Using The ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service With The JRC ECDIS - JAN-7201/9201

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Using the ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service

with the JRC ECDIS –

This guide is based on JRC ECDIS – JAN-7201/9201 Version 01.20.026

The guide should be used in conjunction with the AVCS User Guide, as well as the ECDIS Operators
Manual or other documentations as supplied by the equipment manufacturer

Version 1
JRC JAN 7201/9201

1 Data Management 3

2 The User Permit Number 5

3 The Public Key 6

4 Deleting ENC Permits and Data 7

5 Installing ENC Permits 9

6 Installing AVCS DVDs 10

7 Installing AVCS Base CDs 12

8 Installing AVCS Update CD 14

9 Installing Exchange Set using USB media 16

10 Viewing an ENC 18

11 Installing AIO CD 21

12 Using the AIO 23

13 System Checks 25

14 Troubleshooting 28

UKHO 2018 All Rights Reserved

The copyright in this document, which contains information of a proprietary nature, is vested in UKHO. The
content of this document may not be used for purposes other than that for which it has been supplied and
may not be reproduced, either wholly or in part, in any way whatsoever.
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1 Data Management
All electronic navigational charts (ENCs) licensing and data management operations are carried out through the Chart
Maintenance window.

To access to Chart Maintenance:

• Go to Task Menu and click Chart Maintenance.

• Go to Menu then click down button to page 2 and click Chart Maintenance.
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To check ECDIS Software Version and Presentation Library (PL) Edition:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click down button to page 2 and click Maintenance.
3. Click System.
4. Go to Software tab and check the Maintenance No. (ECDIS Software) and Presentation Library
version. Click Save to USB Device to save the information into USB media.

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2 The User Permit Number

The ‘User Permit Number’ is a 28 character alphanumeric string that is unique to each ECDIS installation or group of
ECDIS, e.g. multiple bridge installations. The ‘User Permit Number’ should have been supplied at the time of delivery
and must be used when ordering an AVCS licence.

To check the User Permit Number:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click down button to page 2 and click Maintenance.
3. Click System.
4. Go to H/W Key tab and check the S-63 Information User Permit. Click Save to USB Device to save the
information into USB media.

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3 The Public Key

The Admiralty Vector Chart Service currently uses the IHO.CRT, issued by the International Hydrographic
Organization, to authenticate its AVCS ENCs. The IHO Public Key is included in all AVCS media.

To install the IHO Public Key:

1. Insert AVCS CD or DVD media then go to Task Menu and click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Check Status.
3. At SA Certificate section, click Load new SA certificate.
4. Select the CD/DVD media drive and ensure IHO.CRT file name appear then click OK.
5. Once it is installed, system will display ‘Completed SA certificate file import’. Close the window to end. View the
log details at Log tab.

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4 Deleting ENC Permits and Data

New AVCS customers who had previously subscribed to other ENC services are required to remove (purge) all ENC
Permits and data from the system before installing AVCS.

Note: Do not delete AA Cells

To check settings before deleting ENC Permits and Data.

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click down button to page 2 and click Settings.
3. Click Chart then select AUTO Accepting S-57 Updated Chart and S-63 Cell Permit and Chart option.

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To delete all or required ENCs Permit and data from the system:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Chart Maintenance.

2. Click Check Status.
3. Select ENC and view the installed ENCs at Status List tab.
4. Select all or individual ENCs by ticking the selection box beside the Cell Name.
5. Click Delete to remove selected ENCs.
6. System will prompt ‘Are you sure you want to delete selected chart(s) and licence(s)?. Click OK to remove them.
7. Once the deletion is completed, view the log details at Log tab.


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5 Installing ENC Permits

Note: Ensure the correct Permit is installed into the ECDIS workstation.

To install AVCS ENC Permits including AIO PERMIT:

1. Insert the CD/USB Stick Media containing PERMIT.TXT and go to Task Menu and click Chart
2. Click Import/Update License file.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to the folder that stored the PERMIT.TXT then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to install permit. Check the log details and close the window to end.


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6 Installing AVCS DVDs

There are currently 2 AVCS DVD Media. AVCS DVD Media contain all the latest Base and Update data. It is likely that
users will need to install both DVDs in order to load all licensed ENCs. Reference to the Schedule A can avoid the
unnecessary loading of both DVDs and save the user time.

The process described here should be used in almost all circumstances as it will automatically select data to be
loaded according to the permit file installed by the user.

