Angel Yvonne's Animal Connection Empowerment PDF
Angel Yvonne's Animal Connection Empowerment PDF
Angel Yvonne's Animal Connection Empowerment PDF
Angel Yvonne can help you connect with your animal guides and bring you peace over
you past pets. She can help you gain a better bond with your new pets or any animals,
over coming any fears you may have of them?
Let Angel Yvonne help you with this empowerment, bringing the love of the animals past
and present into your life and holding no fear for any of them.
This is a free self empowerment and to call upon its help and energy simply take your
self into a meditative state and say clearly and with pure intent –
“I ask that I may receive the Angel Yvonne’s animal connection empowerment, created
by Dean Kingett, for my highest and greatest good”. (repeat x3).
You can use this empowerment as much as you like and whenever you need it. All I ask
is that you pass it on to others so they too can benefit from this gift. Remember Angel
Yvonne will always be there for you to bring the love of animals into your life.
Channelled in 2013
Angel Yvonne’s Animal Connection Empowerment
I was compelled to channel and write this manual as a lot of people around me seemed to
fear animals. I too had my fears of them when I was younger and I wanted to help others
see past that, I wanted to help others see them as the wonderful creatures they are,
without fear or hatred as they require love too. Not only did I create this for them I
created it for all those others out there who need to see the true beauty of all life.
I am offering this free empowerment to the world for everyone’s benefit. Please treat it
with the respect it deserves and respect Angel Yvonne when she brings it to you.
Please respect this empowerment, my time and my work in creating it so that everyone
can use it for their highest and greatest good.
This manual has been written to help everyone receive the animal connection and
understanding they need. There is nothing complicated about it, but knowledge of energy
work is of benefit to receive its full effect.
This empowerment has been set in the etheric realms for all to receive and there is no
certificate. It is simply a gift to enjoy and behold. This manual should not be altered in
any way or sold for any cost.