelheim; the commercially
of clonidine.
University of Louvain, Belgium. Catapres tablets contain only 0.15 mg.
14 November 1970 Clonidine in Treatment of Hypertension-Amery et al. BRMas
apparatus were compared with data obtained by the doctor Blood-pressure Response
using a mercury-calibrated blood-pressure apparatus. The
patients were instructed to use phase 5 of the Korotkoff Blood pressure at End of Each Phase.-The mean and
sounds as the diastolic pressure. (3) Electrolytes, creatinine, standard deviation calculated from the average blood pres-
and uric acid in the serum were determined. sures obtained for each patient in different conditions during
the last 10 days of each phase are given in Table II.
Diastolic Pressure taken at Home in the Morning.-The
Results number of patients whose blood pressure was 95 mm. Hg or
lower when measured at home in the morning in the recum-
Patients Admitted to the Study bent position was significantly (0-05> P>0.02) higher at the
Data showing the aetiology and severity of the hyperten- end of the clonidine phase than at the end of the methyldopa
sion in the 41 patients are given in Table I. Drugs other than administration (Table III). The same trend was also noted
chlorthalidone, clonidine, or methyldopa were interrupted when the pressure was measured at other times of the day, in
except in one patient who was maintained on insulin (24 the standing position, or when the systolic values were taken
into account. One possible explanation for this difference
TABLE I.-Characteristics of the Group of 41 Patients Studied could be that several patients had been treated with methyl-
Age (Years) Mean ± S.D. dopa before entering the study and had developed some
Sex f Female resistance to the drug. Therefore analogous calculations made
with the xI two-tailed test were repeated on the restricted
group of patients who did not receive either methyldopa or
Retinopathy Grade .I
clonidine before admission to the study; a significant (0-02>
LIV P>0.01) difference was still observed (Table IV).
Difference Between Morning and Evening Blood pressures.-
Left ventricular hypertrophy
A lower blood pressure in the morning has often been
Electrocardiogram Infarction observed in hypertensive patients both when untreated and
Auricular fibrillation when receiving therapy, especially with guanethidine. The
differences in recumbent morning and evening systolic and
Essential diastolic readings during methyldopa and clonidine treatment
Aetiology of hypertension Glomerulonephritis
Pyelonephritis are shown in Table V. During both the methyldopa and the
Polycystic kidneys
clonidine therapy the pressure tends to be higher in the even-
Creatinine clearance (ml.) ing. This difference reaches a level of significance during
Systolic (mm. Hg)
clonidine therapy for the systolic (0-05> P>0-001) and
Blood pressure without treatment Diastolic diastolic pressure (P<0-001) and also during methyldopa
therapy for the systolic (P<0-001) and diastolic (0-05>
units daily). The 24-hour proteinuria was less than 0.5 g. in P>0.001) pressure. The rise in the recumbent systolic pres-
40 patients; the patient with chronic glomerulonephritis sure from morning to evening tended to be more pronounced
excreted 3-5 g. of protein a day. No patient had congestive during methyldopa (7-25/3-04 mm. Hg) therapy than during
heart failure on admission and none was taking digitalis. clonidine treatment (6-99/4-42 mm. Hg); this was, however,
not significant (P>0.1). The same tendency can be seen for

Dose of Drugs Eventually Taken TABLE III.-Response of the Recumbent Morning Home Diastolic Blood
Pressure to Both Drugs
The dose of the drugs taken by the patients averaged 1-23
mg. of clonidine a day and 1.75 g. of methyldopa a day. No. of Patients at End of
Blood Pressure (mm. Hg) Each Phase
Therefore in this group 1.75 g. of methyldopa (7 tablets of
250 mg.) corresponded to 1-23 mg. of clonidine (4-1 tablets of Methyldopa Clonidine
-~ ~ ~~9
0-3 mg.) or 0.7 mg. of clonidine corresponded to 1g. of > 95 16 7
<95 25 34
methyldopa. The equivalence in individual cases varied from Total 41 41
0.12 to 1-5 mg. of clonidine per g. of methyldopa.
There were three reasons for not further increasing the 005>P> 02.
drug dosage above the amounts mentioned: sufficient blood-
pressure control (diastolic recumbent morning pressure TABLE IV.-Response of Recumbent Morning Blood Pressure to Both Drugp in
<95 mm. Hg) in 25 patients on methyldopa and 34 on Patients Not Previously Treated With One of Them
clonidine, side effects in 5 patients on methyldopa and 3 on No. of Patients at End of
clonidine, and in 11 patients on methyldopa and 4 on Blood Pressure (mm. Hg) Each Phase
clonidine because the required dose would have exceeded the Methyldopa Clonidine
set maximal dosage of 10 tablets a day.
>95 15 5
<95 19 29
TABLE II.-Blood Pressure at End of Each Phase Total 34 34

Blood Pressure (mm. Hg) 0-02>P>0-01.

