Mccusker Sienna Ilp 2019
Mccusker Sienna Ilp 2019
Mccusker Sienna Ilp 2019
√ Sight: proximity to teacher / board √ Test read to student √ Modifications of expectations eg. length of time
on task, how many questions
√ Additional time for processing – copying, Open book during test Photocopy of notes / assignments
writing, reading assignments
Hearing: speak to dominant ear Oral test Limited / no copying off board
Personal care needs – toileting, feeding √ Alphabet chart / number grid / tables chart √ Support with organisation
Slow handwriting speed Use of sensory equipment √ Explanation, check understanding of tasks
Assistance required for unexpected changes Move n sit cushions √ Verbal clarification of tasks- ask to repeat
instructions/ explanations / information
Wears glasses Calculator / spell checker √ Time management support
√ Gain eye contact prior instructions Larger pencils / pens √ Visual prompts – process / procedures
√ Additional peer support Sloping desk Teach key words / subject vocabulary
√ Verbal clarification of tests Recess / lunch support Additional planning support with research skills
Modified test Social skills program – internal or outside school Manipulatives – concrete objects for maths
Learning areas linked to Australian Curriculum Goals Adjustments
We have participated in an Individual Learning Plan for Sienna McCusker
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Classroom Teacher..................................................................................................................................................................
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