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WWW - Atsdr.cdc - Gov/csem/ Downloadable PDF
WWW - Atsdr.cdc - Gov/csem/ Downloadable PDF
Course: WB 1466
Original Date: December 18, 2008
Expiration Date: December 18, 2011
Table of Contents
Key Concepts • The toxicity of chromium compounds depends on the oxidation state of
the metal.
• Occupational exposure to chromium(VI) compounds has been
associated with increased incidence of lung cancer.
• Chromium(III) is an essential nutrient that can be toxic in large doses.
About This and This educational case study document is one in a series of self-instructional
Other Case publications designed to increase the primary care provider’s knowledge of
Studies in hazardous substances in the environment and to promote the adoption of
Environmental medical practices that aid in the evaluation and care of potentially exposed
Medicine patients. The complete series of Case Studies in Environmental Medicine is
located on the ATSDR Web site at www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/. In addition, the
downloadable PDF version of this educational series and other environmental
medicine materials provides content in an electronic, printable format,
especially for those who may lack adequate Internet service.
How to Apply See Internet address www2.cdc.gov/atsdrce/ for more information about
for and Receive continuing medical education credits, continuing nursing education credits,
Continuing and other continuing education units.
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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Chromium Toxicity
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the work that the medical writers, editors, and
reviewers have provided to produce this educational resource. Listed below
are those who have contributed to development of this version of the Case
Study in Environmental Medicine.
Please Note: Each content expert for this case study has indicated that
there is no conflict of interest to disclose that would bias the case study
Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and
does not imply endorsement by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Chromium Toxicity
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
Introduction The goal of Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM) is to increase the
primary care provider’s knowledge of hazardous substances in the
environment and to help in evaluation and treating of potentially exposed
patients. This CSEM focuses on chromium toxicity.
Availability Two versions of the Chromium Toxicity CSEM are available.
Instructional This course is designed to help you learn efficiently. Topics are clearly
Format labeled so that you can skip sections or quickly scan sections you are already
familiar with. This labeling will also allow you to use this training material as
a handy reference. To help you identify and absorb important content
quickly, each section is structured as follows:
Title Serves as a “focus question” that you should be able to answer after
completing the section
Learning Describes specific content addressed in each section and focuses your
Objectives attention on important points
Text Provides the information you need to answer the focus question(s) and
achieve the learning objectives
Key Points Highlights important issues and helps you review
Progress Check Enables you to test yourself to determine whether you have mastered the
learning objectives
Answers Provide feedback to ensure you understand the content and can locate
information in the text
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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
Learning Upon completion of the Chromium Toxicity CSEM, you will be able to
Content Area Objectives
Overview • Explain what chromium is.
Standards and • Identify the OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for chromium.
Regulations • Identify EPA’s maximum contaminant level (MCL) for chromium in
drinking water.
Biological Fate • Explain the metabolic difference between Cr(III) and Cr(VI).
Physiologic • List and describe the physiologic effects associated with chromium
Effects exposure.
Treatment and • Describe the principal treatment strategies for managing chromium
Management poisoning.
Patient Education • Identify instructions for patient self-care and for clinical follow-up.
and Counseling
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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
Initial Check
Instructions This Initial Check will help you to assess your current knowledge about
chromium toxicity. To take the Initial Check, read the case below, and then
answer the questions that follow.
Case A 35-year-old handyman has chronic skin ulcers and respiratory
A 35-year-old man visits your family practice office near a large Midwestern
city. He has complaints of “allergies” and sores on his hands and arms. Over
the past 2 to 3 months, the patient has noticed the onset of runny nose,
sinus drainage, dry cough, and occasional nosebleeds (both nares
intermittently). No prior history of allergies exists. He has also had
occasional nausea and is concerned because the sores and minor skin cuts
on his hands do not seem to heal. The patient denies having fever, chills,
dyspnea, or change in bowel or bladder habits, and he has not noticed
excessive thirst or easy bruising. He recently began losing his appetite and
losing weight without dieting.
Medical history reveals only usual childhood diseases. Other than over-the-
counter (OTC) decongestants, he is taking no medications. He denies use of
illicit drugs, but admits to occasional social use of alcohol. For the last 16
years, he has smoked 1 pack of low-tar cigarettes a day.
