Follow-on Activity
The Initiating Process Group
Purpose: Use this follow-on activity to help you memorize the processes of the Initiating Process Group for exam pu
Instructions for use: To use the table, enter each Initiating process in the corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do
Collect Requirements
Project Scope Management
Define Scope
Create WBS
Plan Schedule
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Project Time Management
Estimate Activity
Estimate Activity
Develop Schedule
Plan Cost Management
Determine Budget
Project Quality Management Plan Quality Management
Identify Risks
corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do this from memory. You can print this document, or recreate the table in a word proces
ct management processes
Validate Scope
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Control Risks
Follow-on Activity
The Planning Process Group
Purpose: Use this follow-on activity to help you memorize the processes of the Planning Process Group for exam pur
Instructions for use: To use the table, enter each Planning process in the corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do t
Plan Schedule
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Project Time Management
Estimate Activity Resources
corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do this from memory. Dashes have been added as a hint as to how many processes go in
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Control Risks
Follow-on Activity
The Executing Process Group
Purpose: Use this follow-on activity to help you memorize the processes of the Executing Process Group for exam pu
Instructions for use: To use the table, enter each Executing process in the corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do
Collect Requirements
Project Scope
Define Scope
Create WBS
Plan Schedule Management
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Project Time Management
Estimate Activity Resources
Develop Schedule
Plan Cost Management
Determine Budget
Project Quality Plan Quality Management
e corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do this from memory. You can print this document, or recreate the table in a word proc
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Control Costs
Control Quality
- Control Communications
Control Risks
Control Stakeholder
- Engagement
reate the table in a word processing or spreadsheet application to complete this activity.
| Print | Back | Close |
Follow-on Activity
The Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
Purpose: Use this follow-on activity to help you memorize the processes of the Monitoring and Controlling Process G
Instructions for use: To use the table, enter each Monitoring and Controlling process in the corresponding Knowled
Initiating Planning Executing Closing
Knowledge & Controlling
Process Process Process Process
Area Process
Group Group Group Group
Develop -
Project Develop Direct and
Project Close Project
Integration Project Management Manage or Phase
Management Charter Project Work
Plan -
Plan Scope -
Project Requirement -
Scope s
Define Scope
Create WBS
Project Time -
Project Time -
Plan Cost
Project Cost
Estimate -
Project Team
Project Team
Project Plan
Communicati Communicati Manage
Communicati -
ons ons
Management Management ons
Plan Risk
Identify Risks
Project Risk Risk Analysis -
Risk Analysis
Plan Risk
the corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do this from memory. You can print this document, or recreate the table in a word pr
reate the table in a word processing or spreadsheet application to complete this activity.
| Print | Back | Close |
Follow-on Activity
The Closing Process Group
Purpose: Use this follow-on activity to help you memorize the processes of the Closing Process Group for exam purp
Instructions for use: To use the table, enter each Closing process in the corresponding Knowledge Area. Try to do th
Collect Requirements
Project Scope
Define Scope
Create WBS
Plan Schedule Management
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Project Time Management
Estimate Activity Resources
Develop Schedule
Plan Cost Management
Determine Budget
Project Quality Plan Quality Management
responding Knowledge Area. Try to do this from memory. You can print this document, or recreate the table in a word processin
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Control Costs
Control Risks
Create WBS
Plan Schedule
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Project Time
Management Estimate Activity
Estimate Activity
Develop Schedule
Determine Budget
Project Quality Plan Quality Management
Identify Risks
Validate Scope
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Perform Quality Assurance Control Quality
Control Risks
Three-point estimating
You use three-point estimating to get a duration estimate that reflects the risks and opportunities that may affect th
1. Add the weights assigned to each estimate. Typically the total is 6, since the most likely estimate gets a weight
2. Add each weighted duration for the total and divide the total weighted duration by the total weight.
The other formula commonly used for three-point estimating is the triangular distribution formula, where:
Duration = (tO+tM+tP) / 3
Course: Estimating Activity Resources and Durations (PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition)
Topic: Using Parametric and Three-point Estimating
s for activities:
ortunities that may affect the completion of the work activity. There are two formulas commonly used in three-point estimating
kely estimate gets a weight of 4 plus a weight of 1 for the optimistic and for the pessimistic estimates.
the total weight.
on formula, where:
ed in three-point estimating. One is the beta distribution formula, based on the traditional PERT technique.
Budget at completion (BAC) None
Planned value (PV) BAC × (time passed ÷ total schedule time)
When variances are not expected to occur for the remainder of the project, so the
costs of future work are estimated to be the same as the budgeted costs.
When you want to take the cost performance of a project into account and assume
its current cost performance level won't change for the remainder of the project.
When you want to take both the schedule and cost performance of the project into
account, and the project schedule is a factor likely to impact the ETC.
When you want to forecast EAC based on the project manager's bottom-up ETC.
When variances are not expected to occur for the remainder of the project, so the
costs of future work are estimated to be the same as the budgeted costs.
When you want to take the cost performance of a project into account and assume
its current cost performance level won't change for the remainder of the project.
When you want to take both the schedule and cost performance of the project into
account, and the project schedule is a factor likely to impact the ETC.
The ETC is calculated by subtracting the actual cost (AC) from the estimate at completion:
You can easily calculate the AC by summing up the four monthly costs listed in the example. The result is $15,000 +
You must now calculate the EAC. To do this, use the following formula:
You know the BAC is $392,000. In order to calculate the cumulative CPI, you must divide the cumulative earned valu
Since you now know the EAC and the AC, you can finally calculate the ETC:
the cumulative earned value (EV) by the cumulative AC. The cumulative CPI is $179,150 / $192,250 = 0.93. Therefore, the EAC i
= 0.93. Therefore, the EAC is $392,000 / 0.93 = $421,505.
Calculate Communication Channels
Suppose you are working to create an appropriate approach to project communications and you know you have 20
n(n - 1) / 2
= 20 (20 - 1) / 2
= 20 (19) / 2
Topic: Perform a Communications Requirements Analysis
and you know you have 20 stakeholders.
Forward pass
The early start date of an activity should fall on the next working day after the early finish date of the previous activ
Backward pass
The late finish date of an activity should fall on the working day before the late start date of the following activity.
h date of the previous activity.
Collect Requirements
Define Scope
Create WBS
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Develop Schedule
Estimate Costs
Validate Scope
Control Scope
Control Schedule
Control Costs
Control Quality
Control Communications
Control Risks
Control Risks