Subcutaneous Hydrocortisone Administration For Emergency Use in Adrenal Insufficiency
Subcutaneous Hydrocortisone Administration For Emergency Use in Adrenal Insufficiency
Subcutaneous Hydrocortisone Administration For Emergency Use in Adrenal Insufficiency
Objective: Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and safety of s.c. hydrocortisone injection for use in
adrenal emergency.
Design: Single-center, open-label, sequence-randomized, crossover study in a tertiary care center.
Patients and methods: Twelve patients with chronic Addison’s disease. Comparison of hydrocortisone
pharmacokinetics after s.c. and i.m. injection (100 mg) and after s.c. administration of sodium chloride
(0.9%) respectively at three different visits.
Main outcome measure: maximum serum cortisol (Cmax), time to Cmax (tmax), and time to serum
cortisol O36 mg/dl (tserum cortisol O36 mg/dl) after s.c. administration compared with i.m. administration,
safety, and patient preference.
Results: Serum cortisol increased rapidly and substantially after both i.m. and s.c. injections (Cmax:
110G29 vs 97G28 mg/dl, PZ0.27, tmax: 66G51 vs 91G34 min, PZ0.17, and tserum cortisol O
36 mg/dl: 11G5 vs 22G11 min, PZ0.004 respectively). Both i.m. and s.c. injections were well
tolerated. Eleven (91.7%) patients preferred s.c. injection, whereas one patient did not have any
Conclusions: S.c. administration of 100 mg hydrocortisone shows excellent pharmacokinetics for
emergency use with only a short delay in cortisol increase compared with i.m. injection. It has a good
safety profile and is preferred by patients over i.m. injection.
glucocorticoid administration is often delayed (11), Further secondary end points were the safety of
putting the patient into danger, as serious clinical s.c. hydrocortisone administration and the response
deterioration may occur within hours. of plasma ACTH to glucocorticoid administration as a
To enable patients to better deal with imminent measure of glucocorticoid action. Finally, acceptability
adrenal crisis, physicians have started to educate of the different modes of glucocorticoid administration
patients and relatives about i.m. hydrocortisone auto- was assessed by a questionnaire.
injection. However, different from s.c. auto-injection,
self-injection into the muscle often poses a major hurdle
to patients and relatives. We, therefore, studied the Pharmacokinetic studies
feasibility and safety of s.c. hydrocortisone adminis-
tration for emergency use in adrenal insufficiency. Patients were investigated in the morning (started
between 0800 and 1100 h). The usual morning dose
of hydrocortisone was postponed until the end of the
respective visit, whereas fludrocortisone was taken as
Subjects and methods usual. After assessment of inclusion and exclusion
criteria, patients underwent a physical examination.
Patients An in-dwelling catheter was placed into a cubital vein.
All patients received sodium chloride 0.9% (divided
Twelve patients with primary adrenal insufficiency into 2!1 ml doses) as s.c. injection in the abdominal
currently registered with the outpatient department subcutaneous fat at the first visit and were then
of the University Hospital Wuerzburg agreed to randomized concerning the order of the two different
participate. Inclusion criteria were primary adrenal hydrocortisone administrations: 100 mg hydrocorti-
insufficiency under stable glucocorticoid replacement sone (Pfizer) in 2 ml solvent subcutaneously (divided
therapy due to autoimmune adrenalitis or bilateral
in 2!1 ml) and 100 mg hydrocortisone (Pfizer) in 2 ml
adrenalectomy (disease duration at least 12 months),
solvent intramuscularly in the thigh. Visits were
age R18 years, and ability to comply with the protocol
separated by a minimum of 7 days. At every study
procedures. Exclusion criteria were diabetes mellitus,
visit, blood samples were collected at K10, 0, 5, 10, 15,
current infectious disease with fever at the time of
investigation, known intolerance to the study drug or 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, and
constituents of the study drug, oral contraception/ 240 min after injection. Saliva samples for determina-
oral estrogens for hormonal replacement therapy, preg- tion of salivary cortisol were collected at the same time
nancy or breastfeeding, and renal failure (creatinine points. In addition, at K10, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150,
O2.5 upper limit of normal (ULN)). 180, 210, and 240 min, samples for determination of
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee plasma ACTH were collected.