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Initial Check 1. A problem list for this patient would include upper and lower respiratory
Answers irritation, multiple skin lesions and edema of the hands, loss of appetite
and weight loss, liver and renal dysfunction, and cigarette smoking.
More information for this answer can be found in the “What are the
physiologic effects of chromium?” section.
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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
More information for this answer can be found in the “Where is chromium
found?” section.
3. You might identify possible causes for the dermal lesions by consulting
with a dermatologist. The cause of the persistent respiratory symptoms
(2 to 3 months) that do not respond to OTC decongestants in a person
with no history of allergies should be pursued. The patient should be
queried about whether the onset of symptoms coincided with the move to
his home, whether odors have emanated from the plant, and so forth.
More information regarding the patient’s observations and activities while
digging up the sewage system may also be helpful.
More information for this answer can be found in the “Clinical assessment
- history and signs and symptoms” section.
More information for this answer can be found in the “Who is at risk of
exposure to chromium?” section.
More information for this answer can be found in the “What are routes of
exposure for chromium?” section.
More information for this answer can be found in the “What is the biologic
fate of chromium in the body?” section.
More information for this answer can be found in the “What are the
physiologic effects of chromium exposure?” section.
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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM)
10. A result of 1,038 ppm is beyond the range for unexposed persons (50
ppm to 1,000 ppm); however, the sample could have been
environmentally contaminated with chromium from the water during
bathing, or by chromium in ambient air polluted by the plant emissions.
No standard methods exist for obtaining a hair sample or for washing and
preparing the sample for analysis, and these techniques can greatly
influence results. More importantly, no research exists to prove a
correlation between chromium content of hair and exposure levels or
physiologic effects; therefore, the result has no clinical significance.
More information for this answer can be found in the “Clinical
assessment-laboratory tests” section.
11. If the sources of chromium exposure can be eliminated for this patient,
no further treatment would be required, except for the skin lesions.
Topical ascorbic acid has been useful in the treatment of chrome ulcers,
and 1% aluminum acetate wet dressings can be used to treat the
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What Is Chromium?
• metallurgical,
• chemical, and
• refractory (heat-resistant applications).
• primarily in
o chrome plating,
o leather tanning,
o paint pigments (chromium compounds can be red, yellow,
orange, and green), and
o wood treatment;
• smaller amounts in
o catalysts,
o copy machine toner,
o corrosion inhibitors,
o drilling muds,
o magnetic tapes,
o photographic chemicals,
o safety matches, and
o water treatment.
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The health effects of chromium are primarily related to the valence state of
the metal at the time of exposure. Trivalent (Cr[III]) and hexavalent
(Cr[VI]) compounds are thought to be the most biologically significant.
Cr(III) is an essential dietary mineral in low doses. Cr(VI) compounds are
carcinogenic. Cr(VI) is generally considered 1,000 times more toxic than
Cr(III) [EPA 1998; ATSDR 2000; Dayan and Paine 2001].
Essential Cr(III) is an essential dietary nutrient. It is required to potentiate insulin and
Dietary Nutrient for normal glucose metabolism. Cr(III) deficiency has been associated with
• cardiovascular disease,
• decreased lean body mass,
• decreased sperm count,
• elevated percent body fat,
• fasting hyperglycemia,
• glucosuria,
• impaired fertility,
• impaired glucose tolerance, and
• maturity-onset diabetes.
Cr(III) is found in most fresh foods and drinking water. Dietary sources rich
in Cr(III) include
• breads,
• cereals,
• fish,
• fresh vegetables,
• meats, and
• spices.
The National Academy of Sciences has established a safe and adequate daily
intake for Cr(III) in adults of 50 -200 micrograms per day. On the average,
adults in the United States take in an estimated 60-80 micrograms of Cr(III)
per day in food. Therefore, many people’s diets may not provide enough
Cr(III) [ATSDR 2000].
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Key Points • Chromium exists in three common stable valence states: chromium
(0), (III), and (VI).
• Cr(III) is an essential dietary nutrient. Its deficiency in the body has
been associated with diabetes, infertility, and cardiovascular disease.
• Cr(VI) is carcinogenic.
• The metallurgical, chemical, and refractory industries are the
fundamental users of chromium.
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Cr(III) and Cr(VI) are released to the environment primarily from stationary
point sources (facilities that are identified individually by name and location)
resulting from human activities. The estimates of atmospheric chromium
emissions in 1976 and 1980 in the Los Angeles, CA and Houston, TX areas
indicate that emissions from stationary fuel combustion are about 46-47% of
the total, and emissions from the metal industry range from 26 to 45% of
the total [ATSDR 2000].
