Fall Community News

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800 S. Taft Ave., Loveland, CO 80537 970-613-5000 Fax 970-613-5095 www.thompsonschools.

org Fall 2010

Mission Statement: Empower to learn — Challenge to achieve — Inspire to excel

Habitat for Learning

Habitat builds
relationship with district,
Geometry in Construction

abitat for Humanity is joining
the Geometry in Construction
One of last year’s two houses built
through the high school programs at
Loveland and Mountain View high
schools will be purchased by Habitat
for Humanity
Fort Collins, One of the Loveland Habitat houses in Boise Village.
and the Loveland
office is planning of the Loveland Habitat for Humanity. a Habitat neighborhood. “So that is
an extended “This partnership will expand the two more families who will be able to
relationship with Loveland Habitat’s capacity to build benefit,” Stephenson said. “Eventually,
the class and the cost-effective houses,” she said. we would like the families who benefit
school district. from the Thompson houses to be from
The Habitat house this year is being
“We are so purchased from the LHS program and the Thompson district.” Some of her
excited about the Gwen Stephenson Interfaith Hospitality Network/Angel ideas for the future are to work with
opportunity to House is purchasing the other. Title 1 families, to help a staff member Avalon Engtrom eyes the cake served
work with not only within the district, and to have teach- at the open house for her new school.
Stephenson said her organization
the classes but with the district to ers build a house. She also is excited
works closely with Angel House, which
broaden our program and perhaps about working with students from the
placed its first house purchased
assist families within the district,” said
Gwen Stephenson, executive director
through Geometry in Construction in I See HABITAT/Page 6 Ponderosa
Elementary opens!
Innovation success: Is it useful? Hundreds of families and community
members attended the ribbon-cutting
Is it awesome? Does it matter? ceremony at Ponderosa Elementary
School on Aug. 31. Susan Harding led
Sign language, the student choirs in rousing songs that
homeless issue and celebrated the new school while tours
how it affects Love- and refreshments awaited visitors inside
land, human traffick- the building. Principal Lamb Caro,
ing, music produc- Superintendent Ron Cabrera and Board
tion, music perfor- of Education member Lola Johnson
mance, Hebrew, were among the speakers at the event.
Chinese, Spanish, sus-
tainable agriculture in See more photos on Page 11
Uganda – these are a Students work on making their image
few of their favorite of a person they would later describe in
classes at the Innova- Aimee Malloy, left, and Maddie Burbach
tion School, a pilot
positive ways.
conjugate verbs.
open-source learning
approach involving “Right now, we’re what may not have
Schools send anti-hate
some 50 students giving kids an oppor- been traditionally message, actions
within the district and tunity to create their offered,” she said.
meeting at Thompson
own courses,” said “The Innovation “This is no place for hate. Pass it on.” INDEX
Valley High School. Students and staff at several secondary
Diane Lauer, director School is creating a
Monika Hardy, the of Curriculum and site where there is a schools in the Thompson School District are 2 Letter from superintendent
facilitator, calls it an Instruction for the level of student embracing the concepts behind “No Place
for Hate” in attempts to make their school
3 Seeds of Hope
adjacent school – one district. “It focuses empowerment and
that complements cultures more accepting of all students. 4 ArtSteps
around concepts and engagement in learn-
regular school. “We The national program, which puts “anti” 5 Big Thompson science lab
the knowledge they ing for themselves.” in front of actions that translate to “hate,”
are something along-
want to acquire that Hardy explained attempts to bring better understanding of 7 District’s 50th anniversary
side and within the
might not be a piece that students design students who might be considered “differ- 8 Robotics at TSD
school system, experi-
of any current course what they want to ent,” whatever that difference may be.
menting with ideas to 9 PBiS video
offerings.” Lauer said learn, gaining knowl- No Place for Hate begins with an intense
improve learning,”
that the Innovation edge from experts but interactive training for about 20-30 10 Early Childhood paras
Hardy said. It supports
School offers an they connect with students and staff who self-select or are 11 Ponderosa Elementary
the school to provide
outlet and support for locally and from approached and agree to initially participate.
learning for those who 12 iLead
students to maximize around the world. At From that step, the circle of involvement
either aren’t finding
their learning time. this point, the Innova- expands. The concepts of No Place for Hate 13 Berthoud BASH
what they want to align with the districtwide Positive Behavior
study or don’t neces- “It’s about options, tion School allows 14 Exchange students
and intervention Support (PBiS) initiative.
sarily fit in the regular not only what they 15 Student sparks compassion
classroom setting. want to learn, but I See INNOVATION/Page 3 I See HATE/Page 6
Letter from the Superintendent Asbestos
Dear Friends, is housed at Thompson Valley High respect, and tolerance. There are no
It is fascinating to observe the School. Truly, the “Innovation School” better skills to help a person be Public Notice
education of a child. If you think it is is a school without walls, open for stu- successful.
only a replication of what you and I dents in grades 6-12, using the Inter- This notice will serve to
Growing up, I recall seeing cartoons
went through when we were net as a means to pursue meet the requirements of
about the future — they seemed so
in school back in the “good learning resources, arrange the Environmental Protec-
“space-aged” at the time. Many of
ole days,” then you are wild- virtual meetings with teach- tion Agency 40 Code of
them had robot characters doing all
ly mistaken. I remind myself ers and professors across the Federal Regulations (CFR)
sorts of tasks. Little did I realize that I
that I am fortunate to have world, and design a learning Part 763.83c, Subpart E,
would live in a time where our stu-
been in public education for experience that is personal- Asbestos-Containing Mate-
dents, from elementary to high school,
over 30 years, even teaching ized to each participating rials in Schools – Manage-
are designing and building robots. The
university level classes. Yet student. Of course, such an ment Plans. This notice
Thompson School District offers an ex-
during all that time, I don’t experience is not for every hereby informs those inter-
tensive robotics program that students
think I have seen the array student as it requires a cer- ested parties that the As-
can participate in. This November the
of changes to the approach- tain amount of personal dis- bestos Management Plans,
district will again sponsor its dis-
es, topics and assessments cipline; however, it is a great including reinspections
trictwide robotics exposition. Students
for learning that I have seen way to connect with an and response action activi-
will be demonstrating various robot
during the past five years. Ron Cabrera individual learning passion. ties that are planned or are
designs and maneuvers and participat-
Let me introduce you to a Success in the 21st centu- in progress for Thompson
ing in robotic competitions where the
few things that energize me when I see ry requires many types of skills, includ- School District R2-J, are
robots are manipulated through de-
children learning in our schools. ing that of understanding and toler- available for review be-
tailed routines. I invite you to come
When you think of the 21st century, ance. It is a big-picture approach that tween the hours of 8 a.m.
and see the creativity, innovation, and
you think of computers, the Internet will allow our students to engage effec- and 4 p.m. at the district’s
enthusiasm in action.
and every variation of technological tively with every type of person they Facilities Services office lo-
communication you can imagine. Most encounter either in our local commu- Yes, this is not an old-fashion educa- cated at 255 South Cleve-
school districts have a hard time har- tion anymore. The Thompson School land, Loveland, CO 80537.
nity or across the ocean. To that end, I
nessing these types of communication am pleased to report that some District provides an education for to-
Questions and/or re-
and learning tools because they were day — the 21st century. I hope you will
schools have initiated a “No Place quests to review plans or
not established with those tools in come visit our schools and see our fu-
for Hate” program. In fact, Walt receive a copy of a school
mind. However, I am proud to say that Clark Middle School was the first ture taking shape.
plan can be directed to
the Thompson School District has Thompson School District secondary Brian Erickson, director of
moved into the 21st century. All of our school to take on this anti-bullying, Sincerely, Facilities Services, or Trudy
schools utilize a variety of technology: anti-hate program. While it might Trimbath, environmental
technological “smart” boards, iPods, come across as a safety program — specialist, by calling
computers (of all types), and the Inter- and it does make the school climate 970-613-5350. The cost of
net. Likely our most cutting edge ven- calmer and safer — “No Place for Ron Cabrera, Ph.D. copies will be paid by the
ture is the “Innovation School” which Hate” is really about understanding, Superintendent requestor.

groups and many other means of da- the future brings in such areas as

Into ta collection and interaction during

the past year.
support, funding and new technolo-
gies. However, the teams do their

the Future
To help cull through the data, best to describe parameters that will
reports and team input, a team of embrace those unknown factors,
staff, students and community Skupa said.
members known as the Strategic Those draft actions and strategies
mary goals into objectives, strategies Plan Operating Team (SPOT) was were taken to the Thompson School
Vision 2020 leads and actions with input to and from formed. In August, teams represent- District Board of Education for dis-
ing the five goals and their objectives cussion and initial approval in
district into future constituents.
“It has been a long process, but we created strategies and then in October. The next phase in Novem-
feel we are receiving rich feedback to October, they created actions for ber is to enlist feedback and input
provide more depth to our final prod- how to bring the strategies to to finely tune those strategies and
uct,” said Deputy Superintendent life. actions with stakeholders. A final
Setting the course and direction One of the difficulties in looking version of the plan should be
Judy Skupa. “We are excited about
for the next 10 years at Thompson the many levels of input we have had ahead 10 years is not knowing what prepared by January.
School District continues through from our staff, students and commu-
the fall with a final Vision 2020 prod- nity.”
uct anticipated after the beginning of “We are excited about the many levels
The five goals – robust learning, eq-
2011. uity in access, responsible steward- of input we have had from our staff,
Teams composed of staff, students ship, healthy constituent relation- students and community.”
and community members have spent ships, and culture of excellence – re-
the past few months breaking the pri- sulted from interviews, surveys, focus — Deputy Superintendent Judy Skupa

Empower to learn, Thompson School District website: ment includes a prohibition against harassment based
Challenge to achieve, www.thompsonschools.org on race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender,
Inspire to excel This publication is a project of the Thompson sexual orientation, disability, marital status or veteran
Fall 2010

School District, 800 S. Taft Ave., Loveland, CO 80537. status. For information regarding civil rights or
Our mission, our direction, All editorial content is provided by the Thompson grievance procedures, contact the Department of
our schools School District. Advertising sales and revenue are Human Resources, 2890 N. Monroe Ave., Loveland,
generated and gathered by the Loveland Reporter- CO 80538 (mailing address) or 800 S. Taft Ave.,
Dear Readers: Herald. Loveland, CO 80537 (physical address), 970-613-
This fall 2010 issue of the Thomp- Editor and Writer: Melissa Adams, Communication 5000, or the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department
son School District Community & Community Resources, Thompson School District of Education, Region VIII, Federal Office Building,
TSD Community News

News represents our mission state- Assistant Editor/Proofreader: Debbie Wright, 1244 N. Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204,
ment: Empower to learn, Challenge Thompson School District 303-844-5695.
to achieve, Inspire to excel. The Photography: Melissa Adams, Thompson School The Fall 2010 Thompson School District Communi-
stories only reflect a small picture of District, and contributions by staff and parents ty News is published by the Loveland Reporter-Herald
the many collaborative learning
experiences that are taking place in Page Design: Jade Cody and Jennifer Lehman, on behalf of the Thompson School District. Contents
our schools and out in the communi- Loveland Reporter-Herald are copyrighted by the Loveland Reporter-Herald and
ty. We hope you enjoy seeing just a Thompson School District is an equal opportunity the Thompson School District. All rights reserved.
snapshot of the great things that are educational institution and will not discriminate on Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content,
happening in the Thompson School the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, in part or in whole, without express written permis-
District. gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or sion is prohibited. Neither the Loveland Reporter-
veteran status in its activities, programs or employ- Herald nor the Thompson School District assumes
Melissa Adams ment practices. The prohibition against sexual harass- any liability for errors or omissions.

