Animal Fibre Structure, Properties and Function Review

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The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin

Article  in  JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society · April 2012
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-012-0302-8


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6 authors, including:

Joanna Mckittrick P.-Y. Chen

University of California, San Diego 31 PUBLICATIONS   951 CITATIONS   

Sara G. Bodde Wen Yang

University of California, San Diego University of California, San Diego


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JOM, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2012
DOI: 10.1007/s11837-012-0302-8
Ó 2012 TMS

The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin



1.—Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093,

USA. 2.—Materials Science and Engineering Program, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.
3.—Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, ROC. 4.—e-mail: [email protected]

Keratin is one of the most important structural proteins in nature and is

widely found in the integument in vertebrates. It is classified into two types:
a-helices and b-pleated sheets. Keratinized materials can be considered as
fiber-reinforced composites consisting of crystalline intermediate filaments
embedded in an amorphous protein matrix. They have a wide variety of
morphologies and properties depending on different functions. Here, we
review selected keratin-based materials, such as skin, hair, wool, quill, horn,
hoof, feather, and beak, focusing on the structure–mechanical property-func-
tion relationships and finally give some insights on bioinspired composite
design based on keratinized materials.

Another distinction is that keratin can be considered

as a composite material consisting of a short fiber
Keratin is a structural protein found in the integ- (crystalline keratin)-reinforced polymer (amorphous
ument (outer covering) in vertebrates; selected keratin).1 The crystalline component is insoluble in
materials are listed in Table I. It is, after collagen, the water, but the amorphous parts can absorb water and
most important biopolymer encountered in animals. swell. Table II compares some mechanical properties
Keratinized materials have a variety of morphologies of keratin and other biological fibrous materials.
that depend on the function. These range from a Keratin generally has a higher Young’s modulus than
simple waterproof layer (turtle shell) to a structurally collagen, yet it has tremendous strains to failure,
robust, impact-resistant material (horn). Keratin is indicating that keratin should have high toughness
both mechanically efficient in tension (wool) and values.
compression (hooves). Similarities and differences Keratin has a large amount of cysteine residues,
are found with collagen, which is the other major which have a thiol group (-SH), producing a strong,
structural protein in animals (bones, teeth, and con- covalent disulfide bond that cross links the poly-
nective tissue). Both have a-helix polypeptide chains peptide chains together and also cross links the
that have a well-defined amino acid sequence. Both matrix molecules. This process is similar to what
contain a high amount of the smaller amino acid occurs during the vulcanization of rubber. Keratins
residues, glycine and alanine, which makes the can be classified as ‘‘hard’’ or ‘‘soft’’–softer keratin
a-helical structure possible. In keratin, two polypep- has less sulfur and therefore fewer cross links. Soft
tide chains (a-keratin) twist together to form a coiled keratin is almost exclusively as the outermost layer
coil, whereas in collagen, three a-helices (tropocolla- of the skin (epidermis).
gen) twist together and assemble to form the collagen
fibril. One major distinction is that the keratinocytes
(keratin-producing cells) die after producing keratin;
thus, keratin is a ‘‘dead’’ tissue that is not vascular- The basic macromolecules that form keratin are
ized, as opposed to collagen that forms in the extra- polypeptide chains. These chains can either curl
cellular matrix. For this reason, the most keratinized into helices (the a-conformation) or bond side-by-
materials form polygonal tiles (tens of microns in side into pleated sheets (the b-conformation).
diameter) that overlap laterally and are stacked on Mammals have approximately 30 a-keratin variants
top of each other to form a relatively dense layer. that are the primary constituents of hair, nails,

(Published online April 3, 2012) 449

450 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

Table I. Major keratin distribution in animals

Order Location

Mammal Artiodactyla (cow, sheep, goat, and pig) Hoof, horn, fur, wool, skin
Perissodactyla (horse, tapir, and rhinoceros)
Cetacea (baleen whale) Baleen
Primate Hair, nail, skin
Monotremata (echidna) Quill
Insectivora (hedge hog, and tenrec) Quill
Rodentia (porcupine, spiny rat, spiny Quill
dormice, and cane rats)
Xenarthra (armadillo) Osteoderm covering
Pholidota (pangolin) Armor
Reptile Testudina (turtle, tortoise, and terrapin) Osteoderm covering
Crocodilia (crocodile, alligator, and caiman) Osteoderm covering
Squamata (gecko) Feet
Bird Feather, beak, claw
Fish Myxiniforme (hagfish) Teeth, slime

Table II. Comparison of mechanical properties of keratinized structures and compared with other organic
Source RH (%) Water Content (%) E (GPa) rf (MPa) ef (%) References

Collagen (along fibers) 1 50–100 0.09 2

Cellulose (flax) 100 840 0.02 2
Silk 10 600 0.2 2
Beak, toucan 50 1.5 30 0.1 3
Claw, ostrich 0 2.7 90 5.7 4
50 2 69 6.7 4
100 0.1 14 50.5 4
Hagfish slime threads In water 0.006 180 220 5
Hair, human 70 1.5 6
200 25
Hoof, bovine 30 0.4 16.2 14.3 (b) 7
Hoof, equine 41 0.2 19.4 (b) 8
100 0.3–0.6 6.5–9.5 9
Horn, oryx 0 6.1 137 10
20 4.3 122 10
40 1.8 56 10
Horn, bighorn sheep 20 1.5 11
10.6 2.2 127 (b) 12
34.5 0.81 39 (b) 12
Nail, human 20 4.34 13
55 2.34 13
100 0.47 13
Quill, porcupine 65 1.9–2.3 63–170 (c) 15
65 2.7 146 25 16
100 1 60 49 16
Quill, hedgehog Dry 3.8 17
Wet 2.3 17
Stratum corneum 26 8.9 1.9 18
68 2.4 7.7 18
100 0.01 140 18
Wool, Cotswold 0 5.6 19
Wool, Lincoln 65 4.5 20
100 2.5 20
In water 3 150 45 5
All are tensile test results except (b) = bending and (c) = compression
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 451

