Sein Langiage
Sein Langiage
Sein Langiage
1. To Be
Being is one of the most important philosophical notions, and the
behaviour of the verb to be has induced philosophical perplexities ever
since (at least) Plato’s Sophist. What follows is a contemporary examina-
tion of the matter. Discussions of the notion have always involved a
curious blend of logic, linguistics, and metaphysics. My discussion will be
no different.
I restrict my linguistic claims to contemporary English. To what
extent similar points apply to other languages, I leave to people with
better linguistic knowledge to determine. Ironically, though, it is the work
of three native German speakers that we will find most useful in the inves-
tigations: Frege, Heidegger, and Meinong.
For background to the whole enterprise, let me start with the follow-
ing distinctions. Names are a phrases which may refer to an object—or
objects; I will allow for plural reference.1 These include proper names
(Mary, John and Mary) and definite descriptions (the highest mountain,
the highest mountains). Predicate complements are phrases which
follow the copula to produce a verb phrase. These include adjectival
phrases (red), common nouns (a man), and participles, present (running)
and past (loved). Quantifier phrases are noun-phrases starting with a
quantifier (some person, no people, all persons). This trichotomy is essen-
tially, Frege’s. In his terms, the three categories are: names, (first-order)
concept expressions, and second-order concept expressions.
Against this background we may look at the verb to be. In the next
two sections of the essay, I will discuss the finite parts of the verb. Fol-
lowing that, we will turn to the nonfinite parts.
“Sein Language” by Graham Priest,
The Monist, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 430–442. Copyright © 2014, THE MONIST, Peru, Illinois 61354.
• John is happy.
• The man is running.
• The women are singing.
• Homer is.
• The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are (no longer).
These are perfectly grammatical, but sound rather stretched and precious
in English.8 More colloquial is to use the verb exist, thus: Homer exists;
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon exist (no longer). The locution with is
is, in fact, perfectly commonplace in some languages, such as Ancient
Greek, which have no separate word for existence.
In Meinong’s terms, this is the is of Sein. (Meinong further divides
this into two kinds: existence [existieren] and subsistence [bestehen]. The
first applies to concrete objects; the second applies to abstract ones.) A
sentence of the form: name + is/are is true iff the object(s) named exist(s).
The existential use of is is clearly different from the other two uses, since
both of these are grammatical relations, while this is a monadic property.
We will write this, henceforth, as E.
3. There
It is appropriate here to consider the use of is in the locution there is,
as in there is a church in the town. It should be noted, first, that this is
idiomatic in a certain sense: in other languages, different verbs are used
for the sentences with the same meaning. French: Il y a une église dans la
ville (avoir, to have); German: Es gibt eine Kirche in der Stadt (geben, to
Next, though linguists disagree over the parsing of such sentences,11
one thing about which there is no disagreement is that there is is not a
quantifier. What to make of such locutions?
• No dinosaurs are.
• Some beautiful works of art are.
• A man on the bus is.
• Everything described is.
(In the same way, it can be a dummy subject standing in for a noun phrase.
It is too difficult for me to get there means: for me to get there is too difficult.)
The is, in this case, is clearly the is of existence (since it is not com-
plemented), and can be replaced by the verb exists:
Again, the most natural understanding of such a sentence has the there
standing in as a dummy subject of the quantifier phrase, giving:
So, e.g., there is a man in the church means Sx(Mx∧Cx). The sentence is
true if something satisfies Mx∧Cx, and the is here is the is of predication,
as I have already observed. Similarly, there is some thing (something) C
means some thing is C: Sx(Ox∧Cx)—or just SxCx: something satisfies C.
The something here, note, does not have to be an existent thing. Witness:
There are three non-existent objects mentioned on the page, as well as one
existent object (Anna Karenina, Sherlock Holmes, Zeus; Winston Churchill).
I note, however, that sentences of this form can sustain a reading
where the there stands for everything that follows the is. Thus, our four
examples could mean:
3.3 An idiom
There is one complicating factor to note. In some idiolects there
exists can be used just to mean some. Thus, in mathematical texts, in par-
ticular, one frequently finds locutions of the form there exists a prime
number greater than 10 (or prime numbers greater than 100 exist).
However, these mean neither more nor less than that something has a
certain property, such as prime number greater than 100. That the use of
the word exists in this context is an idiom is shown by the fact that there
are clearly contexts which resist this locution. Thus, again, some things do
not exist—e.g., Father Christmas—makes perfectly good sense; there
exist things which do not exist does not.
The idiomatic use of exists in mathematics is mirrored by an equally
idiomatic use of modal vocabulary. For example, mathematicians fre-
quently say that one mathematical structure can be embedded in another;
or that, given a certain lemma, one may prove such and such a theorem.
These locutions have nothing to do with possibility and necessity (much
less permission and obligation). They are simply ways of expressing the
fact that something satisfies a certain condition—a function (in the case of
the embedding) or a deduction (in the case of the proof). So it is with talk
of existence here.
