EP 309: Photonics Chapter 14: Lasers: Dinesh Kabra, Physics - IITB

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EP 309: Photonics

Chapter 14: Lasers

Dinesh Kabra, Physics - IITB
• Theory of Laser Oscillation
• Optical amplification and
• Condition for laser oscillation
• Characteristic of the laser output
• Power
• Spectral distribution
• Spatial distribution and
• Mode selection
• Characteristic of common laser In 1958 Schawlow, together with Charles Townes,
• Pulsed lasers showed how to extend the principle of maser to
• Methods of pulsing lasers the optical region. He shared the 1981 Nobel prize
• Analysis of transient effects with Nicholaas Blombergen. Malman demonstrated
• Q-Switching the first successful operation of the ruby laser in
• Mode locking 1960.
Nicholaas Blombergen :
laser spectroscopy four
wave mixing
Oscillation condition

1. There should be net gain in a

round trip.

2. Round trip phase should be

2n, n = 1,2,3….integer

Higher gain to saturation


steady-state-condition (gain = loss)


 Laser  an optical oscillator

 Amplifier is pumped active medium
 Gain saturation is a basic property of amplifier
 Feedback is obtained by optical resonator
 Frequency selection is achieved by resonant amplifier and
 Outcoupling is achieved by using a partial transmission of one
of the mirror
Theory of Laser Oscillation
Optical Amplification and Feedback:

Laser amplification
Narrowband coherent amplifier Small-signal gain
Via stimulated emission (i.e, population inversion)

Bandwidth  homoegenous/ inhomoegenous

Amplification process will deplete No to N

(for homogeneous broaden system), where

s = saturation time constant (s  tsp (4- level scheme) and s  2tsp (3-level system)

Saturated gain
Theory of Laser Oscillation
Amplification process also introduces phase shift.

For Lorentzian linewidth, the amplifier phase shift

per unit length is

Phase shift coefficient

There will be an additional phase shift due to

medium in which amplifier is kept.

Feedback and loss: The optical resonator

Phase shift in simple Fabry-Perot etalon comprising two mirrors separated by distance d
and medium n, in which amplifier reside. This medium will introduce an additional phase
shift per unit length equal to wavenumber
Phase shift coefficient
Feedback and loss: The optical resonator

Overall loss in one round trip due to absorption and scattering and mirror transmission

t = total effective distributed loss coefficient

Loss coefficient

t loss of energy (photons) per unit length hence tc represents the loss of photons per
second. Thus
Photon lifeitme
Feedback and loss: The optical resonator
The resonator sustains only frequencies that correspond to a round-trip phase shift of 2n.
Where n is an integer.
For a resonator the round trip phase shift is k*2d = 4d/c = q*2.

Modes frequencies :

F = c/2d is resonator mode spacing . FWHM (spectral width) of these modes is

F is finesse of resonator.
Condition for laser Oscillation
Two conditions must be satisfied for laser to oscillate (lase)
1. Gain > 1 per round trip
2. Phase should 2n , n =1,2,…per round trip (self-consistency condition)

Gain condition : Laser threshold

The initiation of laser oscillation requires that small signal gain coefficient be greater than
loss coefficient


Which can be further simplified in the form of

Threshold population
Condition for laser Oscillation
Expression suggest that Nt is function of frequency. The
threshold is lowest for frequency for which g() is highest,
i.e., at its central frequency 0.

For Lorentzian lineshape

Nt  

Further if transition rate is limited by lifetime broadening with a decay time tsp:
  1/2tsp, which further simplifies to

Lasing is difficult for higher frequency and shorter photon lifetime

Threshold of a ruby laser
Phase Condition: Laser Frequencies
The 2nd condition of oscillation requires round trip phase shift should be:

If the contribution arising from active laser atoms is small then it can be considered as
simple case of resonator modes. However, if active laser atoms contributes, the solution
of above equation give rise to set of oscillation frequencies q’ that are slightly displaced
from cold resonator frequencies q. These new frequencies gets pulled towards central

Frequency pulling:
k = 2/c ; F = c/2d
And Phase shift coefficient
for Lorentzian lineshape


Phase Condition: Laser Frequencies
Phase Condition: Laser Frequencies
Approximate analytical solution of 14.1-18 can be
When  = q  q’, the 2nd term is small in 14-1-19, hence replacing  = q does not affect
accuracy. Thus

An explicit function of cold resonator frequency.

Under steady-state condition gain = loss, so that

Where  is spectral width of resonator modes. This leads to

Laser frequencies
Phase Condition: Laser Frequencies

• Sharper the resonator modes (i.e., lesser )  less significant is pulling effect

• Narrower the atomic resonance linewidth ()  more effective pulling

Characteristic of Laser Output

Gain clamping The steady-state laser internal photon flux

density can be determined by equating
large-signal (saturated gain coefficient) to
loss coefficient.

