Mccusker Sienna Ilp 2019

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Individual Learning Plan 2019

Reception to Year 7

Student: Sienna McCusker

Date of Birth: 6-7-2007

Year level: Year 5

Assessments in School 2017: (whole school testing – in class, otherwise

Identified Educational Details specified)
(eg. type of difficulty/disability, disability category etc)

Literacy and numeracy support Score With- Date

Speech report results – Assessment Type C.A. drawn
Core language – moderately delayed Westwood Spelling A 10.3 score 20/70, approx 27th
Receptive language – average range S.A. 6.8 yrs Oct.
Expressive language –severely delay Oct.
please see speech report for further details PAT Comprehension book 4 “ 26/30, 75th %ile, read to 31st
stanine 6, above Oct.
Professional Assessments: (agency/professional, date, diagnosis, average
educational implications – including contact names and phone numbers). PAT Maths book 3 “ 11/31, stanine 3, 17th read to 24th
Conducted By Date %ile Oct.
Assessment Type
Speech Rebecca Cowling 2014
Broad category of Disability: Level of Adjustment:

Physical Quality differentiated teaching

Cognitive √ Supplementary adjustment √
Sensory Substantial adjustment
Social / emotional Extensive adjustment

Indigenous Repeated year: 1

Agency support
Extra school support needed
PHYSICAL CONSIDERATIONS Use of calculator / spell checker – maths testing THINGS THAT HELP ME LEARN

√ Sight: proximity to teacher / board √ Test read to student √ Modifications of expectations eg. length of time
on task, how many questions
√ Additional time for processing – copying, Open book during test Photocopy of notes / assignments
writing, reading assignments
Hearing: speak to dominant ear Oral test Limited / no copying off board

√ Noise / visual distractions USE OF TECHNOLOGY / AIDS Negotiate homework tasks

Personal care needs – toileting, feeding √ Alphabet chart / number grid / tables chart √ Support with organisation

Slow handwriting speed Use of sensory equipment √ Explanation, check understanding of tasks

Assistance required for unexpected changes Move n sit cushions √ Verbal clarification of tasks- ask to repeat
instructions/ explanations / information
Wears glasses Calculator / spell checker √ Time management support

√ Gain eye contact prior instructions Larger pencils / pens √ Visual prompts – process / procedures

√ Additional peer support Sloping desk Teach key words / subject vocabulary

ASSESSMENT Pencil grips / larger pencils √ Use multi-sensory activities

Alternative testing procedures CURRENT SUPPORT SERVICES Modify text level

Permit student to type Speech – OT therapy Scribe

√ Extra time counselling Time made for movement – trampoline etc

√ Verbal clarification of tests Recess / lunch support Additional planning support with research skills

Modified test Social skills program – internal or outside school Manipulatives – concrete objects for maths

Learning areas linked to Australian Curriculum Goals Adjustments

ENGLISH For Sienna to:

Reduced amount of weekly spelling words
Year 4 - Understand how to use phonic knowledge to write 4 and 5 letter words independently – depends on
read and write multisyllabic words with more complex the word – continue with goal Visible high frequency word list that can be
letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds work through the Oxford word list 1 – 200 with a focus referred to
and known prefixes and suffixes ACELA1828 on words she has difficulty in spelling – continue with
Continue to decode words using phoneme knowledge
Year 5 and blending techniques to read texts – continue with
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and goal
persuasive print and multimodal texts,
choosing text structures, language features, images and continue to develop her understanding of regular and
sound appropriate to purpose and audience ACELY1704 irregular spelling patterns and to be able to apply these
to her writing. Needs constant support with reading
Re-read and edit student’s own and others’ Continue with goal instructions, task cards and worksheets.
work using agreed criteria Sienna is given opportunities to ‘have a go’ and
for text structures and language Develop re-reading skills to improve her then seek assistance from the teacher and
features ACELY1705 comprehension. Continue with goal review where to next. – this dialogue must
happen for her to be accurate with work
Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, expectations and curriculum goals.
integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and
digital sources ACELY170

Year 4 - Read different types of texts by combining

contextual , semantic, grammatical and phonic
knowledge using text processing strategies for example Small group support for written tasks. Tasks
monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing must be broken down into manageable steps
ACELY1691 and reviewed with SSO / Teacher. Eg. for
Continue – particularly checking to see if she has left persuasive writing, clear logical opening
any words out of the sentence. statement, step by step arguments need to be
Year 4 - Use comprehension strategies to build literal Continue with goals clearly scaffolded for Sienna.
and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge,
integrating and linking ideas and analysing and
evaluating texts ACELY1692

Year 4 - Re-read and edit for meaning by adding,

deleting or moving words or word groups to improve
content and structure ACELY1695

We have participated in an Individual Learning Plan for Sienna McCusker

Printed Name Signature Date

Classroom Teacher..................................................................................................................................................................
Printed Name Signature Date

Extended Education Teachers.................................................................................................................................................

Printed Name Signature Date

Printed Name Signature Date

Printed Name Signature Date

Parent/Guardian/Student Acknowledgement and Consent

I agree and understand that information about my child has been obtained on the basis that it will only be accessed by the school and its personnel for forward planning of educational and

pre-school/school facilities, financial allocations, submissions and state and local area enrolment projections. Its use for other purposes or disclosure to other people is an offence pursuant

to the Information Privacy Principles.


Review date: end of Term 2, 2019

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