Group 1 Report Paper 2nd Quarter Eapp

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I. To be able to define what Concept Paper is.

II. This report discuss the 3 different ways of writers in explaining a concept.
III. Understanding how Concept Paper contributes to the society.

I. Concept Paper
- It is a brief document.
- It is a summary of a project that reflects interest, skills and knows-how’s of a researcher,
writer or an organization.
- It provide detailed and comprehensive discussion of a chosen topic.
- It essential is to explain the importance of a particular research project.
- It can be instructional tool, it could also discuss a great performance, practices, and etc.
- Range from 2-3 pages to 10-20 pages

II. There are 3 ways on how do writers explain a concept

A. Definition
- Identifying a given term and making its meaning clearer.
- Clarify and explain concept, issue, and ideas.
There are 3 types of Definition
a. Informal Definition- through parenthetical or brief.
b. Formal Definition- incorporating the term to be defined the general category and
quality that makes the term different from other term in the same category.
c. Extended Definition- detailed way of defining a term, usually composed at least one
B. Explication
- Methods of explication in which sentences, verses, quotes or passage are taken from
literary or academic work, then interpreted and explained in a detailed way.
- You need to clearly present your thesis in the introduction and follow it up with detailed
analysis of passage or text.
- This may be done through comparison and contrast, description, cause and effect, and
other rhetorical modes.
C. Clarification
- Method of explanation which a point or organized from a general abstract idea to specific
and concrete examples.
- Entails the analysis of the concept by looking at the example and specifying some of its
characteristic to arrive at one working definition used throughout the paper.


Society generally defines as the people in general thought of as living together in organized
communities with shared laws, traditions and values. Which affected by Social Change, the alteration
in the social order of society. (Change in nature, social institution, social behavior or social alteration)
REPS or Religion Economical Political Social is a helpful strategy for identifying changes. Some of this
are, civil rights, Women’s rights, and LGBTQ’s rights movement. Relationship have change, Institution
have change and cultural norms have change. Concept paper is one way to instruct, propose, and etc.
It helps people to have knowledge how to improve the society and be updated on the latest issues in
the society.
5 contribution of Concept Paper to the society
A. Proposal- Concept paper can be used to propose a suggestion.
 Situation: Your barangay has a problem in malnutrition. You can make a concept paper
to propose a program to help the community such as feeding program, breast feeding
program, check-up, etc.
B. Summary of issues/project- concept paper can summarize an issue that is related to the
society and can help to raise awareness.
 Situation: You are outdated in the latest happening in your society, you can read concept
paper which summarizes the present situation in your community.
C. Instructional Tool- concept paper can give a brief explanation of a certain topic. It gives
information to the readers that might help them in them in their daily lives.
 Situation: You read a concept paper about social inequalities, you will be aware on how
to lessen it.
D. Discussing Best Practices- concept paper can explain a certain topic, it can give you a way in
improving your lifestyle or your everyday living.
 Situation: You’re not familiar about the do’s and don’ts during an earthquake and afraid
that the earthquake might affect your social status, then your friends came and let you
read a concept paper about it.
E. Clarifying Concepts- concept papers can clear or clarify mistakes.
 Situation: There was an issue about pork barrel scam and the people got a wrong
information about the issue. You can write a concept paper about the issue and state
only facts of the issue for the readers to be aware.

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