ECE Sayalbs
ECE Sayalbs
ECE Sayalbs
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
MA 201 A Advanced Engineering 2 - - 2 2 3 100 - 100
Mathematics (EC/ECC/EEE) - I
EC 202 A Network Theory (EC/ECC/EEE) 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 207 A Solid State Electronic Devices 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 204 A Electronic Circuit (EC) – I 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
EC 205 A Digital Electronics 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
EC 206 A Electronic Instruments & 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Measurements (EC)
Total (A) 14 5 19 19 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 211 B Network Laboratory (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 212 B Electronic Instruments & - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Measurement Lab (EC)
EC 213 B Electronic Circuits Lab (EC) – I - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 214 B Digital Electronics Lab (EC) - I - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 215 B Logic System Design (EC) - I - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 216 B Computer Programming (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Total (B) - - 12 12 6 - - 600 600
Grand Total (A+B) 14 5 12 31 25 - 600 600 1200
B.E. II Year (Electronics & Communication Engineering), 2016-17
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
MA 251 A Advanced Engineering 2 - - 2 2 3 100 - 100
Mathematics (EC/ECC/EEE) - II
EC 252 A R.F. Circuits & Systems 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Electronics Circuits (EC/EEE) –
EC 254 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Digital Electronics
EC 255 A 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 257 A Industrial Electronics (EC/EEE) 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
EC 291A OPEN ELECTIVE - I 3 - - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Total (A) 15 4 19 19 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 261 B R.F. Circuits Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 263 B Electronics Circuits Lab (EC) – - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 264 B Digital Electronics Lab (EC) – II - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 265 B Logic System Design (EC) - II - - 2 2 2 - - 100 100
EC 267 B Industrial Electronics Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Total (B) 12 12 6 - - 500 500
Grand Total (A+B) 15 4 12 31 25 - 600 500 1100
EC 200 E Co-curricular Activities - - - - 0 - - - 100
*Choice based electives offered by Electronics & Communication Engineering Department in IVth semester:
B.E. III Year (Electronics & Communication Engineering), 2017-18
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
EC Analog Communication
304 A 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Engineering (EC/ECC)
EC Theory & Applications of
306 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Integrated Circuits (EC)
EC Computer Organisation
309 A 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC Radiation & Wave Propagation
310 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
(EC) – I
Feedback & Control Systems
EC 311 A 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 341A Open Elective – II* 3 - - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Total (A) 15 5 20 20 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 313 B Analog Communication Lab 2 1 - - 100 100
- - 2
EC 314 B Radiation & Wave Propagation 2 1 - - 100 100
- - 2
Lab (EC) – I
EC 315 B Integrated Circuits Lab (EC) 2 1 - - 100 100
- - 2
EC 316 B Electronics Workshop (EC) 2 1 - - 100 100
- - 2
EC 317 B Control System Lab (EC) 2 1 - - 100 100
- - 2
Total (B) - - 10 10 5 - - 500 500
Grand Total (A+B) 15 5 10 30 25 - 600 500 1100
*Choice based electives offered by Electronics & Communication Engineering Department in Vth semester:
B.E. III Year (Electronics & Communication Engineering), 2017-18
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
EC 352 A Electronics Measurements (EC) 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Digital Communication Systems
EC 353 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Radiation & Wave Propagation
EC 355 A 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
(EC) – II
Microprocessor &
EC 358 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Microcomputers (EC/ECC/EEE)
EC 361 A Audio & Video Electronics (EC) 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 391A OPEN ELECTIVE – III* 3 - - 3 3 3 100 - 100
Total (A) 15 5 20 20 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 367 B Audio & Video Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Electronics Measurement Lab
EC 362 B - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Digital Communication Lab
EC 363 B - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 364 B Microprocessor Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 100 100
Radiation & Wave Propagation
EC 365 B - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Lab (EC) – II
Total (B) - - 10 10 5 - - 500 500
Grand Total (A+B) 15 5 10 30 25 - 600 500 1100
EC 300 E Co-curricular Activities - - - - 0 - - - 100
*Choice based electives offered by by Electronics & Communication Engineering Department in VIth semester:
B.E. IV Year (Electronics & Communication Engineering), 2018-19
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
EC 402 A Telematics (EC) 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Advanced Communication
EC 403 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Systems (EC/ECC/EEE)
Advanced Computer Technology
EC 404 A 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
EC 407 A Radar & Navigational Aids (EC) 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Engineering Management &
EC 408 A 2 - - 2 2 3 100 - 100
Economics (EC/ECC/EEE)
EC Core Elective – I 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 100
Total (A) 16 5 - 21 21 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 412 B Telematics Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 413 B Advanced Communication - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Systems Lab (EC)
EC 417 B Advanced Computer Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 415 B Project (EC) (Phase – I)* - - 2 2 - - - - -
EC 416 B Seminar - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Total (B) - - 10 10 4 - - 400 400
Grand Total (A+B) 16 5 10 31 25 - 600 400 1000
* EC 415 B: A combined exam of Phase I & II shall be conducted at the end of VIII Semester.
B.E. IV Year (Electronics & Communication Engineering), 2018-19
Branch Subject Contact Exam
Subject Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits Pract &
Code Code Hours Hours Theory Total
A: Written Papers
EC 451 A Digital Signal Processing (EC/ 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 452 A Electronic Instrumentation (EC) 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 457 A Mobile Communication (EC) 2 1 - 3 3 3 100 - 100
EC 458 A Computer Communication & 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
Data Networks (EC/ECC/EEE)
EC 459 A Microwave Engineering 3 1 - 4 4 3 100 - 100
EC Core Elective – II 2 1 - 3 3 - 100 100
Total (A) 14 6 20 20 - 600 - 600
B: Practicals and Sessionals
EC 461 B DSP Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 462 B Instrumentation Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 463 B Microwave Lab (EC) - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
EC 465 B Computer Communication & - - 2 2 1 - - 100 100
Data Networks Lab (EC)
EC 415 B Project (EC) (Phase – II)* - - 2 2 1 - - 200 200
Total (B) - - 10 10 5 - - 600 600
Total (A+B) 14 6 10 30 25 - 600 600 1200
C: Others
EC 476 C Practical Training II (EC) - - - - 13 - - 100 100
Total (C) - - - - 13 - - 100 100
Grand Total (A+B+C) 14 6 10 30 38 - 600 700 1300
EC 400 E Co-curricular Activities - - - - 0 - - - 100
*Project (Phase II) is continuation of Project (Phase I) & combined examination shall be conducted.
