Selecting HR Metrics: C L C ® J 2006
Selecting HR Metrics: C L C ® J 2006
Selecting HR Metrics: C L C ® J 2006
Selecting HR Metrics
HR metrics best diagnose and reveal organizational performance when aligned with the human capital strategy and, ultimately, the
corporate strategy. The integrated case profiles from Verizon Communications (Verizon) and General Motors (GM) detailed on the
following pages offer structured processes for identifying HR performance measures or metrics through alignment with corporate
and HR strategy, as summarized below:
Step 1: Evaluate external information, interview line managers and executives, survey HR customers, and
Assess collect HR leadership feedback to determine HR’s responsibilities to the organization. These identified
Business HR priorities and responsibilities inform the creation of HR’s strategy.
for HR
Use a cascading process to align overall business goals with HR metrics. The cascading process
Step 2: allows for the categorization of broad business strategy into successive layers of HR objectives and
actions until it is possible to identify detailed and specific measurement items.
Reveal volume, cost, time, satisfaction, and quality information by expressing raw data in formulas, such
Step 3: as rates and ratios. Organizations can achieve greater insight into the business by segmenting
Translate measurements by dimensions such as organization structure, demographics, employment levels,
Raw Data functions, and employee experience.
Develop a means to evaluate and prioritize metrics based on alignment with strategy, usability, and ease
Step 4: of collection. Evaluating potential measures against this criterion helps HR select those metrics that will
Evaluate provide the greatest insight into the achievement of business objectives.
HR can evaluate its responsibilities and requirements by examining competitors and the external market, soliciting input from HR
leadership and line executives, and reviewing corporate and business unit objectives and strategy. Identified people requirements can
then be categorized (i.e., workforce development, labor relations, customer service, compensation and benefits) to form an HR
strategy. The example below demonstrates how Verizon organizes identified HR responsiblities and requirements to support business
Compensation/Benefits Diversity
• Offer attractive compensation and • Leverage diversity
benefits package • Provide growth opportunities
• Team with world-class vendors
Identification of strategically aligned metrics involves translating strategic priorities into HR goals and actions that are measurable and
meaningful. At Verizon, an HR team evaluates priorities against four perspectives—strategic, operations, customer, and financial—
through a cascading process. The team uses an inverse “tree” to structure the dissection of high-level measurement items (i.e., HR
priorities) into smaller pieces that, at the lowest level, yield raw data. This exercise links “real numbers” to more abstract measurement
goals. Below, the Council provides an illustrative tree that examines goals through the strategic perspective.2
“Raw data” identified through the cascading process described in Step 2 can be expressed “as is” but can yield greater meaning and
insight when expressed in relation to other measures or data such as time, employee population, expense, etc. Developing these
correlations through formulas can reveal volume, cost, time, satisfaction, and quality information. For example, companies often
express the number of terminations in relation to overall headcount to understand the rate at which employees leave the organization.
Raw data can be organized by the following formula types:3
The relevance and usefulness of measurement results can be greatly improved if analyzed by particular employee populations or
business unit groupings. Understanding how results differ across different populations or areas of the organization can help to isolate
high-impact targets for intervention and can reveal behavior patterns across the workforce. Common analysis dimensions include the
Metrics that align with corporate and HR strategy must be easy to collect and report and should inform business decisions. To identify
appropriate metrics, GM’s HR group created a prioritization tool that evaluates potential metrics for their strategic alignment, quality
(i.e. usability), and feasibility. First, metrics are divided into objective or contributory metrics that indicate contribution to achievement of
business objectives. Next, metrics receive ratings related to five quality categories and three feasibility categories, as detailed below:5
Results Metric performance (e.g., gap between current and required workforce 1
the metrics planning team
may provide feedback on
Metric reflects the quality of performance (e.g., utilization of the categories and ratings.
Qualitative Metric 3
Metric will “raise the red flag” when performance begins to
deteriorate, allowing management an opportunity to put in place
immediate countermeasures designed to reverse poor
Predictive Metric performance. Metric is conducive to problem solving and 6 HR considers predictive
process improvement. Best-practice performance can be metrics considerably more
isolated, globalization practice implemented, and financial valuable than other metrics
impact forecasted (e.g., strength of employment brand). because they allow
Metric exists already or data to support metric is currently management the
Easy to Measure 1
For ease of review and comparison, GM organizes ratings into a metrics decision matrix. As demonstrated below, HR totals the quality
and implementation ratings for each metric to calculate an overall “comparative rating” for the metric. In addition, HR captures
alignment of metrics with objectives by coding metrics as a direct measures (X) or a contributory measures (C).6
Turnover by
New Hire Employee Step 1: Each potential metric
Metrics Rating Categories HR:FTE Ratio Employee Skills Gap
Turnover Productivity is compared against business
objectives. Contributory
Objective 1 C X X metrics are designated with a
“C” and direct measures are
Objective 2 X C X C designated with an “X”.
Step 2: Potential metrics are
Quantitative 1 1 1 1 1 rated against quality and
feasibility categories, as
Results 1 1 1 defined above.
Qualitative 3 3 3 3
Step 3: A comparative metric
Predictive 6 rating is calculated by adding
the quality ratings and the
Feasibility Rating 1 1 -1 1 -1 feasibility rating. This final
number provides a simple
Comparative Rating means to compare the usability
6 6 4 2 9
(Quality Total + Feasibility) of all potential metrics.
The Corporate Leadership Council (CLC™) has worked to ensure the accuracy of the information it
provides to its members. This project relies upon data obtained from many sources, however, and the
CLC cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or its analysis in all cases. Furthermore, the CLC
is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. Its projects should not be
construed as professional advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. Members requiring
such services are advised to consult an appropriate professional. Neither Corporate Executive Board
nor its programs are responsible for any claims or losses that may arise from any errors or omissions in
their reports, whether caused by Corporate Executive Board or its sources.
Corporate Leadership Council, A New Measurement Mandate, Washington: Corporate Executive Board (2001).
Corporate Leadership Council, A New Measurement Mandate.
Corporate Leadership Council, The Metrics Standard, Washington: Corporate Executive Board (2005).
Corporate Leadership Council, The Metrics Standard.
Corporate Leadership Council, From Information to Insight, Washington: Corporate Executive Board (2002).
Corporate Leadership Council, From Information to Insight.