Conditions of Blood Pressure Measurement During Each Phase
Methyldopa Clonidine TABLE V.-Differences Between Recumbent Evening Minus Recumbent
Morning Blood Pressure
140-3±171- 133-4 19 5
Morning recumbent . .. . 908 l118 85 4 ± 9-1
Methyldopa Clonidine Methyldopa
138-4± 18 3 129 7±18-3 XtS.D. X-+S.D. and
Morning standing 94-3 ±11 2 88-1 9 0 i- --______________Clonidine
146-8 ±17 5 136 9 ±16-2 Differences in Systolic B.P.
(mm. Hg). 725±8 93 6 99+13 >0 1
Evening standing . .. . . 977 117 91-3± 8 5 P Value of these differences .0.0001 0 05 >P>0 001
147-2 ±18-6 140-6 ±17-7 Differences in Diastolic B.P.
Evening recumbent . .. . . 935 ±136 89 6 ±10 0
(mm. Hg). 3 04±6 06 4-42 +7 03 >0 1
P Value of these differences 0-05 > P >0 001 <0 001
394 14 November 1970 Clonidine in Treatment of Hypertension-Amery et al. BRiuI

the diastolic pressure. The difference s between standing mal. This occurred in three patients during the clonidine
morning and standing evening systolic aLnd diastolic pressure phase and in five during methyldopa administration. Sedation
during methyldopa and clonidine treat ment are shown in in one patient and vomiting in another were severe enough to
Table VI. The interpretation of the re(cumbent blood pres- necessitate interruption of clonidine therapy. During
sure also seems to be valid here. administration of methyldopa side effects were never severe
Difference between Standing and Rec umbent Blood Pres- enough to make interruption of treatment necessary.
sure.-Differences in recumbent and stainding blood pressure
during anti-hypertensive therapy, especizally with blockers of Discussion
the adrenergic neuromuscular transmissic)n, can be a trouble-
some side effect and are most pronoun ced in the morning. Present Data
These differences during clonidine and methyldopa adminis- The study was neither a single nor a double-blind study;
tration of the lying and standing blood:pressure are given in the tablets used were similar in taste, colour, and shape to
Table VII; they were significant only fc)r the diastolic blood the commercially available tablets of Presinol and Catapres
pressure. Though the fall on rising tends to be smaller during respectively. In most instances these tablets were unknown to
the clonidine than during the methyl[dopa treatment the the patients before the start of the study; they were told that
difference was not significant (P>0.05). the drugs were different. Furthermore, no special procedures
were used to ensure that the patients were in fact taking the
Side Effects tablets given to them on each visit to the hypertension clinic.
Our results showed that in a significantly greater number
At the end of the clonidine and methiyldopa phase each of of patients the diastolic morning blood pressure could be
the 41 patients was asked a series of set questions (Table reduced to 95 mm. Hg or less with clonidine-chlorthalidone
VIII). Dryness of the mouth, constipa tion, and drowsiness than with methyldopa-chlorthalidone. Since this difference
were significantly more frequent (P<O.()01) during clonidine was also seen in the patients not treated previously with one
treatment. There was a tendency to mor*e frequent headaches of these drugs, the possibility that some of the patients had
in the methyldopa phase. If, however, oine does not consider developed resistance to one of the drugs before the study was
the total number of patients (41) but onily those in whom the excluded. On average each treatment phase (clonidine or
blood pressure was sufficiently control]led with both drugs methyldopa) was for about three months, as the number of
(18) the frequency of headaches (17'", ) was the same with pills was usually increased rather slowly and the patients
both drugs. were maintained on the individually maximum dose for one
In some cases because of side effects t he drug dosage could month. From the present data we do not know if the
not be increased enough to bring the bllood pressure to nor- observed difference would also hold during longer periods of
treatment. Side effects, however, were more commonly
TABLE VI-Dfferences Betwcen Standing Evening M
Minus Standing Mornitng encountered during the chlorthalidone-clonidine phase than
Blond Pressure during the chlorthalidone-methyldopa phase, and more
C e P between patients preferred the latter to the former combination of
Methyldopa Clonidine Methyldopa drugs.
X S.D.
Clonidine When hypotensive treatment with clonidine or methyldopa
Differences in systolic B.P.
is considered we would prefer, from these results, to start
(mm. Hg) .. 8 99 11 33 6 93 12 09 0 05 with the chlorthalidone-methyldopa combination, except when
P Value for these differences 0 001 0 0001 rapid blood-pressure control or some degree of sedation is
Differences in diastolic B.P.
(mm. Hg) .. 3121 473 3 02 5.79 >0 05 desirable. If sufficient blood-pressure control cannot be
P Value for these differences 0:001 0 *05 P 0 01 achieved by the chlorthalidone-methyldopa treatment we
would then use the other combination. The latter could be
contraindicated when excessive sedation could become
TABLE VII.-Differences Between Recumbent Mintus Standing Blood Pressure dangerous-for instance, in car drivers. On the other hand, if
in the Morning a patient is not controlled by a chlorthalidone-clonidine regi-
Methyldopa Clonidi ne P between men it is unlikely that he will be controlled under a
V- ... L).>
n A ,N..
ana chlorthalidone-methyldopa regimen.
Differences in systolic B.P.
(mm. Hg) .. 1.51 - 4.99 2 81 -12 95 0.05 Comparison with Published Data
P Value for these differences .0 05 0*1
Differences in diastolic B.P. Jungling (1968), in the short-term treatment of four
(mm. Hg) 3.33 7 91 - 2 94 I6 72 0 05 patients, administered 0-075 mg. of clonidine three times dur-
P Value for these differences 0 02 P 0 01 0 01 > 0 005
ing six days and then 3-75 mg. of methyldopa three times
during six days; the blood pressure at the end of each period
was respectively 158/108 and 158/100. In four other patients
TABLE VIII.-Side Effects During Clonidine and Methyldopa Treatment of
41 Cases the sequence was reversed and the blood pressure at the end
of the methyldopa period was 183/99 and at the end of the
Side Effects
Clonidine Methyldopa clonidine period 177/99 mm. Hg. Side effects are not men-
No. °,, No. tioned in this group.
Dryness of the mouth 24 58 5 2 5 So far as we know no controlled (open, single, or double-
Dizziness .
10 blind) study comparing methyldopa and clonidine in the
Orthostatic hypotension 0 0 0 treatment of hypertension over a longer period of time has
Paraesthesia 1 2 0 0

