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1.4 CD 1 Track 4 1.8 (DVD 1); CD 1 Track 8


Page 112 Page 6, exercises 3 and 4A
We live in Istanbul. S = Simon, K = Kate
Carlos lives in Santiago.
S: Hello and welcome to Learning Curve! I’m
They don’t live in Quebec.
Simon, and along with my co-host, Kate, and
1.1   CD 1 Track 1 Megan doesn’t live in Sydney.
our New York studio co-hosts, Penny and
Do you live in Shanghai?
Page 136, exercise 1 Ethan, we talk about some of our favourite
Does she live in Cairo?
subjects! Today’s topic is hobbies and our
1 Shy, d Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
question for today is: What twenty-first
2 Funny, a Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
century hobbies do you enjoy? Do you prefer
3 Patient, g traditional hobbies, or are you a person who
4 Generous, c 1.5 CD 1 Track 5 does everything online? My hard-working
5 Nice, e co-host Kate has some answers. Kate? Kate!
Page 5, exercise 6A
6 Lazy, f K: Oh, hello! Er, well, I enjoy all kinds of sports
7 Polite, b 1 She likes Italian food. – er, sport, as you say here! I go to the gym
8 Honest, h 2 He teaches at the university. three or four times a week and, on weekends,
3 My brother knows him. I do outdoor sports. Right now, I’m rock
1.2 CD 1 Track 2 climbing!
1.6 CD 1 Track 6 S: Rock climbing? What do you mean?
Page 136, exercise 2A
K: Look! On my smartphone. I have this app on
Page 5, exercise 6B
1 Selfish my phone and I’m looking at climbing walls
2 Mean Believes Wants at the gym to plan my session before I go
3 Hardworking Says Goes rock climbing. It’s really fun! I’d say I like both
4 Sociable Changes Watches traditional and online activities! According
5 Impatient Thinks Hopes to a recent study, nearly half of our favorite
6 Serious Uses hobbies now involve the internet. People
7 Rude don’t play team sports as often, but many
8 Dishonest 1.7 CD 1 Track 7 people play computer sport games every
week. Sometimes they even play against each
Page 137, exercise 1
1.3 CD 1 Track 3 other! People don’t take cooking classes
Online activities because they can watch a video and learn
Page 4, exercise 3A 1 Download music, download movies, to cook online. And rather than going to a
1 The good listener: You share everything download apps shopping center, more people shop online.
with these friends and you often tell them all 2 Go on social media (e.g. Facebook) We don’t meet up with friends or go out to
your secrets. They’re patient when you call 3 Blog about your opinions meet new people as often because we can
them late at night with a problem and never 4 Play videogames go on social media and chat! Of course, many
complain when you tell them the same 5 Shop online activities happen in the real world. Who wants
stories, over and over again! to spend their life in front of a computer
Sports and games screen when you can learn an instrument,
2 The straight talker: These friends know
6 Stay in shape meet up with friends or cook together? Let’s
you very well, and they’re honest … really
7 Play soccer, play chess talk to our viewers. What do they do in their
honest. They always tell you the truth, even
8 Go running, go swimming free time? Simon is at the park. Simon, what
when you don’t want to hear it, but this is
9 Do Pilates are you doing?
because they care about you and don’t want
10 Go to the gym, go to the swimming pool
you to make a mistake and get hurt.
3 The party animal: These friends are very Socializing 1.9 (DVD 1); CD 1 Track 9
sociable, and you usually have a good time 11 Spend time with the family
Page 7, exercises 5 and 6
when you’re with them. They’re very funny 12 Get together with friends
and make you laugh when you’re sad. All 13 Meet new people Si = Simon, V = Viktor, K = Kate,
your friends and family love them, too. With 14 Join a club Su = Suzie, R = Rebecca
friends like these, life is never boring! 15 Go out at night
Si: Excuse me. Hello. I’m Simon from Learning
4 The super planner: These friends are
Other hobbies Curve web show. What’s your name, and er,
very organized, but they’re sometimes a little
16 Bake a cake, bake cupcakes, bake bread what are you up to?
serious. They hardly ever forget important
17 Learn an instrument, learn a language V: Hi. I’m Viktor and I’m playing chess against
dates … like your birthday! They’re very busy
18 Relax at home the computer.
and have lots of things to do every day, but
19 Go to a concert, go to the movies Si: It looks interesting. How often do you play?
they always find time to have coffee with you.
20 Collect coins, collect records, collect stamps V: About twice a week with friends, but every
day online. Want to try?
Si: Oh. I hardly ever play chess, but, OK, why
not? Can you hold this? This is actually fun.
K: Uh, Simon?

