Complete List of All Branches of Biology For SSC & Banking Exams-GK Notes in PDF!
Complete List of All Branches of Biology For SSC & Banking Exams-GK Notes in PDF!
Complete List of All Branches of Biology For SSC & Banking Exams-GK Notes in PDF!
Biology comes from the Greek word "bios" meaning life and "logos" meaning study.
Biology is the science that studies about various living organisms. A living organism
could be a one-celled bacteria or a several-celled organism such as an animal or a plant.
Biological science is classified into various branches, depending upon the organisms to
be studied, and is a vast field.
It is composed of many branches through which the scope of biology is broadened with
the unifying concepts that govern all study and research which is consolidated into a
single and coherent field.
Here is the Complete List of Specific branches of Biology that is useful to understand
the various phenomena’s related to life and important for examinations perspective also
like SSC, UPSC, State Services, and NDA etc.
Branches of Definition
Anthropology The science of man and mankind including his physical and
mental constitution, cultural development and social conditions
of present and past is called anthropology.
Arthrology Study of joints.
Cell Biology Study of structure, functions, reproduction, and life cycle of cells.
Study of skulls
Cardiology Study of heart and its functioning.
Ethno biology Study of the way plants and animals are treated or used by
different human cultures.
Study of enzymes
Genetics Study of heredity and variations.
Herpatology Study of reptiles
Study of the nucleus
Microbiology Study of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses
Study of interface of Biology and Engineering.
Nutrients Chemical substance taken as food which are necessary for various
function, growth and heath of living.
Osteology Study of skeletal system
Study of snakes
Physiology Study of process and function associated with life
Parasite Organism which depend on other living organism for their food
and shelter.
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Pedology Study of different types of soils
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Phytogeography Study of plant distribution on the earth
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Saurology Study of lizards
Sericulture Study of the production of silk and the rearing of silkworms for
this purpose.
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Teratology Study of abnormalities during embryogenesis
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Zoonosology It is the study of handicapped animals
Biology is the science that studies living organisms. However, as a science it has multiple
branches that intend to study issues such as evolution, nutrition, morphogenesis,
reproduction etc. There are a total of seven fields from which each branch hangs. Fields
such as animal, evolutionary, medical, environmental, microscopic structure, chemistry
related and other miscellaneous issues. There are many other Branches of Biology but
the above mentioned list is sufficient from the examination point of view.
Thus, now that you are well aware of what are Branches of Biology, check out:
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