This document provides specifications for the fabrication, assembly, and erection of piping. It lists 10 referenced standards for welding, materials, and testing. The scope covers carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel pipes and fittings per ASME B31.1 code. Welding procedures must be qualified according to ASME Section IX, and welders must be qualified. Preheating, heat treatment, and impact testing requirements must also be met. Recommended welding materials and procedures are provided for certain materials. Records of welding procedure and performance qualifications must be maintained by the employer.
This document provides specifications for the fabrication, assembly, and erection of piping. It lists 10 referenced standards for welding, materials, and testing. The scope covers carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel pipes and fittings per ASME B31.1 code. Welding procedures must be qualified according to ASME Section IX, and welders must be qualified. Preheating, heat treatment, and impact testing requirements must also be met. Recommended welding materials and procedures are provided for certain materials. Records of welding procedure and performance qualifications must be maintained by the employer.
This document provides specifications for the fabrication, assembly, and erection of piping. It lists 10 referenced standards for welding, materials, and testing. The scope covers carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel pipes and fittings per ASME B31.1 code. Welding procedures must be qualified according to ASME Section IX, and welders must be qualified. Preheating, heat treatment, and impact testing requirements must also be met. Recommended welding materials and procedures are provided for certain materials. Records of welding procedure and performance qualifications must be maintained by the employer.
This document provides specifications for the fabrication, assembly, and erection of piping. It lists 10 referenced standards for welding, materials, and testing. The scope covers carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel pipes and fittings per ASME B31.1 code. Welding procedures must be qualified according to ASME Section IX, and welders must be qualified. Preheating, heat treatment, and impact testing requirements must also be met. Recommended welding materials and procedures are provided for certain materials. Records of welding procedure and performance qualifications must be maintained by the employer.
SPECIFICATION FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 SCOPE 1.1 Thi s speci fi cati on covers the requirements of fabri cati on, assembl y and erecti on of Carbon Steel, Al l oy Steel and Stai nl ess Steel pi pes and fi tti ngs. These requi rements conf orm to ASME Code of pressure pipi ng Process pipi ng ASME B 31.1. Thi s standard i s meant for easy reference by the Inspector to al l requi rements of fabricati on, assembl y and erecti on of pi pes at one pl ace and shoul d not be used as purchase requi rements for an enquiry or an order. 1.2 For pi pes to be used for steam servi ces, the requi rements of Indi an Boil er Regul ations shal l appl y i n addi ti on non-confl i cti ng requi rements of thi s speci fi cation. 1.3 Recommendati ons contai ned i n this document do not i n any way rel ease a wel di ng contractor from hi s responsi bi li ty with regard to correct choi ce of wel di ng materi al s and procedures; nei ther do they consti tute any commi tment on the part of the Owner wi th regard to payment of any expenses incurred. 2.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS ASME B 31.1 - Power Pl ant Pi pi ng ASME BPV Code - Speci fi cati on f or Wel ding Rods, El ectrodes and Fi l l er Sec.11 Part C, Metal s AWS A 5.1 - Carbon Steel Electrodes f or Shi el ded Metal Arc Wel di ng AWS A 5.4 - Stai nl ess Steel El ectrodes for Shi el ded Metal Arc Wel di ng AWS A 5.5 - Low Al loy Steel Covered Arc Wel di ng El ectrodes AWS A 5.11 - Ni ckel and Ni ckel Al l oy Wel di ng El ectrodes for Shi el ded Metal Arch Wel ding ASME BPV Code - Wel di ng Qual i fi cati on Sec. IX 3.0 WELDING A WeIding ResponsibiIity Each empl oyer i s responsi bl e for the wel di ng done by the personnel of hi s organizati on and, except as provi ded i n Para 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 shal l conduct the tests requi red to qual i fy wel di ng procedures and to qual if y and as necessary equal i ty wel ders and wel di ng operators. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 3.2 WeIding QuaIifications A QuaIification Requirements (a) Qual i fi cati on of the wel di ng procedures to be used and of the performance of wel ders and wel di ng operators shal l conform to the requi rements of the BPV Code, Secti on IX except as modifi ed herein. (b) Where the base metal wi l l not wi thstand the 180 0 gui ded bend requi red by Secti on IX, a qual i fyi ng wel ded speci men i s required to undergo the same degree of bendi ng as the base metal . (c) The requi rements for preheating i n Para 4.0 and for heat treatment i n Para 5.0 as wel l as such requi rements i n the engi neering desi gn, shal l appl y i n qual ifyi ng wel di ng procedures. (d) When i mpact testi ng is requi red by thi s Standard or the engi neeri ng desi gn, those requi rements shal l be met i n qual i fyi ng weldi ng procedures. (e) To reduce the number of wel di ng procedure qual i ficati ons required, P-Numbers or S-Numbers and Group Numbers are assi gned in the BPV Code, Secti on IX, to groupi ngs of metal s generall y based on compositi on, weld abi l i ty and mechani cal properti es, i nsofar as practi cabl e. The P- Numbers or S-Numbers for most metals are l i sted i n ASME B 31.1. See Section IX, QW/QB-422, for Group Numbers f or respecti ve P-Numbers and S-Numbers. Use of Secti on IX, QW-420.2 i s requi red for thi s Standard. B Procedure QuaIification by Others Each empl oyer i s responsi ble f or qual ifyi ng any wel di ng procedure that personnel of the organi zati on wi l l use, Subj ect to the speci fi c approval of the Inspector; wel di ng procedures quali fi ed by others may be used, provi ded that the fol lowi ng condi ti ons are met. (a) The Inspector shall be sati sfi ed that: 1) the proposed wel di ng procedure speci fi cation (WPS) has been prepared, qual if i ed and executed by a responsi bl e, recogni zed organizati on wi th experti se in the f iel d of wel di ng; and 2) The empl oyer has not made any change in the wel di ng procedure. (b) The base materi al P-Number i s 1, 3, 4 Gr.No.1 (1¼ Cr max.), or 8; and i mpact testi ng i s not requi red. (c) The base metal s to be j oi ned are of t he same P-Number, except that P-Nos. 1, 3 and 4 Gr. No.1 may be wel ded to each other as permi tted by Secti on, IX. (d) The materi al to be wel ded i s not more than 19 mm i n thi ckness. Post wel d heat treatment shal l not be requi red. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (e) The design pressure does not exceed the ASME B 16.5, Class 300 rati ng for the materi al at desi gn temperature; and the desi gn temperature i s i n the range -29 ºC to 399 ºC, i ncl usi ve. (f) The wel di ng process i s SMAW (Shi el ded Metal Arc Wel di ng) or GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Wel di ng) or GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Wel di ng) or a combi nati on thereof . (g) Wel di ng el ectrodes f or the SMAW process are sel ected f rom the fol l owi ng cl assi f i cati ons. AWS A 5.1 AWS A 5.4 AWS A 5.5 E6010 E308-15, -16 E7010 - A1 E6011 E308L-15, -16 E7018 - Al E7015 E309-15, -16 E8016 - B1 E7016 E310-15, -16 E8018 - B1 E7018 E-16-8-2-15, -16 E8015 - B2L E316-15, -16 E8016 - B2 E316L-15, -16 E80 18 - B2 E347- 15, -16 E8018 - B2L Recommended el ectrodes and bare wi res for weldi ng of certai n sel ected pipe material s are shown i n. The selecti on of wel di ng materi al gi ven i n Table 1 and 4A & 4B are referri ng to the sel ecti on of preheat and post wel d heat temperature i n respecti vel y. The suitabi l i ty of these el ectrodes and wi res (or materi al s whi ch may be sel ected as al ternati ves) and the sui tabi l i ty of preheat and post wel d heat t emperatures shal l be demonstrated i n appropri ate Wel di ng Procedure Qual i fi cati ons as-descri bed i n ASME Secti on IX. (h) By si gnature, the empl oyer accepts responsi bi l ity for both the WPS and the procedure qual i fi cati on record (PQR). (i) The employer has at l east one current l y empl oyed wel der or wel di ng operator who, whi l e i n hi s empl oy has sati sf actori l y passed a performance qual i ficati on test usi ng the procedure and the P-Number materi al specif i ed i n the WPS. The performance bend test requi red by Secti on IX QW-302 shal l be used f or this purpose. Qual i fi cati on by radi ography i s not acceptable. The responsi bi l i ty of the wel di ng cont ractor shal l i ncl ude the provi si on of al l materi al s, f aci li ti es and man powers for the procedure, and performance qual i fi cation tests. C Performance QuaIification by Others To avoi d dupl i cati on of eff ort, an empl oyer may accept a. performance qual i fi cati on made for another empl oyer, provi ded that the Inspect or speci f ical l y approves. Acceptance i s li mi ted to qual i fi cation on pi pi ng usi ng the same or Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 equi val ent procedure wherei n the essenti al vari abl es are wi thi n the li mi ts i n Secti on IX. The empl oyer shal l obtai n a copy f rom the previ ous employer of the performance qual if icati on test record, showi ng the name -of the employer, name of the wel der or wel di ng operator procedure i denti fi cation, date of successful qual i fi cati on and the date that the i ndivi dual last used the procedure on pressure pipi ng. D QuaIification Records The empl oyer shal l maintai n a sel f -certi fi ed record, avai l able to t he owner (and the owner' s agent) and the Inspector, of the procedures used and the wel ders and wel di ng operators employed, showi ng the date and resul ts of procedure and performance qual if i cations and the i denti fi cati on symbol assi gned to each wel der and wel ding operator. E WeIding MateriaIs i . FiIIer MetaI Fi ll er metal shall conform to the requi rements of Secti on IX. A f i ll er metal not yet i ncorporated i n Secti on IX may be used wi th the owner' s approval i f a procedure qual i fi cation test i s fi rst successful l y made. i i . WeId Backing Materi aI Permanent backi ng rings are not permi tted except for use i n refractor l i ned pi pes. When backi ng ri ngs are used, they shall conf orm to the fol lowi ng: (a) Ferrous Metal Backi ng Ri ngs These shal l be of wel d able qual i ty. Sul fur content shall not exceed 0.05%. (b) If two abutti ng surfaces are to be wel ded to a thi rd member used as a backi ng ring and one or two of the three members are ferri ti c and the other member or members are austeni ti c, the sati sfactory use of such materi al s shal l be demonstrated by wel di ng procedure quali fi ed as requi red by Para 3.2.Backi ng ri ngs may be of the conti nuous machi ned or spl i t-band type. Some commonl y used t ypes are shown i n (c) Nonferrous and Nonmetal l i c Backi ng Ri ngs Backing ri ngs of nonferrous or nonmetal l ic materi al may be used; provi ded the desi gner approves thei r use and the wel di ng procedure usi ng them i s qual i fi ed as requi red by Para 3.2. i i i . ConsumabIe Inserts Consumabl e i nserts are not permi tted. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 3.4 Preparation for WeIding CIeaning Internal and external surfaces to be thermal l y cut or wel ded shal l be cl ean and free pai nt, oi l , rust, scal e and other materi al that woul d be detri mental to ei ther the wel d or the base metal when heat i s appl i ed. Where root passes are made by GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Weldi ng) or GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Wel ding) processes, t he i nt ernal pi pe surface shal l be cl eared before wel di ng by means of gri ndi ng, brushi ng or equi val ent for at l east 10 mm from the end of the pi pe. End Preparation (a) General: End preparati on i s acceptabl e onl y if the surface i s reasonabl y smooth and true and sl ag from oxygen or arc cutti ng i s cl eaned from thermal ly cut surf aces. Di scol orati on remai ning on a thermal l y cut surface i s not considered detri mental oxidati on. End preparati on for groove wel ds speci fi ed in ASME 15 16.25 or any other which meets the WPS, i s acceptabl e. [For convenience, the basic bevel angl es of ASME B 16.25 The root openi ng i s nom. 1.5 mm and shal l not normal l y exceed 3 mm for root passes made by GTAW process and 4 mm for root passes made by GMAW or SMAW (Shi elded Metal Arc Wel ding) process. (b) Circumferential Welds: If component ends are tri mmed to fi t backi ng ri ngs or consumabl e inserts to correct internal mi sali gnment, such tri mmi ng shal l not reduce the fi ni shed wal l thi ckness below the requi red mi nimum wal l thi ckness t m . Component ends may be bored to al low for a compl etel y recessed backi ng ri ng, provi ded the remai ni ng net thi ckness of the fi ni shed ends i s not l ess than t m . It i s permi ssi ble to si ze pi pe ends of the same nomi nal si ze to i mprove al i gnment i f wal l thickness requi rements are mai ntai ned. Where necessary, wel d metal may be deposi ted i nside or outsi de of the component to permi t ali gnment to provi de for matchi ng to ensure sati sfactory seati ng of ri ngs or i nserts. When a gi rth &. Mi te, groove wel d j oi ns components of unequal wal l thi ckness and one i s more than 1½ ti mes the thi ckness of the other end preparati on and geometry shal l be i n accordance wi th acceptable desi gns f or unequal wal l thi ckness i n ASME B 16.25. 3.4.3 Alignment: Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (a) Circumferential Welds: 1) Insi de surf aces of components at ends to be j oi ned i n gi rth or mi tt groove wel ds shal l be al i gned wi thi n the di mensi onal l i mi ts in WPS and the engi neeri ng desi gn. Mi sali gnment of pi pe ends for butt welds shal l not exceed 1.6 m at any poi nt on the bore of the pipe. Al i gnment of butt j oi nts may be achi eved ei ther by tack weldi ng or by & use of wel ded yokes or pi pe cl amps. 2) If the external surfaces of the components are not al i gned, the wel d shal l be tapered between them. (b) Longitudinal Welds: Al i gnment of l ongi tudinal groove welds (not made i n accordance wi th ASME standard shal l conf orm to the requi rements of Para 3.4.3(a). (c) Branch Connection Welds: 1) Branch connecti ons whi ch abut the outsi de surface of the run pi shal l be contoured f or groove wel ds whi ch meet the WPS requi rements. 2) Branch connecti ons which are i nserted through a run openi ng shal l be i nserted at l east as far as the i nsi de surface of the run pi pe at poi nts and shall otherwi se conform Para 3.4.3(c) (1). 3) Run openi ngs for branch connecti ons shal l not devi ate from the requi red contour more than the di mensi on as per standard in no case shal l deviati ons of the shape of the openi ng cause the or spaci ng tol erance l i mits i n the WPS to be exceeded. Wel d me may be added and ref ini shed i f necessary f or compl i ance. 4) Spaci ng: The root openi ng of the j oi nt shal l be wi th the WPS. 3.5 WeIding requirements 3.5.1 GeneraI (a) Wel ds i ncl uding addi ti on of wel d metal for al i gnment shal l be made i n accordance wi th a qual ifi ed procedure and by qual i fi ed wel ders or wel di ng operators. (b) Each qual i fi ed wel der and wel di ng operat or shal l be assi gned an identi fi cati on symbol . Unl ess otherwi se speci fi ed i n the engineeri ng desi gn, each pressure contai ni ng wel d or adj acent area shal l be marked wi th the i denti f icati on symbol of the wel der or wel di ng operator. In l i eu of marki ng the wel d, appropri ate records shal l be f i led. (c) Tack wel ds at the root of the j oint shal l be made wi th fi l l er metal equi val ent to that used i n the root pass. Tack wel ds shall be made by a quali fi ed wel der or wel di ng operator. Tack wel ds shal l be fused wi th the root pass wel d, except that those whi ch have cracked shal l be removed. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 For pi pe wal l thi ckness above 8 mm bridge tacki ng (above the root) i s preferred. Bri dge tacks shal l be removed compl etel y before fi l l er passes are added. (d) Penni ng i s prohi bited on the root pass and fi nal pass of a weld. (e) No wel ding shal l be done i f there i s i mpi ngement on the wel d area of rai n, snow, sl eet or excessi ve wi nd, or if the wel d area i s f rosted or wet . (f) Root passes of al l wel ds i n i nspecti on cl ass 2 (see cl ause 5) and al l wel ds i n whi ch ei ther of the metal s to be joi ned i s austeni ti c steel shal l be made usi ng the GTAW process wi th i nert backi ng gas. The i nert gas shal l pref erabl y be Argon, al though gas consi sti ng of 85% N 2 + 15% H 2 may be used i f argon i s not avai l abl e. For pi pes 50NB" nomi nal si ze, use GTAW f or entire wel di ng. (g) Wel di ng End Val ves The wel di ng sequence and procedure and any heat treatment for a wel di ng end val ve shal l be such as to preserve the seat ti ghtness of the val ve. 3.5.2 FiIIet and Socket WeI ds Fi ll et wel ds (i ncludi ng socket wel ds) may vary f rom convex to, concave. The si ze of a f il l et wel d i s determi ned as shown i n. (a) Typical weld detai l s for sl i p-on and socket wel di ng fl anges are shown i n mi ni mum wel di ng di mensi ons, for other socket wel di ng components are shown. (b) If sl i p-on fl anges are si ngl e wel ded, the wel d shall be at the hub. 3.5.3 SeaI WeIds Seal wel di ng shall be done by a quali f i ed wel der. Seal wel ds shal l cover al l exposed threads except those f or seal wel ded thermo wel l connecti ons. 3.5.4 Wel ded Branch Connecti ons (a) Fi gures 200-221-1043, 1044, 1047 accept abl e detai l s of branch connecti ons wi th and wi thout added rei nforcement, i n whi ch the branch pi pe is connected di rectl y to the run pi pe. The i l l ustrati ons are typi cal and are not i ntended to excl ude acceptabl e t ypes of constructi on not shown. (b) Fi gures 200-221-1043 to 1048 show basi c types of wel d attachments used i n the fabri cati on of branch connecti ons. The l ocati on and mi ni mum si ze of attachment wel ds shall conf orm to the requi rements herei n. Welds shal l be cal culated i n accordance wi th of ASME B 31.1/ IBR Code but shal l be not l ess than the sizes shown. (c) The nomencl ature and symbol s used herei n and in are: Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 I c = l esser of 0.7 Tb or 6 mm T b = nomi nal thickness of branch T h = nomi nal thi ckness of header T r = nomi nal thi ckness of reinforci ng pad or saddl e t mi n. = l esser of T b or T r (d) Branch connecti ons, i ncl uding branch connecti on fi fi ng whi ch abut the outsi de of the run or whi ch are i nserted i n an openi ng i n the run shal l be att ached by f ul l y penetrated groove wel ds.' The wel ds shal l be fi ni shed wi th cover f i ll et welds havi ng a throat di mensi on not l ess 'than t , see sketches). (e) A rei nf orci ng pad or saddl e shal l be attached to the branch pi pe by ei ther: 1) A ful ly penetrated groove wel d f i ni shed wi th a cover fi l l et wel d havi ng a throat di mensi on not less than t c ; or 2) A fi l l et wel ds havi ng a throat di mension not l ess than 0.7t mi n. Sketch (f) The outer edge of a rei nf orci ng pad or saddl e shal l be attached to the run pi pe by a fi l l et wel d havi ng a throat di mensi on not l ess than 0.5T r . (g) Rei nforcing pads and saddl es shal l have a good f i t wi th the parts to whi ch they are attached. A vent hol e shal l be provi ded at the si de (not at the crotch) of any pad or saddl e to reveal leakage i n the wel d between branch and run and to al l ow venti ng duri ng wel di ng and heat treatment. A pad or saddl e may be made i n more than one pi ece i f j oi nts between pi eces have strength equi val ent to pad or saddle parent metal and i f each pi ece has a vent hol e. (h) Exami nati on and any necessary repai rs of the compl eted weld between branch and run shal l be made before addi ng a pad or saddl e. 3.5.5 Fabricated Laps Figure shows typi cal f abri cated l aps. Fabricati on shall , be i n accordance wi th the appl i cabl e requi rements of. 3.5.6 WeIding for Severe CycIic Conditions A wel di ng procedure shal l be empl oyed whi ch provi des a smooth, regul ar, full y penetrated i nner surface. 3.6 WeId Repair A wel d defect to be repaired shal l be removed to sound metal . Repai r wel ds shal l be made usi ng a wel ding procedure qual i fi ed i n accordance wi th recogni zi ng that the cavi ty to be repaired may di ff er i n contour and di mensi ons from the ori gi nal j oi nt. Repai r welds shall be made by wel ders or wel di ng Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 operators qual i fi ed in accordance wi th. Preheati ng and heat treat ment shal l be as required for the ori gi nal weldi ng. 4.0 PREHEATING 4.1 GeneraI Preheating i s used, al ong wi th heat treatment, to mi nimi ze the detri mental ef fects of hi gh temperature and severe thermal gradi ents i nherent i n wel di ng. The necessi ty f or preheati ng and the temperature to be used shall be specifi ed i n the engineeri ng desi gn and demonstrated by procedure qual if icati on. The requi rements and recommendati ons herein appl y to al l types of wel di ng i ncl udi ng tack wel ds, repai r wel ds and seal wel ds of threaded joi nts. 4.1.1 Requirements and Recommendations Requi red and recommended mi nimum preheat temperatures for materi al s of various P-Numbers are gi ven i n. If the ambient temperature i s bel ow 100 0 C the recommendations i n become requi rements. Preheati ng of al l materi als may be carded out by any control labl e means. The thickness i ntended i n i s that of the thi cker component measured at the j oi nt. 4.1.2 UnIisted MateriaIs Preheat requi rements for an unl i sted materi al shal l be speci fi ed in the WPS. 4.1.3 Temperature Verification (a) Preheat, temperature shal l be checked by use of temperature i ndi cati ng crayons, thermocoupl e pyrometers or other' sui table means to ensure that the temperature speci f ied i n the WPS is obtai ned pri or to and maintai ned during wel ding. (b) Thermocoupl es may be temporaril y, attached di rectl y to pressure contai ni ng parts usi ng the capaci tor di scharge method of wel di ng wi thout wel di ng procedure and performance qual if icati ons. After thermocoupl es are removed, the areas shal l be vi sual l y exami ned for evi dence of defects to be repai red. 4.1.4 Preheat Zone The preheat zone shal l extend at l east 25 mm beyond each edge of the weld. 4.2 Specific Requirements 4.2.1 DissimiIar MateriaIs When materi al s havi ng diff erent preheat requi rements are wel ded together, it i s, recommended that the hi gher temperature shown. