WLP - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W2
WLP - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W2
WLP - Mathematics 6 - Q1 - W2
3 1. subtract simple fractions without Subtracting Simple WHAT’S MORE Learning Task No. 3:
regrouping; Fractions and Complete each item. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
2. subtract simple fractions from Mixed Numbers (This task can be found on page
mixed numbers without regrouping; ____)
3. subtract simple fractions from
mixed numbers with regrouping;
4. solve routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
4 1. subtract simple fractions without Subtracting Simple WHAT I CAN DO Learning Task No. 4:
regrouping; Fractions and
2. subtract simple fractions from Mixed Numbers Read and solve the following problems. Show your solutions and (This task can be found on page
mixed numbers without regrouping; express your final answer to simplest form or lowest term. Write ____)
3. subtract simple fractions from it on your answer sheet.
mixed numbers with regrouping; 1.) Carol bought 45 kilogram of ground pork. She used 34
and kilogram to make siomai. How many kilograms of ground pork
4. solve routine and non-routine was left?
problems involving addition and/or 2.) Emalyn decided to make 810 liter of pineapple juice for her
subtraction of fractions using friends who were practicing a dance number for the school
appropriate problem-solving program. She served 710 liter of juice. How much juice was left?
strategies and tools.
5 1. subtract simple fractions without Subtracting Simple Answer the Evaluation that can
regrouping; Fractions and Subtract the following fractions. Express your answer to simplest be found on page _____.
2. subtract simple fractions from Mixed Numbers form or lowest term, if needed. Write your answers on your
mixed numbers without regrouping; answer sheet.
3. subtract simple fractions from
mixed numbers with regrouping;
4. solve routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.