of the University of Wuerzburg (permit no. 182/11_m)
and written informed consent was obtained from
all patients before participation. The study was Questionnaires and safety assessment
registered at ( Patients received a diary to document any local or
identifier: NCT01450930); in addition, approval was systemic adverse events during the 3 days following the
obtained by the federal institute for drugs and intervention. After completion of all three study days,
medical devices (BfArM). EUDRACT-No.: EudraCT- patients further received a questionnaire to collect
Nr. 2011-002687-25. general information on their adrenal disease and a
The primary endpoint was defined as the time needed personal evaluation and rating of the different admin-
to reach cortisol levels of O36 mg/dl (O1000 nmol/l), istration modes. A photographic documentation of the
as such concentrations may be encountered in severe site of injection was performed after injection and at
critical illness (3, 12, 13, 14) and because 36 mg/dl is the end of the study visit.
twice the cutoff level required to pass the short
synacthen test representing a maximum ACTH stimu-
lus. The hypothesis was that after s.c. injection, such a Hormone measurements
serum level can be safely achieved within a time frame
of 30 min with higher patient acceptance compared For determination of serum cortisol, an automated
with i.m. administration. Further end points were luminescence assay was used, which is also used for
key pharmacokinetic data for hydrocortisone: Cmax, routine determination of serum cortisol levels (Cortisol
maximal serum concentration; Cmin, minimal serum Siemens Immulite 2000, Siemens Healthcare Diag-
concentration; Cav, average cortisol plasma concen- nostics, Eschborn, Germany). Intra- and interassay
tration; tmax, time to Cmax; AUCt, area under the plasma variations are !10%. Cross-reactivity for aldosterone
concentration curve from administration to last is 0.1%. Samples with values above the calibration
observed concentration at time t; mean residence time range of 50 mg/dl were reanalyzed after 1:20 dilution
(MRT); and t1/2, plasma concentration half-life. with standard solution.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 169 Subcutaneous hydrocortisone in adrenal emergency 149
ACTH levels were also determined with an automated years. BMI was 26.3 (20.8–29.8). All patients were on
luminescence assay (ACTH Siemens Immulite 2000, stable adrenal replacement therapy with hydrocortisone
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics). Intra-assay variation 22.5 (range 15–39) mg and fludrocortisone 0.09
was !10%, and interassay variation was %10%. (0.05–0.15) mg. Eight patients further received
For determination of salivary cortisol levels, a levothyroxine replacement due to autoimmune
luminescence immunoassay was used (IBL Inter- thyroiditis (125 mg; 50–175). No patient received any
national GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). Intra- and medication known to induce cortisol-metabolizing
interassay variations were !5%. Detection range was hepatic cytochrome P450 3A4.
0.005–4 mg/dl. Levels above the detection range were
diluted 1:10 with standard solution.
Pharmacokinetics of hydrocortisone after s.c.
and i.m. administration
Pharmacokinetic analysis
Cortisol levels were undetectable or remained continu-
For pharmacokinetic analysis, the maximum (Cmax), ously below the normal range after administration of
minimum (Cmin), and average (Cav) serum and salivary sodium chloride. Pharmacokinetic parameters are given
cortisol concentrations were assessed. In addition, the in Tables 1 and 2. Maximum serum cortisol levels after
time until the maximum serum or salivary concen- administration of 100 mg hydrocortisone did not differ
tration (tmax) and the time to a serum concentration of significantly after i.m. vs s.c. injection (110G29 and
36 mg/dl (tO36 mg/dl) were determined. The area under 97G28 mg/dl respectively). Maximum serum cortisol
the concentration–time curve from zero to last sampling concentrations were reached after 66G51 and 91G
time (AUC0–240), MRT, which indicates the average 34 min respectively (PZ0.17). No statistical difference
amount of time that a compound spends in a particular was observed between the two administration routes
system, and elimination half-life (t ⁄ ) were calculated.
regarding Cav, AUC0–240, MRT, and half-life. However,
Cmax, Cmin, tmax, and tO36 mg/dl were obtained directly time until reaching serum cortisol levels above 36 mg/dl
from the observed values. Cav was calculated as mean of significantly differed (11G5 min after i.m. adminis-
all values between 5 and 240 min. AUC0–240 was tration vs 22G11 min after s.c. administration,
assessed by the trapezoidal rule. MRT was calculated as PZ0.004). Salivary cortisol levels also increased after
the area under the moment curve divided by the AUC0– both i.m. and s.c. administrations of hydrocortisone.