Note: Ensure the latest permits have been installed before attempting to install any data.

To install AVCS DVD Media:

1. Insert the latest AVCS DVD Media and go to Task Menu then click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Import/Update charts.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to CD/DVD Drive then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to start the chart installation.
6. System will prompt ‘Do you import/update ALL charts?’. Click ALL to load all updates.
7. Once the chart installation is completed, system will prompt ‘Do you continue import charts?. Click Yes to
install the next AVCS DVD media or No to end the installation. View the log details.


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7 Installing AVCS Base CDs

There are currently 9 AVCS Base CDs but this number will grow as more ENCs become available for distribution
within AVCS. It is unlikely that users will need to install all of the CDs in order to load all licensed ENCs. Reference to
the Schedule A can avoid the unnecessary loading of some CDs and save the user time.

The process described here should be used in almost all circumstances as it will automatically select data to be
loaded according to the permit file installed by the user.

Note: Ensure the latest permits have been installed before attempting to install any data.

To install AVCS Base CD(s) Media:

1. Insert the latest AVCS Base CD Media and go to Task Menu then click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Import/Update charts.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to CD/DVD Drive then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to start the chart installation.
6. System will prompt ‘Do you import/update ALL charts?’. Click ALL to load all updates.
7. Once the chart installation is completed, system will prompt ‘Do you continue import charts?. Click Yes to
install the next AVCS Base CD media or No to end the installation. View the log details.


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8 Installing AVCS Update CD

The AVCS update disc will indicate which Base disc week must have been installed. It is important that users do not
attempt to load an Update CD that is not consistent with the Base CDs

Note: Check the AVCS Update CD for the required Base CDs to be applied first.

To install AVCS Update CD Media:

1. Insert the latest AVCS Update CD Media and go to Task Menu then click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Import/Update charts.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to CD/DVD Drive then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to start the chart installation.
6. System will prompt ‘Do you import/update ALL charts?’. Click ALL to load all updates.
7. Once the chart installation is completed, system will prompt ‘Do you continue import charts?. Click Yes to
install the next AVCS Base CD media or No to end the installation. View the log details.


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9 Installing Exchange Set Using USB Media

The exchange set contained the latest Notices to Mariners’ corrections, New Editions and New Charts issued since
the last update for their AVCS holdings. The exchange set can be downloaded using online chart updating software.

To create AVCS/AIO Exchange Set into Virus Free USB Media:

1. Save ENC_ROOT, INFO and SERIAL.ENC or SERIAL.AIO into root directory of an empty USB Stick Media.
2. Optional - Copy IHO.CRT and IHO.PUB from AVCS DVD/CD Media.
3. Carry out Virus Scan on USB Stick Media after copying the Exchange Set.

ENC Exchange Set AIO Exchange Set

To install AVCS/AIO Exchange Set using USB Media:

1. Insert the USB Stick Media containing the AVCS/AIO Exchange Set then click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Import/Update charts.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to Generic Flash Disk then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to start the chart installation.
6. System will prompt ‘Do you import/update ALL charts?’. Click ALL to load all updates.
7. Once the chart installation is completed, system will prompt ‘Do you continue import charts?. Click Yes to
install the next AVCS Base CD media or No to end the installation. View the log details.

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10 Viewing an ENC
To setup Chart Display Settings:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click View.
3. Click Options.
4. Change the Chart Display Settings at Chart Common (2 pages of options) and Chart View (3 pages
of options) – Select Chart Type S-57 option.

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To view ENC data:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click Chart.
3. Click Select S-57 to view installed ENCs.
4. At Select Chart window, select ENC name to view and click OK.
5. Once the ENC is open, right click the mouse on the ENC object to view and click on Readout chart information… to
view chart information.
6. At Chart Information window, view the ENC information at Object and Chart Legend tab.

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11 Installing AIO CD
Note: Ensure the latest AVCS Permit including AIO have been installed before attempting to install any data

To install AIO CD Media:

1. Insert the latest AIO CD Media and go to Task Menu then click Chart Maintenance.
2. Click Import/Update charts.
3. Click ENC option.
4. Click Browse to CD/DVD Drive then click OK.
5. Click Automatically to start the chart installation.
6. System will prompt ‘Do you import/update ALL charts?’. Click ALL to load all updates.
7. Once the chart installation is completed, system will prompt ‘Do you continue import charts?. Click Yes to
install the next AVCS Base CD media or No to end the installation. View the log details.


