Intimidation: Subject: English Language TEACHER: Miss, Desnimawati Lase SP.D
Intimidation: Subject: English Language TEACHER: Miss, Desnimawati Lase SP.D
Intimidation: Subject: English Language TEACHER: Miss, Desnimawati Lase SP.D
BY :
Praise our prayers for the presence of God Almighty for our blessings, we are able to complete
this paper entitled "INTIMIDATION OF BULYI". and we are aware that in the preparation of
our paper, there are still many shortcomings both in the preparation of the words, sentences and
vocabulary that we use.
Therefore, in the preparation of our paper, we really need negative suggestions and criticisms so
that the next paper can be made better. Our hope is that our paper can be useful for all of us
in terms of weighing and reading every piece of information we get everyday so that we can get
the positive and negative sides of the information we receive.
A. Background
Learning activities are the most popular media students in general, where these activities
support the success and success of someone in getting knowledge and education.
In the course of this activity, it usually takes place in the sphere of education, and in the
environment of the general public. Nevertheless in the process there is always what we can
people who where the enthusiasm to achieve his goals or success is lacking, even though he
really wants to achieve it. it could be due to factors, psychological, lack of thinking ability, and
he is also too often exposed to mental stress and feelings that can make him weak in reaching
something he wants.
In our paper, we will discuss intimidation from the causes of the factors above, let's listen
The purpose of compiling our paper is, as follows:
⦁ so students can understand all the information or news that he has gotten and received with a
positive attitude ,.
⦁ so students can also be competent and proficient in English,
⦁ increase students' interest to know more information that is positive in building their
⦁ Improve the nature of teamwork between groups
C. Types of Bullying
Bullying is grouped into several types. The following are the types of bullying and also examples
of bullying behavior that are commonly encountered:
1. Physical bullying
Physical bullying is physical acts of oppression. This action can have short and long term effects.
Actions which include acts of physical bullying are such as:
• Hit
• Kick
• Push
• Pinch
• Tripping
• Damaging property
2. Verbal bullying
Verbal bullying is bullying that is done through verbal. Generally this type of bullying is not
dangerous at first, but if it continues it can affect the victim. Actions that include verbal bullying
• Calling name
• Insulting
• Mock
• Homophobic or racist sayings
• Verbal abuse
3. Social bullying
Social bullying is a type of bullying that is often veiled. This action can be carried out by the
perpetrator without being seen by the victim. Examples of social bullying actions include:
Spread false rumors or rumors
Throwing bad jokes that do
Inviting others to exclude someone
Giving expression or gestures that threaten or insult
Mimic with the aim to insult or belittle
4. Cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is any type of oppression that occurs in cyberspace. Behaviors that include cyber
bullying include:
Accompany painful e-mails or written messages, images and videos
Exclude someone online Spread rumors and bad rumors in cyberspace
Impersonating another person or using someone else's account without permission.
Thus the preparation of our paper is hopefully our paper can be useful for us all.