Activities To Develop Each Student in The Group Has To Answer The Following Questions Using Academic References To Support The Research
Activities To Develop Each Student in The Group Has To Answer The Following Questions Using Academic References To Support The Research
Activities To Develop Each Student in The Group Has To Answer The Following Questions Using Academic References To Support The Research
Each student in the group has to answer the following questions using academic
references to support the research:
1. What is the practical implications associated to a line with only reactive components or
only resistive components?
When only the R parameter exists, we say that it is a pure alternating current resistive circuit.
For a sinusoidal alternating voltage:
The intensity of current flowing through the circuit is obtained by applying Ohm's law:
Resistances are elements that consume current, that is, they are capable of transforming part
or sometimes all electric energy into heat energy, as for example in electric plates or cookers,
but in electronic circuits they are used to regulate the flow of energy. electrons, define
tensions and limit currents. In the optimal design of a circuit, it is tried to limit the dissipation
(losses) in the resistances to diminish the general consumption of the system.
The electrical expenditure in a resistance is measured in watts, and the formula that relates
to these with current and voltage is:
W = VxI
The main consideration that should be taken is that a line that contains only resistive
elements, gets to heat up a lot, so it could deteriorate the insulating enamel that covers the
cable, so a larger cable should be used.
While a line that uses only reactive components, tend to be more sensitive to disturbances
and losses due to the influence of external fields, so you must use a wiring that is able to
shield the interference from the environment.
2. In a practical transmission system. What is a good value for the reflection coefficient and
the VSWR? Explain.
VSWR stands for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, which refers specifically to the voltage
behavior (minimum and maximum) in a standing wave phenomenon between a transmission
line and its load at the end. It is called in Spanish Stationary Wave Ratio ROE, and it is
implicit that it is the ratio (geometric ratio) between the maximum voltage and the minimum
existing voltage.
The Stationary Wave Ratio or ROE refers to the geometric ratio between the maximum value
and the minimum value of the voltage amplitude observed in an electric stationary wave
condition as it would be along a transmission line. An ROE meter is an essential component
for an amateur radio operator, unless the radio equipment brings a built-in radio. Have you
ever heard: "why do you need an ROE meter, if the power meter that has the HF equipment
is enough to calibrate an antenna". On that occasion reference was made to an old HF radio
equipment, not to those modern ones that have a built-in ROE meter.
While an HF team can find the maximum power point or frequency of a single band antenna,
there is no way to know if it is safe to transmit at that point. That can only be provided by an
ROE meter.
The reflection coefficient Γ of a standing wave is defined as the quotient between the signal
intensity of the reflected wave and that of the incident wave. Its maximum value is 1, which
coincides with the open circuit transmission line; the minimum is -1, which occurs with the
short-circuit transmission line; and the optimal situation takes place when it takes the value
0, which is when there is no reflection.
All delivered power is transmitted. For the calculation that concerns us, it is enough to know
the module of this magnitude and we will call it
The standing wave ratio (SWR or VSWR) is defined as the ratio between the maximum
intensity of the signal under study and the minimum
3. What occurs with the voltage and current in a line with the following conditions: line
terminated in its characteristic impedance, line terminated in a short and line terminated in
an open?
The transmission lines confine the electromagnetic energy to a region of the space limited by
the physical medium that constitutes the own line, unlike the waves that propagate in the air,
without another barrier that the obstacles that find in their way. The line is formed by
electrical conductors with a determined geometrical disposition that conditions the
characteristics of the electromagnetic waves in it.
In a conductor, current and voltage are always accompanied by an electric field (E) and a
magnetic field (II), in the region of adjoining space. Figure 8-1b shows the spatial
relationships between the E and H fields of an electromagnetic wave. Figure 8-lb shows a
cross-sectional view of the E and H fields surrounding a coaxial line and two parallel wires.
It can be seen that the fields of E and H are perpendicular, the one to the other (in angles of
900), in all the points.
There will be reflected waves if at the end of the line (z = l), the terminal load impedance ZT
requires magnitude and phase relationships between the voltage and the current, different
from the relations that exist for the incoming waves. The phasor values of the reflected waves
will be such that when these are combined with the phasor values of the incident waves, the
edge conditions at the termination, imposed by the impedance ZT, are satisfied.
When a line ends in an impedance ZT other than Z0 there will always be reflected waves and
the impedance at any point on the line will differ from Z0. Impedance at any point of the
It is defined as the input impedance of the line section on the terminal load side of the point,
when the line portion on the generator side has been removed.
We know that
Therefore we have
4. What is the voltage reflection coefficient and what is an ideal value for a transmission
If the line is ideal (no losses), the incident signal will reach the end of the line without
attenuation and identically, the reflected signal will return to the beginning of the line without
attenuation. The coefficient of reflection is obtained based on the conservation of voltage and
current and the Ohm's law in a phasor form Substituting the equations of Voltage and Current
in Ohm's Law we obtain:
The voltage incident on a transmission line is related to the value of the reflection voltage
which is known as the voltage reflection coefficient.
Another type of line very common in broadband systems such as multichannel telephony,
television and RF up to frequencies of the order of 1 GHz, is the coaxial line. At higher
frequencies, waveguides are used, consisting of hollow tubes of conductive material of
rectangular, circular or elliptical cross section. Distributed parameters of a Transmission Line
Primary parameters of the transmission line: - Resistance in series per unit length, R,
expressed in Ω / m. - Inductance in series per unit length in Hy / m. - Capacity in parallel per
unit length, C, in fd / m. - Conductance in parallel per unit length, G, in S / m. The resistance
depends on the resistivity of the conductors and the frequency. At high frequencies, the
resistance increases with frequency due to the skin effect, since the current penetrates only a
small layer near the surface of the conductor. The inductance is a consequence of the fact
that every conductor through which a variable current flows has an associated inductance.
As the line is PARAMETER Units Resistance Ω / m Inductance H / m Capacitance F / m
Conductance / m
The coefficient of reflection of current in the load is not normally used normally because the
analysis performed with the voltage is sufficient, but we will give an illustrative idea in this
regard. An important consequence that arises as a result of having two waves with opposite
speeds in the same line is that they give rise to the formation of standing waves.
5. What is the effect of Lossy line on voltage and current waves?
when the load is not equal to the characteristic impedance of the line, part of the incoming
power is reflected back to the source if the load is a closed or open circuit all the incident
power is reflected towards the source, it does not shovel as, a resonant line is one in which
the energy is transferred alternately between the electric and magnetic fields Delaware the
inductance and capacitance distributed in the line Delaware transmission and O with it
reflected waves and incidents.
Non-dispersive lines, with low losses and no losses, there is a special case for which a line
with losses is non-dispersive (does not distort broadband signals)
- This case occurs when the parameters of the line meet the following
Characteristic impedance:
6. In the Smith Chart identify a 𝑍𝐿 =∝, a 𝑍𝐿 = 0, two resistive loads and two complex loads.
You have to assume the characteristic impedance.
Among its technical characteristics are: a) Nominal resistance (Rn): is the ohmic value that
the component is expected to have. b) Tolerance: is the margin of values that surround the
nominal resistance and in which the real value of the resistance is found. It is expressed as a
percentage of the nominal value. c) Nominal power (Pn): is the power (in watts) that the
resistance can dissipate without deteriorating to the nominal operating temperature. d)
Temperature coefficient (Ct): is the variation of the resistance value with temperature.
Typical values of some technical characteristics For carbon resistances: Power range: 1 / 4W,
1 / 2W, 1W, 2W
Referencias bibliográficas
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