GRE Wordlist 8

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afflict cause pain or trouble

prevaricate speak or act in an evasive way

adept very skilled or proficient

fortitude courage in pain or adversity

impunity exemption from punishment immunity, indemnify

pervasive spreading widely

intense happiness;
ability to find apt expression for one's thought

tenable able to be defended against attack or objection

imperative importance, and crucial

stretched tightly, not slack;

(of music or writing) concise

ornery bad tempered or difficult to deal with

dreary dull or repetitive

inimical tending to obstruct or harm

fawning displaying exaggerated flattery or affection

obsequious obdient or attentive to an excessive degree

hegemony leadership or dominance especially by one state or social group over others.

vexation annoyed, frustated or worried

inchoate just begun and so not fully formed rudimentary, nascent

hackneyed unorignal, overused or trite cliche

cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do

chary wary, cautious, circumspect

compendium a collection of concise but detailed information

surfeit excessive amount of something surplus

paucity present in only small quantity scarcity

involve deeply in an argument, conflict or difficult


spurious false or fake

"divorce is assumed to have deleterious

deleterious causing harm or damage effects on children"

delectable delicious

pathos a quality that evokes pity and sadness

recklessly extravagent or wasteful in the use of

profligate prodigal
stoicism the endurance of pain without display of feelings patience, fortitude

"The speaker attacked him with great

acrimony bitterness and ill-feeling acrimony."
"the AGM dissolved into acrimony"

"they were treated as social pariahs"

pariah an outcast
"the case had taken up an undesirable
inordinate excessive ; unusually or disproportionately large
inordinate amount of time"

adulation excessive praise or admiration

"he found it difficult to cope with
the adulation of the fans"
The voters are too complacent to
"you can't afford to be complacent
complacent self-satisfied change the government.
about security"
pleased, especially with oneself or
one's merits, advantages, situation,
etc., often without awareness of
complaisant willing to please others the most complaisant child I've some potential danger or defect;
ever met. self-satisfied:

"the glib phrases soon roll off the

glib fluent but insincere and shallow

bellicose hostile and aggressive belligerent, acrimony India is clearly frustrated with its
destitute, bellicose neighbor.

vehement intense, passionate or forceful "her voice was low but vehement"

all fulminated against the new

fulminate express vehement protest

an inquiry exonerated those

exonerate absolve/ clear from the blame
release someone from (a duty or
divulge disclose, reveal

inscrutable impossible to understand or interpret enigmatic

peeve annoyed or irritated not pleased

penury extreme poverty destitute, impoverish

they lambasted the report as a gross

lambast criticize harshly
distortion of the truth you have to
admire the
tenacity of
tenacity the ability to be able to grip something firmly determination, persistence, grip these two guys

His life of hedonism suddenly seems

hedonism the pursuit of pleasure; self-indulgance empty when he begins to fall in love
with Grace.
showing a rude and
effrontery impertinent behavoir Insolent arrogant lack of respect.

to make something obscure, unclear or

obfuscate Confuse

revamp give new and improved form to renovate, refurbish

occlude stop, close up or obstruct

thick make-up can
occlude the pores
sixteen miserable months
rancorous bitterness or resentment acrimonious, vitriol, malice
of rancorous disputes
timorous showing nervousness or lack of self-confidence
a timorous voice

amity friendly relations

bile anger, bitterness or irritability

detente the easing of hostility or strained relations

apocryphal of doubtful authenticity

disavow deny reject, refute, repudiate

After consecutive
despondent disheartened, discouraged

the process of fully taking in and understanding "the assimilation of the knowledge of the Vedas"
information or ideas

based on the principle that all people are equal and

deserve equal rights

the practice of persuading someone to do

something by force or threats

exemplify clarify by giving an example

"the invaders had soon subjugated most of the

bring under domination or control, especially by
subjugate population"

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