Introduction To Education B.Ed. Mcqs Solved: Order of Page Reading 1,3,5,9 .. Again From Start 2,4,6,8
Introduction To Education B.Ed. Mcqs Solved: Order of Page Reading 1,3,5,9 .. Again From Start 2,4,6,8
Introduction To Education B.Ed. Mcqs Solved: Order of Page Reading 1,3,5,9 .. Again From Start 2,4,6,8
Who is not among major exponent of To seek truth and reality is the subject of ?
perennialism ? Philosophy
John dewey
Every system of education is based on ?
School should be run on democratic lines is held Ideology of nation
by ?
Word philosophy is derived from ?
Phila and Sophia
According to which experimental knowledge is
Expected life outcomes from education are
real ?
Progressivism referred as ?
Ethic and aesthetics are components of ? Being the science of wisdom philosophy aims at
Axiology ?
Search for reality
Progressivist teacher put more emphasis on ?
Practical education The first head of the Deoband was ?
Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi
The curriculum will be child centered if teacher
is ? 1. First Educational Conference of
Progressivist Pakistan held in Karachi from 27 Nov to
1 Dec 1947
Learning should be directly related to the
interest of the child according to ? 2. Education Minister during first
Progressivism educational conference was Mr. Fazlul
Essentialists would get their aim of education
from ? 3. First Educational conference decided to
Traditions promote Two nation theory, Urdu
Language and to establish an Inter
Essentialist philosophy of education is ? University Board
Content and teacher centered
4. Gen.Ayub Khan government establish a
Perennialism is an educational philosophy of ? 11 members national educational
Old values commission on 30 Dec 1958
The objective of education comes from ? 5. S.M Shareef was Chairmain of this
Philosophy commission. This commission started its
work fro Jan 1959. Mr.Sharif was a
The application of philosophy in education may
Secretary of education
be ?
Selection of objectives
6. Sharif Commission presented his report 19. National Centre was established for
to President in Aug 1959 consisting of science according to National Education
346 pages Policy 1978.
A. Test
47: The phsiological and psychological B. Measurement
response to stress referred as:
a) Transition C. Assessment
b) Stressors D. Evaluation
c) Strain
d) Hypertension Answer is = A
51. (48) An example of a cognitive therapy
is rational-emotive therapy, which is
developed by: Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s
(a) Carl Rogers performance is?
(b) Joseph Wolpe
A. Test
(c) Albert Ellis
(d) Allen Bergin B. Measurement
C. Assessment
(49i) The explicit and implicit rules that D. Evaluation
a society establishes to govern conduct
Answer is = B
are referred to as:
(a) Norms
(b) Culture
(c) Morality The purpose of the evaluation is to make?
(d) Conventions A. Decision
B. Prediction
(50) The violation of a society’s explicit C. Judgment
and implicit norms can be viewed as not
normal in the sense that the violation is: D. Opinion
(a) Deviant
Answer is = C
(b) Distressful
(c) Dysfunctional
(d) A danger to one’s self or to others
The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment
about educational?
A. Quanitiy
B. Quality
Educational Assessment Mcqs For PSC
C. Teme period
Headmaster & Teaching Exams
D. Age
Assessment in Education
Answer is = B
Evaluation that monitors learning progress is? The first step in measurement is?
Answer is = B Answer is = A
A formal and systematic procedure of getting The purpose of formative evaluation is?
information is?
A. Decision of what to measure
A. Test
B. Development of the test
B. Measurement
C. Administering the test
C. Assessment
D. Monitoring progress of students
D. Evaluation
Answer is = D
Answer is = A
Answer is = B Answer is = C
A. Test A. Test
B. Measurement B. Measurement
C. Assessment C. Assessment
D. Evaluation D. Evaluation
Answer is = A Answer is = D
The least in scope is? In norm referenced test the comparison is
A. Test
A. Groups
B. Measurement
B. Individuals
C. Assessment
C. Areas
D. Evaluation
D. Interest
Answer is = A
Answer is = B
Answer is = D
Answer is = B
Test involving the construction of
certain patterns are called?
Answer is = A
In multiple choice items the stem of the items
should be?
D. None C. Matching
Answer is = B
B. To appreciate A. Test
Answer is = A B. Quartiles
C. Class
B. S=R-W/N-1
A multiple choice question is composec of
- exam result - question referred as?
C. S=R-w/2-1 B. Distracter
D. None C. Foil
Answer is = B D. Response
Answer is = A
Answer is = D
Answer is = D
Answer is = A
B. Intelligence A. Reliability
C. Knowledge B. Validity
D. Personality C. Objectivity
Answer is = D D. Usability
Answer is = B
B. Intelligence A. Mean
C. Knowledge B. Median
D. Personality C. Mode
D. Sample C. V
Answer is = D D. None
Answer is = B
Meidan of 1,2,4,5,2,3, is ?
Answer is = A
The test made to compare the performance of
student with the other students is called?
