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Memorandum of Association: (A) The Main Objects of The Company To Be Pursued On Its Incorporation Are

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I. The name of the Company is “ABC Trader”.

II. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in Lahore, Pakistan.
III. The objects for which the Company is established are:


1. To carry on business of Import, Export, processing, packing, re-packing, trading in, purchase, sell
and to act as mercantile agents, clearing and forwarding agents, brokers, consignors, consignees,
conversion agents, distributors, act as stockiest or otherwise in any other manner deal in all types
of organic foods, processed foods, packed foods, frozen foods, canned and Jarred foods, poultry
products, groceries including ready to eat preparations, condiments, other ethnic preparations,
agricultural produce, soya bean, wheat, rice & rice products, maize, all types of cereals, pulses,
dhal, oats, cash crops, sugar cane, sugar, vegetables, and fruits including dehydrated fruits and
vegetables and their products, preserved fruits, dry fruits, jam, pickles, masalas, masala mixes,
coffee and coffee products, tea & tea products, edible oils, hydrogenated fat, meat products,
marine products, poultry, dairy products, condensed milk, flavored milk, ice cream, butter, ghee,
backed products, pastries, confectioneries, sweets, biscuits, chocolates, beverages, fruit juices,
concentrates, mineral water, soft drinks, syrups, preservatives, flavors, coloring agents,
emulsifiers, food supplements, nutrients, natural or synthetic chemicals used for processing and
preservation in the food industry.

2. To carry on the business of exporters, importers, buyers, distributors, sellers, processors and or
dealers in all or any types of consumer goods, industrial goods, agricultural goods, plant &
machinery, pharmaceuticals, electrical and electronic products, Telecom Products, Smart Phones,
Mobile Devices, Telecom Accessories, Printed Stationeries, Office Stationeries, IT Products,
Computer Peripherals, Media Products, Audio, Video and other entertainment products, Building
materials, Ceramics, Bathroom Fittings, Furniture & Other Wooden Items, Granites, Minerals,
Marbles, other Stones and Tiles, Garments, Textiles, Artifacts, Handicrafts, Incense, Perfumes and
Fragrances, Paintings, Sculptures, Carpets, Jewelry, Gems, Electronic items, components and
accessories, Machines and Mechanical Items, components and accessories, and any other
Products, Items or Things Indigenous to or Obtainable within Pakistan or any other Country of the
World, and all other work which is ancillary to the above purpose.

3. To carry on the business of selling agents, purchasing agents, general agents, commission agents,
sub-agents, distribution agents, stockists, dealers and manufacturers, representatives, marketing
agents or consultants, indenting agents of all types and kinds of foods, commodities and services
and to do all such other acts and things which are conducive to the aforesaid business and/ or
ancillary or incidental to the same.


1. To develop, acquire, import, install, repair and render maintenance service, know-how,
technology, consultancy and training in connection with the objects.

2. To establish and maintain offices and/or agencies at any place or places in Pakistan or other parts
of the world for the conduct of the business of the company or the purchase and sale of goods,
merchandise, materials, articles and things required for or dealt in or manufactured by or at the
disposal of the company.

3. To employ or to depute personnel or otherwise acquire technical experts, engineers, foremen or

skilled and unskilled labor for any of the purposes of the company.

4. To make, undertake, encourage, experiment, research and invent about the business of the

5. To give any guarantee or provide any security in connection with any loan made by any other
persons, firm or body corporate to any other person, firm, or body corporate or any purpose
whatsoever and on any terms whatsoever.

6. To open and operate current, overdraft, loan, cash credit deposit account or accounts with any
bank, company firm, or person and close any such accounts.

7. To enter into contracts, agreements and arrangements with any other company for carrying out,
by such other company on behalf of the Company, of any of the objects for which the company is

8. To carry on the business whether of agency or otherwise which may seem to the company capable
of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above or calculated directly or indirectly
to enhance the value of or render more profitable any of the Company’s undertakings or to
advance or promote the object and interest of the Company.

9. To advertise and adopt means of making known the business activities of the Company or any
article or goods traded or dealt in by the Company in any way be expedient including the posting
of bills in relation thereto and the issue of circulars, books, pamphlet and price list, and the
conducting of competitions, exhibition and giving of prizes, rewards and donations.

10. Generally to purchase, to build or construct, to take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire
any movable or immovable property and any rights or concessions which the Company may
consider necessary or desirable.

11. To promote and form any Company or Companies for any purpose and to transfer all or any of
the property rights and liabilities of this Company to that company.

12. To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire and protect, prolong and renew trademark, trade
names, designs, secret processes, patents, patent rights, licenses, protection and concession,
which may appear likely to be advantageous or useful to the Company and to spend money in
experimenting and testing and improving or seeking to improve any patents, inventions or rights
which the Company may acquire or propose to acquire or develop.

13. To enter into any agreement or agreements with any Government, State or Authority, Municipal,
Local or otherwise and/or with any company, person of firm, which may seem to be of advantage
to the Company and obtain from such Government, State or Authority, Municipal, Local or
otherwise or company, person or firm, any rights, privileges or concessions and to carry out and
exercise and comply with such arrangement or agreement.

14. To acquire by concession, grant, purchase, amalgamation, barter, lease, license or otherwise,
either absolutely or conditionally and either solely or jointly with other lands, houses estates,
farms quarries, water rights, way lanes and other works, privileges, rights and here determents
and machinery, plant and utensils and trademarks and other movable and immovable property
of any description whatsoever at any place or places in Pakistan or in any foreign country and
together with such rights as may be agreed upon and granted by Government or the rulers or
owners thereof and to expend such sums of money as may be deemed requisite and advisable in
the exploration, survey, cultivation and development thereof.