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 4.2.2 Interrupted WeIding If weldi ng is i nterrupted the rate of cool i ng shal l be control l ed or other means shal l be used to prevent detri mental effect s i n the pi pi ng. The preheat specif i ed i n the WPS shal l be appl i ed before wel di ng is resumed. Notes :( AppIicabIe for TabIe- 2) 1) P-Number or S-Number from ASME BPV Code, Secti on IX, QW/QB-422 (2) Maxi mum i nter pass temperature 316ºC. (3) Mai ntain i nter pass temperature between 177ºC-232ºC. Notes :( AppIicabIe for TabIe- 3) (1) P - Number or S - Number from ASME BPV. Code Secti on I X, QW/QB - 422. (2) Hol di ng Ti me in mi n/mm (mi nutes per mm thi ckness). (3) Cool as rapidl y as possi bl e after the hol d peri od. (4) Cool ing rate to 649º C shall be l ess than 560 0 C/ hr thereafter, the cool i ng rate shal l be fast enough to prevent embi tterment. (5) Post wel d heat treatment i s nei ther requi red nor prohi bi ted, but any heat treatment appli ed shal l be as requi red i n the materi al speci fi cation. (6) Cool ing rate shal l be not greater than 167ºC/ hr up to 316º C. (7) Heat treatment shall be carri ed out wi thi n 14 days after wel di ng. Hold ti me shall be i ncreased by ½ hr. for each 25 mm over 25 mm thi ckness. Cool to 427 ºC at a rate < 278ºC/ hr. per 25 mm nominal thi ckness, 278 ºC hr. max. Cool in sti l l air from 427 º76C. (8) Heat treatment temperatures l i sted in thi s tabl e for some P.No. 4 and P.No.5 materi al s may be hi gher than the mi nimum temperi ng temperatures specif i ed i n the ASTM speci fi cati ons for the base materi al . For hi gher strength normali zed and tempered materi al s there is consequentl y a possi bil i ty of reduci ng tensi l e properti es of the base materi al , parti cul arly i f l ong holdi ng times at hi gher temperatures are used. Hardness tests of producti on wel ds and of hot bent and hot formed pi pi ng are i ntended to veri fy sati sfactory heat treatment. The hardness l i mi t appli es to the wel d and to the heat affected zone tested as cl ose as practi cable to the edge of the wel d. (a) Where a hardness l imi t is speci f ied i n Tabl e 3 at l east 10% of wel ds, hot bends and hot formed components i n each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those l ocal l y heat treated shall be tested. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (b) When di ssi mi l ar metals are j oi ned by weldi ng the hardness l i mi ts speci fi ed for the base and wel di ng materi al s i n Tabl e 3 shal l , be met f or each materi al . 5.0 HEAT TREATMENT Heat treatment i s used to avert or rel i eve the detri mental ef fects of hi gh temperature and severe temperature gradi ents i nherent i n wel di ng and to rel i eve resi dual stresses created by bendi ng and f orming. These are basic practi ces whi ch are sui tabl e for most wel di ng, bendi ng and f ormi ng operations, but not necessari ly appropri ate f or al l servi ce condi ti ons. 5.1 GeneraI 5.1.1 Heat Treatment Requirements (a) Heat treatment shal l be i n accordance wi th t he materi al groupi ngs and thi ckness ranges in Table 3 except as provided i n Para 5.2.1 and 52.2. (b) Heat treatment to be used after pr oduction wel di ng shall be speci fi ed i n the WPS and shall be user. In qual i fyi ng the weldi ng procedure (c) The engi neeri ng desi gn shal l speci fy the examinati on and/or ot her producti on qual i ty control (not l ess than the requi rements of this Standard) to ensure that the fi nal wel ds are of adequate qual i ty. (d) Heat treatment for bendi ng and formi ng shal l be i n accordance wi th Para 6.4. Post-wel d heat treat ment of Cr. Mo. st eel s shall be carri ed out using ei ther el ectri c or gas f ired furnaces. For l ocal heat treatment heati ng by torches i s not permi tted. El ectric heati ng shal l be used. 5.1.2 Governing Thickness When components are joi ned by wel di ng, t he thi ckness to be used i n appl yi ng the heat treatment provi si ons of ASME B 31.1/ IBR code shal l be that of the thi cker component measured at the j oi nt except as f ol l ows : (a) In the case of branch connecti ons, metal (other than wel d metal ) added as rei nf orcement, whether an integral part of a branch fi tti ng or attached as a rei nf orci ng pad or saddl e, shall not be considered i n determini ng heat treatment requi rements. Heat treatment i s requi red, however, when the thi ckness through the wel d i n any pl ane through the branch i s greater than twi ce the mi nimum material thi ckness requi ri ng heat treatment, even though the thi ckness of the components at the joi nt i s l ess than the mi ni mum thi ckness. 3.5.4D shall be computed usi ng, the f ol l owi ng formul as: Sketch (1) = Tt h + t c . sketch (2) = T h , + t c . Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 sketch (3) greater of T h + t c or T r + t c sketch (4) = T h + T r + t c . sketch (5) = T h + t c (b) In the case of fi l l et wel ds at sl i p-on and socket wel di ng f langes and pi pi ng connecti ons NPS 2" and smal ler for seal wel di ng of threaded j oints i n pipi ng NPS 2" and smal ler and for attachment of external non pressure parts such as l ugs or other pi pe supporti ng elements i n al l pi pe si zes, heat treatment is requi red when the thi ckness through the wel d i n any pl ane i s more than twi ce the mi ni mum material thi ckness requi ri ng heat treatment (even though the thi ckness of the components at the joi nt i s l ess than that mi ni mum thi ckness except as fol l ows : 1) Not requi red for P-No. 1 materi al when wel d throat thi ckness i s. 16 mm or l ess regardless of base metal thickness; 2) Not requi red f or P-No.3,4,5 or 10A materi al s when wel d throat thi ckness is 13 mm or less, regardl ess of base metal thi ckness, provi ded that not less than the recommended preheat i s appl ied and the speci fi ed mi ni mum tensi l e strength of the base metal i s l ess than 490 Mpa (71 ksi ); 3) Not requi red for ferri te materi al s when welds are made wi th fi ll er metal whi ch does not ai r harden... Austeniti c wel di ng materi als may be used for wel ds to ferrite materials when the effects of servi ce condi ti ons, such as di f ferenti al thermal expansion due to el evated temperature or corrosi on, wi l l not adversel y affect the wel dment. 5.1.3 Heating and CooIing The heati ng method shal l provi de t he requi red metal temperature, metal temperature uni formi ty and temperature control and may i ncl ude an encl osed furnace, l ocal f l ame heati ng, el ectric resi stance, el ectri c inducti on or exothermi c chemi cal reacti on. The cool i ng method shal l provi de the requi red or desired cool i ng rate and may incl ude cooli ng i n a furnace, i n ai r, by appl i cation of local heat or i nsulati on or by other suitabl e means. 5.1.4 Temperature Verification Heat treatment temperature shal l be checked by thermocoupl e pyrometers or other sui tabl e methods to ensure that the WPS requi rements are met. See Para 4.1.3(b) f or attachment of thermocoupl es by the capaci tor di scharge method bf wel di ng. 5.1.5 Hardness Tests Hardness tests of -producti on wel ds and of hot, bent and hot formed pi pi ng are i ntended to veri fy sati sfactory heat treatment. The hardness l i mi t appli es to the wel d and to the heat aff ected zone (HAZ). Tested as cl ose as practi cabl e to the edge of the wel d Hardness testi ng shal l be carried out usi ng a portable. Bri nnel l hardness test er usi ng a standard 10 mm bal l Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (a) Where a hardness l imi t i s specifi ed in Table 3 at l east 10% of wel ds, hot bends and hot f ormed components i n each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those l ocall y heat treated shal l be tested. (b) When di ssi mil ar metal s -are j oi ned by wel ding, the hardness li mi ts speci fi ed f or the base and wel di ng materi al s i n Tabl e 3 shal l be met for each materi al . It should be noted that hardness test i s not a substi tute f or notch testi ng. 5.2 Specific Requirements Where warranted by experi ence or knowl edge of servi ce conditi ons, al ternati ve methods of heat treatment or excepti ons to the basi c heat treatment provi si ons of Para 5.1 may be adopted as provi ded i n Para 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. 5.2.1 AIternative Heat Treatment Normali zi ng or normali zi ng and temperi ng or anneali ng may be appl i ed in l i eu of the requi red heat treatment af ter wel di ng, bendi ng or formi ng, provided that the mechani cal properti es of any affected wel d and base metal meet speci fi cati on requi rements after such treatment and that the substi tuti on i s approved by the desi gner. 5.2.2 Exceptions to Basic Requirements As indi cated i n Para 5.0 the basi c practi ces therei n may require modi fi cati on to sui t servi ce condi ti ons i n some cases. In such cases, the desi gner may speci fy more stri ngent requi rements in the engineering desi gn, incl udi ng heat treatment and hardness l i mi tati ons f or lesser thi ckness or may speci fy less stri ngent heat treatment and hardness requi rements, i ncl udi ng none. When provisi ons l ess stri ngent than those i n Para 5.0 are speci fi ed, the desi gner must demonstrate to the owner' s sati sfacti on the adequacy of those provi si ons by comparabl e servi ce experi ence consi deri ng service temperature and i ts effects, frequency and i ntensit y of thermal cycl i ng, fl exi bi l i ty stress l evel s, probabi l i ty :of bri ttl e f ai l ure and other perti nent -factors. In addi ti on, appropri ate tests shall be conducted, i ncl udi ng WPS qual i ficati on tests. 5.2.3 DissimiIar MateriaIs (a) Heat treatment of welded Joi nts between di ssi mil ar f errite metals or between f erri te metal s usi ng di ssimi l ar ferri te fi l ler metal shal l be at the hi gher of the temperature ranges in Tabl e 3 for the materi als i n the joi nt. (b) Heat treatment of wel ded joi nts i ncl uding both. Ferri te: and austeniti c components and fi l l er metals shal l be as requi red for the.f erri ti c material or material s unless otherwi se speci fi ed i n the engi neeri ng design. (c) Recommended wel ding materi al and recommended heat treatment procedures to be empl oyed when weldi ng vari ous combi nati ons are shown i n Tabl e-4A and Tabl e-4B. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (d) It shoul d be noted that a hi gh al loy el ectrode i s recommended in al l cases where low al l oy steel i s wel ded to austeniti c steel . 5.2.4 DeIayed Heat Treatment If a wel dment is al lowed to cool pri or to heat treatment, the rate of cool i ng shal l be control l ed or other means shall be used to prevent detri mental ef fects i n the pipi ng. 5.2.6 PartiaI Heat Treatment When an enti re pi pi ng assembly to be heat treated cannot be fi tted i nto the furnace, i t i s permi ssible to heat treat i n more than one heat, provi ded there i s at l east 300 mm overl ap between successi ve heats and that parts of the assembl y outsi de the furnace are protect ed f rom harmf ul , temperature gradients. 5.2.6 LocaI Heat Treatment When heat treatment i s appl i ed l ocal l y, a ci rcumferenti al b and of the run pi pe and of the branch where appli cabl e, shal l be heated unti l the speci fi ed temperature range exi sts over the enti re pi pe secti on(s), gradual ly di mi ni shi ng beyond a band whi ch incl udes the wel dment or the' bent or formed secti on and at l east 25 mm beyond the ends thereof . 6.0 BENDING AND FORMING 6.1 GeneraI Pi pe may be bent and components may be f ormed by any hot or col d method whi ch i s sui tabl e for the materi al the fl ui d service and the severi ty of the bendi ng or formi ng process. The f ini shed surface shal l be free of cracks and substanti al l y f ree f rom buckl i ng. Thi ckness after bendi ng or formi ng shal l be not l ess than that requi red by the desi gn. 6.2 Bending 6.2.1 Bending FIattening Flatteni ng of a bend, the di ff erence between maxi mum and mi nimum di ameters at any cross secti on shall not exceed 8% of nomi nal outsi de diameter f or i nternal pressure and 3% for external pressure. Removal of metal shal l not be used to achieve these requirements. 6.2.2 Bending Temperature (a) Col d bendi ng of ferri te materi al s shal l be done at a temperature below the transf ormati on range. (b) Hot bendi ng shal l be, done at a temperature above the transformati on range and i n any case wi thi n a temperature range consistent wi th the material and the i ntended servi ce. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 6.3 Forming The temperature range for forming shall be consi stent wi th materi al , i ntended service and specif ied heat treatment. 6.4 Required Heat Treatment Heat treatment shal l be performed i n accordance wi th Para 5.1.1, when requi red by the f ol l owi ng: 6.4.1 Hot Bending and Forming After hot bendi ng and formi ng, heat treatment i s requi red for P-Nos.3, 4, 5, 6 and 10A materi als i n all thickness. Durati ons and temperatures shal l be i n accordance wi th Para 5.0. 6.4.2 CoId Bending and Forming After col d bendi ng and formi ng, heat treatment i s requi red when any of the fol l owi ng condi ti ons exi st: (a) for P-Nos. 1 through 6 material s, where the maximum cal cul ated fi ber el ongati on af ter bendi ng or formi ng exceeds 50% of speci f ied basi c mi ni mum el ongati on (i n the di recti on of severest formi ng) for the appl icabl e speci fi cati on, grade and thi ckness. Thi s requi rement may be wai ved i f it can be demonstrated that the sel ection of pi pe and the choi ce of bendi ng or formi ng process provi de assurance that i n the fi ni shed condi ti on the most severely strai ned materi al retains at l east 10% el ongati on. (b) for any materi al requi ring i mpact test i ng, where the maxi mum calcul ated fi ber el ongati on after bendi ng or f orming wi l l exceed 5%. (c) When speci fi ed i n the engi neeri ng desi gn. 7.0 ASSEMBLY AND ERECTION 7.1.1 AIignment (a) Piping Distortions Any di storti on of pi pi ng to bri ng i t into al ignment f or j oi nt assembl y which i ntroduces a detrimental strai n i n equi pment or pi ping components i s prohi bi ted. (b) CoId Spring Bef ore assembl i ng any joi nts to be col d sprung, gui des, supports and anchors shal l be examined for errors, whi ch mi ght i nterf ere wi th desi red movement or l ead to undesi red movement. The gap or overl ap of pipi ng pri or to assembl y shal l be checked against the drawi ng and corrected i f necessary. Heati ng shal l not be used to hel p i n cl osing the gap because i t defeats the purpose of cold spri ngi ng. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 (c) FIanged Joint Bef ore bol ti ng up, fl ange faces shal l be ali gned to the design pl ane wi thi n 1 mm in 200 mm measured across any di ameter; fl ange bol t holes shal l be al i gned wi thi n 3 mm maxi mum offset. 7.2 FIanged Joints 7.2.1 Preparation for AssembIy Any damage to gee gasket seati ng surface whi ch would prevent gasket seati ng shal l be repaired or the fl ange shal l be repl aced. 7.2.2 BoIting Torque (a) In assembli ng f l anged j oints, the gasket shal l be uni forml y compressed to the proper desi gn l oadi ng. (b) Speci al care shal l be used in assembl i ng f l anged j oi nts in whi ch the fl anges have wi del y di fferi ng mechani cal properti es. Ti ghteni ng to a predetermi ned torque i s recommended. 7.2.3 BoIt Length Bolts shoul d extend compl etel y through thei r nuts. Any that fai l to do so are consi dered acceptabl y engaged i f the l ack of compl ete engagement i s not more than one thread. 7.2.4 Gaskets No more than one gasket shal l be used between contact faces i n assembli ng a fl anged j oi nt. 7.3 Threaded Joints 7.3.1 Thread Compound or Lubricant Any compound or l ubri cant used on threads shall be sui tabl e for the servi ce condi ti ons and shal l not react unfavorabl y wi th ei ther the servi ce f l ui d or the pi pi ng materi al. 7.3.2 Joints for SeaI WeIding A threaded joi nt to be seal wel ded shall be made up wi thout thread compound. A j oi nt contai ni ng thread compound which l eaks duri ng l eak testing may be seal wel ded in accordance wi th Para 3.5.3, provided al l compound i s removed from exposed threads. 7.3.3 Straight Threaded Joints Care shal l be taken to avoid di storti ng the seat when incorporati ng such j oints i nto pi ping assembl ies by weldi ng. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 7.4 Tubing Joints 7.4.1 FIared Tubing Joints The seal i ng surface of the fl are shal l be examined f or imperfecti ons before assembl y and any fl are havi ng i mperf ecti ons shal l be rejected. 7.4.2 FIare Iess and Compression Tubing Joints Where the manufacturer' s i nstructions cal l for a speci fi ed number of turns of the nut, these shall be counted from the poi nt at whi ch the nut becomes fi nger ti ght. 7.5 CauIked Joints Caul ked j oints shal l be i nstal led and assembl ed in accordance to the manufacturer' s i nstructi ons, as modi fi ed by the engi neeri ng desi gn. Care shal l be taken to ensure adequate engagement of j oi nt members. 7.6 Expanded Joints and SpeciaI Joints 7.6.1 GeneraI Expanded j oi nts and speci al j oi nts shal l be instal l ed and assembl ed i n accordance wi th the manufacturer' s i nst ructi ons, as modifi ed by the engi neeri ng desi gn. Care shal l be taken to ensure adequate engagement of joi nt members. 7.6.2 Packed Joints Where a packed j oint i s used to absorb thermal expansi on, proper cl earance shal l be provi ded at the bottom of the socket to permi t this movement. 7.7 CIeaning of Piping Fol l owi ng are some general considerati ons, whi ch may be eval uated i n determi ni ng the need for cl eani ng of pipi ng: (a) Requi rements of the servi ce, i ncl udi ng possi bl e contami nants and corrosi on products duri ng fabri cati on, assembl y, storage, erect i on and testi ng. (b) For low temperature servi ce, removal of moi sture, oi l, grease and other contami nants to prevent sti cki ng of val ves or bl ockage of pi pi ng and smal l cavi ti es; and (c) For strong oxi di zer f lui d servi ce (e.g. oxygen or f luorine), speci al cleani ng and i nspecti on. Ref erence may be made to the Compressed Gas Associ ati on' s Pamphl et G-4.1 Cl eani ng Equi pment for Oxygen Servi ce. TABLE 1 Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 WELDING MATERI ALS COATED ELECTRODES BARE WIRES NO. MATERIAL ASME SFA CLASSIFICATION ASME SFA CLASSIFICATION 1 C. S 5. 1 E7018 5. 18 ER70S-2 2 C. Mo 5. 5 E7018 5. 18 ER70S-1B 3 1 1/ 2 Cr . Mo. 5. 5 E8118- B2 - ER515 4 2 1/ 2 Cr . Mo. 5. 5 E8018-B3 - ER521 5 5Cr. Mo 5. 4 E502-16 OR-15 5. 9 ER502 6 9 Cr . Mo 5. 4 E505-16 OR-15 - ER505 7 12 Cr. 5. 4 E410-16 or-15 5. 9 ER410 8 31/ 2 Ni 5. 5 To mat ch base metal - - 9 18 Cr. 8 Ni (308, 308 L) 5. 4 5. 4 E308-16 or - 15 E308L- 16 or 15 5. 9 ER308 ER308L 10 18 Cr. 10 Ni Cb (347) 5. 4 E347-16 or -15 5. 9 Re347 11 18 Cr 10 Ni Mo (316 316L) 5. 4 E316-16 or -15 E316L- 16 or 15 5. 9 ER316 ER316L 12 25 Cr 12 Ni (309) (Inconel ) 5. 4 5. 11 E309-16 or - 15 Eni CrFe -3 5. 9 5. 14 ER309 ERNi Cr- 3 13 Inconel 5. 11 Eni CrFe-3 (Inconel 182) 5. 14 ERNi Cr-3 (Inconel 82) 14 Monel 5. 11 Eni Cu- 2 (Monel 190) 5. 14 ERNi Cu-7 Monel 60) 15 Ni ckel 5. 11 ENi -l (Ni ckel 141) 5. 14 ERNi -3 (Ni ckel 61) 16 25Cr 20Ni (310) 5. 4 E310-16 OR -15 5. 9 ER310 Tabl e 1 shall be used as indi cati ve onl y. TABLE 2 Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 PREHEAT TEMPERATURES Heat Treatment Symbol (Note-1) Base Metal P-No. or S.NO Base Metal Group Nomi nal Wall Thi ckness, MM Speci fi ed Mi n. Tensi l e Strength, Base Metal Mpa (Ksi ) Mi n. Temperature, 0 C A 1 Carbon st eel < 25 490 (71) Al l >490(71) 10 80 80 B 3 Al l oy st eel s Cr 1/ 2 % < 13 13 Al l 490 (71) Al l >490 ( 71) 10 80 80 C 4 Al l oy st eel s ½ % < Cr 2% Al l Al l 150 D 5A, 5B,5C Al l oy st eel s 2 1/ 4 % Cr 10% Al l Al l 177 E 6 Hi gh al l oy st eel s mart ens ti c Al l Al l 150 (Not e 2) 7 Hi gh al l oy st eel s f errri t i c Al l Al l 10 F 8 Hi gh al l oy st eel s aust eni t i c Al l Al l 10 G 9A, 9B Ni ckel Al l oy Steel s Al l Al l 93 H 10 Cr-Cu St eel Al l Al l 150-204 J 101 27 Cr St eel Al l Al l 150(Not e 3) K 11ASG1 8Ni , 9Ni St eel Al l Al l 10 L 11A SG2 5 Ni Steel Al l Al l 10 M 21-25 Al l Al l 10 Notes: Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 1. P- Number or S-Number from ASME B&PV Code, Secti on IX, QW/QB-422 2. Maxi mum i nter pass temperature 316 0 C 3. Mai ntain i nter pass temperature between 177 0 C-232 0 C TABLE -3 REQUIREMENT FOR HEAT TREATMENT Heat Treatment Symbol (Note-1) Base Metal P-No-or S. No. Base Metal Group Thickne ss MM Speci fi ed Mi n. Tensi l e Strength, Base Metal MPa (Ksi ) Metal , Term- perature Range 0 C Hol di ng Ti me (Note 2) Bri nel l Hardness (Note 9) Max. A 1 Carbon steel 19 >19 Al l Al l None 595- 650 - B 3 Al l oy steel s Cr ½% 19 >19 Al l 490 (71) Al l > 490 (71) None 595 - 720 595-720 2.4 mi n/mm Min. 1 hr. - 225 225 C 4 (Note - 8) Al l oy steel s ½ % < Cr 2 % 13 13 Al l 490 (71) Al l > 490 (71) None 705 - 745 705 -760 - 225 225 D 5A,5B,5 C (Note- 8) Al l oy steel s 3% Cr and < 0.15 % C 13 13 Al l Al l Al l Al l None 705-760 705-760 - 241 241 E 6 Hi gh al l oy steel s martens ti c A 240 Gr. 429 Al l Al l Al l Al l 732 - 788 621 - 663 2.4 mi n/mm Min. 2 hr. 241 241 F 7 Hi gh al l oy steel s ferri ti c Al l All None - - Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 8 Hi gh al l oy steel s austeni ti c Al l All None - - G 9A, 9B Ni ckel al l oy steel 19 > 19 Al Al l None 695 - 635 2.4 mi n/mm Min. 2 hr - H 10 Cr-Cu steel Al l Al l 760 -816 (Note -3) - I 10H Dupl ex stai nl ess steel Al l Al l (Note -5) 2.4 mi n/ mm Min. 2 hr. - J 10l 27 Cr Steel Al l Al l 663 - 704 (Note -4) - K 11ASG 1 8 Ni , 9NI Steel 51 > 51 Al l None 552 - 585 (Note -6) - L 11A SG2 5 Ni Steel > 51 All 552 - 585 (Note - 6) 2.4 mi n/mm Min. 2 hr. - N 62 Zr 60705 Al l Al l 538 - 593 (Note -7) Note -7 Min m. 1 hr - Notes: (AppI icabIe for TabIe- 2) 1. P- Number of S-Number from ASME BPV Code, Secti on IX, QW/QB-422 2. Maxi mum i nter pass temperature 316 0 C 3. mai ntai n i nter pass temperature between 177 0 C-232 0 C Note :( AppIicabIe for TabIe - 3) 1. P- Number or A- Number f rom ASME BPV. Code Secti on IX, QW/QB- A22 2. Hol di ng Ti me in mi n/mm (mi nutes per mm thi ckness) 3. Cool as rapidl y as possi bl e after the hol d peri od 4. Cool ing rate to 649 0 C shal l be less than 560 0 C/hr there af ter; the cool ing rate shall Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 be fast enough to prevent embi tterment. 5. Post wel d heat treatment i s nei ther requi red nor prohi bited, but any heat treatment appl i ed shal l be as requi red in the materi al speci fi cati on. 6. Cooli ng rate shal l be not greater than 167 0 C /hr up to 316 0 C. 7. Heat treatment shal l be carri ed out wi thi n 14 days after wel di ng. Hol d ti me shal l be i ncreased by ½ hr. for each 25 mm over 25 mm thi ckness. Cool to 427 0 C at a rate < at a rate <278 0 C/hr.per 25 mm nomi nal thickness, 278 0 Chr. Ma. Cool i n sti l l ai r from 427 0 76C 8. Heat treatment temperatures l i sted i n thi s t abl e for some P. No. 4 and P. No 5 materi al s may be hi gher than the mi ni mum tempering temperatures specifi ed in the ASTM speci fi cati ons for the base material . For hi gher strength normal i zed and tempered materi al s there i s consequentl y a possi bi l i ty of reducing tensi l e properti es of the base material , parti cul arl y i f l ong hol di ng ti mes at hi gher temperatures are used. Hardness tests of producti on wel ds and of hot bent and hot f ormed pipi ng are i ntended to veri f y sati sfactory heat t reatment. The hardness l imi t appl i es to the wel d and to the heat af fected Zone tested as cl osed as practicabl e to the edge of the wel d. a) Where a hardness li mi t is speci fi ed i n Tabl e 3 at l east 10% of wel ds, hot bends and not formed components i n each furnace heat treated batch and 100% of those l ocal l y heat treated shall be tested. b) When di ssimil ar metals are joi ned by wel di ng the hardness l i mi ts speci fi ed for the base and wel di ng materi als i n Tabl e 3 shal l, be met for each materi al .
Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 WeIding MateriaIs and Heat Treatment for WeIding of DissimiIar SteeIs TABLE 4A Ferrous Materi al Materi al s P No 310 316 316 L 321 347 304 304 L 3 1/ 2 Ni l 13 Cr 405 13Cr 410 9Cr 1 Mo 5Cr ½ Mo 2 1/ 2 Cr 1 Mo 1 1/ 2 Cr ½ Mo C- Mo C. S C.S P-1 12A 12A 12A 12A 1G 1B 1E 1D 1D 1D 1C 1B 1A C. Mo P-3 12B 12B 21B 12B 2G 2B 2E 2D 2D 2D 2C 2B 1½ Cr-½ Mo P-4 12C 12C 12C 12D 3C 3C 3E 3D 3D 3D 3C 2½ Cr- 1 Mo P-5 12D 12D 12D 12D 4D 4D 4E 4D 4D 4D 5 Cr-½ Mo P-5 12D 12D 12D 12D 5D 5D 5E 5D 5D 9 Cr-1Mo P-5 12D 12D 12D 12D 6D 6D 6D 13 Cr. Type 410 P-6 12E 12E 12E 12E 7E 7E 7E 13Cr.Typ e 405 P-7 12F 12F 12F 12F 7G 12F 3½ Ni ckel P- 9E 12G 12G 12G 12G 8G 13A. G 18Cr-8Ni type 304, 304L P-8 9F 9F 9F 9F 18Cr- 10Ni type 347, 321 P-8 10F 10F 10F 16Cr- 12Ni type 316,316L P-8 11F 11F 25Cr- 20Ni type 310 P-8 16F Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1020 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1020 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY & ERECTION OF PIPING 0 TABLE 4B Ni ckel Based Al l oys Materi al P. No Ni ckel Monel Inconel Incol oy C.S P-8 13F 14F 13F 13F Stai nl ess P-8 13F 13F 13F 13F Incol oy P-45 13F 13F 13F 13F Inconel P-42 13F 13F 13F Monel P-42 15F 14F Ni ckel P-41 15F The fi gure i n each bl ock refers to the el ectrode or bare wi re i n Tabl e 1, whi l e the l et ter refers to the preheat and post wel d heat t reatment shown i n Tabl e-2 and 3. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE WELDING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE WELDING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS 3. BASE MATERIALS 4. WELDING CONSUMABLES 5. SHIELDING & PURGING GAS 6. EQUIPMENTS & ACCESSORIES 7. WELDING PROCESSES 8. EDGE PREPARATION 9. ALIGNMENT & SPACING 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS 11. WELDING TECHNIQUE 12. HEAT TREATMENT 13. CLEANING OF THE WELD JOINT 14. INSPECTION & TESTING 15. REPAIRS OF WELDS 16. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR NOTE: (These shall be submitted by the contractor in the personated format provide approved by the owner). Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 WELDING SPECIFICATION 1.0 GENERAL: This specification shall be followed for the fabrications of all types of welded joints of carbon steel and alloy steel piping system within the battery limits of the plant. The welded pipe joints shall include the following:- a) All pipe joints of the longitudinal and circumferential butt welded and socket welded types. b) Attachments of forgings, flanges and other supports to pipes. c) Welded manifold headers and other sub-assemblies. d) Welded branch connections with or without reinforcing pads. e) Joints in welded/fabricated piping components. f) The attachments of smaller connections for vents drain drips and other instrument tapings. Any approval granted by the Engineer-in Charge or Owner's inspector, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities and guarantee. This specification shall not be applicable for welding of pipeline for transportation of liquid petroleum and other similar products. 2.0 APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS: All welding work, equipments for welding, heat treatment, other auxiliary functions and the welding personnel shall meet the requirements of the latest editions of the following accepted Standards and procedures unless otherwise specified in the Welding specification chart and the technical proved approved by the owner. In the case of conflicting requirements, the requirements mentioned in welding specification chart/Technical Notes should be applicable. a) Power Plant Piping - ASME: B 31.1 b) The Indian Boiler Regulations - I.B.R. In addition, the following codes and specifications referred in the relevant code of fabrication shall be followed for the welding qualifications, consumable qualifications and non destructive test procedures. I) Welding and brazing qualifications ASME Sec IX / AWS ii) Non destructive examination ASME Sec. V IS: Code for procedure for Manual metal iii) Material Specifications: Welding Rods, Electrodes and filler metals ASME Sec II Part C Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 In the event of any differences due to the additional requirements mentioned in these specifications, over and above those obligatory as per codes, this specification shall be binding. 3.0 BASE METAL: 3.1 In general, use of carbon steel, alloy and stainless steel are envisaged. The Details of the material specifications are given in the welding specification Chart. 3.2 The Contractor shall provide the manufacturer's test certificates for every heat of the materials supplied by him. 4.0 WELDING CONSUMABLES: 4.1 The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, all the welding consumables necessary for the execution of the job such as electrodes, filler wires, oxygen, acetylene, argon etc. and these should bear the approval of the Engineer-in Charge. 4.2 The welding electrode and filler wires supplied by the Contractor shall conform to the class specified in the welding specification Chart. The materials shall be of the make approved by the Engineer -in Charge. 4.3 Electrode qualification test records should be submitted in the standard formats in respect of the electrodes tested by the Contractor, for obtaining the approval of the Engineer-in Charge. 4.4 The Contractor shall submit batch test certificates, from the electrode manufacturers, giving details of physical and chemical tests carried out by them, for each batch of electrodes to be used. 4.5 All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed containers and stored properly to prevent deterioration. The electrodes removed from the containers shall be kept in holding ovens at temperature recommended by the electrode manufacturer. Out of the oven time of electrodes, before they are consumed, shall not exceed the limits recommended by the electrode manufacturer. The electrodes shall be handled with care to avoid any damage to the flux covering. 4.6 All low hydrogen type of electrodes shall be re-baked at 350 0 C for 1 hour minimum and stored in ovens kept at 80-100 o C before use. Recommendations of the electrode manufacturer shall be followed if available. 4.7 The electrodes, filler wires and flux used shall be free from rust, oil, grease, earth and other foreign matter, which affect the quality of welding. 4.8. Tungsten electrodes used shall conform to SFA 5.12 specification. 5. SHIELDING & PURGING GAS: 5.1 Argon gas used in GTA welding for shielding purposes shall be 99.995% pure. The manufacturer shall certify the purity of the gas. The rate of flow for shielding purposes shall be established through procedure qualification tests. Normally this rate may be 12-20 CFH. 5.2 Argon gas with a purity level of 99.995% shall be used for purging. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 5.3 When GTAW process alone or a combination of GTAW and SMAW processes is recommended for the production of a particular joint, the purging shall be maintained during the root pass and for the first filling pass to minimize oxidation on the inner side of the pipe, unless otherwise specified in welding specification chart. 5.4 Initial purging shall be maintained for sufficient period of time so that at least 4-5 times the volume between the dams is displaced, in order to completely remove the entrapped air. In no case should be initial purging period be less than 10 minutes. High gas pressure should be avoided. 5.5 After initial purging, the flow of the backing gas should be reduced to a point where only a slight positive pressure prevails. For systems, which have a small volume (upto 1/2 cubit foot) to be purged, a gas flow rate of 6-CFH is usually adequate. Systems of larger volume may require higher flow rates and these should be established procedure qualification tests. 5.6 Gas backing (purging) is not required for socket type of welded joints. 5.7 Dams, used for conserving inert gas during purging, shall be removed after completion of the welding, and shall be accounted for. Wherever, removal of dams is not possible after welding, use of water soluble dams should be made. 6. EQUIPMENTS & ACCESSORIES: 6.1 The Contractor should have the arrangement of sufficient number of welding and cutting equipments, auxiliaries, and accessories of sufficient capacities so as to meet the target/ schedule. 6.2 All the equipments for performing the heat treatment, including transformers, thermocouples, pyrometers, automatic temperature recorders with suitable calibration arrangements etc. shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expense and these should bear the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 6.3 Contractor shall made necessary arrangements at his own expenses for providing the radiographic equipments, radiographic films, and all the equipments/ materials required for carrying out the dye-penetrate/ magnetic particle test for satisfactory and timely completion of the job. 6.4 Redoing of any work necessitated by faulty equipments or operation used by the Contractor, will be done at his own expense. 7. WELDING PROCESSES: 7.1 Welding of various materials under this specification shall be carried out using one or more of the following processes with the approval of the Engineer-in Charge. - Shielded Metal Arc Welding process (SMAW) - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process (GTAW) Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 7.2 The welding processes to be employed are given in the ASME SECT.VIII/ AWS Standard. Any deviation desired by the Contractor shall be obtained through the express consent of the Engineer-in Charge. 7.3 Automatic and semi automatic welding processes shall be employed only with the express approval of the Engineer-in Charge. The welding procedure adopted and consumables used shall be specifically approved. 7.4 A combination of different welding processes could be employed for a particular joint only after qualifying the welding procedure to be adopted and obtaining the approval of Engineer-in- Charge. 8. EDGE PREPARATION: 8.1 The edges to be welded shall be prepared to meet the joint design requirements by any of the following recommended. (a) Carbon Steel Gas cutting, machining or grinding methods shall be used. After gas cutting, oxides shall be removed by chipping or grinding. (b) Low Alloy Steels (containing upto 2 ¼% Chromium) Gas cutting, machining or grinding methods shall be used. After gas cutting, machining or grinding shall be carried out on the cut surface. (c) High alloy steels, cupro-nickel, nickel alloys, and aluminum alloys: Plasma cutting, machining or grinding methods shall be used. After plasma cutting, cut surfaces shall be machined or ground smooth. 8.2 Cleaning (a) The ends to be welded & shall be properly cleaned to remove paint, oil, grease, rust, oxides, sand, earth and other foreign matter. The ends shall be completely dry before the welding commences. (b) On completion of each run, craters, welding irregularities, slag etc., shall be removed by grinding and chiseling. Wire brushes used for cleaning stainless steel joints shall have stainless steel wires and the grinding wheels used for grinding stainless steel shall be of a suitable type. Separate grinding wheels and wire brushes should be used for carbon steels and stainless steels. 9. ALIGNMENT & SPACING: 9.1 Components to be welded shall be aligned 2 spaced and fitted as per the requirements laid down in applicable code. Special care must be taken to ensure proper fitting and alignment when the welding is performed by GTAW process. Flame heating for adjustment and correction of ends is not permitted unless specifically approved by the Engineer-in Charge. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 9.2 A wire spacer of suitable diameter may be used for maintaining the weld root opening while tacking, but it must be removed after tack welding and before laying the root bead. 9.3 For pipes of wall thickness 5mm and above, the ends to be welded shall be secured in position with the aid of couplers, yokes and 'C' clamps, to maintain perfect alignment. Yokes shall be detached after the completion of weld, without causing any surface irregularity. Any irregularity caused on the pipe surface must be suitable repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in Charge. 9.4 Tack welds, for maintaining only qualified welders shall make the alignment of pipe joints. Since the tack welds become part of the final weldment they shall be executed carefully and shall be free from defects. Defective tack welds must be removed prior to the actual welding of the joints. 9.5 Tacks should be equally spaced. Minimum number of tacks shall be 2 tacks - for 2 1/2" and smaller dia pipes 4 tacks - for 3" to 12" dia. pipes 6" tacks - for 14" and larger dia pipes 9.6 Engineer-in Charge shall check and approve the fit-up and alignment of pipe joint prior to the commencement of welding. 10 WEATHER CONDITIONS: 10.1 The parts being welded and the welding personnel should be adequately protected from rain and strong winds. In the absence of such a protection no welding shall be carried out. 10.2 During filed welding using GTAW process, particular care shall be exercised to prevent any air current affecting the welding process. 11 WELDING TECHNIQUE 11.1 Root Pass Root pass shall be made with electrodes/filler wires recommended in the welding specification chart.For fillet welding shall be done with consumables recommended for filler passes.The preferable size of the electrodes is 2.5 mm diameter (12 SWG) but in any case not greater than 3.25 mm (10 SWG) (a) Upward technique shall be adopted for welding pipe held fixed with its axis horizontal. (b) The root pass of butt joints should be executed so as to achieve full penetration with complete fusion of the root edges. Weld projection inside the pipe shall not exceed 3 mm, wherever, not specified by the applicable code. (c) Any deviation desired from the recommended welding technique and electrodes indicated in the welding specification chart should be adopted only after obtaining express approval of the Engineer - in Charge. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 (d) Welding shall be uninterrupted. (e) While the welding is in progress care should be taken to avoid any kind of movement of the components, shocks, vibrations and stresses to prevent occurrence of weld cracks. (f) Penning shall not be used. 11.2 JOINT COMPLETION:
(a) Joint shall be completed using the class of electrodes, recommended in the Welding Specification Chart. (b) Two weld beads shall not be started at the same point in different layers. (c) Butt joints shall be completed with a cover layer that would affect good fusion at the joint edges and a gradual notch free surface. (d) Each weld joint should have a workman like finish. (e) Weld identification work shall be stamped clearly at each joint, just adjacent to the weld. Metal stamping shall not be used as a standard. Suitable paint shall be used on thin walled pipes for identification. (f) No painting shall be done until the weld joint has been approved. 11.3 DissimiIar weIds:
Where welds are to be produced between carbon steels and alloy steels, preheat and post- weld Heat Treatment requirements shall be those specified for corresponding alloy steels and electrodes shall correspond to AWS E- 7016 / 7018 type. For welds between two dissimilar Cr- Mo low alloy steels, preheat and post weld heat treatment shall be those specified for higher alloy steel and electrodes used shall correspond to those specified for steel of lower alloy content. For carbon steel or alloy steel to stainless welds, use of electrodes E-309 /E- 310 /E Ni Cr Fe- 2 shall be made. The welding procedure, electrodes / filler wires tube used shall be approved by the Engineer - in charge. 12. HEAT TREATMENT 12.1 Preheating (a) No welding shall be performed without preheating the joint to 10 0 C (50 F) when the ambient temperature is 10 0 C and below. (b) Preheating requirements for the various materials shall be as per the welding Specification Chart attached. (c) Preheating shall be performed using resistance or induction heating methods. Preheating by gas burners, utilizing oxyacetylene or oxypropane gas mixtures, with neutral flame may also be carried when permitted by the Engineer- in Charge. (d) Preheating shall extend uniformly to at least three times the thickness of the joint, but not less than 50 mm, on both sides of the weld. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 (e) Preheating temperature shall be maintained over the whole length of the joint during welding. Temperature indicating crayons or other temperature indicating devices shall be provided by the Contractor to check the temperature.
12.2 Post WeId Heating
In case of alloy steel materials such as Cr - Mo steels, if the Post weld Heat Treatment is not performed immediately after welding, the weld joint and adjacent portion of pipe, at least 150mm on either side of weld, shall be uniformly heated to 300 0 C. This temperature shall be maintained for 2 hours minimum then wrapped in asbestos or insulation before allowing it to cool to room temperature, post weld Heat Treatment as specified in the Welding Specification Chart shall be carried out later on. 12.3 Post weId Heat Treatment
(a) Post weld heat Treatment, wherever required for joints between pipes, pipes and fittings, pipe body and supports shall be carried out as per the welding specification chart, applicable codes standards and the instructions of the Engineer-in Charge. (b) The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer- in Charge, well before carrying out actual Heat Treatment, the details of the post weld Heat Treatment procedure in stand red format, that he proposes to adopt for each of the materials/ assembly/ part involved. (c) Post weld Heat Treatment shall be done in a furnace or by using an electric resistance or induction heating equipment, as decided by the Engineer-in Charge. (d) While carrying out local post weld Heat Treatment, technique of application of heat must ensure uniform temperature attainment at all point of the portion being heat treated. Care shall be taken to ensure that width of heated band over which specified post weld Heat Treatment temperature attained is at least that specified in the relevant applicable standards/ codes. (e) Throughout the cycle of Heat treatment, the portion outside the heated band shall be suitably wrapped under insulation so as to avoid any harmful temperature gradient at the exposed surface of pipe. For this purpose temperature at the exposed surface of pipe should not be allowed to exceed 400 0 C. (f) The temperature attained by the portion under heat treatment shall be recorded by means of thermocouple pyrometers. Adequate number of thermocouples should be attached to the pipe directly at equally spaced locations along the periphery of the pipe joint. The minimum number of thermocouples attached per joint shall be up to 6'' dia, up to 10'' dia and 3 for 12'' dia and above. However the Engineer-in Charge can increase the required minimum number of thermocouples to be attached if found necessary. (g) Automatic temperature recorders which have been suitably calibrated should be used. The calibration chart of each recorder should be submitted to the Engineer-in Charge prior to starting the Heat Treatment operations and his approval should be obtained (h) Immediately on completion of the Heat Treatment, the post weld Heat Treatment charts/ records along with the hardness test results on the weld joints, wherever required as per the Welding Specification Chart, shall be submitted to Engineer-in Charge for his approval. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 (i) Each joint shall bear an identification number, which shall be maintained in the piping sketch to be prepared by the Contractor. The joint identification number should appear on the corresponding post weld Heat Treatment charts. The chart containing the identification number and piping sketch shall be submitted to the Engineer-in Charge in suitable folders. 13. CLEANING OF THE WELD JOINT: All weld joints shall be free from adherent weld spatters slag, sward, dirt or foreign matter. This can be achieved by brushing. For stainless font steels, brushes with only stainless steel bristles should be used. 14.0 INSPECTON AND TESTING
14.1 GeneraI
(a) The owner's inspector shall have free access to all concerned areas, where the actual work is being performed. The contractor shall also afford the owner's Inspector all means and facilities necessary to carry out inspection.
(b) The Owner is entitled to depute his own inspector to the shop or field where prefabrication and erection of pipe lines are being done with (but not limited to) the following objectives. i) To check the conformance to relevant standards and suitability of various welding equipment and the welding performance. ii) To witness the welding procedure qualification. iii) To witness the welder performance qualification. iv) To check whether shop/ field welding being executed is in conformity with the relevant specifications and codes of practice followed in piping construction.
(c) Contractor shall intimate sufficiently in advance the commencement of Qualification tests, welding works and acceptance tests, to enable the owner's inspector to be present to supervise them. 14.2 WeIding Procedure QuaIification Welding procedure qualification shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements of ASME Sec. IX, latest edition or other applicable codes and the job requirements. The contractor shall submit the welding procedure specification in standard immediately after the receipt of the order. Owner's inspector will review, check and approve the welding procedure Submitted and shall release the procedure for qualification tests. The contractor at his own expense shall carry out the procedure qualification test. A complete set of test results in standard format shall be submitted to the owner's inspector for his approval immediately after completing the procedure qualification test and at least 2 week before the commencement of actual work. Standard tests as specified in the code shall be carried out in all cases. In addition to these tests, other tests like macro/ micro examination, hardness tests, dye penetrate examination, charpy V - notch and U - notch impact tests etc, shall be carried out on specimens depending upon the type of base material, operating conditions and requirement laid down in the detailed drawings and specification. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to carry out all the tests required to the satisfaction of the owner's inspector. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 14.3 WeIder's QuaIification
(a) Welders shall be qualification in accordance with ASME Section-IX MIL- STD- 248 or other applicable codes. The Owner's inspector shall witness the test and certify the qualification of each welder separately. Only those welders who have been approved by the owner's Inspector shall be employed for welding. Contractor shall submit the welder qualification test reports in standard and obtain express approval before commencement of the work. It shall be the responsibility of Contractor to carry out qualification tests of welders. For welding of the steam piping, falling under the purview of Indian Boiler Regulation only those welders with IBR Certifications, qualified by Boiler Inspectorate, and acceptable to the local Boiler Inspector authority shall be employed. (b) The welders shall always have in their possession the identification card in standard format and shall produce it on demand by the Owner's inspector. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to issue the identity cards after it has been duly certified by the Inspector. (c) No welder shall be submitted to work without the possession of identity card. (d) If a welder is found to perform a type of welding or in a position for which he is not qualified, he shall be debarred form doing any further work. All welds performed by an unqualified welder shall be cut and redone by a qualified welder at the expense of the Contractor 14.4 VisuaI Inspection Inspection of all welds shall be carried out as per the latest editions of the applicable codes and specifications. All finished welds shall be visually inspected for parallel and axial alignment of the work, excessive reinforcement, concavity of welds, shrinkage cracks, inadequate, penetration, unprepared burn through, under cuts, dimensions of the weld, surface porosity and other surface defects. Undercutting adjacement to the completed weld shall not exceed the limits specified in the applicable standard/ code.
14.5 Radiographic Examination (a) The Radiographic examination procedure to be adopted shall be submitted the Contractor in standard format and shall be got approved by the Owner's Inspector prior to employment. The Radiographic technique and procedures adopted shall conform to the requirements mentioned in Article 2; as well as Article 2D2 (SE 94, SE 142) of ASME Sec V. The IQI sensitivity obtained shall be quall to or better than the requirements mentioned in table 262.2 and table 272 of Article 2 of ASME Sec V for single wall and double all radiography respectively. Source side pentameter shall be used in establishing radiographic procedure/ technique. The acceptable limits of defects and removal of defects shall be as per the relevant codes of fabrication. The Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out Radiography; rectification of defects and re-radiography of welds repaired/ rectified. (b) The extent of Radiography shall be as per specification to be supplied to the Contractor for welds between dissimilar materials, the extent of Radiographic Examination shall be the more stringent of the two recommended for the materials being welded. Wherever random Radiography is called for in a particular piping class, the dissimilar materials weld joint shall essentially be included. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 (c) Radiographic Examination shall be carried out using X-Radiation, Gammaray Sources may be used in place of X-ray with the approval of the Owner's inspector. (d) The contractor shall fulfill all the statutory safety requirements while handling X-ray and Gamma ray equipments. (e) The joints for Radiography shall be selected by the Owner's Inspector and the Radiography shall be performed in his presence. The contractor shall furnish all the radiographs to the radiographs to the owner's Inspector immediately after processing. The details of the radiographs along with the joint identification number shall be duly entered in a register and signed by the contractor and shall be submitted to the Owner's Inspector for approval (f) The contractor shall provide the Inspector all the necessary facilities at site such as a dark room with controlled temperature, film viewer etc. to enable him to examine the radiographs. (g) Where random radiography is specified, the first weld of each welder shall be completely radiographed. In the case of pipe of sizes 6 and below, the first two welds shall be completely radiographed.
(h) For each weld performed by a welder, found unacceptable two additional checks should be carried out on welds performed by the same welder. This operation is iterative and the procedure of radio graphing two additional welds for each weld consecutive welds of satisfactory quality are found for every defective weld.
