Farris Kroft Writing Sample, Elvis

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Thursday IN SPORTS, B1

O ctob er 20, 2005

UNION-BULLETIN unbeaten after
Bringing the valley home to you since 1869.
stopping Yaks
50 cents

Wilma Gun firms

Cancún get shield
The hurricane lost strength,
but could regain it on the
way to Florida.
from suits
of The Associated Press President Bush plans ence Policy Center.
Under the measure, as
CANCÚN, Mexico — Hurri to sign a bill that stops many as 20 pending lawsuits
cane Wilma’s outer edge battered by local governments against
C ancun’s white-sand beaches crime victims from the industry would be dis
today as officials ordered hotel suing gun makers. missed. The Senate passed
g u e sts to evacuate, to u rists the bill in July.
jockeyed for spots on the last By LAURIKELLMAN The bill’s passage was the
flights out, and tens of thousands of The Associated Press NRA’s top legislative priority
of people fled from Honduras to and would give Bush and his
the Florida Keys. WASHINGTON — Con
gress gave the gun lobby its Republican allies on Capitol
Wilma weakened slightly as it top legislative priority today, Hill a rare victory at a time
roared toward Mexico’s Yucatan passing a bill protecting the when some top GOP leaders
peninsula and south Florida, with firearms industry from mass are under indictment or in
forecasters calling it an “ex ive crime-victim lawsuits. vestigation.
tremely dangerous” storm that President Bush said he will Propelled by GOP election
already has killed 13 people. It sign it. gains and the incidents of
was expected to reach Cancún lawlessness associated with
early Friday, the second hurri “Our laws should punish the passing of Hurricane
cane to hit the resort this year. criminals who use guns to Katrina, support for the bill
commit crimes, not law- has grown since a similar
It briefly grew into a Category abiding m anufacturers of
5 storm before weakening to a m easure passed the House
lawful products,” Bush said last year and was killed in
Category 4 with maximum sus in a statement.
tained winds of 145 mph. the Senate.
The House voted 283-144 Images of people without
Tourists w ere ordered out of
to send the bill to the presi the protection of public
the Florida Keys and the island of dent after supporters, led by
Isla Mujeres near Cancún, and safety in New Orleans made
the National Rifle Associ a particular impression on
authorities were poised to move ation, proclaimed it vital to
out thousands of others from viewers who had never be
protect the industry from be fore felt unsafe, according to
low-lying areas in a 600-mile ing bankrupted by huge jury
swath covering Cuba, Mexico, the gun lobby.
awards. Opponents, waging With support from four
Belize, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti
a tough battle against grow new Republicans this session
and the Cayman Islands.
ing public support for the of Congress, the bill passed
In the Florida Keys, officials legislation, called it proof of the Senate for the first time
put off a mandatory evacuation the gun lobby’s power over in July. House passage never
of residents until Friday. the Republican-controlled was in doubt because it had
W ith rain and rough surf Congress. 257 co-sponsors, far more
already pounding Cancún, offic “This legislation will make than the 218 needed to pass.
ials ordered 20,000 tourists to the unregulated gun industry The bill’s authors say it
leave the high-rise hotels that the most pampered industry still would allow lawsuits
line the fam ous beachfront, in America,” said Kristen against individuals found
although some ballrooms would Rand, director of the Viol- guilty of crimes.
be turned into shelters, Mayor Photo courtesy of ROY DODD

A tribute to Elvis
Francisco Antonio Alor said.
He said the city was chartering
flights to evacuate tourists before
the airport closed. Military looks into
Wilma takes aim
Thousands in the path of
Hurricane Wilma have evacuated
By day a correctional officer, Roy
Dodd turns into som eone quite BENEFIT SHOW
body-burning claim
low-lying areas, while Florida The network said the foot
When: Saturday. Doors open at 5 p.m. A journalist apparently
braces for a “significant threat’by different in his other uniform. Where: Walla Walla Eagles, 350 S. Second age was taken by a freelance
the weekend. Ave. filmed soldiers burning journalist, Stephen Dupont,
By FARRIS SANDERS Tickets: $20; includes dinner, show, Taliban fighters’ bodies who told The Associated
250 mi
S.C. S '
for the Union-Builetin dancing. Benefits St. Mary Regional Cancer Press he was embedded with
and using the action to the 173rd Airborne Brigade

