Prevalence of Dental Caries and Caries-Related Risk Factors in Premature and Term Children

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Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Prevalence of dental caries and caries-

related risk factors in premature and
term children

Vanessa Resende Nogueira Abstract: This study evaluated the prevalence of enamel defects and den-
Cruvinel(a) tal caries and their risk factors on primary and permanent dentitions of
Danuze Batista Lamas Gravina(b)
Tatiana Degani Paes Leme prematurely-born children and term children. Eighty children were ex-
Azevedo(a) amined, 40 born prematurely (G1) and 40 born term (G2), in the age
Ana Cristina Barreto Bezerra(c) group between 5 and 10 years. The demographic variables, medical his-
Orlando Ayrton de Toledo(c)
tory and oral health behaviors were recorded on a questionnaire. The
teeth were examined for presence of deficiencies of the enamel and caries

PhD, School of Dentistry, Catholic University
that were registered. The caries were registered, focusing on the indices
of Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil.
dmft (decayed, missing, and filled primary teeth) and DMFT (decayed,

Master, University of Brasília, Brasília, DF,

missing, and filled permanent teeth). The results showed that 75% of the
total sample had enamel defects. The logistic regression model showed

PhD, School of Dentistry, University of

Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil. that other risk factors such as per capita family income, educational level,
dietary and hygiene habits, fluoride exposure, trauma, and diseases had
no correlation with enamel defects and caries. A smaller value of total
DMFT (0.95) was found in the group of premature children in compari-
son to the term children (2.07) p = 0.0164. There was no difference con-
cerning the permanent dentition between the two groups (p = 0.9926).
One concludes that prematurity can’t be a predisposing factor for the
presence of dental caries.

Descriptors: Premature birth; Dental enamel; Dental caries; Dentition,


Advances in medicine, combined with the monitoring and technolo-
gies used in intensive care units, have provided favorable prognosis with
decreased mortality and incidence of damage to premature newborns.
The birth of low weight, premature infants (< 37 weeks) is a costly so-
Corresponding author: cial, family and public health problem.1 Preventive and health promoting
Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel
Colônia Agrícola Samambaia measures are necessary to improve the quality of life of these children.
Rua 01, Ch. 99, Casa “C” - Taguatinga Thus, knowledge of the risk factors to which these children are subjected
CEP: 72110-600
Brasília - DF - Brazil is of paramount importance in adopting such measures.
E-mail: [email protected] Low gestational age and low birth weight are among the key fac-
tors in determining the incidence of neonatal complications. Among the
most prevalent oral diseases in these children are dental enamel opacities
and hypoplasias. 2,3 The source of these defects is related to disturbances
Received for publication on Apr 22, 2010
Accepted for publication on Jul 09, 2010 during amelogenesis.4 Hypoplastic areas are reported as susceptible to
dental caries, 5,6 as ultrastructural analysis showed a more porous, less

Braz Oral Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;24(3):329-35 329

Prevalence of dental caries and caries-related risk factors in premature and term children

