Student Handbook Primer

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Introduction Welcome

Dear Parent/Guardian and Pupil, Welcome to EULALIO N. ADRIANO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Your new home of leanings.
This handbook was designed to help you better
understand the most and common concern of parents and
The competent teachers and staff:
pupils. Rules, policies and guidelines stated in this book was
formulated for the welfare and development of the pupils. This Mrs. Edilaida P. Piado --- Kinder Teacher
is your handy reference for vital information and the do’s and Mr. Armando G. Valcos --- Grade I-Masunurin
don’ts of the school. Mrs. Emelita S. Merez --- Grade I-Matiyaga
Mrs. Digna F. Talampas --- Grade II-Sampaguita
The teachers and school administrator continues to Ms. Olivia Joy C. Perez --- Grade II-Rose
encourage your active participation and involvement in your Mrs. Jenny B. Beley --- Grade III-Narra
child's education. A strong partnership between home and Mrs. Gloria DR. Pangilinan --- Grade IV-Rizal
school can significantly promote your child knowledge, skills Mrs. Kay Jean S. Bulaclac --- Grade IV-Mabini
and attitudes as they grow and mature. Mr. Dennis M. De Guzman --- Grade V-Marcos
Mrs. Felicisima M. Gregorio --- Grade VI-Earth
Please feel free to see and visit us anytime, we can be Mrs. Marife P. Bolivar --- Grade VI-Venus
of service to you. We are always willing to assist you. Mrs. Ellaine Esper C. Domingo --- Subject Teacher
Mrs. Elenita R. San Jose --- School Principal
Very truly yours,

ENAES The supportive School Governing Council:

Teaching Force
Mrs. Felicisima M. Gregorio --- Pres. Teachers Club
Mrs. Lorena L. Ventura --- Pres. FPTA
Hon. Reynaldo R. Perpetua --- Brgy.Captain

As, always . . . . . at your service!!!!

Major Program:

School Vision and Mission: Preschool Education or Early Childhood Education:

Vision Focus of the Curriculum: The Early childhood Education (ECE)

Learning Areas include activities that develop in each child
communication skills in English and Filipino, numeracy skills,
sensory perceptual skills, socio-emotional skills, motor and creative
Eulalio N. Adriano Elementary School is an skills.
elementary which leads in the improvement of Filipino
children who are God loving, values centered, highly Objectives:
competitive and productive citizen.
a. To develop the child in all aspects (physical, social,
moral, spiritual, emotional and cognitive), so that he/she
may e better prepared to adjust and cope with life
Mission situations within the context of his/her experience; and
b. To maximize the child's fullest potential through a
Provide basic quality education that cultivates reading variety of carefully selected and meaningful experiences
and writing, computation and critical thinking skills, instill considering his/her interests and capabilities.
love of God and country and develop self-reliant and values
centered elementary school graduates. General Guidelines:
a. All schools are encouraged to establish public preschool
classes whenever possible to provide the early childhood
stimulation needed by children during their formative
 To mold its pupils cultural and moral values imbued
with love of God through efficient instruction and b. In school where Grade I pupils have not been provided
responsive service, preschool education, the eight-week curriculum on early
 To provide training of innovation towards technology childhood experiences shall be provided.
and information, and; c. Organized preschool classes may have a minimum of 20
 To maintain an environment beneficial to social and and a maximum of 40 pupils to a class.
educational. d. A preschool teacher may be allowed to handle a
maximum of classes, one in the morning and another in
the afternoon.