0 250 km Center.
S / oy Dodd’s friends and co-workers Details: Open to the public. Dinner starts at of the U.S. Army earlier this
AL. GA Atlantic describe him as a quiet, 6 p.m., the show at 8 p.m. For more taunt others. m onth. D upont said the
/[ Ocean unassuming man who works hard information, call 529-3333.
at his job. On the surface, he does seem burnings happened Oct. 1.
reserved, sitting in a coffee shop with his of The Associated Press In the footage, which was
G ulfof \ 8 p.m. wife, sipping a cup of joe, in a fleece vest came as a shock to the people he had seen by the AP, two soldiers
Mexico VFLA Sun. SYDNEY, Australia — The
and blue jeans. known and worked with for years at the who spoke with American
: W ' . ’ '• < ■ Washington State Penitentiary. U. S. military said accents later read taunting
8 p.m. •Miami v You wouldn’t imagine that he’s Wednesday it was investigat
Sat. £ anything but normal guy. “The first time I saw him on stage, I messages that the SBS said
ing a report carried on an were broadcast to the vil
8 p.m. * _ ¿>\ But at night, he has a part-time job couldn’t believe it was Roy,” said Trudy A ustralian television net
Fri. > that would make a whole generation of Bergstrom, a friend and former co lage, which was believed to
work that claimed American be h a rb o r in g Taliba n
hearts flutter. It’s a job that takes him worker. “At work he does his job. He’s so ld ie rs in A fg h an istan
meyJ \ /' ^ out of his usual, conservative quiet, not one to be in the spotlight. But burned the bodies of two
j • 8 p.m. Tpure. - correctional officer uniform and puts at his show, he’s out there. He’s really Taliban fighters and then Dupont said the soldiers
W 11 p.m. him into sequined jumpsuits, scarves into what he’s doing.” used the action to taunt responsible for the taunting
BEL. ~ Wed. Caribbean and a pompadour hairpiece. other Islamic militants. messages were part of a U.S.
And this job wouldn’t just surprise Dodd agrees with his friends. He’s
\A... & ® 80*
'V •"____----------------------------Sea
admittedly a shy person, but that hasn’t The SBS television net Army psychological o per
strangers who happen to stand in line ations unit.
Hurricane Wilma (Category 4) behind Dodd for an espresso. It even Please see LOVE, A7 work broadcast video foot
LOCATION MOVEMENT MAX WIND age that purportedly showed The U.S. military said the
18.1° N WNW 8 mph 155 mph U.S. soldiers burning the Army Criminal Investigation
84.3° W As of 11 p.m.EDT
‘What I try to do is give the audience a taste of Elvis, bodies of the suspected Division had opened an in
Taliban fighters in the hills vestigation into alleged mis
■■■■■—■ Hurricane warning but as far as being on stage and talking outside the southern village conduct that included “the
— — Hurricane watch
Tropical storm warning with the audience, I ’m me. of Gonbaz, near the former burning of dead enemy com
batant bodies under inappro
Taliban stronghold of Kan
Underground; ESRI
ROY DODD dahar. priate circumstances.”

W W W ,U N IO N -B U L L E T IN .C O M

Mostly sunny. Highs 67-72.
Light wind. Page B10 Starting
í enerally speaking, when you have a
I -rstrike, the overwhelming bulk of people
Mostly Sunny in town are supportive. They’re not
chapter supportive of this one.”
TODAY’S INDEX ■ Steve Johnson leaves hustle
— Neil Bernstein
Classified B6-9 Viewpoints A6 Movies Marquee
Comics B5 Local A1,7 Obituanes A7 and bustle behind to take up on a beer-disrupting strike against an Anheuser-Busch distributor
Dear Abby B5 Markets A9 Scoreboard B3 writing in the Valley. in St. Louis, hometown of the so-called King of Beers. Page A9
Thursday, October 20, 2005 W alla W alla U nion-B ulletin A7