Cr(III) in the air does not undergo any reaction. Cr(VI) in the air eventually
reacts with dust particles or other pollutants to form Cr(III). However, the
exact nature of such atmospheric reactions has not been studied extensively
[EPA 1998].
Water According to the Toxics Release Inventory, in 1997, the estimated releases
Contamination of chromium was 111,384 pounds to water from 3,391 large processing
facilities which accounted for about 0.3% of total environmental releases
[ATSDR 2000].
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Total chromium has been identified in 939 soil and 472 sediment samples
collected from 1,036 National Priority Lists (NPL) hazardous waste sites
[HazDat 2000].
One study found increased blood chromium level after total hip replacement
using metal-metal pairings where metal ions of the alloys are released
[Schaffer, Pilger et al. 1999].
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Answers 2. The correct answer is D. Cr(III) and Cr(VI) are released to the
environment primarily from stationary point sources (facilities that are
identified individually by name and location) resulting from human
activities. The estimates of atmospheric chromium emission in 1976
and 1980 in the Los Angeles, CA and Houston, TX areas indicate that
emissions from stationary fuel combustion are about 46-47% of the
total environmental releases. According to the Toxics Release
Inventory, in 1997, the estimated releases of chromium of 30,862,235
pounds to soil from 3,391 large processing facilities accounted for
about 94.1% of total environmental releases. Leaching from topsoil
and rocks is the most important natural source of chromium entry into
bodies of water.
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Introduction The entry routes of chromium into the human body are inhalation, ingestion,
and dermal absorption. Occupational exposure generally occurs through
inhalation and dermal contact, whereas the general population is exposed
most often by ingestion through chromium content in soil, food, and water.
Inhalation After human exposure to Cr(III) by inhalation, urinary concentrations of
chromium were found to be increased indicating respiratory absorption
[Aitio, Jarvisalo et al. 1984; Foa, Riboldi et al. 1988; Dayan and Paine 2001].
Data from a few animal experiments indicate that with equal solubility,
Cr(VI) compounds are absorbed more readily than Cr(III) compounds,
probably because Cr(VI) readily penetrates cell membranes [Mertz 1969;
Wiegand, Ottenwalder et al. 1984].
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Introduction Chromium is one of the most widely used industrial metals. Several million
workers worldwide are estimated to be exposed to chromium compounds in
an array of industries such as pigment production, chrome plating, stainless
steel welding, and leather tanning. Additionally, it is one of the major
contaminants in various hazardous waste sites worldwide, including the
Superfund sites in the United States [EPA 2002; Medeiros, Rodrigues et al.
Worker Workers in industries that use chromium are at increased risk of chromium’s
Exposure adverse health effects. Those workers at greatest risk are those involved in
stainless steel welding, chromate production, chrome plating, and chrome
pigment industries, where exposure is primarily to Cr(VI) via inhalation of
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Introduction The government has developed regulations and guidelines for chromium.
These are designed to protect the public from potential adverse health
Workplace OSHA
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established
an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposure limit of 5 micrograms of
Cr(VI) per cubic meter of air (5 μg/m³). This is a considerable reduction from
the previous permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 52 μg/m³ [Federal Register
OSHA’s standard is based upon the best evidence currently available that at
the previous PEL for Cr(VI), workers face a significant risk to material
impairment of their health. The evidence in the record for this rulemaking
indicates that workers exposed to Cr(VI) are at an increased risk of
developing lung cancer. The record also indicates that occupational exposure
to Cr(VI) may result in asthma and damage to the nasal epithelia and skin.
[Federal Register 2006].
The final rule also contains ancillary provisions for worker protection such as
• requirements for exposure determination,
• preferred exposure control methods, including a compliance alternative
for a small sector for which the new PEL is infeasible,
• respiratory protection,
• protective clothing and equipment,
• hygiene areas and practices,
• medical surveillance,
• record keeping, and
• start-up dates that include four years for the implementation of
engineering controls to meet the PEL [Federal Register 2006].
For Cr(II) and Cr(III) compounds, the PEL is an 8-hour TWA of 500 μg
Cr/m³. For chromium metal and for insoluble compounds, the PEL is 1,000
μg Cr/m³[OSHA 2006].