15. To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interests,
cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession or otherwise with any person, firm or company
carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in, any business, or undertaking or
transaction which may seem capable of being carried on or conducted so as to, directly or
indirectly, benefit the Company, to guarantee the contracts or otherwise assist any person or
company and to take or otherwise acquire and hold shares or securities of any such person, firm
or company and sell, hold, re-issue with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with such shares
and securities.
16. To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property,
goodwill, rights and liabilities of any person, firm or company carrying on any business and
purchase, acquire apply for, hold, sell and deal in shares, stock, debentures or debenture stock of
any such person, firm or company and to conduct, make or carry into effect any arrangement in
regard to the winding up of the business of any such person, firm or company.

17. To promote any other company for the purpose of acquiring the whole or part of the business or
property or undertaking, or any other liabilities of this Company, or for taking over any business
or operations which may appear likely to assist or benefit this Company and to place or guarantee
the placing of, underwrite or subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares or
securities of any such Company aforesaid.

18. To amalgamate with any company or companies having objects altogether or in part similar to
those of this Company.

19. To enter into agreements, contracts or collaboration with Pakistani or Foreign individuals,
Governments, Companies, Banks, Financial Institutions or Corporations or other Organizations for
technical, financial or any other assistance for carrying out all or any of the objects of the

20. To remunerate or make donations to {by cash or in kind or by the allotment of fully or partly paid
shares, debentures, debenture stock, or securities of this or any other company, or in any other
manner} whether out of the Company's capital, profits or otherwise, to any person, or firm or
company for services rendered or to be rendered in introducing any property or business to the
Company, or any other reason which the Company may think proper.

21. To pay all the costs, charges and expenses of and incidental to the promotion and resignation and
establishment of the Company including costs, charges, expenses of negotiations, contracts and
agreements made prior to and in anticipation of the formation and incorporation of the Company.

22. To undertake and execute any trusts, the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either
gratuitously or otherwise.

23. To draw, make issue, accept and to endorse, discount and negotiate promissory notes, warrants,
bills of exchange, bills of lading, delivery orders, warehouse keeper’s certificates, and other
negotiable or commercial or mercantile instruments in connection with the business of the
24. To guarantee the payment of money, unsecured by or payable under or in respect of Promissory
Notes, Bonds, Debentures, Stock, Contracts, Mortgages, obligations, Instruments and Securities
of any company or of any authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise of any person
whomsoever whether Incorporated or not incorporated.

25. To provide for the welfare of Directors, employees or ex- employees of the Company and the
spouses, widows, families or dependents or relatives of such persons by building or contributing
to the building of houses, dwelling or by grant of money, pensions, gratuity, bonus, payment
towards insurance, or other payment, or by creating, from time to time, subscribing or
contributing to, adding or supporting provident funds or trusts or conveniences, profit sharing
schemes and other funds by providing or subscribing or contributing towards places of education
or recreation, hospitals and dispensaries, medical and other assistance as the Company shall think

26. To train or apply for the training in Pakistan or abroad of any member or any of the Company's
employees or any other candidates in the interest of and for the furtherance of the company’s

27. To establish branches or to appoint agents, stock distributors and representative in any part of
the world for promoting the sale of any products/services of the Company and organize, and
finance the trade of any such branches or agencies.


1. To purchase, acquire, take in lease, or in exchange or obtain in any other lawful manner any areas,
lands, buildings, structures and turn the same into account, and/or develop the same into layouts,
residential flats, houses, commercial flats and/or maintain the same and/or sell or dispose of the

2. To undertake and provide Internet related services, systems, technology, information and
software development services and products, including hardware’s, to any person through
agents, franchisee, by any available means, in Pakistan or abroad including value added services
such as interactive, Television, Internet, E-Mail, V-Sat, Telephony, Video Shopping, Entertainment,
Infotainment, Tele shopping, E-Commerce, Games, Data Transmission, Computer networking,
Video conferencing etc. and to establish links via. Satellite uplink and downlink through available
reception systems.
3. To start and run any magazine, newspaper, periodicals, daily. Bi-weekly, fortnightly, monthly
quarterly, half-yearly, annually and to engage men required for carrying on the work and to enter
into necessary arrangements for the same.

4. To carry on business of shares or stockbrokers and canvassers, insurance agents and underwriters
and general agents, or canvassers, carting agents, public carriers of goods and passengers,
contractors, managers. Organizers or merchants in general.

5. To carry on the business of commission agents, brokers, consultants, representatives, middlemen,

real estate, importers and exporters.

6. To act as Consulting Engineers, Technical Advisers, Mechanical Experts, Technicians, Specialists

and Consultants in all branches of Engineering Improvements required in any industry, Trade of
Commerce, or Business and to organize, conduct or manage Engineering or workshops on the
related fields.

7. To carry on the business of manufacturers, fabricators, processors, producers, growers, makers,

importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, suppliers, stockiest, agents distributors and concessionaire
of and dealers in agro, fertilizers, manures, animal feeds, urea and other types of organic or
inorganic or mixed fertilizers of synthetic or natural origin containing nitrogen, phosphate or other
compounds soda ash, insecticides, fungicides and remedies of all kinds whatsoever for
agricultural, fruit growing or other purposes whether produced from vegetable or animal matter
or by any chemical process or otherwise.

IV. The Liability of the members is limited.

V. The Authorized Capital of the Company is Rs.500,000/-

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