Design and Crash Analysis of Car Body Using FRP Materials: M.Vinod Kumar Reddy, Dr.K. Ashok Reddy
Design and Crash Analysis of Car Body Using FRP Materials: M.Vinod Kumar Reddy, Dr.K. Ashok Reddy
Design and Crash Analysis of Car Body Using FRP Materials: M.Vinod Kumar Reddy, Dr.K. Ashok Reddy
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
• The arrangement procedure (Cycle) is rehashed in which the expert checks the legitimacy of the
until the point when a client characterized time is arrangement, analyzes the estimations of essential
come to amounts, (for example, removals and focuses), and
The advantages of using explicit dynamics for infers and looks at extra amounts, (for example,
time integration of nonlinear problems are: specific burdens and blunder pointers).
The equations become uncoupled and can be solved Crash- Test:
directly (explicitly). There is no requirement for A crash-test is a type of damaging testing more often
iteration during time integration. than not performed with a specific end goal to
• No joining checks are required on the grounds that guarantee safe design purpose measures in
the conditions are uncoupled. crashworthiness and crash similarity for cars or
• No reversal of the firmness grid is required. All related parts. To test the autos security execution
nonlinearities (counting contact) are incorporated into under different conditions and amid shifted sorts of
the inner power vector. accidents, vehicle producers crash test their autos
In current designing examination it is uncommon to from various points, diverse sides and with various
discover an undertaking that does not require some articles, including different vehicles. The most
sort of recreation for breaking down the conduct of widely recognized sorts of crash tests are recorded
the model under certain predefined conditions. The underneath.
upsides of reenactment are various and vital. Another Front impact test
plan idea might be displayed to decide its true Front offset crash test
conduct under different load situations, and may Side impact test
thusly be refined before the formation of illustrations, Roll over test
when couples of dollars have been conferred and Method of Analysis:
changes are economical. Once a point by point CAD Crash-testing requires some of the test vehicle to be
display has been produced, reenactments can break pulverized throughout the tests furthermore, is
down the outline in detail, sparing time and cash by likewise tedious and uneconomical. One new late
decreasing the quantity of models required. A current pattern that is increasing huge prevalence is PC
item which is encountering a field issue, or is just recreated crash-testing. Here rather than a genuine
being enhanced, can be broke down to speed a vehicle, a FE (Finite Element) model of the vehicle is
building change and lessen its cost. The limited produced and is utilized to do the distinctive tests that
component strategy is included three noteworthy were done before utilizing real vehicles.
stages: pre-handling, in which the investigator builds There are a few programming bundles that are
up a limited component work to partition the subject prepared to deal with the crash-testing of vehicles,
geometry into sub-areas for numerical examination, however standout amongst the most well known is
and applies material properties and limit conditions, from Livermore Software Technology Corporation
arrangement, amid which the program infers the called LS-DYNA and ansys explicit dynamic. With
representing lattice conditions from the model and those, car organizations and their providers can test
settles for the essential amounts, and post-preparing, auto outlines without tooling or tentatively test a
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
model, accordingly sparing time and cost. While the of any sort of express issues. As a rule in frontal
bundle keeps on containing an ever increasing effects the vehicle experiences substantial distortions
number of conceivable outcomes for the figuring of toward the front though the focal and the back
numerous unpredictable, genuine issues, its sources segments scarcely experience and misshapenings.
and center competency lie in exceedingly nonlinear Since these models are created for frontal effects, the
transient dynamic limited component examination front casing of the vehicle is fit finely and the center
(FEA) utilizing express time coordination. The use of and the back edge of the vehicle are coarsely fit in
Explicit dynamic covers an extensive variety of fig.. The sort of examination utilized FMVSS 208
businesses. Occupant Crash Protection on the changed directions
Crashworthiness model: for non-inflexible divider 30mph (48.3km /h) in strife
During an accident, the ability of vehicle structure to with the speed.
assimilate the vitality is characterized as
crashworthiness. The vehicle must be outlined with
the end goal that, at higher velocities its tenants don't
encounter a net deceleration.