hooves, horns, quills, and the epidermal layer of the teins that have high contents of glycyl residues.20
skin. In reptiles and birds, the claws, scales, feath- The matrix has been modeled as an isotropic elas-
ers, and beaks are b-keratin, which is tougher than tomer.23 A transmission electron microscope (TEM)
the a form, and it is configured into a b-pleated sheet micrograph of ram horn keratin is shown in
arrangement. The setae of the gecko foot, which Fig. 1b—the dark strand is the crystalline IF, which
provide the strong attachment of the feet to sur- is surrounded by the lighter amorphous matrix.24
faces, are also composed of b-keratin. The alignment of the IFs influences the mechani-
Figure 1a shows the molecular structure of a cal properties. For example, the tensile strength of
keratin.21,22 Three distinct regions can be identi- human hair (200 MPa) is an order of magnitude
fied: the crystalline fibrils (helices), the terminal greater than that of human nail25 because of the
domains of the filaments, and the matrix. Isolated higher order alignment of the keratin IFs in hair.
a-helix chains form a dimer (coiled coil) with sulfur The volume fractions of the matrix (amorphous) and
cross links, which then assemble to form protofila- crystalline fibers vary significantly in different
ments. These protofilaments have nonhelical N- and materials. For example, the volume fractions of the
C-termini that are rich in cysteine residues and matrix are 0.37, 0.42, and 0.54 for porcupine quills,
cross link with the matrix. The protofilaments wool, and human hair, respectively,26 which roughly
polymerize to form the basic structural unit, the correlates with a decrease in Young’s modulus.
intermediate filament (IF), with a diameter of The molecular structure of b keratin with a ple-
7 nm and a spacing of 10 nm apart. The IFs can ated structure is illustrated in Fig. 1c. The pleated
be acidic (type I) or basic (type II). The IFs are sheets are composed of antiparallel chains.27 Posi-
embedded in an amorphous keratin matrix of tioned side by side, two or more protein strands (b
two types of proteins, high sulfur, which has more strand) link through hydrogen bonding. The linked
cysteinyl residues, and high-glycine-tyrosine pro- b strands form small rigid planar surfaces that are

Fig. 1. (a) Molecular structure of a keratin: (left to right): (i) space-filling ball model.21 (ii) Two keratin polypeptides form a dimeric coiled coil. (iii)
Protofilaments form from two staggered rows of tail-to-head associated coiled coils. (iv) Protofilaments bimerize to form a protofibril, eight of which
form an intermediate filament.22 (b) TEM micrograph of a-keratin intermediate filament from a sheep horn. The strongly diffracting core of crystalline
keratin is surrounded by an amorphous matrix.24 (c) b-Pleated sheet configuration. Hydrogen bonding holds the protein chains together. R groups
extend to opposite sides of the sheet are in register on adjacent chains (Figure Ó Irving Geis).
452 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

slightly bent with respect to each other, forming a Wool and Hair
pleated sheet arrangement. If the a-form is stret-
The early work on keratinized materials, moti-
ched, then it will transform to the b-form,27 which is
vated by the textile industry, has been on wool.
reversible up to approximately 30% strain.
Hair, wool, and fur are shafts of circumferential
In this article, we provide a broad and introduc-
layers of dead cells that have grown from follicles in
tory presentation of the structure and mechanical
the skin. Figure 3a shows the hierarchical struc-
properties of various keratinous materials. It is
ture. The outermost layer (cuticle, 10%) consists of
divided into functional sections: protection and cov-
overlapping cells that adhere to the root shaft to
ering, defense and aggression, motion, and finally
anchor the hair firmly in the follicle. The middle
some thoughts on bioinspired materials and struc-
layer (cortex, 90%) has keratinized cells and pig-
tures based on keratinized materials. We mainly
ment. In fine hair, the medulla (hollow core) is not
focus on the work performed in our laboratory.
present. During the growth phase, some epidermal
cells keratinize and die, and then are pushed out-
PROTECTION/COVERING ward forming the cortex and outer cuticle. Wool
fibers are slightly elliptical, with mean diameters
Skin: Stratum Corneum
between 15 lm and 50 lm and have an average
The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis, density of 1.3 g/cm3. They decompose 130°C and
which varies from 30 lm (eyelids) to 1 mm (soles of grow at a rate of 10 cm/year. At 65% relative
feet) thickness in humans (Fig. 2a), and serves as a humidity (RH), wool can absorb 14–18% water. The
barrier to protect the underlying tissue from infec- keratin fibers are embedded in cells held together by
tion, dehydration, and chemical and mechanical the lipid-rich cell membrane complex. On the sur-
stresses. Keratinocytes make up more than 95% of face, there are several layers in the cuticle, which
the epidermis cells. The stratum corneum (10– have overlapping scales. Because keratin filaments
20 lm) is the outermost layer (soft keratin) and is are produced in cells, which then die after the ker-
constantly shed (Fig. 2b). It consists of overlapping atinization process is complete, remnants of the cell
scales (Fig. 2c), a morphology that is characteristic walls remain. Figure 3b–e shows some interesting
of almost all keratinized materials. cross sections of hair from a rabbit, an elk, a polar
Mechanical tests on the stratum corneum show bear, and a human. It has been reported widely that
the Young’s modulus to range from 0.01 GPa to the excellent thermal insulation of polar bear hair is
9 GPa, which is highly dependent on the relative because of the hollow core; however, it is observed
humidity and temperature.18,28 Failure strains up that other species also have a hollow core, including
to 140% were found in 100% RH at room tempera- human hair.
ture for rat skin.18 Soft keratin is formed by loosely Figure 4a is a typical tensile stress–strain curve
packed bundles of IFs embedded in the amorphous for hydrated wool. An initial uncrimping region
matrix,29 in contrast to hard keratin, which is exists that is followed by a linear elastic region up to
formed by ordered arrays of IFs embedded in an the yield point, at 2% strain. At the yield stress,
amorphous a-keratin matrix. the a- to b-keratin transformation is initiated in the