Major Program:
Elementary Education I. Enrolment/Admission
1. Admission:
Curriculum: K-12 Curriculum 1.1 No Filipino pupil shall be refused admission, by reason
of sex, creed, socio-economic status, racial or ethnic
Objectives: origin, political and other affiliation, in the public school
 To provide the knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes, 1.2 For preschooler, all children five years old or five on
and values essential to personal development and necessary August of every school year shall be admitted and shall
for living in, and contributing to, a developing and changing submit a birth certificate.
social milieu; 1.3 For admission to Grade I, all children who are six (6)
years old above or six before the August of school year
 To provide learning experiences which increases the
seeking enrollment on or before the start of the school
learner's awareness of, and responsive to, the changes and year, shall submit a Certificate of Live Birth with LCR,
demands of society and prepare him/her for constructive and if possible a certificate issued from the NSO.
effective involvement; 1.4 Grade II - VI shall submit Form 138-A.
 To promote and intensify the learner's knowledge of , 1.5 In case of transfer, no pupil/s admitted without Form
identification with, and love for the nation and the people to 138-A, Form 137-ACertificate of Good Moral Character
and a copy of birth certificate.
which he/she belongs; and
 To promote experiences which develop the learner's 2. Period of enrolment.
orientation to the world of work and creativity and prepare The period of enrolment for elementary shall not be later
him/her to engage in honest and gainful work. than two (2) weeks before the opening of classes.

Organization of Classes: 3. Contributions and Fees

Schools are allowed to collect authorized voluntary
a. Generally in the primary grades, one (1) teacher shall contributions, the amount and item of which shall be
handle all the subjects in one class with a maximum of announced to the field through DepED issuances. These
56 pupils. contributions, however, shall be on a voluntary basis and are
b. In the intermediate grades, the departmental system may not a requirement for admission:
be adopted following a 5:4 or 3:2 plan ratio of teachers
 Identification fee (ID)
to classes.
 Boy Scout of the Phil. Membership Fee
c. No teacher shall have a load of more than 360 minutes
of actual teaching per day  Girl Scout of the Phil. Membership Fee
d. The maximum daily contact time shall be 240/270  Philippine National Red Cross Membership Fee
minutes for Grade I, 310 minutes for Gr. II, 360 minutes  United Way
for Gr. III-VI  School Publication Fee
 School Organization Fee
 Anti-TB
 Mental Health

