A y Mcdonald Pump Basics
A y Mcdonald Pump Basics
A y Mcdonald Pump Basics
Pump Catalog - January 2019
houses the impeller and captures the water off the impeller.
Water enters the eye of the impeller and is thrown out by centrifugal force. As water leaves the eye of the
impeller, a low pressure area is created, causing more liQuid to mow toward the inlet because of atmospheric
pressure and centrifugal force. 6elocity is developed as the liQuid mows through the impeller while it is Diffuser
turning at high speeds on the shaft. The liquid velocity is collected by the diffuser or volute and converted
to pressure by specially designed passageways that direct the mow to discharge into the piping system, or
on to another impeller stage for further increasing of pressure.
The head or pressure that a pump will develop is in direct relation to the impeller diameter, the number of Impeller
impellers, the eye or inlet opening size, and how much velocity is developed from the speed of the shaft
rotation. Capacity is determined by the exit width of the impeller. All of these factors affect the horsepower size of the motor to be used; as the more water
to be pumped or pressure to be developed, the more energy is needed.
A centrifugal pump is not positive acting. As the depth to water increases, it pumps less and less water. Also, when it pumps against increasing pressure
it pumps less water. For these reasons it is important to select a centrifugal pump that is designed to do a particular pumping job. For higher pressures
or greater lifts, two or more impellers are commonly used; or a jet ejector is added to assist the impellers in raising the pressure.
Jet Pump
Impeller /
Diffuser Stack
Jet Pumps
A deep well ejector is of particular value when you have a water level that is gradually
lowering. The proper jet package will be required to work eflciently.
Because jet pumps are centrifugal pumps, the air handling characteristics are such
Pump Basics
that the pump should be started with the pump and piping connections to the water
supply completely llled with water.
With a shallow-well jet pump, the ejector is mounted close to the pump impeller. With a Venturi
deep well jet pump, the ejector is usually mounted just above the water level in the well, Impeller
or else submerged below water level.
Centrifugal pumps, both the shallow-well and deep well types have little or no ability to pump air. When starting, the pump and suction line needs to have
all of the air removed. An air leak in the suction line will cause the pump to quit pumping. This is or sometimes referred to as “losing its prime”.
Point Packer
Leathers On a shallow-well jet pump the ejector kit (jet
nozzle and venturi) is located in the pump
Valve Ejector
Jet Foot Valve
housing in front of the impeller.
A portion of the suction water is recirculates
through the ejector with the rest going to the
pressure tank. With the ejector located on the suction side of the pump, the suction is increased considerably. This enables a centrifugal pump to increase its
effective suction lift from about 20 feet to as much as 28 feet, but the amount of water delivered to the storage tank becomes less as the distance from the
pump to the water increases because more water has to recirculate to operate the ejector.
The difference between a deep-well jet pump and a shallow-well jet pump is the location of the ejector. The deep-well ejector is located in the well below the
water level. The deep-well ejector works in the same way as the shallow-well ejector. Water is supplied to it under pressure from the pump. The ejector then
returns the water plus an additional supply from the well, to a level where the centrifugal pump can lift it the rest of the way by suction.
A convertible jet pump allows for shallow-well operation with the ejector mounted on the end of the pump body. This type of pump can be converted to a deep-
well jet pump by installing the ejector below the water level.
Water is supplied to the Jet ejector under pressure. Water surrounding the jet stream is
lifted and carried up the pipe as a result of the jet action. Pressure
When a jet is used with a centrifugal pump a portion of the water delivered by the pump
Jet Jet Ejector
is returned to the jet ejector to operate It. The jet lifts water from the well to a level where
the centrifugal pump can lnish lifting It by suction. Foot Valve
Submersible Pumps
The submersible pump is a centrifugal pump. Because all stages of the pump end (wet end) and the motor are
joined and submerged in the water, it has a great advantage over other centrifugal pumps. There is no need to
Impeller /
recirculate or generate drive water as there is with jet pumps, therefore, most of its energy goes toward “pushing”
Pump Basics
Diffuser Stack
the water rather than lghting gravity and atmospheric pressure to draw water.