240. Elimination half-life was calculated using the Maximum levels did not show statistical difference
formula: t ⁄ Zln (2)/ke. The elimination rate constant
2 (59G26 mg/dl after i.m., 41G17 mg/dl after s.c.
was calculated as follows: keZ(ln (C1)Kln (C2))/Dt). administration, PZ0.065). Cav was significantly higher
after i.m. hydrocortisone administration (28G11 vs
20G9 mg/dl, PZ0.046). Furthermore, tmax was shorter
Statistical analysis after i.m. hydrocortisone administration (51G28 vs
Statistical analysis was performed by PASW Statistics 20 74G22 min, PZ0.036). MRT was significantly longer
(IBM SPSS, IBM Corp.). For comparison of the after s.c. hydrocortisone administration (110G12 vs
pharmacokinetics of i.m. vs s.c. administration of 91G18 min after i.m. administration, PZ0.006). Half-
100 mg hydrocortisone, a one-way ANOVA was used. life and AUC0–240 did not differ significantly. ACTH levels
The influence of BMI on pharmacokinetic parameters continuously decreased from 714G420 at baseline to
was examined by calculation of Pearson’s correlation 15G7 ng/l after i.m. hydrocortisone administration
coefficient. c2 test was used for comparison of the and 984G712 at baseline to 18G7 ng/l 240 min after
patients’ preference of administration mode. Data are s.c. hydrocortisone administration with no differences
presented as meanGS.D. or median and range. The 95% between the two modes of hydrocortisone adminis-
CI, minimal (MIN) and maximal (MAX) values, and tration (Fig. 1C).
P values were calculated. Differences were considered as A significant correlation was observed between BMI
statistically significant when P!0.05. and Cmax (rZK0.728, PZ0.007), Cav (rZK0.745,
PZ0.005), AUC (rZK0.637, PZ0.026), and MRT
(rZ0.776, PZ0.003) after s.c. administration of
hydrocortisone. No significant correlation with BMI
Results was found for tmax (rZ0.492, PZ0.104). No corre-
lation between BMI and pharmacokinetic data was seen
Study cohort
after i.m. hydrocortisone administration. Patients were
The 12 patients (five females and seven males) further divided into a group with BMI O25 kg/m2
completed all study visits. Ten patients had been (nZ7) and patients with a BMI %25 kg/m2 (nZ5).
additionally diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis Comparing pharmacokinetic parameters of s.c. and i.m.
and two females suffered from premature ovarian injection in the patients with BMI %25 kg/m2, no
failure. Median age was 47.5 (29–62) years, and significant differences were observed. In contrast, in the
median duration of Addison’s disease was 11 (1–42) group with BMI O25 kg/m2, significant differences
150 S Hahner, S Burger-Stritt and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 169
Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters after s.c. and i.m. administration of hydrocortisone (serum cortisol concentrations).
Cmax (mg/dl)
I.m. 109.9G29.2 91.4–128.5 67.3 177.0 0.270
S.c. 96.8G27.5 79.34–114.3 50.9 153.0
Cav (mg/dl)
I.m. 74.8G20.0 62.1–87.5 48.8 117.1 0.078
S.c. 60.8G17.1 79.3–71.7 34.4 101.9
tmax (min)
I.m. 65.8G51.3 33.3–98.4 20 180 0.165
S.c. 91.3G33.5 70.0–112.5 45 150
tO36 mg/dl (min)
I.m. 10.8G5.2 7.6–14.1 5 20 0.004
S.c. 22.1G11.2 15.0–29.2 5 45
AUC0–240 (mg/dl per min)
I.m. 17 997.3G4332.3 15 244.7–20 749.9 12 789 28 207 0.318
S.c. 16 335.5G3608.2 14 043.0–18 628.1 10 208 24 244
MRT (min)
I.m. 112.1G10.5 105.5–118.8 100.4 130.8 0.116
S.c. 119.1G10.2 112.6–125.6 99.7 131.1
t ⁄ (h)
Cmax, maximum concentration; Cav, average concentration; tmax, time to maximum concentration; tO36 mg/dl, time to O36 mg/dl (for conversion in nmol/l multiply
with 27.6); AUC0–240, area under the concentration–time curve from zero to last sampling time; MRT, mean residence time; t ⁄ , half-life time; MIN, minimum;
MAX, maximum. Analyses were performed by one-way ANOVA. For conversion of cortisol concentration from mg/dl to nmol/l multiply with 27.6.
