Talk About The Meals Students Get at Schools in Korea.
Talk About The Meals Students Get at Schools in Korea.
Talk About The Meals Students Get at Schools in Korea.
[Model Response]
Most schools in Korea have school meals. Each school has dining facilities where food is prepared.
Companies are selected on a regular basis to keep these meals running. Professional nutritionists draw up
the menu each week, and it is posted up. The menu consists of highly nutritious and healthy foods that
help the children grow. Depending on the school, students may make their way to the cafeteria to eat. In
other schools, the food is delivered to the classrooms, and the students tuck in at their desks. In some
areas, school meals are provided free of charge. However, there are also places where students pay lunch
money each month. There is an ongoing debate over a blanket application of free school meals. The most
important thing is to make sure that every last student can eat healthy meals at school.
1. Did you bring a packed lunch, or eat school meals? Describe your meals.
2. Do you think school meals should be free for everyone? Why or why not?
school meals 학교 급식
dining facilities 식당 시설
draw up ~을 작성하다
post up 게시하다
tuck in 식사를 하다
free of charge 무료로
blanket application 일괄 적용
[Pattern Practice]
■ I had to keep the office running while the manager was on a business trip.
2. draw up ~을 작성하다
■ The menu consists of highly nutritious and healthy foods that help the children grow.
■ The most important thing is to make sure that every student can eat healthy meals at school.
■ To make sure that you arrive on time, you should leave early.
[Speaking Tips]
lunch money
예) I couldn't eat because I had lost my lunch money. (급식비를 잃어버려서 식사를 할 수 없었다.)
Thankfully, we didn't have to pay much lunch money. (다행스럽게도 급식비를 그리 많이 내지 않아도
그 시절이 좋았지.
B: And it was cheap, too. The restaurants around here are all so expensive.