Virtually all submersibles are “multi-stage” pumps. All of the impellers of the multi-stage submersible pump are
mounted on a single shaft and all rotate at the same speed. Each impeller passes the water to the eye of the next
impeller through a diffuser. The diffuser is shaped to slow down the mow of water and convert velocity to pressure.
Each impeller and matching diffuser is called a stage. As many stages are used as necessary to push the water
out of the well at the required system pressure and capacity. Each time water is pumped from one impeller to the
next, its pressure is increased.
The pump and motor assembly are lowered into the well by connecting piping to a position below the water level. In
this way the pump is always llled with water (primed) and ready to pump. Because the motor and pump are under
water they operate more quietly than above ground installations and pump freezing is not a concern.
A.Y. McDonald can stack as many impellers as needed; however, the horsepower of the motor is limited. For instance,
numerous pumps have /2 H0 ratings - pumps that are capable of pumping different mows at different pumping
levels; they will, however, always be limited to 1/2 HP. Another way to look at it is that a pump will always operate somewhere along its design curve.
To get more mow, the exit width of the impeller is increased and there will then be less pressure (or head) that the pump will develop because there will be
less impellers on a given HP size pump. Remember, the pump will always trade-off one for the other depending on the demand of the system. If the system
demands more than a particular pump can produce, it will be necessary to go up in horsepower; thereby, allowing more impellers to be stacked or to go to a
different design pump with wider impellers.
A pump curve is a curved line drawn over a grid of vertical and horizontal lines. The curved line 900 FIGURE 1
represents the performance of a given pump. The vertical and horizontal grid lines represent units 800
of measure to display that performance.
Pump Basics
Let’s think of a well full of water. We want to use the water in a home. The home is at a higher level 600
than the water in the well. 3ince gravity won’t allow water to mow uphill, we use a pump. A pump 500
is a machine used to move a volume of water a given distance. This volume is measured over a 400
period of time expressed in gallons per minute (GPM) or gallons per hour (GPH).
The pump develops energy called discharge pressure or total dynamic head. This discharge 200
pressure is expressed in units of measure called pounds per square inch (psi) or feet of head (ft). 100
NOTE: 1 psi will push a column of water up a pipe a distance of 2.31 feet. When measuring 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
a pump’s performance, we can use a curve to determine which pump is best to meet our CAPACITY IN U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE
requirements. 1000
900 FIGURE 2
Figure 1 is a grid with the unit of measure in feet on the left hand side. We start with 0 at the 800
bottom. The numbers printed as you go up the vertical axis relate to the ability of the pump to
measure will say feet head, which is what most engineers call it. 600
With the pump running a reading was taken from the gauge in psi and converted to feet 400
(1 psi = 2.31 feet).