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has
recommended a 10-hour TWA exposure limit for all Cr(VI) compounds of 1
μg Cr(VI)/m³. For chromium metal and Cr (II) and Cr(III) compounds, the
recommended exposure limit is 500 μg /m³ as an 10-hour TWA [NIOSH
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Environmental Air
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates chromium
emissions under the Clean Air Act of 1990. EPA uses technology-based
standards for categories of industries, rather than numerical emissions
standards, to reduce chromium levels in ambient air. These maximum
achievable control technology (MACT) standards are based on emissions
levels already achieved by the best-performing similar facilities.
Drinking Water
National Institute for Air: workplace 1 μg/m³ as Cr Advisory; TWA (10-hour) for
Occupational Safety chromic acid and all Cr(VI)
and Health compounds
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*TWA (time-weighted average): TWA concentration for a normal workday and a 40-hour
workweek to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed.
†PEL (permissible exposure limit): highest level of chromium in air, to which a worker may be
exposed, averaged over an 8-hour workday.
‡MCL (maximum contaminant level) enforceable level for drinking water.
Progress Check 5. OSHA’s PEL for Cr(VI) (chromic acid and chromates) in the workplace is
which of the following?
A. 5 μg CrO3/m³.
B. 10 μg CrO3/m³.
C. 52 μg CrO3/m³.
D. 100 μg CrO3/m³.
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Answers 5. The correct answer is A. OSHA has mandated PEL ceiling of 5 μg /m³
for chromic acid and chromates.
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Introduction In vivo reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) has been widely studied. Ingested
Cr(VI) is efficiently reduced to the Cr(III) by the gastric juices [De Flora,
Badolati et al. 1987]. Cr(VI) can also be reduced to the Cr(III) in the
epithelial lining fluid of the lungs by ascorbate and glutathione (Petrilli, Rossi
et al. 1986; Suzuki and Fukuda 1990).
Absorption Rates of chromium uptake from the gastrointestinal tract are relatively low
and depend on a number of factors, including
• valence state (with Cr[VI] more readily absorbed than Cr[III]),
• the chemical form (with organic chromium more readily absorbed than
inorganic chromium),
• the water solubility of the compound, and
• gastrointestinal transit time.
Reduction of Cr(VI) in the red blood cells occurs by the action of glutathione.
Since the red blood cell membrane is permeable to Cr(VI) but not Cr(III),
the Cr(III) formed by reduction of Cr(VI) is essentially trapped within the red
blood cell. Eventually the diffusion of Cr(VI), the reduction to Cr(III), and
complexing to nucleic acids and proteins within the cell will cause the
concentration equilibrium to change [ATSDR 2000].
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Key Points • Cr(VI) is better absorbed from the lungs, gut, and skin than is Cr(III).
• After absorption, Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III).
• The difference in bioavailability and bioactivity between Cr(III) and
Cr(VI) might account for the differences in toxicity. Cr(III) is an
essential dietary nutrient whereas Cr(VI) poses a significant risk of
lung cancer.
• Cr(III) is excreted, primarily in the urine.
Progress Check 6. Which of the following statements about metabolism of an absorbed dose
of chromium is correct?
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Answers 6. The correct answer is D. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, Cr(VI) is
rapidly taken up by erythrocytes after absorption and reduced to
Cr(III) inside the red blood cells. Regardless of the source, Cr(III) is
widely distributed in the body and accounts for most of the chromium
in plasma or tissues. The greatest uptake of Cr(III) as a protein
complex is via bone marrow, lungs, lymph nodes, spleen, kidney, and
liver. Excretion of absorbed chromium occurs primarily via urine, with
no major retention in organs.
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Introduction Major factors governing the toxicity of chromium compounds are oxidation
state and solubility. Cr(VI) compounds, which are powerful oxidizing agents
and thus tend to be irritating and corrosive, appear to be much more toxic
systemically than Cr(III) compounds, given similar amounts and solubilities.
Although mechanisms of biological interaction are uncertain, this variation in
toxicity may be related to the ease with which Cr(VI) can pass through cell
membranes and its subsequent intracellular reduction to reactive
Mechanism of Since Cr(III) is poorly absorbed by any route, the toxicity of chromium is
Chromium mainly attributable to the Cr(VI) form. It can be absorbed by the lung and
Toxicity gastrointestinal tract, and even to a certain extent by intact skin.