B1 Pre-Intermediate 1 Personal Best B1 © Richmond 2018


V: Er, he’s really enjoying the game. 4 I’m looking forward to seeing my cousins
1.10 CD 1 Track 10
K: OK. Well, while Simon is busy, here’s a text again. We expect their flight to arrive at any
and a short video from David at an online Page 7, exercise 8 minute.
hangout in the UK. David says, “Computers 5 Don’t tell her about the party. Charlotte says
1 What’s your name? that she loves surprises!
don’t interest me. I always do a lot of exercise.
2 He’s really enjoying the game. 6 Here are our movie tickets – don’t lose them!
I go to the gym at least five times a week. You
3 Computers don’t interest me. I don’t want to miss the beginning of the
can’t do that online!” Well, David, I actually
4 You can’t do that online! movie.
have a special app on my smartphone. All
5 I use it when I’m not at the gym. 7 I’m waiting for you at the restaurant. I hope
the exercise I do is right here, every day. For
6 Wow, Suzie, that’s amazing! you’re not going to be late.
example, it counts how many steps I take!
I use it when I’m not at the gym. Oh, now 8 He doesn’t earn very much money as a writer,
Suzie from Scotland is waiting to talk to us 1.11 CD 1 Track 11 although he wins lots of competitions.
on video chat. Suzie, what do you do in your Page 7, exercise 9 9 I have to remember to buy some eggs. If I
free time? forget, can you please remind me?
Su: I collect records. 1 We aren’t enjoying the game. 10 My parents are coming back from Greece
K: You mean like actual plastic, I mean vinyl, 2 He doesn’t like music. today. They had a fantastic time. They want
discs? 3 My teacher’s very good at sports. to go back next year!
Su: That’s right. My er, dad has a big collection 4 It isn’t fun by yourself.
and his old records are from the 1950s and 5 They don’t stay in shape. 1.16 CD 1 Track 16
1960s. Er, we collect together. I help him find 6 I’m not very athletic.
unusual records. Sometimes we go to little Page 9, exercise 7
shops or sales. We find lots of old records that 1.12 CD 1 Track 12
R = Ruben, K = Karen
way. Um, I also buy them online.
Page 113 R: Karen!
K: Do you play these records often?
Su: Oh, yeah! Er, I’m in a club here in Glasgow. I’m reading a book. K: Hi, Ruben. How are you?
Every Saturday night, we have record parties. Daniel’s sleeping. R: I’m fine, thanks. What are you doing here?
You hear some really strange music at We’re all wearing glasses! K: I’m meeting my sister for lunch at a café.
these parties. It’s great fun. But I also go to I’m not working in the office today. R: Oh great. What does she do?
concerts. I love music from the 1960s! It’s my My cousin isn’t staying with me this week. K: She works at a bank.
favourite! We aren’t using this room now. R: Here downtown?
K: Wow, Suzie, that’s amazing! You’re a real Am I dreaming? K: Not normally, but she’s working at the main
record fan. Our next viewer is Rebecca. Is she studying French this month? office this week. Hey, why don’t you join us
Rebecca loves social media and she has a Are you watching TV? for lunch?
video just for us! Yes, I am. No, I’m not. R: OK, but your sister doesn’t know me.
R: Hi, everyone! I’m Rebecca and social media Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. K: Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. So, how’s college?
is my life! I go on social media every day and Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. R: Good, but I’m really busy. I’m writing my
do everything online. I play videogames, senior project right now, so I don’t have
shop online, chat with friends, find new much time …
1.13 CD 1 Track 13
recipes, read books. So many things. On
my video channel, I have over 10,000 Page 9, exercise 4A 1.17 CD 1 Track 17
followers. I shoot my videos and take Bringing Studying Page 11, exercise 4
pictures everywhere I go and post them to Meeting Song
my websites. I don’t meet up with friends in Running Taking First, I chose a photo of Figaro, my cat, because
person very often, I prefer to meet up online Singing Young he’s very important to me. I’m living alone right
and have a chat! This is Roxy, my cat. She’s now, so it is good to see a friendly face when I
the star of a lot of my videos. Oh, I have a come home. I love animals, especially cats. In the
1.14 CD 1 Track 14
new message! Got to go! photo, he’s sitting on the sofa with me. He often
K: Thank you, Rebecca! We’re just about out of Page 9, exercise 4B sits with me, and we watch movies together.
time. How’s it going, Simon? I’m studying at a college in the U.S. now, but I’m
1 She’s wearing a long coat.
V: Er, he isn’t winning, but he’s learning! from Mexico. That’s why I also chose Mexican
2 She’s carrying a long coat.
K: Good job, Simon! And that’s what Learning food. I love spicy food, and I often cook a big
3 He’s bringing me a strong cup of coffee.
Curve is all about! What did we learn today? meal and invite all my friends over for dinner.
4 He’s taking a strong cup of coffee to the
Well, we know that many people still enjoy It’s great to get together with friends and, when I
traditional hobbies. Some bake cakes, or taste the food, I remember my friends and family
collect records, or do exercise while others back home.
1.15 CD 1 Track 15
prefer to spend time on the internet. They go
I chose some movie tickets because I work at a
on social media or shop online. But, there are Page 138, exercise 1 local movie theater on the weekends. I’m doing
also people like me, who like both! I think I’m
1 It’s a beautiful day. Why are you carrying an a degree in film studies, so movies are a really
ready to go rock climbing at the gym now!
umbrella and wearing a coat? important part of my life. Some people say I
Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of
2 Could you take me to the party, please? Brian watch too many movies, but I don’t agree. I want
Learning Curve.
says he can give me a ride home. to be a movie director, and I learn something
3 A: She looks beautiful in that dress, doesn’t she? new from every movie I watch.
B: Yes, she looks like her mother.

B1 Pre-Intermediate 2 Personal Best B1 © Richmond 2018

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