We show another unit of measure in gallons per minute across the bottom. You start with 0 on 200
the left. The numbers printed as you go to the right relate to the ability of the pump to produce 100
mow of water expressed as capacityin gallons per minute (GPM). Again, always determine the
value of each grid line. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
40 44 48
To establish a pump curve we run the pump using a gauge, valve, and mowmeter on the discharge 1000
pipe. We lrst run the pump with the valve closed and read the gauge. This gives us the pump’s 900
capability at 0 capacity and maximum head in feet. 800
Figure 2 - We mark the grid point 1. Next we open the valve to 8 GPM mow, and read the gauge. 700
We again mark this point on the grid 2. We continue this process until we have 600
When the total dynamic head (TDH) is known, read vertically up the left hand side of the curve to
that requirement, for example, 300 feet. Then read horizontally to a point on a curve that connects 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
40 44 48
to the capacity needed, for example 26 GPM. It is then determined that a 3 HP 19 stage pump is
There are many different type curves shown in our catalog. Figure 4 is a composite performance 800
curve (more than one pump) for the submersible. There is a separate curve for each horsepower
5 HP
700 - 28
size. Let’s compare two sizes: Stag
1. First look at the 1 HP, 8 stages (impellers and diffusers). At 20 GPM capacity this model will 500 3 HP -
19 Sta
make 160 feet. 400
2 HP - 14 Sta
1 1/2 HP
2. Now look at the 5 HP, 28 stages. At 20 GPM capacity this model will make 500 feet. 300 - 11 Stage
1 HP - 8 Stages
When you add impellers, the pump makes more pressure (expressed in feet). This allows the pump 100
Check Valve
(Where local codes allow) Casing
Horizontal & Vertical PIpe Run
Adapter 3
All Pipe from pump to tank Check Valve Level
Consists of:
Static or Friction
Tape Cable Standing
to Pipe Loss
Cable Draw
Torque Arrester
Check Valve
Well Size
Pump Basics
(inside diameter in inches)
The vertical distance between the well Determining Total Dynamic Head
head and the level at the point of use. __________
It must be added to the TOTAL DYNAMIC
HEAD if the inlet is lower than the out- Vertical Lift / Elevation HEAD
let and subtracted if the inlet is higher.
As a rule of good installation practice,
1 The vertical distance in feet from the pitless adapter to the top of
the pressure tank
however, pipes should slope continuously
upward from the inlet to the outlet to pre-
vent entrapment of air.
Service Pressure
SERVICE PRESSURE 2 The average (pump shut-off) pressure switch setting x 2.31'.
Example for a 30/50 switch: 40 x 2.31' = 92.4 feet Convert PSI to feet
The range of pressure in the pressure
(X 2.31)
tank during the pumping cycle.
Vertical 4
Lift Total
TANK Pressure Gauge Friction
Pressure Breaker Pressure Switch
Pressure Relief Valve
Drain Valve
Horizontal & Vertical Pipe Run Seal
All pipe from pump to tank 3
Deep Well
To safety
switch or Pressure
circuit breaker Gauge Foot
panel Pressure Valve
5 5
Pressure Well Pumping Horizontal
Switch Seal Level Check Valve
Check Valve
Casing Jet Ejector
Adapter 5
Nipple Foot Valve Well Point
Turned (if used)
Cup Leathers
Foot Valve
Aboveground Pumps
The difference between submersible pump and surface pump sizing is that surface pumps, including jet pumps, show performance in “charted” form
versus “curves” for submersibles. Except for the “pumping level” (which is shown in feet in the charts) all other head/lift requirements should be
converted to PSIG for surface pump sizing. (Feet X .433 = PSIG (Pounds per Square Inch Gauge).
Pump Basics
Well Size
(inside diameter
in inches)
The vertical distance between the _________
Vertical Lift / Elevation
well head and the level at the point
of use. It must be ADDED to the 1 The vertical distance in feet from the location of the pump X .433
Total Dynamic/Total Discharge Head to the point of highest delivery (e.g. from a pump house
if the inlet is lower than the outlet near the well to the second moor of a two story house) Feet PSIG
and SUBTRACTED if the inlet is
higher. As a rule of good installation
practice, however, pipes should slope +
continuously upward from the inlet to Service Pressure
the outlet to prevent entrapment of
2 The average pressure switch setting.
Example 20/40 switch (1/2 HP) = 30 PSIG average (3/4 HP and larger pumps
have 30/50 switch settings) = 40 PSIG average
The range of pressure in the pressure tank
during the pumping cycle. Friction Loss +
3 Water mowing through piping will lose head depending on the
X .433
FRICTION LOSS size, type and length of piping, number of lttings, and mow
The loss of pressure or head due to rate. Example: Pumping 10 GPM through 100 ft. of 1" plastic Feet PSIG
the resistance to mow in the pipe and pipe with 3 elbows will cause a friction loss equal to:
lttings. Friction loss is inmuenced
by pipe size and muid velocity, and is 100 ft. + 18 ft. (elbow loss) X 6.31 ft (loss per 100') = 7.44' X .433 = 3.2 PSIG
usually expressed in feet of head. 100 ft.