List of Core Electives
EC 481 A Medical Electronics (EC)
EC 482 A Design Principles of Communication Systems (EC)
EC 484 A Solid State and IC Technology (EC)
EC 485 A Computer and Microprocessor Control of Industrial Processes (EC)
EC 487 A Entrepreneurship Development (EC)
EC 488 A Reliability and Maintainability of Electronic Systems (EC)
EC 490 A Robotics Engineering (EC)
BCT: Building Construction Technology, CE: Civil Engineering, ChE: Chemical Engineering, CSE: Computer
Science and Engineering, EC: Electronics & Communication, EE: Electrical Engineering, ME: Mechanical
Engineering, MI: Mining Engineering, PI: Production & Industrial Engineering, SE: Structural Engineering,
Ma: Mathematics
3L 3 Hrs, MM 100
A review of C. Concepts of object oriented programming using C++. Data types: elementary and derived data
types, literals.
Operators and expressions: operators, association and precedence rules of operators, expressions using unary,
binary and ternary operators.
Statements: declarations as statements, selection statements, iteration statements, goto statement, break
statement, continue statement, return statement, try-catch block.
Functions: void functions, functions with return value, call by value and call by reference parameter passing,
default parameters, recursive functions, inline functions.
Classes: classes, objects, friend functions, classes within a class, local classes, global classes, constructors,
Derived classes: single and multiple derivation of classes, multilevel and hybrid derivation of classes,
constructors, destructors.
Polymorphism: function and operator overloading, virtual functions.
Streams: input and output of built-in data types, manipulators.
File streams: opening a file, accessing a file, closing a file.
Exceptions: catching exceptions, rethrowing the exception, standard exceptions.
Templates: defining a template, template instantiation, function templates, class templates.
Elementary case study of a object oriented database in C++.
Power Unit: Automobile engine types, classification; Engine parts: cylinder head, block and crank case, piston
and rings; Carburation, fuel injection, valve operation; Fuel combustion, mechanical power and engine
performance characteristics; Engine cooling and thermal stresses in parts,.
Chassis and Suspension: Load on frame, general considerations for strength and stiffness, engine mounting;
Dampers, leaf and coil springs, various arrangements of suspension systems.
Transmission System: Clutches, flywheels, torque convertors; Gear-box: simple, synchromesh and overdrive;
Type of universal joints, propeller shaft, differential; Rolling, air, gradient resistances and propulsive power
Steering: Steering geometry, Ackermann and Davis steering mechanisms; Telescopic steering; Steering shaft,
gear-box, linkages, steering angles, front and rear axles; Vehicle longitudinal, static and dynamic balancing and
electronic stability; Power steering: types and mechanism; Effect of caster, camber, toe-in and toe-out on tyre
Brakes and Tyres: Servo-action, brake components; Bendix and Gerling system lock-head, hydraulic, vacuum,
air and power brakes, and retarders; Pneumatic and tubeless tyres;
Features of a Modern passanger Car: Introduction to ABS, Front and side air bags, EBD, Climatizer, ESP, night-
vision dashboard system; sun-roofing, collision warning system, Hybrid cars.
CE 341A Open Elective-II: Non Urban Public Hygiene & Drinking Water
3L 3 Hrs, MM
Communicable disease: Disease and immunity, communicable disease sources, mode of transfer. Control of
communicable disease.
Fly and mosquito control: Life cycle of flies and mosquitoes. Various methods of fly and mosquitoes control.
Milk and food sanitation: Essential of dairy farm and cattle shed sanitation. Tests for milk and dairy products.
Food epidemic, food poisoning. Botulism. Rural sanitation, village latrines, aqua privies, storm water and sullage
problems, animal waste, methods of composting. Biogas collection and disposal of refuse, solid waste
management through vermicomposting.
Septic tank (only salient features), percolation pits, sub surface disposal.
Rural water supply: Importance of village community in India, conditions of Indian villages with special regards
to economic, social and health aspects. Quality of water needed for village community, sources of water for
village water supplied, domestic roof water harvesting. Types of wells of sanitary aspects in well construction.
Disinfections of wells. Different types of pumps used for village wells. Operation and maintenance of pumps,
water borne diseases. Quality of water, human and cattle population and their water requirement. Rate of water
supply. Standards of potable water. Rain water storage.
Treatment of water: Disinfection, desalination, Defluoridation, distribution of water.
3L, 3 Hrs, MM
Understanding Microsoft .NET Framework and ASP.NET, Creating components in Visual C#. CLR,
Framework Class Library, Undocumented Types.
Programming the .NET Framework, Common Types, Math, Strings, Collections, Regular Expressions. Core
Types, Serialization, Remoting, Graphics, Rich Client Applications, Globalization, Configuration, Advanced
Component Services.
Multithreading, Thread Synchronization, Inter-thread Communication and Monitor. Delegates & Events.
Validating User Input.
Creating a Connection to the Database, Displaying a DataSet, List-Bound Control, Paging and Selection,
DataGrid Control, Accessing Data with DataReaders and SqlDataReader. Overview of Stored Procedures.
Managing State, State management, Application and Session Variables, Cookies and Cookieless Sessions.
Configuring, Optimizing. Using the Cache object.
Reading and Writing XML Data, Overview of XML Architecture, DataSet Object, XML Web Server Control,
Reading, Transforming, and Displaying XML, Nested Data. Creating an XML Web Service.
Securing a Microsoft ASP.NET Web Application, Web Application Security Overview, Windows-Based
Authentication, Forms-Based Authentication, Passport Authentication, Registering New Users, Permitting Users
to Sign Out.
AJAX.NET Architecture, Working with AJAX Pro and Controls, Accordion, Calendar, CascadingDropDown,
CollapsiblePanel, Filtered TextBox, Numeric Up Down, Modal Popup, Popup Control. Page_Load Event and
Click Event Procedure, Adding server controls to an ASP.NET Web Form basics, handling text and numbers.