p* Love of Elvis began City man arrested in assault Walla Walla County Sher choking a clothed male.
court report
Superior Court
Freewater, was charged Oct. 12
with residential burglary, third-
degree theft, and possession of a
stolen firearm. Lara is accused of

early for Roy Dodd iff’s deputies arrested a unlawfully entering or remaining in
Aguilar would not respond CRIMINAL CASES
a dwelling with the intent to commit
27-year-old Walla Walla man to commands that he stop, Walla Walla County
a crime: wrongfully obtaining or
Tuesday about 11 a.m. when and the deputies sustained Michael B. Hubbard, 29,1501 W. exerting unauthorized control over
Continued from Page A1 variety of songs; gospel, con they allegedly found him minor injuries while attempt Rose St., Apt. 34, was charged a cell phone and charger; and
temporary, country,” he said. naked and illegally restrain ing to handcuff him, the re Oct. 5 with first-degree theft. possessing, carrying, delivering,
prevented him from perform ing another man. port stated. Hubbard is accused of wrongfully selling or being in control of a
Dodd figures that when Elvis obtaining or exerting unauthorized stolen rifle on Oct. 10.
ing in front of a live audience died he had about 500 imper Deputy Kent Boyd and The victim told officials he control over property belonging to
as an Elvis impersonator for sonators and that now there Sgt. Barry Blackman decided had been under Aguilar’s re Walla Walla Farmers Co-op on Oct.
most of his 47 years. are tens of thousands world to investigate a 911 hang-up straint for several hours be 3.
People who know him say wide. from a Mill Creek Road ad fore the 911 call, which Eliazar Saldana Lara, 26,1501
he comes alive when he steps Though Dodd, like other dress when a call back to the Aguilar himself dialed before N. Elizabeth St., Space X, Milton-
in front of the crowd. His impersonators, loves Elvis, his number was answered with hanging up. N'
often unseen, extroverted, goal isn’t to be Elvis. Even an answering machine. Aguilar allegedly told the
gregarious side jumps out. someone who has a room After residents failed to re officers he had taken mush
“Elvis gave 110 percent filled with collectibles of the spond to officer’s knocks rooms. A broken marijuana BIRTHS
when he was on stage and King, a show devoted to the and verbal warnings at the bong was found on the bed
that’s what I try to do and I King, and is planning a trip to fro n t d o o r, Boyd an d room floor with trace residue Birth listings are subject to release of

