Leadership Training Thoughts

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Leadership Training Thoughts

 Two sessions: the first an hour, the second 90 mins

Preparation thoughts
 What do I want campers to get out of this
o Why would they choose to come to a leadership elective in the first place?
 If they are year 12's, they are likely thinking about becoming leaders on
camp. Should this be the focus though, as leadership is a life long journey,
not just something that happens on weekends. We should be trying to draw
them to a life of leadership and to seek opportunities in their own lives to
 If they are not a year 12, most likely because they feel God calling them into
leadership generally, or they are specifically seeing a leadership opportunity
and are curious to see what it would be about. Maybe
 Perhaps they have seen their leaders and are feeling inspired by them to
embody those traits on those whom they are looking up to, seeking to
become more like that
 Maybe they think it is a particular weakness to them
o What aspects of leadership are relevant to them? What questions about leadership will
they be asking?
 Understanding the basics of leadership - what does it actually entail
 "How do I be a good leader" will be the most obvious question on their hearts
(and what does good leadership look like)
 Am I capable of leadership? How do I know if God is calling me to leadership?

Christian Leadership is about first knowing God and then knowing who God calls you to be
o Know God
 Know his message and plans (the great commission)
 Know what a relationship with him looks like
 Place God as a foundation for our lives and our leadership
 Guide others as God/Jesus/Spirit has guided us
 In Christian Leadership it is ultimately God who we are serving as we serve
 Love motivates everything we do
o If we don't know God, what do we do?
 Commit to learning about him
 Remind ourselves that even if we think we know God, we actually definitely
 We should always constantly be on the journey of learning more about God
and growing in our faith
 At the end of the day, the best Christian Leaders are the ones who continue to
o Know Who God Calls you to be
 At the end of the day, our leadership is not about us, but about those whom
we are serving. Therefore, it is important to know ourselves before we begin
leading so it's not our focus as we lead. We still need to grow, though?
 Know your strengths and weaknesses
 "servant leaders have solid self esteem. As a result, they are willing to
admit when they have a weakness or need assistance. Put in positions
over their heads, they are able to reach out to their people for help"
(Blanchard and Hodges, pg 199)
 Servant Leaders
 Servant Leadership Models Jesus to others (we embody who God is)
 Humility
 "Suppose someone who is not qualified accepts a leadership position.
What will it take for this person to become effective and get the job
done?... 'Name for me one leader in the bible whom the Lord called
who was qualified! Every one of them, including Moses and Mary,
claimed in one way or the other that they were the wrong person for the
job. The reality is that the Lord never calls the qualified; he qualifies the
called'." (Blanchard and Hodges, pg 198-199, quoting Henry Blackaby)
 In the world not of the world
 "you first have to stay focused on your thoughts, actions, and
behaviour. That’s what others will observe first"
 Know what God has called you out of (and where he was in that time)
 "the essence of love is safety and connection. If people don’t feel safe to be
themselves and don't feel a sense of connection with people around them,
then it's hard to convince them they are in a loving place" (Silk, pg 155), and
"our covenant with God is a safe place" (silk pg 156). Therefore it is up to us
to embody the safe place and create that connection.
o If we don't know who God calls us to be, what do we do?
 Take time in prayer listening to the Spirit
 Learn about yourself! Maybe personality quizzes are helpful! Not so that we
can learn to justify our behaviours or assume that who we are today dictates
to who we are or how we behave tomorrow, but more so that we understand
what drives us, what motivates us, how we tend to respond in certain
situations, and growth areas


 Why do we lead?
o I organise the band so that _____
so that _______________________
so that_______________________
continued until you get to the root cause of leadership
 If there were three words that survived fifty years from today to describe the legacy
you left in the hearts and minds of those you served, what would you like them to
be and why?
 Enneagram test (for the know your self section)

My turn! I want to run a leadership elective…

So that campers have the opportunity to learn about leadership
So that they can make the steps towards becoming leaders
So that as they grow as leaders they grow as disciples of Christ
So that they can lead others towards Christ as I've been lead to Christ by my leaders
So that they can learn through leadership how deeply they are Loved by God

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