Cr(VI) enters many types of cells and under physiological conditions can be
reduced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), glutathione (GSH) reductase, ascorbic
acid, and GSH to produce reactive intermediates, including Cr(V), Cr(IV),
thiylradicals, hydroxyl radicals, and ultimately, Cr(III). Any of these species
could attack DNA, proteins, and membrane lipids, thereby disrupting cellular
integrity and functions [De Mattia, Bravi et al. 2004].
Respiratory Occupational exposures often include mixed exposure to both Cr(III) and
Effects Cr(VI) [EPA 1998].
• asthma,
• chronic bronchitis,
• chronic irritation,
• chronic pharyngitis,
• chronic rhinitis,
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Many cases of nasal mucosa injury (inflamed mucosa, ulcerated septum, and
perforated septum) have been reported in workers exposed to Cr(VI) in
chrome-plating plants and tanneries [ATSDR 2000]. A 1983 study of 43
chrome-plating plants in Sweden, where workers were exposed almost
exclusively to Cr(VI) acid, revealed that all workers with nasal mucosa
ulceration or perforation were periodically exposed to at least 20 micrograms
per cubic meter (μg/m³) when working near the plating baths (The newest
U.S. permissible exposure level in the workplace for chromates and chromic
acid is 5 μg/m³ as a ceiling). The period of exposure for workers
experiencing nasal mucosal ulceration varied from 5 months to 10 years
[Lindberg and Hedenstierna 1983]. A recent epidemiological study of U.S.
workers found that the median time from date first employed to date of first
diagnosis of nasal ulceration was less than a month; the median Cr(VI)
concentration was similar to concentrations reported in the Swedish study
[Gibb, Lees et al. 2000].
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• dryness,
• erythema,
• fissuring,
• papules,
• scaling,
• small vesicles, and
• swelling [MacKie 1981; Adams 1990].
Chromium is one of the most common skin sensitizers and often causes skin
sensitizing effect in the general public. A possible source of chromium
exposure is waste dumps for chromate-producing plants causing local air or
water pollution.
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Baetjer was one of the first to review the literature presented prior to 1950
on the occurrence of cancer in chromate-exposed workers [Baetjer 1950].
On the basis of these and other studies, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
have classified inhaled Cr(VI) as a known human carcinogen [IARC 1990;
EPA 1998]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that
Cr(VI) is a human carcinogen. The Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) has determined that Cr(VI) compounds are known to cause
cancer in humans [ATSDR 2000].
Lung cancer risk in relation to airborne levels of Cr(VI) was analyzed for
chromium chemical production workers and a dose-response relationship
was observed in that long-term workers had a higher lung cancer risk than
short-term workers [Hayes, Lilienfeld et al. 1979]. An analysis of lung cancer
risk suggests a potential excess risk of death from lung cancer among U.S.
workers exposed to the previous permissible exposure limit (PEL) for Cr(VI)
of 52 µg/m³ [Braver, Infante et al. 1985]. More recent studies also disclosed
excess risk of lung cancer death resulting from occupational exposure to
Cr(VI) compounds [Gibb, Lees et al. 2000; Park, Bena et al. 2004].
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Renal Effects Renal effects after inhalation or oral exposure to Cr(VI) compounds have
been reported.
Cases of hepatic effects after oral exposure to Cr(VI) compounds have also
been reported. Elevated liver enzyme levels were reported flowing ingestion
of 150 mL solution containing 22.5 g potassium dichrome. [Kolaciski,
Kostrzewski et al. 1999] Hepatomegaly [Michie, Hayhurst et al. 1991; Meert,
Ellis et al. 1994] and hepatic failure [Loubieres, de Lassence et al. 1999;
Stift, Friedl et al. 2000] have also been noted in the cases of acute
Exposure to Cr(III) has not been found to cause any liver effects in workers
employed in two factories that produced Cr(III) oxide or Cr(III) sulfate
[Korallus, Ehrlicher et al. 1974b].
Gastro- In a study of 97 workers from a chrome plant exposed to a mixture of
intestinal insoluble chromite ore containing Cr(III) and soluble Cr(VI) as sodium
Effects chromate and dichromate, gastrointestinal radiography revealed that 10 of
the workers had ulcer formation, and of these, six had hypertrophic gastritis.