think it shows. If the audience Blackman entered the home, inside. A voluntary urine
information by patients. COLLEGEPLACESCHOOL
Graceland for the 30th anni St. Mary Medical Center
doesn’t have fun, you haven’t versary of the King’s death, then proceeded to break sample reportedly revealed To April and Brian Davis,
done your job,” Dodd said. has a limit. through a deadbolted bed methamphetamine and mari Hermiston, a son, Robert William , W h e n : 7 p.m. Thursday.
Interaction with the crowd Dodd doesn’t wear the room door after hearing juana in Aguilar’s system. Davis, 7 pounds, Oct. 18, 2005. Where: Sager Middle School
is a huge part of Dodd’s show w hite eagle ju m p su it, a voices and sounds of a He was taken to Walla To Lisa Herbst and Duke library.
and that’s what he enjoys the struggle, according to the W alla C ounty Ja il and Morrow, Waitsburg, a son, Jasper ■ BASIC ED: The board will vote to
favorite of his, and gold sun O’Dell Morrow, 5 pounds 7 submit annual report on the
most. His wife and public re glasses when he’s at home. sheriffs report. booked on investigation of minimum basic education
ounces, Oct. 18, 2005.
lations manager, Karen Dodd, That’s what he says bothers Inside, the officers said unlawful imprisonment, one To Isabel Ibarra and Hugo requirement compliance.
thinks so, too. him about other Elvis imper they found Ricardo Aguilar count each of assault in the Gonzalez, Walla Walla, a son, ■ POLICY: First reading to revise
“He just doesn’t get up and sonators. laying naked on the bed second degree and assault in Adrian Gonzalez, 7 pounds 131/2 board policy regarding family
sing. He brings himself into it “The ones that actually while holding down and the third degree. ounces, Oct. 18, 2005. emergency leaves.
and involves the audience. He think they’re Elvis really turn
sings to the ladies, gives them me off because there will
scarves, and tells jokes.” never be another Elvis,” he
This love of entertaining
has been with him for a long
time. The desire to gyrate his
He wants to pay tribute to
Elvis while injecting his own
hips and say a thank you, a personality into his show.
thank you very much into a “People say there’s this guy On Oct. 19,1952, she and and lived and raised their
microphone started when he trying to be Elvis. I’m not. I Nancy Tompkins Robert V. “Bob” Tompkins, Leslie Bergevin family there until moving to
was in his early teens and was love his music. What I try to
a shut-in for three months Sept. 2, 1932 - Oct. 14, 2005 who met while in high school, Dec. 16,1916-Oct. 17,2005 town when he retired in 1967.
do is give the audience a taste He was a fourth generation of
because of a medical con of Elvis, but as far as being on married in Walla Walla. They
Nancy Dale Tompkins, 73, Lowden native Leslie J. Bergevins farming in this
dition. stage and talking with the lived and farmed wheat and Bergevin, 88, died Oct. 17,
of 2549 Lancer Place died Oct. barley on a ranch in Lind, area. Mrs. Bergevin died in
He played Elvis records in audience, I’m me.” 14,2005, at home. 2005, at St. Mary Medical
the basement of his home in Wash., from 1954-1973, when 1995.
No, there will never be an The memorial service will Center. His first love was angling,
Touchet to help him pass the other Elvis. they moved back to Walla
be 2 p.m. Saturday at Pioneer Walla. The Tompkins family The funeral will be 10 a.m. and he hit all the fishing
time. But there will continue to United Methodist Church Saturday at Herring places in the area. He enjoyed
“I just fell in love with his be new Elvis fans, some of still farms in the Clyde area.
with the Revs. Leon Alden She was a member of Groseclose Funeral Home, hunting, traveling and
music,” Dodd said. whom Dodd himself has re and James Graham 315 W. Alder St., with the especially being a grandpa
And though you’ll find cruited, such as his friends Pioneer United Methodist
officiating. Burial will be Church, Kappa Alpha Theta Rev. Tim Hays of Assumption and having time with the
Dodd listening to country and and family. None of them private. Catholic Church officiating. grandchildren.
classic rock on the drive to swooned over Elvis’ music be sorority and PEO Chapter Cl.
Memorials may be made to She was a docent at Carnegie Burial will follow in the He was a member of
work, he’s still madly in love fore they saw Dodd perform. Catholic section of Mountain
Walla Walla Community Art Center and volunteered Assumption Catholic Church,
with Elvis’ music. His favorite Now, they go to all of his View Cemetery, 2120 S. BPOE 287 and Walla Walla
Elvis song is “My Way,” an shows. Dodd performs three Hospice, Christian Aid Center for various community
or the YWCA through Herring activities in Walla Walla and Second Ave. Grain Growers.
old jazz standard that was times a year in Walla Walla; Memorials may be made to
in the spring, fall, and on New Groseclose Funeral Home, Lind. Survivors include two
also recorded by F rank a charity of the donor’s choice
Year’s Eve. Profits from his 315 W. Alder St. Survivors include her daughters and a son-in-law,
Sinatra. through the funeral home. Carol Bergevin of Walla Walla
According to Dodd, Elvis fall show benefit a local char Mrs. Tompkins was bom husband, at home; four sons,
Sept. 2,1932, in Goshen, Ind., Douglas Tompkins of West Mr. Bergevin was bom Dec. and Mary and John Tachouet
was the king of remakes, in ity- 16,1916, in Lowden to of Black Butte, Ore.; son and
vigorating the original with a This year, the money will to Ferdie and Mildred Legge Linn, Ore., Brent Tompkins of
Nessel. She graduated in 1950 Prescott and Brad and Mark Demase and Nydia Burrows daughter-in-law Gary and
taste of his own style. That be donated to St. Mary Re Bergevin. He attended '
from Walla Walla High Tompkins, both of Walla Shari Bergevin of Walla
unique Elvis flair is why he’s gional Cancer Center. Dodd Lowden School and the Walla; nine grandchildren
impersonated more than any feels this is how he can thank School, where she was among Walla; sister Peggy Aigner of
the first group of flag twirlers, Salzberg, Austria; eight LaSalle School in Walla and six great-grandchildren.
other musician and is one the community for supporting Walla. He was preceded in death by
reason why Dodd can’t get him. and attended two years at grandchildren and one great
Washington State University. grandchild. On Aug. 8,1938, he and daughter Alice Reihl; two
enough of him. “I’m grateful that I’m able sisters, Ninetta Munns and
to do something that I love to Elizabeth “Betty” Bowe
“Elvis appealed to every married in Walla Walla. They Anita Nibler; and brother
one. He sang such a wide do.” Demase Bergevin.
farmed north of Walla Walla
Walla Walla High School and
Harry Braman earned a degree in physical
30, and Salvador Lopez, 3, were Jan. 26, 1925 - Oct. 17, 2005 therapy from Central
EMERGENCY SERVICES taken by private vehicle to St. Mary COLLEGE PLACE — Harry Washington University.
obituary notices funeral notices

