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me, myself and my day master series

M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Although Yi Wood is associated with small soft
plants, it does not mean that you are alike to a
creeper or shrub. There is more to yourself. But
that depends on the degree of your affinity
towards the day master itself.

Few questions that would be answered in this

guide are:

What are your most basic personality traits?

What are you like in your career in your

relationships and how do you deal with money?

What type of entrepreneur or businessperson

are you likely to be?

What type of person are you in the workplace

and how do you operate as a leader or manager?

What kind of friend or colleague are you?

There are many factors that possibly point out

to a person’s character. Therefore it is safe to
say that a Yi Wood person’s outlook towards
life would be significantly different than others.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 1
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

How Yi ( )
are you?
In BaZi the strength of the element plays If your Day Master is Yi Wood, you are
a major part in determining your likely to exhibit the characteristics below. If
characteristics and destiny. Therefore you are not, but you have Yi Wood in one
apart from the Day Stem, the other three or more Heavenly Stems, you might
Stems and four Earthly Branches should exhibit the characteristics in a lesser
also be taken into account to complete degree. It also depends on the context
your chart. These parts are also and situation as to whether you have the
responsible in deciding the strength of potential to exhibit these tendencies
your Day Master. described below.

Personality Career Wealth

Elegance is of Essence
* * Work Personality * The Silent Spoiler
Nice to the nines & Relationship Conservative

Humour is Armour * Motivation Runs Them

* Knight in the shining armor * Dependent Doer
Politically correct Someone else saves the day
* Conniving
* Adaptable And The good news & the bad news
Persevered * Teamwork
Do or die Life and soul of team

* Relationships-
Friends & Colleagues
* Live by Their Terms
One man’s treasure is another man’s junk

* Hunger for Attention

Sometimes, losing is winning

* Full of Schemes
Ruthless Dominance

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 2
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

How Yi ( )
are you?

Humour is
Politically correct

Elegance is Adaptable
of Essence & Persevered
Nice to the nines Do or die


Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 3
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D


Elegance is of
Essence Tips
Nice to the nines
Can you imagine pretty, creeping vines and Be nice as you always
flowering, soft, green plants? That’s Yin have been. Enriches
Wood. Normally known as the ‘soft ‘wood, your soul!
these people have the appearance of grace
and tidiness.
Yi Wood people are calm and obedient
people. You showcase sophistication,
elegance and manners. You can charm and
sweet talk others easily.
Usually, you are very expressive and creative, and are careful with your thoughts.
You are the one that can be rely on to be meticulously dressed, and know table
manners and be social with everyone at ease when you take them to a party.

Humour is Armour
Politically correct Tips
You are distinct in speech precisely because of As much as being in
your quick wit and sharp mind. You are always good term with others is
important, it is also
clever, amusing, and good in conversations equally important to
and can charm just about anyone. make your point and
You are a diplomatic person . Therefore it is stand your stance. Say
easy for others to feel intimidated by your what you intend to say in
a diplomatic way, and no
enigma. By the time you realize that you are
parties would get hurt.
falling to their charm, you are probably too
But the problem lies when you are in a discussion. You tend to let go of your
personal opinion when in discussion with others. This is because you agree to
another person’s views simply to keep the peace. This may bring them forward
as a person with no personal stand. But Yi Woods are fast thinkers and quick in
coming to a solution if you smell a situation is going downhill.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

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M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D


Adaptable and
Persevered Tips
Do or Die
It is best you think
You are the type who never waver or give up thoroughly before
in your endeavours. You most probably would deciding what you want
be the last man standing while others have to do and how you want
given up. to go about doing it,
In a way, this trait can be due to your adaptive because your gratitude
personality. You are flexible to any situation matters as much as your
and have the ability to make the best of it. goals.
This gives you the ability to think fast, swift
and act accordingly to the situation at hand.
You have a very broad understanding on the concept of survival and leverage;
and can get out of any sticky situation you are in.
But here is the catch. You can be scheming, and to a certain extent,
manipulative. You tend to strive for your goals with people wrapped around your
finger. Being too scheming that you often ignore the validity of the way you use
to obtain the goals, you often don’t have strength of your own mind.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 5
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