Section A
Differential equations : Simultaneous differential equations, Total differential equations, Partial differential
equations of first order, Charpit’s method, Linear homogeneous partial differential equations with constant
coefficients, Second order partial differential equations : Monge’s method for the equation of type
Rr + Ss + Tt = V
Solution of Wave, Heat and Laplace equations using separation of variables method.
Section B
Complex Analysis : Analytic function, Harmonic function, Construction of an Analytic function, Complex
integration: Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Derivative of Cauchy’s integral formula.
Cauchy’s residue theorem and its application to evaluate the contour integrals of type f ( x)dx and
f ( x)dx
Transformations: conformal and bilinear transformations.
Section C
Probability and Statistics: Theorems of probability and their application, Binomial, Poisson and Normal
probability distribution. Correlation and Regression analysis of two parameters.
Note: Candidates are required to attempt FIVE questions in all, selecting at least one from each Section.
Network Equations: Topology incidence, cut-set end tie-set matrices. Mesh and nodal analysis of networks
with independent and dependent sources. Duality, Transient and steady state solutions of D.C. and A.C.
Network Theorems: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity. Maximum power transfer. Millman and
Tellegen's Theorems and their applications to D.C. and A.C. circuits
Resonance: Resonance in series and parallel- circuits. Q-Factor, bandwidth and selectivity.
Non-sinusoidal Periodic Waveforms: Fourier series- trigonometric and exponential forms. Response of
network to non-sinusoidal periodic waveforms.
Two Port Networks: Different two port parameters and their inter-relations and characteristic functions,
interconnection of two port networks, Brune's test. Network configurations. Symmetrical and asymmetrical two
port communication networks. Iterative, Image and characteristic impedances, Propagation, attenuation, phase
and Image transfer constants. Balanced, unbalanced and reciprocal networks; T.L. lattice and bridged T network
Network Functions: Generalized concept of complex frequency, Impedance and admittance functions.
Exponential excitation and system functions. Driving point and transfer functions. Pole zero configuration of
system functions.
Quantum Mechanics: Review of Schrodinger wave equation. Physical interpetation of wave function, Maxwell
Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Interatomic forces and types of bonding. Theory of band
structure and electronic states in conductors, semi-conductors and insulators. Fermilevel
Semi-conductor Physics: Conduction mechanism in semiconductors. Concept of mobility and diffusion.
Concentration of carriers and ionized impurities in non-degenerate semi-conductors. Evaluation of Fermi level.
Concept of effective electron mass and hole mass. Carrier transport mechanism in semi-conductors. Drift and
diffusion currents in non-degenerare semi-conductors. Thermal equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions.
Carrier recombination, continuity equation and time dependent diffusion equation. Surface states and surface
recombination. Carrier life time, Photo conductivity. Introduction to optical absorption, photo luminescence.
Cathode luminescence and electro luminescence.
Introduction to Solid State Devices: Space charge region and junction capacitance. Minority carrier injection,
carrier storage and transient response. Impact ionization and avalanche break-down.
Analytical theory of junction diodes. BJT, JFET, MOSFET, UJT, diffused transistors, avalanche transistors.
Degenerate semi-conductors and theory of tunneling, Theory of tunnel diodes, zener diodes, varactor diodes,
photo diodes, LEDs, photo-transistors, photo FETs and LASER. Introduction to Laser. Elementary theory of
composite junction. Ohmic junctions and hetro junctions.
Introduction: Biasing and stabilization techniques of BJT, JFET, MOSFET for use as amplifiers in various
configurations. Small signal models for BJT, JFET and MOSFET in discrete and integrated form. Frequency
dependence characterization and equivalent circuits. Miller effect.
Untuned small signal BJT amplifiers: Analysis and design of Single stage and multistage. RC coupled and
transformer coupled amplifiers. Frequency response, bandwidth, gain and factors affecting them. Various two
transistor integrated circuit amplifier stages. Introduction of d.c. amplifiers, differential amplifiers, Cascode and
Darlington circuits. Follower circuits and boot-strapping.
Feedback amplifiers: Study of the effects of feedback on amplifier gain, distortion, noise, band-width and
impedance levels, Regeneration and its control in multistage audio frequency amplifiers
3L, IT 3 Hours, 100 Marks
Device Characteristics: Steady state and transient switching characteristics of diodes, BJTs, FETs, UJTs. Wave
shaping circuits. Integrating and differentiating circuits, effects of time constant, relation of tilt time to time
constants. Clipper and clamper circuits using diodes and transistors. Saturated and unsaturated transistor
switches. Speed-up capacitors. Inverter circuits. Performance of pulse transformer and lumped distributed
parameter electromagnetic delay lines.
Relaxation Oscillators: Theory, operation and performance of astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators.
Different triggering circuits. Theory of Schmitt trigger. Comparison of performance of various circuits
configurations of multivibrators and their fields of applications. Tunnel diode. UJT relaxation oscillator. Theory
of astable and monostable blocking oscillators and their triggering methods.
Sweep Circuits: Free running and triggered modes. Theory and common circuits of voltage and current time
base generators.
Sampling Gates: Theory, operation and applications of unidirectional and bi-directional sampling gates using
diodes and transistors.
Introduction: Difference in measurements at low and high frequencies. Types of indicating instruments,
balance detectors and other auxiliary apparatus used. Shielding and grounding considerations. Noise problems.
Effects of physical size of components.
Characteristics of Lumped passive components: Measurement of resistance, capacitance, self and mutual
inductance and incremental inductance at audio and radio frequencies. Price's guard wire and loss of charge
methods for resistance measurement. Important a.c. bridges for capacitance and inductance measurements.
Introduction to inductively coupled ratio arm bridge. Special considerations for radio frequency bridges. Twin-
T and bridged-T networks. Resonance and heterodyne methods of parameter measurement. Q-measurements. Q-
Instrument Amplifiers: Operation, performance and characteristics of single ended, differential, chopper
stabilized amplifiers used in Instrumentation, Different types of choppers and their characteristics .