Information is compiled by the Union-

Medical Center, where they were R. Braman, 80, a resident of On Feb. 14,1946, he and BERGEVIN - October 17, 2005, St. Mary
Medical Center. Leslie J. Bergevin, 88, 534
STEVENS - October 19, 2005 at his home.
treated and released. Gladys Raynes married in Robert Bob' Clav Stevens, 75, 616 Abbott Rd.
Bulletin staff from the official logs and
Eagle Meadows Assisted Boyer Ave. Bom December 16,1916 in Lowden, Bom June 16, 1939 in Spade, TX Survived by
records of the agencies listed below. Second Avenue and Alder Walla Walla. He had a private WA. Member of Assumption Catholic Church,
Readers with any information on these or
Street, 4:34 p.m. Tuesday. Two Living, 550 E. Whitman Lifetime member of BPOE #287, WW Grain
Spouse, Linda Stevens at the home. 2 daughters
and son-in-laws, Stephanie and Tom Konen,
other crimes should call the local police or Drive,, died Oct. 17,2005, at physical therapy practice in Growers Survived by 2 daughters, Carol A. Dayton, WA., Kay Lynn and Pat Beard, Lowden,
vehicles, no injuries.
county sheriffs department. By law, vic
tims of crimes may request through law Melrose Street and Wellington Regency at the Park, 420 S.E. Beaverton, Ore., and worked Bergevin. Walla Walla, WA., Maiy E. and hus
bana, John Tachouet, Black Butte, OR.; 1 son
WA.; 3 sons, Robert Lorton and Janet Stevens,
Hilton Head, SC., Thomas Clay and Carol Ste
enforcement agencies that their names not Avenue, 9:06 p.m. Tuesday. Myra Road. at St. Vincent Hospital & and daughter-in-law, Gary and Shari Bergevui, vens, Dayton, WA, Matthew and Mindy Stevens,
Walla walla, WA.; 9 grandchildren, 6 great
be released to the m edia. Theft and van
dalism reports were filed Wednesday and Drivers: Jeremiah Stafford, 29, Viewing will be today until Medical Center, Portland. grandchildren; Numerous nieces and nephews
Waila Walla, WA; 2 sisters, Clarie Castleberry,
Carlsbad, NM, Jessie Jaeger, Kerrville, TX, 1
today unless otherwise noted. Howard Street and Griffen Daniels, 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. He came to this area five Preceded in death by Parents; Wife, Betty' brother and sister-in-law, Velton and Carol Ste
Bergevin; 1 daughter, Alice L. Reihl; 2 sisters,
31, Puff Lane, College Place. to 5 p.m. at Mountain View- years ago from Salem. Mrs. Ninetta Munns and Anita Nibler; 1 brother.
vens, Albuquerque, NM, 13 grandchildren; 1
great-grandchild, Several nieces and nephews.
Thefts, Burglaries Police report Stafford made a right-
Colonial DeWitt Cremation Braman preceded him in Demase Bergevin. Arrangements entrusted to Preceded in death by Parents; 2 sisters, Minnie
WW Police hand turn from a left-hand lane death. the c are of HERRING GROSECLOSE Mahan; Martha Stevens; 1 brother, Buster Ste
without signaling and Griffen was and Funeral Services, 1551 FUNERAL HOME, Virginia Herring Mahan, vens. Arrangements entrusted to the care of
1300 block of Callanan Drive.
unable to avoid colliding with Dalles Military Road, Walla He enjoyed fishing and Funeral Director, 525-1150 (paid notice) HERRING GROSECLOSE FUNERAL HOME,
Tools from vehicle of Tyson Basel. boating and was formerly Virginia Herring Mahan, Funeral Director,
Walla Walla Senior Citizen Stafford’s vehicle. Stafford was Walla. A private graveside STEVENS — October 19, 2005 at his home. 525-1150 (paid notice)
Center, 720 Sprague St. Items
taken by police to St. Mary Medical service will in IOOF active in the Beaverton Elks Robert Bob' Clay Stevens, 75, 616 Abbott Rd.
Bom June 16, 1939 in Spade, T X Survived by
from vehicle of Paul Black.
Center, where he was treated and Evergreen Cemetery, Rosalia, Lodge. Spouse, Linda Stevens at the home 2 daughters NEWBY — Memorial service for the late
released. Passengers in Stafford’s Wash. The Revs. Mike and Survivors include daughter and son in-laws, Stephanie and Tom Konen,
WW County Sheriff Marvin Edward Newby of 715 Hobson St. will be
car, Shalynn Johnson, 16, Pine Diane Tittle of Costa Rica; son Dayton, WA., Kay Lynn and Pat Beard, Lowden, on Friday, October 21, 2005 at College Place