Seeds of Hope
Every Child Plants a Seed tor of community outreach for HPEC, began
conversations a few years ago during a book study
helps students learn about with K-12 teachers and support staff. The book
was “Last Child in the Woods” by Richard Louv,
community gardening which focuses on the importance of getting kids
out in nature.

hat started as a book study about native “We started with a pilot last year with two
cultures evolved into a partnership and schools where the students would harvest seeds
opportunity for 215 3rd and 4th graders from pumpkins, then plant them in the spring and
to reap and sow the benefits of a community harvest the pumpkins again in the fall,” Lanting
garden. said. The pumpkins were tagged for the students
Students from Monroe, Mary Blair and Big so they could find them this year.
Thompson elementary schools spent part of a day So this year, last year’s 3rd graders arrived as
planting, harvesting and learning about how a 4th graders to find their grown pumpkins while
community garden helps others in the community the 3rd graders proceeded to harvest the seeds
and how Native Americans revere the land and its from one selected pumpkin for each class. The
bounty. activity demonstrates the cycle of planting, one
“Every Child Plants a Seed” is a partnership that students begin learning in 3rd grade. “And in
between the Thompson School District and the 3rd grade they also begin to learn about the plains
High Plains Environmental Center (HPEC). Indians,” she said. Monroe students Mckenna Remas and
Jan Lanting, elementary science coordinator for Maddison Rozeski and teacher Paulette
Thompson School District, and Sarah Fox, direc- I See SEEDS/Page 6 Phillips select a pumpkin.

INNOVATION Q&A with Monika Hardy of

From Page 1

students to replace a required course, an elec-

Innovation School at TVHS
tive within a required course, or an elective
through their designed course. Following are some interview questions asked students and mentors do as they work on their
of Monika Hardy by Melissa Adams about the participatory action research (PAR) projects. Dr.
Some students thrive in a traditional setting,
Innovation School at Thompson Valley High James Folkestad (Colorado State University)
some don’t – they want more or want it differ-
School. Some 50 students are involved in taking analyzes these logs using Activity System Network
ent, Hardy said – and a constantly changing so-
courses. Analysis (ASNA). ASNA maps "slices" of action
ciety is forcing us to change how we do things,
MA: Explain what the Innovation School is: taken from the stream of ongoing activity. These
focusing less on a fixed content and more on a
MH: An incubator, a hatchery, a place to experi- ASNA maps are used to evaluate student mental
process of knowing what to do when you don’t
ment with ways to create indispensable learn- maps for progression (evaluating Activity System
know what to do, which means students know
ers/doers. A place where the learner can own the map structure) and for direct comparison to the
how to get started in seeking the information
learning and question all assumptions about how maps of their expert tutors/practitioners.
that might answer their questions or help solve
their problem. “This process will be like a detox we think we’re supposed to learn. This is the most We hope to learn how the ASNA method can
for most as they wean themselves from being incredible time to be learning. With Web access, bring understanding to contextual-based learning
fed to taking ownership of their learning. Steps anyone can learn whatever they want with that is being used within the Innovation Lab PAR
we are experimenting with are: notice, dream, whomever they want. We are seeking that oppor- projects.
connect, do. We need to continually and re- tunity for everyone. (Virtual visit to the lab on MA: How have parents responded?
spectfully question all assumptions.” Facebook: tsd innovation lab)
MA: What are the different ways students com- MH: Most want to join in. Some are as expert
Lauren Mickelson is taking Spanish III and IV tutors. As a parent, it’s scary – trying new things
municate with experts and students around the
and values the opportunity afforded her seems risky, especially when it’s your child. We
through the Innovation School. “I like the free- believe the risk is in playing it safe, keeping with
dom in the way I get to learn and to apply,” she MH: Local experts have come into the class and
students go out into other schools. Around the the status quo. Parents who understand what
said. But she acknowledged it isn’t necessarily we’re doing are loving it because in its true form,
for everyone or applicable for every class at world via Skype, Twitter, Facebook (tsd innovation
lab, tsd innovation global connections, etc.) and the Web is allowing personalization (to experts
school. “You really have to be self-motivated,” and content). This is very difficult for a teacher of
she said. Kaity Holsapple, who is taking Spanish blogs.
MA: Who can participate? 100-200 kids to provide.
II, said she learns better this way. “I can move MA: How are other teachers responding?
at my own pace – it’s the freedom to learn what MH: Students showing an ongoing: 1) Passion/
you want to learn your own way.” desire to learn their given topic of choice; 2) Pas- MH: Some are very supportive, wanting a piece
Hardy sees buy-in to these new approaches sion/desire to gift back what they learn to their of the action. The premise is that everyone can be
being taken incrementally. “We see school as it community. doing what they want to be doing, following their
was when we were young and this model goes MA: How many are participating? Are they all passion, that includes teachers, parents, commu-
against our cultural traditions. It’s not wrong – from high school grade levels? nity members and students. Some are wondering
we have wonderful teachers and great courses. MH: There are about 50 in the lab now. Most what the heck we are doing. This is a tenuous
This is about choice,” she said. “We open the are high school – but some elementary and mid- time, but that is precisely why we are doing it. We
walls, we place a focus on the student’s desire dle school. That’s about 0.4% of our district. don’t believe that online or charter is the way to
Fall 2010

for learning, on their dreams and passions. It MA: What type of student is attracted to this go. We think we make change happen best for ev-
might not work for everyone,” she said. “We’re approach? eryone’s benefit within the public school system –
not asking for anything to go away, we just MH: 1) Some who are currently self-motivated; that’s where the incredible teachers already exist.
want a place to hatch new ideas.” 2) Some who want to learn a subject that isn’t We are already doing incredible things. We’re
currently offered; 3) Some who don’t fit into our seeking some freedoms. Currently, too many
When asked how these directions meet with
current practices of school; and 4) Students that teachers’ hands are tied. Their expertise is being
college expectations, she said, “Our kids are
are currently in college, teachers, parents, 60 compromised by the system.
TSD Community News

actually talking to college students or profes-

sors who are learning and teaching this way.” year olds... MA: How will this move forward from a pilot?
Some of the people at the forefront of open- MA: How are you meeting the needs of the MH: Our goal is to scale student
source learning are from major universities. students in the program? owned/led/created learning experiences.
So how do these innovative students demon- MH: Facilitating connections to people and
MA: To you, what is exciting about what you see
strate their success in their self-designed class- content needed to pursue their chosen topic,
in student progress?
es? Hardy said there are several ways in which getting out of their way (Ted Talk by Sugata
Mitra) so that they can experience ownership. MH: Students owning their learning, speaking
she assesses student success: the sources they passionately about what they are doing (see
work with, the progress they have made, pro- MA: Are students taking one class or all of their
classes? videos on Facebook: tsd innovation lab).
jects they complete, presentations, sharing of
new information and more. She cited one ex- MH: Most are just doing one class, some are MA: How do you deal with Internet security?
pert who talks about the “usefulness” of stud- doing more. MH: It's showing kids how to live online (which
ies and research, then said, “We had one stu- MA: How is their success measured? they already do) in more safe, ethical, effective,
dent say it this way: ‘Does it matter and is it MH: We are logging (documenting) what the educational and meaningful ways.

awesome?’ I think that sums it up,” she said.

Ar tSteps
“Anything that helps inspire
kids to paint or be involved in
the arts is great, and it is in-
spiring to see how kids are so
into this,” Moore said.
Audrie Mergelman, art
near wildflowers or trees. teacher at Mary Blair and Big
Mini Monets Every painting reflected the Thompson elementary
schools, helped students reg-
paint plein air at young artist’s view in the
project called “Mini Monets.” ister at Mountain View High
Fairgrounds Park Jenni Dobson, youth activi- School prior to the event. The
excitement two days before
ties coordinator for the muse-
Neither gray, nor cold, nor um, said 110 students origi- the event was evident as stu-
the drizzle of Sept. 18 kept nally registered, but a few dents gathered in school/
102 students from their plein couldn’t make it. The rest of teacher groups. “It gives kids
air painting at Fairgrounds the troopers representing who are gifted in art a chance Namaqua Elementary student Makenzi Gupton shows
Park as part of the biennial most of the schools in the to work with professional her painting.
ArtSteps community arts district spent the morning in artists. We have a huge arts
project. The event is a collabo- the cold creating their art, community and it is impor- “It’s exciting and fun to see “This is a challenge for me
rative effort by the Loveland which they later matted and tant to make that connec- all these kids out here focus- because I am usually more
Museum/Gallery and the showed during an afternoon tion.” She said the planning ing on art and nature,” said abstract,” she said. Students
Thompson School District. reception, at which time the for the biennial ArtSteps Maggie Murphy, art teacher came up to her to ask ques-
Umbrellas, blankets and lay- work was judged. The top 31 community event begins right for Sarah Milner and Truscott tions and she would work with
ers of clothes kept the young pieces were selected to be after the previous one. elementary schools. Students them, then return to her art.
artists in grades 4-12 protect- displayed at the museum “It’s a great idea,” said worked intently, some on ArtSteps annually displays
ed as they situated themselves Oct. 2-Nov. 14. Corynne Hilbert, a watercol- small chairs, some lying on work of district students in a
with easels, palettes and other Assisting with the project orist and potter. “I am their stomachs, some clus- show at the museum and at
art supplies along the banks were several local artists and amazed at the talent and gifts tered in areas around the Aims Community College in
of the Big Thompson River, eight district art teachers. these young artists have. They river, and some spread out to March in celebration of
along the bridge crossing the This was muralist John have an eye for seeing things capture a flower or tree. National Youth Art Month.
river, or nestled in the grasses Moore’s first ArtSteps project. that I’ve lost,” she said. One student who fought the ArtSteps strives to develop
rain announced that she had creativity in children, youth
“sloppy copy” to Moore, who and young adults as well as

Helping Parents Raise responded, “I like that

phrase.” The artists and
provide community apprecia-
tion for their talents.
teachers encouraged the Teachers who were involved
Healthy Smilers students and complimented
their use of contrasts and
were: Lora Patrick, Centennial
and Laurene Edmondson;
Complete Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics brilliant colors on a day when Audrie Mergelman, Mary
the gray sky can challenge Blair and Big Thompson;
Infants Thru Teens shades and contrasts. Maggie Murphy, Sarah Milner
Latest In Techno - Dentistry Even the teachers got into and Truscott; Lia Devine,
While Still Using Good Old the act. Staci Schmidt, art Thompson Valley; Susan Hunt,
Toby Derloshon,
“Nana” Technology teacher at Coyote Ridge and Cottonwood Plains and
D.D.S. & Associates B. F. Kitchen elementary Stansberry; Staci Schmidt,
Ca ll About FREE Pre-School Screenings
schools, sat on the cement un- Coyote Ridge and B. F.
Awesome 970-669-1122
97 der one of the large shelters at
Fairgrounds Park and painted
Kitchen; Tanya Miller,
Conrad Ball; and Annie
Pedodontics 2700
27 00 Madison Square Drive
a canoe that sat in the sand. McNeil, Garfield.