Feet of Pipe ___________ Diameter of Pipe __________
The horizontal distance between the Type of Pipe __________________________________
point where muid enters a pipe and the
point at which it leaves. See Friction Loss Charts on Page 16
DISCHARGE HEAD or TDH Total Dynamic/Discharge Head • 1 + 2 + 3 =
TDH and capacity required
determines pump size. The total
pressure or head the pump must
Pumping Level/Depth to Water No need to
develop is the sum of Vertical Lift/
Elevation, The Service Pressure, 5 The vertical distance in feet from the pump to the water level including
Charts are
and The Friction Loss. All of these draw down level - if any. In Shallow Well systems, referred to as suction in feet If 25' or less,
measurements must be expressed in use shallow
the same units, usually feet of head
lift/head and is limited to 20 or 25 feet at sea level (deduct 1’ suction
well charts
or pressure (PSI), before adding them capability for each 1000’ above sea level). Ft.
together. For aboveground pumps, If more than 25'
Note: Friction losses (3) in the suction piping must be added to the use deep
distance to water in feet are shown in pumping level for total suction lift. well charts
the respective charts.
Deep Well jet pump charts include the friction losses in the vertical piping
PUMPING LEVEL only. See page 15 if long horizontal, offset piping cannot be avoided.
The lowest water level reached during
pumping operation. (Static level minus
drawdown) Determining Flow Rate
STATIC OR STANDING WATER LEVEL Although methods will vary, in general, the Water Systems Council bases pump mow selection for a
The undisturbed level of water in the residential system on total gallon usage during a seven minute peak demand period. This can be
well before pumping. Not as important supplemented by using a properly sized pressure tank.
as pumping level.
Farms, irrigation, and lawn sprinklers demand more water.
The distance that the water level in the Gallons Per Minute (or hour) Needed
well is lowered by pumping. It is the See Page 20 for water demands
difference between the STATIC WATER
LEVEL and the PUMPING LEVEL. After determining TDH and mow requirements in GPM / GPH, match these numbers
with surface pump charts in sections 3 and 4.
US GAL C-100 C-140 US GAL C-100 C-140 US GAL C-100 C-140 US GAL C-100 C-140
MIN ID .824” ID .824” MIN ID 1.049” ID 1.049” MIN ID 1.380” ID 1.380” MIN ID 1.61” ID 1.61”
1.5 1.13 .61 2 .595 .322 4 .564 .304 4 .267 .144
2.0 1.93 1.04 3 1.26 .680 5 .853 .460 6 .565 .305
2.5 2.91 1.57 4 2.14 1.15 6 1.20 .649 8 .962 .520
3.0 4.08 2.21 5 3.42 1.75 7 1.59 .860 10 1.45 .785
3.5 5.42 2.93 6 4.54 2.45 8 2.04 1.10 12 2.04 1.10
4.0 6.94 3.74 8 7.73 4.16 10 3.08 1.67 14 2.71 1.46
4.5 8.63 4.66 10 11.7 6.31 12 4.31 2.33 16 3.47 1.87
5.0 10.50 5.66 12 -- 8.85 14 5.73 3.10 18 4.31 2.33
6.0 -- 7.95 14 -- 11.8 16 7.34 3.96 20 5.24 2.83
7.0 -- 10.60 18 9.13 4.93 25 7.90 4.26
20 11.10 6.00 30 11.1 6.0
25 -- 9.06 35 -- 7.94
40 -- 10.20
10 GPM with 1’ plastic pipe has 6.31’ of loss per 100 ft. - if your run is 50 ft., multiply by .5, if 250 ft. multiply by 2.5, etc.
