328 Welding Qualifications
328 Welding Qualifications
328 Welding Qualifications
2 Welding Qualifications
328.2.1 Qualification Requirements
(a) Qualification of thewelding procedures to be used
and of the performance of welders and welding operators
shall conform to the requirements of the BPV Code,
Section IX except as modified herein.
(b) Where the base metal will not withstand the
180 deg guided bend required by Section IX, a qualifying
welded specimen is required to undergo the same degree
of bending as the base metal, within 5 deg.
(c) The requirements for preheating in para. 330 and
for heat treatment in para. 331, as well as such requirements
in the engineering design, shall apply in qualifying
welding procedures.
(d) When impact testing is required by the Code or
the engineering design, those requirements shall be met
in qualifying welding procedures.
(e) If consumable inserts [Fig. 328.3.2 sketch (d), (e),
(f), or (g)] or their integrally machined equivalents, or
backing rings, are used, their suitability shall be demonstrated
by procedure qualification, except that a procedure
qualified without use of a backing ring is also
qualified for use with a backing ring in a single-welded
butt joint.
(f) To reduce the number of welding procedure qualifications
required, P-Numbers or S-Numbers, and
Group Numbers are assigned, in the BPV Code, Section
IX, to groupings of metals generally based on composition,
weldability, and mechanical properties, insofar as
practicable. The P-Numbers or S-Numbers for most metals
are listed for the convenience of the Code user in a
separate column in Table A-1. See Section IX, QW/
QB-422, for Group Numbers for respective P-Numbers
and S-Numbers. Use of Section IX,QW-420.2, is required
for this Code.