Fig. 2. Layers in the skin. (a) Skin has three main layers, from top to bottom—the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat. (b) The epidermis
(95% keratinocytes) consists of five layers, which migrate continually from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum. Keratinization begins in the
stratum spinosum. (c) SEM micrograph of the overlapping scales of the stratum corneum (Photograph by Andrew Syred/Science Photo Library,
National Geographic,
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 453

Fig. 3. (a) Hierarchical structure of wool fibers. The scaly exterior layer of a wool fiber is called the cuticle and is overlaid with the epicuticle that is coated
with lanolin, which is a waxy, water-shedding film. The epicuticle and its waxy coating is what confers wool’s resistance to mist and light rain Cross-sectional SEM images of the morphologies of hair and fur: (b) common European
rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), (c) elk (Cervus elaphus), and (d) polar bear (Ursus maritimus). All photos are from
(e) Human hairs from a 60-year-old female.

IFs. At 30% strain, the slope increases abruptly. The profound influence of hydration on the
This has been attributed to either strain hardening mechanical properties is illustrated in Fig. 4c,
of the elastomeric matrix23,30 or to the opening of which shows stress–strain curves for wool tested in
remaining a-helices.31 Continued loading produces water at different temperatures (Fig. 4c(i)) or tested
some cross-link rupture in the IFs, and fracture at different RH (Fig. 4c(ii)).33 At lower tempera-
occurs between 50% and 60% strain. One interesting tures, the stress–strain curves have a similar shape
feature of wool and hair is that complete recovery (up to that in Fig. 4a, although the yield and fracture
to the end of the yield region) can be achieved if the stresses decrease accompanied with a decrease of
fibers are subsequently soaked in warm water after the linear elastic and increase of the yield regions.
testing. Figure 4b illustrates Fueglelman’s32 concept At higher temperature, the abrupt increase in slope
of the nanoscopic deformations of the constituents. after the yield region is absent. A similar trend is
In Fig. 4b(i), the unstretched components are observed with an increase in RH. One interesting
shown—the IFs rods, the amorphous matrix, and feature is that the Young’s modulus seems to be
water-containing globules in the matrix. Deforma- constant for all test conditions.
tion pushes the IFs together and squeezes the
matrix, as shown in Fig. 4b(ii). Two zones, X and Y,
Quills and Spines
account for the yield and post-yield behavior
(Fig. 4b(iii)). The stress–strain response is analogous Porcupines, hedgehogs, echidnas, tenrecs, and
to that of the well-known shape-memory alloys. In spiny rats are covered by quills that protect the
the latter, the total strain only reaches 6%, whereas animal from aggressors. In all, 29 species of porcu-
in wool it is much larger. pines are distributed throughout most areas in the
454 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

(a) (b)
Linear Yield region Post yield
elastic region Fibers
X zones

filaments (IFs)

X zones

X zones

2% 30%


Fig. 4. (a) Schematic representation of a stress–strain curve for a wool fiber, showing the contributions of the intermediate filaments and
matrix.31 (b) Feughelman’s model showing zones, X and Y. The X zones contribute to the deformation of the yield region and the Y zones
contribute to the deformation of the postyield region. (i) Matrix consists of water-containing globules. (ii) As the load is applied, the IFs move
toward each other, jamming the protein residuals. (iii) With protein residuals jammed by two intermediate filaments, the Y zones become more
difficult to extend.32 (c) Stress–extension curves for wool: (i) in water at various temperatures and (ii) at different relative humidities33

world. They are divided into two main families: Old properties in the transverse and longitudinal
World (Hystricidae) and New World (Erethizonti- directions.20 Quills can take on four microstructural
dae). Both families have muscles at the base of the arrangements, as follows17,34:
quill allowing them to stand up, thereby making the
1. Dense outer sheath with an interior foam (New
animal look larger if threatened. The Erethizonti-
World porcupines, echidnas)
dae quills can be as long as 8 cm, whereas the
2. Same as (1) but with longitudinal ‘‘stiffeners’’
Hystricidae are longer—up to 50 cm—and also have
that show a spoke-like pattern in the cross-
a proportionally larger diameters.17 Porcupine
sectional image (Old World porcupines)
quills are the hard form of keratin with a modulus
3. Same as (2) but with transverse stiffners (septae)
around 5.6–6.0 GPa.17,20 As with other keratinous
materials, the mechanical properties are highly
4. The foam consists of closely spaced septae (ten-
dependent on the amount of hydration, relative
humidity, and temperature.
Quills with their analog in the flora world, plant Figure 5 shows scanning electron microscope (SEM)
stems, are designed to resist axial loads and bend- images of the structure of the Erethizontidae
ing moments that produce Euler buckling.17,34 (Erethizon dorsatum) and Hystricidae (Hystrix)
All porcupine quills consist of a stiff outer sheath quills in the longitudinal and transverse direc-
(cortex) and a compliant, porous foam (core), an tions.15 The foam cells (Fig. 5a, d) increase in size
assembly that is similar to the feather rachis. This gradually from the edge of the cortex to the center.
configuration maximum the flexure strength/weight The foam is isotropic, as observed in the longitudi-
ratio. The keratin filaments align along the long nal images in Fig. 5b and e. The surfaces consist
axis of the quill resulting in different mechanical of overlapping keratin scales (Fig. 5c, f). On the
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 455

Fig. 5. SEM images of (a, d) transverse, (b, e) longitudinal cross-sections, and (c, f) tip surfaces of New World (Erethizontizae) and Old World
(Hystricidae) quills, respectively.

