Interpretative Analysis of Servant Leadership
Interpretative Analysis of Servant Leadership
Interpretative Analysis of Servant Leadership
1Department of Arts and Humanities, Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan.
Email: [email protected]
2Dzongkha Department, Samtse Higher Secondary School, Samtse, Bhutan.
Email: [email protected]
Received: 20 Aug 2022; Received in revised form: 13 Sep 2022; Accepted: 18 Sep 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by TheShillonga. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
This paper has analyzed the leadership style of a recognized leader Mahatma Gandhi of India. His unconventional
leadership is studied through the lenses of two theories; Gronn’s theory of leadership as a career and Greenleaf’s servant
leadership. It was clear that Gandhi’s leadership was basically nurtured by various systems of the environment and his
particular life experiences. His leadership best aligned with all fundamental principles of a ‘servant leadership’ in vision,
integrity, modeling, honesty and empowerment of the community for better life and living.
Keywords— Career, Community, Leadership, Servant, Truth.
I. INTRODUCTION Formation refers to the leader’s early years from infancy to
Owing to its importance for better changes ‘leadership’ as early adulthood that is basically shaped by family and
a field of study has been embraced by various school (Gronn, 1999). Its influence helps to generate a
organizations across the globe. However, it is not concept of self that lays the foundation for the leader’s
surprising that there are hundreds and thousands of character (Ehrich & Creyton, 2008; Gronn, 1999).
definitions or theories of leadership (Ehrich & Creyton, Formation means those preparatory socialization processes
2008). The different theories attempt to explain the and experiences where the leadership aspirants in a state of
different leadership styles of various leaders; political, social and psychological readiness to assume responsibility
community and business. This paper will briefly study and authority’ (Gronn, 1999). Gandhi was brought up by
about the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, who is very virtuous parents. He described his father as ‘lover of his
much recognized as a political leader in the history of clan, truthful, brave and generous, but short-tempered’ and
India. Gronn’s theory of leadership as a career and mother as ‘deeply religious’ (Gandhi, 2008). According to
Greenleaf’s servant leadership theories are employed to the society’s culture and values, leaders are positioned as
explain his leadership. the member of age-group cohort (Gronn, 1999). As a
young boy, he was decent and intelligent who used to read
books. His good manners were basically influenced by the
II. LEADERSHIP AS A CAREER THEORY stories of Shravana and king Harishchandra (Gandhi,
According to Gronn (1999) when the leadership is studied 2018). Gandhi wrote 'why should I not all be truthful like
from the career perspective, it not only allows the student Harishchandra?' (Gandhi, 1983, p.11). After passing his
of leadership to obtain informed understanding of various matriculation examination in 1887, he went to England to
contextual factors in which leaders lead but also feeds study with an aim to be lawyer (Gandhi, 2008). Thus, his
sound knowledge about the importance of biographical character structure was formed by three principal
experiences of a leader. The leaders are basically nurtured institutions; family, school and references (Gronn, 1999).
by the various systems of the environment and his/her Through those experiences, Gandhi knew himself better
particular life experiences. Career model explains which Gronn (1999) refers as ‘definition of self and
leadership in terms of four stages of leader’s lifespan; identity’ (p. 34).
formation, accession, incumbency and divestiture. Accession stage
Formation stage ‘Accession refers to a stage of grooming or anticipation in
which candidates for leadership roles rehearse or test their Page | 1
Tshering et al. Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)
potential capacity to lead by direct comparison with factors of ‘letting go’ may include like aging, illness or
existing leaders and the field of their prospective rivals for incapacity to lead. The process of ‘letting go’ may be
advancement’ (Gronn, 1999, p. 36). After he had problem voluntarily or involuntary, planned or unplanned and
with British officer in India, he accepted a contract to work smooth or traumatic (Gronn, 1999). Gandi in the last years
in South Africa, which was also under British Empire. In of his service helped to draft constitution of congress and
South Africa, upon witnessing the inhumane treatment of proposed resolutions to unify Hindu and Muslim
Indians without human rights, he founded Natal Indian community. However, his ‘letting go’ was tragic when he
congress. When British government asked them to register was assassinated in 1948 (Wolpert, 2001). Nevertheless,
the organization, a mass protest meeting was held in his efforts very much contributed to the freedom of India.