Answer is = A
A. At the end of the program The supply type test item is?
Answer is = D
Answer is = D D. None
Answer is = C
B. Two A. Answer
C. Four B. Premise
D. Five C. Response
Answer is = B D. Destructor
Answer is = A
Answer is = C
Answer is = D
Answer is = C
Which one is not the type of test of test by
Answer is =A
The type of the test by method is?
The tests designed to predict future performance
The I.Q of a student having twelve years mental
A. Achievement test age and tem years physical age will be?
Answer is =B D. 140
Answer is = B
Answer is = A
The formula to determine I.Q was presented by?
A. Alfred Binet
The characteristic of a test to siscriminate
B. Stern
between high achievers and low achievers is?
C. Gulford
A. Validity
D. None
B. Differentiability
Answer is = B
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability
I.Q of a student having same physical and
Answer is = B
mental age will be?
A. 100
If the scoring of the test is not effected by any
B. 120
factor, quality of test is called?
C. 50
A. Validity
D. 140
B. Differentiability
Answer is = A
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability C. Objectivity
Answer is = C D. Reliability
Answer is = A
C. 30%
D. None
Answer is =C
A. 0.30 – 1
B. 1
C. 0.30
D. None
Answer is = A
A. 0.30 – 1
B. 1
C. 0.30
D. None
Answer is = B
A. 0.30 – 1
19. Acquittance roll is used for 25. The authorized person of staff
Salary disbursement performance is
B. Stock Teacher
C. Govt . grants B. Head teacher
D. Expenditures C. Student
Answer is =A D. Clerk
Answer is =B
20. The degree to which organizational
resources contribute to productivity is 26. Informal education is ?
Effectiveness Just schooling
b. Tine bound c. Pedagogy
c. Life long d. Summative evaluation
d. Preplanned Answer is = b
Answer is = c
33. Pedagogy is concerned with ?
27. What is the most important element Aims
of non formal education ? b. Content
Teacher c. Teaching Methods
b. Student d. Evaluation
c. Media Answer is = c
d. School To determine the value or worth of
Answer is = c anything is?
a. Aim
28. Which one is not the source of formal
b. Content
education ?
c. Teaching Methods
d. Evaluation
b. Museum
Answer is = c
c. Library
d. Home 34. In education process which one is
Answer is = d evaluated ?
29. Informal education is ?
b. Content
c. Methods
b. Incidental
d. All of the above
c. Systematic
Answer is = d
d. Arranged
Answer is = b 35. The literal meaning of philosophy is ?
Love of knowledge
30. Formal education has well defined ?
b. Love of truth
c. Love of values
b. System
d. Love of wisdom
c. Method
Answer is = d
d. Approach
Answer is = a 36. Axiology in philosophy deals with ?
31. Which is not the element of
b. Reality
educational process?
c. Values
d. Culture
b. Curriculum
Answer is = c
c. Evaluation
d. Motivation 37. Epistemology deals with ?
Answer is = d Knowledge
b. Reality
32. The sum of curricular and co-
c. Values
curricular activities is?
d. Culture
Answer is = a
b. Curriculum
38. Ontology deals with ? Perennialism
Knowledge b. Essentialism
b. Reality c. Progressivism
c. Values d. Reconstructionism
d. Culture Answer is = c
Answer is = b “Reforms are necessary in all walks of
Ontology is also called as ? life” is focused in ?
a. Metaphysics a. Perennialism
b. Axiology b. Essentialism
c. Ontology c. Progressivism
d. Morphology d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = a Answer is = d
39. Metaphysics deals with the nature of 44. Study of great books is at the core of ?
? Perennialism
Values b. Essentialism
b. Knowledge c. Progressivism
c. Universe d. Reconstructionism
d. Reality Answer is = b
Answer is = d
45. Who is not among major exponent of
40. Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs perennialism ?
from ? Bentock
One philosophy b. Adler
b. Two philosophies c. Hutchins
c. Three philosophy d. John dewey
d. Different philosophies Answer is = d
Answer is = d
46. School should be run on democratic
41. “Everlasting reality” is focused in ? lines is held by ?