mineralized enamel with irregular surfaces. This (G2).13 To analyze the diet, a survey of the parents’
allows the accumulation of bacteria and promotes memory of food intake over the last 24 hours14 was
the colonization of Streptococcus mutans, resulting carried out. The intake of more than 5 cariogenic
in carious lesions.7,8 Considering the multifactorial foods within a one day period was labeled as a car-
etiology of caries, one should be aware of the risk iogenic diet. The population was divided into 2 cat-
factors associated with this disease so as to decrease egories: five or fewer sweet snacks per day, and more
its prevalence and prevent these children’s pain and than five sweet snacks per day.15
suffering.9,10 Exposure to fluoride was considered as either
By knowing that children born prematurely may systemic or topical. The former refers to children
have changes in their dental structures, and that living in areas with fluoridated water supply, and
these may be related to the development of caries, the latter to those who made regular use of fluori-
concern should be focused on their risk groups. In dated toothpaste.16
light of this evidence, this study aimed to evaluate Hygiene habits were assessed according to the
the relationship between enamel defects and other amount of daily tooth brushing. Two daily tooth
risk factors for dental caries with the prevalence of brushings indicated a lower risk factor for caries,
dental caries in the dentitions of children born pre- and below this number indicated a probable risk
maturely, as compared to those born term. factor.16
Subsequently, the children were examined under
Material and Methods artificial light in a dental chair. Mouth mirror and
This sample consisted of 80 children of both gen- sickle probe were used in the oral examination. Be-
ders, born between 2000 and 2004 at the Hospi- fore the examination, each tooth was cleaned with
tal Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS) in Brasília, Brazil, gauze in order to remove gross plaque or food de-
who had participated in a previous study, 2 and are posits, and to dry the surfaces. The tooth surfaces
currently aged between 5 and 10 years. Forty of the were examined for the presence of enamel structural
children were preterm, and 40 were term. defects and dental caries, using the Decayed, Miss-
This study was approved by the Research Eth- ing or Filled Teeth Index (dmft) for deciduous teeth,
ics Committee of the Catholic University of Brasília and (DMFT) for permanent teeth. A tooth was con-
(UCB) under number 161/2008. sidered present when any part of its clinical crown
The children were recruited to go to the uni- was exposed in the oral cavity.14,17,18
versity to participate in this study. A questionnaire White spot carious lesions (active and inactive)
was used to obtain data such as name, age, gender, were recorded for the purpose of differential enamel
family income, residence address, parents’ occupa- opacity diagnosis.14 These were not factored into the
tion, diet and exposure to fluoride. 2 The presence DMFT.
of enamel defects, socioeconomic factors, maternal The same examiner, validated in a previous pilot
education level, exposure to fluoridated water, car- study, performed the evaluations. To establish the
iogenic diet and oral hygiene habits were assessed as degree of intra-examiner concordance the Kappa
possible risk factors associated with the occurrence index was used in 10% of the sample, in agreement
of dental caries.11 with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
Regarding the categorization of family socio- Subjects were reexamined one week after the initial
economic status, the standard variables defined by examination (Kappa = 0.90 for opacities, hypopla-
the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) sia and white spots; and 0.96 for cavitated and/or
were applied.12 For the calculation of income, the restored carious lesions).
minimum wage in force in the months covered by For the diagnosis of enamel defects, codes were
the survey (R$465.00) was considered. These vari- used according to the criteria of the Developmen-
ables were classified into 2 groups: one ≤ 1/2 mini- tal Defects of Enamel Index (DDE Index).4 Enamel
mum wage (G1), and one above 1/2 minimum wage hypoplasia was defined as a break in the continuity

330 Braz Oral Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;24(3):329-35

Cruvinel VRN, Gravina DBL, Azevedo TDPL, Bezerra ACB, Toledo OA

of the enamel, in the form of pits, grooves, or miss- hundred and five teeth were examined in group
ing enamel. Enamel opacity was defined as a change G2: 19 (3.76%) showed demarcated opacity, 0 (0%)
in the translucency of enamel, without a break in showed diffuse opacity and 4 (0.8%) showed hy-
the enamel continuity. The extent, type and color of poplasia. A statistically significant difference was
each defect were recorded. Subsequently, these vari- found between the groups in terms of demarcated
ables were classified into 4 groups: demarcated opac- opacity (p = 0.0174) and hypoplasia (p < 0.001).
ity, diffuse opacity, hypoplasia and other defects. The means of the total DMFT indices for chil-
dren in the premature (G1) and term (G2) groups
Data analysis were 0.95 and 2.07, respectively. Children in the
To compare the scores obtained for opacity, hy- term group had higher mean dental caries scores
poplasia and caries, the nonparametric Mann-Whit- than children in the premature group (p = 0.0164).
ney test was performed at the 5% significance level. Of all compromised teeth found in both groups,
To study the possible risk factors associated with 51.67% were decayed, 40% were filled and 8.33%
the occurrence of caries, a multivariate logistic re- were missing, as shown in Graph 1.
gression was performed. The occurrence of car- As regards DMFT, the children in group 1 and
ies was the dependent variable. Type of birth was group 2 showed, respectively, 72.97% and 42.17%
considered a risk factor, and the following variables decayed teeth (p = 0.002), 0.0% and 12.05% miss-
were seen as potential confounders: tooth brushing, ing teeth (p = 0.064) and 27.03% and 45.78% filled
fluoridated drinking water, maternal education lev- teeth (p = 0.053), as shown in Graph 2. The percent-
el, diet, enamel opacity, hypoplasia and per capita age of caries-free children in the two groups was
income. 57.5% (G1) and 35% (G2) (p = 0.0436).
The means of dmft of children in the premature
Results (G1) and term (G2) groups were 0.78 and 1.88, re-
The children’s mean age was 6.3 years for the spectively. Children in the term group had higher
premature group, and 7.6 years for the term group. mean scores of dental caries in primary teeth than
Of the total sample, 21 children had deciduous den- the children in the premature group (p = 0.0251).
tition and 59 had mixed dentition, with an average The results for the mean number of missing teeth
of 14 deciduous and 8 permanent teeth present in and filled teeth in both groups are shown in Graph
the oral cavity. 3.
The average weight of the premature infants was The mean DMFT index of children in the pre-
1,255 g, and of the term infants was 3,398 g. Thirty mature (G1) and term (G2) groups was found to
six of the 40 premature infants were born with very
low birth weight, leading us to classify them within
the same risk group.
Opacity was found in 64% of the children.
Hypoplasia was detected in 22.5% of the sample.
When the children were divided into premature (G1)
and term (G2) groups, opacity was detected in 65% 40%
of G1 and 62.5% of G2. The difference was not sta- 52%
tistically significant (p = 0.8161). Hypoplasia was DMFT
found in 37.5% and 7.5% of the children in G1 and
G2, respectively. This difference was statistically 8%
Filled teeth
significant (p = 0.0013).
Six hundred and eleven teeth were assessed in
G1: 43 (7%) had demarcated opacity, 0 (0%) had Graph 1 - DMFT Index (decayed, missing and filled teeth)
diffuse opacity and 42 (6%) had hypoplasia. Five for the total sample.