Electronic Analog Voltmeters: Characteristic and specification of analog electronic voltmeters of different
kinds, Circuits of dc. volt meters using tubes, FETs, BJTs, and ICs, Analysis of circuits with various instrument
amplifiers, configurations to compare sensitivity, stability, linearity and impedance characteristics. Theory of
operation and circuits for average, peak, peak to peak and RMS responding-A.C., Voltmeters, Use of
compensated multipliers, CMRR and NMRR, R.F. Voltmeters. Common types of voltmeter probes. Electronic
Electronic Analog Ammeters: Performance-specifications of instruments for audio and radio frequency current
measurements. Rectifier and thermocouple ammeters. Principle of Hall effect ammeters. Use of amplifier type
d.c. voltmeter as ammeter.
2T 100 Marks
Number systems: Binary arithmetic, Octal and hexadecimal number systems. Different numerical and
alphanumeric codes. Truth functions
Basic Logic Circuits: Positive and negative logic of OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, Exclusive OR and
Exclusive NOR gates. RTL, DTL, DCTL, TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS logic circuits and their realization.
Power dissipation, speed, delays, noise margin, fan-in and fan-out capabilities.
Combinational Logic: Boolean algebra. Boolean functions and expressions. Simplification and minimization
techniques, K-rnap and tabular methods. Design of minimal combinational systems and realization. Design of
multiple output combinational systems. Design of hazard free combinational system.
Flip-Flops: Unclocked and clocked flip-flops. R-S, D, J-K and T flip-flops. Master-slave and edge-triggered
flip-flops. Specifying parameters and timing properties of flip flops .
Transforms: Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Properties of Laplace Transforms, Application of
Laplace Transform to solve differential equation with constant coefficients. Z- Transforms. Infinite Fourier
Section B
Numerical Analysis : Interpolation with equal intervals: Newton-Gregory interpolation formulae, Lagrange’s
interpolation formula for unequal intervals. Central difference interpolation formulae: Gauss’ forward and
backward formulae, Stirling’ s and Bessel’s interpolation formulae. Numerical integration : Trapezoidal rule,
Simpson’ s 1/3 and 3/8 rule. Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations : Bisection, regula falsi
and Newton-Raphson methods. Numerical solution of linear simultaneous equations : Gauss’ elimination, Gauss-
Jordon, Jacobi and Gauss-Siedal methods. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations : Euler’s, Runge-
Kutta Fourth order and Milne’s methods.
Section C
Special function : Series solution of Bessel and Legendre’s differential equations. Generating function of Bessel
and Legendre’s Polynomials. Orthogonal Property of
Note: Candidates are required to attempt FIVE questions in all, selecting at least one from each Section.
Coupling Circuits and Impedance Matching Networks: Resistive, capacitive, inductive, mutual inductive and
combination type of R.F. couplings. Single and double tuned couplings. Effect of loose, tight and optimum
couplings, load conditions and Q. Various impedance matching networks for low and high impedance loads.
Balanced-to-unbalanced network.
RF Voltage Amplifiers: Theory, operation, performance and design of R.C. coupled and transformer coupled
single and double tuned amplifiers using JFETs, MOSFETs & BJTs. Time and frequency domain analysis.
Synchronously tuned multistage amplifiers. Stagger tuned, stagger damped circuits. Neutralization circuits.
Cascode amplifiers. Integrated circuit frequency selective R.F. and IF amplifiers
R.F. Power Amplifiers: Special features of R.F. power devices. Theory and design of tuned class C amplifiers
using VTs, BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs. Graphical and approximate analytic methods of solution : Output
circuit efficiency considerations. Biasing circuits. Characteristics of driver and output circuit power supplies.
Effect of input circuit distortion. Neutralization Parasitic oscillations. Class'C amplifiers, adjustments. Theory
of frequency multipliers. Tuned class-B linear amplifiers
Sinusoidal Oscillators: Oscillators with two terminal and four terminal active elements. Criteria for
oscillations. Analysis, characteristics and applications of different LC, RC, crystal and negative resistance audio
and radio frequency oscillators using. BJTs, FETs and Ics. Linear and non-linear operation of oscillators.
Amplitude and frequency stabilization.
3L, 1T 3 Hours, 100 Marks
Untuned large signal amplifiers: Methods of analysis of large signal FET, BJT and IC amplifiers. Analysis of
distortion and cross modulation. Classification of power amplifiers. Analysis and design of single ended,
parallel and push-pull Class A, AB and B power amplifiers. Complementary, symmetry and quasi-
complementary circuits, Driver and out-put stages, with and without out-put transformers for power amplifiers.
Output circuit efficiency calculations for various classes and configuration of amplifiers. Power out-put. Thermal
considerations. Derating curves.
Power Supply Circuit: Design factors and applications of various power supply filters and voltage multiplying
rectifier circuits.
Regulated Power Supplies: Regulator circuits using voltage regulating tubes, solid state devices and monolithic
ICS. Adjustable constant voltage power supplies. Adjustable constant current power supplies. Higher output
power supplies with solid state pre-regulations. Protection circuits for power supplies. Rating and specifications.
Arithmetic Circuits: Digital Comparators, half, and full adders; parallel and serial binary adders, half and full
binary subtractors. BCD adders and subtracters. Binary multipliers and divider circuits
Miscellaneous Sub-systems: Encoders, decoders and code converters. Parity checking circuits. Multiplexers and
demultiplexers. Digital to analog and analog to digital converters.
Semi-conductor memories: Random and sequential access memories. RAM, ROM, PROM,
Power electronics devices: Characteristics and operation of SCR, PUT, SUS, SBS, SCS, TRIAC, DIAC, IGBT,
GTO, MCA and light activated thyristors. Ratings and rating extension by series/parallel operation.
Electronic Power Control: Electronic methods of power control. SCR firing methods, Phase control techniques.
Line commutation and different types of commutation. One, two and four quadrant converters. Bridge inverters,
series and parallel inverters. Cyclo converters
Electrical Drives: Performance characteristics of series, shunt and compound d.c. motors. Motor starters.
Characteristics of single and three phase induction motors, Universal motor, Amplidyne and selsyns.
AC and DC Motor Speed Control: Philosophy of speed control, open and closed control and single and three
phase AC, DC and universal motors using thyristors. PWM inverter technique and introduction to variable
frequency drive
Misc. Industrial Applications: Photo relays and their applications, X-ray tubes. Particle accelerators. Principle
of Electron Microscope, Uninterruptible supplies. Switched mode power supplies
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC): Advantages of PLC, CPU configurations, Digital and analog inputs
and outputs, ladder circuits and process flow diagram. Console and operator panel.
