1994 Gibbon Cad Thrashplate Design
1994 Gibbon Cad Thrashplate Design
1994 Gibbon Cad Thrashplate Design
The CAD trashplate designhas been produced on Caddie,
a computer aided designand draughtingpackage. The design --~----:-----
requires information regarding the roll diameters, wear rates
and mill settings, which are used to calculate and display
the roll centre distances, underfeed arm lengths, wedge an- TOE
gles at the beginningand end of the seasonand the trashplate HEEL
profile. The advantages over the old drawing board method CLEARANCE
of designing trashplates include time saving, increased ac-
curacy and an improved trashplate design.
CAD is a computer aided design and draughting package
with its own programming language which allows programs PACKERS E~ OU'ISlDE DIAMETER
to be written wherebydraughtingand design unique to vari-
ous differentenvironments can be performed efficiently and
accurately. Althoughused effectively as a drawingtool, CAD
is often neglected as a programming or design instrument FIGURE 2 A mill trashplate.
due to the perception that writing CAD programs is ex-
tremelycomplex and shouldbe leftto the "computer boffins". The Noodsbergmills have a unique arrangement whereby
An ideal opportunity for reaping the benefitsof program- the feed and discharge roll positions are adjusted by wedges
ming in CAD is presented by mill trashplate design. In the which move in the mill cheeks as shown in Figure 3. The
past, the process has been both time consuming and labo- wedges are important in that they provide support for the
rious, consistingof drawingout the mill rollsand performing roll bearings and should rotate within certain limits so that
the design on a drawing board measuringabout 4 m X 2 m. the bearings are properly supported throughout the season.
The CAD trashplate design completes the trashplate design
and displays the mill rolls, trashplate profile and all desired
mill information quickly and accurately.
The aim of this paper is to illustrate that the CAD trash- x= FEED JEOOE ANGLE (-VEl
plate design leads to benefits in time saving, accuracy and Y = Dl&::HARGE WEIX:E ANGLE (+VE)
improved trashplate design. In doing so, the author hopes
to demonstrate that programmingin CAD may be of benefit
in other areas of repetitive design in the sugar industry.
Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association - June 1994
Proceedings of The South African Sugar Technologists' Association - June 1994