Mini Monet Exhibitors


Of Loveland Welcome

hirty-one of the student MIDDLE SCHOOL
art pieces created be- Daisy White, 8th grade,
came the exhibit “Mini New Vision Charter
Monets: Inspiring a New Gener- Kenyon Perkins, 6th grade,
ation of Plein Air Artists” at the Colorado Virtual Academy
Loveland Museum/Gallery Oct. Angela Rosson, 8th grade,
2-Nov. 14. The exhibit featured: Turner
Veronica Mizer, 8th grade,
New Vision Charter
Brooklyn Guinto, 5th grade, Tessa Youmans, 7th grade,
Winona New Vision Charter
Ern Bunphila, 5th grade, Courtney Ragatz, 6th grade,
B. F. Kitchen Walt Clark
Aleksya Pelissier, 5th grade, Emma Fouts, 7th grade,
Mary Blair Bill Reed
Phillip DiPentino, 4th grade, Sydney Buchheister, 7th
Big Thompson grade, Lucile Erwin
Devan Smith, 4th grade,
Centennial HIGH SCHOOL
Emma Lawrence, 5th grade, Natalie Patrick, 10th grade,
Ivy Stockwell Loveland
Haley Bradley, 5th grade, Dyrani Clark, 10th grade,
Laurene Edmondson Mountain View
Fall 2010

Sarah Baker, 5th grade, Darcey Kinchen, 9th grade,

Sarah Milner Loveland
Jake Ramos-Wilson, 5th Erin Flood, 11th grade,
grade, Winona Mountain View
Abby Franke, 4th grade, Casey Vanderheyden, 9th
Berthoud grade, Thompson Valley
Jack Walters, 5th grade, Alexis Trujillo, 10th grade,
TSD Community News

Cottonwood Plains, Loveland


Jordan Hanson, 4th grade,
Samira Abraham, 5th grade, Angela Canada Hopkins,
Arcade • Go-Karts • Laser Tag • Mini Golf • Mini Bowling • Bumper Cars • Giant Slide Van Buren Loveland
Kelsey Porter, 4th grade, Diane Roeder, Loveland
Book Your Party, Team, or School Event Winona
Jackie Smith, 4th grade,
Robin Dodge, Loveland
Corynne Hilbert, Fort Collins


Big Thompson Ann Delzell, Longmont
Angellina Inman, 5th grade, Jeannie DeMarinis,
Mary Blair Jamestown

1513 E. Mulberry, Fort Collins CO 80524 • 970-472-8000 • Visit fortfun.biz Heather Mills, 4th grade,
Big Thompson
Alicia Davies, Fort Collins
Jenifer Cline, Loveland

Grant makes science lab possible
ach elementary school has scientific tools or instruments; to fo- is Skeleton Guy – one’s the muscles
kits delivered to them each cus on one of 12 science standards and one’s the bones,” he said as he
year for their science curricu- weekly and display scientific inquiry; moved the skeleton parts.
lum, but Big Thompson Elementary and to provide daily science talks to “It’s a pretty cool place,” said his
School has a REALLY BIG kit in its improve oral vocabulary usage. So older brother Conner, a 4th grader.
science lab, thanks to a Creativity far, half of the Big T students have “It took a while to set up, but it will
Grant from the Thompson Educa- experienced the lab. Her timeline on be a lot of fun.”
tion Foundation. direction is to cover materials, ques- Anthony Pierro, a 4th grader, said
The science lab, proposed and tions and hypothesis first, then data he is anxious for the arrival of
created by teacher Butterscotch and graphs, then conclusions, rele- anoles, an American chameleon.
Culhane, is now up and running with vance and application. “I included There are weight measures, tuning
access to all students at Big T. When things that are studied at different forks, a stream table to show how
Culhane proposed the exploration levels because if the kids see some- erosion occurs, plants, a screened
environment, she taught 5th grade thing work, it makes so much more container for butterflies and cater-
and geared her proposal to 5th sense,” she said. “Being able to see pillars, solar cars, rocks and sub-
graders, but the lab is equipped with and do really lends itself to scientific stances, weather and solar system
a little something for all grades, in- inquiry.” equipment and more. “I can’t say ev-
cluding her 1st graders this year. “It will give some kids who haven’t eryone will use it, but I fully expect
“Creativity Grants are awesome,” had much science or are new to the every grade level to visit,” she said.
Culhane said. “They seek innovation school some new things about Creativity Grants are provided an-
and energize education. I had a science,” said 2nd grader Kordell nually through an application pro-
great idea and they helped me get it Culhane, who helped his mom set up cess from the Thompson Education
started.” the lab during the summer and Foundation. Culhane said the
knows every station. He walks over From the back, Butterscotch
The lab is set up in a classroom $1,000 provided the funds to get the
right off the main hallway at Big T to a small-scale skeleton that stands science lab started; it can be built Culhane, Anthony Pierro, Kordell
and it is accessible for any class. Her next to a model of the upper part of onto at the school, which has a Culhane and Connor Culhane set up
goals are three-fold: to provide some a body. “This is Mr. Cadaver and this nature and science focus. the stream table experiment.

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dren Club at LHS. Teacher
Allison Lanter, who also
went and taught there, said

It ’s A Balancing Act
Roth participated in many Lizz Roth
fundraisers benefiting a
school in Northern Uganda. ship program). She spent
“This previous year (2009- another day touring the In-
2010), we participated in visible Children company,

We can help!
the nationwide book drive. and she spent one day work-
After several months of hard ing one-on-one with a
work, we won, giving both Ugandan student. “This was
Lizz and I the opportunity her favorite day,” Lanter
to spend some time working said about Roth. “She got to Specializing in family
with the schools we’ve attend classes with the
raised money for,” Lanter students and basically live
wellness for over 10 years
said. Roth spent her two the life.” Lanter said Roth
weeks traveling Northern really seemed to enjoy her • PARENTING, SINGLE PARENTING & STEP-FAMILIES
Uganda and stopping at time. “When she attended • OPPOSITIONAL & MALADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR
each of the 11 schools sup- the school I was teaching at, • SELF CONTROL, RESPONSIBILITY & MOTIVATION
ported by the program. she really seemed to have as- • STUDY/ ACADEMIC / SOCIAL SKILLS
While there, Roth spent a similated with the Ugandan • ADHD– CHILD & ADULT
day working with a mentor students. They were just as • DEPRESSION, ANXIETY & TRAUMA- CHILD & ADULT
Fall 2010

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represent all the things that

HATE different people have to offer.

Gustafson noted that the
group that participated was
SEEDS showed the students many products made
by Native Americans and told them how
everything that comes from the earth is
From Page 1 From Page 3 alive. In introducing the Iron family, Jim
incredibly diverse in back-
grounds and interests. “Every- Tolstrup, director of HPEC, told the
Training started the first
body was listening, everybody Schools were selected based on their in- students that Native Americans developed
week of classes at Walt Clark
was engaged and everyone was terest, their school population and their most of the plants that grow in North
Middle School, supported by
Principal Martha Gustafson, supportive and worked togeth- willingness to work with HPEC. Mary Blair America – corn, pumpkins, squash,
who is in her second year as er – there were no put-downs,” and Monroe participated last year and this tomatoes and more.
principal of WCMS. “We initi- she said. year. Big Thompson found the project When Iron introduced her husband Bob
ated it at the last school I was One student, Joel, an 8th aligned perfectly with their nature and and sons Mark and Duane, who sat in front
at and of all the efforts I have grader, said he was learning science focus. of a large drum, she explained that the
tried to make an impact on and having fun. “Bullying isn’t In addition to harvesting some pump- drum was made from nature – from wood
bullying, this is the most effec- the right thing to do,” he said, kins, the students picked tomatoes,
admitting that he had bullied and animal hides. “When you hear music,
tive because it empowers the potatoes and other vegetables, which were the land wakes up,” she said as the family
whole school,” she said. “And some in his day. “We need to
take responsibility for it and
taken to the House of Neighborly Service proceeded to chant to the sounds of the
it goes hand in hand with and the Larimer County Food Bank. three men playing the drum.
PBiS.” She said the program do the right thing when we see
it happen – you don’t just Amber Lamb from HPEC told the students Lanting said the trip provides rich
offers students access points that more than 13,000 pounds of fresh
for involvement. “Once the watch.” information to the students, which
Another student, Ann, a 7th produce have been harvested. complements both their science and social
kids get involved, then it fits –
the kids need the buy-in,” she grader new to Walt Clark, said, “The community garden exists for the studies curriculum. The cost of the trip
said. “This is a great inspiration.” community and you are part of the com- was funded by individual donations last
Cheryl O’Shell, who is munity,” she said. “What we do is donate year and through HPEC this year. CanDo
Pam Duran, former equity involved with the district’s this food to people who are having a hard Colorado, which focuses on healthy
director at Boulder Valley restorative justice program as time.” She told the students that volun- lifestyle through nutrition and exercise,
School District, and Michelle well as PBiS, said she thought
Saab from Denver Public
teers help in every aspect of the garden provided the garden coordinator and some
the training was great. “The from preparing the soil to planting,
Schools provided the training. kids are very engaged and I supplies. “Sarah’s hope is that we will be
About 30 Walt Clark students watering and harvesting. When she asked able to do this for all schools, so we are
can see they are thinking of for questions, students asked more about working on some grants to try to make
self-selected or were recruited things differently. I am
to participate, including one the Food Bank and about why there are so that happen,” Lanting said. Realistically,
who had actually been bullied many bees. She threw the question about Fox hopes to add a few schools each year.
Saab, who represented the
the first few days of school, bees back at the kids who responded “to
Anti-Defamation League, “It’s such a simple lesson about where
Gustafson said. When students which is one of the sponsors of pollinate the flowers!”
food comes from in a natural setting, and I
broke into groups to work on the program, said she was also “Watching these students in nature is
projects, there was no sign think it helps students become more
impressed with the attention truly amazing,” Fox said. “There is a magic
that they didn’t feel comfort- familiar with the outdoors and what
and respect the students dis- that happens. Students see how seeds
able together. Six staff nature has to offer,” she said. “I hope that
played. grow, they cut open the pumpkins to pull
members were also initially 10 years down the road, we can say that
Once they wrapped up their out the seeds and they see the cultural
trained, Gustafson said. every student at Thompson has touched a
first training, the students connection to the Native Americans – all
Questions asked by the returned to their classes and
seed and planted one,” Fox said.
in this natural area – it’s so organic.”
facilitators during their train- delivered the messages of what The students had three stops on their The area of trails and nature surround-
ing were: Do you want to be a they learned to the school tour of the 36,000-acre agricultural area ing the community garden is open to the
leader? Do you want to be part population. “They create a between Houts and Equalizer lakes near public during daylight hours and Fox
of the solution? Their trainings common dialogue and
Centerra, which deeded the land to HPEC. encourages students and their families to
involved role playing different language that this is no place
behaviors and learning how to
One was to select a pumpkin and see how volunteer at the garden, take a hike or
for hate,” Gustafson said. Now
respond to them. The student the group meets weekly and theirs were doing; one was to harvest; and take part in the summer camps. HPEC’s
one was to visit with a Native American garden is located on a dirt road (look for
groups also created skits and supports one another. the signs) east off County Road 9 across
drew posters around the figure Shortly after, Lucile Erwin family from Fort Collins. Jan Iron, who is
Navajo, told the students how her family from the south end of Boyd Lake. For
of a student, named them, Middle School and Berthoud more information about HPEC, call
then wrote positive descriptors High School also conducted represents many tribes including the
Crow, Sioux, Arapaho and more. She 970-622-9676.
of that cardboard form to No Place for Hate trainings.