How Yi ( )
are you?
r s o n ality & Le
Pe ade
rk rs
o Conniving
W The good news and the bad news

Motivation Runs Them Teamwork

Knight in the shining armour Life and soul of a team

Live by Their Terms
One man’s treasure is Full of Schemes
another man’s junk Ruthless Dominance


at g u
io Hunger for Attention
e a
ns Sometimes, losing is winning

o ll
hip C
s - F rie n d s &
Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd
pg 6
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Career Work personality & leadership

Motivation Runs
Them Tips
Knight in the shining armour Rolling stone gathers no
moss. Instead of looking
You are very flexible and adaptable in the work for other jobs, try
environment. You can be relied upon when it comes looking for opportunities
to taking swift decisions in tense situations. within your job, and you
Therefore you always have your colleagues’ support might just get rewarded.
as you are their saviour when everything falls apart.
Being creative and resourceful, you can think from
different perspectives before deciding on a solution.
But you often need the support of others to make
these ideas work, and will constantly seek out the
opinions of others before you proceed.
Because of this, you have the tendency to skip jobs easily. You get bored easily, and when
you no longer feel enthused to do a job, you will look for opportunities to shine somewhere
else, just like a creeper finding its way to get sunlight.

The good news and the bad news
You are very good with words, as you have the
benefits of stringing words in a sweet manner. Your Give space for others to
talent in sweet talk is so advanced that you can work. Sometimes, people
make them say yes even before they realise what produce the best results
you are saying. when given their way.
This also happens in the workplace. This can be
good and bad. You can employ others to work to
their fullest potential according to strengths and
weaknesses. You have the ability to seal a deal in
just minutes because of your charisma. This of
course makes people happy.
But at the same time, you will just use your enigma to make others do the work. Obviously,
many people won’t be happy with this. You can do the coaxing subtly though, without
people noticing. But this can cause you to become clingy and tend to pester people till
their job is done.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

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M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Career Work personality & leadership

Life and soul of a team Tips
You are of the mix and mingle variety. You tend to Keep building good
think out of the box and open to new environment, rapport with your staff
so you are at ease when it comes to mingling and and you will see
with employees. You are the people who want your tremendous results in
leadership to be respected, not feared. turnover.
Therefore, you are fun to be with. You enjoy having
time out with colleagues, organizing activities with
employees and your family and getting to know
them. You like to have dinners, parties, and
gatherings, or if it’s a particularly young work team
– to go to clubs and bars together.
Your style of pointing out mistakes are more towards saying it gently and teaching the right
way; instead of scolding and reprimanding. You prefer to nurture and teach others. As you
value leadership, you will make sure you can build a good relationship with your
employees. You can simply use your gift of coaxing to do this.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 8
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Relationships Friends and Colleagues

Live by Their Terms

One man’s treasure is another Tips
man’s junk It is vital to listen to all
You socialize through their natural inherent sides of opinions before
tendency to teach, and you like to guide people the deciding on a solution,
right way of doing things. You follow a set of because only through
principles you put on yourself and are unlikely to this the issue can be
budge from it however the situation demands. fully resolved.
There are occurrences however, that you want to
get the job done so much that you put your beliefs
onto another. This can irk others, to the extent of
being unable to tolerate, or just put off by this.
In matters of social circle, you mostly want your ideas and beliefs to stand out, therefore
creating many glitches along the way. You have good intentions of making others
understand what you think is right, but this can cause multiple strains in a relationship.