Braz Oral Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;24(3):329-35 331

Prevalence of dental caries and caries-related risk factors in premature and term children

80% 0.5
Premature G1 0.45 Premature G1 0.43
at term G2 0.38 at term G2
50% 45.78 0.3

40% 0.25

0.2 0.18
30% 27.03
12.05 0.1
0 0
0% 0
Decayed Missing Filled teeth Decayed Missing Filled teeth

Graph 2 - Total DMFT Index (decayed, missing and filled Graph 3 - Mean DMFT index (decayed, missing, or filled
teeth) for groups 1 and 2. teeth) of groups 1 and 2.

be the same (0.18) for both groups (p = 0.9926) in 0.12

permanent teeth. The results for the average number 0.1

Premature G1
0.1 at term G2
of permanent decayed, missing and filled teeth for
both groups are shown in Graph 4. 0.08
After analyzing the variables that were consid-
ered as probable risk factors for the occurrence of

caries, we obtained the results shown in Table 1.
By relating the type of birth - as the leading vari-
able - to the independent variables for the occur- 0.03
rence of dental caries through logistic regression, we
reached the following preliminary bivariate analy-
sis results: per capita income (p = 0.39), level of 0 0 0
parental education (p = 0.52), exposure to fluoride Decayed Missing Filled teeth
(p = 0.68), amount of tooth brushing (p = 0.26),
diet (p = 0.09), presence of opacity (p = 0.63) and Graph 4 - Total DMFT Index for Permanent teeth (decayed,
hypoplasia (p = 0.70). Diet was the only indepen- missing and filled teeth) in groups 1 and 2.

dent variable influencing the dependent variable

(p = 0.09). decayed, missing or filled tooth, which reflects the
Based on the bivariate analysis results, diet was socioeconomic status of this population. Children in
the only variable included - along with the type of the term group had higher mean dental caries scores
birth variable - in the multivariate model, at the than children in the premature group (p = 0.0164).
5% significance level. By controlling the effects of Opposite results were found by Fadavi et al.,19 Maa-
the diet variable, type of birth was not found to touk et al. 20 and Lai et al. 21
be a risk factor for the occurrence of dental car- Type of birth was a risk factor for the occurrence
ies (p = 0.1060) with an odds ratio of 0.46 (0.18 to of hypoplasia (p = 0.0034) in primary dentition,
1.18). in which premature children were 7.4 times more
likely to present with this defect than term chil-
Discussion dren (RI = 95%). These findings agree with those of
Approximately 54% of the sample had at least 1 Massoni et al.,13 who found a significant correlation

332 Braz Oral Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;24(3):329-35

Cruvinel VRN, Gravina DBL, Azevedo TDPL, Bezerra ACB, Toledo OA

Table 1 - Caries risk factors in Premature Term

groups G1 and G2. Risk Variable P
N % N %
Schooling < 8 years 7 17.50 8 21.05 0.6907
Per capita income of less than 0.5
16 40.00 21 52.00 0.3576
minimum wage
Tooth brushing < 2 times a day 1 2.50 3 7.50 0.2622
Absence of systemic fluoride 5 12.50 3 12.50 0.6810
Cariogenic Diet 10 25.00 11 27.50 0.0987
Opacity 26 65.00 25 62.50 0.6369
Hypoplasia 15 37.50 3 7.50 0.7008