From Page 1

NEW STUDENTS district who will assist Habitat with the partnership. “I
would love to see more students become involved with
Habitat in our projects and fundraisers,” she said. “This
opportunity can leverage a lot of what we do.”
As an organization, Habitat has already latched on to
some similar school construction projects in the state that
also grew out of the LHS Geometry in Construction class.
Scott Burke, Geometry in Construction teacher at LHS,
is excited about the prospect coming to fruition. Tom
Moore, who started the program with him, is retired but
still active in the Geometry in Construction program. The
two have talked about working with Habitat for several
years. “It makes what we do become even more meaning-
ful in our community,” he said.
Fall 2010

“We are always looking for ways to benefit the communi-

Jazz • Ballet • Hip Hop • Tap ty beyond our traditional model,” Stephenson said.


• Loveland Habitat for Humanity is an affiliate of Habitat
Tap & Hip Hop for Boys
TSD Community News

for Humanity International, a nonprofit housing ministry.

• Habitat is the 8th largest home builder in the U.S.

Competition Teams • With 400,000 homes built internationally, it is the

largest home builder in the world.
• Habitat homes are not a hand-out but a hand-up. In
(970) 663-3133 order to receive a home, people must qualify, provide
sweat-equity (at least 250 hours) to build their home and
to register or for more information others, and pay a mortgage based on the cost of the home
(labor is volunteer work).
www.broadwayboundda.com • Since 1987, Loveland Habitat for Humanity has helped
over 90 Loveland families afford safe and decent homes.
• Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 by Millard
Fuller, along with his wife Linda. To date, Habitat Interna-
CLASSES FOR AGES 18 MONTHS TO 100! tional has provided more than 1.75 million people in 3,000

communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter.

It’s been
50 years
for R2-J! doubled to 6,290 students. The
1970s saw similar growth with
the student population reach-
ing 10,150 students and more
schools built. By the end of the
KATE BROWNE and Park R3. Fifty years is next decade, the student popu-
PLANNING SPECIALIST longer than any employee has lation was 11,774 and most
worked for the district. Fifty elementary schools were
years is longer than the majori- serving grades K-5. In the

t has been 50 years since an 1990s the district continued to
ty of people have been alive.
election in April 1960 that grow and switched to middle
approved the reorganiza- That reorganization gave the
new Thompson School District schools with grades 6-8 and
tion of 30 smaller school high schools with grades 9-12.
districts into three districts: the responsibility of educating
3,675 students. The number of Ten years ago, the student
Poudre R1, Thompson R2-J, enrollment was 14,020 and the
students has grown by 316
percent to 15,300 in October district had 18 elementary
2010. In 1960, there were five schools, 5 middle schools, and
elementary schools (grades 5 high schools.
K-6): Big Thompson, Garfield, In the Aug. 24, 1960, issue of
Lincoln, Washington and the Loveland Reporter-Herald,
Summit with only Big Thomp- Superintendent Retelsdorf was
son and Garfield still existing quoted as saying “…elemen-
as schools and serving district tary students who ride the bus
students today. In 1960, may be assigned to any build-
Truscott served as the junior ing in the city in order to
high school (grades 7-9) for balance enrollment.” In 2010,
Loveland; Bill Reed was the the district is still trying to find
high school for Loveland ways to best match available
(grades 10-12); and Berthoud classroom spaces with where
had a single combined school students live. The 1960 reorga-
serving grades K-12. nization was aimed at coordi-
The 1960s saw many new nating curriculum, equalizing
schools added, starting with taxes and gaining general man-
Berthoud Elementary in 1962. agement efficiencies. In 2010,
By the end of that decade, the these are still critical issues for
student population had almost the citizens of Larimer County.

Left, an advertisement from the Loveland Daily

Reporter-Herald in 1960 about the merger of 30
school districts into three.

TEF plugs into the arts

Education from UNC on Your Schedule
Arts education is so much more than painting a
picture, creating a piece of pottery, or performing a
Online • Loveland • Greeley
piece of music. Arts education helps students learn a
sense of identity, critical thinking skills, self-worth and Ô Art & Design MA—Online + Summer sessions in Greeley
confidence that will help them throughout school and Ô Natural Sciences: K–12 Teaching Emphasis MA—Online + short
their future goals. In arts education, technology contin-
ues to have a profound impact on teaching and learning. Summer sessions in Northern Colorado
Arts educators are continually confronted with the Ô Reading MA—Loveland
challenge of integrating new information and technology
into their curriculums. Ô Curriculum Studies MAT—Loveland
The Thompson Education Foundation (TEF) has Ô Special Education MA Programs: Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Gifted
determined that their upcoming fundraising focus will and Talented, and Visual Impairment—Online
Fall 2010

be on technology for arts programs throughout the

Thompson School District. This area is continuously in Ô Theatre Education MA: Theatre Education Intensive—
need of funding and is often the first area where cuts in Online + Summer
budget are considered. It is TEF’s goal to raise funds to
purchase needed technology for the arts within the sessions in Greeley
school district including, but not limited to: drawing, Ô Doctor of Education in
painting, pottery, theater, music, band, choir, photogra-
Educational Studies—
TSD Community News

phy, video production, journalism, and design.

The long-term goal in the coming years is for the Online + Short Summer
foundation to create an endowment that will help to visits in Loveland
continuously fund upgrades and replacement technology
for arts instruction in the future. Technology in the arts
provides the skills and knowledge students need to
develop the creativity and innovation necessary for
success in today’s global information age. The use of

modern technology challenges students to use creative

thinking skills to develop new ideas and be able to make
their ideas flourish. The foundation wants to plug
students into a work-ready technology experience that Visit www.unco.edu/extendedstudies
will make them competitive in future markets, whatever
@ Choose Extended Degree Programs

their plans may be. For information, call 970-613-5067.

LEGO Robotics Competition. In early September, two
Turner teams, the Spartans and Team Awesome,
began to formulate their plans for advancement.

Robotics Their journeys, however, began when students from

Berthoud’s two elementary schools fared well in
tournaments last year by moving from regional
competitions to state. All but two of this year’s
team members are 6th graders.
Turner teams compete The LEGO Robotics teams are an after-school
in LEGO robotics event group coached by Jeff Lorenzen and Kurt Worrell,
who both have sons on the teams.
Team leaders were elected by the group and then

tudents at Turner Middle School are trying to
continue a legacy started when they attended team selections were made. Tommy Lee, who
Berthoud or Ivy Stockwell elementary school. heads up Team Awesome, said he is very organized.
Or should that be a LEGOcy? “I just won an award for my organization,” he said.
“But I chose very smart people who are out of con-
By the time this story appears, Turner should trol,” he jokes. “I make a rule list and keep them Will Lorenzen, Evan Read and Alex Hepp
know if either of their LEGO Robotics teams is busy.” He also said he has a meeting during the compare notes.
heading to the state FIRST LEGO League (FLL) week at his house to plan for their school work ses-
sions, which is where the robots and materials are.
of one program,” he said. “They have 2½ minutes
This is Lee’s first year, but most of his members
to do as much as they can do,” he said.
have participated before.
Brogan Sontag, team leader of the Spartans, For the competition, the students must also do a
seemed very directed as well and was busy trying to Project Presentation where the kids have to do a
get his team together as they unpacked an extra presentation in front of judges addressing prob-
robot provided by Lorenzen. lems related to the theme of the challenge. This
Lorenzen explained that each “robot” starts as a year, that theme is biomedical engineering. In
kit, which includes electronics, drive wheels, mo- preparation, they must talk to engineers and other
tors, building parts, sensors and LEGOs. The experts, develop their problem and learn what
robots that kids in this competition group build skills best suit each team member to solve their
are not remote controlled but are operated by problem. Similar to Odyssey of the Mind, coaches
light, sound and touch sensors. “The kids have to cannot help in constructing the robot or solving
construct the robot to do an autonomous mis- problems.
sion,” Lorenzen said. The mission is played out on Lorenzen, who has coached for six years, has two
Team Awesome talks strategy, from left: a “field,” which is a table about half the size of a students who have both had an interest in robotics.
ping-pong table. “There are rules about how they Asia is a sophomore at Berthoud High School and
Conner Worrell, Kayden Roth, Tommy Lee and
do some things and they receive points for things Will is a 7th grader. “It’s interesting to watch these
Mason Schmidt. David Kerhoff has his back to done correctly. They can’t download additional pro- kids come in as 6th graders and get better and
the camera. grams – they can start and stop but have to run off better over the years,” he said.

Students get involved with robotics clubs, competitions

When Liz Rayment first them up every time they tour ended at the student
started coordinating robotics meet,” she said. competition pavilion where
activities in the district, there She and her sons Chase university students displayed
were four or five classes and Clay delivered a table to unmanned systems they
involved. Now, all the high Bill Reed Middle School designed for AUVSI’s student
schools, all of the middle where science teacher competitions.
schools and most of the Kara Quinlan will coach four “These students are ex-
elementary schools have teams. Quinlan, who came to tremely fortunate to have this
robotics teams with more the district from Poudre High experience,” said Rayment.
than 350 students participat- School, said she had coached “RoboTour for the students
ing in competitive teams, robotics there and was excit- can be one of those life-
after-school clubs and ed to have teams at BRMS. changing events where
summer camps. Hers will be an after-school students may see something
Loveland High School and club. “This offers students the that captures their imagina-
Thompson Valley High School opportunity to grow in sci- tion and drives them to a Liz Rayment and Bill Reed Middle School teacher
have had robotics programs ence and math and be part of career. We are fortunate that Kara Quinlan discuss robotics.
for several years; they build cutting-edge technology,” she our school district sees the
the larger remote-controlled said. “Robotics is everywhere value of STEM (Science, volunteer activities or lifetime school students. It is the next
robots. The elementary and – space, medicine, the auto- Technology, Engineering and service. As a Certifying step up in difficulty from FLL
middle schools start with the motive industry – it is an in- Mathematics) offerings and Organization, Action Works as the software is based on
LEGO robotics kits to create credible field where kids can has capitalized on this oppor- identifies eligible recipients, C programming language.
smaller robots. have some excellent chances tunity. In addition to the verifies their service hours, The playing/competition field
Rayment, with her husband for their college futures.” student day, I was invited to and distributes the award to is actually built by student
Ken, runs the nonprofit In August, 40 students from attend the first ever AUVSI outstanding volunteers. teams. The construction
Action Works, which supports Thompson School District Robotic Education Forum. I Robotics has something for piece is much more involved
the students in their quests to were among 200 students was thrilled to be a part of students from grade 4 up. For with a variety of construction
build robots for the regional from around the state to this outstanding event.” students in grades 4-8, FIRST materials required. The VEX
and state FIRST Robotics attend the Unmanned The Rayments reported LEGO League (FLL) publish- problems are solved on a 12-
competitions. Systems North American that at the end of the day, es challenges with real-life by-12-foot field. The problems
Action Works delivered 20 2010 Convention in Denver. when Kristal Domenico, coor- applications that teams of require both an autonomous
Fall 2010