Hunger for Attention

Sometimes, losing is winning

You will normally want to masquerade your skills,
talents, and abilities any chance you get, because
according to you, it matters most what people
think about you. Give space for others to
Normal discussion can turn heated as you want work. Sometimes,
your principles to stand out. You believe that it is people produce the best
imperative that you say what you want and for results when given their
others to get it as well. Of course, people have way.
trouble accepting this, because no one wants to
lose an argument. Because of this, you will
struggle in trying to maintain long-lasting

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 9
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Relationships Friends and Colleagues

Full of schemes Tips

Ruthless Dominance Always make it a point
to take into consideration
With you, it’s a matter of how and when you are about how your actions
going to play tricks, because of your crafty affect others. There is no
personality. You would often try to get what you good in hurting others
want in a social circle. to get what you want.
You can also be very egoistic in nature. After all, it’s
about getting what you want. Therefore, you can
unknowingly step on others to reach your goals.
Because of this, others may feel uncomfortable and get hurt because of you. You come
across as manipulative and cunning, and people always are surprised to find out that you
who seem kind at the beginning, turn out to be iron-fisted and egoistic after some time.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 10
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Money Matters

r Som D

ep else save er

ilent Spo

endent Do

T Co




Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 11
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D


The Silent Spoiler Tips

Conservative Hire a team of experts
You tend to remain silent in financial matters to help you do the
because you don’t have impactful opinions. You planning of your
have no confidence in making a point and ventures.
therefore have trouble making a solid decision. As
a result, you tend to follow the current thoughts
and ideas of financial management blindly.
You have a tendency to follow what is popular and
trendy and putting all your money into it. Because
of your lack of knowledge in investment planning
and inability to make decisions, you lack substantial financial planning.

Dependent Doer
Someone else saves the day
In financial management, you tend to let others
make the decisions for you. This is because even if
you ask for opinions, you don’t compare it with Tips
your own ideas. You will tend to trust others in your
financial planning without any considerations. And It does wonders if you
you gamble on high-risk investments depending take up classes or
only on your luck. lessons on business or
Therefore if you are stuck in a bad investment, you financial management.
have no idea how to survive it. You will stay in the
investment and likely to make more decisions that
could hurt your finances. You fall easily into
get-rich-quick schemes or any other plans that
claims great turnovers.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 12
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Strengths Weaknesses
Gentle Competitive

Elegant Manipulative

Resilient Dependent

Quick witted Superficial

Flexible Attention seeking

Resourceful Stubborn

Team-spirited Melodramatic

Calm Low self-esteem


Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 13
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

Type of Industries associated with

Plant and Herbs

6 Botany

Wood Craft 3 Teaching and

Education 7
Fashion and
2 Clothing
8 Religious
Cultural 1


Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 14
M E , M YS E L F & M Y DAY MA S T E R S E R I E S | Y I N W O O D

David Thomson Oprah Winfrey

3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet, is a An American media proprietor, talk

Canadian media magnate. He show host, actress, producer, and
became the chairman of philanthropist. She is best known for
Thomson Corporation in 2006 her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show.
and after the acquisition of She is also known as the “Queen of All
Reuters, he became the Media”.
chairman of the merged entity.


An English singer and songwriter who An American politician who was the
is famous worldwide as a co-founder 42nd President of the United States
of the Beatles, the most commercially from 1993 to 2001. He was previously
successful band in the history of Governor of Arkansas and the Arkansas
popular music. Attorney General.

John Lennon Bill Clinton

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

pg 14
How to Plot your BaZi Chart
STEP 1 Go to this link www.joeyyap.com/destiny

Type in your name, gender, date of birth and time of birth.

STEP 2 Click Plot BaZi Chart button.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

STEP 3 Your Chart will appear as per below.

For questions or assistance, call +603-2284 1213 or email [email protected]

Ivan | 05 Oct 1979 (09:32PM) | MALE www.joeyyap.com Log off Print

Celestial Animal : Goat Life Stem : Yi
Noble People : Monkey, Rat Door of Destiny : Harm 3
Intelligence : Horse Star of Destiny : Grain
Peach Blossom : Horse Guardian of Destiny : Chief Jade zhen

Sky Horse : Pig
Solitary : Monkey
Life Palace : Yang Water Monkey Wood
You can locate
Conception Palace : Yang Wood Rat


your Day Master

Sheng Qi(Life Generating) : S
Hour Day Month Year

Tian Yi(Heavenly Doctor) : N

in this pillar.

