2.3.8.a ResidentialWaterSupply

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• Why Treat Water?

• Uses of Water
• Water Supply System
• Sources of Water
• Water Treatment
• Water Storage
• Distribution System
• Definitions
• Calculating Water Supply Pressure
Why Treat Water?

• Society realized long ago that human health

and the welfare of the general population are
improved if public water supplies are treated
prior to use.
• Nearly all structures require a water supply.
• Appropriate flow rate, pressure, and water
quality are necessary for effective use.
Uses of Water

• Bathing
• Toilets
• Cleaning
• Food preparation
• Cooling ©iStockphoto.com

• Fire protection
• Industrial purposes
• Drinking water = Potable water
Water Supply System
Sources of Water
Aquifers (Groundwater)
• Primary source of drinking water
• Porous consolidated rock or
unconsolidated soil
• Groundwater fills spaces
• Wells and pumps used to remove


This image was reproduced from groundwater.org with the permission of

The Groundwater Foundation. © 2010 The Groundwater Foundation. All
Rights Reserved
Courtesy USGS at
Sources of Water
Surface Water
• Lakes, reservoirs, rivers
• Rivers dammed to create reservoirs
• Reservoirs store water during heavy
Courtesy USDA


Courtesy NASA
Lake Tuscaloosa Dam
Water Treatment

• Amount of treatment
depends on quality of the
• Ground water requires less
treatment than surface
Courtesty USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2004/3069/

The city of Salem water treatment

facility withdraws water from the
North Santiam River.
Water Storage

Pumped to Storage Tank

• Storage
• Water pressure
o psi
o 1 psi = 2.31 feet of water

Water Distribution System

• Consists of water lines,

fittings, valves, service lines,
meters, and fire hydrants
• Loop system more desirable
than branch system
– Isolation valves
– Water flows in more than
one direction LOOP BRANCH
Water Distribution System

• Typical new system pipe

– Thermoplastic or ductile iron
– Reinforced concrete in larger mains
• Older system pipe
– Cast-iron or asbestos cement
• Typical distribution pressure of 65 – 75 psi
• Designed for less than 150 psi wikimedia
• Residential, commercial, and
industrial facilities
• Residential ©iStockphoto.com

– Min. distribution pressure = 40 psi

– Max. distribution pressure = 80 psi
• Pressure-reducing valve
• Commercial or industrial facilities
– May require higher pressure
– Pumps can increase pressure


Relates energy in an incompressible
fluid (like water) to the height of an
equivalent column of that fluid
Static Head
• Potential energy of the water at rest
• Measured in feet of water
• Change in elevation between source
and discharge
• Ex: What is the static head at a
residential supply line if the water
level in the elevated tank is 943 ft EPA at
and the elevation at the supply line
is 890 ft?

943 ft – 890 ft = 53 feet of water

Static Pressure
• Pressure of water at rest
• Measured in pounds per square inch (psi)
• 2.31 feet of water = 1 psi
• Ex: What is the static pressure at distribution if the
static head is 53 ft of water?
1 psi
53 ft ⋅ = 22.9psi
2.31 ft
• Is this the pressure at which water would exit a
faucet in the house?
Water Pressure Calculations

• How far above the supply line must the

water level in a water tower be in order
to provide a minimum 40 psi?

40 psi ⋅ 2.31 ft = 92.3 ft of water


• Except water loses pressure as it http://www.csc.noaa.gov/alternatives/inf


travels through pipe.


Head Loss
• Energy loss due to friction as water moves through
the distribution system
− Pipes
− Fittings
• Elbows, tees, reducers, etc.
− Equipment (pumps, etc.)
• Major losses = head loss associated with friction per
length of pipe
• Minor losses = head loss associated with bends,
fittings, valves, etc.
Calculating Head Loss

Hazen-Williams formula

10.44 ⋅ L ⋅ Q 1.85
hf =
C ⋅d
1.85 4.8655

Where:      hf = head loss due to friction (ft)

                  L = length of pipe (ft)
                  Q = flow rate of water (gpm)
                  C = Hazen-Williams constant
                  d = diameter of the pipe (in.)
Hazen-Williams Constant, C
Calculating Head Loss

Minor Losses
• Hazen-Williams formula used for straight pipe
• Need equivalent length for each fitting to account for
minor losses.
• Accepted equivalent length values published

Equivalent Length in feet of pipe (Generic)
Calculating Total Equivalent Length
A 10 inch flanged cast iron water supply line provides service to
a home. The pipe between the water tower and the meter
includes seven regular 90 degree elbows, three line flow tees,
eleven branch flow tees, and six gate valves between the water
tower and a service connection to a residence. What is the
equivalent length of the fittings and valves?

Fitting Quantity Equivalent Total Equiv.

Length (ft) Length (ft)
Reg. 90 deg elbow 7 14.0 98.0
Line flow tee 3 5.2 15.6
Branch flow tee 11 30.0 330.0
Gate valve 6 3.2 19.2
Total 462.8
Calculating Head Loss
What is the head loss in the 10 inch cast iron
supply line with a flow rate of 110 gpm if the pipe
is 3.2 miles long and includes the fittings from the
previous slide?

Pipe Length = (3.2 miles)(5280 ft

) = 16896 ft

Total Equiv. Length = Pipe Length + Equiv. Length of Fittings

Total Equiv. Length = 16896 ft + 462.8 ft = 17358.8 ft

Calculating Head Loss

Hazen-Williams Formula
10.44 ⋅ L ⋅ Q 1.85
hf =
C 1.85 ⋅ d 4.8655

10.44 ⋅ (17358.8 ft)(110 gpm)1.85

hf =
(100)1.85 (10 in)4.8655

= 2.94 ft
Dynamic Head
• Head of a moving fluid
• Measured in feet of water

Courtesy Constructionphotographs.com

Dynamic Head = Static Head – Head Loss


Dynamic / Actual Pressure

• Measured in psi

Dynamic Pressure = Actual Pressure

1 psi
Actual Pressure = Dynamic Head ⋅
2.31 ft
Water Pressure Calculations

The water level in the water tower supplying the
home in the previous example is 1487 ft. The
elevation of the supply line at the residence is
1246 ft. Find the static head, the static pressure,
the dynamic head, and the actual pressure of the
water as it enters the residence.

Static Head= 1487 ft – 1246 ft = 241 ft

1 psi
Static Pressure = 241 ft ⋅ = 104.3 psi
2.31 ft
Head Loss (major and minor) = 2.94 ft

Dynamic Head = Static Head – Head Loss

= 241 ft – 2.9 ft = 238.1 ft
1 psi
Dynamic Pressure = 238.1 ft ⋅ = 103.1 psi
2.31 ft

Dion, T. (2002). Land development for civil engineers (2nd Ed.).

New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Lindeburg, M. (2008). Civil engineering reference manual for the
PE exam (11th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Professional Publications, Inc.
Image Sources
NOAA at http://www.csc.noaa.gov/alternatives/infrastructure.html
The Groundwater Foundation at www.groundwater.org
USGS at http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2004/3069/
EPA at
Wikimedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Largediapvc.jpg

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