Perennialism Perennialism
b. Essentialism b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism c. Progressivism
d. Reconstructionism d. Reconstructionism
Answer is = a Answer is = c
42. Useful culture and skill is emphasized 47. The number of domains in
in ? taxonomies of educational objective is
Perennialism (a) Tow
b. Essentialism (b) Three
c. Progressivism (c) Five
d. Reconstructionism (d) Six
Answer is = b Answer is = b
43. Life is coutinuous changing process is 48. The highest level of cognitive domain
the best ? is
(a) Synthesis (a) Comprehension
(b) Analysis (b) Application
(c) Comprehension (c) Knowledge
(d) Evaluation (d) Synthesis
Answer is = d Answer is = c
49. The process of determing the value or 55. The highest level of learning in
worth of anything is cognitive domain is
(a) Test (a) Evaluation
(b) Measurement (b) Synthesis
(c) Assessment (c) analysis
(d) Evaluation (d) Application
Answer is = d Answer is = a
50. Educational objectives have been 56. The right sequence of subgroups
divide into cognitive domain is
(a) Two domains (a) Knowledge, Comprehension,
(b) Three domains Application, Synthesis, analysis,
(c) Four domains Evaluation
(d) Five domains (b) Knowledge, Comprehension,
Answer is = b application, Evaluation, analysis,
51. Taxonomy of educational objectives
(c) Knowledge, Comprehension,
was presented in
Evaluation, application, Analysis,
(a) 1946
(b) 1956
(d) Knowledge, Comprehension,
(c) 1966
application, analysis, Synthesis
(d) 1976
Answer is = b
Answer is = d
52. The classification of cognitive domain
57. Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is
was presented by
concerned with
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(a) Cpmprehension
(b) Skinner
(b) Application
(c) Krathwhol
(c) Knowledge
(d) Simpson
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = a
Answer is = c
53. Cognitive domain have
58. To grasp the meaning of the material
(a) Three subgroups
(b) Four subgroups
(a) Comprehension
(c) Five subgroups
(b) Applicatin
(d) Six subgroups
(c) Knowledge
Answer is = d
(d) Synthysis
54. The lowest level of learning in Answer is = a
cognitive domain is
59. To use previous learned material in (d) None of above
new situation is Answer is = b
(a) Comprehension
65. Which domain is concerned with
(b) Application
physical and motor skills?
(c) Knowledge
(a) Cognitive Domain
(d) analysis
(b) Affective Domain
Answer is = b
(c) Psychomotor domain
60. To break down material into (d) None of above
component parts to know its Answer is = c
organizational structure is
66. The focus of cognitive domain is
(a) Comprehension
(a) Physical and Motor skills
(b) application
(b) Intellectual Skills
(c) Analysis
(c) Attitudes and Interests
(d) Synthesis
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
Answer is = b
61. To put ideas together to form a new
67. The affective domain was classified by
whole is
(a) Benjamin S. Bloom
(a) Evaluation
(b) Simpson
(b) Synthesis
(c) Krathwhol
(c) Analysis
(d) Burner
(d) Application
Answer is =c
Answer is = b
68. Affective domain is divided into
62. To know the worth or value of
(a) four subgroups
material is
(b) Five subgroups
(a) Analysis
(c) Six subgroups
(b) Application
(d) seven subgroups
(c) Knowledge
Answer is = b
(d) Evaluation
Answer is = d 69. The lowest level of learning in
affective domain is
63. The intellectual skills are reflected by
(a) Responding
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Valuing
(b) affective domain
(c) Attending
(c) Psychomotor
(d) Organization
(d) None of above
Answer is = c
Answer is = a
70. Which is placed at the highest level of
64. Attitudes, values and interests are
learning in affective domain
reflected by
(a) Attending
(a) Cognitive Domain
(b) Responding
(b) Affective Domain
(c) Organization
(c) Psychomotor Domain
(d) Characterization
Answer is = d
71. Right order of sub- groups of affective 76. Psychomotor domain was classified
domain is by Simpson in
(a) Attending, Responding, Valuing, (a) 1962
characterization, Organization (b) 1972
(b) attending, Responding, (c) 1982
Characterization, Valuing, (d) 1992
Organization Answer is = b
(c) Attending, Valuing, Responding,
77. Affective domain was divided into
Organization, Characterization
subgroups by Krathwhol in
(d) Attending, Responding, Valuing,
(a) 1954
Organization, Characterization
(b) 1964
Answer is = d
(c) 1974
72. Willingness to attend to particular (d) 1984
phenomenon is Answer is = b
(a) Attending/ Receiving
78. Psychomotor domain was divided by
(b) Responding
Simpson in
(c) Valuing
(a) Four subgroups
(d) Organization
(b) Five subgroups
Answer is = a
(c) Six subgroups
73. Which sub- group of affective domain (d) Seven subgroups
focuses on active participation in Answer is = d
(a)Attending/ Receiving
79. The Characteristic of behavioral
(b) Responding
objective is
(c) Valuing
(a) Observable and Immeasurable
(d) Organization
(b) Non- observable
Answer is = b
(c) Observable and measurable
74. Bringing together different values (d) None of above
into a comsistent value system is Answer is = c
(a) Attending/ Receiving
80. The right sequence of sub-groups of
(b) Responding
psychomotor domain is
(c) Valuing
(a) Perception, Set, Guided response,
(d) Organization
Mechanism, Complex overt response,
Answer is = d
adaptation, Origination
75. Affective domain focuses on adoption (b) Perception, Complex over
of a value system as a part of life style response, Set, Guided, response,
in Mechanism, adaptation, Organization
(a) Responding (c) Set, Origination, Guided response,
(b) Valuing Mechanism Complex overt response,
(c) Organization Adaptation, perception
(d) Characterization (d) Guided response, Mechanism,
Answer is = d perception, Set, Adaptation,
Organization, Complex overt
response (d) All above
Answer is = a Answer is = d