Spectro Photo Metric
Spectro Photo Metric
Spectro Photo Metric
doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2006.32.403
ABSTRACT: One titrimetric and two spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of
ciprofloxacin in bulk drug and in formulations using cerium (IV) sulphate as the oxidimetric agent and
methyl orange and indigo carmine as chromogenic agents. In titrimetry (method A), ciprofloxacin is treated
with a measured excess of cerium (IV) sulphate in acid medium and the unreacted oxidant is back titrated
with standard ammonium ferrous sulphate using ferroin indicator. In spectrophotometric methods,
ciprofloxacin is treated with a known excess of cerium (IV) sulphate and the residual oxidant is determined
by treating with a fixed amount of either methyl orange, and measuring the absorbance at 520 nm (Method
B) or indigo carmine, and measuring the absorbance at 610 nm (Method C). In all the three methods, the
amount of cerium (IV) sulphate reacted corresponds to the amount of ciprofloxacin. Titrimetry is applicable
over 2-12 mg range and in the spectrophotometric methods, calibration curves are linear over the
concentration ranges of 0.5-3.5 µg ml-1 (method B) and 1.0-7.0 µg ml-1 (method C). The methods were
satisfactorily applied to the determination of ciprofloxacin in tablet and injection formulations and no
interferences from excipients were noticed.
KEYWORDS: Ciprofloxacin; titrimetry; spectrophotometry; cerium(IV) sulphate; two dyes; dosage forms;
redox reaction.
Literature survey revealed that only two titrimetric stock solution (0.025 M) was used for titrimetric work
methods have been proposed for the assay of CPF in and diluted appropriately with 1M sulphuric acid to
dosage forms. The acid dye biphasic titration proposed yield 250 & 500 µg ml-1 cerium (IV) sulphate solutions
by Zhang et al23 is performed in aqueous-CHCl3 medium for use in spectrophotometric method B and method
whereas the non aqueous titrimetric procedure24 of C, respectively.
Kilic et al is applicable over 15-50 mg range. Numerous Ferrous ammonium sulphate (0.025M): A 0.025
visible spectrophotometric methods based on redox25, M FAS solution was prepared by dissolving 9.80 g of the
oxidative-coupling26, binary complexation27-28, ternary chemical (Qualigens India Ltd., Mumbai, India) in acid
complexation29, charge-transfer complexation30,31 and and diluting to 1 litre with the water and standardized
ion-pair complexation32-33 reactions are found in the with pure potassium dichromate and the stock solution
literature for the assay of CPF in formulations. However, was used for titrimetric work
most of these methods suffer from such disadvantage Methyl Orange (50 µg ml-1): A 500 µg ml-1 solution
as poor sensitivity25-29, heating30 or extraction step32,33 was first prepared by dissolving 59 mg of dye (S. d. Fine
as shown in Table 1. Chem, Mumbai, India; dye content 85 %) in water and
In this communication, we demonstrate the use of diluting to the mark in a 100 ml calibrated flask and
titrimetric and spectrophotometric techniques for the filtered. This was diluted 10-fold to obtain a working
assay of CPF using cerium (IV) sulphate. concentration of 50 µg ml-1.
Indigo carmine (200 µg ml-1): A 1000 µg ml-1
MATERIALS AND METHODS solution was first prepared by dissolving 111 mg of dye
(S. d. Fine Chem., Mumbai, India; dye content 90 %) in
Apparatus water and diluting to the mark in a 100 ml calibrated
All absorbance measurements were made with a flask and filtered. This was appropriately diluted to get
Systronics Model 106 digital spectrophotometer 200 µg ml-1 solution with water.
provided with matched 1-cm quartz cells. Sulphuric acid (5 M): A 272 ml of concentrated
sulphuric acid (S. d. Fine Chem, Mumbai, India; Sp gr
Reagents and Solutions 1.84) was added to 728 ml water with cooling.
All chemicals used were of analytical reagent grade Ferroin indicator: A 0.07 g of iron (II) sulphate
and distilled water was used to prepare all solutions. heptahydrate and 0.15 g of 1,10-phenanthroline
Cerium (IV) Sulphate (0.025M): A 0.025 M hydrate were dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water.
cerium (IV) sulphate solution was prepared by
dissolving about 10 g of the chemical (Loba-Chemie Standard Ciprofloxain Solution
Indoaustranal Co., India) in 1.0 M sulphuric acid and A stock standard solution containing 2 mg ml-1 CPF
diluting to 1 litre with the same acid and standardized was prepared by dissolving 500 mg of pure sample
with a solution of ammonium ferrous sulphate. The (Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad, India) in water
Table 1. Comparision of the existing spectrophotometric methods with the proposed methods.