Erethizontidae quills, the keratin scales are ar- cellular solid to that of the solid cell wall materials
ranged to provide a smooth insertion surface and a can be estimated. Using Gibson and Ashby’s mod-
rough surface as it is pulled out (i.e., a barb). An els35 for cellular solids, a relative Young’s modulus
impaled quill would cause pain to predators when of the close cell foam core in Erethizontidae can be
they try to remove the quill. estimated as
The important properties of the foam are the bulk    2
and relative densities. The density of the foam (qf) Ef qf
divided by the density of a completely dense solid Ew qw
composed of the cell wall material (qw) defines its
relative density (qf/qw). Based on the core to cortex where Ef and Ew are Young’s moduli of the cellular
density ratio, the ratio of Young’s modulus of a solid and solid cell wall material, respectively. For
456 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

(a) to be the optimal design for lightweight, biomimetic

2 columns that resist buckling. Indeed, hollow struc-
Axial buckling ratio (Pcr /Po)eq

tures filled with foam have considerable potential

Hedgehog for lightweight structural applications, and are
being introduced into the automotive industry.38
Figure 7a shows typical compression stress–
Echidna strain curves for short (non-Euler) specimens of
1 Erethizontidae (E. dorsatum) and Hystricidae
Old World (Hystrix) whole quills and quills with the foam
porcupine removed (cortex only).15 The intact quills for both
species show a higher Young’s modulus, compres-
New World sive strength (onset of local buckling), and tough-
porcupine ness than that of the cortex alone, which indicates
0 that the foam influences the local buckling behavior
0 5 1 1 2
Radius to thickness ratio, (a/t ) significantly. Figure 7b shows the compression
stress–strain curve for the Hystrix foam, illustrat-
Local buckling moment ratio (Mcr/M0)eq

(b) ing that it behaves as a classic polymeric cellular

solid—a linear elastic region followed by a plateau
region where the cell walls bend and deform, fol-
Hedgehog lowed by an upturn in the curve where all the cell
3 walls have collapsed and the material densifies.
Figure 7c through f shows the damage incurred
from an interrupted test of an Erethizon quill
2 (before complete densification). Local plastic buck-
Old World ling of the cortex (Fig. 7c, d) is accompanied by a
porcupine high degree of both tensile and compressive defor-
1 mation of the foam (Fig. 7d, e). Compressive defor-
mation occurs around the buckled cortex regions;
New World porcupine
however, most of the foam is in transverse tension
0 5 1 1 2 in the central region (dashed rectangle). The tensile
Radius to thickness ratio, (a/t ) stress causes small tears in the foam walls (arrow in
Fig. 6. Ratio of the failure loads of quills and spines to those of a
Fig. 7f). It is clear that the foam remains attached
cylinder with no porous core (equal radius and mass): (a) axial firmly to the cortex, providing enough support to
buckling and (b) local buckling34 delay local plastic buckling of the cortex (Fig. 7d, e).
In tension, the interior foam was also found to
have a negligible effect on the Young’s modulus of
Hystricidae and Erethizontidae quills, and they
observed that the cortex has 2–3 concentric layers,
porcupine quills, qf/qw  0.1, yielding a relative which is similar to what is found in the feather
Young’s modulus of 0.01. rachis.16
Vincent and Owers17 examined the Euler buck-
ling conditions for quills for a variety of species. The Pangolin Armor
denser cortex provides resistance to buckling,
An unusual armor is found on the pangolin. The
whereas the foam acts as an elastic foundation that
pangolin is a small insectivore that lives in the rain
provides local support to the cortex and significantly
forests of Asia and Africa. It ranges from 40 cm to
delays the onset of local buckling.36,37 The hedgehog
100 cm in length and weighs up to 18 kg. The
spines are found to be designed to resist impact
exterior of the animal is covered with keratin scales,
(either through falling or from a predator), whereas
as shown in Fig. 8a, which weight up to 20% of the
the porcupine spines are designed to pierce oppo-
total animal. When curled up, these scales extend
nents. The proximal ends of the hedgehog spines are
from the body, producing a barrier of razor-sharp
mushroom shaped so that they do not pierce the
edges (Fig. 8b). These scales have been used to
host animal during a fall.
create a coat of armor that was presented to King
In comparison with intact quills, the cortex per-
George III (Fig. 8c).
forms the same in compression (axial loading) but
behaves poorly in bending tests. Karam and Gib-
son34 estimated the contribution of the foam to local DEFENSE/AGGRESSION
elastic buckling resistance. Figure 6 shows plots of
the axial and local buckling moments of quills and
spines compared with equivalent hollow cylinders. Horns appear on animals from the Bovidae fam-
The hedgehog spines stand out as having the max- ily, which includes cattle, sheep, and goats; they are
imum resistance to buckling, and it was concluded tough, resilient, and highly impact resistant. In the
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 457

Fig. 7. Representative compression stress–strain plots of (a) whole quill (cortex and core) and cortex (core scraped out) of New World
(Erethizontizae) and Old World (Hystricidae) porcupines and (b) foam of Old World porcupine. (c–f) SEM micrographs of a compressed Erethizon
quill: (c) morphology of cross section, (d, e) foam and cortex at the buckling part, and (f) damaged cores. The dashed rectangle indicates tensile
deformation. The arrow in (f) points to a tear produced by compressive load15

case of male bighorn sheep, the horns must be Figure 9a shows the hierarchical structure of
strong and tough as they are subjected to extreme horn from a desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis).
loading impacts during the life of the animal and, The structure consists of keratin lamellae periodi-
unlike antlers, will not grow back if broken. On the cally separated by tubules that extend the length of
living animal, horns encase a short bony core (os the horn. The resulting structure is a three-dimen-
cornu) composed of cancellous bone covered with sional, laminated composite that consists of fibrous
skin, which projects from the back of the skull. keratin; it has a porosity gradient across the thick-
There is a variety of horn shapes and sizes, from ness of the horn. A cross-sectional optical micro-
the stumpy horns on domestic cattle to the graph (Fig. 9b) shows a lamellar structure with
extravagant forms observed on the greater kudu elliptically shaped porosity interspersed between
(helicoidal) (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), blackbuck the lamellae. The lamellae are 2–5 lm thick
(Antilope cervicapra), and the Nubian ibex (Capra with the pore sizes ranging from 60 lm to 200 lm
nubiana). along the long axis of the pores.
458 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

Fig. 8. (a) Pangolin (Manis temmincki) showing scaly exterior made of keratin. (b) The animal can curl into a ball to protect its interior organs
( (c) Pangolin armor presented to King George III in 1820.