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12 Using the AIO

To enable AIO data:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click View.
3. Click Options.
4. Click AIO then select All AIO Objects option to enable all types of AIO objects.

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To view AIO data:

1. At Main display, right click the mouse on the AIO Object then click Readout chart information….
2. At Chart Information window, view the Object tab.
3. Click on Preliminary Notice or Temporary Notice where UKHO has published an AIO Notice.
4. At Attribute window, view AIO information such as ENC Affected, Supporting Textual information and attached Text or
Picture File Reference.

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13 Systems Checks
The user has the option to review the status of all installed ENCs from within the Chart Maintenance dialog as follows:

To generate the installed charts status report:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Go to Menu then click Chart
3. Click down button to page 2 and click ENC Update.
4. User can view ENC Status at Information, Summary and Status Report tab.
5. User can click Route Filter option and select Route file to filter the required ENCs status for their intended voyage on
ENC update report

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To capture the ECDIS Main Display:

1. Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring (ECDIS).

2. Click Camera icon at left side Toolbar.
3. At System window, click OK to end.

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To export the Capture Screen into USB Media:

1. Insert the virus free USB Media and Go to Task Menu and click Route Planning Route Monitoring
2. Go to Menu then click Tools.
3. Click File Manager.
4. At File Manager window, select Type: Screen Shot (User) then browse to USB media drive at right column.
5. Select Folder name (YYMMDDxxxxx) and select the screenshots.
6. Click Copy >> to copy image into USB Media.
7. Click Close to end and take out the USB Media.


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14 Troubleshooting
Many of the difficulties that could be experienced when using the Admiralty Vector Chart Service with this system can be
avoided by carefully following the instructions in this guide. However, issues that are known to have caused confusion in
the past are detailed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section which can be found at:

If you encounter problems that are not solved by referring to the FAQs, you may wish to seek Technical Support. Please see
the section below for contact details.

Who should you contact?

You will receive the most effective support if you address your initial query to either the Manufacturer of your ECDIS equipment
or the Chart Agent you obtain your AVCS charts from, but in certain circumstances you may need to contact the UKHO
Customer Services.

Problem Contact
Hardware problems: difficulties with the keyboard, mouse, display or main ECDIS Manufacturer
system console, failure of a floppy disk or CD drive.
Software problems: difficulties with configuring or using the ECDIS system
software, interfacing problems.
Chart installation problems: problems with installing certificates, permits and Admiralty Chart Agent
AVCS ENCs, standard error codes displayed (see AVCS User Guide).
Chart content problems: display anomalies or mismatched data displays.
Problems that have not been resolved by your Admiralty Chart Agent. UKHO Customer Services

When reporting a chart related problem it is useful if you can provide the following details :

> Licence number

> Vessel name
> ECDIS/Software Manufacturer
> ECDIS software version
> Details of error message – Including ‘SSE’ error code
> Screen shot(s) of error
> Details of Base CD or DVD Discs used (week)
> Details of Update CD used (week)
> Details of Permits used (week)
> Details of Cell number(s) errors apply to
> Have there been any configuration changes to system(s)
> Details of User Permit(s) and PIN Number(s)
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Emergency Chart Permit Generation

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for a vessel to get access to an AVCS chart at very short notice, for
instance if a route needs to be diverted due to a medical or safety emergency.

In these emergency circumstances only, individual AVCS ENC Permits can be obtained from the UKHO 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.

To obtain an AVCS emergency permit please quote:

 Vessel Name

 ECDIS User Permit Number

 Required ENC(s)

These permits can be transmitted direct to the vessel by email wherever possible or by simply reading the characters out
over the telephone or radio.

Support Hours: 0600-2200 Monday -Friday Telephone: +44 (0)1823 484444

Email: [email protected]

Contact: UKHO Customer Services



We hope this User Guide assists you in using the ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service with this system. If you have any
feedback on the content of this particular guide, or the online FAQs, please forward your comments to your ADMIRALTY
Chart Agent or directly to UKHO Customer Services.

About us Serving users worldwide

Our world-leading location based information is available

The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office is a leading
through ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions to users
provider of global marine geospatial data. worldwide.
We help to inform maritime decision-making for For more information, contact our global network of
navigation, infrastructure development and the ADMIRALTY Chart Agents. Alternatively, contact our
management of marine resources. customer service team.

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