Synchronous Sequential Systems: Introductory examples. The finite state model – basic definition. Memory
elements and their excitation functions. Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits. Analysis and design of
synchronous sequential circuits. State assignment and reduction technique. Introduction to threshold logic and
relay circuits
Asynchronous Sequential Systems: Fundamental mode circuits, Analysis procedure. Circuits with latches.
State assignment in Asynchronous sequential circuits. Design of pulse mode asynchronous sequential circuits.
Problems in asynchronous circuits – Races and Hazards.
Integral Calculus: Rectification . Volumes and surfaces of solids of revolution, differentiations under sign of
Differential Equations: Differential equations with constant coefficients and variable coefficients.
Mechanics: Friction , common catenary, kinematics of uniplanar motion, simple harmonic motion
Vector calculus: Gradient , divergence, curl, green’s theorem , stoke’s theorem, gauss divergence theorem (
Verification only)
Amplitude Modulation: Analysis of standard AM waves and signal power distribution. Different circuits for
amplitude modulation and their comparison. Methods of generating DSBSC SSB and VSB AM and their
characteristics. Envelope and coherent demodulation methods for standard AM, DSB-SC, SSB signals. Design
considerations of AM modulators ad demodulators. Frequency Division Multiplexing.
Angle Modulation: Theory of frequency and phase modulations. Spectrum and BW of FM and PM signals.
Direct and indirect methods of generating narrow-band and wide-band FM. Discriminators and PLL
demodulators for FM and PM. Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. Idea of noise suppression properties of FM and
PM systems.
Radio Broadcast Transmitters: Characteristics of master oscillators, buffers and frequency multipliers for AM
& FM broadcast transmitters. Feeder lines. AM and FM transmitter stability considerations. Broadcast studio
equipment and control room apparatus. Stereophonic broadcast considerations.
Radio Receivers: TRF and superheterodyne receivers, Selection of frequency converters, mixers and local
oscillators, Characteristics of IF and RF amplifiers. Double spotting. Electrical and Electronic tuning and
tracking. Automatic gain and frequency control. Tone control. Band spread. Sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity
and noise performance of receivers. Diversity reception. Receiver testing. Special considerations in
communication receivers. Double conversion, delayed AGC, noise-limiter and squelch. Operation of AM and
FM receivers and their comparison, Introduction to stereo FM receivers.
Pulse Modulation: Uniform sampling theorem, Generation of PAM, PDM and PPM, signals and methods of
reconstitution of original signal from its samples. Bandwidth requirements and comparison. Time division
Introduction: Distinction between characteristics of linear and digital IC's, Biasing consideration in linear IC's.
Parasites and their effects in IC's. General performance, differences between discrete circuits and IC versions.
Power requirements and power supplies for linear IC's
IC Fabrication: Processing steps for IC Fabrication, Epitaxial growth, surface passivation, photolithography
and etching, elements of diffusion processes. Ion implantation & isolation techniques
Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier stage. Characteristics and error signals. Stages of operational
amplifiers Multistage operational amplifiers. Characteristic of operational amplifier in different configurations.
Frequency response and stability considerations of operational amplifier, Compensation in operational
amplifiers. Characteristics of wide band operational amplifiers
Applications of Operational Amplifiers: General applications of Op. Amps. in linear and non-linear circuits.
Theory and characteristics of Active filters. Applications of Op. Amps. in wave form generators.
Other Linear ICs: Four quadrant multiplier and its simple applications. CMOS multiplexers. Voltage Regulator
ICs with feed back current limiting. Positive- and Negative voltage IC regulators
Linear PLL: Basic theory of first, second and higher order loops. Lock-in and Lock-out processes. Tracking
performance. Noise in linear PLL systems. Important applications of linear PLL. Measuring PLL parameters.
Evolution of Computers: Generations of Computers, Modeling of computers at Gates, Registers and Processors
CPU Architecture: Fixed and floating point arithmetic and ALU organization. Instruction format, types,
sequencing and interpretation. Instruction fetch and execute cycles. Addressing techniques. Hardwired and
Micro-programmed control
Secondary Memories: Magnetic memories core, tape, disk and floppy disc. Introduction to Magnetic Bubbles
and CCD memories
I/O Devices: Principle and construction of Keyboard, Mouse, digitizer, joystick, optical scanner, Resistive
membrane touch screen, Tele-typewriter, CRT terminals, TFT monitors, Line, Dot Matrix, Daisy wheel, Ink jet
and Laser printers.
Communication of I/O with CPU and Memory: Speed mismatch of I/O v/s memory and CPU.
Communication methods for I/O to CPU and Memory : Polling, interrupt, DMA and I/O channel.
Transmission Lines: Types of transmission lines. General transmission line equations. Line constants and
equivalent circuits. Infinite line, Lines with reflections. SWR Lines, dissipationless lines. Cable circuits and
composite lines.
Coaxial cables. Transmission lines at audio and radio frequencies. Losses in transmission lines. Transmission
equalizers. Characteristics of quarter wave, half wave and other lengths. Smith chart and its applications.
Transmission line applications. Stub matching
Radio Wave Propagation: Mechanism of radio wave propagation, Reflection, refraction interference and
diffraction of radio waves. Theory of ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation. Effect of
conductivity, dielectric constant, curvature and surface imperfections of earth on wave propagation, Duct
propagation and tropospheric scattering. Characteristics of ionosphere and its effects on wave propagation,
critical frequency, skipzone and maximum usable frequency. Multiple hop transmission, oblique and vertical
incidence transmission. Effect of earth's magnetic field, solar activitv and meteorological conditions on wave
Coordinate System: Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Systems. Vector components and unit
vectors in the coordinate systems. Gradient, Divergence and Curl in various coordinate systems.
Electric & Magnetic fields: Electric field intensity, Gauss’s law, Divergence theorem. Potential difference &
potential. Potential Gradient. Conductor Properties & boundary conditions for conductors. Method of Images.
Boundary conditions for perfect Dielectric Materials. Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Circuital law, Curl, Stoke’s
theorem. Magnetic flux density, Boundary conditions for Magnetic fields.