Which provides:

Since 0() = N0() and r = Nt()

Steady-state laser
internal photon-flux

Output photon flux density

 Out from output coupler would half travelling towards outcoupler, whilte ignoring the
spontaneous emission
Optimization of output photon-flux
Optimal transmittance to get maximum light output by limiting/controlling the resonator

Due to mirror

Total resonator loss


Optimization of output photon-flux

= 0.5


Optimal transmittance
Derivative of 0 w.r.t. Equal to zero.

Optimal Transmittance = 0.08

Internal Photon-number Density
The steady state number of photons per unit volume inside the resonator n is related to
the steady-state internal  by the simple relation:

Consider a cylinder of area A, length c and volume cA, whose axis lies parallel to axis of
resonator then n = /c

The photon number density corresponding to the steady-state internal photon-flux density
can be
photon number

Where ns = s()/c is the photon-number density saturation value.

Since, 14.2-12
Then equation 14.2-11 can be written as photon number
` density
Internal Photon-number Density

This suggest that

 (N0 – Nt) is population difference in excess of threshold.
 (N0 – Nt) / s is rate at which photons are generated
 Under steady-state operation above rate is equal to n/ p, rate at which
photons are lost
 Fraction p/ s is ratio of emitted to lost photon rates

Under ideal 4-level pumping conditions; s = tsp and N0 = Rtsp (R is pumping rate s-1cm-3)
then above expression can be written as:`

where Rt = Nt/tsp is pumping threshold rate.

It can be seen that under steady-state conditions the overall photon-density loss rate
n/p is precisely equal to the excess pumping rate.
Output Photon flux and efficiency

If mirror transmission is only loss in resonator and V is volume of active medium, output
flux (photons per second) is

If there losses other than output coupler, the 0 can be written as

14.2-15; laser output photon flux

Where e is emission efficiency (ratio of loss arising from the extracted light to all of the
total losses r)

Since Emission efficiency

Where we have defined 1/TF = c/2d, indicating that the emission efficiency can be
understood in terms of the ratio of the photon-lifetime to its round-trip travel time
mulitplied by mirror transmission.
Spectral Distribution
Figure suggest that only finite
number of oscillation frequencies (1,
2, 3…… m) are possible. The
number of possible laser oscillation
modes is therefore

No. of possible laser modes

We will see later how does these all

possible modes behave inside
resonator, which will depend upon
whether active system is
inhomogeneous or homogeneously

The approximate linewidth of each laser mode is expected to be  , but it turns out to
be smaller than this. It is limited by the so called Schalow-Townes linewidth, which
decreases inversely as the optical power.
Acoustic and thermal fluctuation of resonator mirrors
Homogeneously Broadened

Above picture is valid as long as spatial hole burning is avoided.

In practice, homogeneously broadened laser do indeed oscillates on multiple modes

because the different modes occupy different spatial portion of the active medium.
When oscillation on 0 is established, the gain coefficient can still exceed the loss
coefficient at those locations where standing wave of 0 vanishes. This phenomenon is
called spatial hole burning.
 It allows another modes whose standing wave peaks located near to null of central
frequency standing wave.
Inhomogeneously Broadened
 Start with similar to homogenous
broadened system

 Continue to grow independently due to

non-spectral overlap

 Spectral hole burning occurs

 Many modes lase

Spectral hole-burning

 A probe wave at frequency q saturates

those atomic populations with
velocities v = c(q/0 -1) on both sides
of central frequency, burning two holes
in gain profile.

 If q = 0 then there will be single hole

in center of the profile.

 Merger of two holes results in bell

shape gain profile with a central
depression, called Lamb dip.
Spectral hole-burning  Lamb dip
in He:Ne laser
Spatial Distribution and Polarization
Laser output for the (0,0) transverse
mode  Gaussian beam

 Gain and losses of two transverse

 (0,0) and (1,1) usually differ because
of their different spatial distributions.

 A mode can lase as long it lies in band

(B) where gain exceeds losses.
Mode Selection
 Dispersive element (Prism) for
longitudinal mode
 Spatial aperture for transverse mode

Selection of Polarization

Intra-cavity is preferred (Brewster Window)

Efficient use of pump power
Selection of longitudinal mode

It can be achieved by two ways

1. Increase the loss sufficiently that the only mode with highest gain will oscillate.
(the surviving mode itself be weak)

2. Increase the longitudinal mode spacing, F= c/2d by reducing d.

(reduced active medium volume means smaller gain and weak laser)
Example: Ar+ ion laser with D = 3.5 GHz, thus if B= D and n =1, M = D/ (c/2d)  d < XXcm for single mode

XX = 4.3 cm
Selection of longitudinal mode

1. By intracavity tilted Etalon

 Modes of etalon have large

spacing c/2d1 > B
 Can be tuned to desired mode
 Temperature or piezoelectric
 Generally temperature
 Tilted to prevent undesired
additional resonances
Characteristics of common lasers
• Assignment

• Describe working principle of common lasers,

merits and demerits of these lasers. (hand
written no typing ,i.e., copy-pasting )

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