Nearly all of the workers breathed through the mouth while at work and
swallowed the chromate dust, thereby directly exposing the gastrointestinal
mucosa [Mancuso 1951]. Most of the previous studies reporting
gastrointestinal effects, however, did not compare the workers with
appropriate controls.
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Several animal studies provide evidence that Cr(VI), after oral exposure, is a
developmental toxicant in rats and mice [ATSDR 2000]. Adverse
developmental effects in animals include greater incidence of post-
implantation loss, decreased fetal body weight, reduced ossification, and
decreased number of live fetuses.
Genotoxic and The mechanism of chromium-induced genotoxicity is not fully understood.
Effects In one experiment, Cr(VI) plus glutathione induced DNA damage in vitro,
whereas Cr(III) with or without glutathione did not. Chromium seems to
exert its genetic effects by binding directly to DNA. It can produce stable
DNA-chromium complexes, DNA strand breaks, DNA-DNA cross links, and
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DNA-protein cross links. The active species for DNA binding seems to be the
trivalent form [De Flora, Bagnasco et al. 1990; Cohen, Kargacin et al. 1993;
Meditext 2005].
A recent clinical study reported strong DNA oxidative damage from the
urinary samples of the patient who ingested 2 to 3 grams of potassium
dichromate in a suicide attempt [Hantson, Van Caenegem et al. 2005].
Another study showed an involvement of the oxidative damage pathway in
the mechanism of toxicity of chromium in occupationally exposed individuals
[Goulart, Batoreu et al. 2005].
Erosion and discoloration of the teeth may occur with Cr(VI) compounds
exposure. In addition, papillomas of the oral cavity and larynx have been
reported in workers exposed to high air concentration of Cr(VI) [Hathaway,
Proctor et al. 1996].
Severe corneal injury may result from ocular contact with solid or
concentrated solutions of chromic acid and other Cr(VI) compound [Grant
Key Points • When inhaled, chromium compounds are respiratory tract irritants
and can cause pulmonary sensitization.
• Chronic inhalation of Cr(VI) compounds increases the risk of lung,
nasal, and sinus cancer.
• Severe dermatitis and usually painless skin ulcers can result from
contact with Cr(VI) compounds.
• Chromium compounds can be sensitizers as well as irritants.
• DHHS, EPA, WHO, and IARC have all recognized Cr(VI) as a human
• Occupational exposure to Cr(VI) compounds in a number of industries
has been associated with increased risk of respiratory system
• Latency for Cr(VI)-induced lung cancer can be greater than 20 years.
• Some studies indicated that reversible renal tubular damage can
occur after low-dose, chronic Cr(VI) exposure.
• Occupational exposure to Cr(III) does not appear to be associated
with renal effects.
• Cr(VI) compounds can cause mild to severe liver abnormalities.
• Some Cr(VI) compounds, such as potassium dichromate and
chromium trioxide, are caustic and irritating to gastrointestinal
mucosal tissue.
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A. Gastrointestinal tract.
B. Respiratory tract.
C. Cardiovascular system.
D. Central nervous system.
A. Its carcinogenicity.
B. Its irritant effect.
C. Its skin sensitizing effect.
D. Its hematopoietic toxicity.
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9. The correct answer and false statement is B. Lung cancer is not the
only cancer caused by Cr(VI) compounds. In addition to the lung
cancer, a number of epidemiological studies of workers in chromate
industries also showed significantly increased risk for nasal and sinus
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Acute Cr(VI) poisonings are often fatal regardless of the therapy used. The
average oral lethal dose of Cr(VI) in humans is 1-3 grams (Meditext 2005).
Systemic symptoms and death have occurred after external burns, with a
delay of onset of gastrointestinal symptoms of hours and days. Burns initially
resemble first and second degree burns, but extend to subcutaneous tissue
within a couple of days [Schiffl, Weidmann et al. 1982; Meditext 2005].
Signs and Chronic Exposure
Repeated skin contact with chromium dusts can lead to incapacitating
eczematous dermatitis with edema. Chromate dusts can also produce
irritation of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes, nasal ulcers and
perforations, keratitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis [Cohen and Costa 1998].
Lung cancer is the most serious long-term effect [Cohen and Costa 1998;
Lewis 2004; Meditext 2005]. Apart from the carcinogenic potential,
prolonged exposure can result in bronchitis, rhinitis, or sinusitis or the
formation of nasal mucosal polyps. Besides the lungs and intestinal tract, the
liver and kidney are often target organs for chromate toxicity [Rom 2007].