Note 1: Loss lgures are based on equivalent lengths of indicated pipe material
Note 2: Loss lgures are for screwed valves and are based on equivalent lengths of steel pipe
Note 3: Loss lgures for copper lines are approximately 10 higher than shown for plastic
Pump Basics
Air Pressure Pressure Air Pressure
Increasing Switch Cut-Out Decreasing
Pressure Pressure
Switch Cut-In
Precharge Air Pressure
1 2 3 4 5
Tank empty Tank is filling Tank is full Water is Tank is nearly
Pump comes Pump turns off being used empty and pump
on and cycle comes on to
begins repeat cycle
Pumps with mow rates (capacities) up to 10 GPM should have a tank with a minimum of one gallon drawdown capacity for each GPM delivered by
the pump. Example: 10 GPM pump = 10 gallon “drawdown”.
Pump mow rates from 11 to 20 GPM should have tank drawdowns approximately 1.5 times the GPM rating.
Pump mow rates above 20 GPM should have tank drawdowns approximately two times the GPM rating and multiple tanks should be considered.
ARTESIAN WELL (mowing and non-mowing) - Well in which the water rises above the surface of the water in the aquifer after drilling is completed. It is a mowing
artesian well if the water rises above the surface of the earth.
CENTRIFUGAL - Consists of a fan-shaped impeller rotating in a circular housing, pushing liquid towards a discharge opening. Simple design, only wearing parts are
the shaft seal and bearings (if so equipped). Usually used where a mow of liquid at relatively low pressure is desired. Not self-priming unless provided with a priming
reservoir or foot valve: works best with the liquid source higher than the pump (mooded suction/gravity feed). As the discharge pressure (head) increases, mow and driven
power requirements decrease. Maximum mow and motor loading occur at minimum head.
CHECK VALVE - Allows liquid to mow in one direction only. Generally used in suction and discharge line to prevent reverse mow.
CISTERN - A non-pressurized tank (usually underground) for storing water.
COAGULATION - The chemically combining of small particles suspended in water.
CONTAMINATED WATER - Water that contains a disease causing or toxic substances.
DEEP WELL - Use a pump (submersible or deep well jet) to force water upward from a pumping element below the well water level. Not restricted by suction lift
DRAWDOWN - The vertical distance the water level drops in a well pumped at a given rate.
DYNAMIC HEAD - Vertical distances (in feet) when the pump is running/producing water.
FLOODED SUCTION - Liquid source is higher than pump and liquid mows to pump by gravity (Preferable for centrifugal pump installations).
FLOW - The measure of the liquid volume capacity of a pump. Given in Gallons Per Hour (GPH) or Gallons Per Minute (GPM), as well as Cubic Meters Per Hour (CMPH),
and Liters Per Minute (LPM).
FOOT VALVE - A type of check valve with a built-in strainer. Used at point of liquid intake to retain liquid in the system, preventing loss of prime when liquid source
is lower than pump.
FRICTION LOSS - The loss of pressure or head due to the resistance to mow in the pipe and lttings. Friction loss is inmuenced by pipe size and muid velocity, and is
usually expressed in feet of head.
GRAINS PER GALLON - The weight of a substance, in grains, in a gallon. Commonly, grains of minerals per gallon of water as a measure of water hardness.
1 gpg = 17.1 mgl.
GROUND WATER - Water that has lltered down to a saturated geologic formation beneath the earth’s surface.
HARDNESS MINERALS - Minerals dissolved in water that increase the scaling properties and decrease cleansing action - usually calcium, iron, and magnesium.
HEAD - Another measure of pressure, expressed in feet. Indicates the height of a column of water being lifted by the pump neglecting friction losses in piping.
INCRUSTATION - A mineral scale chemically or physically deposited on wetted surfaces, such as well screens, gravel packs, and in tea kettles.