4. Parent-Teacher-Community Associations (PTCA)
1.3 Achievement/Rating Measures
Parent-Teacher-Community Associations (PTCA)
 Quizzes
are authorized to collect an annual PTA or PTCA fee in
an amount to be determined by the PTA or PTCA  Recitations
members themselves at a meeting called for the  Homework
purpose; provided such collections are made on a  Themes/Projects
voluntary basis, are not required for admission or  Periodical Test
transfer purposes, and are collected by PTCA  Behavior Observations, Character
representatives and not by the teachers. Prior to Education/good Manners and Right Conduct
collection, the following reports are required to be has specific indicators to be used.
submitted to the school principal:
 PTA/PTCA resolution approving the collection of 1.4 Determining/Selection of Honors
PTA fees
 Report on receipts and expenditures of PTA 1.4.1 The procedure for determining honor pupils
collected in the preceding school year. should be explained of the teachers to the parents
and students at the start of the school year to avoid
II. Rating, Promotion and Graduation questions during and after the selection.
1.1 General Policy 1.4.2 Final selection and announcement of honor
It shall be the policy of the Department to have pupils should be made not later than fifteen (a5)
a grading system which will place greater working days before the commencement exercises
emphasis on student performance: or graduation rites.
a. During the final examination in each of the
four (4) quarterly grading periods during the 1.4.3 Procedures and Guidelines
school year;
For purposes of determining honor pupils the school
b. In the last of the four (4) quarterly grading
shall organize an Honor Selection committee composed of
periods; and all teachers of the graduating class, with the principal as
c. On competitive written performance in class chairperson. A teacher with a child should refrain from
examinations, tests, quizzes, and recitations being a member of the said committee.
over other forms of measurement The committee shall use the following guidelines of
1.2 Passing and Failing Grades honor pupils:
The lowest grade that can be given to a student after a. Top honor pupils graduating from elementary
transmutation of performance shall be seventy (70) schools shall be designated first Honors and
percent. The passing grade in any given subject shall Second Honors.
b. Scholastic and character shall be based on the
be seventy five (75) percent
general averages for the current year only;
1. Imposition of Disciplinary Action
c. Selection of honor pupils be based on the
Quality Weight 1.1 School officials and teachers shall have the right
Scholastic and Character 7 to impose appropriate and reasonable
Co-curricular Activities 3 disciplinary measures in case of minor offenses
or infractions of good discipline. However, no
d. Co-Curricular activities shall be based on the quality cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be
of the candidate's participation and leadership in activities imposed or applied against any pupil.
in school government, development and projects in the 1.2 Suspension/Expulsion
community, civic activities, dramatics, etc.
e. Recognition shall also be given to children with  For first and other offenses which are
special talents, gifts and other type of intelligence not very serious in nature, a suspension
from school not to exceed three (3) days
may be authorized by the principal
1.4.4 Graduation without the prior approval of the
In line with the Department's policy on simple and Division Superintendent. However,
austere school activities all school heads, in consultation parents must be informed by the teacher
with the parents of the graduating class, are enjoined to hold or the school principal of any
simple, inexpensive but meaningful graduation rites: misconduct on the part of their children
a. Contributions for graduation may increase to not for which disciplinary action is
more than P 150.00; however, and if necessary necessary.
additional contributions may be allowed only in
consultation with the PTA.  For a persistent offender or one guilty of
b. Graduation exercises must be held in the school a serious offense, a suspension for not
grounds. more than one (1) year may be imposed
c. No extravagant special attire should be required and subject to the approval of the Division
the annual yearbook should likewise be discouraged Superintendent.
or be considered non-obligatory
d. Graduation exercises should be held only after the  Suspension for a school year or more, or
last day of classes. expulsion from school can be ordered
only by the Secretary
III. School Discipline
 In all cases of suspension, a written
2. Authority to Maintain School Discipline promise of future exemplary conduct
Every school shall maintain discipline inside the signed by the pupil and countersigned
school campus as well as outside the school by his/her parent/guardian shall be
premises when pupils are engaged in activities required as a condition for readmission
authorized by the school and must be required in the case of
suspension for more than three (3) days.
2.2.1 Following are the offenses punishable by  A pupil who incurs absences of more than twenty
suspension or expulsion depending o the seriousness of (20%) percent of the prescribed number of class or
the offense: laboratory periods during the school year should be
 Gross misconduct given a failing grade and given no credit for the
 Cheating and stealing subject. Furthermore, the school head at his/her
 Assaulting a teacher or any other school authority or discretion and in the individual case exempt a student
his agents or students who exceeds the twenty percent limit for reasons
considered valid and acceptable to the school "Such
 Smoking inside the school premises
discretion shall not excuse the student concerned
 Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property
from responsibility in keeping up with lesson
like chairs, tables, windows, books, laboratory
assignments and taking examinations where
equipment, and others
indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the
 Gambling of any sort school head, and may not be availed of by a pupil nor
 Drinking intoxicants and liquor granted by a teacher without the consent of the school
 Carrying and concealing deadly weapons head.
 Fighting, causing injury to others  Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in
 Extortion or asking money to others the morning and in the afternoon shall not be
 Using, possessing, and selling of prohibited drugs allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the parents
 Hazing in any form of or manner whether inside or of the student concerned or visit him at home.
outside the school premises
 Immorality/sexual harassment 1.3 School Uniform
 Instigating, leading or participating in concerted
activities leading to stoppage of classes  To the latest DepEd Order there shall be no
 Preventing, threatening students of faculty members prescribed uniform for public school pupil, a clean
or school authorities from discharging their duties or and simple dress is allowed. However, wearing of
from attending classes or entering school premises sandos and fashionable shorts are not allowed.
 Forging or tampering with school records or transfer
forms.  For girls wearing of sando, backless/strings straps
blouses/dresses, mini-skirts, and shorts are strictly
1.2 Attendance and Punctuality prohibited.
 Regularity of attendance and punctuality are required
in all classes. A pupil/student who has been absent or  The acceptable haircut for boys shall be at least one
has cut classes is required to present a letter of (1) inch above the collar line. No Hair coloring is
explanation from his/her parents of guardian or to also strictly imposed in the school.
bring them to school for a short conference with the
section adviser or guidance counselor as the case may  Wearing of earrings and other extravagant
be. accessories is also discouraged to all school boys.
 Attendance of pupils in special holidays, activities
relative to their religions, shall be allowed provided
permission of the school head is sought.
1.4 Students Rights and Responsibilities SUPREME PUPIL GOVERNMENT
Pupils in this school shall enjoy the following rights, subject
to limitations prescribed by the law: They deserve:
 Quality education Mayor ------ Gerarld F. Talampas
 Avail of school guidance and counseling service Vice Mayor ------ Jochelle Sibayan
 Selecting alternative fields of school work suited to Secretary ------ Jovian Wyzen P. Bolivar
their potentials Treasurer ------ Nathaniel S. Fernando
 Access to their own school records, which shall be Auditor ----- Eloisa J. Agnes
maintained and preserved in a confidential manner by Public Information- - - - Clarissa F. Frogosa
the school. Officer
 Issuance of official school certificates, diplomas, Bus. Manager - - - - - - Stephanie Margarette M.
transcripts of records, grades, transfer credentials and Evangelista
similar school documents or records Peace Officers - - - - - - Neljon Parungao
 Publish school organ ------ Khen Billy Marquez
 Expression of opinions and suggestions Muse ------ Keith Nicole Foster
Escort ------ Ivan Inducil
Rights are subject to corresponding responsibilities and
values to live by. They shall be consistent with their Representatives
responsibilities to become a person with integrity, maturity
and a high sense of responsibility. A pupil of Mayamot 1. Leandro F. Mendoza
Elementary School is: 2. Razel Kate Flores
 Attends regular classes 3. Mecaella A. Gomez
 Report to school well groomed and neatly dressed. 4. Ma. Jesusa Angelica Monique S.
 Honest and trustworthy
5. Shyryl J. Ignacio
 Respectful
6. Charish B. Yacat
 Initiative 7. Harisson T. Malapitan
 Excellent 8. Amiel Rivera
 Committed 9. Reynald Marcos
 Friendly 10. Ella Mae Barientos
 Innovative
 Keeps classroom and school premises clean and safe
 Observe the following: Ms. Jenny B. Beley
* keep chairs/desks well arranged Adviser
* keep blackboards clean
* turn off lights and wall/ceiling fans when not in use Mrs. Elenita R. San Jose
*close the windows, cabinets and door. Consultant
(At your Service)