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Progress Check 10. Which of the following is the most serious long-term effect from chronic
Cr(VI) exposure?
A. Contact dermatitis.
B. Nasal septum perforation.
C. Bronchitis.
D. Lung cancer.
11. Common sites for persistent ulcers (“chrome holes”) include all of the
following sites EXCEPT
A. Finger webs.
B. Back of hands.
C. Forearms.
D. Palms of hands.
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Answers 10. The correct answer is D. Although answers A-C are characteristic
clinical findings of chronically exposed patients, lung cancer is the most
serious long-term adverse health effect.
11. The correct answer is D. Persistent ulcers (“chrome holes”) are not
found on the palm of the hands. Common sites for persistent ulcers do
include the finger webs, knuckles, back of the hands, and the
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Introduction With excessive exposure, there will be evidence of renal and hepatic
damage. Proteinuria and hematuria precede anuria and uremia.
A reduction in the FEV1: FVC ratio on spirometry may be seen after acute
irritant exposure or in workers with chromium-induced asthma.
Specialized When obtaining biologic specimens for chromium analysis, care must be
Tests taken to avoid sample contamination and chromium loss during collection,
transportation, and storage. For example, use of stainless steel utensils to
collect tissue samples might raise tissue chromium levels, as will stainless
steel grinding and homogenizing equipment. Some plastic containers contain
significant amounts of leachable chromium; therefore, specially prepared
acid-washed containers should be obtained from the laboratory.
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Values above background levels are considered potentially toxic, but levels
have not been correlated with specific physiologic effects. Chromium rapidly
clears from the blood, and measurements relate only to recent exposure.
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Key Points • Chromium can be measured in blood and urine; hair or nail analysis
has no clinical value.
• Urinary chromium excretion is a useful index of exposure in
occupational settings. However, it reflects exposure over the previous
1 or 2 days only.
Progress Check 12. To confirm chromium exposure, which of the following measurements is
the most reliable?
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Answers 12. The correct answer is A, chromium in the blood and urine. If the cause
of patient symptoms is questionable, direct biologic testing, such as
measuring the chromium level in blood, or urine, may be warranted to
confirm chromium exposure. Keep in mind, however, that chromium
rapidly clears from the blood, and measurements relate only to recent
exposure. Therefore, for patients with a known history of chronic
chromium exposure, a thorough evaluation including a complete
exposure history, a complete blood count, chest x-ray, FVC and FEV1,
urinalysis, kidney function tests, liver function tests, and
dermatological examination would be appropriate for approaching an
accurate diagnosis.
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Once the airway has been stabilized and cardiopulmonary support has been
instituted as indicated, further measures can be considered [Geller 2001].
Acute Exposure No proven antidote is available for chromium poisoning. Acute poisoning is
often fatal regardless of therapy. Treatment in cases of acute high-level
chromium exposure is usually supportive and symptomatic.
• gastrointestinal bleeding,
• hemolysis,
• coagulopathy,
• seizures, and
• pulmonary dysfunction [Geller 2001].
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If the eyes and skin are directly exposed, flush with copious amounts of
Several case reports suggest that topical ascorbic acid is effective in the
management of chromium dermatitis but this has not been confirmed in
controlled clinical trials [Bradberry and Vale 1999]. The ulcers heal in several
weeks without specific treatment.
Although normal urinary excretion is quite rapid, forced diuresis has been
Except in the lungs, only small amounts of chromium are retained several
weeks after exposure has ceased.
Dermatitis, liver and renal injury will not progress after removal from
exposure, and, in most cases, the patient will recover.
If the exposure has been to high levels or lengthy, the increased risk of lung
cancer should be discussed with the patient.
Although no reliable tests are currently available to screen patients for lung
cancer, the physician can provide advice and patient education regarding
smoking cessation, avoiding or minimizing exposure to other known
pulmonary carcinogens, and general preventive health measures.
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Progress Check 13. Which of following measures is incorrect when managing patients with
acute chromium poisoning:
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Introduction Cr(VI) compounds are widely used in the chemical industry as ingredients
and catalysts in pigments, metal plating and chemical synthesis. Cr(VI) can
also be produced when welding on stainless steel or Cr(VI)-painted surfaces.
