Lec15 PDF
Lec15 PDF
Lec15 PDF
Finite difference
One-step methods
* Euler explicit method
* Euler implicit method
* Runge-Kutta methods
Euler mehtod: first order one- step method for the IVP
y’(t)=f(t,y), y(a)=c, t Є[a, b]
let us denote the approximate solution by ȳ(t)
When do we say the numerical scheme is convergent?
Is that because the truncation error appeared in the Taylor’s goes to zero as
h goes to zero?
Abuse of notations!!!
Does Euler method converge because of consistency???
Or whether the gloabl error goes to zero as truncation error goes to zero
always??? ( its crazy!!)
Does this stability analysis ensure a bound on the round-off error produced
during the computation of the numerical solution?
In fact we do not consider the whole round-off error analysis, we only consider
the perturbation in the initial datum.
There are several articles available dealing with round-off error analysis:
Note: Theorem 12.2 can be used to find the error bound on the approximated
solution of a given one step method, provided the conditions of theorem 12.2 are
One-step methods of high order accuracy
One-step method of high order accuracy: One-step implicit method or
trapezium rule method
How to show the convergence of this method? Or how to
find an error bound of the solution? Therorem 12.2 will
More on one-step methods:
(Or midpoint method)
So far in this slide we were discussing about one-step method. We have
compared it with its general form. We found implicit and explicit methods
and high order methods.
* Adams-Bashforth methods
* Adams-Moulton methods
* Predictor-corrector methods
Consistency, Stability and Convergence of Multi-step
This theorem connects two notions of stability!
For proof refer to the book of Henrici in the previous slide
For proof refer to the book of Henrici in the previous slide
Where f_n=f(t_n,y(t_n)).