7 Differential Equations
7 Differential Equations
7 Differential Equations
Department of Electrical Engineering
Legazpi City
Set: A
1. The population of the Philipines has doubled 3. The population of a certain country doubles in
in the last 30 years. The population of the 50 years. When will it triple? Assume Law of
Philipines in 1,958 was 35 million. On what Growth to hold.
year will our population triple? a. 75 years
a. 2006 b. 79.25 years
b. 2008 c. 83.36 years
c. 2007 d. 100 years
d. 2009
2. The rate of growth of a population is 4. The population of the Philippines has doubled
proportional to the present population. If it is
in the last 50 years. The population of the
1,000 initially and is 2,000, 10 hours later, how
Phillipines in 1948 was 35 million. On what year
long will it take in hours to reach 5,000?
will our population triple?
a. 33.44 a. 2026
b. 23.22 b. 2028
c. 37.86 c. 2027
d. 19.35 d. 2029
5. A certain piece of dubious information about 8. The design/shape of most reflectors used by cars
phenylethyiamine in the drinking water began are such that light coming from a fixed source is
to spread one day in a city with a population of ref1ected in parallel rays. The shape is
100,000.Within a week, 10,000 had heard this a. hemispherical
rumor. Assume that the rate of increase of the b. conical
number who have heard the rumor is c. paraboloid
proportional to the number who have not yet
d. nota
heard it How long will be until half the
population of the c ityhas heard the rumor?
a. 49 days
b. 46 days
c. 42 days
d. 44 days
50. A culture of bacteria initially contains l
49. The rate of change of a certain substance is ,000 bacteria. If this quantity doubles
proportionalto the amount of substance is l every hour.Determine:
0 grams at the start and 5 grams at the end
of 2 minutes, find the arnount of substance
remaining at the end of 6 minutes. A) The quantity of bacteria in the culture after
B) \Vhen will the culture contains
64,000 bacterial
Bicol University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Legazpi City
Set: A
51. In the inversion of raw sugar, the rate at which 55. 12.Find the acceleration of the 200N bale
the amount sugar changes is proportional to of weight if the tension on the cable is
the amount of raw sugar remaining. If after 5 a) 300N b) 100N c) 200N
hours, 910, kg of raw sugar have been reduced
to 455 kg, how much raw sugar will
remaln at the end of 30 hrs?
66. A tank initially contains l50L of brine with 25
N of dissolved salt. Brine containing 2 N/L of
Find the pa1ticular solution. dissolved salt enters the tank at 10 L/min
A. y = x 3 +x2 and the resulting mixture leaves the tank at
B. y = x 4 + 3x 3 5 L/min. If the capacity of the tank is 400 L,
C. y = X4 + 3x 2 find the amount of salt in the tank at the
-D. y -"" 3x 3 + x 2 instant that the tank starts to overflow.
Bicol University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Legazpi City
Set: A
67. A glass of hot milk at 100ºC is brought in 70. THERMQ91 A metal object at 120ºF is set on an
a room where the temperature is insulating pad to cool. The temperature falls
maintained at 20ºC. After 15 minutes the from 120ºF to 100ºf in 12 minutes. The
temperature goes down to 90ºC. Find: surroundings are at 65ºF. Find the time
required for that object to continue to cool from
A) the temperature of the glass of milk after 98ºF to 80ºF. Assume negligible conduction and
15 more minutes. radiation losses in both cases.
B)the time it takes until the temperature goes .
down to 37ºC .
. .
69. At a certain time, a thermometer reading l58ºC
is taken outdoors where the temperature is 72. Find the particular solution of
59ºC. Five minutes later, the thermometer d2 y dy
reading is 113ºC. After another 5 minutes, the
thermometer is brought back indnors where 5 6y 0
dr2 dt
the temperature is fixed at 158ºC. What is the
temperature reading 10 minutes after the
thermometer is brought back indoors? dv
. when t=0, y=0, dt 10
. .
. .
. .
. .
Bicol University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Legazpi City
Set: A
d2 s ds
73. Find the general solution of 2
2 5s 0
dt dt
(D+10) y=0