The major health effects associated with exposure to Cr(VI) include lung
cancer, nasal septum ulcerations and perforations, skin ulcerations, and
allergic and irritant contact dermatitis.
• self care, so they can minimize further risks and avoid complications to
the extent possible and
• clinical follow up, so they understand when and why to return for
further medical attention.
Self Care Effective steps patients should be advised to take to prevent and eliminate
Clinical Follow- Patients should be advised to call if they develop any of the following
Up symptoms:
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Key Points • Patients should be advised to avoid exposures and conditions that might
further increase their risk of disease or worsen their existing condition.
• Patients should contact their physician if they develop respiratory or
gastrointestinal problems or other health changes.
Progress Check 15. Patients who have been exposed to chromium should
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Answers 15. The correct answer is D, all of the above. Patients who have been
exposed to chromium should seek clinical evaluation and treatment
without delay, learn how to avoid further exposure, and know when to
call their primary care physician.
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Chromium Please refer to the following Web resources for more information on the
Specific adverse effects of chromium, the treatment of chromium -associated
Information diseases, and management of persons exposed to chromium.
CDC-INFO (www.bt.cdc.gov/coca/800cdcinfo.asp)
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY 888-232-6348 - 24
E-mail: [email protected]
ATSDR cannot respond to questions about individual medical
cases, provide second opinions or make specific
recommendations regarding therapy. Those issues should be
addressed directly with your health care provider.
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General Please refer to the following Web resources for general information on
Environmental environmental health.
Information • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
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ATSDR Division The Division of Regional Operations fulfills the Agency's directives at
of Regional the regional level by staffing an ATSDR Regional Office within each of
Operations the 10 EPA Regional Offices.
ATSDR's Regional Offices, along with the states and territories that
they cover as well as contact information, can be found at:
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Introduction ATSDR seeks feedback on this course so we can asses its usefulness and
effectiveness. We ask you to complete the assessment questionnaire online
for this purpose.
In addition, if you complete the assessment and posttest online, you can
receive continuing education credits as follows.
Credits Offered
Accreditation The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is accredited by the
Council for Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide
Continuing continuing medical education for physicians. The Centers for Disease Control
Medical Education and Prevention designates this educational activity for a maximum of 2.0
(ACCME) AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim credit
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
American Nurses The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is accredited as a provider of
Credentialing Continuing Nursing Education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's
Center (ANCC), Commission on Accreditation. This activity provides 2.0 contact hours.
Commission on
National The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a designated provider of
Commission for continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the
Health Education National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is
Credentialing, a designated event for the CHES to receive 2.0 Category I contact hours in
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International The CDC has been approved as an Authorized Provider by the International
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CDC/ATSDR, our planners, and the presenters for this seminar do not have
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You can immediately print your continuing education certificate from your
personal transcript online. No fees are charged.
Posttest 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Due to the actions of gastric acid and other components within the
gastrointestinal tract, most of ingested Cr(VI) dosage is converted to
B. Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III) in the lower respiratory tract.
C. Absorption of Cr(VI) compounds can not occur through intact skin.
D. The general population is exposed most often by ingestion through
chromium content in soil, food, and water.
A. 50 g/L.
B. 100 g/L.
C. 500 g/L.
D. None of the above.
A. Lung.
B. Kidneys.
C. Muscle.
D. Liver.
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7. Dermal signs of chromium exposure may include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Pancreatitis.
B. Nasal mucosal irritation.
C. Chromium-induced asthma.
D. Lung cancer.
12. Patients who have been exposed to chromium should contact their physician
if they develop all of the following EXCEPT
A. Respiratory problems.
B. Yellowing of teeth.
C. Altered sense of smell.
D. Difficulty sleeping.
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To review content relevant to the posttest questions, see
Question Location of Relevant Content
1 What is chromium?
2 Where is chromium found?
3 What are the routes of exposure to chromium?
4 What are the standards and regulations for chromium exposure?
5 What is the biologic fate of chromium in the body?
6 What is the biologic fate of chromium in the body?
7 What are the physiologic effects of chromium?
8 What are the physiologic effects of chromium?
9 Clinical assessment - history, signs and symptoms
10 Clinical assessment - laboratory tests
11 How should patients exposed to chromium be treated and managed?
12 What instructions should be given to patients?
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Literature Cited
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