1000 block of Woodland Street and George Chapman, 31,
Patty Cooper of Rosalia WA.; 3 sons, Robert Lorton and Janet Stevens, Presbyterian Church with Rev Robin Peterson
Avenue. Motor home belonging to Spokane Street, suffered minor United Methodist Church will David Braman of Lyle, Wash.; Hilton Head SC, Thomas Clay and Carol Ste of College Place Presbyterian Church officiat
vens, Dayton, WA, Matthew and Mindy Stevens,
Don Wood entered; fire injuries and were taken to St. Mary officiate. sister Sandi Swanson of Walla Walla, WA.; 2 sisters, Clane Castleberry,
ing. Private Family Interment. Memorial contri
butions may be made to College Place Presby
extinguisher and power converter Medical Center by ambulance: Mr. Braman was bom Jan. College Place; brother Don Carlsbad, NM, Jessie Jaeger, Renville, TX, 1 terian Church or Chanty of Choice thru The
taken. brother and sister-in-law, Velton and Carol Ste
both were treated and released. 26,1925, in Spokane to Harry Braman of Munising, Mich.; vens, Albuquerque, NM; 13 grandchildren; 1
H erring F u n e ra l Home A rra n g e m e n ts
entrust«! to the care of HERRING GROSE
A. and Florence E. Brooks five grandchildren and seven great grandchild; Several nieces and nephews. CLOSE FUNERAL HOME, Virginia Herring
Collisions Arrests Braman. He graduated from great grandchildren. Preceded m death by Parents; 2 sisters, Minnie Mahan, Funeral Director, 525-1150 (paid notice)
Mahan; Martha Stevens; 1 brother, Buster Ste
WW Police vens. Arrangements entrusted to the care of
Tietan Street and Penny Lane, ANTHONY — Funeral service for the late
noon, Wednesday. Drivers: Joe Ricardo Lee Aguilar, 27, 3352 Virginia Herring Mahan, Funeral Director, Pauline L. Anthony of 4227 S Magnolia, Spo
Mill Creek Rd. Wednesday. Keen 525-1150 (paid notice) kane, WA will be at 11:00 am on Friday, October
Jansen, 59, Summit Place, Marilyn
Corfield, 62, Highland Road and Charge: investigation of unlawful Don Anthony Construction TOMPKINS - October 14, 2005 at her home
21, 2005 at Chapel of Hemng Funeral Home
with Father Tim Hays of Assumption Catholic
imprisonment, one count of assault until Nancy Dale Tompkins, 73, 2549 Lancer Place,
Maria Fernandez, 41, North
in the second degree and one Sept. 23, 1923 - Oct. 17, 2005 Walla Walla, WA. Bora September 2, 1932 in
Church officiating Burial will follow at Blue
Mountain Memorial Gardens, Garden of Peace
Seventh Avenue. Jansen’s vehicle
Donald C. “Don” Anthony, retirement in Goshen, IN. Member of Pioneer United Meth Memorial contributions m ay be made to Hos-
count of assault in the third
struck the car of Corfield, which in
degree. 82, died Oct. 17,2005, at his 1972. odist Cnurch, PEO Chapter Cl, Kappa Alpha
Theta Alumnae. Survived by Spouse, Robert V Î ce of Spokane, WA or Charity of Choice thru
turn struck the rear of Fernandez’s tie Herring Funeral Home Arrangements
vehicle as they were facing Walla Walla home. He was a Bob Tompldns at the home 4 sons and entrusted to the care of HERRING GROSE
daughter-in-laws, Douglas R and Debbie Tom
westbound and stopped on Tietan Vandalism The funeral will be 10 a.m. member of pkins, West Linn, OR, Brent D. and Denise
CLOSE FUNERAL HOME, Virginia Herring
Mahan, Funeral Director, 525-1150 (paid notice)
Street. Corfield suffered minor WW County Sheriff Saturday at Munselle-Rhodes Veterans of Tompkins, Prescott, WA, Brad W and Jackie
Tompkins and Mark A. and Tina Tompkins, all
trauma, no further information Funeral Home, 902 S. Main ANTHONY
Foreign Wars, of Walla Walla, WA.; 1 sister, Peggy Aigner, BERGEVIN — Funeral service for the late
Walla Walla County Courthouse,
315 W. Main St. Four ash tree St., Milton-Freewater, 97862, Grant Farmer Salzberg, Austria; 8 grandchildren, Cameron Leslie J. Bergevin of 5334 Boyer Ave will be on
Tompkins and Caitlin Tompkins, both of West Saturday, October 22, 2005 at Chapel of Herring
Entley Street and 13th Avenue, Post 992, Elks Lodge and the
7:14 p.m. Wednesday. Drivers:
saplings damaged. with the Rev. Tim Johnson linn, OR, Heather Struckmeir, Walla Walla, Funeral Home with Father Tim Hays of