Impotence 0 0 1 2 been published. Several groups have, however, transferred

10 patients previously treated with methyldopa to clonidine
Headache 7 17 12 29 treatment. In a preliminary report Seedat et al. (1969)
Epigastric complaints 1 2 2 5
Heart palpitation 0
0 2 5 described 30 patients treated in this way, stating that "effec-
Diarrhoea . 0 1 2
tive" control of blood pressure was achieved with both drugs.
Raynaud's phenomenon 2 5 0
o of

Micturition difficult 1 2 Nevertheless, clonidine caused side effects in 23 and methyl-

Vomiting 1 1 2 2 5
Insomnia 0 0 2 5 dopa in only 11 of the 30 patients. The nature of the side
Angina pectoris 0 0 11 2 effects was similar to those described in our study. Smet et
14 November 1970 Clonidine in Treatment of Hypertension-Amery et al. BRITMIS 395
al. (1969) mentioned that a dose of 0.4 to 1.2 g. of clonidine REFERENCES
is equivalent to 1.5 to 2.0 g. of methyldopa. These data and Colwil, J. M., Dutton, A. M., Morrissey, J., and Yu, R. N. (1964). New
our present findings agree on the following points: that England Journal of Medicine, 271, 696.
0-7 mg. of clonidine corresponds to about 1 g. of methyldopa, Jungling, K. (1968). Medizinisches Welt, 39, 2105.
that blood-pressure control can be achieved at least as well Onesti, G., Schwartz, A. B., Kim, K. E., Swartz, C., and Brest, A. N.
with clonidine as with methyldopa, and that side effects are (1969). Circulation, 39, 219.
more frequent during clonidine than during methyldopa treat- Seedat, Y. K., Vawda, E. I., Mitha, S., and Ramassar, R. (1969). Lancet,
ment. 2, 591.
The present study compares only clonidine-chlorthalidone Smet, G., Hoobler, S. W., Sanbar, S., and Julius, S. (1969). American
HeartJournal, 77, 473.
to methyldopa-chlorthalidone. To specify the exact place of Smith, W. M., Bachman, B., Galante, J. G., Hanowell, E. G., and Johnson,
clonidine of prolonged treatment of hypertension a compara- W. P. (1966). Annals of Internal Medicine, 65, 657.
tive study of clonidine and other antihypertensive agents is Wilson, W. R., Okun, R., Tetreault, L., and Fallis, N. (1963). Journal o
desirable. the American Medical Association, 185, 819.