between low birth weight (p < 0.0001) and prema- and health enhancing programs geared to school age
turity (p < 0.0020) with enamel defects. According children. These results coincide with those of Fadavi
to Seow, 22 very low birth weight was a risk factor et al.,19 who found the same correlation.
for developmental enamel defects in permanent Of the 80 children examined, 76 (95%) brushed
teeth (p < 0.02). Opposite results were found in this their teeth with fluoridated toothpaste more than
study. once a day. Although this variable did not corre-
As regards the number of caries-free children late with caries, this habit may have contributed
in the two groups, the results showed that 57.5% to the low prevalence of caries in the sample since
of children in G1 and 35% of children in G2 had G1 children had DMFT < 1 and G2 children had
DMFT = 0 (p = 0.04). It was investigated whether DMFT = 2. Although this study comprised chil-
socioeconomic and cultural factors might be influ- dren from a single hospital, our results are in line
encing these conditions, since approximately 46.5% with the current scenario of decreasing prevalence
of the population in this study was classified as liv- of caries in Brazil. This may be due to factors like
ing on the poverty line, based on their per capita increased population access to fluoridated water
income. Regarding education, 79% of the mothers programs, addition of fluoride to toothpaste and a
had completed only elementary education. However, practice paradigm shift which prioritizes preventive
no statistical difference was found between the two and health promotion activities. 24
groups in terms of the two variables (p = 0.3576 and As regards systemic exposure to fluoride, 87.5%
p = 0.6907). Per capita income (p = 0.39) and edu- of children reside in regions where fluoridated wa-
cational level (0.52) were not risk factors for dental ter is regularly supplied. The absence of this vari-
caries. An analysis of deciduous teeth only showed able was not a risk factor for caries in this study,
a mean dmft greater in term infants (p = 0.0251), as probably due to the presence of fluoride in children’s
shown in Graph 3. Other studies22,23 showed simi- toothpaste. Opposite results were found by Cardoso
lar results, in which premature children showed no et al. 25
more risk of caries than did term infants. The low Only 26% of the sample followed a cariogenic
DMFT values found for the premature group in this diet. This might have come as a result of the follow-
study can perhaps be explained by the fact that chil- up that these infants received from the HRAS medi-
dren had routine follow-up during the first years of cal staff, who provided them with guidance con-
life, and were therefore provided with guidance on cerning general health and oral care, as well as the
dietary habits and oral hygiene by the Hospital’s wide-ranging oral health promotion and education
(HRAS) neonatology staff. programs currently implemented in the Brazilian
Concerning permanent teeth, the mean DMFT Federal District (Brasília). Provided that diet effects
was 0.18 for both groups (Graph 4). These findings remained under control, type of birth was not a
may be due to easier access to available prevention risk factor for the occurrence of caries (p = 0.1060).

Braz Oral Res. 2010 Jul-Sep;24(3):329-35 333

Prevalence of dental caries and caries-related risk factors in premature and term children

These findings did not coincide with the study by hypoplasia and demarcated opacity were associated
Oliveira et al.14 with children from a low socioeco- with caries (p < 0.004 and p < 0.008, respectively).
nomic and cultural background, who followed - in Milgrom et al. 27 evaluated the relationship between
their majority - a cariogenic diet: a correlation was dental caries and factors such as hygiene, bacteria,
therefore found between cariogenic diet and caries diet and hypoplasia. They concluded that hypoplasia
(p < 0.05). is an important etiological factor in the population
There was no significant correlation between studied. The study by Ribeiro et al.16 also differs
opacity/hypoplasia and caries (p = 0.70 and from the present study, as those authors concluded
p = 0.63) (Table 1). These findings disagree with that the presence of enamel defects was the only sta-
those of Oliveira et al.,14 who found a strong cor- tistically significant factor associated with the de-
relation between these variables (p = 0.0001), in velopment of early childhood caries. Diet, hygiene
which children with structural enamel defects were and use of fluoride were found to have no significant
15 times more likely to develop caries in compari- correlation with this condition.
son with children free from such defects. Hoffmann
et al. 26 found the prevalence of hypoplasia, demar- Conclusions
cated opacity and dental fluorosis in children aged 5 In this study, the mean DMFT of the premature
to 12, in primary and permanent dentition, and also and term groups was not statistically significant,
found a correlation between the presence of enamel and was not correlated with enamel defects. Income,
defects and tooth decay. During primary dentition, schooling, hygiene, fluoride exposure, diet, opacity,
there was a positive correlation between dental car- hypoplasia and birth weight also did not correlate
ies and the three defects investigated in this study with the onset of dental caries.
(p < 0.05). However, in permanent dentition, only

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