INTERMEDIATE STORAGE - A holding tank included in a water system when the water source does not supply the peak use rate.
JET PUMP - A pump combining two pumping principles - centrifugal operation and ejection. Can be used in shallow or deep wells.
MILLIGRAMS PER LITER (mg/l) - The weight of a substance, in milligrams in a liter. 1 mg/l = 1 oz. per 7500 gallons. It is equivalent to 1 ppm.
See Parts per Million.
Pump Basics
PALATABLE WATER - Water of acceptable taste. May also include non-offensive appearance and odor.
PARTS PER MILLION, ppm - A measure of concentration; one unit of weight or volume of one material dispersed in one million units of another; e.g., chlorine
in water, carbon monoxide in air. Equivalents to indicate small size of this unit: 1 ppm = 1 oz. per 7500 gallons; 1 kernel of corn in 13 bushels 1/4 sq. in. in an acre.
PEAK USE RATE - The mow rate necessary to meet the expected maximum water demand in the system.
pH - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water. Below 7 is acid, above 7 is alkaline.
POLLUTED WATER - Water containing a natural or man-made impurity.
POTABLE WATER - Water safe for drinking.
PRESSURE - The force exerted on the walls of a container (tank pipe, etc.) by the liquid. Measured in pounds per square inch (PSI).
PRIME - A charge of liquid required to begin pumping action of centrifugal pumps when liquid source is lower than pump. May be held in pump by a foot valve on the
intake line or a valve or chamber within the pump.
RELIEF VALVE - Usually used at the discharge of a pump. An adjustable, spring-loaded valve opens, or relieves pressure when a pre-set pressure is reached. Used
to prevent excessive pressure and pump or motor damage if discharge line is closed off.
SHALLOW WELL - Use a pump located above ground to lift water out of the ground through a suction pipe. Limit is a lift of 33.9 feet at sea level.
SOFTENING - The process of removing hardness caused by calcium and magnesium minerals.
SPRING - A place on the earth’s surface where ground water emerges naturally.
STATIC HEAD - Vertical Distance (in feet) from pump to point of discharge when the pump is not running.
STRAINERS - A device installed in the inlet of a pump to prevent foreign particles from damaging the internal parts.
SUBMERGENCE / SETTING - The vertical distance between PUMPING LEVEL and the bottom of the pump or jet assembly. Submergence must be suflcient to insure
that the suction opening of the pump or jet assembly is always covered with water, while maintaining enough clearance from the bottom of the well to keep it out of
sediment (at least 10 foot clearance is recommended). Could be useful when lguring friction loss.
SUBMERSIBLE - A pump which is designed to operate totally submersed in the muid which is being pumped. With water-proof electrical connections, using a motor
which is cooled by the liquid.
WATER TABLE WELL - A well where the water level is at the surface of the aquifer.
WATER TREATMENT - A process to improve the quality of water.
WATER WELL - A man-made hole in the earth from which ground water is removed.
WELL DEVELOPMENT - A process to increase or maintain the yield of a well.