1 Cerium (IV) sulphate 345 12-120 (5.1x 103) Involves extraction into CHCl 3 25
2 Iron (III) - MBTH 425 6-12 30 min contact time, less stable colour, 26
expensive reagent
3 Iron (III) chloride 432 50-125 Less sensitive 27
4 Iron (III) 447 50-500 Uses flow injection automated assembly, 28
less sensitive
5 Iron (III) nitrate 375 35-300 Less sensitive 29
6 TCBQ 376 0.9-25 (1.27x104) Involves heating at 35ÚC for 30 min 30
7 p-benzoquinone 495 Involves rigid pH control 31
8 a)Bromocresol Purple 410 1.5-16.5 (1.7x10 4) Involves rigid pH control and 32
b) Bromophenol Blue 410 1.5-12.0 (1.6x104) liquid - liquid extraction
9 Supracene Violet 3B 575 2.5-30 (8.62x10 3) Involves rigid pH control and 33
liquid - liquid extraction
10 a. Ce (IV) sulphate-MO 520 0.5-3.5 (6.1 x 104) Non-stringent working conditions, Present
b. Ce (IV) sulphate - IC 610 1.0 -7.0 (3.0 x 104) no heating or no extraction step, methods
highly sensitive
* MBTH, 3-methyl-2-bezothioazolin-2-one-hydrazone; TCBQ, Tetrachlorobenzoquinone; MO, Methyl orange; IC, Indigo carmine.
ScienceAsia 32 (2006) 405
and diluting to the mark in a 250 ml calibrated flask, Whatman No. 42 filter paper. First 10 ml portion of the
and used in titrimetric work. This solution (2000 µg ml-1 filtrate was discarded and a suitable aliquot was
CPF) was diluted stepwise with water to obtain working subjected to analysis by titrimetry. The tablet extract
concentrations of 10 and 20 µg ml-1 for investigations (2000 µg ml-1) was suitably diluted to get 10 and 20 µg
by spectrophotometric method B and method C, ml-1 CPF and analysed spectrophotometrically by
respectively. taking a convenient aliquot.
was added and the volume was diluted to the mark with 6.95
water and mixed. The absorbance of each solution was 6.9
measured at 520 nm against a water blank after 5 min. 6.85
Spectrophotometric method C (Indigo carmine): 6.8
Varying aliquots (0.5-3.5 ml) of a standard 20 µg ml-1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
CPF solution were accurately measured into a series of H2SO4 concentration, M.
10 ml calibrated flasks and the volume was adjusted to Fig 2. Effect of H2SO4 concentration.
4.0 ml by adding requisite quantity of water. To each
flask were added 1 ml of 5 M sulphuric acid followed
by 1 ml of 500 µg ml-1 cerium (IV) sulphate solutions. reaction was found to be quantitative with a
The contents were mixed well and the flasks set-aside stoichiometry of 1:7 (CPF: oxidant) for the range
for 10 min. Then, 1 ml of indigo carmine solution was studied (2-12 mg). The reaction was found to be
added, the volume was diluted to the mark with water, complete in 15 minutes yielding a stoichiometry of 1:7.
and mixed well. The absorbance of each solution was Contact times beyond 15 minutes and up to 40 minutes
measured at 610 nm against a water blank after 5 min. consumed a small amount of oxidant, but without
The concentration of the unknown was read from yielding any significant stoichiometry (Fig.3). Hence it
the calibration graph or computed from the respective is necessary that the oxidation reaction be terminated
regression equation. after 15 minutes.