Vector Magnetic Potential. Faraday’s law, Displacement current. Maxwell’s equations in point form & Integral
System Response: Steady state response to DC and periodic functions by pole zero plots. Natural frequencies of
networks and transient response. Magnitude and phase from s-plane vectors. Response of linear systems to
singularity functions like impulse, step, ramp, parabolic and combination thereof .
System Performance and Stability '.Time and frequency response of control systems. Bode plots. Time and
frequency response of multiple feedback amplifiers. Proportional integral and Derivative Control, Time domain
and frequency domain specification and their correlation.Steady state error coefficient and error analysis.
System Stability: Stability and oscillations of feedback control systems. Concept of absolute, relative and
conditional stabilities.Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist criteria of stability Gain and phase margins. M and N circles
and Nichol's chart Root locus technique and its applications. Concept of BIBO and Asymptotic stabilities.
Compensation: Lag, Lead and Lag-Lead compensators Cascade compensation in time and frequency domain.
Feed-back compensation techniques.
Power Measurements: Power measurements at audio and radio frequencies. Absorption, calorimetric and
transmission power meters. Electronic wattmeters.
Waveform Display Instruments and Recorders: Cathode ray Oscilloscope and its specifications. Cathode ray
tube. CRO applications for low and high frequency signals. Characteristics of CRT amplifiers. Free-running
and triggered mode, Synchronisation, Dual-beam and dual trace CRO's. Different sweep modes. Mesh storage
and phosphor storage CRT's,. CRO Probes,
Frequency and Phase Measurement: Frequency standards, Methods of audio and radio frequency
measurements, comparisons by CRO and interpolation methods. Absorption, reaction and transmission wave
meters. Dip meters. Heterodyne frequency meters, CRO methods of phase measurements, Direct reading, Phase
meters for audio and radio frequencies.
Theory of Errors: Accuracy and precision. Methods of reducing systematic errors in measurements. Statistical
analysis of random errors. Normal error curve. Estimation of error in computed results.
Noise Measurements: Measurements of noise voltage, noise current, noise power and figure. Brute-force
method, Sine-wave method and noise generator method. Common types of noise signal generator.
Special Measurements and Tests: Introduction to Sampling, Vector and Differential Voltmeter, Vector
impedance meter, Function generators, RF Signal generators and Pulse generators. Introduction to frequency
Wave Measurements: Various types of wave and spectrum analyser for audio, radio and microwave
frequencies. Field strength measurements of radio waves.
Random signals: Power and energy signals. Introduction to probabilistic and statistical description of discrete
and continuous communication processes. Marginal, conditional and joint probability density and distribution
functions. Stationarity and ergodicity. Auto correlation and Cross correlation functions. Energy spectral density
and Power spectral density. Simple linear system analysis under random excitation in time and frequency
Introduction to techniques ASK, FSK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK and simple QAM.
Digital communication: Comparison of analog and digital communication systems. Essentials of PCM, linear
delta and adaptive delta modulation. Study of components of complete digital communication system.
Multiplexing, Introduction to bit, word and frame synchronizations. Important digital carrier modulation
methods, Introduction to matched filter detection.
Noise: Various noise sources in amplifiers and communication systems. Comparison of various electronic
devices for noise performance. Signal to noise ratio and noise figure. Equivalent noise bandwidth. Noise
temperature. Effect of cascading , statistical properties of noise. Representation of white and band pass noise in
communication systems.
System Performance: Noise-performance of analog CW and pulse modulation systems using coherent and non-
coherent detection. Baseband PCM and delta modulation systems performance in terms of probability of error
and S/N ratio. Probability of error performance of band pass systems.
Microprocessor Architecture: Architecture of 8-bit 8085, Z80, 6800 Microprocessors; their instruction sets and
addressing modes. Assembly language programming of Intel’s 8085 Microprocessor. Introduction to assemblers.
Microprocessor interfacing: Interfacing of address, data and control buses, Memory and I/O devices, Interrupt
and DMA for 8085 microprocessor.
16 and 32-bit Microprocessors: CPU architecture, addressing modes and features of 16 and 32 bit
microprocessors – 8086. Salient features of 80286, 80386, 80486 and Pentium series microprocessors.
Bus standards: Introduction to Multibus , VME, RS-232-C, IEEE 488, PCI, USB, RS 422 and 485.
Radiation: Retarded potentials and concept of electromagnetic radiation. Alternating current element and power
radiated, Radiation resistance. Radiation from dipole and monopole antennas.
Antennas: Quarter wave and half wave antennas. Application of network theorems to antennas. Resonant and
non-resonant antennas. Radiation resistance, J impedance, mutual impedance and directional characteristics of
antennas. Antennas patterns. Effective length and effective area of antennas, Antenna gain efficiency,
beamwidth and polarization. Antenna temperature. Loaded antennas. Colinear, broad-side, endfire and
combination arrays and computation of their radiation patterns. Multiplication of radiation patterns. Binomial
array, Yagi Rhombic, log periodic antennas and Baluns. Receiving antennas. Antenna systems for diversity
reception. Elements of design considerations for medium wave and short wave antennas.
Antenna Measurements: Antenna length, resonance, impedance, gain directivity polarization, phase and
radiated power measurements.
Audio Systems: Monaural, binaural, monophonic, stereophonic and quadraphonic, high-fidelity and surround-
sound audio system descriptions. Digital and optical recording and reproduction.
Television Transmission: Scanning and synchronizing. Analysis of composite video signals. Common
standards of Television. Colour TV cameras, Picture carrier, sound carrier and colour carrier signals. Encoding
the picture information, Chrominance modulation. Colour resolution. Compatibility of Monochrome and colour
systems. Block diagrams of colour TV transmitters and functions of each part.
Television Reception: Decoding the picture information. Functional block diagrams of Monochrome and
colour TV receivers. Raster, sync, and AGC circuits. R.F. alignment.
Video Systems: Principle of working of video tape recorders and disc players. Common standards. Introduction
to MPEG digital recording.
Digital Telephony: Principle of working of SPC digital telephone exchanges. Digital switching, space, time.
TS, ST, STS, TST switch blocks. Termination of subscriber lines Signalling systems with digital exchanges.
Principle of common channel signalling. Synchronization aspect for digital telephony. Store Program Control
for call processing.