The contract shall carry out these additional radiographic testing at his own expense. To avoid the possibility to too many defective welds by a single welder remaining undated for a long period of time, the contractor shall promptly arrange for radiographic examination so that there is no accumulation of defective joints 14.6 Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic ParticIe Examination a) Whenever such tests are specified, the tests shall be carried out on joints chosen by the Owner's inspector, as per ASME Section V article VI and VII respectively. b) For austenitic stainless steels and other nonmagnetic materials, liquid (dye) penetrate test shall be carried out. For carrying out this test, the materials shall be brought within a temperature limit of 15 to 50 0 C. 14.7 Hardness Test Hardness requirements for welds shall be as per the Welding Specification Chart submitted by the contractor.Hardness testing shall be carried out by Vickers Hardness tester during welding procedure qualification. In all other cases hardness testing may be carried out by Vickers, Brinnel, or Poldy hardness tester as agreed by the Owner's. 14.8 Proof Tests Hydrostatic and pneumatic tests shall be performed as per the requirements laid down by respective flushing and Testing specifications/applicable codes to demonstrate the soundness of the welds. The tests shall be conducted after the Owner's inspector to be fit for being Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1010 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1010 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE WELDING 0 subjected to such tests has verified fulfilling the requirement of visual examinations radiography etc, and after the entire work. 15.0 REPAIRS OF WELDS: a) Defects ascertained through the inspection methods, which are beyond acceptable limits shall be removed after the joint is completely radiography by the process of chipping and grinding. b) When the entire joint is judged unacceptable, the welding shall be completely cut and the edges are suitably prepared as per required alignment tolerances. The rewarded joint shall again be examined following standard practices. c) No repair shall be carried out without prior permission of the Owner's inspector. d) Repairs and/or work of defective welds shall be done in time to avoid difficulties in meeting the construction schedules. 16.0 DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY CONTRACTOR (4 COPIES EACH) a) Electrode and Welding Consumable Qualification Records for the Welding Consumables tested and approved for the work. b) Batch Test Certificates for the Electrodes used, obtained from the Electrode Manufacturers. c) Proposed Heat Treatment Procedure. d) Heat Treatment Charts. e) Weld joint hardness test results. f) Welding Procedure specifications immediately after receipt of the order. g) Welding Procedure Qualification records h) Welder Performance Qualification records immediately after conducting Welder Qualification Tests. I) Radiography Procedure j) Radiography test report alongwith Radiographs. k) Pipeline Sketch (Isometric) giving all the details regarding the pipe specifications, welded joints, joints radiographed, joints heat treated, electrodes used, welders identification number etc. All above documents shall be submitted by the contractor in the prescribed format approved by the owner or the approved format provided by the contractor. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 1. GENERAL: 1.1 Scope This specification covers the general requirements for the non-destructive examination of shop and filed fabricated piping. 1.2 Related codes and Engineering Standards. All referred codes/standards shall be the latest issue. a) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes, section V and VIII (Div. 1) including Addenda b) ANSI B31.1 c) ANSI B 31.3 d) ANSI B16.5 e) ASTM E10 f) Standard Specification for Piping Material 221-1050 g) Standard Specification for welding 221-1010 h) Standard Specification for Fabrication & Erection of Piping 221-1020 i) Standard Specification for Pressure Testing of Piping Systems 221-1021 2. VISUAL EXAMINATION: 2.1 Welds shall be visually inspected wherever accessible in accordance with the following requirements. 1. Internal misalignment 1.5mm or less 2. Cracks or Lack of None permitted Fusion 3. Incomplete Penetration Depth shall not exceed the lesser of (for other than 100% 0.8mm or 0.2 of thickness of thinner Radiography Butt-weld) component Joined by butt-weld. The Total length of such imperfections Shall not exceed 38mm in any 150mm Of weld length 4. Surface porosity and. Slag inclusion (4.7 nom. Wall Exposed not permitted Thickness and less) 5. Concave root surface For single sided welded joints, concavity (Suck up) of the root surface shall not reduce the Total thickness of the joint, including Reinforcement, to less than the thickness of the thinner of the components being Joined. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 6. Weld Ripples 2.5 or less Irregularities 7. Lack of uniformity 2.5 or less in bead width 8. Lack of uniformity 2.5 or less in leg length 9. Unevenness of bead 2.0 or less
10. Weld undercutting 0.8 or 1/4 th thickness of thinner components Joined by butt weld (whichever is less) (Shall be smooth finished) 11. Overlap 1.5 or less 12. Bead Deflection 2.5 or less 13 External weld reinforcement and internal weld protrusion (when backing rings are not used) shall be fused with and shall merge smoothly into the component surfaces. The height of the lesser projection of external weld reinforcement or internal weld protrusion from the adjacent base material surface shall not exceed the following limits. Wall thickness of Weld Reinforcement or thinner component joined internal weld protrusion by Butt Weld (mm) (mm) max 6.4 & under 1.6 Over 6.4 - 12.7 3.2 Over 12.7 - 25.4 4.0 Over 25.4 4.8 14 Throat Thickness of fillet welds; Nominal thickness of the thinner component x 0.7 or more 15 Flattening: Flattening of a bend, as measured by difference between the nominal outside diameter and minimum or maximum diameter at any cross section shall not or maximum diameter at any cross section shall not exceed 5% of the normal outside diameter of pipe. 16 Reduction of Wall thickness Reduction of wall thickness of a bend, as measured by difference between the nominal thickness and minimum thickness shall not exceed 10% of the Nominal wall thickness of pipe. 2.2 Welds having any of imperfections, which exceed the limitation specified in various clauses, shall be repaired by welding, grinding or overlaying, etc. Number of times of repair welding for the same weld, however, shall conform to applicable Notes to Table 1 - Note 7.b.5. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 3. NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION: 3.1 The type and extent of weld examination shall be in accordance withTable-1. All visual and supplementary methods of girth weld examination shall be in accordance with ANSI B 31.1 and the requirements of this standard. 3.2 Welds between dissimilar materials shall be examined by the method & to extent required for the material having the more stringent examination. 4. Applicable Notes to Table- 1: 1. Branch welds shall consist of the welds between the pipe and reinforcing element (if any), nozzle and the reinforcing element, the pipe and nozzle under the reinforcing element, reinforcing element to be interpreted as pads, saddles, weldolets, sockets etc. 2. Seal welds of threaded joints shall be given the same examination as socket welds. 3. Unless specifically stated, all materials shall be for "Non-IBR" service. 4. The magnetic particle methods and the liquid penetrate methods of examination shall be in accordance with Section V of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Articles VII and VI respectively. The entire area of the accessible finished weld surface shall be examined. Selected root runs, subject to a maximum of 10% before finished weld, may also be examined, at the discretion of Engineer-in-charge. a) Wherever MP/ LP Test is specified, either MP or LP Test may be used. But wherever only MP test is specified, LP method of examination may be used only if MP examination is impracticable in the filed as concurred by Engineer-in charge. b) "Random 10%" of Liquid Penetrant/ Magnetic Particle test shall mean testing, by applicable test, one weld for each ten welds or less made by the same welding procedure or operator or both. Similarly "Random 20%" shall mean testing, by applicable test, one weld for each 5 welds or less made by the same welding procedure or operator or both. c) When liquid Penetrant examination is specified, the surface shall be free of peened discontinuities. Abrasive blast cleaning shall be followed by light surface grinding prior to liquid Penetrant examination. d) Inspection shall be performed in the welds excluding those for which radiography has been done. e) Girth weld, Branch weld, Attachment weld & socket weld of 3 1/ 2 Nickel steel shall be liquid Penetrant tested only when welded with austenitic material, where MP test has been specified. 5. RADIOGRAPHY: a) "Random 10% or 20% radiography" shall mean examining not less than one from each 10 welds or less in case of "Random 10% radiography" or one from each 5 welds or less in case of "Random 20% radiography" made by the same welding procedure or welder or both. Irrespective of the percentage, number of welds to be radiographed shall be minimum 1. However, first 2 welds made by each welder shall also be radiographed incase of "Random Radiography". Welds selected for examination shall not include Flange welds and shall be radiographed for their entire length. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 However, where it is impossible or impracticable to examine the entire weld length of filed welds for either random or 100% radiography, and if the same impossibility is agreeable to the Engineer-in Charge, then a single 120 exposure of the weld-length may be given a magnetic particle test or Liquid Penetrant test. b) In process examination shall not be substituted for any required radiographic examination. c) No radiographic examination, even if specified, is required for Girth Butt welds in 2" Nominal pipe size of carbon steel and C ½ Mo Steel Materials. d) Number of radiograph per one circumferential weld shall be as per ASME sec. V article 2 and 22. 6 Repair or defects/acceptance criteria when radiography or other non-destructive inspection is specified shall be as follows: a) In case of 100% examination, any unacceptable weld shall be repaired and reinspected. b) If required random examination reveals a defect requiring repair, then. b.1 Two additional examination of the same type shall be made of the same kind of item (if welded joint, then by the same welding procedure or operator or both) b.2 If the group of items examined as required by b.1 above is acceptable, the items requiring repair shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined as required and all items represented by this additional examination shall be accepted, but b.3 If any of the items examined as required by b. 1 above reveals a defect requiring repair, two further comparable items shall be examined for each defective item found by the examination; and
b.4 If all the item examined as required by b.3 are acceptable, the item requiring repair shall be repaired or replaced and reexamined as required, and all items represented by this further examination shall be accepted.
b.5 No. of times repair welding could be done for the same weld before acceptance shall be as follows: Material No. of times repair welding is allowed * C.S. upto 300 lb rating 3 or less * C.S. above 300 lb rating 2 or less * Al. killed steel 2 or less * Low Alloy Steel 2 or less * Austenitic Stainless steel 2 or less * 3 ½ Ni Steel 2 or less * Al & Al. Base alloy 2 or less * Cu & Cu base alloy 2 or less Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 b.6 Welds not found acceptable after allowed number of times of repair as per b.5 above, shall be replaced and reexamined. b.7 If any of the items examined (as required by b.4) above reveals a defect requiring repair, all items represented by these examination shall be either. Repaired or replaced and reexamined as required. fully examined and repaired or replaced as necessary, and reexamined as necessary 7 HARDNESS TEST a) Hardness test shall be in accordance with ASTM specification E10 and ANSI B 31. 1 and shall be made after final heat treatment. Tests are not required when heat treatment is not required. b) Following requirements/ tests shall be performed for following Alloy Steel materials (Cr. Alloy Steel materials). Base metal Nom. Wall Thickness Min. Specified Brinell Remarks Group Thickness Tensile Hardness strength (max.) (mm) MPA CR.<_ ½% >19 All 225 -do- All >490 225 ½ %<Cr<_2% >12.7 All 225 -do- All >490 225 2½%<_Cr<_3% >12.7 All 241 3%<_Cr<_10% All All 241 2 ¼ %<_Cr<_10% All All 241 if C is >0.15 Note: Hardness of carbon steel and Al. killed steel is not specified in code, but it should be normally 220 or less. b.2 For C-½ MO and other Alloy steels indicated above, a minimum of 10% f welds and hot formed and hot bent materials in each heat treatment batch which are furnace heat treated, and 100% of those which are locally heat treated, shall be hardness tested. The hardness limit applies to the weld and the heat affected zone shall be made at a point as near as practicable to the edge of the weld. One test per weld shall be performed. 8 IBR SERVICE LINES: In addition to the notes, 4, 5,6,7,8 and Table 1, following IBR requirements shall apply. In case of conflict between above notes and these requirements the more stringent ones shall apply. IBR piping shall be erected of IBR inspector approved material and the constructed, erected piping shall be hydro tested, inspected and approved by IBR Inspected and approved by IBR inspector. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1012 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1012 SPECIFICATION FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 0 A Piping Over 102 mm (4¨) Bore:
10% of the welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minimum of two welds per welder, selected at random, shall be subjected to radiography. B Piping 102 mm (4¨) Bore and under, but not less than 38 mm (1- ¹ ") bore: Two percent of welds made by each welder on a pipeline with a minimum of one weld per welder, selected at random shall be subjected to radiography or may be cut for visual examination and bend test. C Piping Less than 38 MM (1¹¨) bore: Special tests are not normally required but two percent of the welds by each welder on a pipe line may be cut out from the pipeline for visual examination and bend tests. D Retests: If any test specimen is unsatisfactory, two further weld specimens for retest shall be selected from the production welds and subjected to tests. In the event of failure of any of retest specimens, the production welds carried out by this welder subsequent to the previous test shall be subject of special consideration. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 1.0 Scope GENERAL a) This requisition covers the mi nimum requirement and guideli nes for suppl y, procurement, recei pt at, si te, storage, fabrication, erection, pai nting, insulation, testing and commissioni ng of pi pi ng works as per the standards speci fi cations and pi pi ng l ayout drawing(s) attached to thi s requisiti on. b) Al l works shal l be performed and executed by the CONTRACTOR i n strict conformit y wi th the j ob descri pti on specif icati ons. plans, drawings, designs ' and other contract documents prepared by CONSULTANT appli cable to the speci fi c work(s) and any relevant i nstructions as may be issued to the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER/Engineer-in-Charge. C) CONTRACTOR'S quotation shall incl ude al l costs and expenses requi red f or the performance of the di rect and indirect works in stri ct accordance wi th the requi rements speci fi ed in the requisiti on and i n all other documents, which are due to form part of contract. d) CONTRACTOR shall i n carr ying out the works be bound by al l appl icable. Laws and hereby undertakes to compl y (and to ensure compli ance by any sub- Contractors) with al l laws ordinances, rules, regul ati ons, bye-laws, decrees and orders whether of Governmental or other authori t y or agency havi ng j uri sdicti on. CONTRACTOR shall gi ve all notices and furni sh any bonds, deposi ts and securiti es required by of ficial authori ti es to permit the performance of the Works. e) CONTRACTOR shall compl y local labour requirements such as recrui ting, employment, payments of salary bonus etc., training, l abour control and management, travel l ing expenses etc. f) CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have inspected and exami ned the work area and its surroundings and to have satisfied hi mself so f ar as practicable as to the f orm and nature thereof, incl uding sub-surf ace conditi ons, hydrological and cl imati c conditi ons,-though extent and nature of the work and materials necessary for compl eti on of the work and the means of access to the work area. g) CONTRACTOR shal l be deemed to have obtai ned al l necessar y i nf ormati on subj ect to as menti oned above as to risks, contingenci es and all other ci rcumstances, which may influence the work. h) CONTRACTOR shall i n connection with the work~, provide and mai ntain at his own cost and risk all li ghting arrangements, guards, f encing, watch & ward etc. when ark where necessar y or required by the OWNER or by any dul y consti tuted authorit y f or the protection of the work, and properties or for the saf ety and the conveni eri ce of the publi c and for others. i) OWNER shal l not be responsi bl e for saf ety - or security wi th rel ati on to the CONTRACTOR' S staff, equi pment or any other properties. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 J) CONTRACTOR shal l suppl y and f abri cate the piping wi th the materi al s strictl y as specif ied i n the drawi ngs and documents. The OWNER has right to rej ect any item or fabricated pi pi ng i f not found conformi ng to the material speci fi cation speci fi ed i n PMS/as per good engineeri ng practi ce. The CONTRACTOR has to repl ace any such rejected item or re-fabri cate the rej ected pipi ng f or without extra cost claim. The quanti t y of pi ping items to be fabricated, instal led and tested, etc. shal l be as per the detail ed construction drawi ngs. Any other extra material requi red for compl eti on of j ob shall be suppl ied by CONTRACTOR. k) Scope of work for Pi pi ng Tubi ng and Fire header modif icati on shall be as per Annexure to SCC. 2. 0. 0 TECHNI CAL CONDI TI ONS OF CONTRACT 2. 1. 0 WeI der' s quaIi fi cat ion Welders proposed to be deployed at si te shal l be tested for weldi ng procedure qual if icati on and welder performance quali fi cation i n the presence of Owner or hi s representative. Al l the materi al s and facil i ties f or such tests shall be arranged by CONTRACTOR at hi s cost. 2. 2. 0 EIect rodes and fi I Ier wi res Selecti on of el ectrodes and f il l er wires shal l be as per standards, codes and speci fi cations. However, the approval f or brand names shall be taken from the Owner. 2. 3. 0 FI RST MAI NTENANCE a) After hydraul ic testi ng, all bl anks, temporary spool pi eces etc. shall be removed, replaced by permanent f ixtures before fixing permanent gaskets, as required. b) Cl eani ng/blowi ng of pi pi ng as per specif icati ons and i nstructi on of CONSULTANT. c) Al l pi pi ng, di smantl ed for hydro test, cl eani ng and bl owing etc. shall be re-erected as per drawi ngs and instructions of OWNER. d) Seal /leak testi ng of pi ping as per i nstructi ons of OWNER/CONSULTANT. 2. 4. 0 STATUTORY APPROVAL Statutory approval i f any shal l be in the scope of CONTRACTOR wi thin thei r quoted rates. 2. 5. 0 NON DESTRUCTI VE TESTING Radiography of wel d j oints, DP testing are to be carried out by CONTRACTOR as per standards and speci ficati ons wherever requi red. Gamma ray radiography shall be used. For Gamma ray radiography CONTRACTOR shall be required to use DUPONT 55 films or equivalent from Agfa or Fuj i onl y. The Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 j oi nts to be radi o graphed shall be selected by OWNER. Radi ography of repai red j oi nts shal l be at CONTRACTOR'S cost. The deci si on of OWNER regarding interpretati on of radiographs shall be fi nal . 2. 6. 0 HYDRAULI C TESTI NG/ PNEUMATI C TESTI NG Hydraul i c / pneumatic testing incl uding repai r recti fi cation and t esting of the complete pi pi ng system by making sui tabl e l oops i n consul tati on wi th Owner's representati ve. Al l the necessary material s and arrangements required (such as but not li mi ted to blanks, temporary sports, temporar y spools in pl ace of on li ne instruments, pressure gauges, pumps suitabl e for requi red hydro test pressure i ncludi ng connected piping and accessories for pumps, temporar y fasteners etc.) shall be in the scope of CONTRACTOR. The pressure gauges shal l be used af ter due cali bration and certi fi cation by the CONSULTANT' S representati ve. Duri ng testing, all online i nstruments may have to be removed or blanked as requi red by OWNER/CONSULTANT. The aboe i nstruments shall be install ed back in the li ne onl y af ter cleani ng and blowing of the l ine is over. Addi tional vents and drai ns, i f required for pressure testing, shall be install ed by CONTRACTOR. After hydro/pneumati c testi ng i s completed to the sati sf acti on of the Owner's representati ve, the pi ping shall be cleaned and bl own wi th air as per rel evant technical speci fi cation. Al l on-l ine instruments shall be removed (except i f permi tted by the Owner representati ve) and install ed back af ter cl eani ng of the pi pel ine. Whenever the on-l ine i nstruments are to be removed, suppl y, fabricati on, i nstal l ati on and removal of spool pieces shall be arranged by the CONTRACTOR, wi th any extra cost to the OWNER. Air shall be used for testing tubing. 2. 7. 0 AI R BLOWI NG Air bl owi ng shal l be used for cl eani ng of tubes. 2. 8. 0 MEASUREMENTS i ) Payment for f abricati on and erecti on of piping shal l be measured along the centreli ne of piping i ncl uding all fif fi ngs but excludi ng val ves (which shal l be paid separatel y). Length of piping may be calcul ated from isometrics. However, i f no isometric exi sts for a l i ne, actual measurements shal l be taken at site. ii ) On-l ine instruments such as control valves, rotameters, ori fice pl ates and steam traps, strainers etc. shal l be treated as valves. ii i ) Reducers shall be pai d al ong with pi pi ng of l arger diameter except in case of funnel s, where they shall be paid along wi th drai n pi pe to whi ch they are connected. iv) The erecti on cost i ncludes cost of cutti ng, end preparation for weldi ng j oi nts, wel ding, threadi ng, bol ti ng, supporti ng, dr y-penetrant test etc. v) Weight of supports shal l be cal culated from support sketches, drawings Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 or standards and speci fi cations usi ng ISI handbook. vi) Payment for radi ography shall be made based on the length of wel d radio graphed. The length of the weld joints shal l be cal culated by mul ti pl ying the NOMINAL DIAMETER by 3.14 and by roundi ng off to the nearest inch si ze. Payment shal l be made onl y for the wel d j oints found acceptable and no payment shall be made f or defective wel d joi nts. 2. 9. 0 STANDARDS CODES & SPECI FI CATIONS The l atest revision of the foll owi ng standard, codes and speci fi cations shal l form part of thi s requisiti on: 2. 9. 1 I ndi an and I nt ernati onaI Codes a) ANSI B 31.1 Power Pl ant Pi ping b) ASME Section IX Internati onal standards, ANSI B1.1 Unif ied i nch Screw Threads ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe Threads ANSI B16.5 Steel Pi pe Flanges and Fl anged Fi tti ngs ANSI B16.9 Steel Butt-Welding Fi tti ngs 2. 10. 