between s.c. and i.m. injection were observed for Cav Patient questionnaires
(53G9 vs 73G18 mg/dl for s.c. and i.m., respectively,
PZ0.02), tO36 mg/dl (27G11 vs 10G5 min, Six (50%) patients reported that they had already
PZ0.002), and MRT (125G6 vs 113G12 min, experienced an adrenal crisis since diagnosis of
PZ0.036; Fig. 2). Similarly, no differences between Addison’s disease. All patients were equipped with an
the BMI groups were observed after i.m. injection, emergency card and had received instructions regard-
whereas values for tmax and MRT differed significantly ing dose adaptation of hydrocortisone. In general, the
between the BMI groups after s.c. injection (Supple- patients rated their coping with the disease as ‘very
mentary Tables 1 and 2, see section on supplementary good’ (nZ3) or ‘good’ (nZ9). However, five patients
data given at the end of this article). indicated that they felt restricted in their leisure time
Table 2 Pharmacokinetic parameters after s.c. and i.m. administration of hydrocortisone (salivary cortisol concentrations).
Cmax (mg/dl)
I.m. 58.7G26.0 42.2–75.2 24.5 111.2 0.065
S.c. 41.3G16.9 30.6–52.1 16.3 69.3
Cav (mg/dl)
I.m. 27. 9G10.5 21.2–34.5 13.7 49.4 0.046
S.c. 19. 6G8.5 14.2–25.0 8.1 37.0
tmax (min)
I.m. 51.3G27.5 33.8–68.7 30 120 0.036
S.c. 73.8G21.7 60.0–87.5 45 120
AUC0–24 (mg/dl per min)
I.m. 6177.9G2096. 5 4845.8–7509.9 3379.2 10 503.5 0.238
S.c. 5196.4G1862.8 4012.8–6380.0 2335.6 8329.3
MRT (min)
I.m. 91.3G17.8 80.0–102.6 65.8 128.5 0.006
S.c. 110.2G12.3 102.4–118.0 92.0 131. 3
t ⁄ (h)
Cmax, maximum concentration; Cav, average concentration; tmax, time to maximum concentration; AUC0–240, area under the concentration–time curve from
zero to last sampling time; MRT, mean residence time; t ⁄ , half-life time; MIN, minimum; MAX, maximum. Analyses were performed by one-way ANOVA. For
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 169 Subcutaneous hydrocortisone in adrenal emergency 151
Adverse events
Both the i.m. and s.c. injections were well tolerated. In
60 total, 21 adverse events were documented: after i.m.
administration of hydrocortisone, pain in the whole leg
40 of the side of injection (nZ2), local pain at the injection
site (nZ2), burning at the injection site (nZ2), and
local feeling of pressure at the injection site (nZ7); after
0 s.c. administration of hydrocortisone, local pain at the
–10 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 120 150 180 240 injection site (nZ1), itching at the injection site (nZ1),
Time (min) and burning at the injection site (nZ2); and after s.c.
administration of sodium chloride 0.9%, burning at
(b) 90 S.c. hydrocortisone
injection site (nZ2), local pain at the injection site
I.m. hydrocortisone
(nZ1), and itching at injection site (nZ1). All
S.c. NaCl symptoms were mild, did not require any intervention,
70 and resolved within 15–240 min after onset.
Salivary cortisol (µg/dl)
largely impaired, e.g. in case of gastroenteritis. Self-
administration of parenteral hydrocortisone in case of
800 impending crisis holds great potential to reduce crisis-
600 associated morbidity and mortality. Accordingly, in
400 some centers, training of i.m. self-injection of hydro-
cortisone has become part of patient education (11, 15).
However, many patients are reluctant to use i.m. self-
0 injection, while s.c. self-injection seems to be more
–10 0 10 45 75 120 150 180 240 acceptable to patients. Accordingly, our study provided
Time (min) clear evidence that patients prefer s.c. over i.m.
Figure 1 Comparison of s.c. and i.m. administration of hydrocorti- The major finding of our study is the high efficacy
sone; s.c. administration of sodium chloride was used as control.
