Angle of Attack Testing

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YEAR: 2019 – 1T

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación

 Observe the behavior of an airfoil at different angles of attack.
 Determine the best angle of attack based on your observations.


 Wind tunnel machine.

 Cylinder.
 Banana connectors.
 Power source.


Angle of attack. -

The angle of attack of the spoiler produces a deviation of the air flow downwards. Above the spoiler,
streamlines are concentrated, while below are separated. By the law of continuity, the speed
increases above the spoiler and decreases below. Then, by Bernoulli's principle, there is a pressure
difference between both sides of the wing, giving rise to an ascending force called the lifting force
FL. This analysis is, of course, consistent with Newton's third law. In effect, the spoiler exerts a force
on the air to change the direction of the flow, and the reaction to this force is the upward or lift
force exerted by the air on the spoiler.

Figure 1 Streamlines around a spoiler, lift force FL and drag force FD

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación

Angle of Attack Comentary

We notice too much turbulence and the air flow

30 lines are not completely straight.

In 15 degrees you cannot see all the lines, and its

movement is relatively abrupt, clearly showing the
15 presence of turbulence.

The lines look relatively straight but not the same as

when we were at zero degrees. In this case, some
turbulence and different speed in the lines are
5 beginning to be noticed

We can notice laminar flow, turbulence is not

perceived and the flow lines look completely
0 straight

We began to see a little turbulence, and the lines

with a faster movement and the lines are straight as
compared to the positive angles, where there were
-5 more variations

We have even more turbulence, and the lines are

attracted more quickly. It seems that the turbulence
-15 increases with the greater inclination of the wing.

The lower the angle, the more we notice

turbulence, but the lines remain straight although
-30 with its variation due to turbulence

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
We can clearly see that when the flow lines are better appreciated it is when it is at zero degrees
since it presents a laminar flow.

When we increase or decrease the angle to 30 degrees positive or negative, the result we get is
that there is a presence of much turbulence and although the speed is practically the same at
equal angles its turbulence does not allow it to distinguish well.

As for the cylindrical we could notice that although variations were made in the position, noticing
its lines became very complicated although we could also see them symmetrically at times.

We can conclude that the flow and control in a NACA is better than in a cylindrical, as well as its
speed depending on the angle of attack provided.


a) Investigate about the NACA airfoil series

The NACA sections considered were obtained by combining a midline and a thickness distribution
thereof. The following terms are essential when defining an aerodynamic profile:

 Edge of attack and its radius.

 Trailing edge.
 Rope line.
 Average curvature line or average line.
 Maximum thickness and its position.
 Extradós (upper surface).
 Intradós (inner surface).

NACA profiles are classified and coded in a catalog for use by project engineers. In this catalog
each profile is identified by the words NACA and a set of digits, in a certain order, with which their
geometric dimensions are determined. The aerodynamic characteristics of these profiles are given
by the corresponding curves.

In accordance with the above, the classification is as follows:

 Four-figure profiles.
 Five-figure profiles.
 Profiles of 4 and 5 figures modified.
 Series profiles 1.
 Series 6 profiles.

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
 Series 7 profiles.
 Series 8 profiles

Families Advantage Drawbacks Applications

Four figure Good loss input Low lift coefficient. Light or general
characteristics Relatively high aviation.
The center of strength. Horizontal stabilizers.
pressure movement is Moment of high Symmetric profiles.
small in a wide range pitch. Supersonic jets
of speeds Helicopter blades
The roughness has Missile fins
little effect
Five figure Highest lift coefficient Characteristics of loss, General aviation
Low Pitch Moment poor entry. Small turbo propellers
The roughness has Relatively high
little effect resistance
Series 1 It does not have low Relatively low lift Airplane propellers
pressure peaks Ship propellers
Low resistance at high

b) Describe the main differences between the Cylinder airfoil and the NACA airfoil. Draw and
explain aerodynamics theory.

In the cylinder we verify uniform lines above and below its surface, so changes in angle of attack
control are not verifiable.

On the other hand, in terms of a NACA aerodynamic surface, its versatility to change the angle of
attack and with this vary significantly the air flows make them more efficient for speed control.

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
c) Explain why the wind tunnel is narrower in the middle than at the ends and what function the
PVC tubes placed at one end meet.

The wind tunnel is narrower in the middle than in the extremes because we need more speed in
the central part of the tunnel, and this is achieved by decreasing its transverse area. All this is
explained by the Law of Continuity of Hydrodynamics also applied in Aerodynamics, which tells us
that the flow in the tunnel will be the same in any section of the tunnel, and the flow can be
expressed as an area by a speed, then if We decrease the area its speed will increase to meet

PVC pipes placed at one end, serve as air velocity applicators, since again if the flow passes
through a smaller area east to maintain its initial flow rate, the speed must be increased

d) Why does Roughness increase with the angle of attack in the case of The NACA airfoil? In
which cases increase the angle of attack is the best option?

This is due to the fact that the flow lines begin to vary strongly due to the velocity acquired, both
positively and negatively, and in addition to this, the turbulence that occurs causes it to be shown
very rigorously. This example of roughness can be seen in both aerodynamic wings and in nature.

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
e) What type of control can we use to change the angle of attack?

In a wind turbine, the objective of changing the angle of attack is to decrease or increase its speed.
This is why we have two ways to change this angle of attack, the first is by adjusting the position of
the blades, which can directly cause the flow of air through the blades to change because we
quickly change its angle of inclination. The purpose of tilt control is to maintain the optimum blade
angle to achieve certain rotor speeds or output power. You can use the tone setting to stop and
cool, two tone control methods. By stopping a wind turbine, the angle of attack increases, which
makes the flat side of the blade more towards the wind. Enrollment modified the angle of attack,
making the blade edge look towards the approaching wind. The tilt angle adjustment is the most
effective way to limit the output power by changing the aerodynamic force on the blade at high
wind speeds.

Another way to vary the speed is by rotating the turbine, this method is known as the yaw. The
yaw refers to the rotation of the entire wind turbine on the horizontal axis. The yaw control
ensures that the turbine is constantly oriented towards the wind to maximize the effective area of
the rotor and, as a result, the power. Because the wind direction can vary rapidly, the turbine can
misalign with the approaching wind and cause power losses.


 It is recommended to untangle the threads before practice, because if it is not done, we
will not be able to clearly see the airlines that act on the wing.
 In order to verify the effects for each change in the angle of attack, the wing must be
correctly positioned according to the determined angle.
 The naca gives us more speed control and you can see the flow lines better than in the
cylindrical. Giving as results that our election is notably the NACA.

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación

Cylinder Airfol

NACA airfoil

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
ON/OFF indicator

Machine power supply

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación
PVC pipes placed at one end, used as air flow amplifiers.

Turbines of the machine to generate the required air flow inside the pipe.

Facultad de Ingeniería en
Electricidad y Computación

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