Understanding One Self Is Among The Most Interesting and Challenging Task That An Individual Should Be Able To Achieve in A Lifetime

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Understanding one self is among the most interesting and challenging task that an individual

should be able to achieve in a lifetime.

Understanding the self goes beyond knowing one's identity or being aware of who and
what you are. It warrants unearthing several information about yourself grom various
perapectives time: your past, present, and future self; dimenssional: your physical,
emotional, mental, sociol, and spiritual self; and functional: your political, material or
economic, and digital self.

First time i read the title of the subject understanding the self i feel excited to study
about this because even i haven't read the description of this subject i know from its title
that it can improve something on my self.

One of the topic on the book is unfolding the social self that focuses on the social aspect
of life. First is The Social self in this section discusses the social and environmental
factors that shape oneself.

Creating social self involves identifying your own self and determining the different
aspects of our self: the behavior, attitudes, values and belief. That also helps to improve
our socialization skills to other people. In that case, I learned the different social groups
that affects in creating our self. First is the family which in the beginning of our life, they
are already there for us. They are the first teacher, playmates and friend to us. Through
this family, we learned some values that we bring until we grow old. Like on how we
respect other people in our society on how we treat our grand father and our grand
mother. In that way it shaped our personality to be a better person to others.

Second is The Socio Digital Self in this section is the role of technology and the internet
in shaping an individuals social self. During the discution in this topic i have a lot of ideas
came on my mind because now a days technology and internet is the most popular
things in this word that can be use in a good and bad way. Like the online
disembodiment that was discussed that the people may act differently since interaction
in social media do noy happen face to face and there is no physical presence.

Nowadays i have incounter this kind of activities that some people creats fake accounts
to scam people or to bully the others that in this way they will not be caught because
they can hide there identities they are the toxic people in the internet. In this topic i also
learned thoes characteristic of a responsible online behavior like do not post or sent
anything that will embarass you, Avoid posting statements when experiencing strong
emotions, Do not hang out with the wrong crowd online or in offline, Be careful qith
oversharing especially confidential, and respect other people in the online community.
Last is The Material/ Economic self this section focuses on how people maintain
extension of themselves through material possessions and maintenance of particular
lifestyles. In the discussion of this topic i learn a lot of things on how can i control the
important needs on what really needs and not the things that not really important. This
topic helps me to improve my decision making on how to identify the needs ans wants
of a person.

In this topic Unfolding The Social Self i have learned a lot and it also change may
perception and personalities because in this topic it show me the things that i need to be
improve to my self and also for others.

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