Kick Out The Tories - Fight For Democracy

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TURN THE FIRE ON THE TORIES in which they were supported by
It’s time to turn the fire on the fewer than 3 in every 10 eligible
Tories. People up and down the voters.
country have been outraged at the
government’s latest move to shut
However, division over Brexit runs
down the parliamentary process in
deep through the Tory party. With
order to shore up their chances of
the elevation of Johnson to the
securing a Tory Brexit. Johnson’s
leadership, the traditional party of
strategy of bypassing parliament is
big business is at odds with most
high risk and based on an
business leaders who would prefer
assessment that he can monopolise
to stay in the EU. This represents a
the Leave sentiment and ride
historic crisis for the main party of
roughshod over a divided
British capitalism and provides a
opposition. Avoiding parliamentary
unique opportunity to build a
debate and scrutiny is a sign of
movement that can shift the agenda
weakness not strength; weakness
in the interests of working people.
that is exposed by Ruth Davidson’s
Both wings of the Tory party have
been united in the pursuit of
The Tories said Brexit was about
austerity; both are comfortable with
bringing power back to the people
obscene inequality and
and to the British parliament. In
enthusiastically pursued the hostile
truth they hold democracy in
environment policy. Those that
contempt and at times of crisis they
oppose no deal will not be our allies
have always looked to use extra-
if Johnson gets the chance to drive
parliamentary power. Their lasting
through attacks on wages,
commitment is to their privileged
conditions, health and safety, food
class; their commitment to
standards in his vision of a US
democracy has always been skin
oriented Tory Brexit.
deep. They are led by an arrogant
old Etonian who owes his place to a THE REAL FAULTLINES
Tory electorate that is entirely Brexit is primarily a symptom of a
unrepresentative of the British deep-seated economic and political
population. The Tories are in office crisis of the British State but it is
as a result of the June 2017 election also accentuating that crisis. To

grasp the opportunities that exist to NO TORY BREXIT
build opposition to the Tories, we rs21 Scotland believes that to turn
will need to expose the real fault our fire on the Tories our movement
lines in our society. We need to pin will need a sense of what we are for.
the responsibility for the state we In our view this includes an end to
are in on the Tories. For too long austerity coupled with massive
now members of the elite, Tory public investment in response to the
journalists like Boris Johnson and climate emergency, free movement
bankers like Nigel Farage have of labour, no hostile environment
claimed to speak for ordinary and another independence
people. It was always nonsense, but referendum in Scotland. We are not
they got away with it because no supporters of the EU; it is an
one was articulating the anger that undemocratic neo-liberal club. Until
many people feel. The state of the now all that’s been on offer has been
NHS, the drawn out misery of being versions of a Tory exit from the EU.
old and poor in 21st century Britain, Through an insurgent movement
the lack of housing and the that rids us of the Tories we will
vindictive racism of the hostile genuinely be able to take back
environment. Now is our chance to control, debate and determine our
nail them as the cynical toffs and future.
chancers that they truly are.


Now more than ever we need to WWW.RS21.ORG.UK
build a movement. People on both
sides of the Brexit divide oppose CONTACT US BY EMAIL
Johnson’s onslaught on democracy. [email protected]
A mass campaign on the streets Forthcoming meetings:
and in the workplaces can win. But ‘What do we mean by system
we need to be clear about what change – politics of climate crisis’
winning means. Rejecting ‘no deal’
is not enough. Johnson may still get Edinburgh: Weds 18th Sept
a deal but under his government; it 7.30pm: Augustine Church, George
would be a vicious Tory deal and 4th Bridge, EH1 1EL
represent a huge setback for
working people. To avoid this Glasgow: Thurs 19th Sept 6pm:
requires No Tory Brexit, Tories Out Hillhead Library, 348 Byres Road
and a General Election. G12 8AP

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