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Course Title: History of Architecture Ii Course Code: 5181 Course Category: B Periods/Week: 4 Periods/Semester: 52 Credits: 3

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Module Topics Period

Egyptian and Greek Architecture
Roman Architecture and Early Christian architecture 16
Gothic and Renaissance 10
Modern Architecture

Course Objective
Sl. Sub Student will be able to

Understand the factors which influence the development of architectural features of

1 different historical styles of classical periods.

Comprehend the planning principles and detailing features of architectural styles.

Understand the influence of classical period in the evolution of architectural style of
later periods.

Learn the features of buildings of different periods with reference to examples.

2 2 Understand the architectural styles in modern period.

Upon completing subject, the students should be able to:

MODULE –I-- Egyptian and Greek Architecture

1.1.0.Understand Egyptian architecture

1.1.1 Know the factors that influenced the architectural style of Egyptians
1.1.2. Identify the characteristic features of Egyptian architecture
1.1.3.Classify Egyptian temples and explain general features of Khons at Karnak
1.1.4.Explain with sketches the Tomb architecture

1.2.0 Understand the factors that influenced the architectural style of the Ancient Greeks

1.2.1.Identify the characteristics features of Greek architecture

1.2.2 State materials and construction techniques used in Greek temples
1.2.3. Explain the General features of Parthenon Temple, Athens
1.2.4.Know the Architectural features of Greek Theaters
1.2.5. Know proportioning system and architectural importance of Greek's Classical orders

Module II-: Roman Architecture and Early Christian Architecture

2.1.0. Understand Roman architecture

2.1.1.State the factors which influenced the Architectural style of Romans

2.1.2.Identify the characteristic features of Roman Architecture
2.1.3.Identify the public structures of Roman's - Forum, Basilica, Aquaducts
2.1.4.Explain the features of colosseum- Rome
2.1.5. Know the Roman Orders
2.1.6.Understand the features of pantheon ,Rome
2.2.0. Comprehend the development of early Christian architecture

2.2.1.Identify the materials and techniques adopted in early Christian architecture

2.2.2.Know general layout of St. Peters Basilica

Module --III--- Gothic and Renaissance

3.1.0. Understand the evolution of Gothic Architecture

3.1.1. State the materials and construction techniques adopted in Gothic style.
3.1.2. Know the architectural features of English Gothic and French Gothic.
3.1.3. Explain the features of Westminster Abbey
3.1.4.Explain the features of Notre dame, Paris
3.2.0. Understand the factors which influenced the development of Renaissance Architecture

3.2.1.Identify the characteristic features of Renaissance Architecture

3.2.2.Explain the features of St. Peter's Cathedral Rome

4.1.0. Understand modern architecture

4.1.1. Understand design principles and works of Le- Corbusier

4.1.2. Understand design principles and works of Le Mies Van der Rohe
4.1.3. Understand the design principles and works of Santiago Calatrava
4.1.4. Understand design principles and works of FL wright
4.1.5 Understand design principles and works of Geoffrey Bava
4.1.6 Understand design principles and works of Charles correa
4.1.7 Understand design principles and works of B.V Dhosi
4.1.8 Understand design principles and works of Laurie Baker
4.1.9 Understand design principles and works of Raj rewal


Module - 1: Egyptian Architecture and Greek Architecture:

Factors influencing the architectural style of Egyptians-Geographical, Geological, Climatic, Historical,

Religious and Social conditions- general character- tomb architecture; mastabas and pyramids-- rock
tombs-mastaba of Aha at Saqqara--pyramid- Great pyramid of Cheops at Giza --temple architecture --
cult temple - mortuary temple--temple of Khons at Karnak-- Factors influencing the architectural style of
Greece- Geographical, Geological , Climatic, Historical, Religious and Social conditions- general
character-orders of architecture – Doric, Ionic, Corinthian --Temple architecture-temple of Parthenon at
Athens-architectural features of Greek theatres -Epidorus- public structures of greek-acro polis-agora

Module –II--:Roman Architecture and Early Christian Architecture:

Factors influencing the architectural style of Romans-Geographical, Geological , Climatic, Historical,

Religious and Social conditions- general character-public structures, temple architecture-Pantheon
Rome --Understand features of early Christian architecture-general layout of St.Peter’s basilica

Module ---III--Gothic and Renaissance

Factors influencing the architectural style -general character-structural systems which adopted in gothic
style- flying buttress -general architecture character of gothic in France--Notre-dame Ronechamp in
Prais-general architecture character of gothic in England - West Minister Abbey church-factors which
influence the development of renaissance architecture-St.Peter’s Cathedral, Rome

Module –IV-:Modern architecture

Design principles and works of Le- Corbusier -Villa Savoye.

Design principles and work of Mies Vander Rohe - Lakeshore drive apartment
Design principles and work of Santiago Calatrava- HSB Turning torso
Design principles and work of Frank Lloyd Wright- Johnson Wax Administration Building
Design principles and works of Geoffrey Bawa- Good Shepherd Convent Chapel
Design principles and works of Charles Correa – Kovalam Beach Resort
Design principles and works of B.V Dhoshi - Sangath
Design principles and works of Laurie Baker – CDS, Trivandrum
Design principles and works of Raj Rewal – Permanent Exhibition Complex, New Delhi

1. Banister Fletcher - History of Architecture
2. G.K. Hiraskar - The Great Ages of World Architecture
3. Vikram Bhatt& Peter Scriver - After The Masters
4. Mary Hollingsworth - Architecture of the Twentieth Century
5. Charles Jonks - The Iconic Buildings
Sergio Polano - Santiago Calatrava- Complete works-

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