Serum Fibrin/Fibrinogen Degradation Products Associated with

Postoperative Pulmonary Embolus and Venous Thrombosis
C. V. RUCKLEY,* CH.M., F.R.C.S.ED.; P. C. DASt M.B., B.S., PH.D.; A. G. LEITCH,t B.SC.
A. A. DONALDSON,§ M.R.C.P.ED., D.M.R.D.; W. A. COPLAND,§ V.R.D., F.F.R., D.M.R.D.
A. T. REDPATH|,I| B.SC., PH.D., A.INST.P.; P. SCOTT¶; J. D. CASH,** PH.D., F.R.C.P.ED.

British Medical Journal, 1970, 4, 395-398

Summary: A total of 76 "high-risk" surgical patients 1952 and 1961 at least one preventable death occurred every
were studied for evidence of venous thrombo- fortnight in the two major hospitals in Oxford. More recently,
embolic disease. Episodes of deep vein thrombosis and in a careful study of 263 right lungs, the same group found
of pulmonary embolism were related to changes in blood evidence of pulmonary emboli in 51.7% (Morrell and
levels of fibrin degradation products (F.D.P.). When diag- Dunnill, 1968).
nosed either by ordinary clinical means or by venography Newer methods of diagnosing embolism include pulmonary
and isotope scanning significantly raised F.D.P. levels angiography (Cooley, 1964; Littmann, 1965; Stein et al.,
were found in all cases. Serum F.D.P. estimations are un- 1967), isotope scanning (Wagner et al., 1964; Sabiston and
likely to help in detecting deep vein thrombosis, but may Wolfe, 1967), and ultrasonics (Joyner et al., 1967). These
prove valuable in diagnosing pulmonary embolism. advanced diagnostic techniques demand, in varying measure,
considerable expertise, expense, and time. In angiography
and isotope work there is some discomfort or risk to the
Introduction patient, or both. None is ideal as a screening method for
Accurate diagnosis is essential to the evaluation of treatment. routine clinical use, and new and simpler diagnostic aids are
Nowhere is this better illustrated than in assessing a widening urgently required.
range of therapy for venous thromboembolic disease. It is During the proteolysis of fibrinogen and fibrin by the
now universally recognized that deep vein thrombosis is not fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin several fragments are released
reliably detected by clinical examination. Robertson (1968) which are unclottable and incapable of further digestion
concluded that the frequency with which venous thrombosis (Nussenzweig and Seligmann, 1960; Alkjaersig et al., 1962).
has been diagnosed before death varies between 5 and 26%. Two of these fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products (F.D.P),
This has been confirmed by studies where the diagnosis could the so-called D and E fragments, have an antigenic deter-
be substantiated by necropsy (Gibbs, 1957; Sevitt and minant which is related to the parent fibrinogen. This prop-
Gallagher, 1961; Freiman et al., 1965), isotope studies (Atkins erty has made it possible to adapt the tanned red cell
and Hawkins, 1968; Negus et al., 1968), or the use of haemagglutination inhibition immunoassay of Boyden (1951)
ultrasonics (Strandness et al., 1967; Sigel et al., 1968). to estimate serum F.D.P. quantitatively (Murakami, 1965;
Pulmonary embolism too is seriously underdiagnosed, and Merskey et al., 1966) and provide some information on the
possibly a positive diagnosis before death is made in only 30 level of actual in-vivo fibrin deposition and lysis in those
to 50% of cases (Prettin, 1936; Smith et al., 1965). Moreover, clinical states not associated with fibrinogenolysis. This tech-
patients in whom minor or silent episodes, or both, are left nique is so sensitive that abnormally high values of serum
untreated may die from further embolism or extension of F.D.P. can be detected before there is clear collateral evi-
thrombi from the original embolus-sequelae which may be dence of a depletion of platelets, fibrinogen, and other coagu-
prevented by adequate systemic treatment with heparin lation factors. Thus immunoassay may be used to show
(Thomas, 1965). Morrell et al. (1963) calculated that between occult intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis, thereby
offering a new approach to the diagnosis of suspected and
*Senior Surgical Registrar, University Department of Clinical Surgery and occult venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, or
General Surgical Unit, Western General
f Registrar, South-East Scotland Regional Hospital, Edinburgh.
Blood Transfusion Centre, both.
Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. Earlier investigations in this laboratory ascertained the
t Medical Student, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.
§ Consultant Radiologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.
normal range of serum F.D.P. in adults (Das et al., 1967) and
I Medical Physicist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. in infants and children (Uttley et al., 1969), and further pilot
¶ Laboratory Assistant, South-East Scotland Regional Blood Transfusion studies in patients after acute myocardial infarction and fol-
Centre, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
** Deputy Director, South-East Scotland Regional Blood Transfusion lowing surgical operations suggested that the measurement of
Centre, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. these polypeptides may be useful in the diagnosis of acute

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