Project Report On "HRM Practices of Rupayan Group Limited": Submitted To

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Project Report

“HRM Practices of Rupayan Group Limited”

Submitted To
Controller of Examination
National University

Supervised By
Militta Binthe Chowdhury
Department of Business Administration
Neural Institute Of Science and Technology, Chittagong.

Submitted By
Jowhar Jannat Rumki
Roll No: 1880649
Reg. No: 14501000991
Session: 2014-2015
Program: BBA
Major: Management
Department of Business Administration
Neural Institute of Science and Technology, Chittagong.

Date of Submission: 1st September 2019


Date: 1st September, 2019

Controller of Examination
National University

Subject: Submission of Project Report

Dear Sir,
It is my pleasure to submit my project report on “HRM Practices of Rupayan Group Limited”
This report has been submitted as an important requirement of BBA.
I tried my best to gather related information to complete this report according to structure. By
preparing this report I am able to complete my theoretical knowledge with practical analysis. I
would like to express my profound gratitude for your kind and mind for reading my report.
I welcome your entire query and take pride to answer them.

Yours Sincerely,

Jowhar Jannat Rumki
Roll No: 1880649
Reg. No: 14501000991
Session: 2014-2015
Program: BBA
Major: Management
Department of Business Administration
Neural Institute of Science and Technology, Chittagong.

This is to certify that the report on “HRM Practices of Rupayan Group Limited” has been prepared
by Jowhar Jannat Rumki, As student of BBA holding, Reg. No: 14501000991, Roll No: 1880649,
Major: Management under my supervision and guidance. In preparing the report she has spent much time &
sincere efforts. Her eagerness over seeking depth of every aspect is very much satisfactory. As per my
knowledge it is not submitted to any university or institute.

I wish her every success in her life.


Militta Binthe Chowdhury


Department of Business Administration

Neural Institute Of Science and Technology, Chittagong.


At the very beginning, all praises belongs to Allah-the Almighty, the most merciful and generous who has given
me strength and blessing to complete the project report study for obtaining “Bachelor of Business Administration”
with major in Management.

At first I would like to thank to our honourable principle S.M. Imran Ullah for give me a chance to study BBA at
Neural Institute of Science and Technology, I am also indebted to my family members for supporting me in
completing the BBA program. Than I would like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my project
supervisor Militta Binthe Chowdhury, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Neural Institute of
Science and Technology, Chittagong. For her kind guidance, generous co-operation and valuable suggestions
pursuing project and this report.

Finally, I would like to thank all my teachers and friends whose thoughts, ideas and information made this report
Executive Summary

The topics of the Report is “HRM Practices of Rupayan Group Limited” The main objective of this report is
to know availability, opportunity and development of Housing State of Rupayan Housing. Internship in
Rupayan Housing was a great practical experience for my carrier life. Rupayan Housing is a first rank real
estate company under the Rupayan Group in Bangladesh. Recently it changes it mission, vision and business

The report discusses about all the issues of housing project of Rupayan housing estate. There are various parts
in these which are:


I Explain the origin of the report, Objective of the report, Methodology used, and the Limitations.


I Explain the company overview of Rupayan Group, Mission, Vision, Values and Organogram of the company
and Projects of Rupayan Housing Estate Limited


I Explain the Human resource management, Importance of HRM, Goal of HRM, Objectives of HR, Functions
and Activities of HRM, Organizational Goal Relevance, SWOT Analysis, Comparison Analysis.


I Explain these chapter Problem finding of Rupayan and Solution for those and the conclusion.
Table of Content

Sl. No. Title Page

Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3

1.1 Origin of the Report 1

1.2 Objectives 2

1.3 Methodology 2

1.4 Limitation 3

Chapter 2 Company Overview 4-8

2.1 About Rupayan Group 5
2.2 Mission 6
2.3 Vision 6
2.4 Values 6
2.5 Organogram of the company 7

2.6 Major Activities Undertaken by Rupayan 8

Housing Estate in Bangladesh
Managing housing arrangement for the whole
2.7 population of Bangladesh by Rupayan Hounsing 9
2.8 Projects of Rupayan Housing Estate Limited 10

2.9 Collective Development Activities by Rupayan 11

Housnign Estate in Bangladesh
2.10 Price offer by Rupayan Hosusing Estate in 12
Chapter 3 Analysis & Evaluation 13-34
3.1 Human resource management 14

3.2 Importance of HRM 15

3.3 Goal of HRM 15

3.4 Objectives of HR 16

3.5 Functions and Activities of HRM 17

3.6 Organizational Goal Relevance 29

3.7 SWOT analysis for Rupayan Group 30

3.8 Comparison Analysis 34

Findings, Recommendation &

Chapter 4 35-39
4.1 Findings of the Study 36

4.2 Recommendations 37

4.3 Conclusion 38
Chapter 1


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