0 GeneraI Instructi ons for Storage of Pi peIi nes a) Pipes, Sui t abl e st orage-Open Ai r , The mat er i al shal l be stor ed separat el y by nomi nal si ze and wal l thi ckness and appropri at el y col our coded. The pi pes shal l be pl aced on wooden support s i n a manner as to prevent t hem fr om shi ft i ng. Good accessi bi l i t y shal l be pr ovi ded f or t ransport at i on f aci l i ti es and l i ft i ng gear. b) Pi pe fi tt i ngs and val ves et c. , Sui t abl e st orage - i ndoors The mat eri al shal l be st or ed on sol i d, wel l accessi bl e and marked shel ves, care shoul d be t aken not t o damage t he f aci ng when pl aci ng t he i t ems i nt o or wi thdrawi ng t hem fr om t he st ores. Prot ect i ve covers ar e to remai n on t he val ves, et c. unt i l commencement of er ect i on. 2. 11. 0 GeneraI 2. 11. 1 No carbon steel ' Fi le' shal l be used on austeni tic SS weldi ng or any part of SS pi pi ng. For grindi ng and cutting any part of SS pipi ng, onl y nyl on grinder discs or cutti ng tool s shal l be used. 2.11.2 Al l weld joint designs shall be deployed as per techni cal speci fi cations. 2.11.3 At SITE Owner's representati ve shal l have access at all t imes to al l j obs bei ng executed by the CONTRACTOR. 3. 0. 0 SAFETY PROCEDURES 3. 1. 0 The work shal l be carried out i n safe manner and without causing any potenti al hazard to worki ng envi ronment in the pl ant. During the executi on f or the work, al l t he CONTRACTOR' S personnel shal l compl y wi t h OWNER' S saf et y pol i ci es Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis MPEC-212-1034 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1034 SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY & ERECTION OF UTILITY PIPING 0 and procedur es. 3. 1. 1 CONTRACTOR shal l st ri ct l y adhere to al l t he saf et y procedur es as l ai d down by OWNER and as wel l as the gener al engi neeri ng procedures f or t he execut i on of the scope of work. 3. 1. 2 CONTRACTOR shal l obt ai n necessar y work ' per mi t pri or t o carr yi ng out any work i n t he R&D bui l di ng. 3. 1. 3 Dur i ng hot work such as gas cutt i ng and wel di ng i n t he R&D bui l di ng. CONTRACTOR shoul d, mai nt ai n suff i ci ent f i re f i ght i ng equi pment t o carr y out t he j ob i n saf e manner. 3. 1. 4 CONTRACTOR shoul d provi de hi s workmen wi t h adequat e saf et y gear s. saf et y shoes and other necessar y protecti ve devi ces as requi red f or t he execut i on of t he work. 3. 1. 5 Whi l e worki ng at hi gher el evat i ons the CONTRACTOR' S worker s shoul d wear saf et y har ness and hel met . 3. 1. 6 Duri ng hydr o test / NDT t he ar ea shoul d be barri caded and pl acards shoul d be di spl ayed t o prevent i nt ruders i nt o t hat area. 4. 0. 0 DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS 4. 1. 0 CONTRACTOR i s r esponsi bl e f or mai nt ai ni ng al l t he f abri cat i on and i nspect i on records dur i ng the f abri cati on and erect i on works i n addi t i on t o t he i nf ormat i on document s and r eport s speci f i ed i n t hi s r equi si t i on. Document s to be prepared and submi t ted by t he CONTRACTOR i ncl ude but not l i mi ted to t he f ol l owi ng: a) Mat eri al dat a and t ract abi l i t y record b) Wel di ng Procedur e Speci f i cat i on (WPS) and Pr ocedure Qual i f i r-abon Record (POR) c) Inspect i on and t est pl an d) Wel d Maps e) Wel d summar y sheet showi ng j oi nt numbers, f i t- up i nspect i on, wel der I D no. , Dat e of wel di ng, PT/ RT resul t and Report No. / Dat e , Wel d repai r det ai l s. f) Compi l at i on of NDT report s g) Non-conf ormance and Correct i ve acti on Reports h) Any ot her document s request ed by OWNER i ) Three (3) copi es of i nformat i on document s and repor t s shal l be compi l ed and submi t t ed by the CONTRACTOR i mmediatel y af ter t he compl et i on of t he j ob. 5. 0. 0 COMMI SSIONI NG 5. 1. 0 CONTRACTOR shal l be responsi bl e f or over al l commi ssi oni ng of pi pi ng syst em i nstal l ed by hi m incl udi ng suppl y of manpower, mat eri al s, equi pment as wel l as consumabl es requi red. The above shal l i ncl ude fl ushi ng, t i ght ness t est , de- wat eri ng, hook-up as requi r ed. 6. 0. 0 DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMI TTED AT THE TI ME OF BI DDING 6. 1. 0 Br i ef procedures proposed f or compl et i ng al l the works i nvol ved i ncl udi ng Suppl y procurement, st orage, i ncl udi ng wel di ng, pre- commi ssi oni ng and commi ssi oni ng assi stance. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 ENGINEERING STANDARD CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPE LINES 1. 0 SCOPE a. This specif ication covers the general requirements f or cleaning of piping systems during pipi ng construction works and after compl etion of piping system (except PVC, Lead & Rubber li ned pipi ng). This standard does not cover aci d cleaning of pipes. b. Where specif ies job requirements are in contradiction to thi s specif ication, specif ic j ob requirement shall govern. c. The cleaning/blowi ng of the piping system shal l be carried out af ter hydraulic test adj ust bef ore commissioning. Priorit ies for cleaning/blowing of piping net work shall be f ixed depending upon the requirement of respecti ve sections f or start up. d. The blowing/cleani ng shal l be taken up only after blowing loops are decided; the steam/air connections made and blowi ng points are located at the l ower most point of the loop f or better cleaning/bl owi ng. 2. 0 REFERENCE ENGI NEERING STANDARDS: 1. ASME B 31.31 3. 0 SAFETY: Safety rules and precautions shal l be observed during cl eani ng/following operation of pipes. 4. 0 GENERAL REQUI REMENT: 4. 1 Plast ics caps, coy Ewing ends of piping components shall not be rap wad ti ll fabrication and install at ion. In case the end covers of the pipe, valves or fittings oil found to be missing during erection, the inside of the piping component shall be thoroughly examined and cleaned by blowing with compressed air or flushed with water bef ore installation. 4.2 Inside and outside surfaces of fabricated piping at site shal l be cl eaned to remove slag, dirt, scale and other foreign m. cleaning of pipe lines shall be done by grinding, some ping, wire brushing, sand blasti ng etc. and then pipes shall be air blown. The ends of the piping shal l be covered with plastic caps til l the erection. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 5. 0 PROCEDURE OF CLEANI NG: 5. 1 The cleaning procedure shal l be as follows: Instrument air, Process air, Gas and Fluid lines DN 50 and below: - Air Blowing Instrument Air. Process Airgas and Fluid li nes - Card Board Bursting Above DN 50 & below DN 800 Al l Gas, Process air and Fluid Lines - Manual cleaning by wire DN 800 and above. Brushing, scrapping etc Cooling Water wash water and Fl ushing - Water Flushing Water Lines Steam and Boiler Feed Water - Steam Blowing. Al l Seal Oil and Lube Oil l ines - Cleani ng as per ES: 212 Lines for Oxygen Service - Cleani ng as per ES 6027S.S. Lines in Urea Plant - DM Water circulation only Gas pi ping inter stage and withi n - Preferably pickl ing/ blowing Battery limits. With air or steam Yard Gas Suction li nes f or compressors - Steam/Air Bl owing 5. 2 PreIiminary Steps: 5.2.1 The f oll owing shall be ensured before cleaning operation. (a) Completion of erection of piping including pipe supports. (b) Completion of hydraul ic testing. (c) Completion of insulation of lines which are to be steam blown. (d) Process i nstruments connected to the piping shall be blanked or removed. Control val ves on the line shall be removed. Control valves wit h butt-welding ends shall be installed af ter cleaning operation, venturi type orifi ces shal l be wel ded i n positi on after steam blowing. (e) Connected equipments shall be isolated by means of suitable bl inds. (f) Necessary piping for cleaning operation is completed. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 (g) Necessary i nstrument s like pressure gauges, temperature indicators etc. shall be install ed at suitable location. 5.3 Water CIeaning: i. Service water, Steam condensate, process water etc. shall be used. Sea water shall not be used for cl eani ng. If use of sea water is unavoidable, piping shal l be washed wi th water at least twice to prevent corrosi on. In no case, chloride content of water shal l exceed 5 pm for austenitic stai nless steel. ii. Al l cooling water lines shal l be flushed with water after installation during cooling water pumps commissioning. The process of water flushing shal l continue till the clean water starts coming from the open end. ii i. Water at a pressure of 3-4 Kg/cm 2 shall be used f or cleaning. The pipe line shall be l ightly hammered and rapidl y drained. However hammering is not permitted on austenitic stainless steel pipe, copper pi pe and aluminum pi pe iv. Af ter cleani ng operation i s over, pipes shall be dried by blowing compressed air or lef t f or natural dryi ng. 5.4 Air CIeaning: i. Air cleaning shal l be perf ormed by blowing pressurized air and l ightl y hammering the pipe. Hammering shal l however, not be perf ormed on austenitic stainless steel pi pes, copper pi pe and aluminum pi pe. ii. Pipe l ines below DN 50 shall be simpl y blown with compressed air. The pipe lines above DN 50 and upto DN 800 shall be bl own with air by card board bursting or by sudden opening of a globe valve of DN 50 provided at the outlet. During blowi ng/cleaning the pipe line without insulation shal l pref erably be hammered lightly with 51bs hammer to loosen the adherent rust in the piping systems. Blowing operation shal l be carried out at 5-6 kg/cm 2 pressure and shall conti nue till clean air starts coming out (see Fig. 1) ii i. Card Board Bursting: Thi s effective method of pi pe cleaning uses high velocity of over 30 meters/second created due to bursting of card board and consequent release of bui lt up pressure inside the pipe line. The escaping high velocit y air wi ll carry along dirt . Loose welding slag, small pieces of electrodes, rust particl es etc. iv. After removi ng val ves, control val ves etc. i nside of pipe is checked for any material left inside the pipe by mistake l ike nut, bolt, fabri cati on tools and tackles. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 v. One end of pipe is bol ted with ordinary fl ange with 4 to 5 layers of card board cut out blind gaskets, with bolt holes, Thickness and number of card board layers shall be so chosen that bursting takes place at about 5 to 6 kg/cm 2 pressure. Other end i s closed with a bl ind flange having one nozzle f or ai r inlet from vi. Compressor and other f or pressure gauge mounting. 1. Gradually air pressure is increased til l card board bursts and loose materials are carried along with high velocity escaping air. This procedure is to be repeated 3 or 4 more times, til l no more dirt or loose matter come out. Light hammering of the weld joints and along the entire pipe length hastens the removal of scales. 5.5 Steam BIowing: 1. The following piping systems shall be cleaned through steam blowing operation. 1. Main steam 2. Hot reheat 3. Cold reheat 4. HP Bypass & LP bypass 5. Complete Auxiliary steam piping system including unit header, station header & interconnection if any. 6. Any other piping system in contractor's scope to be cleaned through steam blowing as per steam blowing procedure prepared by contractor and approved by employer during detail engineering.
2. Steam blowing of contractor's scope of piping systems shall be performed without valves/control valves supplied by others in circuit otherwise valve supplier's acceptance to include these valves for steam blowing operation is to be submitted to employer by the SG package contractor. Based on the above the Contractor shall give recommended procedures, method of blowing and scheme for steam blowing indicating clearly additional system, if any, to be cleaned by steam blowing and furnish data/ write-up/ layouts/ drawings to that effect to the Employer for the Employer's approval.
3. Steam blowing shall also include reinstatement of cleaned piping systems; and dismantling/removal of all temporary piping, equipment and materials from site. All temporary piping, valves, equipment and materials shall be taken back by the contractor upon satisfactory completion of cleaning, and shall be removed from the Employer's premises. 4. Cleaning shall be achieved by steam purging i.e. by blowing of steam through the piping such that the momentum of flow is greater than that of steam flow during normal operation of unit (at MCR). The disturbance factor during steam blowing (ratio of momentum of flow during purge to that during MCR) shall be more than 1.4.
Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 5. The blow off shall be done with steam which is exhausted through adequately sized, open ended temporary piping. Temporary piping and motor operated valves shall be installed for steam blowing operation. Pressure shall be built up in the boiler and the piping warmed before release of steam by quick opening of motor operated valve located on temporary piping. The cycle shall be repeated until steam from the blow out pipe is determined to be clean. 6. If erected already flow nozzles and control valves etc. shall be removed and replaced by spool pieces before steam blowing. The removed flow nozzle and control valves etc. shall be put back after steam blowing. 7. In case of branch-connections / tap-off piping (in other's scope) from contractor's scope of piping are not ready or not erected at the time of steam blowing operation of piping in contractor's scope then the contractor to supply/use necessary blanking arrangement as required at these branch connections /tap-off locations to complete the steam blowing operation. The bl owi ng operation shal l consist of three steps. (a) Heating. (b) Blowing. (c) Cooling (a) Heating: Initial heati ng of pipe line shal l be done at 30ºC/hour upto worki ng temperature. During heating up flange connections, pipe hangers, movabl e and f ixed supports shall be checked. Further heati ng rate for blowing after intermittent cooling shall be 6ºC/minute f or carbon steel li nes and 4ºC/minute for alloy steel lines. (b) BIowing: Increase the pressure in the Boiler to the normal working pressure and temperature. The temperature of the pipe line at the blowing end should be equal to the normal temperature of the steam in the line. The blowing shall be started by opening the outl et i solation val ves ti ll 50% of the normal working pressure i s attained. This slow heating can be achieved by either controlled firing of the boi ler or by throttling the by-pass valve of main steam valve. The rate of pressure reduction in the boiler shall not be more than 1 Kg/cm 2 /minute. The calculated quant ity of steam shall be blown through the pipe. The steam flow shal l be measured from the consumption of boiler feed water if the steam flow meter is not lined (orif ice plate is removed). The blowing shal l be conti nued for 20-30 minutes and then stopped by closing the isolation val ve. The test plate with Aluminium f oil shal l be put at the steam outlet during bl owi ng and after each cycle of blowing shal l be examined f or i ndents. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1035 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1035 SPECIFICATION FOR CLEANING & BLOWING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 (c) CooIing: a. The pipe l ine shall be al lowed to cool to a temperature of 150ºC and then the second blowing cycle shal l be started. The process of blowi ng shall be continued til l the test plate is found without any indent or impression on i t. Light scratch mark with maximum depth of 0.2 mm depth are acceptable. i. The temporary blow off lines shall be properl y supported and shal l be designed for the steam blowing pressure and temperature. i i . The test pl ate shall be as shown i n Fi g. 2 Al ternati vel y; thin Copper/Al umi ni um pl ate backed by support i n a frame coul d be mounted on the bl ow of f at a di stance of 200 mm from the open. i i i . On completi on of each bl owi ng operation the drai n val ves at the bottom most point i n the ci rcui t shal l be opened to drai n off condensates and then cl osed before starti ng the next bl owi ng off operati on. i v. Duri ng bl owi ng al l l ine drains and i nst ruments tappi ngs shall be cl eaned i n series by bl owi ng. In case these l i nes are not cl ean they shoul d be cut pref erably from wel di ng j oi nt and repai red after cleani ng manual l y. 5.6 Pi ckl i ng/Acid Cleani ng: Pi ckli ng and aci d cleani ng of pi pe li nes shal l be carri ed out onl y f or l i nes speci fi ed by the Cl i ent 5.7 Speci al cl eani ng procedure i n case speci fi ed shal l conform to specif i c j ob requi rements l ai d down by the Cl i ent 5.8 Butt wel di ng j oi nts made after bl owi ng operati on shall preferabl y have root runs by TIG or MIG process. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSHING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 2. INSPECTION 3. FLUSHING 4. TESTING 4.1 EXTENT OF TESTING 4.2 GENERAL REQUIREMEENTS/ TEST PREPARATION FOR TESTING 4.3 TESTING MEDIA, TEST PRESSURE AND TEST PRESSURE GUAGES 4.4 TESTING PROCEDURE 4.5 COMPLETION OF TESTING 4.6 TEST RECORDS. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 1. SCOPE
This specification covers the general requirements for inspection, flushing and testing of piping systems. However testing of steam lines falling under IBR shall also be governed by Indian Boiler Regulations Flushing and testing of all piping systems shall be witnessed by the Engineer-in charge. 2. INSPECTION During various stages and after completion of fabrication and erection, the piping system shall be inspected by the Engineer-in charge to ensure that:- - Proper piping material has been used. - Piping has been erected as per drawings and instructions of Engineer-in charge - All supports have been installed correctly. - Test preparations mentioned in this specification have been carried out. 3. FLUSHING Flushing of all lines shall be done before pressure testing. Flushing shall be done by fresh potable water or dry compressed air, wherever water flushing is not desirable, to clean the pipe of all dirt, debris or loose foreign material. Required pressure for water flushing shall meet the fire hydrant pressure or utility water pressure. For air flushing the line/system will be pressurized by compressed air at the required pressure, which shall be 50 psi maximum. The pressure shall then be released by quick opening of a valve, already in line or installed temporarily for this purpose. This procedure shall be repeated as many times as required till inside of the pipe is fully cleaned. In line instruments like control valves, orifices plates, rotameters, safety valves and other instruments like thermowells, which may interfere with flushing instrument shall not be included in flushing circuit. From all permanent strainers the screens/ meshed shall be removed before flushing. Screen/ meshes shall be reinstalled after flushing but before testing. In case on equipment such as column, vessel, exchange, etc., forms part of a piping circuit during flushing, this shall be done with the approval of Engineer-in charge. However, equipments thus included in the circuit shall be completely drained and dried with compressed air, after flushing is completed. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 During flushing discharged water/air shall be drained to the place directed by the Engineer- in charge. If necessary, proper temporary drainage shall be provided by the con tractor. Care shall be taken during flushing so as not to damage/spoil work of other agencies. Precautions shall also be taken to prevent entry of water/ foreign matter into equipments, electric motors, instruments, electrical installations etc in the vicinity of lines being flushed. The contractor shall carry out all the activities required before, during and after the flushing operation, arising because of flushing requirements, such as but not limited to the following: Dropping of valves, specials, distance pieces, in line instruments and any other piping part before flushing, the flanges to be disengaged for this purpose shall be envisaged by the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in Charge. These flanges shall be provided with temporary gaskets at the time of flushing. After flushing is completed and approved the valve distance pieces, piping specials etc., shall be reinstalled by the contractor with permanent gaskets. However, flanges of equipment nozzles and other places where isolation is required during testing, only temporary gaskets shall be provided. Records in triplicate shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor for each piping system for the flushing done in the prescribed performance provided by the owner. 4 TESTING 4.1 EXTENT OF TESTING: With the exclusion of instrumentation, piping systems fabricated or assembled in the field shall be tested in irrespective of whether or not they have been pressure tested prior to site welding of fabrication. To facilitate the testing of piping systems vessels and other equipments may be included in the system with the prior approval of Engineer-in charge if the test pressure specified is equal to or less than that for the vessels and other equipments.
Pumps, compressors and other rotary equipment shall not be subjects to field test pressure. Lines which are directly open to atmosphere such as vents, drains, safety valves discharge need not be tested but all joints shall be visually inspected wherever necessary such line shall be tested by continuous flow of fluid to eliminate the possibility of blockade. However such lines if provided with block valve shall be pressure tested up to the first block valve. Seats of all valves shall not be subjected to a pressure in excess of the maximum cold working pressure of the valve. Test pressure applied to valve shall not be greater than the manufacturer's recommendation not less than that required by the applicable code where allowable seat pressure is less than test pressure; test shall be made through on open valve. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 Instruments in the system to be tested shall be excluded from the test by isolation or removals, unless approved otherwise by the Engineer-in charge. Restrictions, which interfere with filling venting and draining such as orifice plates etc., shall not be installed unless testing is complete. Control valves shall not be included in the test system. Where bypasses are provided test shall be performed through the bypasses and/or necessary spool shall be used in place of the control valve. Pressure gauges, which are part of the finished system, but cannot withstand test pressure, shall not be installed until the system has been tested. Where piping systems to be tested are directly connected at the battery limits to piping for which the responsibility rests with other agencies, the piping to be tested shall be isolated from such piping by physical disconnection such as valve or blinds. 4.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS/ TEST PREPARATION FOR TESTING: Testing shall be carried out with permanent gaskets installed unless specified otherwise or instructed by the Engineer-in charge.
No pressure test shall be carried out against close valve unless approved by the Engineer- in charge. The Engineer-in charge shall be notified by the Contractor of the testing sequence and program, to enable him to be present for witnessing the test. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for making arrangements with the local boiler inspector to witness the tests shall be obtained in the relevant IBR forms and furnished to the Engineer-in charge. Before testing all piping shall be cleaned by flushing to make it free from dirt loose scale, debris and other loose foreign materials All piping systems to be hydrostatically tested shall be vented at the high points and the systems purged of air before the test pressure is applied.