Rachel Thompson, 59, Elm Street officiating. Private burial will Labor Union. WA, Brent Nicholas' Tompkins, Texas, Rebecca
Tompkins, Benjamin T. Tompkins, Chandler
Assumption Catholic Church officiating Burial
will follow at Mountain View Cemetery, Catholic
and Francisco Sandoval, 31, Updates be held on Monday at the He loved time with the Seidler and Grayson Tompkins, all of Walla Section. Active pallbearers, Ron Swanby, Rich
Walla, WA, 1 great grandchild, Colton Struck- ard Swanby, Randy Swanby, Matt Tachouet,
Willard Street. Thompson’s vehicle A Waitsburg man’s condition Milton-Freewater Cemetery. grand- and great meier, Walla Walla, WA.; 1 nephew, Christian Robert Bergevin, Jarrad Markley Memorial
struck Sandoval’s as both drivers was upgraded to stable this Contributions may be made to grandchildren, Mariner Aigner, Austria. Preceded in death by Parents. contributions may be made to Chanty of Choice
were traveling north. Sandoval was morning at St. Mary Medical The Odd Fellows or American games, telling jokes and Arrangements entrusted to the care of HER thru Hie Herring Funeral Home Arrangements
taken to St. Mary Medical Center Center. Alfred Hender, 74, had Cancer Society through the CLOSE FUNERAL HOME, Virginia Herring
by ambulance, where he was been listed in serious condition as working around the yard and nia Herring Mahan, Funeral Director, 525-1150
Mahan, Funeral Director, 525-1150 (paid notice)
treated and released. Two of his a result of a motor vehicle accident funeral home. house. His family and friends
(paid notice)

five passengers, Velia Sandoyal, on Sept. 29. Mr. Anthony was bom counted on him in many funeral notices TOMPKINS — Memorial service for the late
Sept. 23,1923, in The Dalles situations for a helping hand, Nancy Dale Tompkins of 2549 Lancer Place,
to Eble J. “E.J.” and Elizabeth encouraging words and LYMAN — Memorial service for the late Walla Walla, WA will be at 2:00 PM on
Robert Jay Lyman of 115 S. 6th St, Dayton, WA. Saturday, October 22, 2005 at Pioneer United
O. Cushing Anthony. He humor. will be at 4:00 pm on Friday. October 21, 2005 Methodist Church with Rev Leon Alden and
“ no vote. graduated from St. Marys at First Congressional United Church of Christ Rev. James Graham of Pioneer United Method