robotics kits and 16 competi- They participated in the dinator of the STEM program students work cooperatively period and a remote control
tion tables that are loaned RoboTour event, which at Berthoud High School, to solve using robots they period. Check out www.vex
out to schools. “It is thanks to allowed the students to asked what the students build and program. These robotics.com/competition/
Woodward Governor and Intel experience the commercial thought of the tour, she got teams also have the opportu- for more information.
that we have loaner robotics side of the robotics industry. wows and thank-yous from the nity to do relevant research Contact your child’s
kits and some laptops, then The Association for Un- back of the bus. on technology that can be school for team availability.
thanks to GE Energy that we manned Vehicle Systems Thompson robotics volun- used to impact and improve For other questions, contact
TSD Community News

have the robotics tables,” International (AUVSI) teers amassed enough hours the world around them. Liz Rayment, district robotics
Rayment said. The tables were Foundation’s Youth Education last year through coaching VEX is a different robotics coordinator, at Liz.Rayment@
originally built when GE Program is designed to intro- and volunteering at the platform for middle and high action-works.org.
Energy donated materials and duce future generations of robotics events to earn the
volunteers to help build them. scientists and engineers to Presidential Service Award for 2009-2010 RESULTS
“Keep us in mind if your the world of unmanned sys- the school district. The award
company is upgrading laptops tems. Students heard a brief was presented to Superinten- Loveland High School placed 3rd in the 2010 Regional
and would like to make a presentation followed by a dent Ron Cabrera at the FIRST Robotics Competition at the University of Denver.
tax-deductible donation, even guided tour to various points Thompson Robotics Expo. Berthoud High School, with a STEM focus program, won
if the equipment is in need of in the exhibit hall where they This award is a presidential the 2010 VEX Colorado State Championship. For the
repair,” Rayment said. “One had the opportunity to see honor that recognizes the second year, the district has had a team earn a place at
of the problems at the schools actual unmanned vehicle valuable contributions of the VEX Worlds Competition: BHS placed fifth in their
is there is no space for these systems and component volunteers nationwide to division. More than 400 teams from 14 countries

tables, so the kids have to set technologies up close. The serve others through current competed at the 2010 VEX Worlds in Dallas.
Parent spearheads
video project
Stout had become a parent
Video to member of the Cottonwood
Plains PBiS team when her
help share son was still attending school
there. “Two years ago they
PBiS ideas started looking at ways to roll
out a parent piece. There was
at home no model for how to energize
parents to support PBiS, and
they are an important part of

hen Michelle Stout making it effective,” she said.
agreed to be on a So that year, she and a team
committee about of parents organized a “PBiS
something called PBiS, she at Home” night. “We are just
had no idea that she would trying to hit home the princi-
take the lead on spreading ples of PBiS K-12 in a way
the word to parents around that is relevant to families’
the district. day-to-day lives.”
She doesn’t do things Barb Long, PBiS coordina- District videographer Brian Lindecker records a lunchroom scene at Truscott
halfway. Now she is coordi- tor for the district, said the Elementary School.
nating a video to help parents meeting expectation was not
better understand the con- high at the time. “You get a video about PBiS at Cotton-
cepts of Positive Behavior and small crowds because parents wood Plains. Discussions led
intervention Support (PBiS), would rather spend time with to the district PBiS team with
including tips and ideas of their families. Michelle and Long and it became a district
how this approach can also the team of parents designed project through Thompson
be used at home. an evening that included the Schools Television. “The time
PBiS is a framework for in- families and it had a lot of and effort that goes into
dividual school communities hands-on interactive activity making a video made more
to create a system of behav- with stations to visit. Then, sense to include all schools,”
ioral expectations including 350 people showed up.” “It Stout said. Even when her
students, staff and parents. was a crazy response,” Stout son moved into middle
Every district school is using said. This year was the third school, Stout continued to
PBiS. such night and it has become work with Cottonwood Plains
a school community expecta- as well as the district team to
tion. “That response fueled begin preproduction during
the discussion into how could the summer, scheduling visits
we help give parents ideas for to different schools to Bridget Dusza and Jayde Minnis work on a project
home without showing them demonstrate how the PBiS together at the Cottonwood Plains PBiS Parent Night.
one more PowerPoint,” she system works and how it can
said. be applied in the home.
Long said having parent The recent parent night at The five stations (that and more.
participation at this level is Cottonwood Plains exempli- relate to the school’s PRIDE Stout said the interaction
major. “She’s doing a great fied some of the interactive theme) are manned by teach- opens some great lines of
job. She and another parent, projects that schools have ers. Students whose families communication because
Aviva Pflock, have really been done involving both students visited every station received some things seen at school
awesome to work with. It’s and parents. “We’re not try- a “homework pass” and a aren’t seen at home and vice
amazing how much time ing to lecture parents or tell chance to win some gifts. versa. “This way we come up
parents put in – it’s a great them what to do – we are just Families happily joined in, with ideas together, commit-
example of the district’s showing them how we do this sitting on tiny chairs and ment together, and reward
partnership with families and at school. Maybe it can help working with their children together,” she said.
Will Mosley watches as parents,” Long said. them at home, too. We try to on mini-projects that can be Each school can individual-
Stout, a small business show the belief and action at used at home that promoted
Sasha Mosley finishes a school and how it might also
ize some of its actions and ex-
owner and marketing profes- teamwork, belonging, respect pectations to achieve results
project. look at home,” Stout said.
sional, then thought of doing that the school community
has identified, so it is always
interesting to see how differ-
ent schools embrace certain
expectations, Stout said. That
is why the video will show
pieces from different schools.
“We are hoping to show how
it works at Mountain View
NTA NTI since they were the first high
DE CS school to be involved,” she
said. “It’s really about identi-
Fall 2010

fying expectations, teaching

GENERAL DENTISTRY, VISION, AND expectations, modeling
ORTHODONTICS FOR INFANTS, expectations and positively
CHILDREN AND TEENS acknowledging children’s
An example at Truscott

TSD Community News

Elementary demonstrated
respectful lunchroom behav-
ior, which can be translated
GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN STYLE! to home as well. “We just
want to offer some ideas and
hope people think about it,”
Stout said.
ASSOCIATES Her experience working
IN FAMILY EYE CARE with the Cottonwood Plains
staff as well as with the
David M. Banford, O.D. • William C. Straub, O.D.
2249 W. Eisenhower Blvd.
district team has been a good
www.banfordstraub.com one, she said. “I feel comfort-
able and I feel like they listen.

We (as parents) do have a

TV-320222 voice,” she said.
• The Thompson Early Childhood Program has 508
preschool students in attendance.
Early Childhood paras are • Early Childhood classrooms follow state child care
on a quest for education licensing rules and regulations when it comes to
adult-to-child ratios, which means two adults need to be
in every classroom that has 15 or 16 children enrolled.

ancy Cole began in the district some
14 years ago working in Nutrition Ser- • The program serves children that qualify for Head
vices, then moved over to the Early Start, the Colorado Preschool Program, and special
Childhood Program’s Family Services area, education. This year there are also piloted tuition-paying
then became what is known as a paraprofes- services at three sites. Head Start, which is federally
sional in the classroom. Now she is a master’s funded, serves families that meet poverty guidelines. The
level teacher in charge of her own class, en- Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) is state funded and
couraging her paras to pursue higher educa- serves children who are considered at risk for school
tion. failure based on a variety of risk factors, including family
Her master’s in early childhood special ed- Nancy Cole watches as a student swings income. Special education services are provided in almost
ucation kept her just where she wanted to be in class. all integrated classrooms for all children, ranging from
– with children. mild needs to children who will eventually attend
“When I was young, I always thought I’d be Intensive Learning Centers at the elementary level.
loves you and makes you smile. Plus, we bring
a teacher,” she said. Though she had a bache- chocolate. If we are having a particularly bad • Each classroom serves 6-7 children with special needs
lor’s in home economics, she ended up work- day, we have chocolate early,” she said with a and 8-9 children who are funded through Head Start,
ing for HP where she remained because “the laugh. CPP, or tuition. Due to the variety of needs in these
money was good.” Then she transitioned to Her quest for a master’s evolved when she classrooms, some of the Early Childhood classrooms have
the district and ended up in the classroom. “I was talking to a student teacher from one of extra paraprofessional support to meet the needs of the
knew that’s where I wanted to be. No matter the Early Childhood classes. “We went to children.
how bad your day is, this job always makes lunch one day and she asked if I wanted to • Early Childhood program services are provided in a
me smile,” she said. pursue a master’s with her and I thought, trans-disciplinary manner. Speech therapists and occupa-
Much of her contentment is from the too- sure!” tional therapists are considered integral parts of the
cute and innocent 3-5 year olds who come Initially, when Cole started school while classroom team and spend one full day a week in each
through her door. And the Early Childhood working as a para, she tapped into the classi- classroom. The team plans the week together, keeping in
staff makes it much easier. “We have such a fied staff education assistance fund, then she mind the Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals of the
support system from the classroom on up,” was assigned as a teacher. “The support I got students in each class as well as any needs of the other
she said. from people around me was phenomenal,” students. This model of service delivery is considered
What does she like about teaching? The she said. “They were all there to help answer best practice in the world of early childhood as it
kids, the peers, and the support from all lev- questions – they had all been in the same consistently meets the needs of the whole childhood
els of her program. “Some days can be frus- as the preschooler grows and develops.
trating, but there is always someone who I See PARAS/Page 12

EC program benefits from grant

Student Council at Stansberry is
a serious group that raises money

araprofessionals in the Early Stanczyk said that the EC paras and plans projects, McGee said,
Childhood (EC) program at are working for group leader certifi- noting they conducted a food drive
Thompson School District are
benefitting from a joint effort be-
tween the district, the Early Child-
cation, which is actually a bit above
the state requirements. Most of the
teachers within the Thompson EC
Education for the Philo Club, purchased
more paperback books for the
library, bought playground
hood Council of Larimer County program have a master’s degree or Stansberry’s equipment, and collected about
(ECCLC) and Front Range Commu- are working on it, while the paras
nity College (FRCC). are working to improve their status. future leaders learn $1,300 last year from box tops.
“I work with a family that receives
The three have made Group Lead- “They are getting their education about campaigns food baskets, so I know it comes
er/Early Childhood Teacher certifi- that helps them be highly qualified full circle,” Lindsay said. She
cation classes available to parapro- and it is paid for them,” Stanczyk

ne Stansberry Elementary works in the district’s Early
fessionals at the district as well as at said. School Student Council Childhood program.
FRCC at times convenient to most “Some paras hate to commit to candidate promised air
of the students. the class because they are so dedi- In another project some of the
conditioning at the school. In the kids did, 40 pocket flags were
Trish Stanczyk, education coordi- cated to their teams that they don’t hot days of August, it seemed
nator for the Thompson EC pro- want to give up their time,” purchased for families with
reasonable. While that promise servicemen and women who are
gram, said the ECCLC had a grant Stanczyk said. “But once they take may not be possible this year,
from the Erion Foundation and the the step into the class, they love overseas. “The flags thanked them
students from grades 3-5 learned for service to our country,” McGee
Thompson EC program asked if its spending that time together with some lessons in leadership and
paras could take advantage of the their cohorts.” She said that three said. “About nine of the kids came
elections. They even got to vote in and folded flags – it was great to
funds. paras have taken advantage of all
inside an official voting booth to watch them work together,” she
Lorna Greene from ECCLC said five classes that have been offered
feel the sense of a real election. said. She said when the students
the grant, the district’s willingness and will be able to graduate with
to provide the time for the paras, their group leader certification. “The kids who ran learned some meet, they bring up many of their
and FRCC made it all work. “It cre- Greene said the timing and coop- huge leadership skills,” said Julie ideas such as raising funds for
ated a wonderful relationship be- eration in making this effort come Lindsay, whose son Shane is a 5th victims of the Haiti earthquake.
tween all these partners,” Greene together in recent years has been grader and ran for president. On election day in early Septem-
said. “It has been tremendously suc- amazing. “What makes it such a suc- “They had to stand in front of a ber, every 3rd-5th grade class
cessful.” cess is that aside from the opportu- class and give a speech as to why voted for one representative from
people should vote for them – that each class as well as a president
Fall 2010