Wherever in the line any void exists due to any reasons, for absence of control valves, safety valves, check valves etc. it shall be filled with temporary spools. All joints welded screwed or flanged shall be left exposed for examination during the test Before pressurizing the lines each weld joint shall be cleaned by wire brush to free it from rust and any other foreign matter. Where a system is to be isolated at a pair of companion flanges a blank shall be inserted between the companion flanges. Minimum thickness of the blank shall be designed in accordance with applicable design code. Open ends of piping system where blanks cannot be used, such as pumps, compressors turbines of whenever equipment or pipe spool have been recovered or disconnected prior to hydrostatic testing shall be blinded-off by using standard blind flanges of same rating as the piping system being tested. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 Pressure gauges used in testing shall be installed as close as possible to the lowest point in the piping system to be tested, to avoid overstressing of any of the lower portion of the system. For longer lines and vertical lines, two or more pressure gouges shall be installed at location decided by the Engineer-in charge. For lines containing check valves any of the following alternatives shall be adopted for pressure testing: Whenever possible pressures up stream side of valve Replace the valve by a temporary spool and reinstall the valve after testing. Provide blind on valve flanges and test the upstream and downstream of the line separately and remove the blind after testing. At these flanges temporary gaskets shall be provided during testing and shall be replaced by permanent gaskets subsequently. For check valves in lines 1 ½ and below flapper or seat shall be removed during testing (if possible). After completion of testing the flapper/seat shall be refitted. Gas lines when hydrostatically tested shall be provide with additional temporary supports during testing as directed by the Engineer-in charge. Piping which is spring or counter-weight supported shall be temporarily supported, where the weight of the fluid would overload the support. Retaining pins for spring supports shall be removed only after testing is completed and test fluid is completely drained. When testing any piping system, air or steam at approximately 2kg/ cm 2 g may be used as preliminary test to detect missing gaskets etc. as this avoids the necessary of draining the line to make repairs. However, steam shall not be used for this purpose, if the steam temperature is more than the design temperature of the line. For jacketed pipes testing of care pipes shall be done individual pieces where the pipe is continuously jacked, before it is jacketed. The outer jacket shall be tested separately as a system for piping with discontinuous jacketing; the care pipe and the jacket shall be tested as separate continuous systems. 4.3 TESTING MEDIA, TEST PRESSURE AND TEST PRESSURE GAUGES: 4.3.1 TESTING MEDIA: In general all pressure shall be hydrostatic using iron free water, which is clean and free of silt. Maximum chlorine content in water for hydrostatic testing for SS piping shall be 15-20 ppm. Air shall be used for testing only if water would cause corrosion of the system or overloading of supports etc. in special cases as directed by Engineer-in charge. Where air/water tests are undesirable substitute fluid such as gas oil/kerosene, methanol etc. shall be used as the testing medium, with due consideration to the hazards involved. These test fluids shall be specified in the line list given to the contractor. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0
4.3.2 TEST PRESSURE: The hydrostatic/pneumatic test pressure shall be as indicated in the line list or as per the instruction of Engineer-in charge. The selection of the piping system for one individual test shall be based on the following:- Test pressure required as per line list. Maximum allowable pressure for the material of construction of piping depending upon the above requirements and based on construction progress, maximum length of piping shall be included in each test. 4.3.3 TEST PRESSURE GAUGE: All gauges used for filed testing shall have suitable range so that the test pressure of the various systems falls in 40% to 80% of gauge scale range. Gauge shall be of a good quality and in first class working condition. Prior to the start of any test or periodically during the filed test programme, all test gauges shall be calibrated using a standard dead weight gauge tester or other suitable approved testing apparatus. Any gauge showing an incorrect zero reading or error of more than 2% of full scale range shall be discarded. The Engineer-in charge shall check the accuracy of master pressure gauge used for calibration. 4.4 TESTING PROCEDURE 4.4.1 HYDROSTATIC TEST: All vents and other connections used on vents shall be left open while filling the line with test fluid for complete removal of air. In all lines for pressuring and depressurizing the system, temporary isolating valves shall be provided if valves vents, drains do not exist in the system. Pressure shall be applied only after the system/ line is ready and approved by the Engineer-in charge. Pressure shall be applied by means of a suitable test pump or other pressure source, which shall be isolated from the system as soon as test pressure is reached and stabilized in this system. A pressure gauge shall be provided at the pump discharge for guidance in bringing the system to the required pressure. The pump shall be attended constantly during the test by an authorized person. The pump shall be isolated from the system whenever the pump is to be left unattended. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1013 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1013 SPECIFICATION FOR INSPECTION, FLUSING AND TESTING OF PIPING SYSTEM 0 Test pressure shall be maintained for a sufficient length of time to permit through inspection of all joints for leakage or signs of failure. Any joint found leaking during a pressure test shall be retested to the specified pressure after repair. Test period shall be maintained for a minimum of three hours. The pump and the piping system to be tested are to be provided with separate pressure indicating test gauges. These gauges are to be checked by the standard test gauge before each pressure test. Care shall be taken to avoid increase in the pressure due to temperature variation during the test. 4.4.2 AIR TEST: When testing with air, pressure shall be supplied by means of a compressor. The compressor shall be portable type with a receiver, after cooler and oil separator. Piping to be treated by air shall have joints covered with a soap and water solution so that the joints can be examined for leaks. All other details shall be same as per hydrotesting procedure (specified above) 4.5 COMPLETION OF TESTING: After the hydrostatic test has been completed, pressure shall be released in a manner and at a rate so as not to endanger personnel or damage equipments. All vents and drains shall be opened before the system is to be drained and shall remain open till all draining is complete, so as to prevent formation of vacuum in the system. After draining lines/ systems shall be dried by air After testing is completed the test blinds shall be removed and equipment/piping isolated during testing shall be connected using the specified gaskets, bolts and nuts. These connections shall be checked for lightness in subsequent pneumatic tests to be carried out by the contractor for complete loop/ circuit including equipments (except rotary equipments) Pressure test shall be considered complete only after approved by the Engineer-in charge. Defects, if any, noticed during testing shall be rectified immediately and retesting of the system/ line shall be done by the contractor at his cost. 4.6 TEST RECORDS: Records in triplicate shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor for each piping system, for the pressure test done in the format provided by the owner or contractor's approved format. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 SPECIFICATION FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 1.0 Scope Al l i nstal led piping af ter completion of the appl icabl e exami nations, but prior to ini ti al operat ion shal l be pressure tested to ensure tightness i n accordance with the requirements of thi s speci fi cati on. However, piping buil t, in conformance wi th the ASME Boi ler & PV code or Indi an Boi ler Regulation shall be pressure tested in compl iance of such code or regulations. Pipi ng systems open to atmosphere, such as drains, vents, outlet pi pi ng for rel ief valves di schargi ng to atmosphere and underground sewers shal l not requi re any pressure testi ng. These li nes shall be examined vi sual l y to determine that al l j oints are popery made up. 2. 0 GENERAL REQUI REMENTS FOR LEAK/ PRESSURE TESTS Fol lowing requirements appl y to both hydraul ic as wel l as pneumatic leak/pressure tests. 2. 1 Li mit ations on Pressure (a) St ress Exceeding Yi el d Strength If the test pressure would produce a nomi nal pressure stress or longitudinal stress i n excess of yiel d strength at test temperature, the test pressure may be reduced to the maximum pressure. That wi l l not exceed the yield strength at test temperature. (b) Test Flui d Expansion If a pressure test i s to be mai ntained for a peri od of time and the test fluid i n the system i s subj ect to thermal expansion, precautions shal l be taken to avoid excessi ve pressure. (c) Prel i minary Pneumati c Test A prel iminar y test usi ng ai r at no more than 170 kPa (25 psi ) gauge pressure may be ma be prior to hydrostati c testi ng to l ocate maj or leaks. 2. 2 Other Test Requi rements (a) Exami nation for Leaks Test pressure during leak/pressure test shall be maintained f or at least 10 min. and al l joints and connections shal l be examined for l eaks. (b) Heat Treat ment Leak tests shall be conducted af ter any heat treatment has been completed. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 (c) Low Test Temperature The possibili ty of battl e fracture shal l be considered when conducting leak tests at metal temperatures near the ductil e-brittle transition temperature. 2. 3 SpeciaI Provi si ons for Testing (a) Pi ping Subassembli es Pipi ng subassembl ies may be tested either separately or as assembled pi ping. (b) Fl anged Joints A flanged joint at which a blank is inserted to isolate other equipment during a test need not be tested. (c) Closure Wel ds The final weld connecting piping systems or components which have been successf ull y tested in accordance wi th this engi neering standard need not be leak tested provided the wel d is exami ned in process i n accordance with ASME B 31.1 and passes with 100% radiographic examination in accordance wi th of ASME B5 31.1 or 100% ultrasonic examination in accordance wi th Para 344.6 of ASME B 31.1. 2. 4 Ext ernaI I y Pressured Pipi ng Piping subject to external pressure shall be tested at an internal gauge pressure 1.5 times the external diff erential pressure, but not less than 105 kPa 115 Psi ). 2. 5 Jacketed Pi ping (a) The internal f ine shall be. Leak tested on the basis of the i nternal or external design pressure, whichever is critical. This test must be perf ormed bef ore the jacket is completed if it is necessary to provide visual access to j oi nts of the internal line. (b) The jacket shall be leak tested on the basis of the jacket desi gn pressure unl ess otherwi se specified in the engineeri ng design. 3.0 PREPARATION FOR LEAK/PRESSURE TEST a. All joints, including welds and bends, shall be left uninsul ated & exposed for examination during leak testi ng, except that joints previously tested may be insulated or covered. All joints may be primed and painted onl y after l eak testing. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 b. Maj or equipment, such as compressors, pumps vessel s and exchangers shall be isolated from pipe line duri ng hydrostatic test. When necessary, changers and vessels may be included wi th the connected piping provided the piping test pressure i s withi n the al lowable cold pressure limits of the equipment. c. All air present in the system to be tested shall be vented while admitting the test f luid. d. All vent val ves during filli ng up as well as during draining must be f ull y open. e. Piping designed for vapour and gas shal l be provided with additional temporary supports if necessary, to support the wei ght of test flui d. f. Instruments, expansion j oints, filters etc., for which the maximum permissible cold test pressures are lower than the specif ied hydrostatic test pressure for piping, shall be isolated and excluded from the test. g. Lines containing check val ves shall have source of test pressure on the up-stream side. h. Valves shall not be subj ected to a test pressure in excess of manufactures allowable test rating. When permitted, the install ed valves shall be kept open. i. Relief valves shall be excluded f rom the test and shal l be suitably bl anked off . j. Orif ice plates in hori zontal li nes shall no, be installed till completi on of test. k. Control valves shal l not be field tested. All f langed control val ves shall be removed before hydraulic testing of the pipe lines. Welded end control valves shall be wel ded af ter hydraul ic test, cleani ng and blowing. l. Indicati ng pressure gauges mounted locall y may be tested wi th the liras provided the test pressure is not in excess of thei r scale rati ngs. 3.9 Instrument take-off piping up to the f irst bl ock valve shal l be tested wi th piping to which it is connected. Testing of remainder of l ead l ine Up to instrument can also be done at the same ti me provided instruments are blocked off from source of pressure and vented to atmosphere. The test shall be carried out al ambient temperature and the water temperature shall not be less than 7ºC. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 4. 0 HYDROSTATI C LEAK/ PRESSURE TEST A Test FIui d The f luid shall be water unless there is the possibility of damage due to freezing or to adverse eff ects of water on the piping or the process. In that case another suitable nontoxic liquid may be used. If the liquid is flammable, its flash point shal l be at least 49ºC and consideration shall be given to the test environment. B Hydraulic testing of ferrite material shal l pref erabl y be carried out usi ng suitably inhibited water, which permits an extended period between the start of testing and drying of components. Alternativel y, uninhibited water may be used but the permitted period between the start of testi ng and drying of components is reduced. Hydraulic testi ng of austenitic material shal l preferabl y be carried out using de-ionized water; chlorine content of water shall not accept 5 ppm. C Water Qualit y D Ferrite parts and ferrite parts associated with non-ferrous parts the water shall be town's mai n suppl y free from oil and suspended mater. If this water is to be inhibited, one of the inhibi tors as specif ied below shal l be added. i) Sodi um Benzoate - 1.5% w/w And Sodium Nitri te - 0.1% w/w Or ii) Sodium Fl uoresoein - 50 ppm Liseapol N - 0.125% v/v Monoethanolamine - 0.625% v/v E Austeni t i c part s and fer ri t e par t s associ at ed wi th Aust eni t i c part s: Water shall be demoni zed water having conductivity not greater than 1 micro mho/cm at 251ºC. In case of works testing of imerected components, town's mai n water free from oil and suspended matter may be used. F Per i od bet ween t he st art of testi ng and dr yi ng: The period between the start of testing and drying a component shal l not be longer than 48 hours in case of inhibited water and 4 hours in case of uninhibi ted water. Where difficul ty may be experienced i n draining and theref ore in achieving the dryi ng specifi ed above, dryi ng shall be accomplished in as short a time as is practicable. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 G Test Pressure Except as provided i n Para 4.5, the hydrostatic test pressure at any poi nt in a metall ic pi ping system shal l be as follows: (a) Not less than 11/2 ti mes the design pressure; (b) For design temperature above the test temperature, the minimum test pressure shall be calculated by following equati on except that the value of S T /S shall not exceed 6.5; Where: P T = minimum test gauge pressure P = internal design. gauge pressure S T = stress value at test temperature S = stress value at design temperature (c) If the test pressure as defined above would produce a stress in excess of the yi el d strength at test temperature, the test pressure may be reduced to the maximum pressure that wi ll not exceed the yiel d strength at test temperature. H Hydrostati c Test of Pi ping with VesseI s as a System (a) Where the test pressure of piping attached to a vessel is the same as or less that the test pressure f or the vessel, the piping may be tested with the vessel all the pipi ng test pressure. (b) Where the test pressure- of the pi ping exceeds the vessel test pressure, and it is not considered practicabl e to isolate the pi ping from the vessel, the piping and the vessel may be tested together at the vessel test pressure, provided the owner approves and the vessel test pressure is not less than 77% of the piping test pressure calculated in accordance with Para 4.4(b). I Li nes at At mospheri c Pressure All l iquid l ines at atmospheric pressure (1 Kg/cm 2 g) shall be tested hydrostatic at 2 Kg/cm 2 g. 5. 0 PNEUMATI C LEAK PRESSURE TEST Piping may be tested pneumaticall y if these are not be safel y f illed with water or where traces of water cannot be tolerated or if these have been previously tested hydrostaticall y. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 5. 1 Precauti ons Pneumatic testi ng i nvolves the hazard of released energy stored in compressed gas. Particular care must therefore be taken to minimize the chance of brittle fail ure during a pneumatic leak test. Test temperature is important in this regard and must be consi dered when the designer chooses the material of construction. 5. 2 Pressure ReI i ef Devi ce A pressure reli ef device shal l be provided, havi ng a set pressure not higher than the test pressure plus the lesser of 345 kPa (50 Psi) or 10% of the test pressure. 5. 3 Test FIui d The gas used, as test f luid, if not air, shall be nonf lammable and nontoxic. 5. 4 Test Pressure The test pressure shall be 110% of design pressure. 5. 5 Procedure 5. 6. The pressure shall be gradual ly increased until a gage pressure which is the lesser of one-half the test pressure or 170 kPa (25 Psi) is attai ned, at which time a preliminary check shall be made, including visual exami nation of joints. Thereafter, the pressure shall be gradual ly i ncreased in steps until the test pressure is reached, hol di ng the pressure at each step l ong enough to equali ze piping strains. The pressure shall then be reduced to the design pressure bef ore examining f or leakage in accordance with Para 2.2. 5. 7 Li nes at At mospheri c Pressure All gas l ines at atmospheric pressure (1 Kg/cm 2 g) shall be tested pneumaticall y 0.5 Kg/cm 2 g. 6. 0 VACUUM SERVICES Li nes in vacuum services shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum internal pressure of 1.5 Kg/cm 2 g unless limited to a lower val ue by desi gn. Where it is not possible to test hydrostatical ly, the pipe l ines shal l be tested pneumaticall y at 1 Kg/cm 2 g. 7. 0 SENSI TI VE LEAK TEST The test shall be in accordance wi th the Gas and Bubble Test method specif ied-in the BPV Code, Secti on V, Article 10, or by another method demonstrated to hav, equal sensiti vity. Sensitivity of the test shall be not less than 10 -3 atm.mI/sec under test conditions. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1021 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1021 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING OF PIPING 0 a) The test pressure shal l be at l east the lesser of 105 kPa (15 psi) gauge, or 25% or the design pressure. b) The pressure shall be gradually increased unti l a gage pressure the lesser of one-half the test pressure or 170 kPa (25 Pai) is attained. at whi ch time a preliminary check shall be made. Then the pressure shall be gradually increased i n steps unti l the test pressure is reached, the pressure bei ng held long enough at each step to equali ze piping strains. 8. 0 REPAI RS OR ADDI TI ONS AFTER LEAK TESTING If repairs or additi ons are made f ollowing the l eak test, the af fected pi ping shall be retested, except that for minor repairs or addi tions the owner may wai ve retest requirements when precauti onary measures are taken to assure sound construction. 9. 0 TEST RECORDS Records shal l be made of each piping system during the testing, i ncludi ng a) Date of Test b) Identification of the pi ping tested. c) Test Method d) Test Pressure and duration e) Certif ication of results by examiner f) Approval by the Inspector Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 1.0 SCOPE: 1.1 This standard l ays down the requi rements for sel ecti on and appli cati on of pai nt and ot her protecti ve coati ng of exposed metal surfaces of equipment, machiner y, pi pi ng, structure etc. i n ferti l i zer plants. 1.2 This st andard al so i ncludes recommended col our code f or equi pment, machiner y and pi ping. 2.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS: IS: 1477 Part 1: Code of practi ce f or pai nti ng of Ferrous Metal i n Bui l di ng: Pretreatment. IS: 1477 Part 2: Code of practi ce f or fi ni shi ng of Ferrous Metal i n Bui ldi ngs Pai nti ng IS: 2379: Col our code for pi pe l i nes IS: 5: Col our for Ready Mi xed Pai nt 3.0 GENERAL: 3.1 Paints and other materi al used f or pai nti ng shall conform to rel evant Indi an Standards. Where no Indi an Standards exist materi al shal l conf orm t o ot her recognised Standard speci ficati ons. 3.2 Onl y paints whi ch have been dul y approved by purchaser as regards t ype, make and quali t y shal l be used. 3.3 The f oll owing surfaces shall not be pai nted: a) Pipi ng vessel s and other equipments to be i nsul ated for hot servi ce (i n case these are recei ved wi th shop coats of pri mers, the i nsulat ion can be appl i ed over i t). b) Aluminum, gal vani zed i ron, stai nl ess steel , brass copper and other nonf errous mat eri al , plasti c pi pe, asbestos cement unl ess specif i ed ot herwi se c) Name plates. d) Valve stems, cont rol val ve/ safety val ves spri ngs, shaf ts or other sl i di ng or weari ng surf aces. 3.4 Al l shop fabri cated structural st eel i t ems and equipment whi ch requi re pai nt ing shal l be gi ven a pri mi ng coat of Red Oxi de Zi nic Chromat e primer (IS: 2074). Unl ess specif i ed otherwi se i n the shop after erecti on these surf aces shal l be thoroughl y cl eaned to remove di rt, grease and l oose scal e and al l bl emishes made good before appl yi ng the f i ni shed coats 4.0 SELECTION OF PAINTS & PROTECTION COATINGS: 4.1 Selecti on of pai nts for various surf aces and servi ce condi ti ons, number of coats t o be appli ed and pref erred colour shal l be asperTabl e-1 However, i n view of conti nui ng developments i n pai nts technol ogy, other t ypes may be used provided their sat isf actory f iel d performance has been proved. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 4.2 Pri mers and fi ni sh coats f or any parti cul ar system shall be from the same manufacturer to ensure compatibi l i t y. 4.3 Li mi ti ng temperature mentioned in Tabl e-I are operati ng temperat ure of equipment, pi ping and structures. 5.0 APPLICATION OF PAI NT: 5.1 SURFACE PREPARATION 5.2 The maximum durabil i t y of protect ive pai nti ng scheme can be achi eved onl y when the metal surface has been correctl y prepared. The durati on of protecti on i s decreased of ten sharpl y, i f pai nting i s done over mi l l scal e, rust and other contami nants such as grease and oi l . Bl ast cl eani ng though costl i er i s the most rel i abl e procedure for obtaini ng surf ace free, from mi l l scal e and rust. Thei r superiori t y over hand cl eani ng, whi ch al ways l eaves much rust on the surf ace and often some broken mi l l scale as wel l as shown by the f ol l owi ng t ypical resul ts of test i n an i ndustri al envi ronment . RESULTS OF TESTS ON PAINTED STEELS AVERAGE DURATION OF PROTECTION Surface preaparati on 2 coat pai nt 4 coat paint System year' s system years Blast Cl eani ng 6. 3 10.3 Wire Brusti ng 1. 2 2.3 5. 3 The surfaces shall be cleaned to remove al l di rt, oi l , grease, rust, scal e and other cont aminants. Thi s shal l be accompl i shed by bl ast cl eani ng. Chi ppi ng scrapping, wi re brushi ng f lame cl eani ng etc, The procedure to be adopted f or cl eani ng shal l depend upon the condi ti on of steel surf ace and shal l be deci ded i n consul tati on wi th t he Owner. However, bl ast cl eani ng i s a must f or synthetic cost l y paints l i ke chl ori nated rubber, epoxy based pai nt et c. The acceptance standard of sand breasted surface shall not be i nf eri or to Sa 2½ to Swedi sh standard SIS 05 5900 Oi l and grease shal l be removed by use of suit abl e sol vent s; subsequentl y the surface should be washed down wi th cl ean fresh water and all owed to dr y. Fl ame cl eaning shall onl y be used af ter obtai ni ng pri or approval of Owner. It shal l be ensured t hat sand bl asted surf ace i s not contami nated wi th oi l and grease. Water shal l al so not be al lowed to come i n contact with t he sand blasted surf ace. 5. 4 When pai nt i s to be appli ed on damaged pai nted surf aces al l loose and f l aking pai nt work shoul d remove to a f i rm feathered edge. Rusted spots shoul d be cl eaned by one of the methods speci f ied i n the cl ause 5.1.2 i n case the previ ous paint work i s not compat ibl e t o the speci f i ed once the enti re coati ng should be removed. 5. 5 Where hi gh t emperatures are i nvol ved (120ºC) surf ace preparati on i s extremel y i mportant and bl ast cl eani ng i s mini mum recommendati on. 5.6 The procedure and equi pment f or surf ace preparation shal l be in accordance wi th IS: 1477 Part I. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 5.7 Preparati on f or surf aces f or pai nti ng other than steel. 5.8 Preparati on of masonry, concret e and pl aster surf aces. Proj ecti ng fi ns, ni bs, mortar spatter etc shal l be removed by scrappi ng, rubbi ng etc; 2nd the af f ected areas sanded or rubbed smooth. Mortar j oi nts shal l be raked cl ean. Cracks, voices et c. shall be f i l l ed wi th an approved spackli ng compound and sanded smooth. Surface ready f or fi nal pai nt fi ni sh shal l be throughl y dri ed free f rom moi sture and have been cured f or at l east pri or to parti ng. 6.0 PAINTING PROCEDURE 6.1 A f reshl y prepared, bare steel surface is parti cularl y l i abl e to rust. The i nterval between surface preparati on and pai nti ng shal l theref ore, be as short as practi cable especi al l y i f t here i s danger of condensati on) and i n no case longer than 4 hours. Unl ess a part icul ar met hod of appli cati on i s speci fi ed primers and f i nish coats may be appli ed by brushi ng, conventional ai r or ai rl ess sprayi ng or roll er coati ng Regardl ess of the method selected, the equi pment or t ool s f or appl i cation must be cl ean and i n good workable condit i on. The appl i cati on procedure shal l be i n accordance wi th the recommendati on of the pai nt manuf act urer and IS: 1477 part 2. 6.2 Where 2 coat of f ini sh paint are i ndi cated they shall be appl i ed i n t wo di ff erent shades to ensure that two coats are appli ed. 6.3 Pai nt shal l not be appl i ed i n rain, snow, f og or mist or when t he rel ati ve humi dit y i s such as to cause condensation on metal surf ace. 6.4 Pai nt shal l not be appl i ed when the surroundi ng air temperature i s bel ow 2 ºC, nor when temperature is expected to drop to 1 ºC bef ore t he pai nt has dri ed. 6.5 Al l surfaces shal l be perf ect l y dry before and whi l e bei ng pai nted. 6.6 Al l i ngredi ents in any contai ned of paint shal l be thoroughl y mi xed bef ore use and shal l be mechanical l y agi t at ed conti nuousl y duri ng appl i cation to keep the pai nt i n suspension. Dr y pi gments whi ch are separatel y packed shal l be uni forml y bl ended i nto pai nts. 6.7 Thinner shal l not be added to the primer or pai nt unl ess requi red by the manuf acturer's i nstructi ons and then onl y of the t ype and quanti t y recommended. 7.0 STORAGE 7.1 Al l pai nt s and pai nti ng materi al shall be stored onl y i n such rooms assi gned f or the purpose. Al l necessary precauti on shal l be taken to prevent fi re. The storage buil di ng shall pref erabl y be separate f rom adj acent buil di ngs. A sign-board bearing the words "PAINT STORAGED AT NO NAKED LIGHT" shal l be cl earl y di splayed outsi de. The bui lding shal l be properl y venti l ated and shal l be adequatel y protected with f ire f i ght i ng equipment. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 8.0 COLOUR CODE FOR PIPING: 8.1 For i denti fi cati on of pi pe l i nes, the col our code as per shal l be used. The col our code i s general l y i n accordance wi th IS: 2379. 8.2 The ground col our shal l be appl i ed to entire l ength of pi pe, except where al umi num paint i s specif i ed. Col our band shal l be appl ied at i nt erval s of about 10m and are j uncti ons, val ves wal l s etc. The rel ati ve proporti onal wi dth of the fi rst col our band and subsequent bands shal l be 4:1. However, t he mi nimum wi dth of the narrowest col our band shal l be 25 mm. The ground col our shal l ext end suf fi ci entl y on both si des of the colour bard to avoi d confusion. In case the pai nt i n the col our as per Tabl e- 2 i s not avai l abl e, Synthet ic Enamel of the colour specif i ed i n Tabl e-2 shal l be appl ied over the speci fi ed ground coat to a l ength of 1 meter at an interval of 10 meters. 8.3 Further identi f icati on of contents to suppl ement the col our code shall be done in the case of maj or pi pe l i nes by the use of l eovtoeri ng, desi gnati ng name or standard abbrevi ati on f or t he f l uid i n cl earl y vi si bl e locati ons. 8.4 Arrows i ndicati ng di recti on of f low shal l be pai nted i n contrasti ng columnar valves, j unctions wal l s etc. and at sui table i nterval s along the pi pe l engt h. 8.5 Pi pe l i nes carr yi ng t oxi c and hazardous flui ds shall be pai nted wi th hazard marking wi th equal diagonal dstripes of gol den yel low and bl ack at sui tabl e internal s. 9.0 IDENTIFICATION OF VESSELS ETC. Name and equi pment number shal l be stenci l ed i n black or whit e on each vessel aft er pai nt ing. 10.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING. The work shall be subj ect to i nspection by the appearing by the owner duri ng vari ous stages of pai nti ng. The cont ract or shal l of fer the works for i nspecti on and approval duri ng ever y stage before proceedi ng to the next stage. The f ol lowi ng i nspecti on shall be performed duri ng vari ous st ages of pai nt ing work Stages Inspection Items Pri or to pai nti ng (1) Materi al (2) Di l uti on (3) Surf ace preparati on. During pai nti ng (1) Number of coati ngs (2) Dr yi ng t ime After compl eti on of pai nti ng (1) Pai nt f i lm thickness (2) Fini sh col our. (3) Appearance. (4) I dent i fi cation marks. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 Any defect noticed duri ng the vari ous stages of i nspecti on shall be made good by t he contractor to the sati sfacti on of the Owner before proceedi ng further i rrespect ive of the inspecti on, repai r and approval at i ntermedi ate stages of work, contractor shal l be responsi bl e f or maki ng good any defect f ound duri ng f inal i nspecti on and guarantee peri od. Al l pai nti ng materi al shall be accompani ed by manufacturer test certi f i cat es. In case such certi fi cates are not avai l able, may di rect t he cont ractor to have the materi al s test ed i n accordance wi th rel evant I .S. Speci fi cati on at outsi de l aboratori es and al l costs there of shal l be born by the contractor. The Owner at i ts discreti on may cal l for addi ti onal test s f or mat eri als accompani ed by manufacturer's tests certi fi cates. Contractor shal l arrange to have such t ests perf ormed but costs there of shall be borne by t he Owner. Di l uti on of each pai nt shal l be checked to meet t he requi rements specif i ed by pai nt manuf acturers. Surf ace preparati on shal l be vi suall y checked t o meet the requirement speci f ied i n cl ause 5. 0. Number of coati ng shal l be i n accordance wi t h Tabl e - 1. Dr yi ng durat ion shal l be i n accordance wi th recommendati ons of pai nt manufacturer. Dryness of previ ous pai nt shal l be ensured before subsequent coati ng. Fi nal i nspecti on shal l i nclude measurement of pai nt fi lm thi ckness, check of f ini sh and workmanshi p. The thi ckness shoul d be measured at l east at 20 poi nt s and shal l be wi thi n ±10% of the speci fi ed thi ckness. This woul d excl ude dry fi l m thickness of resi dual shop pri mer i f appl ied. The contractor shall provi de thickness measuri ng instruments (Elk meter) access ladders, l i ghti ng and any other i tem necessar y at hi s cost. Ti nt of fi ni sh col our shal l be checked visual l y. It shal l al so of checked that the coat ed surface are free from any deter mental f i l m i rregul arit ies such as li f ti ng, peel i ng, crack and non-adherence. Col our code and i denti fi cati on marks of pi pel i nes shall be as per cl ause At the di screti on of the Owner the paint manuf acture may al so associ ated wi th the i nspecti on of t he pai nt work to ensure satisf actory appl icati on i n conf ormi t y wi th the procedure l ai d down by t hem. Any def ect poi nted out by t he pai nt manuf acturer shal l be made good. 11.0 GUARANTEE: The contractor shal l guarantee that the chemical and physi cal properti es of the materi al used are i n accordance wi th the speci f i cations l ai d down by Owner. The contractor shal l al so guarantee the paint i ng works agai nst def ects due t o bad workmanship/ use of i nferior materi als f or peri od of one year f rom the date of the compl et ion of the work. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 TABLE -1 Sl. No Description Temperature Paint Preferred Colour Finish 1.1a In extremely corrosive environment lie splash & spillage of acids, urea, etc. Up to 130 0 C Expoxy based Red Oxide Zinc Chromates/ Zinc Phosphate Pimer ( 1 coat) 25 microns High build expoxy based Paint (2 coats) 200 microns Grey Upto 65 0 C High Build Chlorinated Zinc Phosphate (1 coat) 50 Microns. Chlorinated Rubber base paint (2 coats) 80 microns. Dark Grey Upto 65ºC Epoxy based Red Oxide Zinc Chromate/ Zinc phosphate primer (1 coat) 25 microns Epoxy based Dark paint (2 coats) Grey 80 microns. 1.1b In corrosive environment like exposure to salt dust, cid acid, fumes, etc. Above 120ºC Silicon base Aluminum paint (2 coats) 40 microns 1.2 In ordinary envi- ronment and our- door locations exposed to atmosphere Upto 120ºC 2 coats Red Oxide Zinc Chromate primer with modified phenolic Alkyd base (IS: 2074) 2coatsDark Synthetic Enamel to IS-2932 50 Microns. Grey 2.0 Steel structures, Support structures etc.