Johannesburg and for the first time used his weapons of
Satyagraha (devotion to the truth) and Ahimsa (non-
violence) (Gandhi, 2008). Such behaviors where a leader
tests hi/her potential to fly is termed as ‘wing-stretching’ According to Greenleaf (2007) ‘the great leader is seen as
(Groon, 1999). Due to his efforts African government a servant first, and that simple fact is the key to his
granted some human rights to the Indians and thereafter he greatness’ (p. 79). Larry Spears, executive director of the
became so popular throughout Africa for his great Greenleaf’s Center for Servant-Leadership defines servant-
contributions to the public there. According to Gronn leadership as ‘model which puts serving others as the
(1999) accession is the time when an aspiring leader number one priority and emphasizes increased service to
realizes the development of one’s special gifts or potential others; a holistic approach to work; promoting a sense of
which ultimately grow sense of ‘self efficacy’ and ‘self community; and the sharing of power in decision-making
esteem’. Gandhi tested his potential to lead which Gronn (as cited in Smith, 2005, p. 4). The characteristics of
(1999) refers accession as the time of ‘road-testing’. He being a servant leader are: listening and understanding,
came back to India in 1915 and joined Congress political acceptance and empathy, foresight, awareness and
party. He had a clear vision to free India. perception, persuasion, conceptualization, healing and
serving, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people
Incumbency stage
and building community (Greenleaf, 1991, & Spears,
Incumbency is the time when a leader has gained 2010). Moreover Russell and Stone (2002) propose a list
numerous experiences, develop public personas and prove of 9 ‘functional attributes’ like vision, integrity, modeling,
themselves worthy of their leading potent (Gronn, 1999). honesty, empowerment and ‘accompanying attributes’ like
To further express their quest for mastery and self influence, teaching, delegation, and encouragement which
realization in leadership, they change leading positions by are distinctive attributes observed in servant leaders (as
circulating amongst various elite postings and leadership cited in Smith, 2005). Servant-hood is born out of caring
roles. Such shifts in positions will require further induction which is wedded to wisdom found through self knowledge
in to organizational and workplace norms (Gronn, 1999). (Bingham, 2005). Besides building community in a
In 1920, he became the leader of the Congress party and learning organization, servant leaders develop leadership
declared independence India whereby British leader capacity of others as a selfless act of dedication to the
refuted (Gandhi, 2008). After Gandhi refused to support common good (Bingham, 2005). As a young boy, Gandhi
war in Germany he was imprisoned by the British Empire was like a servant to his parents, teachers, friends, animals
for six years (Gandhi, 2008). He was against the war and truth. Cheating, lying, deceiving and going against
because he did not believe in using violence. In 1917 he parents, teachers, friends and harming animals were totally
launched Champaran Satyagraha to demand the rights of out of question (Gandhi, 2008). For example, he kept the
Indigo planters who were not provided good working mother’s three advice; not to drink alcohol, eat meat and
conditions (Chakrabarty, 2006). Upon seeing the feel attracted to other woman throughout his life (Gandhi,
deprivation of rights to Indians, he launched Non- 2008). Gandhi wrote ‘the reason of my dislike for
cooperation Movement in 1920 (Golson, 2008). By then he gymnastics in school was my keen desire to serve as nurse
had already gained majority supporters of Indians. When to my father. As soon as the school closed, I would hurry
their leadership roles are congruent with the personal home and begin serving him’ (Gandhi, 2008 p. 32).
needs, it is called ‘requisite fit’ which further enable them
According to Smith (2005) empathy is the ‘ability to
to meet their need to self actualize (Gronn. 1999).
mentally project one’s own consciousness into that of
Divestiture stage another individual’ (p. 5). Ferch, (2003). ‘the servant
In fourth stage, the leaders divest themselves of leadership always accepts and empathizes, never rejects’ (p. 10).
which is referred as ‘letting go’ (Gronn. 1999). The Gandhi described his journey to Africa as hardly going Page | 2
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