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Spatial distribution and characteristics of Anopheles larvae

breeding places and their relation to larval density in Bulukumba
Agenda Style
01 Background

02 Methods

03 Results

04 Discussion

05 Conclusion
Spatial distribution and characteristics of Anopheles larvae
breeding places and their relation to larval density in Bulukumba
Our Services
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Goals Methods
• WHO estimates that 627 spatial distribution and
01 thousand deaths
• Bulukumba is one of the 02 analyze habitat
characteristics with density
03 Desain study was used
ecological study and
malaria endemic area of Anopeheles larvae in cross sectional analytic
Bulukumba Regency.

Results discussion conclusion

• Predator larva is the most
influential variables on density
04 Results will be
explained in pictures
05 The discussion will be
explained on the next
06 •
Variables that influence larva
density are water temperature,
and tables page type of breeding place, aquatic
plant, predator larva and pH

Malaria Cases Malaria Cases Malaria Cases

WHO Estimates that 207 Malaria in pregnant women increases

WHO Estimates that 607 the risk of low birth weight babies, inf
Million Cases of Malaria
Thousand death in 2012. ant mortality, abortion, anemia and
Occur Globally in 2012 even death in pregnant women

The Bulukumba Health Office records the number of malaria cases based on API
values ​from 2009-2013

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


4,29 5,3 0,13
2013 the API value
decreased to 0.13
2012 the API value
in 2010 there was decreased to 0.13
API in 2009 2011 the API value
an increase in API decreased to 0.29
amounted to 4,29
value to 5.3
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Table 1. Distribution of Anopheles larvae based on public health center

PHC An.barbirostris An.subpictus An.vagus An.hyrcanus Negative Total

Caile 4 5 1 0 0 8 18

ujungbulu 0 8 1 0 0 5 14

Bontobahari 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

Bontotiro 0 0 2 0 0 1 3

Batang 6 0 3 2 2 6 19

Bontobangun 5 0 2 3 1 5 16

Tanete 12 12 5 0 0 2 31

Total 27 26 14 5 3 28 103
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Table 2. Distribution type of breeding place for Anopheles larvae

Type of Breeding
An.barbirostris An.subpictus An.vagus An.hyrcanus An. indefinitus
Rice Field 14 4 5 4 1
Water spring 0 0 0 0 0
Ditch 0 0 0 0 0
River 3 0 1 1 0
Kubangan 2 3 4 0 0
pool 0 0 1 0 0
Temporary 0 0 1 0 0
Ponds 0 8 0 0 0
Unproductive 0 8 1 0 0
Swamp 8 3 1 0 2
Table 3. Characteristics of Breeding Place

Characteristic Of Breeding Species of Anopheles

An. barbirostris An. subpictus An. vagus An. hyrcanus An. indefinitus
n n n n n
Physical Enviroment
Habitat Properties
Permanent 25 23 10 5 3
Not permanent 2 3 4 0 0
Speed of Water
Flowing 23 26 12 4 3
Not Flowing 4 0 2 1 0
Water Temperatur
200C-300C 18 18 9 3 3
<200C or > 300C 9 10 5 2 0
The Intensity of Sunlight

Open 16 18 6 3 2
Half of open 7 7 8 2 1
Close 4 3 0 0 0
Biological Enviroment
Aquatic Plants
Positive 24 22 10 3 2
Negative 3 4 4 2 1

Type of Aquatic Plants An. barbirostris An. subpictus An. vagus An. hyrcanus An. indefinitus
Moss 5 14 0 0 0
Water Hyacinth 1 0 1 0 0
Grass 11 4 4 0 1
Taro plants 1 0 0 0 0
Rice 6 2 2 2 1
Negative 3 6 7 3 1
Plants Around
Grass 19 10 9 2 1
Shrubs 4 4 2 1 2
Forest 3 11 3 0 0
Negative 1 1 0 2 0
Shade plants
Negative 14 12 6 0 0
Rarely 3 3 3 1 0
Crowded 10 6 5 4 3

Density of aquatic plant

An. barbirostris An. subpictus An. vagus An. hyrcanus An. indefinitus

Negative 8 7 7 4 1
Rarely 9 6 0 1
Crowded 10 13 1 1 1
Positive 3 11 2 2 2
Negative 24 15 12 3 1
Type of Predator
Fish 0 10 1 1 1
Tadpole 0 0 0 0 1
Et all 3 1 1 1 0
Negative 24 15 12 3 1
Chemical Enviroment
6-9 18 20 9 2 1
<6 or > 9 8 8 5 3 2
0-0,25 24 18 13 5 3
0,26-0,5 3 6 1 0 0
>0,5 0 2 0 0 0
Clear 11 12 9 2 2
Turbid 16 14 5 3 1
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Table 4 . The influence of breeding place properties on the density of
Anopheles larvae
Breeding Place properties P-value