Technical Data
mm millimeter ............................. 0.04 inches in in inches ................................... 2.54 centimeters cm
cm centimeters ............................. 0.4 inches in ft feet ....................................... 30.5 centimeters cm
m meters..................................... 3.3 feet ft yd yards ....................................... 0.9 meters m
m meters..................................... 1.1 yards yd mi miles ....................................... 1.6 kilometers km
km kilometers ............................... 0.6 miles mi
AREA in2 square inches ......................... 6.5 square centimeters cm2
cm2 square centimeters ............... 0.16 square inches in2 ft2 square feet............................ 0.09 square meters m2
m2 square meters ......................... 1.2 square yards yd2 yd2 square yards ........................... 0.8 square meters m2
km2 square kilometers ................... 0.4 square miles mi2 mi2 square miles ........................... 2.6 square kilometers km2
ha hectares (10.000 m2) ............. 2.5 acres a acres ....................................... 0.4 hectares ha
ml milliliters .............................. 0.03 muid ounces n oz tsp teaspoons .................................. 5 milliliters ml
l liters ....................................... 2.1 pints pt tbsp tablespoons ............................. 15 milliliters ml
l liters ..................................... 1.06 quarts qt m oz muid ounces ............................. 30 milliliters ml
l liters ..................................... 0.26 gallons gal c cups ...................................... 0.24 liters
m3 cubic meters ......................... 35.3 cubicfeet tt3 pt pints ..................................... 0.47 liters
m3 cubic meters ........................... 1.3 cubic yards yd3 qt quarts ................................... 0.95 liters
m3 cubic meters ....................... 264.2 gallons gal. gal gallons .................................... 3.8 liters
ft3 cubic feet .............................. 0.03 cubic meters m3
FORCE/AREA yd3 cubic yards ........................... 0.76 cubic meters m3
kPa kilo paschals....................... .145 pound force/in2 psi gal gallons ................................. .0038 cubic meters m3
bar bar ........................................ 14.5 pound force/in2 psi
psi pound force/in2...................... 6.89 kilo paschals kPa
psi pound force/in2...................... .069 bar bar
Technical Data
Pump Basics
(pipe diameter)2 pipe area 70 160
64.4 140
30 70
Watts input x motor eflciency
Brake horsepower (motor) = ––––––––––––––––––––––––
746 60
Head ft. x specilc gravity Head ft. x 20
Lbs. per sQuare in. = Head in ft. x .433 • Head in ft. = lbs. per sQ. in. x 2.31' 0 0
JET SIZE HP 11b4 x 1 11b4 x 11b4 11b2 x 11b4 11b2 x 11b2 2 x 11b2 2x2 21b2 x 2 21b2 x 21b2 3 x 21b2 3x3
1/3 12 8 6 4
1/2 18 12 8 6 3 2
3/4 30 22 16 11 6 4
1 30 25 16 9 6
Standing Level
1 1/2 13 8 5 3
2 20 13 7 5
3 13 9 6 4
Pump Capacity
Example: Vertical distance to water is 60 feet, but a 100 feet horizontal / offset (run of piping) is required. A 3/4 100% at rated GPM
HP jet pump is used so the capacity should be taken from the “80' depth to water” performance.
Jet Setting
For example: 60 feet to water + 22 feet friction loss (with 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 two pipe system) = 82 feet, which is 10 ft. suction lift - 80% rated GPM
approximately 80 feet. 15 ft. suction lift - 70% rated GPM
20 ft. suction lift - 57% rated GPM
25 ft. suction lift - 40% rated GPM
Installation of a Long Tail Pipe on Deep Well Jet Pumps 28 ft. suction lift - 25% rated GPM
29 ft. suction lift - 17% rated GPM
The pumping capacity of a deep well jet pump can be reduced to equalize with the well mow by installing a 35 Tail Pipe-35' long
foot tail pipe below the jet assembly.