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
seat the base of the sub-outline caused the change, VA the speed of the boundary before effect and V0
yet in the dashboard board affirmed that the strain the last speed of the obstruction and vehicle in
showed up too little. Fig. demonstrates the greatest redirection point. K eq the proportionate
misshapening practices of the front edge and the edge effect solidness of a guard and is gotten by the
has been altered from struggle and in the meantime. relationship of removal and response powers from
We reason that the crash vitality can be ingested. As shaft investigation. A vital thought of force is that it
a Fig. can be seen from front casing and the edge can be neither made nor decimated. Along these
suspension mounts are associated with the casing lines, the energy before an effect is equivalent to the
related with the takeoff of the wheel amid a crash force after the effect. Right now of its most extreme
since it can prompt failure to drive. redirection, a rule of energy protection previously,
IMPACT MECHANICS then after the fact effect can be ex-squeezed as takes
Investigators have recommends following procedure after
for finding energy dissipated during
impact, and discover the vehicle speed after effect. From equations and the maximum deflection δ max is
The affecting marvel between barrie rand the front obtained as follows
guard pillar in a low-speed full crash could be
extremely confused, since transient and nonlinear
investigation are included. However, in planning the After separation point, energy and momentum
conservation equations can be expressed as follows
front guard bar, car makers demand that the guard
framework ought not have any material crash or
disappointment. Along these lines, up to that point,
the aggregate vitality is preserved all through the
Where VA2 and VB2 are the last speeds of the
effect term. Since the boundary is thought to be
impactor and vehicle, separately in division point. In
inflexible and the guard shaft was made of metallic
the elasto-plastic effect, the rule of direct energy
material and safeguard is a moderately low solidness
protection fulfills, since affect powers are equivalent
material, the dispersion of the effect stack is
and inverse.
unpredictable along the contact range and over the
contact locale of the guard, the guard bar subjected to
the effect stack experiences a consistent distortion δ For this situation, the speeds after effect might be
max. A guideline of vitality preservation in the resolved with the coefficient of compensation . The
flexible effect is utilized; The motor vitality before coefficient of compensation (COR) is the proportion
affect is moderated and changed over to versatile of speed of partition to speed of approach in an
vitality and the active vitality of the boundary and the impact.
car at its most extreme redirection, i.e
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
crashes into, not ricocheting by any stretch of the Now, by using a 2D sketch we are developing
imagination. The coefficient of compensation is a into a solid body by using boss extrude option.
number which shows how much dynamic (vitality of
movement), stays after a crash of two articles. In the
event that the coefficient is high (near 1), it implies
that next to no active vitality was lost amid the
impact. In the event that the coefficient is low (near
0), it recommends that a huge part of the motor
vitality was changed over into the warmth or was
generally ingested through disfigurement. The Eq.
Here, In the front part of the body we are using
can be utilized to discover the vitality disseminated,
fillet option at radius 400mm
ED amid an effect. This is found by subtracting the
active vitality of the two masses after effect, and the
dynamic vitality of the impactor before affect.
Solid Works is mechanical design automation
software that takes advantage of the familiar FIG: FILLET (400MM)
Microsoft Windows graphical user interface. Here, In the side part of the body we are using
It is an easy-to-learn tool which makes it possible for fillet option at radius 150mm
mechanical designers to quickly sketch ideas,
experiment with features and dimensions, and
produce models and detailed drawings
Here, by using solid works we are creating a new
model of a car body and 2D sketch developed as
shown in figure
Here, we are using the shell option for top and
bottom side of the developed car body.
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
The imported model has been meshed. At speed of 120km/ph the vehicle is tested at
equivalent stress to find the crash analysis and
the equivalent stress graph is shown in below.
Here, we are selecting a material as a magnesium FIG: EQUIVALENT ELASTIC STRAIN
alloy for car body and concrete for wall.
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
At speed of 120km/ph the vehicle is tested at
equivalent stress to find the crash analysis and
the equivalent elastic strain graph is shown in
At 120km/ph Kevlar-49:
At speed of 120km/ph the vehicle is tested at
Here we are selecting a material as a Kevlar-49.
equivalent stress to find the crash analysis and
At speed of 120km/ph the vehicle is tested at
the total deformation graph is shown in below.
equivalent stress to find the crash analysis and
the equivalent stress graph is shown in below.
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
Volume 6, Issue 2 DEC 2017
max stress 6184.80 mpa , max strain 0.041552 ,max ratio followed by high strength carbon fibre. After
deformation 142.31mm , and for same speed high crash magnesium alloy is showing least stress,
strength carbon fibre achieved max stress followed by Kevlar-49 . Meanwhile High strength
8043.30mpa , max strain 0.041239,max deformation carbon fibre is showing least deformation and strain
128.62mm. after crash car body. Stress and deformation of car
At 150km/hr speed crash test , for material body is increasing as the speed of car is increase
magnesium alloy we achieved max stress 1.2512e+09 Hence due to acceptable less weight ratio and high
mpa ,max strain 0.21293,and max deformation strength against crash deformation and strain High
241.97mm, while for same speed kavlar-49 achieved strength carbon fibre is the best material for car
max stress 7.7576e+09 mpa , max strain compare to other two materials.
0.052188,max deformation 179.83mm, and for same REFERENCES
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result after explicit dynamic analysis on car body
after crash the car on concrete wall. Compare to
weight of the body Kevlar-49 is showing least weight