Kitchener10,39,41–43 and Kitchener and Vincent40 a-keratin fibers (40 nm long) were embedded in an
were the first to provide insights into the fighting amorphous keratinous matrix. Applying the Voigt
behavior of various species in the Bovidae family. model and using a chopped fiber composite analysis
Mechanical property measurements (strength, with a volume fraction of fibers as 0.61, they pre-
stiffness, and work of fracture—see Table II) dicted a value of the elastic modulus close to the
revealed that horns are capable of high energy experimental value, indicating that a fibrous com-
absorption before breaking and that hydration is posite model of horn keratin is a reasonable
important for decreasing the notch sensitivity. The assumption. As with other keratin-based materials,
critical crack length for crack propagation was cal- the elastic and shear modulus decreased signifi-
culated to be 60% of the transverse dimension of cantly with an increase in the moisture content.10,40
the horn, indicating the superior flaw sensitivity of Tombolato et al.12 studied microstructure, elastic
the material. The work of fracture (10–80 kJ/m2) properties, and deformation mechanisms of desert
was found to be greater than most other biological bighorn sheep. Compression and bending tests were
and synthetic materials (antler: 6.6 kJ/m2; bone: performed in both hydrated and ambient dried
1.6 kJ/m2; glass: 5 J/m2; mild steel: >26 kJ/m2).10 conditions. The elastic modulus and yield strength
The fracture resistance was attributed to crack were found to be anisotropic and correlated with the
arrest and deflection mechanisms such as delami- orientation of tubules. Three-point bending tests
nation and keratin fiber pullout. Kitchener and showed that the elastic modulus and strength are
Vincent40 examined the effect of hydration on the higher in the longitudinal orientation (tubules par-
elastic modulus of horns from the oryx (Oryx gaz- allel to the growth direction of the horn) than those
ella). They considered the structure of the horn as a in the transverse orientation (tubules perpendicular
chopped fiber composite, where the crystalline to growth direction of the horn). Trim et al.44
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 459

Fig. 9. (a) Hierarchical structure of bighorn sheep horn. The horns show a spiral fashion with ridges on the surface, which correspond to the
seasonal growth spurts. The horns are composed of elliptical tubules embedded in a dense laminar structure. Each lamina has oriented keratin
intermediate filaments interspersed in a protein-based matrix. (b) Cross-sectional optical micrographs of the horn showing the elliptical-shaped

investigated the mechanical behavior of bighorn strengths of horns were found to be the highest
sheep horn under tension and compression in among biological materials, confirming the excep-
hydrated and dry conditions. They found that ten- tional energy-absorbing capability of horn.
sile failure occurred by matrix separation followed
by fiber pull out. The horn keratin failed in a brittle Claws and Nails
manner in the dry condition, whereas wet horn
keratin was much more ductile. Compressive failure Claws and nails have not yet been studied in
occurred by microbuckling followed by delamina- detail. Bonser and coworkers4,46,47 measured the
tion, in agreement with Tombolato et al.12 Young’s modulus of ostrich claws (Table II). The
Lee et al.45 investigated the dynamic mechanical difference between the longitudinal (along length of
behavior of a wide range of biological materials claw, Young’s modulus 1.8 GPa) and transverse
(abalone nacre, elk antler, armadillo carapace, (Young’s modulus 1.33 GPa) was 28%, which is a
bovine femur, steer horns, and ram horns) and much larger anisotropy than what is reported for
compared them with synthetic composites using a other keratinized materials such as porcupine quills
drop weight impact-testing systems. The impact (10%) and horsehair (5%), but is similar to the horse
460 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

Fig. 10. Structure of the human nail: (a) Relative thicknesses of the layers of the nail, (b) toughness in the transverse and longitudinal direction
for the three layers, and (c) SEM image of the cross section of a fracture surface (scale bar = 200 lm)48,49

hoof (10–40%). This anisotropy in claws and hooves orientation is observed with a corresponding smooth
was speculated to be caused by the multiaxial fracture surface. The fracture surfaces of both dor-
loading conditions to which they are subjected dur- sal and ventral layers are more jagged, indicating
ing movement, where a highly anisotropic material that the keratin fibrils are oriented randomly.
could fail under off-axis loading.46
Fingernails prevent the skin from the fingertips
from rolling back and assist in gripping and
manipulating objects. Mechanically, they can used Bird beaks serve a variety of purposes: eating and
to lift or pry open objects and for scratching and probing for food, fighting, courtship, grooming,
fighting. The nails are designed to resist bending killing prey, and exchanging heat. A wide variety is
forces, which is accomplished by the shape and also found in the morphology, color, and size but all have
the orientation of the keratin filaments. It was mandibles (bone) that project from the head that are
reported (x-ray diffraction) that the keratin fibers covered by a b-keratin layer. Birds usually have
are oriented transversely across the nail.6 either short or thick beaks or long and thin beaks.
Primate nails are sandwich structures consisting Exceptions are toucans and hornbillls, which have
of three layers: a thin dorsal layer that is a moder- both long and thick beaks. The Toco Toucan (Ram-
ately hard keratin, a thick middle layer that is phastos toco) has the largest beak among the spe-
harder and thicker, and finally a soft ventral layer. cies. The toucan beak is one-third of total length of
The middle layer has well-aligned keratin fibers the bird; nevertheless, the weight is 1/30th to 1/40th
oriented in the transverse direction, whereas the of its mass. The outside shell of beak consists of b
dorsal and ventral layers show no preferred orien- keratin. The inside is filled with a cellular bone.
tation (Fig. 10a).48,49 The toughness values are This internal foam has a closed-cell structure con-
highest for the middle layer tested in the longitu- structed from bony struts with thin membranes.
dinal direction, demonstrating that the preferential Figure 11a through c shows photographs and
alignment of the keratin fibrils serves to stop cracks schematics of the toucan beak.50,51 The keratin shell
running down the length of the nail (Fig. 10b). This consists of polygonal tiles 30–60 lm in diameter and
high ratio is similar to what is found in horse 2–10 lm thick (Fig. 11d). TEM images of the longi-
hooves.9 It seems that the purpose of the ventral tudinal and transverse sections are shown in
and dorsal layers is to provide mechanical support if Fig. 11e. The keratin tile boundaries are wavy and
the nail is loaded unevenly. A transverse fracture traced by black lines for greater clarity. They are
surface is shown in Fig. 10c. The dorsal surface has shown in the longitudinally sectioned beak keratin.
flat, overlapping scales in the plane of the nail. The The IFs are distributed in the amorphous keratin
intermediate layer is more fibrous, and clear fiber matrix, indicated by arrows. There seems to be a
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 461