With a tail pipe, pump delivery remains at 100 of capacity down to the ejector level. If water level falls below
that, mow decreases in proportion to drawdown as shown by lgures. When delivery equals well inmow, the water
level remains constant until the pump shuts off. The pump will not lose prime with this tail pipe arrangement. Maximum Possible
Three-Phase, Three Wire Cable, 60 HZ 200 and 300 volts (Service Entrance to motor)
Motor Rating Copper Wire Size (1)
Volts HP KW 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000
1/2 .37 710 1140 1800 2840 4420
3/4 .55 510 810 1280 2030 3160
200V 1 .75 430 690 1080 1710 2670 4140 5140
60 Hz 1.5 1.1 310 500 790 1260 1960 3050 3780
2 1.5 240 390 610 970 1520 2360 2940 3610 4430 5420
Three 3 2.2 180 290 470 740 1160 1810 2250 2760 3390 4130
Phase 5 3.7 110* 170 280 440 690 1080 1350 1660 2040 2490 3050 3670 4440
7.5 5.5 0 0 200 310 490 770 960 1180 1450 1770 2170 2600 3150
Three 10 7.5 0 0 0 230* 370 570 720 880 1090 1330 1640 1970 2390
Wire 15 11 0 0 0 160* 250* 390 490 600 740 910 1110 1340 1630
20 15 0 0 0 0 190* 300* 380 460 570 700 860 1050 1270
25 18.5 0 0 0 0 0 240* 300* 370* 460 570 700 840 1030
30 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 250* 310* 380* 470 580 700 850
1/2 .37 930 1490 2350 3700 5760 8910
3/4 .55 670 1080 1700 2580 4190 6490 8060 9860
230V 1 .75 560 910 1430 2260 3520 5460 6780 8290
60 Hz 1.5 1.1 420 670 1060 1670 2610 4050 5030 6160 7530 9170
2 1.5 320 510 810 1280 2010 3130 3890 4770 5860 7170 8780
Three 3 2.2 240 390 620 990 1540 2400 2980 3660 4480 5470 6690 8020 9680
Phase 5 3.7 140* 230 370 590 920 1430 1790 2190 2690 3290 4030 4850 5870
7.5 5.5 0 160* 260 420 650 1020 1270 1560 1920 2340 2870 3440 4160
Three 10 7.5 0 0 190* 310 490 760 950 1170 1440 1760 2160 2610 3160
Wire 15 11 0 0 0 210* 330 520 650 800 980 1200 1470 1780 2150
20 15 0 0 0 0 250* 400 500 610 760 930 1140 1380 1680
25 18.5 0 0 0 0 0 320* 400 500 610 750 920 1120 1360
30 22 0 0 0 0 0 260* 330* 410* 510 620 760 930 1130
1/2 .37 3770 6020 9460
3/4 .55 2730 4350 6850
1 .75 2300 3670 5770 9070
1.5 1.1 1700 2710 4270 6730
2 1.5 1300 2070 3270 5150 8050
460v 3 2.2 1000 1600 2520 3970 6200
60 Hz 5 3.7 590 950 1500 2360 3700 5750
7.5 5.5 420 680 1070 1690 2640 4100 5100 6260 7680
Three 10 7.5 310 500 790 1250 1960 3050 3800 4680 5750 7050
Phase 15 11 0 340* 540 850 1340 2090 2600 3200 3930 4810 5900 7110
20 15 0 0 410* 650 1030 1610 2000 2470 3040 3730 4580 5530
Three 25 18.5 0 0 0 530* 830 1300 1620 1990 2450 3010 3700 4470 5430
Wire 30 22 0 0 0 430* 680 1070 1330 1640 2030 2490 3060 3700 4500
40 30 0 0 0 0 500* 790 980 1210 1490 1830 2250 2710 3290
50 37 0 0 0 0 0 640* 800 980 1210 1480 1810 2190 2650
60 45 0 0 0 0 0 540* 670* 830* 1020 1250 1540 1850 2240
75 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680* 840* 1030 1260 1520 1850
100 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 620* 760* 940* 1130 1380
125 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 740* 890* 1000*
150 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 760* 920*
175 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 810*
200 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lengths marked * meet the U.S. National Electrical Code ampacity only for individual conductor 75°C cable. Only the lengths without * meet the code for jacketed 75°C
cable. Local code requirements may vary.
CAUTION!! Use of wire sizes smaller than determined above will void warranty, since low starting voltage and early failure of the unit will result. Larger wire sizes (smaller
numbers) may always be used to improve economy of operation.
(1) If aluminum conductor is used, multiply above lengths by 0.61. Maximum allowable length of aluminum wire is considerably shorter than copper wire of same size.