If) THE Survivors include his wife,

FAIRGROUNDS RULES: with Rev. Steve Edwards of First Congressional ist Church officiating Private Family Interment
High School in The Dalles, United Church of Christ officiating. Private £am Memorial contributions may; be made to WW
Approved rules and a fee schedule then worked on a ranch in the at home; daughter and son-in- ily graveside at Dayton City Cemetery. Burial Community Hospice, Christian Ad Center or
for use of the fairgrounds. Votewas

Dalles Port. law Cecelia and Jerry Liskey will follow at Dayton City Cemetery. Memorial YWCA thru Hemng Groseclose Funeral Home
2-2, with Little Wolf and Chase contributions may be made to Robert Jay Family and friends are invited to meet at the
voting "no. Dunn broke the tie with a He moved to Pendleton and of Walla Walla; brother Lyman Memorial Fund thru The Herring Church for the Memorial Funeral Service.
"yes vote. worked at the airport. He Hubert Anthony of College Funeral Home. Arrangements entrusted to the
Arrangements entrusted to the care of HER
DETOUR: Learned a detour around came to Walla Walla and was Place; two sisters, Ardis HOME, Virginia Herring Mahan, Funeral Direc nia Herring Mahan, Funeral Director, 525-1150
working at the airport in McKay of Petersburg, Alaska, tor, 525-1150 (paid notice) (paid notice)
W AnsBiiccrrYcoiica the north approach to the Coppei
and Dorothy Bottolfson of
Bridge is in effect. Vehicles will be construction when he was
Council members are Mark Shively, routed via Eighth and 10th streets. called into the U.S. Army Concord, Mass.; grandson Recycling Information -WA
Bettie Chase, Orville Branson, Larry The temporary bridge on U.S. during World War II. He and granddaughter-in-law J.J. In Loving Memory
Johnson and Markeeta Little Wolf. Highway 12 continues to be open to
served with the Army and Holly Liskey and 1-800-732-9253
Mayor is Marty Dunn. With Shively one-way traffic.
SIDEWALK: Learned the state Engineers 398 in the granddaughter and grandson- Walla WaHa Rescue Mission
absent Wednesday, the Council:
PROPERTYTAX: Voted notto raise Department of Transportation plans European Theater from 1943 in-law, Sarah and Shane 525-71^3_______
the tax 1 percent, which would have to put a sidewalk on the north side of through 1945. Upon his Stodola, all of Walla Walla; Road Condition
generated about $1,200 in revenue. U.S. Highway 12 (Preston Avenue) return, he worked at Walla and five great-grandchildren.
Vote was 2-2, with Branson and from the Touchet River Bridge to the Walla Cannery. He and He was preceded in death by Information -O R
Johnson voting “ no. Dunn broke the Jackpot convenience store. Gretchen Belle Cannon wed infant daughter Verla Jean; 1-800-977-6368
tie with a "no vote. SHORT PLAT: Approved a short Sept. 23,1947, in Lewiston. four brothers, William,
plat requested by Tim Hulce.
Salvation Army
GARBAGE RATES: Voted to He was a telephone Delmar, Jim and Maurice
absorb increased garbage Council added the condition that 529-9470
collection fees of $1,700. Vote was residents on the lane continue to company lineman in Richland Anthony; and three sisters, Nancy D . rompi
and Pasco for two years, then Marietta Ray, Alice Basel and Social Security Administration
2-2 with Johnson and Branson take their garbage cans to Preston 1932 ~ 2005
voting "no. Dunn broke the tie with a Avenue for pickup. Unanimous. worked 30 years for O.D. Ruth Anthony. . .1- 806- 772-1213 .

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