Integrated Digital Networks: Data Communication terminology. Introduction to Circuits, message and packet
switching concept. Basic aspects of multiplexing, signaling and synchronization in integrated digital networks.
Overview of ISDN and BISDN. Concepts of basic rate and primary rate ISDN. Access and facilities provisions.
Elements of fast packet switching, frame relay, ATM, SONET and SDH. Introduction to photonic switching.
Line-of-Sight and Troposcatter Communication: Principle of working and essential features of microwave
LOS and troposcatter communication. Propagation study and performance requirements. Diversity techniques.
Satellite Communications: Basic considerations. Up-link and down link parameters. Orbit and frequency
selection. Transmission losses, noise and interference. Elements of multiple access techniques. Frequency reuse
techniques. Functional description of earth stations
Optical Communications: Ray propagation in optical fibers. Types of fibers. Losses and dispersion in fibers.
Transmitter and receiver subsystem for optical communications. Laser and LED sources. Optical Amplifier.
Cable joints, couplers and connectors. Splicing techniques. Modulation techniques. PIN and avalanche photo
diode detectors. Characteristics of analog and digital transmission in optical communication systems. Noise
Radar Operation and Performance: Components of radar system Radar performance factors and
specifications. Pulse considerations and duty cycle. Equations for monostatic and bistatic radar, Radar cross
section and range. Pulse integration. System losses. Radar antenna patterns, phased arrays and interferrometer.
Duplexer, Radar tracking and scanning. Monopulse, sequential lobing and conical scanning methods. CW,
FMCW, MTI, SAR and Pulse doppler radars. Weather radars
Electronic Navigation: Principle of operation of radar direction finder and range system, Loran system, DME
and TACAN system. Microwave altimeters, Elements of Microwave remote sensing. Satellite based Global
Positioning System.
3L, IT 3 Hours, 100 Marks
Computer Architecture: Microprogrammed control organization, CPU-memory speed mismatch and solutions :
Word-length, caches and buffers. Speeding up instruction cycle, instruction fetch and decode overlaps.
Parallelism in execution: Instruction pipe-line and vector processing concepts. Introduction to Array
Memory Organisation: Memory hierarchy. Associative memory. cache memory, Paging and segmentation.
Principles of Management: Management function. Theories of management and their application Span of
control, Responsibility, authority, leadership, motivation, communication, Management of Change, Importance
of organization structure
Financial Management: Functions and importance of financial management, Book-keeping, Interest and
depreciation. Salvage valueVarious types of costs, profit/volume ratio. Break even analysis and marginal costing
Marketing and Strategic Management: Concept of marketing and its various components Product Life Cycle
Strategic Mission Vision Goals Industry Life Cycle SWOT analysis
Inventory Management:. Inventory control and management Economic orderquantity. A-B-C analysis..
Forms of Business Ownership: Proprietorship, partnership, joint stock companies, joint sectors
Production Planning and Control: Job, Batch and mass production, production efficiency, productivity.
Site selection. Production planning. Routing, scheduling and follow up. Elements of time and motion
Nature and Scope of Economics: Basic concept of managerial economics. Supply and demand, free
competition, monopoly and oligopoly
Digital Signal Processing: Advantages of digital filters and processing. Fundamentals of discrete time systems.
Fourier transform of sequences. Discrete-time filter structures. Z-transform system representation, solution of
linear constant co-efficient difference equations. Digital filters design by transformation from analog filters.
Simple realizations of IIR and FIR filters. DFT and FFT.
Transducers: Construction, characteristics and circuits for common types of resistive, capacitive, inductive,
magneto-structive; piezo-electric. Photo-electric and thermo-electric transducers for measurement of process
physical variables. Various sensing elements and transducers for measurement of Force, Pressure, Humidity,
Moisture, strain, Velocity, Acceleration and pH. Inductive and Capacitive proximity switches. Physical and
electrical loading of and by the transducer Systems.
Signal Conditioning: Analog and digital signal conditioning for instrumentation. Applications of OPAMP, A/D
and D/A converters. Use of microprocessors. Techniques of S/N ratio improvement, Methods of shielding and
grounding. Protection from RFI & EMI.
Electronic Displays: Principle of LED numeric, matrix and alpha-numeric displays, gas discharged plasma
panels, flat panel CRT, LCD, electro-luminescent and electrophoretic displays.
Digital Instrumentation: Principle of operation of probes, logic monitors, digital pulser and logic analyser.
Components of a digital universal counter. Digital period; frequency and time interval measurement. Errors in
digital counter. High frequency measurement with digital counters. Different types of integrating and non-
integrating digital voltmeters and multimeters, Errors and field applications of various digital voltmeters and
counters. Introduction to Digital oscilloscope. Elements of data acquisition systems.
Basic technical concepts: Concept of mobile telecommunications. Mobile radio network issues, cell size,
coding, modulation and diversity. Base station subsystems. Access methods. Location strategies for personal
communications services. Cell design principles.
Radio Paging System: Types of radio paging system. On-site and wide area paging, digital codes like
POCSAG, elements of radio paging system engineering.
Microcellular radio communications: Fixed and dynamic channel assignment. Cellular systems and power
control. Basic features and system architecture in cordless telephones. Marine and aircraft communication.
Overview of mobile terrestrial communication by satellite.
Cellular Radio System: Allocation of spectrum and channels, Concept of Hexagon cells, mobile identification
system and registration of mobile, call procedure and measurement of signal strength, GSM and CDMA radio
system architecture, roaming, digital speech and channel coding. Efficient use of radio spectrum, multi operator
working, cells and frequency reuse.
Computer Communication: Layered architecture of computer communication networks. DNA, SNA and ISO-
OSI models. Properties of LANs, MANS and WANs. Physical level, data link and transport protocols. Multiple
access protocol organization. Routing techniques, flow and congestion control in packet switched networks.
Window scheme. Network interconnection-bridges and routers. Dead lock avoidance. Elements of queuing
analysis. Introduction to network security.
Data Networks:. Structure and functions of network protocols. Data link control procedures. Operation of
HDLC, SDLC, BISYNC, X.25 and X.21 Protocols Elements of Polling, ALOHA, Reservation ALOHA, CSMA
and token ring. Characteristic features of LANs
Basics of Internet: Evolution; dialup, XDSL, ADSL, cable modem and other access methods. IP address and
domain name system, TCP/IP, Internet applications and www.