Fig. 11. (a) Photograph of a Toco Toucan beak, (b) overview diagram of the keratin and foam in the beak, (c) schematic illustration of a cross
section from the outer region. The keratin layer is 500 lm thick, (d) SEM image of the keratin tiles on the surface of the beak, (e) TEM micrograph
of the transverse cross section (top) and longitudinal surface (bottom) showing the keratin intermediate filaments.50,51

difference in orientation of the IF from layer to strength increases significantly. In this region, the
layer, similar to a 0°/90° laminated composite. The fracture transitions from intertile (tile pullout) to
elastic stiffness of the beak keratin was found to be transtile (tile fracture) because of the existence of
isotropic in the transverse and longitudinal direc- two competing failure processes with different
tions.3 The surface tiles exhibit a layered structure, strain-rate sensitivities.
and the tiles are connected by organic glue. The Seki and Meyers3 found the toucan beak to have a
intermediate filaments, embedded fibers in the bending strength (Brazier moment) that is consid-
keratin matrix, seem to be aligned along the cell erably higher than if all the mass were concentrated
boundaries. These tiles undergo a peculiar behavior in the shell as a solid hollow cylinder by applying the
known in metallurgy as a ductile-to-brittle transi- analysis developed by Karam and Gibson.52 Seki and
tion. As the strain rate is increased, the yield coworkers3,50 showed that the internal cellular core
462 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

(a) (b)

Dry hagfish threads
σ max = 530MPa
Engineering stress (MPa)

400 ε max = 1.9

Ei = 7.7 GPa

Wet hagfish threads
σ max = 180MPa
200 ε max = 2.2
Ei = 6 MPa
Wet wool fiber
100 σ max = 150MPa
ε max = 0.45
Ei = 3 GPa
0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2.
Fig. 12. (a) Photograph of a Broadgilled hagfish (Eptatretus cirrhatus) tongue with keratin teeth. Photography by Carl Struthers Ó Museum of
New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. (b) Slime produced by one hagfish ( Stress–strain
curves for (c) wet wool fibers and wet and dry hagfish threads57

serves to increase the buckling resistance of the beak prevent catastrophic failure.3 In the case of the
and demonstrated a synergism between the two toucan, the beak is mainly for the apprehension of
components that provides the stability in bending food so that it is designed to resist bending
configuration. Thus, there is clearly an advantage in moments. Indeed, the beak design is such that the
having internal foam to support the shell. The same hollow core provides an additional weight gain,
conclusion is reached with quill and feather studies since the bending stresses are directionally propor-
regarding the role of the internal foam. tional to the distance from the neutral axis.3
The mechanical behavior of the bird beaks is
governed by both the ductile keratin integument
and semibrittle bony foam. Most of the mechanical
loading on the beak is carried by the exterior kera- The most ancient vertebrates are in a class of fish,
tin, whereas the foam increases the energy absorp- Agnatha (lampreys and hagfish), which do not have
tion and stabilizes the deformation of the beak to jaws but sharp conical teeth composed of keratin.53
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 463

Fig. 13. Illustration of the front view of the equine hoof wall and a sketch of a hoof wall sample showing cells forming tubules and intertubular
material. Intermediate filaments are drawn on the lamella of the cut-away tubule.61 Adapted from Kasapi and Gosline [61].

The tongue of the hagfish (cartilaginous plate) has fibrils. Figure 12c shows a comparison between
two rows of sharp teeth, as shown in Fig. 12a. The tensile stress–strain curves for wet wool and hagfish
teeth are used to seize and hold prey. Human teeth threads. The initial slope of wool fibers is orders of
have a thin layer of keratin (Nasmyth’s membrane) magnitude higher than the hagfish threads; how-
on the enamel in the fetal stage, which is eventually ever, the maximum failure strain is four times
worn away through mastication. lower. The initial Young’s modulus of the hagfish
slime is low—6 MPa—which is attributed to signif-
Hagfish Slime icant direct hydration of the IFs, which are nor-
mally shielded by the matrix in hard a keratins. The
Hagfish produce a mucus-like, viscous substance mechanical response of dry slime is significantly
from their body when startled (Fig. 12b). This slime different from that of the wet one. The Young’s
is composed of mucins and seawater, held together modulus of the dry slime is 7.7 GPa, which is much
by long protein threads.54 The slime reacts with higher than that of the wet slime and more similar
water and clogs the gills of the predator fish, an to other keratin materials. This extreme depen-
effective and unique defense mechanism.55 The dence on the degree of hydration is a characteristic
slime is produced at an astonishing speed, and one of most biological materials.
hagfish can produce enough slime to clog a 20-L
bucket of water in minutes. The slime contains
threads that have an a-keratin-like IF struc- MOTION
ture.56,57 The thread bundles are aligned, 1–3 lm in
diameter, and are several centimeters long.58,59
Because the threads are not encased in a matrix, Similar to horns, hooves contain tubules
useful studies have been performed to evaluate the 220 9 140 lm in major and minor axis, respec-
bulk mechanical properties of pure keratin IFs.5,57 tively, with a medullary cavity of 50 lm. These
Studies of these bundles are analogous to studies of tubules are oriented in the longitudinal direction
tendons, which are aligned nonmineralized collagen (parallel to the leg). The keratin forms in circular
464 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

