CS-9 Alibaba - China's Ecommerce Giant-Challenging Amazon
CS-9 Alibaba - China's Ecommerce Giant-Challenging Amazon
CS-9 Alibaba - China's Ecommerce Giant-Challenging Amazon
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already profitable. By 2012, ALlbaba facilitated trans- Amazon's market cap was some $465 billion at the
actions in nearly every country around the world. same time.
Yet, Alibaba's market presence is still predomi-
nantly in China. In 2017, Alibaba employed around
Alihabn's ffiusln*ss Mmdef; errd tP{}
50,000 people, had $23 billion in revenues, and
Exclusively a trading platform for third-p arty ven- remained highly profitable, capturing more than
dors, Alibaba, unlike Amazon, does not hold or own 50 percent of its revenues as profits. In the same year,
any inventory. Alib aba' s main source of revenue is the Alibaba's Chinese marketplaces reported sales of
transaction fees, listing fees, and ad revenues it gener- some $550 billion.
ates from more than 10 million active sellers across In a survey of U.S. internet shoppers, almost 9 out
its marketplaces. This asset-light model means of 10 had never heard of Alibaba. Jack Ma, however,
the company has more room to push down prices intends to change this perception. After meeting with
on its platform by reducing transaction costs for President Donald J. Trump in early 2017, Ma prom-
its sellers. While both Alibaba and Amazon focus ised that Alibaba would help lead at least 1 million
on a cost-leadership strategy, its asset-light model small- and medium-sized businesses in the United
could thus turn out to be a competitive advant age States to its various online platforffis, as well as offer
for the Chinese firm. global logistics expertise to help sell these businesses'
On September 19, 2014, Alibaba went public on goods in China.
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). It had the
most successful initial public offering ever, surpass- Alilhahfr w$. [$.$. ffimmm$gr*rffi* ffitants
ing a stock market valuation of over $230 billion on its
first day of trading. By fall 2017, its market cap stood To grow its business in China, Alibaba followed a
at a record high of $437 billion, making it one of the sffategy of related diversification by opening the CZC
most valuable tech companies globally. In comparison, (consumer-to-consumer) website Taobao and later its
5f 8i utt'tlcAsE 20 Alibaba-China's Ecommerce Giant: challenging Ama zon?
cloud services. The other players in global ecommerce Market Share of B2C Colmpanies in China,2010
that were big during the 1990s, mainly the U.S. companies SOURCE: Depiction of data from Statista.com.
as Amazon is doing in the United States-to facilitate Apply a SWOT analysis to Alibaba. Use the results
pick up and return of merchandise. to make some recommendations to Alibaba's CEO.
Since Alibaba is still mainly focused on the Chinese
4. Apply the integration-responsiveness framework
market, facilitating ecommerce transactions to consum-
to determine:
ers, it was hit hard by China's slowing economy. More-
over, the Chinese government decided to devalue its B. Which global strategy position you would
currency (the yuan), which made international products recommend Alibaba to pursue when attempt-
such as Nike running shoes and Procter & Gamble con-
ing to create a stronger foothold in the United
sumer products such as Tide much more expensive for States. Explain why.
Chinese consumers. This, in turn, is hurting Alibaba's b. Which global strategy positions you would
sales. Moreover, some of Alibaba's domestic rivals, recommend U.S. ecommerce companies such
including JD.com, Tencent, Baidu, and WeChat, are as eBay, Amazon, and others to pursue when
getting much stronger, especially on mobile platforms. competing in China. Explain why.
with its instant messaging app and mobile payment
options, WeChat (owned by Tencent), in particular, is Endnotes
outperforming Alibaba on mobile platforms. WeChat 1. "China changes won't face Alibaba," The Wall Street Journal,
has aspirations to morph into a global mobile platform. July 5, 2013.
with 1 billion users worldwide, it is one of the most 2. As quoted in: "standing up to a giant," Forbes, April 25,2005.
popular mobile apps in China and also globally.
Sources: A detailed and in-depth overview of Alibaba, its genesis and
offering and facilitating the sales of counterfeit prod- growth, is the insightful book by clark, D. (2016), Alibaba: The House
ucts is another big problem for Alibaba. Being an open That Jack Ma Built (Ecco: New York). other sources: Purnell, N. (2016,
Nov. 18), "Jeff Bezos invests billions to make Amazon a top e-commerce
online marketplace, it allows anyone to use its platform. player in India," The Wall Street Journal; Baskin, B., and L. Lin (2017,
The continued problem of counterfeits has led to Alibaba's May 23), "Chinese online retailer JD.com is developing heavy-duty delivery
drones," The wall Street Journal; "China's internet giants go global,"
being put on the United States Trade Representative The Economist, April 20,2017; Knutson, R., and L. Stevens (2017,Jan. 9),
(usrR) blacklist of notorious marketplaces (again), 'Alibaba's Jack Ma: China-U.S. relationship should be 'more friendly,"' i .'=tli
The wall street Journal; Tan, H. (20r6,Dec.21),, "uS puts Alibaba's Taobao
because the company has failed to keep counterfeiting
website back in its list of 'notorious marketplaces,"' CNBC: Dou, E. (2016,
and piracy levels in check. Alibaba is also in the middle Nov. 11), "swinging singles day: Alibaba holiday drives shoppers in China," ".
The Wall Street Journal; Osawa, J., and E. Dou (2015,June 23), 'Alibaba
of an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange stumbles in U.S. marke!" The Wall Street Journnl;"Ahibaba Group FY 2016-17
Commission about its accounting practices. As Alibaba results," http //www. alibabagroup. com/en/news/pres s_pdf/p 1 705 1 8.