2.1 In highly corrosive environment like exposure to salt dust, High Build Chlorinated Zinc Phosphate Primer (1 coat) 50 microns Calorimated Rubber base paint (two coats) 80 microns. Black 2.2. In ordinary environ- ment and outdoor locations expose to atmospheres Red Oxide Zinc chromat primer IS: 2074 (two coats) 50 microns Synthetic easmal IS: 2932 (two coats) 50 microns Dark Ray(63 2) 2.4 Stair, tread, Platform Gratings One coat of high builds black bitumen paint thinned with 50% Thinner 50 microns Two coats of high build black bitumen paint 200 microns Black 3.0 Hand Rails One coat of high build black bitumen paint thinned with 50% thinner 50 microns. One coat of high builds black Bitumen paint 100 microns. Black Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 4.0 Storage Tanks & Spheres
Upto 65ºC High Build Chlorinated Zinc Phosphate Primer (one coat) 50 omicrons Chlorinated Rubber Based paint (two coats) 80 microns Dark Grey 4.1 In highly corrosive environment like exposure to salt dust, acid fumes, etc. Upto 120ºC Epoxy based Red Oxide Zinc Chro- mate/Zinc phosphate 25 microns Epoxy based paint (2 coats) 80 microns Dark Grey 4.2 In ordinary environment and outdoor locations expensed to atmosphere Red Oxide Zinc Chromate primer ARE: 2074 (2 coats) 50 microns Aluminium paint to IS: 2339 (2 coats) 50 microns) Alumin ium 5.0 Electric motor, switch, boxes, transformers, electric panels, instrument Control panels
5.1 In highly corrosive environment like exposure to salt, dust Epoxy base Zinc Chromate/Zinc (1 coat) 25 microns Epoxy based paint (2 coats) 80 microns`
Sea Green 5.2 In ordinary environment Red Oxide Zinc Chrome primer to IS: 2074 (two coats) 50 microns Synthetic enamel IS: 2932 (2 coats) 50 microns Dark Grey 6.0 Non-metallic surfaces
6.1 Insulated equipment Piping etc One coat of Aluminum paint To IS: 2339
6.2 Machine base & Plinths
6.3 Machine base & plinths ordinary Heavy duty Bituminous mastic
6.4 Where spillage and splash of corrosive Fluid Coal Tar Epoxy Paint thinned To give 60 microns
Notes: 1) Fire equipments and apparatus shall be painted fire red (IS: 536). 2) Numbers in brackets are identifying numbers of colours as per IS code 3) For identification of piping, see table-2 "Colour code for piping". Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 TABLE - 2 SI. Contents Ground CoIour First CoIour Second CoIour No. Band Band 1.0 GAS 1.1 Nitrogen Canary Yellow (309) Black - 2.0 Air 2.1 Compressed Air Sky Blue (101) Signal Red (537) - 2.2 Instrument Air Sky Blue (101) - - 3.0 Water 3.1 Cooling Water Sea Green (217) Freach Blue (116) - 3.2 Process water Sea Green (217) Light Orange (557) - 3.3 Condensate Sea Green (217) Light Brown (410) - 3.4 Drinking Sea Green (217) French Blue (116) Signal Red (537) 4.0 Steam Upto 3.5 kg/cm 2 Silver Grey (628) if Bitulac or Brilliant Green Al jacket.
5.0 MisceIIaneous 5.1 Drainage Black Primers and paints shaII conform to the foIIowing specification. 1. High BuiId Zonc Phsphat e Primer Composi ti ons - Zi nc phosphate pi gmented al kyd/phenol ic medi um. Appl i cat ion - Brush or Spray Fi lm Thi ckness - 50 microns dry per coat. Dryi ng ti me - Hard dry 6-8 hours; Over coati ng 16 hours mi nimum 2. Epoxy based primer Appl i cat ion - Brush or Spray Type - Two packs, col d cured Mi xing Rati o - Base to hardener 3:1 by vol Pot l if e - 8 hours Fi lm Thi ckness - 25 microns dry per coat. Dryi ng ti me - Surf ace dr y 2 hours hard dry 8 hours, over coati ng 16 hours mi ni mum Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 3. Ch Composi ti on - Pl astici sed chl orinated rubber medi um sui tabl y pi gmented. Chl ori ne content in - Mi ni mum 15% pai nt Appl i cat ion - Brush or rol l er Fi lm Thi ckness - 40 microns dry per coat Dryi ng ti me - Surf ace dry 2 hours hard dry 16 hours Over coati ng 24 hours 4. Two pack Epoxy based paint Epoxy content - Mi nimum 65% Appl i cat ions - Brush or spray Type - Two packs cold cared Mi xing ratio - As per Manufacturers recommendati on Pot Li f e - 8 hours Fi lm thi ckness - 40 mi crons dry per cent. Dryi ng ti me - Surf ace dr y 2 hour Hard dry 16 hours. Recoat abi li t y - 24 hours, Complete Cure-7 days 5. SiIicone based AIuminium Paint Composi ti on - Al umi ni um paint based on si l i cone resin/ Singl e Pack Appl i cat ions - Brush. Fi lm Thi ckness - 20 microns day per cent Dryi ng ti me - 2 hours at 200ºC f or compl ete cure, over coati ng 24 hours at room temperature 6. High buiId micaccous iron oxide paint Composi ti on - Macaceous i ron oxi de/Al umi ni um f lake pi gmented phenol i c medi um. Appl i cat ion - Brush or ai rl ess spray Fi lm Thi ckness - 100 mi crons dr y per cost Dryi ng time - Surf ace dry 4 hours hard dry 16 hours over coati ng 24 hours mi nimum 7. High BuiId Epoxy (two pack) Composi ti on - Epoxy sui tabl y pi gmented Epoxy content in - Mini mum 50% Dr y f i lm. Type - Two pack Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1009 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1009 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAINTING 0 Ap Fi lm Thi ckness - 100 mi crons dr y/cost Drying - Surf ace Dry - 5 hours - Hard Dry - 16 hours Recoutabi l i t y-24 hours Compl ete cure-7 days. Pot Li f e - 5 hours 8. Heat Resisting AI uminium Paint Composi ti ons - Al umi ni um pi gmented arni sh medi um Type - Dual pack Air dr yi ng Appl i cat ion - Brush Fi lm Thi ckness - 20 microns dry per coat Dry t i me - Hard dr y 10 hours, Re-coat abi l i t y 24 hours 9. CoaI Tar Epoxy: Composi ti on - Epoxy/Coal Tar Epoxy content in dr y f i l m - Mini mum 25% Type - 2 packs, col d cured Appl i cat ion - Brush/Airl ess Spray Fi lm thi ckness - 110 mi cron dr y/ cost Drying - Surf ace Dry/ 5 hours - Hard Dry - 16 hours Recoat abi l i t y - 24 hours Compl ete cure - 7 days Pot Li f e - 5 hours 10. High BuiId Back Bitmin Paint Type - Si ngl e pack Ai r Dr yi ng Composi ti on - Rei nforced Bi tumen wi th Phenol i c Resin medi um Appl i cat ion - Brush, Rol ler or Ai rless spray Fi lm thi ckness - 100 to 120 mi crons dry/cost Dryi ng Ti me - 24 hours depending on cli mati c condi ti ons, It may be necessary to al l ow 48 to 72 hours i nterval bef ore appl yi ng second coat. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICES GENERAL: Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 1.0 Scope a. Ref erence Standards b. Deviati ons c. Limitati ons. Temperature Limits d. General Requirements and Personal Protection 2.0 Material requirements a. Insulati on Material i . General ii . Specif icati on and other requirements b. Auxil iary Materials i. Paints i i. Insulati on cement ii i . Hard setting plaster iv. Wire (netti ng & sti tching wire) v. Bandi ng wire vi. Lacing Wire vii . Bands f or sewi ng insulati on material vii i. Foi l f or wrapping S.S. surf ace ix. Spacer rings x. Al uminum j acket xi. Heat transfer putty for tracers (Viz. Thermobond) 3.0 Application of insul ati on i. Thickness of Insulation i i. General Requirements i ii . Extent of i nsulati on iv. Insulati on of S.S. Surf ace v. Insulati on Procedure vi. Vessels & columns vii . General vii i. Vessel head Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 ix. Tanks x. Heat Exchangers xi. Machineries (Pumps, Turbines, Compressors etc.) xii . Pi ping a) General b) Hot Service c) Steam traced lines Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 1.0 GENERAL A SCOPE: Thi s standard covers the requirement for suppl y and appl ication of materials for thermal i nsulation of piping and other items f or Hot Service. Engi neeri ng standards: 200-221-1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068 &1069 is supplementary to this standard and all the appl icable requirements of shall be complied wi th in conjunction with the requirements specif ied here i n. B Reference Standards: 221- 1008 Thermal Insul ation - General Requirements IS: 7413 Code of Practi ce for Industrial Appl ication and finishi ng of thermal i nsul ati on Materi als at temperatures above 40 deg C and up to 700 deg. C IS: 8183 Specification for bonded mineral wool IS: 9842 Specification for preformed f ibrous pipe insulation IS: 9428 Calcium si licate pipe secti ons & bl ocks IS: 9743 Insulati ng cement IS: 9742 Specif ication for sprayable mineral wool C Devi ations Shoul d unforeseen di fficulties ari se to compl y wi th requirements of this standard? - Alternative materials and appl ication techni ques equivalent or superior to the requirements of this standard may be submitted wi th compl ete detai ls f or approval of the owner. - In case of contradi cti on between requirements of this standard and the NIT/ work order, the l atter wil l be f ol lowed. D Limitations. Temperature Limits This standard deal s with i nsulati ons appl ied externall y on pipi ngs/ equi pments etc. for temperature rangi ng f rom 60 deg C to 550 deg C. E GeneraI Requi rement s F PersonaI Prot ection (PP) Insulati on for personnel protection is usuall y called f or when the surf ace temperature is above 65 deg C and process requi rement does not necessitate any i nsul ati on. Wherever, requirement of such i nsul ati on f or P.P. i s indicated, extent of i nsulation wil l be as f ol lows: Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 a) Insulate al l such portions of the surface, which could be touched in the course of normal operation/mai ntenance duti es. b) Insul ate upto a height of 2.5 M above grade l evel/working pl atf orm l evel . c) Insul ate all portions of the surface within a di stance of 600 mm from the edge of any wal k operati ng platf orm/ ladder. I Application of ri gi d i nsulation li ke cal cium sil icate may be considered f or vibrati on prone pipe l ines/equi pments where foot traff ic is expected over the i nsulati on surf ace. 2.0 MATERI AL REQUIREMENTS: 2.1 Insulati on Material 2.1.1 General - Wherever reference to any standard is made it is presumed that the latest revision as on date should be consi dered. 2.1.2 Specif ication and other requirements As per table below: Specif ication Applied Temp Maxm. Thermal Density limit conductivi ty 0 C Kg/m 2 0 C mw/cm 0 C at 100 0 C mean temp. 1 2 3 4 A) For Vessel s/Equi pments/Large Pipes: I) Bonded rockwool 64 300 0.51 Mattress/ sl abs as per IS: 8183 Gr. 2 Or i i) Bonded glass 51 300 0.51 Wool mattress/ Slabs as per IS: 8783 Gr. 2 B) For Vessels/Equipments/Large Pi pes: I) Bonded rock 100 450 0.51 Wool mattress/ Slabs as per IS: 8183 Gr. 3 i i) Bonded glass 85 450 0.51 Wool mattress/ Slabs as per Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 IS: 8183 Gr. 3 i ii ) Bonded rock 120 550 0.51 Wool mattress/ Slabs as per IS: 8183 Gr. 3 C) For Pipes I) Preformed 100 430 0.51 Bonded rock Wool pipe Secti ons as Per IS: 9842 Gr. 2 i i) Preformed 85 450 0.51 Bonded glass Wool pipe sections as Per IS: 9842 Gr. 2 i ii ) Pref ormed 120 550 0.51 Bonded rock Wool pipe Secti ons as Per IS: 9842 Gr. 2 i v) Preformed 250 550 0.56 Calci um silicate Pipe sections As per IS: 8154/ 94 58 & ASTM C 533. NOTES: 1. Insulati on material manuf actured from sl ag is not acceptable. 2. Bonding agent wi ll not be more than 4.5% by wei ght in the insul ati on material . 3. Insulati on materi al on application di rectl y over austenitic stainl ess steel shall not contain bleachabl e chloride more than 10 ppm. For appl icati on on C.S. & A.S. surf aces and on S.S. surfaces covered wi th al uminum foil, from 100 ppm could be permi tted. In case of cal cium si licate, sui table corrosi on i nhi biter (sodium si licate) shal l be added and sodium sil icate content shal l not be less than 20 ppm f or each ppm of leachabl e chl ori de. 4. Where foot traffic i s expected on the insulated surf ace, the mi nimum density of appl ied i nsulation wi ll be 120 kg/m 3 i rrespective of temperature. 5. Sprayable mineral wool as per IS: 9742 may be considered for irregular shaped equipments li ke turbines, pumps etc. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 6. All opti onal requi rements as per cl . 3.10. 3, 3.10.5 3.10.6, and 3.10.7 of IS 8183 and cl .3.12.1, 3.12.4 of IS: 9842 shal l be complied wit h. 7. Large pi pe means pipe having nomi nal size 12" NB and higher. 2.2 Auxi l iar y Mater ial s 2.2.1 Paints Heat resi sting (for appl ication on S.S. surfaces Hot Servi ce) Type - Single pack Composition - Sil icon resin based with aluminum f lakes as pigment. Dry fi lm thi ckness - 20 mi crons/coat (minm.) No. of coats - 2 coats Other requi rement - It should be suitabl e to wi th stand temperature up to 550 0 C. 2.2.2 InsuIation Cement Thi s is used for f ill ing voi ds & surface irregul ari ties. This shal l be hi gh grade mineral wool/calcium silicate pl astic composition based cement havi ng a vol umetric shrinkage not exceedi ng 20% of wet coverage and with a max. Thermal conductivi ty of 0.01 mw/ 0 C at 205 0 C mean t emp. 2.2.3 Hard setting pIaster Hard setting plaster shall be a mi xture of cement sand or cement mineral fi ber or plaster of Pari s-mineral fi ber. This wil l be appl ied over the specif ied wire meti ng /chain li nk mesh. The plaster shall conform to IS: 9743. 2.2.4 Wire (netting & stitching wire) Wire netting for machine stitched mattresses shall be galvanized steel wire of dia 0.56 mm (mi nmum) taking 25 mm hexagon mesh. Lacing wire to bind the ends of wire netting shall be galvani zed steel wi re of minimum di a 0.56 mm. 2.2.5 Banding wire Wire f or securing insulati ng blankets or secti ons shal l be gal vani zed soft, annealed steel wire of 1.625 mm diameter for pipes and 2.640 mm dia f or vessels. 2.2.6 Lacing Wire Lacing wi re to sti tch wire netting of adj acent mattresses shal l be of G.I. wire of 22 SWG. 2.2.7 Bands for sewing insuIation materiaI Aluminum or S.S. 20×0.5 mm. For spherical surfaces onl y S.S. bands wil l be used. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 2.2.8 FoiI for wrapping S.S. surf ace Aluminum foil of 0.1 mm thickness, free f rom pin hol es 2.2.9 Spacer rings 1. Spacer rings shall be provided when mattress insulation i s used to provide frame work on which aluminum sheeti ng used f or protecting the i nsulation, is cladded. These ri ngs shall be f abricated from 25×3 mm MS fl ats. Spacer ri ngs are not required when pi pe li nes are insulated wi th pref ormed pi pe section. The outside di a. of these rings shal l be equivalent to the diameter of the pi pes/vessels measured over the insulati on. Spacer rings shall not be required when i nsul ati on in the f orm of pref ormed rigid pi pe sectors is used. 2. Spacer rings may not be used f or pipes where i nsulati on D.D. is less than 200 mm. 3. Spacer ri ngs shall be provi ded with "Z" shaped stays fabricated from the same size MS f lats. Stays shal l be provided at Intervals of not more than 300 mm al ong the circumf erence of the insulation, subj ect to a mi ni um of 3 stays. Spacer rings shall be provided on the pipes at a pi tch of not more than 900 mm. 4. To minimize direct heat conduction through the stays a packing of 2 sheets of 3 mm thi ck asbestos mill board shall be provided at the j oints of the stays and pi pes, whil e the joi nts of stays and MS ri ngs shall be rivet ted by 6 mm dia. MS rivers wi th 2 sheets of 3 mm thick asbestos mill board interposed. 2.2.11 Heat transf er putty for tracers (Viz. Thermobond) f or tracers 3.0 APPLICATION OF INSULATION: 3.1 Thickness of InsuIation: Insulati on thickness shall be as specif ied i n the i nsul ati on schedule/ specif icati on/ some standard drawi ngs prepared f or equipments/ pi ping. Wherever the thickness is not indicated the same may be selected. 3.2 GeneraI Requirements: 3.2.1 Ext ent of insuIation: - All steam traced Ii nes, steam j acketed pipings and vessels shal l be insul ated. - Steam trap and piping downstream of i t shall not be i nsul ated. - Turbines, pumps and compressors operati ng below 120 0 C shall not be insul ated unl ess otherwise specifi ed. - Flanges & flanged valves on l ines operating above 65 0 C but bel ow 200 deg C shall normall y not be insul ated expect f or personnel protection. In such cases, insulati on shal l termi nate at such as di stance from the j oints as to provide suff ici ent space f or removal of bolts. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 - Drain and vent pi ping for hot servi ce upto the first valve on i nsulated equi pment shall be insulated with similar t ype of insulati on and fi ni sh as the equipment to which at tached. - Steam suppl y headers, and tracer lines used for steam tracing as shown on steam trap hook-ups shall be i nsulated. - All instruments which are steam traced shall be i nsulated f or heat conservati on. - All sample connecti ons and drai ns on steam lines shal l be insul ated. - All name plates and vessel marki ngs shoul d remain visi ble. 3.2.2 InsuIation of S.S. Surface: For operating temperature upto 450 0 C the stainless steel surf ace shal l be wrapped with 0.1 mm thick aluminum f oil with 50 mm overlap at longitudinal and ci rcumf erential j oints bef ore applicati on of insulation. All j oints of the al umi num f oil shal l have bari te chromate primer interposed. Al uminum f oil shall be fi ref l y secured on to the stai nless surfaces by aluminum bands at a pi tch of 450 mm. Care shall be taken whil e applyi ng aluminum f oil over the pipes to ensure that the f oi l i s not punctured at any place duri ng wrappi ng and clappi ng with aluminum bands. For operat ing temperatures from 451 to 550 0 C, the stainl ess steel surf aces shall be pai nted wi th two coats of heat resistant pai nt before appl icati on of i nsul ati on. When the paint becomes dry, the painted surf aces shall show no discontinuity. 3.3 InsuIation Procedure: The appl icati on procedure described is for rock/glass wool. For other i nsul ati ons, the application procedure shall be submitted by the tenderness. 3.3.1 VesseIs & coIumns: 3.3.1. 1 GeneraI: Insulati on bl ankets shal l be appli ed with the retaining wiremesh exposed on the outside. The edges of blankets shall be well butted upt o each other and l aced together wi th galvani zed wire and secured to the vessel with circumferential bands, when two layers are to be appl i ed the fi rst layer may be secured by means of galvani zed wire i n l ieu of the bands. On f lat surfaces, blankets/blocks/sl abs shall be appl ied by impal ing them over 9 gauge galvanized wire pi ns welded perpendicular to the surface. The extendi ng ends of the wires shall then be bent upward at right angles and pressed into the blanket. The edges of blankets shall be li ghtl y butted and l aced together with galvani zed wire. Where more than one year of i nsulati on i s appli ed, securi ng bands of the layers shall not coincide with each other. Al l j oints in successi ve l ayer shall be staggered. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 3.3.1. 2 VesseI head: Insulati on on heads shall be secured by radial bands from a floating ring centered at the crown of head and tied t o a circumferenti al band pl eased approx 300 mm insi de the tangent line on insulati on O.D. on to heads of verti cal vessels, these radi al bands protecti ng the blanket insulati on shal l be provided with di stance pins placed ovary 300 mm and of a l ength equal to i nsulati on thi ckness. The pi ns shal l be welded or ri veted to the strip steel . For bottom heads, i n all skirt supported vessels insulation supports are provided inside the skirt as indicated in the equipment drawings. Fl oati ng ri ngs or wi re loops around t he nozzl e and tends may be used to support downward f acing of insulation. Such a fl oati ng ri ng may be supported from the l agging support ring f ixed inside the ski rt. Bl anket shall be shaped and secured on to the head by means of bands stretched across the floating ri ng and insulati on support ri ngs. The i nsul ation shal l be covered wi th galvani zed wi re netting fi rmly l aced together and secured in place. Insul ation details shall be as per Fig. 6. Al l wi re ends shal l be cut short and turned i nto the i nsulati on. For verti cal vessels having temperatures more than or equal to 450 0 C, the upper 600 mm of the supporting ski rt shall be i nsulated both on inside and outside. 3.3.2 Tanks: The detai ls of support cl eats wil l be as indi cated i n tank f abrication drawi ngs. - Mineral wool mattresses faced with galvani zed iron wire netting shall be pressed onto the supporting pins of 8 SW GI wire. Al l j oi nts shall be closel y butted as shown. - For the top of tank the f oll owi ng procedure shal l be adopted where angl e supports/wi re l ugs are not provided by fabricator. Al l these wi ll be supplied by insul ation contractor. - Laying of central and peripheral angl e rings. - Welding M6 studs of l ength T + 6 mm (Where T = thickness of insul ation) at 300 mm pi tch to MS flats shal l then be lai d on the tank top connecti ng the central and peri pheral ri ngs rivetted/ welded at both ends. Fix the 15 × 6 mm f lat cross stiff ners wi th stud welded. - Fix resi n bonded mi neral wool slabs of requi red thi ckness by pressing on to the studs. - Stretch 20 SWG chain l ink mesh, anchoring i t to the M.S. st uds by means of speed washers. - Apply approx 19 mm thick hard setti ng plaster trowel led to a smooth and even f inish. - When hard setti ng compound i s compl etel y dry appl y a standard f our course bi tumen f elt, water proof treatment as per IS: 1346. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 - Fix a "shed-water" shroud constructed from 200 galvanized iron pl ai n sheets at the periphery of the tank. This shall be f itted pri or to the appl ication of the hard setting compound. 3.3.3 Heat Exchangers ( OptionaI) Exchangers shal l be i nsulated with insul ation mattresses as specified f or vessel. Channels and channel covers wi ll be insulated wi th removabl e aluminum covers li ned with insulati on. Unless otherwise menti oned f lange bolti ng shall be li ft uninsulated for hot servi ce. 3.3.4 Machineries ( Pumps, Turbines, Compressors etc.) In general these wil l be i nsulated in such a way that the same is of removable type to allow easy maintenance. The contractor shall supply i nsul ati on detai l to engineer-in-charge for approval . 