(a) Curves represent mean serum cortisol concentrations vs time. of s.c. hydrocortisone administration to safely reach
Dotted line indicates the 36 mg/dl (1000 nm/l) threshold. (b) Curves target serum cortisol concentrations. When planning
represent mean salivary cortisol concentrations vs time. (c) Curves this study, we hypothesized that the time to reach
represent plasma ACTH concentrations vs time. a cortisol concentration of 36 mg/dl would allow a
reasonable evaluation of the clinical utility of s.c.
activities. Eleven of the 12 study participants were of the hydrocortisone administration. This assumption is
opinion that being able to self-inject hydrocortisone based on the established cutoff levels of the short
would make them feel safer. Nine patients indicated that synacthen test, a maximum ACTH challenge, where a
this would also improve their quality of life. Regarding cortisol increase to 18 mg/dl (500 nmol/l) after 30 min
152 S Hahner, S Burger-Stritt and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 169
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 169 Subcutaneous hydrocortisone in adrenal emergency 153
single s.c. injection. However, in our study, s.c. injection be a future goal to effectively improve crisis manage-
was still preferred over i.m. injection, although two ment in adrenal insufficiency. To better standardize the
simultaneous injections had to be performed. pharmacokinetic studies, in our study, the injections
The findings for salivary cortisol are similar to those were performed by the same investigators and not by the
for serum cortisol, indicating a rapid rise in free patients. However, in general practice, it is crucial that
bioavailable cortisol. Furthermore, suppression of patients not only receive prescription of hydrocortisone
plasma ACTH was not significantly different between ampoules but also receive structured training on how
i.m. and s.c. hydrocortisone administrations, supporting to perform self-injection.
the view of similar glucocorticoid action due to early In conclusion, our data indicate that s.c. emergency
ceiling effects after both administrations. administration of hydrocortisone is feasible and effica-
A number of pharmacokinetic parameters differed cious with regard to target serum cortisol concen-
significantly between i.m. and s.c. administrations, and trations in incipient adrenal crisis. Future studies
for other parameters, the small number of patients may should clarify how both i.m. and s.c. injections perform
have contributed to a lack of significance. This is not under conditions of manifest circulatory insufficiency.
unexpected as a slightly faster systemic availability after Subcutaneous hydrocortisone may become an import-
i.m. administration has been described for a number ant new tool to improve the self-management of
of drugs, which is mainly due to a higher perfusion patients with adrenal insufficiency in the ambulatory
of muscle compared with subcutaneous fat (17). setting.
A significant correlation was observed between BMI
and Cmax (rZK0.728, PZ0.007) but not between BMI Supplementary data
and tmax. However, tmax significantly differed between
patients with BMI O25 and %25 kg/m2. In the This is linked to the online version of the paper at
patients with BMI %25 kg/m2, pharmacokinetic para-
meters after s.c. and i.m. injection were comparable.
In contrast, significant differences were observed for Declaration of interest
Cav, tO36 mg/dl and MRT in the overweight patients The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be
(BMI O25 kg/m2). Thus, the slightly delayed cortisol perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.
increase after s.c. hydrocortisone administration in
overweight/obese patients should be taken into account Funding
if using s.c. hydrocortisone as a crisis prevention
measure. Nevertheless, supraphysiological cortisol This work has been supported by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung
(grant no. 2010_EKES.29 to S Hahner).
levels were rapidly and consistently obtained also in
these participants after s.c. administration.
Self-administration of hydrocortisone may not only Author contribution statement
improve management of adrenal insufficiency but also S Hahner was involved in design of study, preparation of study protocol
be associated with significant risks, as the patient may and applications for authorities, conduct of the study, data analysis,
delay or cancel emergency care by a physician wrongly and preparation of the manuscript. S Burger-Stritt was involved in
believing that self-management will be sufficient. Thus, preparation of applications for authorities, conduct of the study,
laboratory measurements, and data analysis. B Allolio was involved
it is recommended that self-injection of hydrocortisone in design of the study and preparation of the manuscript.
should invariably trigger a contact to a physician for
further assessment. However, it is our experience and
that of others (11) that the time from contacting an Acknowledgements
emergency physician to the injection of hydrocortisone The authors thank Walter Rüger and the whole team of the Endocrine
frequently exceeds several hours, even if the emergency Outpatient Clinic, Department of Internal Medicine I, University
card is shown and an emergency set is provided by the Hospital Wuerzburg for their excellent cooperation.
patient, as physician attendance may be delayed and
as many physicians are reluctant to use the emergency
set for still unknown reasons. Thus, self-injection holds
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