Yan Nian(Longevity) : SE
Fu Wei(Stability) Yin Wood
: E


Hou Hai(Mishaps) : SW

Wu Gui(Five Ghosts) : NW

Liu Sha(Six Killings) : NE

Jue Ming(Life Threatening) : W

89 79 69 59 49 39 Here 29 19 9

Jia Yi Bing Ding Ji Geng Ren

This is your
Wu Xin
Yang Wood Yin Wood Yang Fire Yin Fire Yang Earth Yin Earth Yang Metal Yin Metal Yang Water

Zi Chou
Yin Earth
Dragon Snake
Wu Wei
10 years Luck Pillar
Yang Water Yang Wood Yin Wood Yang Earth Yin Fire Yang Fire Yin Earth Yang Metal

Gui Xin Ji Gui Wu Jia Bing Yi Gui Wu Yi Geng Bing Wu Ding Ji Ding Ji Yi Wu Geng Ren
-Water -Metal -Earth -Water +Earth +Wood +Fire -Wood -Water +Earth -Wood +Metal +Fire +Earth -Fire -Earth -Fire -Earth -Wood +Earth +Metal +Water


Hour Stem Day Stem Month Stem Year Stem Elements

Grain Destructor Heart Grass Stars
Life Fear Delusion Scenery Doors


W : Regulus Hour Branch Day Branch Month Branch Year Branch 2016

S : Celestial Advisor Earth Relief Fortune Virtue Sun Red Matchmaker

Moon Prosperity Star Heavenly Yi Surpassing Path
SW : Great Moon Sky Noble Heavenly Virture Sky Gracious
Sickness Charm
Grand Duke Bing
Six Harms Sky Emptiness Sky Sha
N : Heavenly Noble Solitary Salty Pool Lonesome Yang Fire
Piercing Rope Bad Qi Year Sha
The Treasure Star
NW : Swagger Heavenly Officer Solid Killing
Charm Robbery Sha Annual Sha
NE : Extractor Death God Curled Tongue
Great Assembly Drapes
Sky Charm Crossing Sha
E : Salty Pool Monkey
Hook Spirit Yang Metal
SE : Green Dragon

2016 QI MEN LIFE PALACE Red Matchmaker

Year Stars Sun Wu Geng Ren
Stem Door Star Deity
+Earth +Metal +Water
Geng Rest Hero Tortoise DW DO DR

www.joeyyap.com © JOEY YAP



C EARTH The Warrior (Seven Killings)

The Diplomat (Direct Officer)


Your 10 Profiles

Your The Pioneer (Indirect Wealth)

The Analyzer (Direct Resource)



5 Structures The Philosopher (Indirect Resource) 48%

The Performer (Hurting Officer) 42%

WOOD WATER The Artist (Eating God) 41%

The Director (Direct Wealth) 41%

The Friend (Friend) 40%

The Leader (Rob Wealth) 17%

Main Structure : Supporters Main Profile : The Warrior (Seven Killings)

Copyright © 2002 - 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved worldwide.

JOEY YAP Please take note that the charts, designs and terminologies used are Joey Yap's original literary expression and are copy protected. Reproduction of terminologies, layouts and
designs in any form without the express written consent from Joey Yap is prohibited.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

About Joey Yap
Dato' Joey Yap is the celebrated and global bestselling author with
more than 166 books published and counting. His literary work
has been translated and published in every continent of the world,
making it to the local best sellers list on numerous occasions and
sold more than 4,200,000 copies.
Some of the bestsellers published have also earned The Merit Award from The
Asean Book Publisher Association. He is a passionate and internationally renowned
speaker who is highly sought after in business communities and corporate events.
His talks have an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation.



4,200,000+ 1,200,000+ 30,000+ 166+ 32+

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Copyright © 2016 by Joey Yap Research International Sdn.Bhd

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