Stanczyk said that FRCC allowed nity to have this professional devel-
classes to be held in the district on opment, it is an opportunity to have takes some confidence,” she said. from 5th grade, vice president
Fridays with just the TSD staff, which it paid for. Many of these paras prob- Lindsay and mom Danae Kembel from 4th grade and secretary/
made the class more accessible to ably never thought they would re- both helped teachers Pam McGee treasurer from 3rd grade. Students
the paras. turn to school – it’s daunting. But and Kim Angilletta on voting day. stood in line to vote and marked
“This has been such a cool collab- opportunity knocked and the door their ballots at the ballot
oration,” said Richard Wagner, pro- opened.” boxes lent to them from
TSD Community News

gram director for the ECCLC and Several people who started as the Larimer County
FRCC instructor. “Theresa Clements paras, or even as volunteers, have Clerk’s Office. Then they
(Thompson’s EC administrator) taken the next step to be certified, turned their ballots in to
came to us several years ago and and much of the encouragement Kembel, who was there to
asked about having the class at the and support is because of the part- help if they needed
district, and Front Range said if you nership that makes it easier for the anything. The officers are:
can get at least 10 students, yes.” staff members, Stanczyk said. “It has Shane Lindsay and Leiah
He said that the classes started on been an amazing thing to have this Burgess, co-presidents;
Friday afternoons at the district so relationship with the EC Council Mireya Guedea, vice
the paras could still work in the and Front Range Community Col- president; Devon Boling,
mornings. “We have had some top- lege and see how everyone is willing vice president; Malachi
notch students,” he said. He also to work together to help our paras Devon Evert receives some help from Fellure, treasurer; and
commended the district for working and our staff to be better educators Stansberry mom Danae Kembel. Aspyn Krings, secretary.

with all of the parties to make this for the good of our preschool chil-
work for the paras. dren in our community,” she said.
Introducing Ponderosa Elementary

Alexa Rodgers checks out the large thank you

sign in the main hallway of Ponderosa during
the open house and ribbon-cutting celebration.

Board of Educa-
tion members and
Ron Cabrera cut
the ribbon to
officially open
Elementary School
at 4550 Florence
Drive in northwest Music teacher Susan Harding led the choir in songs to celebrate the opening of the new
Loveland. school.

Making a Splash
renovation of the locker rooms; an
LHS pool on extension to the south that will
target for spring include the mechanical room, which
formerly was in the basement; and a
2011 completion south entrance vestibule.
Though contractors may be
The 2005 Bond projects wrap up finished by mid-winter, Martens said
with the completion of the Loveland that commissioning the pool will take
High School pool in the spring of some time with filling it and testing
2011. The replacement of the all of the operating units. Opening
original pool is being funded through should be in early spring, he said.
a community partnership between DLR Architects and Golden Triangle
the district, City of Loveland and a Construction designed and are
community group that includes building the pool and area around it.
several foundations and individuals, The $89 million bond financed the
managed by the Thompson Educa- construction of Coyote Ridge and Van Buren Elementary School; an interior area; technology infrastruc-
tion Foundation. Project Manager Ponderosa elementary schools; major Early Childhood Center at Monroe ture districtwide; many major main-
Mike Martens said in mid-October additions at Berthoud and Mountain Elementary School; a transportation tenance projects and more. Look for
that the project was about 25 percent View high schools; an auditorium at center; a classroom addition at Lucile a wrap-up in the Spring Community
complete. The construction includes MVHS; an Education Center at Erwin Middle School; the LHS pool News in April.

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Fall 2010

Student A Tradition of Excellence in Early Education

$ 99
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School. “My learning curve is
so huge!” “Drop Box is my
new best friend,” she added.
It’s an application with virtual
memory where things can be
stored, Lauer explained.
School administrators, others “Technology is changing so
much and instruction is all
learn the value of social going to become seamless.”
The initial group started
networking through iLead with about a dozen people and
a few of the principals
received iPads to see how it

chool and district ad- and to explain how they can
ministrators are learn- be used within their organiza- might be used as a tool for
ing to better understand tional unit,” Elias said. teaching and for professional
the digital world that most of development. “The iPad is a
The class kicked off in
their students thrive in. B. F. Kitchen Principal Kandi Smith and Trish Malik, in- tool that helps us understand
mid-July and the group meets
structional coaches coordinator, discuss and compare the power of mobile, personal-
About 30 are taking a class monthly after work to ask
ized, interactive, and tactile
on their own time called questions, compare notes and notes.
technology,” Lauer said.
iLead, facilitated by Scott focus on specific topics. “We
“Internet Web tools can
Elias, interim principal at help each other, share and Curriculum and Instruction networking was about silly
enhance productivity.”
Conrad Ball Middle School. learn,” he said. They may for the district, supported the messages or sharing personal
Elias said that from his first
Learning the world of blogs, cover different tasks at each effort as professional develop- information with friends or
“technology boot camp,” the
podcasts, tweeting and wiki meeting such as creating a ment for administrators. “It’s people you don’t know.
interest level grew to some 40
are not the environments in personal blog for reflection, really the first technology However, many have realized
administrators (principals,
which most administrators he said. “But what they do is training of its kind that we’ve they can broaden their base of
assistant principals, athletic
grew up, Elias said. But build the capacity of skills. provided to people with the knowledge by connecting with
directors, deans and central
students and parents are This is where our kids and administrative lens,” Lauer data and information as well
office). “The thing that ex-
increasingly communicating community are and we have to said. “Building skills so they as with other educators locally
cites me is how many are
through social networks. “The adjust our instruction to un- can collaborate as leaders is and from all over the world. “I interested in the different dig-
idea of this is to provide derstand that. Our goal is not so important.” am so over my initial thoughts ital technologies,” he said. He
people with the time and to be experts, but to be Some of the school adminis- about social networking,” said noted that many are finding
support to increase their level conversant,” Elias said. trators admitted they were Kim Young, assistant principal cost- and time-saving ways to
of comfort with digital tools Diane Lauer, director of tentative, thinking social at Thompson Valley High receive and share information.

TSD honors Wildcat Wednesdays at LEMS

& awards Students, faculty and staff are sweating and feel like they know what to do to maintain or
AYERS RECEIVES STATE PE HONOR smiling to "Wildcat Wednesdays" at Lucile Erwin improve their fitness,” said Dixon. “We try to
Middle School. The purpose of "Wildcat Wednes- incorporate all areas of fitness (cardiovascular,
Kris Ayers, Thompson Valley High School days" is to show students many functional training muscular strength, muscular endurance and
physical education teacher, was named Colorado options, fitness activities, and ways to feel more fit flexibility)." The physical educators have also
High School Physical Education Teacher of the and healthy and to burn those calories! opened the doors of the gym to the faculty and
Year 2010 by the Colorado Association for Health, Exercise directly affects mood and motivation, staff in the building to join the workout. “It is no
Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. This helps students be better learners as it increases doubt inspiring seeing your counselor, your
award signifies the recognition of the high quality oxygen to the brain, strengthens, makes people principal, your assistant principal, your office staff,
of teaching and leadership Ayers demonstrates feel better ... and the list goes on! Wildcat Physical or your teacher right there next to you being a
each day. The award was presented to Ayers at the and Health Education teachers Nick Bakovich, role model and working out with you,” said Dixon.
COAHPERD State Convention held at the Kelly Anderson and Jo Dixon have incorporated “What a great example.”
Embassy Suites in October. cardio-kickboxing, yoga, strength training, “The ‘new P.E.’ is needed,” Dixon said. “The
circuits, and cross-fit (exercises that target many obesity epidemic that is sweeping our nation
BURKE NAMED CTE TEACHER OF YEAR different muscles). Different workouts are planned proves that we need new and innovative ways in
Scott Burke, Geometry in Construction teacher each week so students get to experience a variety our schools to get kids up and moving. At Erwin,
at Loveland High School, was named Colorado of things. students are not only taught how to be fit through
Career and Technical Education Teacher of the The hope is to give them the confidence to be team and individual activities, but also through a
Year. He will now be considered for a regional title able to train themselves and maybe one day train variety of things you might see in a fitness center.
and award. others. “We want our students at Erwin to be able The students have not only embraced this, they
to go into a fitness center or do this at home and look forward to it!”
The Loveland High School Wind Symphony is
one of three high school concert groups in the
state invited to perform at the Colorado Music
Educators Association annual conference in
Colorado Springs in January. The wind symphony,
PARAS when we don’t have kids.”
Paras who work in Early Child-
hood must have a certificate in
under the direction of Matthew Arau and Aaron From Page 10
Vogel, will perform for 45 minutes during a con- early childhood development to
cert at the CMEA conference, which is Jan. 26-29. be group leader qualified, and
The other two high schools selected are Cheyenne boat, so they were willing to them when they want to move now the hope is for all paras to
Mountain and the Denver School of the Arts. share.” up.” be child development associates
While she was still taking And several have. Her current so they can work hand in hand
TWO NATIONAL MERIT SEMIFINALISTS classes, she was diagnosed with para, Karin Schroder, is with the teacher.
Fall 2010

Two district seniors have been named National cancer and had to take a month currently attending classes at Cole said the great thing
Merit semifinalists: Calvin Deutschbein from off. “The staff support was Front Range Community about paras moving up the
Loveland High School and Conrad I. Shock incredible – people brought College to obtain her associate ladder is that they bring
from Mountain View High School. They are meals, called me to see if I degree. Cole teases her that she with them consistency and
among some 16,000 semifinalists up for 8,400 needed anything – the whole ought to just go for her continuity. “They know the
scholarships that will be offered in the spring. team – speech therapists, master’s. “I was 50 and I hadn’t expectation, the principles, and
TSD Community News

occupational therapists – been in the classroom as a the management, so there isn’t

