PL Differential and Driveline 3 - 1
PL Differential and Driveline 3 - 1
PL Differential and Driveline 3 - 1
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GENERAL INFORMATION Driveshafts used on both the right and left sides of
the vehicle use a tuned rubber damper weight. The
FRONT DRIVESHAFTS damper weight applications vary by which side of the
Vehicles equipped with either an automatic or vehicle the driveshaft is located on and the transmis-
manual transmission use the unequal–length drive- sion application of the vehicle. When replacing a
shaft system. driveshaft, be sure the replacement driveshaft has
Vehicles equipped with automatic transaxles use a the same damper weight as the original.
solid short interconnecting shaft on the left side. The Both driveshaft assemblies use the same type of
right side of the vehicle uses a longer solid intercon- inner and outer joints. The inner joint of both drive-
necting shaft (Fig. 1). shaft assemblies is a tripod joint, and the outer joint
Vehicles equipped with manual transaxles use a of both driveshaft assemblies is a Rzeppa joint. Both
larger diameter (32 mm) short interconnecting shaft tripod joints and Rzeppa joints are true constant
on the left side. The right side uses a longer inter- velocity (C/V) joint assemblies. The inner tripod joint
connecting damper (Fig. 1). allows for the changes in driveshaft length through
Fig. 29 Spider Assembly Retaining Snap Ring Fig. 32 Sealing Boot Retaining Clamp Installed
Installed CAUTION: Seal must not be dimpled, stretched, or
out–of–shape in any way. If seal is NOT shaped cor-
rectly, equalize pressure in seal and shape it by
Fig. 30 Installing Tripod Housing on Spider CAUTION: When venting the inner tripod joint
Assembly assembly, use care so inner tripod sealing boot
does not get punctured or, in any other way, dam-
aged. If sealing boot is punctured or damaged while
being vented, the sealing boot can not be used.
Fig. 41 Outer C/V Joint Removal from Fig. 43 Sealing Boot Installation on Interconnecting
Interconnecting Shaft Shaft
(5) Remove large circlip (Fig. 42) from the inter- (2) Align splines on interconnecting shaft with
connecting shaft before attempting to remove outer splines on cross of outer C/V joint assembly and start
C/V joint sealing boot. outer C/V joint onto interconnecting shaft.
(3) Install outer C/V joint assembly onto intercon-
necting shaft by using a soft–faced hammer and
tapping end of stub axle (with nut installed) until
outer C/V joint is fully seated on interconnecting
shaft (Fig. 44).
(1) Slide new sealing boot to interconnecting shaft
retaining clamp onto interconnecting shaft. Slide the
outer C/V joint assembly sealing boot onto the inter-
connecting shaft (Fig. 43). Seal boot MUST be
positioned on interconnecting shaft so the
raised bead on the inside of the seal boot is in
groove on interconnecting shaft.
(4) Outer C/V joint assembly must be installed on
interconnecting shaft until cross of outer C/V joint
assembly is seated against circlip on interconnecting
shaft (Fig. 45).
TORQUE Boot Clamp Installer C-4975A
Caliper To Knuckle Bolt . . . . . . . .31 N·m (23 ft. lbs.)
Driveshaft Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 N·m (135 ft. lbs.)
Front Wheel Lug Nuts . . . . . . .135 N·m (100 ft. lbs.)
Knuckle To Ball Joint Bolt . . . . . .95 N·m (70 ft. lbs.)
Tie Rod End To Knuckle . . . . . . . .61 N·m (45 ft. lbs.)