SymedLabs Product List
SymedLabs Product List
SymedLabs Product List
Anti Depressant
Note: Symed Labs Limited respects the intellectual property rights of others. Some of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) listed in the Symed's Product brochure or the Product List uploaded in
the Symed's website may be protected by a valid product patent in India or in any other countries concerned. However, mentioning of the name of such product(s) in the Symed's Product brochure
or the Product List shall not be construed as infringement in an manner what so ever. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Symed's supply of an API being protected by a valid product patent, if any, is
intended solely for uses reasonably relating to the development and submission of information required under any law for the time being inforce, in India, or in a country other than India that regulates
the manufacture, use, sale or import, of the said product, strictly under the conditions as set forth in Section 107A of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, as amended in 2005, or an equivalent provision
(Bolar Exemption) thereof in a country other than India. This disclaimer is applicable till the expiration of the corresponding product Patent(s), if any, in the respective. countries concerned. None of
the products will be supplied to the countries wherein this could be in conflict with existing laws. However, the final responsibility lies exclusively with the buyer/ultimate customer."
Note: Symed Labs Limited respects the intellectual property rights of others. Some of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) listed in the Symed's Product brochure or the Product List uploaded in
the Symed's website may be protected by a valid product patent in India or in any other countries concerned. However, mentioning of the name of such product(s) in the Symed's Product brochure
or the Product List shall not be construed as infringement in an manner what so ever. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Symed's supply of an API being protected by a valid product patent, if any, is
intended solely for uses reasonably relating to the development and submission of information required under any law for the time being inforce, in India, or in a country other than India that regulates
the manufacture, use, sale or import, of the said product, strictly under the conditions as set forth in Section 107A of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, as amended in 2005, or an equivalent provision
(Bolar Exemption) thereof in a country other than India. This disclaimer is applicable till the expiration of the corresponding product Patent(s), if any, in the respective. countries concerned. None of
the products will be supplied to the countries wherein this could be in conflict with existing laws. However, the final responsibility lies exclusively with the buyer/ultimate customer."