2010 GRADS RECEIVE BYRD SCHOLARSHIPS everyone. When I came back student for years!” Schroder a huge learning curve and that
the second year, I felt like a new originally hired on as extra help helps all of us!”
Nine graduates from three high schools
teacher with a new team but, and floated to different centers, Of the 19 teachers in the
received Robert C. Byrd Scholarships through the
once again, everyone was so then she came on full-time in Early Childhood program, 15
Colorado Department of Education. The students
supportive. I can’t say enough Cole’s center where she receives have their master's; three are
are: Bree Gardner, Megan Kellums and Jordan
about how well we all work full support of taking her classes working on their master's; and
Packham from Loveland High School; Emily
Hessle, Emma Howard, Calandria Puntenney and together.” at FRCC. “I probably wouldn’t one has a bachelor's degree in
Kevyn Young from Thompson Valley High School; As a lead teacher, Cole never have done it if Nancy hadn’t early childhood education.
and Sarah Kemp and Lizzy Rivera from Berthoud forgets the important role of the encouraged me,” she said. “But Cole said there are usually
High School. The Byrd Scholarship is a federally para. “They are so crucial in our everyone has been so support- 10-16 paras taking the class at
funded program that promotes student excellence classroom. They do about 95 ive! The professors who teach it FRCC, but this year there are
and achievement and recognizes exceptionally percent of what we do, except are very flexible and they 10 because grant funds were

able students who show promise of continued for the paperwork. We support provide the classes on Friday limited.
academic excellence.
Exceptional Student Services
reimagines Special Education
The Exceptional Student Services Services at the district and in the schools.
department at Thompson School District is “We need to break down barriers – these are
evolving with its new title, a new director and all of our kids and we need to work together
continuously improving to meet the needs of all of our kids.”
service delivery. He said the department is addressing the
Dennis Rastatter is design of what were called resource rooms –
the new director of Stu- now called learning centers. “Learning
dent Support Services, Centers could become centers for all
Desserts were a hit at the 2010 Berthoud Bash. which includes English students struggling with anything, not just
Language Acquisition, for children with special needs.”
BASH raises funds homeless student
services, Gifted and
Rastatter knows it will take time to
integrate classrooms along this pathway.
Talented, psychologists
for Berthoud schools and counselors and
the former Special Edu- Dennis Rastatter
“We have to work more closely with our
staff – this is a two-way street (in working
between the classroom teacher and resource
cation department now

group in Berthoud has found a successful way to teacher),” he said. “It’s hard to argue things
draw in its community to support its schools, where known as Exceptional that make sense, and we are trying to bring
contributors can actually see what is purchased and Student Services. what fits together and see where we have
how it benefits all of the Thompson schools in Berthoud. Rastatter, who has years of experience in similarities and differences.”
The third annual Berthoud BASH is scheduled for April special education as well as student support By coordinating services, he hopes to
9 at the Embassy Suites. The one-time-a-year idea is services, said the new department follows a eliminate redundancy and increase commu-
simple, said Scott Cavey, president of the Berthoud year of “reimagining.” “This is a continuous nication and cooperation. “We can’t do
and evolutionary process,” Rastatter said. that without support, and I feel I have that
Schools Fund, which was organized to support the
“We have been reviewing it from a systems with other departments within Learning
fundraiser and Berthoud’s four schools.
viewpoint, putting things in place that allow Services,” Rastatter said. Within the frame-
Dinner, a live and silent auction and some form of students to be educated in the least restric- work of his large department, Rastatter has
entertainment at one event is common among many tive environment. We want to make sure that established a liaison system for staff in
private and parochial schools, but Cavey saw it work in a ESS is a service, not a place,” he said. He different areas to meet to share information.
small public school district where his family lived near emphasized that he doesn’t want ESS For example, lead counselors at the elemen-
Aims, Iowa. “When you live in a small community, it is students or the department to be isolated tary and secondary levels, ESS coordinators
easy to support all of the schools because they feed into from other district departments. at the elementary and secondary levels, a
the same middle and high school – so people know they The reimagining process examined all parent liaison, and more. These liaisons will
are supporting their schools,” he said. “When you have a operations of the department and included meet regularly among themselves as well as
community of schools and the parents are heavily involved parent input at every level, Rastatter said. with others from the entire Learning Services
like in Berthoud, people have a way to make a meaningful “For instance, we are looking at whether department so they are aware of what is
contribution, so this approach can work very well,” he reading intervention should go to what we going on in different areas.
said. The event raised over $50,000 the first year and over formerly called a resource room or would it Rastatter has vowed to keep communica-
$70,000 the second year. “It has been successful so far,” be better to have the class co-taught?” He tion channels open with parents. The
he said. The cost for the dinner, at $35 last year, covers said the intent is for ESS teachers and Exceptional Student Services Advisory
the meal itself. The sale of the auction items is what raises classroom teachers to work more closely. Council has been instrumental in effecting
the money, he noted. “We need to pool our resources to reach change and will continue to assist in design-
“The neat thing is that people can see what the money larger groups of kids, rather than separating ing better communication systems. More
is spent on – at all of our schools,” said Stu Boyd, retired them,” he said. “We are putting a needed information will also be posted on the district
Berthoud teacher and member of the Berthoud Schools service in front of the identified need.” website at www.thompsonschools.org and
Fund Board of Directors as well as president of the Rastatter said it is his department’s goal to mass e-mails to parents and notification
Thompson Education Foundation, which serves as the work side by side with the rest of Learning networks are part of the plan.
nonprofit umbrella for the Berthoud group.
Boyd said the first year, the Berthoud High School Show
Choir performed and last year, former Denver Bronco Karl Exceptional Student Services language vs. Special Education
Mecklenburg spoke. “We haven’t determined this year’s
talent yet,” he said. Inclusive practices instead of inclusion, mainstreaming or full inclusion
Cavey said that the first year, the group purchased Learning center instead of resource room
Promethean/Smart boards for all of the schools. “And we Affective Needs Center instead of Emotionally Disabled (ED) Program
actually got a two-for-one deal, so we were able to get Intensive Learning Center instead of GAIN Program
$60,000 worth of boards for the $30,000 we had left after Student with disabilities instead of handicapped or disabled
already purchasing technology,” he said. The focus for “He has autism” instead of “he’s autistic”
the first two years was to provide technology support with “He has an emotional disability” instead of “he’s emotionally disturbed”
the Promethean/Smart boards, 20 document cameras, Accessible parking instead of handicapped parking
netbooks, laptops and more.
For more information, see Exceptional Student Services on the district website at
Cavey said there are three ways to support the www.thompson.k12.co.us/Divisions/Learning_Services/ESS/ESS.html.
Berthoud Schools Fund: visit the website and see the
list of needed auction items; make a financial contribu-
tion; and/or attend the Berthoud BASH. For more
information, see www.berthoudschoolsfund.org or e-mail
[email protected].
HKS supplies students
Fall 2010

Purchases made from

Berthoud BASH proceeds
Item Quantity Value
with a bright year ahead
The Help Kids Succeed Committee and organizational support. “Without
TSD Community News

Promethean AB2F 87" 8 $27,992

provided over 1,200 brand new the assistance of our community
Promethean AB2A 78" 6 $22,282 backpacks filled with necessary school businesses and individual donors, it
Activotes 2 $3,598 supplies that were delivered to the would not be possible for the Help Kids
ActivExpressions 4 $10,796 schools in time for this year’s early Succeed Committee to fulfill the
registration dates. The Help Kids increasing requests from schools and
Board Installation 17 $6,450 Succeed program had a student on families,” said Mechelle Martz-Mayfield
Promethean AB2F 78" 2 $5,630 the committee this year and over 72 from the Help Kids Succeed Commit-
Promethean AB3 87” Mobile 1 $5,080 student volunteers that helped pack tee and the Thompson Education
Actiview 322 Document Camera 20 $11,980 backpacks. Student volunteers provid- Foundation, which manages the
ed close to 300 hours of work to help program. “A special thank you goes
Smart Board 1 $2,000 their fellow students and local families. out to the individuals who served on
HP Netbooks 24 $7,588 Help Kids Succeed community the organizing committee and our
HP Laptops 5 $3,900 partners grow each year with individual business partners this year,” she said.

Flip Cameras 8 $1,272

entertain, but to provide a home,
meals and make sure they get to
school,” King said. “Our fellow
Rotarians are expected to invite them

Welcome for dinners, take them places, and the

students also make their own friends.”
She said that the Rotary Club provides
a monthly stipend for the student and
Families sought to host they need to live within that budget
Rotary exchange students plus whatever they bring with them.
At one of the weekly Rotary
meetings, Zacharias, who arrived in
One exchange student likes fast food, the other August, mingled with adults he has
misses her mid-afternoon meals. One can’t wait to met. Already, he has friends – he went
get on the black diamond slopes in the Rockies, to a concert, has been to a Broncos
the other recalls becoming a human snowball as game, which was “cool,” and enjoys
she tumbled down the slopes. fast food. “I know it’s not good for you
Each exchange student who comes to the but it is good,” he said.
Loveland-Berthoud communities has a story to Fernandes, who presented a
tell, a different culture to share, and a distinct program about her home country to Luiza Grossi Fernandes and Loveland Rotary Club mem-
personality that enriches the lives of those they the Rotary in September, arrived in ber Nanci Garnand.
meet during their time in the U.S. February. She has enjoyed her
This year, Johann Zacharias from Germany and Loveland High School experience as students in district Rotary-sponsored activities,
Luiza Grossi Fernandes from Brazil are Rotary well as meeting people in the area. Her most mem- including in June following the Rotary District
exchange students hosted by the Loveland Rotary orable experience was skiing, where she learned Conference, which covers clubs in northern Col-
Club. Rotarians become the support system for how to fall. “I ended up on a blue slope and I was orado, Wyoming, Nebraska and a portion of Idaho.
host families, who do not have to be Rotarians. going backward and I ended up rolling down the
Marge King, whose family is hosting Zacharias, said hill,” she laughed. One thing she has noticed is the Both Rotary students attend LHS, which
this is the sixth time she and her husband, Russ, difference in meal times. In Brazil, the main meal currently has six students through different
have hosted an exchange student. And Rotary is midday. “They don’t eat a real meal here – but exchange programs. Rotary sponsors both inbound
mixes it up a little by having different families host this is,” she said, speaking of the chicken dinner and outbound students. Exchange students usually
during a student’s stay, which gives the students served at Rotary. “We eat a lot of meat,” she added. come in as a junior even if they have graduated
different perspectives and also relieves a family from high school. They select three countries they
Nanci Garnand, a Rotarian who has hosted seven
from a full-year responsibility. would like to visit. Zacharias’ first choice was
students, said her club is interested in having more
Canada and second was the U.S. “It’s good,” he
Plus, it is expected that other Rotarians will families host. “The value is learning about the
said, noting that his brother was also an exchange
share in the fun and introduce the students to student’s country and sharing our country,” she
student who enjoyed his year so he wanted to try
different activities. said. “We learn about their language, customs and
it. His family has also hosted four students. He
“With Rotary, the host family is not expected to traditions. The three-month aspect is unique and
hopes to study medicine at college. “Almost
works well.” She said not only does it give different
everyone in my family is in medicine, so that’s
families an opportunity, but it spreads the number
what I am looking at,” he said, though he also
of connections for the student.
thought about architecture for a while.
The Kings, whose sons Justin and Tyler are
grown, say they enjoy still having some kids Fernandes said she is going to study publicity
around. “I love kids so it is a great experience,” and communications in college. Having been here
Marge King said. “For some kids it is hard to move nearly a year, she is comfortable and not at all shy
because they make friends with kids in the family, with adults. At the Rotary meeting, before
but it really is good for them to see different Garnand introduced Fernandes, she joked, “How
peoples’ lifestyles and have new experiences.” She much will you pay me to say something nice?”
noted that it is important for host families to set Fernandes laughed. “I will give you a big hug,” to
ground rules and expectations for the exchange which Garnand responded, “I think I can take
students when they arrive so they understand a that.”
particular family’s dynamics in a different culture. For more information about Rotary International
The Rotary exchange program also sets some and the Rotary exchange program, visit
ground rules, which students are informed of www.rotary.org. For local information, contact
Johann Zacharias and his host family, Marge before and after they arrive. They are also teamed Moofie Miller at 970-635-5935 or Nanci Garnand
and Russ King from the Loveland Rotary Club. several times during their stay with other exchange at 970-622-1810.