The point that the use of the word exists in a mathematical context is
just an idiomatic way of saying that a concept is instantiated was made by
no less a person than Frege himself. Thus we have:12
I have called existence a property of a concept. How I mean this to be taken
is best made clear by an example. In the sentence ‘there is at least one square
root of 4,’ we have an assertion not about (say) the definite number 2, nor
about -2, but about a concept square root of 4; viz. that it is not empty.
But also:13
Existential sentences, beginning ‘there is’ (‘es gibt’), are closely related to
particular ones: compare the sentence ‘there are numbers which are prime’
with ‘some numbers are prime’. This existence is still too often confused
with reality and objectivity.
Similarly for the other verbs which the infinitive can complement. The
participles, being and been can also be used as verb complements. The
first of these complements be, used in its predicative sense; the second
complements have. Thus we have:
The three infinitive clauses illustrate the predicative, equational, and exis-
tential uses of the infinitive verb.
Again, the infinitive can usually be replaced by a present participle,
used in a nominative sense—a gerund. Thus, we have equivalently:
The subscript ‘M’ here stands for Meinong, since this is how he uses
the word, as I have noted. When Meinong speaks about being (Sein), he
means something (existieren/bestehen) which an object may have or lack.
The ‘H’ stands for Heidegger. For when Heidegger speaks of being he
speaks of what all objects have, whether or not they exist. Thus he says:14
Everything we talk about, mean, and are related to is in being in one way or
another. What and how we ourselves are is also a being. Being is found in
thatness and whatness, reality, the objective presence of things [Vorhanden-
heit], subsistence, validity, existence [Da-sein], and in the “there is” [es gibt].
Graham Priest
City University of New York
University of Melbourne
1. In nearly all cases, reference is context dependent; but this will play no role in what
2. See Priest (2008, xxi). Linguists themselves disagree about exactly how many dis-
tinct uses of the first two kinds there are (somewhere between one and four). See
Mikkelson (2011).
3. For Meinongian terminology, see Marek (2008).
4. If the terms are plural, it would be more normal to write this as Faa (see Linnebo
2008), but I simplify here and in what follows.
5. At least, an abundant one; there is no heavy-duty metaphysics going on yet. (For
the distinction between sparse and abundant properties, see Swoyer and Orilia [2011].)
6. In the plural case, each of the as is a b, and vice versa.
7. Actually, one may reduce the is of identity to the is of predication by supposing that
when it is used in this sense, it is actually elliptical for is identical to. So George Elliot is
Mary Anne Evans means George Eliot is identical to Mary Anne Evans. The symmetry of
the relation is then a fact about this particular predicate: cf., Mary is the same height as
8. When my first child was born, I recall sending my parents a telegram saying
“Marcus Timon Priest is.”
9. It makes no sense for the left flank of the is to be a predicative phrase, for reasons
we have just noted. The only other permutations that make sense are: quantifier phrase +
is/are + name (every man is John); quantifier phrase + is/are + quantifier phrase (every
member is some man); quantifier phrase + is (uncomplemented) (every man in the room
is). In the first two cases the is must be the equational is. (For all men, x, x = John; for every
member, x, some man, y, is such that x=y.) In the third, it is obviously existential.
10. See Priest (2005).
11. See McNally (2013).
12. Geach and Black (1970, 48–9).
13. McGuiness (1984, 239).
14. Stambaugh (1996, 5).
15. Stambaugh (1996, 53).
16. Quine (1948).
17. Drafts of this paper were given in 2013 at the University of Göttingen, and at the
workshop Fiction/alism, at the University of Hamburg. Thanks go to the participants in the
ensuing discussions. Thanks, too, go to Friederike Moultmann for helpful discussions on
these matters.
Geach, P., and Black, M., eds. and trans. 1970. Translations from the Philosophical Writ-
ings of Gottlob Frege, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Linnebo, Ø. 2008. “Plural Quantification,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
McGuinness, B., ed. 1984. “On Mr. Peano’s Conceptual Notation and My Own,” Col-
lected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
McNally, L. 2011. “Existential Sentences,” in von Heusinger, K., Maienborn, C. and
Portner, P., eds., Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language
Meaning, v. 2, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1829–48.
Marek, J. 2008. “Alexius Meinong,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Mikkelsen, L. 2011. “Copular Clauses,” in von Heusinger, K., Maienborn, C., and Portner,
P., eds., Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, vol.
2, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1805–29.
Priest, G. 2005. Towards Non-Being, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
———. 2008. Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Quine, W.V.O. 1948. “On What There is,” Review of Metaphysics 48: 21–38. Reprinted in
From a Logical Point of View, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1953.
Stambaugh, J., trans. 1996. Being and Time, Albany, NY: State University of New York
Swoyer, C., and Orilia, F. 2011. “Properties,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,