Contents Page
President ------ Lorea L. Ventura
Vice Pres. ------ Alvin A. Gomez
Part 1: About the school ......... 2 Secretary ------ Mary Ann Santiago
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Treasurer ------ Perina DJ. Sta. Maria
School Vision & Mission ......... 4 Auditor ------ Rosita DP. Sta. Maria
Major Programs ............... 5-6 Bus Manager ---- Julieta P. Martin
Arnold Batalla
Part 2: General Guidelines ......... 8-9 Peace Officers: - - - - - - Maria Ileto
Muse ------ Hilda Malapitan
Part 3: Rating, Promotion Escort ------ Roberto Malapitan
And Graduation Policy . . . . . . . . 9 - 11

Part 4: School Discipline .......... 11 - 14 SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY

(Our Partner)

Reynaldo R. Perpetua
Brgy. Captain

Renato V. Simbulan - Public Works
Bella B. Pablo - Health & Sanitation
Sonny R. Perez - Peace & Order
Angelito N. Yacat - Transportation
Antonio G. Yacat - Education, Culture & Sports
Editha P. Cabungal - Agriculture
Matias V. Sarmiento - Finance
Secretary: Norlyn P. Domingo
Treasurer: Mariano L. De Guzman
Daycare Worker: Teresita S. Talusan

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