and FCCLA sold coupons for the are available in the BHS main office
School & District Briefs Sept. 25 Applebee’s all-you-can-eat
pancake breakfast fundraiser to
and are $8.00 in advance or $10.00
at the door. The cast features 45
Editor’s note: The briefs in this members at the event. support field trips, community talented young people from BHS and
publication were submitted by StuCo created a giant Ferguson activities and graduation celebrations Turner Middle School.
district schools and departments. Family Tree collage representing for the school year.
Poetry readings — In September, NAMAQUA ELEMENTARY
the school’s thoughts on peace.
LOVELAND HIGH SCHOOL Positive Impact Crew member April Ferguson students, with teacher Will PBiS — Namaqua Elementary
McClellan initiated an autism aware- Sherman, read poetry live on KRFC continues to enforce the PBiS
Senior in musicals — LHS senior
ness campaign, distributing puzzle- 88.9 FM. This is a regular tradition (Positive Behavior intervention and
Leo Batlle spent
piece (the autism symbol) necklaces for FHS – this was their ninth year. Support) program and the positive
the summer as a
created by Ferguson artists along Student Achiever award — Fergu- environment it creates at the school.
cast member at
with information sheets she created. son’s first Rotary Student Achiever of They have a ROAR Store where
the Candlelight
Face painting and choir and guitar 2010-2011 was senior and soon-to-be- students who have earned “PAWS” for
Dinner Theatre.
performances on the Lily Pad round- graduate Nick Hebert, who received good behavior can buy “COOL” and
He starred in
Fall 2010

ed out a wonderful day in the park. the award from teachers based on his exciting items.
“Joseph and the
photo, video production and Web Namaqua Night — On Sept. 23,
Amazing Techni- No Place for Hate — Ferguson’s
mastering technical skills. He was Namaqua hosted their 2nd Annual
color Dream- No Place for Hate campaign kick-off Namaqua Night. This was a great
coat” and he al- was Aug. 27 with the Cross-the-Line further recognized for his quiet lead-
ership, being a true gentleman, al- opportunity for parents to get a true
so will be star- Leo Batlle inclusion, and students were then “hands on” of what is at the heart of
ring in “Oliver.” invited to sign the No Place for Hate ways looking for ways to help out, and
the school, i.e., literacy, PBiS, math
his ability to juggle multiple roles of
TSD Community News

commitment. No Place for Hate and technology.

FERGUSON HIGH SCHOOL challenges participants to speak up student, part-time employee, and
Memory garden — The school is
Peace in the Park — Ferguson on behalf of others who are being per- kind, patient father to baby Janae, all
working on creating a “memory
students participated in Peace in the secuted or wronged. Approximately while maintaining his unique sense of
garden” to honor the passing of Na-
Park in September, which involved 20 students have formed Ferguson’s humor! Nick received his award at
maqua students Tess Bennett, Chad
their Student Council, Positive Im- Positive Impact Crew, which is dedi- Fountains of Loveland during a Ro-
Campion and Kaylynn Tremelling.
pact Crew, Mixed Choir, and Ferguson cated to the school’s ongoing mission tary luncheon on Sept. 28. Lisa Rutherfurd, school psychologist,
musicians of all ages — including of inclusion and acceptance for all. is in charge of this project. It will be a
teachers. Art teacher Nicole Keener They hope to earn their No Place for BERTHOUD HIGH SCHOOL
garden with engraved stones to honor
and StuCo members Bailei Bennett, Hate banner by early March 2011. Fall Musical — The Berthoud High each student who has passed and will
Denise Frakes, Sandie Labadie and Mixed Choir debuts – Music teach- School fall musical "Cinderella" will be full of flowers, chimes and benches
Brent McCann created more than er Shannon Player Timmons’ Mixed be presented on Nov. 18, 19, and 20 to stop and reflect on the memory of
100 “Ferguson for Peace” tie-dyed Choir debuted their first music video at 7:30 p.m. in the BHS auditorium. those we have lost.

and screen-printed bandanas that for the student body on Sept. 17. In addition, there will be a 2 p.m.
were distributed to community Fundraiser — Ferguson’s StuCo matinee on Saturday, Nov. 20. Tickets I See BRIEFS/Page 15
years and watching him grow both
Student sparks school-wide academically and personally, it did
not surprise me at all that he chose
compassion for fire victims to step up in this way out of concern
for others,” Sullivan said. “It’s very
satisfying to see a student develop

ne Thompson Valley High turned into action when Jordan and demonstrate a sense of civic
School student was con- stepped out onto the floor of the leadership and connectedness to the
cerned about victims of the TVHS Homecoming Pep Assembly to community around him as well as
Fourmile Canyon fire in Boulder and invite all TVHS students and staff to seeing the TVHS student body con-
turned his thoughts into actions. join him in giving whatever money tribute to this cause.”
Jordan Chavez said that when he they could to help,” said his re- Little did anyone know that very
heard about the fire and how it was source teacher Diane Sullivan. soon after the Fourmile Canyon fire,
impacting people, he felt he had to Donations were collected as stu- others even closer to home in Love-
do something to help them “be- dents and staff left the pep assembly land, including TVHS students,
cause it’s just the right thing to do.” and collecting continued on would be similarly impacted by
He approached Jill Tjardes-Garcia, throughout the day by the Student wildfires. The concern, caring, and
speech/drama teacher and Student Council, Sullivan said. All donations action through additional donations Jordan Chavez encouraged fellow
Council sponsor, about raising were given to the American Red from TVHS staff and students students to contribute funds to assist
funds. Cross to help the victims of the fire. continues for those affected by the victims of the Fourmile Canyon fire.
“Jordan’s concern and compassion “Having known Jordan for several Loveland wildfire as well.

Gifted & Talented projects on tap BRIEFS

From Page 14
SPELLING BEE students in K-12. Check the March they will get the first
P-R-E-P-A-R-E! Elementary and website at www.thompson opportunity to demonstrate their Food drive coming up — During the last
middle school students have schools.org a little later for solutions – in no more than eight week of November, Namaqua will be running
begun preparations to compete registration information. minutes – to panels of volunteer a canned food drive for Philo Food Bank and a
in their school-level spelling Colorado State University judges. Top teams will advance to toy drive for Santa Cops.
bees. Each school is eligible to hosts a tournament in conjunc- state and even to World Finals, Winter Celebration — On Dec. 9,
send their top spelling students tion with Poudre School District. scheduled for late May in Mary- Namaqua will have their Winter Celebration
to compete in the district Thompson School District stu- land. at the Thompson Valley High School
spelling bee that will be held Jan. dents are invited to attend. It If you are interested in Auditorium from 6-8 p.m. It will be a night
29, 2011, at Walt Clark Middle will be on Nov. 20 at the Lory volunteering at a tournament full of music, song and acting of a play.
School. Please contact your Student Center, CSU campus. or would like more information
child’s school for information on Registration information is about the local OM program, DISTRICT
their school spelling bee. available on the website at contact Thompson School Show features partnerships — Stepping
www.thompsonschools.org (see District OM Coordinator Up is a bimonthly half-hour program
The district bee will feature
above for the path). Contact your Sue Teumer at teumers@ featuring conversations with people from
two separate bees – one for
child's school for information on thompson.k12.co.us. organizations engaged in partnerships with
elementary students and one for
chess teams/clubs or Danel Lins Thompson School District schools. The
middle school students. Winners
at [email protected]. SHADOWS IN THE ARTS program airs twice a day on Comcast Cable
of each bee will be recognized at
an awards ceremony following MATHCOUNTS How are students inspired to Channel 14 at noon and 8 p.m. and can be
the bee. The top six finishers in pursue a deeper level of interest streamed on demand from the district
How many exterior faces does website at www.thompsonschools.org.
the middle school bee are and experience in the visual arts?
a polyhedron with a triangular Hosting the show are Mike Jones, assistant
eligible to compete at the One way is through the Thomp-
base have? What is the product of superintendent of Human Resources &
Denver Newspaper Agency State son School District’s Shadows in
the first five prime numbers? School Support, and Wes Fothergill, director
Spelling Bee held in Denver in the Arts (SITA) program. SITA is
Middle school “math-letes” can of Communication & Community Resources.
March. a cooperative endeavor among
test their skills with questions Information on Facebook — Information
Contact Royce Lowe, district teachers, artists, and the Gifted
like these in MathCounts, a on upcoming events and photographs from
spelling bee coordinator, at & Talented Education office. It is
national math competition events such as the ribbon-cutting ceremony
[email protected] for designed for community artists
for middle school students. for Ponderosa Elementary, parade participa-
more information on the district to work with small groups of stu-
MathCounts involves students tion, Excellence awards, Classified Staff
spelling bee. in team and/or individual dents for a day at host schools to
introduce the students to the Welcome Back and more are on Facebook.
competitions. If you don’t have a Facebook page, you can
ROBOTICS artists and their particular medi-
The district MathCounts com- still visit the district’s site through the
See the stories about robotics petition is held in late January. um. Students in grades 5-12 are
on Page 8. nominated by their art teachers Facebook icon on the district website at
The regional competition will be www.thompsonschools.org.
held at Colorado State University and are considered for the pro-
CHESS in February, and the state compe- gram on the basis of their gen-
Do you love games of strategy? tition will be held at the Universi- uine interest in the arts, artistic
Like playing games where the ty of Denver in March. The top talents, maturity, and eagerness
means can be just as satisfying as five competitors at the state to be a part of this program.
the end? Chess is your game! competition receive half-tuition Artists are already being
Many district schools have chess scholarships to the University of sought for this year’s SITA
teams or clubs where students Denver or the Colorado School of program, usually held in late
have opportunities to learn and Mines! April/early May. The Loveland/
play. Two chess competitions are Contact your child’s school Berthoud area is rich with artis-
sponsored by the district each for information on MathCounts tic talent! SITA artists need to be
Fall 2010

year for students in kindergarten or Cheryl Gillpatrick, district willing to donate a day of their
through 12th grade. A pre-state MathCounts coordinator, at time to help introduce and share
scholastic tournament will be [email protected]. their knowledge and skills with a
held Feb. 5, 2011, at Conrad group of students. If you are or
Ball Middle School ($10 entry fee ODYSSEY OF THE MIND know of an artist that you believe
– a limited number of What’s your problem? Is it would be an inspiration for stu-
half-price, need-based scholar- “Money Maker” or “Full Circle”? dents, e-mail Dena Kirk at
TSD Community News

ships are available). The top “Unhinged Structure,” “Le Tour [email protected]. The pro-
finisher in each age category Guide” or “Extreme Mouse Mo- gram hopes to offer students
will win their entry fee into biles”? Maybe it’s “As Good as experience in a wide variety of
the state scholastic tournament Gold…berg”! Students across artistic mediums from drawing,
in Denver. Registration informa- Thompson School District, and painting or sculpting to jewelry,
tion will be posted soon on in fact across the state and even glass or fiber art. SITA alumni
www.thompsonschools.org the world, are tackling these artists have enjoyed participating
(Academics > Programs > problems in Odyssey of the Mind and seeing excitement on the
Gifted and Talented > Enrich- (OM) this year. faces of the students as they
ment Opportunities). Students from kindergarten learn and try something new or
The second tournament will through high school will be go deeper with a medium they
be held on April 30, 2011, at working in teams of up to seven already love.
Conrad Ball Middle School. members each throughout the For more information, contact

This end-of-year tournament is year to come up with creative your child’s art teacher or Dena
free to Thompson School District solutions to these challenges. In Kirk at [email protected].
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Fall 2010

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 Michael Carey, M.D.
Immediate appointments may be available.
TSD Community News

 Keith Rangel, M.D.

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