Since seven moles of oxidant are consumed by each
Procedure for Formulations mole of CPF, the reaction path way is unclear. However,
Twenty tablets were weighed and ground into a additional study will be performed to reveal the reaction
fine powder. An amount of powder equivalent to 500 mechanism.
mg of CPF was accurately weighed into a 250 ml Spectrophotometric methods: The ability of
calibrated flask, 60 ml of water added and the mixture cerium (IV) sulphate to cause oxidation of CPF and
shaken for 20 min. Then, the volume was made up to bleach the colour of methyl orange and indigo carmine
the mark with water, mixed well and filtered using a dyes has been used for the indirect spectrophotometric
406 ScienceAsia 32 (2006)
Preliminary experiments were performed to fix the
maximum concentrations of the dyes that could be
determined spectrophotometrically, and these were
7.05 found to be 5 and 20 µg ml-1 for methyl orange and
(where Y = absorbance, a = intercept, b = slope and
X = concentration in µg ml-1) obtained by the method
0.2 of least squares. The apparent molar absorptivity and
0.1 Sandell sensitivity values together with the limits of
detection and quantification compiled in Table 2 are
indicative of the high sensitivity of the proposed
0 1 2 3 4 5
Concentration of drug,µg ml-1
Fig 4. Beer’s law curve for method B.
Table 2. Analytical parameters for spectrophotometric
0.7 methods.
Parameter Method B Method C
* In method A, CPF taken/found, range and SD are in mg while in methods B and C, the same are in µg ml-1.
SD, standard deviation; RSD, relative standard deviation.
Method V alidation
Validation 98.68-103.72 (Table 4) revealing good accuracies and
Accuracy and Precision non-interference from excipients and diluents such as
The accuracy and precision of the methods were talc, starch, gelatin, gum acacia, calcium carbonate, calcium
evaluated by performing seven replicate analyses on gluconate, calcium dihydrogen orthophosphate, sodium
pure drug solutions at three different amount/ alginate and magnesium stearate. This was further
concentration levels (within the working ranges). The confirmed by the fact that no more than the
relative error (%), an indicator of accuracy was within stoichiometric amount of cerium (IV) was consumed
2.5% and intra day precision which is also called the when the tablet extract/injection solution was treated
repeatability expressed in relative standard deviation with cerium (IV) under the described experimental
(RSD) (%) was also less than 2.5%, indicating the high conditions.
accuracy and precision of the methods. The results of
this study are compiled in Table 3. The reproducibility Application
of the methods, also called the day-to-day precision, Commercial tablets and injections containing CPF
was assessed by performing replicate analyses on pure were successfully analysed by the proposed methods.
drug solutions at three levels over a period of five days Co-formulated substances did not interfere. For the
preparing all solutions afresh each day. The day-to-day purpose of comparison, the same batch tablets and
RSD values were less than 4% reflecting the usefulness injections were analysed by an established method9.
of the methods in routine use. The results of the assay are presented in Table 5. As
The accuracy and precision of the methods were shown in Table 4, the results of analysis obtained by the
further assessed by performing recovery experiments. proposed methods are in conformity with those
To a fixed amount of drug in the dosage form (pre- obtained by the reference method9. The performance
analyzed) pure drug was added at three different levels of the methods was further ascertained by applying
and the total was found by the proposed methods. Student’s t-test for accuracy and F-test for precision. At
Each test was performed in triplicate. The percent the 95% confidence level, the calculated t- and F-values
recoveries of the added pure CPF were in the range of did not exceed the tabulated values (t = 2.77 and F =
Ciproleta tablets 100 99.36 ± 0.74 100.36 ± 0.86, 99.84 ± 1.26, 101.72 ±1.55,
t = 1.77, F = 2.35 t = 1.09,F = 2.90 t = 2.27,F = 4.38
Quintor b tablets 250 101.72 ±1.26 100.3 ± 1.82, 99.3 ± 1.28, 99.61 ± 1.13,
t = 1.52,F = 2.08 t = 2.18,F = 1.03 t = 2.10,F = 0.80
Quintor b injections 2 100.28 ±0.91 98.67 ± 1.16, 99.97 ± 1.64, 101.34± 1.45,
t = 0.79,F =1.62 t =0.78, F = 3.25 t = 1.50,F = 2.53
Ciprolet 4.02 2.0 6.05 101.3 10.03 5.0 14.96 98.50 20.3 10 30.45 101.5
tablet 4.02 4.0 7.97 98.68 10.03 10.0 19.79 97.60 20.3 20 40.07 98.84
(100 mg) 4.02 6.0 9.97 99.14 10.03 20.0 30.51 102.40 20.3 40 60.42 100.3
Quintor 3.95 2.0 5.91 98.15 9.87 5.0 15.02 103.1 20.27 10 30.74 104.72
Injections 3.95 4.0 8.01 101.4 9.87 10.0 19.92 100.5 20.27 20 40.20 99.66
(2 mg ml-1) 3.95 6.0 9.94 99.78 9.87 20.0 29.49 98.10 20.27 40 60.95 101.70
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