lamellae (5–15 lm thick) surrounding the tubules, compared with those of equine hoof. Finally, in the
as shown in Fig. 13.9 It was concluded that the bovine hoof, the interaction between tubular and
tubules serve only a mechanical function—to intertubular material seems to be stronger than in
increase crack deflection, thereby increasing the the equine hoof, indicating a stronger interface.
toughness, making the equine hoof a highly frac- These differences account for the higher fracture
ture-resistant biological material.9,60 The hooves toughness of the equine hoof compared with the
must support large compressive and impact loads bovine hoof.
and must provide some shock absorption from the
impact. The most thorough studies have been Feathers
from Gosline and coworkers.9,60–63 Bertram and
Gosline63 measured the effect of hydration on the Feathers are the most complex integumentary
tensile and fracture properties. They found appendages on all vertebrates.66 They serve a vari-
the elastic modulus to decrease dramatically in the ety of functions that includes flight, camouflage,
hydrated condition, ranging from 14.6 GPa (ambi- courtship, thermal insulation, and water resistance.
ent) to 0.4 GPa (100% RH). Water penetrates the Feathers form from follicles in the epidermis that
intertubular matrix as well as the amorphous are periodically replaced by molting. The two main
polymer surrounding the keratin fibers, acting as a types of feathers are contour and down. The contour
plasticizer, thereby decreasing the density and feathers cover the entire body with the insulating
stiffness of the material.37 down feathers beneath them. Most studies on
Fracture toughness was found maximum at 75% feathers have focused on two types of contour
RH (22.8 kJ/m2). Kasapi and Gosline9,61 tested feathers—the remiges (wing) and the retrices (tail).
stiffness, tensile strength, and work of fracture in Feathers are comprised of b keratin and melanin
fully hydrated conditions to correlate the IF volume (which provides color).
fraction and alignment with mechanical properties. The feather has a hierarchical construction based
They found the stiffness increased toward the outer on a primary shaft, or rachis consisting of a cortex
hoof wall ranging from 0.30 GPa at the inner region that encloses a cellular core, composed of uniformly
to 0.56 GPa on the outer surface of the hoof wall, sized cells of 20 lm in diameter. The rachis sup-
despite the porosity increase in that direction. The ports barbs, which are secondary keratinous fea-
increase in elastic modulus was attributed to an tures that form the herringbone pattern of the vane
increase in the volume fraction of IFs. Subsequent (Fig. 14).67 Similarly, the barbs support tertiary
studies revealed the stiffness reinforcement was features, including barbules.
caused by the IFs volume fraction rather than the The bulk of the cortex is constructed of fibers that
IF orientation. In the tubular material, the IFs are measure 6 lm in diameter, which are aligned
aligned in the tubule direction. However, they are predominantly along the length of the shaft. These
aligned perpendicular to the tubule direction in the fibers are comprised of fibrils measuring 300–
intertubular matrix. These different orientations 500 nm in diameter. The most superficial layer
help resist crack propagation through crack redi- (cuticle) of the cortex is distinguishable from the
rection, suggesting that the hoof wall structure bulk of the cortex in that it consists of circumfer-
evolved to maximize the fracture toughness.61 entially oriented fibers.68,69 The feather can be de-
Bovine hooves are similar to equine hooves in scribed as a paradigm of a sandwich-structured
both structure and properties,7,64 as shown in composite,70 and the cortex itself is a hierarchical,
Table II. Baillie and Fitford65 described the bovine bilaminate, fiber-reinforced composite.
hoof structure as comprised of tubules embedded in Some attempts to identify interspecies variations
intertubular material. Franck et al.7 determined the in Young’s modulus of rachis keratin sampled from
tensile, compressive, and bending strengths and the dorsal surface of the cortex have been reported
stiffness values. They are similar to the ones for in the literature. Bonser and Purslow71 tested cor-
equine hooves, considering the slightly different tex strips of the rachis on three outermost wing
moisture content. Clark and Petrie64 found the feathers sampled from eight species of birds. They
fracture toughness for bovine hooves (J-integral reported that the interspecies variations in
8.5 kJ/m2) to be lower than for the equine ones mechanical properties were low. The mean Young’s
(J-integral 12.0 kJ/m2).62 Bendit and Kelly14 found modulus of the feather cortex was found to be
the elastic modulus to be dependent strongly on the 2.5 GPa, and with few exceptions, the interspecific
relative humidity, which varied from 2 GPa (RH differences were not statistically significant. The
65%) to 0.03 GPa (RH 100%). mass of the species studied represents a range of
The structural differences found between the almost three orders of magnitude (0.06–10 kg);
bovine and equine hooves seem to mainly affect the therefore, the authors reported that the stiffness of
toughness. The bovine tubule wall is thinner and the cortex does not vary with mass of the bird.
the keratin cells in the intertubular material are Previously, MacLeod72 tested the segments of intact
more oriented parallel to the tubules than in the rachis (rachis segments in which the medullary core
equine hoof. Accordingly, the intertubular IFs are had not been separated from the cortex) from three
more aligned in the direction of the tubules species of landfowl and from a Herring Gull. In
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 465