Wave Guides: Theory of wave propagation in rectangular wave guides, cut off frequency. Dominant and higher
modes. Generation of different modes and suppression of unwanted modes. Field distribution. SWR and
impedance relations in wave guides. Coupling between coaxial lines and wave guides. Wave guide stub-
Resonators: Theory and application of cavity resonators. Coupling to cavity, Q of cavity resonators
Microwave Components: Details about attenuators, phase shifters, directional couplers, tees, isolators,
circulators, tuning, screws, coupling probe, loops, mixers and detectors. Use of scattering parameters
Microwave Generators and Amplifiers: Theory of velocity modulation. Theory of operation and
characteristics of two cavity and multicavity klystron, amplifier and oscillators. Reflex klystron. O and M type
travelling wave tube and backward wave oscillators - principle of operation. Construction, type and application
of Magnetrons.
Microwave Solid State Devices: Special considerations for UHF and microwave transistors and oscillators.
Parametric amplifiers. Manley-Rowe relation, linearized equations. Parametric up converters. Negative
resistance amplifiers. Principle of working and application of impact diode, hot carrier diode, PIN diode, Gunn
diode and LSA diode. Quantum mechanical explanation, description and application of MASER amplifiers.
Introduction to Physiology: Physiological system of the human body. Nerve physiology. Function of nerves
and myoneural junction. Cardiac muscle and its contractions. Blood flow system. Arterial pressure. Mechanism
of respiration, Function of spinal cord. Generation, propagation and distribution of action potentials.
Recording of Bio-electric Events: Kinds of electrodes, amplifiers and display units for recording bioelectric
potentials. Principles of ECG.EEG, and EMG. Electrophysiological signals from a micro electrode and salt
bridge, Use of field effect-devices as electrometers. Principle of driven shield. Use of photon-coupled
amplifiers. Artifacts
Bio-Medical Measurement: Electronic methods of measuring blood pressure, blood flow, blood pH, skin and
systemic body temperature and pulse rate.
Electronic Medical Instrument: Electronic pace makers. Implantable power sources. Defibrillators. Micro
power transmitter for telemetering bio-signal. Surgical and therapeutic diathermy units. Physiological
stimulators. Basic diagnostic X-ray units. Introduction to patient monitoring and intensive care units.
Design methodology: Design methodology for AM and FM radio broadcast, transmitters and receivers.
Design aspects of PCM: PCM transmitters and receivers with base band transmission.
Design considerations for microwave and optical communication: analog and digital microwave
communication. LOS links, troposcatter links and optical communication links
Solid State Device Fabrication: Crystal growth and doping. Impurity control and junction formation methods.
Zone processes, Pick's laws, Evaluation of diffused layers. Epitaxial- systems and processes
Fabrication considerations: Diffusion during subsequent processing. Oxidation techniques and oxide masking.
Etching techniques and processes, Photo-engraving. Contacts and interconnections. Alloying Epitaxial planner
technology. Packaging, Scaling, Introduction to the technology of semiconductor devices using III-V & II-VI
groups compounds
Process Control Computer Systems: Minis, Micros classification by hardware features and software facilities.
Performance evaluation techniques. System selection criteria
Characteristics of Digital Processors: Organisation and characteristics for process control. Input/output
arrangements. Addressing techniques. Memory systems
Device Technology and Process Environment: Assessment of the use of digital switching devices in hazardous
environments—Noise, temperature, humidity, vibration-static and dynamic.
Process Control System Software: Introduction to process control languages, application packages and
operating system for real time process control. Development systems for Micros Introduction to logic analyser,
cross assembler and cross compilers
Creativity: Hindrance to creative thinking, developing creativity, personality traits of creative persons
Leadership: Qualities and influencing abilities. Negotiation skills and their development
Starting a New Enterprise: Nature of information necessary for getting started. Information from governmental
agencies like, SISI, RICO, RFC, DIC etc. Procedural requirements for establishing new enterprise, Selecting
type of business organisation. Registration and Licensing, Incentive and Facilities available for small scale
Enterprise Management: Product Design and Development Concepts of product design and development.
Design by innovation and evolution. Enhancing product value
Facilities Planning and Production Management: Selection of relevant technology. Make or buy decisions.
Plant layout and process planning, setting production levels and delivery schedules, Economic utilisation of
labour, raw material and equipment. Inventory Management. Control of production plants. Quality assurance
and quality circle
Product Costing: Fixed costs and variable costs. Sales price and revenue. Break even analysis. Product Pricing.
Profit planning
Financial Management: Financial Management and accounting in small enterprise, Difference between
financial, accounting, cost accounting and management accounting, Book-keeping, Balance sheet, "Profit and
Loss Account and their analysis. Cash flow and financial ratio". Assessing financial needs of enterprise. Fixed
and Working Capital, Sources of funding
Financial Regulation and Taxes: Sales Tax Act, Income Tax Act, Excise, Local Taxes and Insurance
Practical Work: Students be given practical work in identification of opportunities, need analysis, market
survey, evaluation of alternatives and preparation of feasibility report
Reliability: Mathematical modeling, environmental factors, fault tree analysis, failure reporting and corrective
actions, reliability testing.
Maintainability: Mathematical modeling, system design, unit design, assembly design, maintainability
testing, reliability and maintainability documents.
Introduction: Introduction to Sensors, drivers, isolators, actuators, microprocessors & microcontrollers, DC and
DAC. Basic concepts of pneumatic, hydraulic, and mechanical movements. Basic Robot elements, Types of
Robots, Industrial applications, Future trends.
Sensors: Ultrasonic, temperature, stress & strain, optical, displacement, gravity & tilt sensors.Introduction to
robotic vision and image processing.
Robot output: Robot output control, stepper motor, servo motors, DC motors and drives. Grippers, transporters,
rotators, and cable drive systems.
Robotics: Need and application of sensors in robots, Sensor interfacing, data acquisition and conversion
systems, encoders and decoder applications in robots, microcontroller/microprocessor interfacing for sensors
and actuators, Robot Axes: introduction to different robotic axes systems and their drive configuration. Robotic
control system, feedback mechanism.Introduction to Robot dynamics and application of robots in
industry.Concept of autonomous automatous robots.