Not Permanent

Table 5. Effect of water temperature on density of Anopheles larvae

Water Temperature (0C) P value r

0,017 0,235
< 20 or > 30
Table 6. The Influence of aquatic plant on density of Anopheles
Aquatic Plant P value

Table 7. Influence of predator larvae on Anopheles larvae


Larvae Predator P value r

0,000 0,423
Table 8. Influence of pH on density of Anopheles larvae
pH P value r
0,031 0,213
< 6 or > 9

Table 9 . Multivariate Analysis Effect of Environmental Characteristics on Density

of Anopheles Larvae

Variabel Koefisien β Adjusted R p-value

Breeding place properties 0,240 0,009
Water temperature 0,258 0,005
Aquatic Plant -0,054 0,554
Larvae Predator 0,340 0,227 0,000
pH 0,121 0,244
Infographic Style
Distribution of Anopheles larvae in Bulukumba

This study found 6 cases of case houses,
01 namely 2 point case houses in Bulukumpa 02
District, and 4 points in Bontobahari District. the most dominant anopheles larvae
From the home point of the case, the are An larvae. barbirostris and An.
researchers found that they observed subpictus which is also the main
potential habitat for breeding of Anopheles vector in Bulukumba.
sp. Larvae. In this study, focused habitats
were defined as habitats within a radius of
500 meters from malaria cases with
consideration of mosquito flying distance
which is very limited in the range of 400 me
ters. The transmission of transmission
develops widely because several variables
that influence one of them are population
mobility activity
Spatial Distribution of Anopheles larvae

An. barbirostris in the area of ​bulukumba is more commonly found in areas in the highlands more
Are found in coastal areas and An. barbirostris can be found at an altitude of 0-800 m. An. subpictus Si
gnificant was found in coastal areas, namely in Bontobahari with habitat characteristics in the form of p
onds and in Ujung Loe found also in rice fields at altitudes of 8-100 m above sea level. This is
relevant to the research conducted by Ndoen that An. subpictus relates to lagoons, brackish water and
mangrove forests that receive direct sunlight Topography has a strong influence on the presence of the
Anopheles mosquito where the topography shows that An. barbirostris can be at any height while An.
subpictus is predominantly found in coastal areas such as research conducted by Ndoen et al while An.
subpictus at an altitude of 0-200 m An. vagus and An. indefinitus is found in the highlands and lowlands
, namely in the type of habitat in the form of rice fields. An. vagus and An. indefinitus is not found in
pond habitats. For An. hyrcanus is found in mountainous regions with the majority of habitat types in
the form of rice fields.
Characteristic of breeding place relations with Anopheles
Larvae density
Physical Environment
Water Temperature
Habitat Propertiees Water temperature affects larval
01 02 proliferation. In general, larvae of
physical environment variables that Anopheles mosquitoes prefer high
influence the density of Anopheles temperatures when compared to the
larvae include habitat type and water type of culicinae. That is why more
temperature. In general the habitat Anopheles species are encountered
favored by An larvae. barbirostris of in the tropics. temperatures between
sunlit water bodies, such as lagoons, 20-30 are good for breeding larvae.
ponds, slow running waterways, along This is in line with research conducted
river banks, and rice fields and by Christiansen et al (2014), regarding
vegetation overgrown with vegetation the relationship of temperature to
larval propagation shows that the
optimal temperature for larval
development of An. gambiae between
Characteristic of breeding place relations with Anopheles
Larvae density
Biological Environment

Aquatic Plant Predator larvae

01 02
Research shows a significant The presence of predators affects the
relationship between aquatic plant and density of Anopheles larvae. Research
density of Anopheles larvae. This is by Michael El al (2005) with a value of
consistent with research by Kevin A p = 0.040 after logistic regression
and Caillouët (2008). Water plants in analysis there was a predator
the breeding site play a role in the influence on the presence of
presence of Anopheles larvae. This is Anopheles larvae. this shows that
because the aquatic plants can there are more predators, so the
function as a place to disinfect density of larvae decreases. In the
mosquitoes when on the surface of research location the majority of
the water breeding places have no predators
Characteristic of breeding place relations with Anopheles
Larvae density
Chemical Enviroment

pH Biological environmental
01 02 characteristics of larval predators are
The degree of acidity (pH) is used in the most influential variables on the
the regulation of respiration and density of Anopheles larvae. The
enzyme systems in the body of distribution of Anopheles larvae found
mosquito larvae. In this study showed in this study was in the form of
a significant relationship between pH An.barbirostris, An.subpictus,
and density of mosquito larvae. This is An.vagus, An.hyrcanus and An.
consistent with the study by Paulo et indefinitus. It is suggested that
al (2016) that the pH favored by cooperation between the Bulukumba
mosquitoes ranged from 6-9 with a p District Health Office and the Public
value of 0.008 at An. darling Works Agency be needed to improve
the irrigation system, especially for
temporal habitats in order to overcome
the breeding habitat of Anopheles sp
Thank you
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