Fig. 14. SEM of the surface microstructure of the cortex and (a) the cross section of a distal section of rachis. The (b) dorsal and (c) ventral
cortical rachis is smooth at the microscale, whereas the (d) lateral cortical rachis keratin is fibrous and textured with ridges separated by 10–
20 lm. The cortex encloses (e) a medullary core constructed of cells ranging from 20 lm to 30 lm in diameter67

contrast to the conclusion reported by Bonser and geometry, and thickness of the cuticle.68,69 This was
Purslow,71 for both tension and flexure, the inter- reported in cortical rachis along a single wing
species variation in Young’s modulus was high; for feather of a Mute Swan, which is one of the most
cortex from which the medulla had been removed, massive of the flying species of birds.71 The Young’s
the tensile Young’s modulus ranged from 1 MPa to modulus from the proximal end to the distal tip,
8 MPa, where uncertainty was reported as 10%.72 based on tension testing of dorsal (top surface of
The discrepancy in the literature may be a result of feather rachis) cortex strips, was found to increase
differences in the sampling technique, treatment, linearly, from 1.8 GPa to 3.8 GPa.71 This trend was
and environmental conditions (e.g., the mechanical reported to be absent in the rachis of the flightless
performance of feather is reported to be humidity ostrich.76 Bostandzhiyan et al.74 reported failure
sensitive4,73), although interspecific microstructural strengths of dorsal section of cortex collected from a
variation may play a role. goose to be 188–240 MPa at the calamus and
Significant differences were identified as a func- 74 MPa at a more distal section, whereas Weiss and
tion of position along the length of the rachis.71,74 Kirchner77 reported an inverse trend for the tail
The distal (furthest from body) region of the feather coverts of a wild-type peacock, a generally cursorial
is more mature than the proximal region (closest to (running) species. Therefore, for birds capable of
body), and morphology is substantially different flight, temporal effects and fiber alignment gradi-
along the length,75 in terms of size, cross-sectional ents from the proximal to distal end may contribute
466 McKittrick, Chen, Bodde, Yang, Novitskaya, and Meyers

with aluminum foam and subjected to compressive

loading beyond the onset of plastic instability. The
characteristic buckling pattern is analogous to that
of the quill subjected to the same loading (Fig. 7).
Thus, the mechanisms of reinforcement are similar.
The sheep horn has keratin filaments that are not
only embedded parallel to the growth direction but
also extend from one layer to the next. These cross-
ply fibers aid in decreasing delamination by holding
the layers together strongly. Composite materials
companies recognize that delamination is the most
common failure mode for layered composite mate-
rials and have fabricated composites that are cross
stitched together. However, although this process
improves the delamination strength, the presence of
the holes from stitching decreases the overall frac-
ture strength. A novel composite that is similar to
the structure of animal horns is shown in Fig. 15b.81
A ‘‘forest’’ of carbon nanotubes is grown on the
surface of the laminate, which then holds the plies
together. This resulted in enhanced mechanical
properties. The fracture toughness was increased by
350%, the flexural modulus increased by 100%,
and the flexural toughness increased by 525% over
the base composite.
Fig. 15. (a) Aluminum shell filled with aluminum foam for automotive Hagfish slime threads have received recent
applications. Right: initial configuration. Left: compressed along interest from the biotechnology field. They make a
longitudinal axis showing plastic buckling.38 (b) Using a carbon good candidate for high-performance fiber threads
nanotube forest, the laminates in this composite are stitched together that could build materials that rival synthetic ones
to form a stronger, stiffer composite81
(Kevlar [Dupont Advanced Fibers Systems, Rich-
mond, VA], nylon, and polyester) for ballistics pro-
to an increase of at least 100% in stiffness or a de-
crease in failure strength by more than 200%. Bodde CONCLUSIONS
et al.67 investigated the tensile properties of the tail
feathers of the Toco Toucan. The dorsal and ventral Keratin is a lightweight (1.3 g/cm3) robust struc-
surfaces of the cortex are both significantly stiffer tural biological material that serves a variety of
and stronger than the lateral surface. The distal end functions, from simple waterproofing to impact-
of the feather was found to be more stiff and weaker resistant structures (hooves and horns). It has
than those sampled from the proximal and middle excellent mechanical properties in both tension and
regions. Distinctive fracture patterns correspond to compression. The scaly or tiled appearance of the
the failure in the superficial cuticle layer and the surface is that most keratin is produced in cells,
bulk of the rachis cortex. In the cuticle, where which die after full keratinization, leaving the cell
supramolecular keratinous fibers are oriented tan- wall remnants around the keratinized material.
gentially, evidence of ductile tearing was observed. Hard keratin (a and b) is a composite material
In the bulk cortex, where the fibers are bundled and composed of short crystalline fibers (IFs) embedded
oriented longitudinally, patterns suggestive of near- in a highly cross linked elastomeric matrix. This
periodic aggregation and brittle failure were ob- matrix can be compared with vulcanized rubber.
served. Keratinaceous materials have four major mor-
BIOINSPIRED STRUCTURES 1. Dense waterproof layer (osteoderms and skin)
The study of structural biological materials shed 2. Dense shells filled with a porous material,
insights into how are organisms assemble tough, resulting in the formation of lightweight, stiff,
lightweight structures. The design concept of the buckle-resistant structures (quills, feathers, and
porcupine quill has synthetic structure parallels in bird beaks)
many fields, such as in aviation, offshore oil plat- 3. Solid blocks with embedded tubules that are
forms, and scaffolds in the medical field.78–80 Karam impact resistant (hooves and horns)
and Gibson34 suggested the structure of the hedge- 4. Filamentary forms (gecko feet and hagfish slime)
hog spine is optimally designed to resist buckling It is well known that good bonding is needed
loads. Figure 15a shows an aluminum tube filled between the fiber and the matrix in a polymer
The Structure, Functions, and Mechanical Properties of Keratin 467

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National Science Foundation, Division of Materials lands: North Holland Publishing Company, 1955), pp. 151–
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