3.3.5 Pipings a) GeneraI - Vertical l ines shall be provided wi th wel ded support rings reference spaced at approximately 4000 mm. Expansion/contraction j oints shal l be provided under each support ring f or hot/cold service. - Insulati on around support shoes etc. shal l be trimmed closely and thoroughly sealed with vapor seal mastic. For hanger support special care shall be given for weather proofi ng j acket and seal i ng mastic. Ref. b) Hot Service The preformed pipe secti on of requi red thi ckness shall be fi xed on the pi pe surface with the hel p of 24 mm × 24 SWG aluminum band. The blankets shal l be wrapped round the pi pe cl osel y, completel y coveri ng the outer surf ace. Edges shall be tightl y but ted and laced wi th galvani zed wire ref fig. The blankets shall be secured in place with galvani zed bands/wires spaced at 300 mm. Ends of the wire l oops shall be twisted and pressed back into the insulati on. Al l voids, i rregularities and j oints shal l be painted up and trowel led smooth with insul at ions cement. Longitudinal joi nts on hori zontal pi pes shal l be located 30 deg bel ow cent erl ine of pipe. Spacer rings as shown i n shal l be instal led at 100 mm interval to support the jacket. In consideration of possi bl e pi pe l ine movement wi th change in fluid temperature di fferent pipes shoul d be separately i nsulated. Flanges, valves & expansion j oi nts shall be insul ated wi th removable type arrangement as per requirement of . c) Steam traced Iines The steam traced line shall f irst be wrapped with 24 SWG × 3/4" hexagonal meshes GI wire netti ng so that i t passes round the supporting hooks for the tracer l ine or l ines. Thus ensuri ng tracer pi pe bearing tightl y against the line, which is steam, traced. Thi s prevents the insulati ng material from enteri ng Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1028 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1028 SPECIFICATION FOR INSULATION HOT SERVICE 0 the air jacket f ormed between the i nsul ati on and the pipes. The details are given in. In case of steam traced li nes wi th thermo-bond or wi th Al foil the material supply and appl ication, as per wi ll be in the scope of i nsulation contractor. For stainless steel main li nes havi ng steam tracer, the method of applicati on of insulati on shal l be the same as descri bed in above except that an aluminum f oi l, shal l be wrapped round the main pipe and tracer pi pe as per the procedure described in cl ause 3.3.2. 3.3.6 Aluminum j acketing shall be appl ied over the fi ni shed i nsul ation surface as per standard INSULATION THICKNESS (MM) TABLE - I DN Temperature ( Deg. Cent.) mm <150 151-250 251-350 351-450 451-550 < 40 40 60 80 90 90 50 40 60 80 90 90 65 50 60 80 90 100 80 50 70 90 100 100 100 50 70 100 100 110 125 50 70 100 100 110 150 50 80 100 110 110 200 60 80 100 120 120 250 60 80 100 130 130 300 60 80 100 130 130 350 60 80 110 130 130 400 60 90 110 130 140 450 70 90 120 140 150 500 70 90 120 140 160 600 70 100 130 150 170 >600 80 110 140 160 180 Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 1.0 SAFETY 1. 0 GENERAL Contract or shal l adhere t o saf e constr uct i on pract i ce and guard agai nst hazardous and unsal e worki ng condi ti ons and shal l compl y wi t h Cl i ent' s saf et y rul es as set f ort h herei n. 2. 0 FIRST AI D AND I NDUSTRI AL I NJURI ES Cont ract or shal l mai nt ai n f i rst ai d f aci l i ti es f or i ts empl oyees and t hose of i ts sub-contractors. Contract or shal l make outsi de arrangements f or ambul ance servi ces shal l be f urni shed t o Si t e Engi neer pri or t o st art of construct i on, and t hei r t el ephone numbers shal l be promi nent l y posted i n Cont ractor ' s f i el d of f i ce. Al l cri t i cal I ndustr i al i nj uri es shal l be report ed prompt l y to Si t e Engi neer, and a copy of Contract or ' s report coveri ng each personal i nj ur y r equi ri ng the att ent i on of a physi ci an shal l be f ur ni shed t o t he Cl i ent. 2. 0 GENERAL RULES Carr yi ng/ Stri ki ng of mat ches/ l i ght ers i nsi de t he ref i ner y area, smoki ng wi t hi n t he ref i ner y, t ank f arm, or dock l i mi t s are st ri ct l y prohi bi t ed. Vi ol at ors of the ' No Smoki ng, rul es, shal l be di schar ged i mmedi at el y. Wi thi n t he operat i on area, no hot work shal l be permi t t ed wi t hout val i d gas saf et y/f i re permi t s. The Cont ract or shal l be hel d l i abl e and responsi bl e f or al l l apses of hi s sub-contr actors/ empl oyees i n t hi s regard. 3. 0 CONTRACTOR' S BARRICADES 3. 0 Contr act or shal l erect and mai nt ai n barr i cades requi red i n connect i on wi t h hi s oper at i on t o guar d or prot ect: i ) Excavat i on i i ) Hoi st i ng areas i i i ) Areas adj udged hazar dous by Contr act ors or Cl i ent' s i nspect ors i v) Cl i ent ' s exi st i ng proper t y l i abl e t o damage by contr act or' s operat i ons, i n the opi ni on of Si t e Engi neer v) Rai l road unl oadi ng spot s. 3. 1 Contr act or' s empl oyees and t hose of i t s sub-cont ract ors shal l become acquai nt ed wi th Cl i ent ' s barr icadi ng pract i ce and shal l respect the provi si ons t hereof . 3. 2 Barr i cades and hazar dous ar eas adj acent t o but not l ocat ed i n normal rout es of t ravel shal l be marked by r ed f l asher l ant erns at ni ghts. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 4. 0 SCAFFOLDI NG Sui t abl e scaf f ol di ngs shal l be provi ded f or work men f or al l wor ks that cannot saf el y t o done f rom t he ground or f rom sol i d const ruct i on except such short peri od work as can be done saf el y f rom l adders. When a l adder i s used, an ext ra mazdoor shal l be engaged f or hol di ng t he l adder and i f t he l adder i s used f or carr yi ng materi al s as wel l sui t abl e f oot hol ds and handhol ds shal l be pr ovi ded on t he l adder and t he l adder shal l be gi ven an i ncl i nat i on not st eeper t han 1 i n 4 (1 hor i zont al and 4 vert i cal ). Scaf f ol di ng or st agi ng more than 12", above the gr ound or f l oor, swi ng or suspended f rom an overhead support or erect ed wi th st at i onar y support shal l have a guard rai l proper l y att ached. bol t ed, br aced and ot herwi se rewarded at l east 3' , hi gh above t he f l oor or pl atf orm of scaf f ol di ng or stagi ng and ext endi ng al ong t he ent i re l engt h of t he outsi de and ends thereof wi t h onl y such openi ngs as may be necessar y f or t he del i very of mat eri al s. Such scaf f ol di ng or st agi ng shal l be so f ast ened as to prevent i t f rom swayi ng from t he bui l di ng or str uct ure. Worki ng pl atf orm, gangways and stai rways shoul d be so constr uct ed that they shoul d not sag undul y or unequal l y and i f t he hei ght of the pl atf orm of the gangway or t he stai rways i s more than 12' , above gr ound l evel or f l oor l evel , t hey shoul d be cl osel y boarded, shoul d have - adequat e wi dt h and shoul d be sui tabl y f ast ened. Ever y openi ng i n t he f l oor of a bui l di ng or i n a worki ng pl at f orm be provi ded wi t h sui t abl e means t o prevent t he f ai l of persons or mater i al s by pr ovi di ng sui t abl e f enci ng or rai l i ng whose mi ni mum hei ght shal l be 3' -0". Saf e means of access shal l be provi ded t o al l worki ng pl atf orms and ot her worki ng pl aces. Ever y l adder shal l be securel y f i xed. No port abl e si ngl e l adder shal l be over 30' i n l engt h whi l e t he wi dt h between t he si de rai l s i n rung l adder shal l i n no case be l ess t han 11' . 5" i nches f or l adder up t o and i ncl udi ng 10' i n l engt h f or l onger l adders t hi s wi dth woul d be i ncr eased at l east 1/ 4" f or each addi t i onal f oot of l engt h. Uni f orm step spaci ng shal l not exceed 12". Adequate "precaut i ons shal l be t aken to prevent danger f rom el ect ri cal equi pment. No mat eri al s on any of the si t e of work shal l be so stacked or pl aced as t o cause danger or i nconveni ence to any per son or pubi c. The Contr actor shal l al so pr ovi de al l necessary f enci ng and l i ght s t o prot ect t he workers and st af f f rom acci dent s, and shal l be bound t o bear t he expenses of def ence of - ever y sui t , acti on or ot her proceedi ngs, as l aw t hat may be br ought by any person f or i nj ur y sust ai ned owi ng t o negl ect of t he above precaut i ons and to pay damages and costs whi ch may - be awarded i n any such sui t or act i on or proceedi ngs to any such person, or whi ch may wi t h t he consent of t he Cont ract or be pai d to compromi se any cl ai m by any such person. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 5. 0 EXCAVATI ON AND TRENCHING 5. 0 Al l tr enches 4' or more i n dept h, shal l at al l t i mes be suppl i ed wi t h l east one l adder f or - each- 100' l engt h or f ract i on thereof . 5. 1 Ladder shal l be ext ended f rom bot tom of t he t rench to at l east 3' . 3" above the surf ace of t he gr ound. The si te of t he tr enches whi ch i s 5' or more i n dept h shal l be st epped back t o gi ve sui t abl e sl ope, or securel y hel d by ti mber braci ng, so as t o avoi d t he danger of si des t o col l apse. The excavat ed materi al shal l not be pl aced wi t hi n 5' of t he edge of t he trench or hal f of t rench depth whi chever i s more. Cut t i ng shal l be done f rom t op t o bot t om. Under no ci rcumst ances undermi ni ng or undercut t i ng be done. 6. 0 DEMOLI TI ON 6. 0 Bef or e any demol i t i on work i s commenced and al so duri ng t he process of the work al l roads and open area adj acent t o the work si t e shal l ei ther be cl osed or sui t abl y prot ected. 6. 1 No el ectr i c cabl e or appar at us whi ch i s l i abl e t o be a source of dangerovera cabl e or apparat us used by t he operat or shal l remai n el ectr i cal l y charged. 6. 2 Al l pract i cal st eps al l be taken t o prevent danger t o persons empl oyed, f rom ri sk of f i re or expl osi on or fl oodi ng. No f l oor, or ot her part of the bui l di ng shal l be so overl oaded wi th debri s or materi al as t o render i t on sal e. 7. 0 SAFETY EQUI PMENT Necessar y personal saf et y equi pment as consi dered adequat e by the Si t e Engi neer shoul d be made avai l able f or t he use t o t he persons empl oyed on the si te and mai nt ai ned i n a condi t i on sui tabl e f or i mmedi at e use, and the Cont ract or shoul d t ake adequat e st eps to ensure proper use of equi pment by t hose concerned. Workers empl oyed on mi xi ng asphal t ed mat eri al s, cement and l i me mortars shal l be provi ded wi t h prot ect i ve f oot wear and protecti ve gl oves. Those engaged i n whi t ewashi ng and mi xi ng or st acki ng of cement bags or any mater i al s whi ch are i nj uri ous t o t he eyes shal l be provi ded wi t h prot ect i ve goggl es. Those engaged in wel di ng and cut t i ng works shal l be provi ded wi t h prot ect i ve f ace and eye shi el ds, and gl oves, et c. St one breakers shal l be provi ded wi t h prot ect i ve goggl es and pr ot ect i ve cl ot hi ng, and seat ed at suf f i ci ent l y sal e i nterval s. When workers are empl oyed i n sewers and manhol es, whi ch ar e i n use, t he Cont ract or shal l ensure that t he manhol e covers are opened and ar e vent i l at ed at l east f or an hour bef ore the workers are al l owed t o get i nt o the manhol es, and t he manhol es so opened shal l be cordoned of f wi t h sui tabl e rai l i ng and provi ded wi th warni ng si gnal s or boards to prevent acci dent t o the publ i c. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 The Contr act or shal l not empl oy men bel ow t he age of 18 years and women on the work of pai nti ng or product s cont ai ni ng l ead i n any f orm. Wher ever men above t he age of 11 years are empl oyed on t he work of l ead pai nt i ng the f ol l owi ng precaut i ons shoul d be t aken. No pai nt contai ni ng l ead or l ead product shal l be used except i n t he f orm of past e or readymade pai nt. Sui t abl e f ace masks shal l be suppl i ed f or use by t he workers when pai nt i s appl i ed i n t he f orm of spray or a surf ace havi ng l ead pai nt dr y r ubbed and scrapped. Overal l shal l be suppl i ed by t he Contr actor t o t he workman and adequat e f aci l i t i es shal l be provi ded t o enabl e the worki ng pai nt ers t o wash duri ng and on cessat i on of work. 8. 0 RI SKY PLACES When the work i s done near any pl ace wher e there i s a r i sk of drawi ng, al l necessar y saf et y equi pment shal l be provi ded and kept r eady f or use and al l necessar y st eps t aken f or prompt rescue of any person i n danger and adequat e provi si on shoul d be made f or prompt f i rst ai d treatment of al l i nj ur ies l i kel y t o be sust ai ned dur ing the course of t he work. 8. 1 HOI STI NG EQUI PMENT Use of hoi st i ng machi nes and t ackl e i ncl udi ng t hei r at t achment s, anchor age and support s shal l conf orm to the f ol l owi ng st andards or condi ti ons: These shal l be of good mechani cal const ruct i on, sound mat er i al s and adequat e str engt h and f ree f rom patent def ect and shal l be kept i n good condi t i on and i n good worki ng order. Ever y r ope used i n hoi st i ng or l oweri ng mat eri al s or as a means of suspensi on shal l be of dur abl e qual i t y and adequate strength and f ree f rom pat ent def ect s. Ever y cr ane dr i ver or hoi sti ng appl i ance operator shal l be properl y qual i f i ed and no person under the age of 21 years shoul d be i n charge of any hoi st i ng machi ne i ncl udi ng any scaf f ol di ng wi nch or gi ve si gnal s t o t he operat or. I n case of ever y hoi st i ng machi ne and of ever y chai n ri ng hook, shackl e swi vel and pul l ey bl ock used i n hoi st i ng or l oweri ng or as means of suspensi on, t he saf e worki ng l oad shal l be ascert ai ned by adequat e means. Ever y hoi sti ng machi ne and al l gear r ef err ed t o above shal l be pl ai nl y marked wi t h t he saf e worki ng l oad and the condi t i ons under whi ch i t i s appl i cabl e shal l be cl earl y i ndi cat ed. No par t of any machi ne or any gear ref erred t o above i n t hi s paragraph shal l be l oaded beyond t he sal e worki ng l oad except f or t he pur pose of t est i ng. \ I n case of depar tment al machi ne, the saf e worki ng l oad shal l be noti f i ed by the Si t e Engi neer . As regards Cont ractor ' s machi nes, t he Contractor shal l not i f y the sal e worki ng l oad of t he machi ne t o the Si t e Engi neer, whenever he bri ngs any machi ner y t o si t e of work and get i t veri f i ed by t he Si te Engi neer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 8. 2 ELECTRI CAL EQUI PMENT Motor, Gear i ng, Transmi ssi on, El ect ri c wi ri ng and ot her dangerous part s of hoi st i ng appl i ances shal l be provi ded wi t h ef f i ci ent saf eguar ds, hoi sti ng appl i ance shoul d be provi ded wr i t e such means as wi l l reduce t o the mi ni mum, the ri sk of acci dent al descent of the l oad, adequat e pr ecauti ons shal l be t aken t o reduce to t he mi ni mum t he ri sk of any part of a suspended l oad becomi ng acci dent al l y di spl aced. When workers are empl oyed on el ect ri cal i nst al l at i ons, whi ch are al ready energi zed, i nsul at i ng mats, weari ng appar el , such as gl oves and boot s as may be necessar y shal l be provi ded. The workers shal l not wear any ri ngs, watches and carr y keys or ot her mat eri al s, whi ch are good conduct ors of el ect ri ci t y. 8. 3 MAI NTENANCE OF SAFETY DEVI CES Al l scaf f ol ds, l adders and ot her saf et y devi ces ment i oned or descri bed herei n shal l be mai nt ai ned i n saf e condi ti ons and no scaf f ol d, l adder or equi pment shal l be al t ered or removed whi l e i t i s i n use. Adequat e washi ng f aci l i t i es shoul d be provi ded at or near pl ace of works. 8. 4 DI SPLAY OF SAFETY I NSTRUCTI ONS These saf et y pr ovi si ons shoul d be brought t o the not i ce of al l concer ned by di spl ay on a not i ce board at a promi nent pl ace at t he work spot . The person responsi bl e f or compl i ance of t he saf et y code shal l be named t herei n by the Cont ract or. 8. 5 ENFORCEMENT OF SAFETY REGULATI ONS To ensure ef f ect i ve enf orcement of t he rul es and r egul at i ons rel at i ng t o saf et y pr ecaut i ons the arrangements made by the Contr act or shal l be open to i nspect i on by t he Wel f are Of f icer , Si te Engi neer or Saf et y Engi neer of t he Owner or thei r r epresent at i ves. 8. 6 NO EXEMPTION The works throughout i ncl udi ng any t empor ar y works shal l be carri ed on i n such a manner as not t o i nterf er e i n any way what soever wi t h the traf f i c on any r oads or f oot paths, at t he si t e or i n t he vi cini t y theret o or any exi st i ng works whether t he propert y of t he Owner or of a t hi rd part y. In addi t i onal to t he above, t he Contract or shal l abi de by t he saf et y code provi si on as per C.P.W.D. Saf et y Code f ramed f rom ti me to t i me. The Contract or shal l al so arrange to obt ai n val i d gat e passes f or hi s men and equi pment f rom the concerned authori t i es of t he Proj ect. No man/ mat eri al /equi pment not cover ed by val i d passes shal l be permi t t ed wi t hi n t he Proj ect area and no mat eri al / equi pment shal l be permi t t ed t o be t aken out of the Proj ect ar ea, unl ess aut hor i sed by the concerned aut hor i sed of t he Proj ect . The Contr act or shal l be hel d f ul l y responsi bl e f or any overal l del ays/ l osses/ damages that may r esul t consequent on any l apses t hat may occur on t he part of hi s-sub- cont ract or' s empl oyees i n t hi s regar d. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi - 110 065 MFE-101-1001 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 101-1001 SPECIFICATION FOR SAFETY 0 The Contractor shall follow environmental safety, personal safety for all staff and workmen, Fire safety, Industrial safety, and safety as per relevant statutory regulations, Refinery safety, and follow the safety norms of the Owner.
8.7 Smoking is not permissible inside the refinery complex. If any employees of the Contractor caught, while smoking, the contractor shall be penalized and may extended to withdraw the contract with immediate effect, as decided by the Client's management.
8.8 The Contractor to take all precautions to make the work site, an accident free environment. 8.9 The Contractor is responsible for the provision of Insurance coverage for all their employees. 8.10 The details of insurance coverage for the employees of the Contractor shall submit for the review of the Client's, prior to start the work. 8.11 All construction site safety equipments for the Contractor employees shall be arranged and provided by the Contractor.
1.1 This specification covers welded & seamless pipes manufactured according to ASTM/ ISI specifications.
1.2 Pipes offered as per ASTM specifications shall be Grade B and shall be used for Utility services like, Steam, Air, Fuel Oil, Process services, etc. 1.3 The sizes and wall thickness shall be listed in the piping MTO/ PMS 1.4 For pipes 2" and larger Nominal Bore and thickness 2.9mm and larger, the end preparation shall be beveled as per ANSI B 16.25.
1.5 The Pipes shall be supplied on random length of 4 to 7 meters, with a tolerance of 1%. Jointers are not permitted. 1.6 All standards referred shall be latest edition. 2.0 MATERIAL:
2.1 Manufacturer/ Tenderer shall specify the process of manufacturing o f steel required for manufacturing of pipes to be supplied, which shall be strictly as per ASTM Code or recommended.
2.2 Chemical composition of steel required for manufacturing these pipes shall conform to as specified in ASTM Codes/ recommended Codes as per specification. 2.3 Manufacturer shall carryout check analysis/ recheck analysis to conform to the proper chemical composition of Material. 2.4 Carbon contents in Carbon Steel pipes shall be maximum 0.25%. 3.0 TESTING:
3.1 Incase of seamless &B welded pipes, parent material including weld and heat effected zone for low temperature services shall be impact tested on charpy V notch at the lowest design temperature in accordance with the requirement of ASTM specification.
3.2 Hydrostatic test shall be carried out on each random length of pipe as per ASTM A 530 for pipes to ASTM specification, as API 5L for API specification and as per IS: 1239 for pipes per IS: 1239 and as per IBR specification for pipes under IBR services. 3.3 For seamless pipes, each length of pipe with following specifications shall be ultrasonically tested as per ASTM E 213 or ASTM A 388. a) Size upto 4" NB and thickness, Schedule 120 & above. b) Size 5" and above and thickness 12 mm and above. Any defects producing signal greater than the appropriate reference groove shall be unacceptable. The allowable defect shall be longitudinal flat bottom groove on the outside or inside surface of the pipes and length not greater than 25 mm, width greater than 1.6 mm and depth not greater than the smaller of 1 mm or 5% of the wall thickness. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1003 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1003 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPES 0 4.0 INSPECTION
4.1 Inspection authority means any agency authorized by the Owner for Inspection.
4.2 Pipes for steam service shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of IBR Form III. 4.3 The Inspection agency has right to select random samples for inspection and reject the materials, if the sample furnished does not meet the requirements mentioned above. 4.4 The inspection agency shall be allowed to access at any point of time to the work site for checking the materials. 4.5 Testing performed in the presence of the purchaser's representative shall not relieve the supplier of their own responsibilities and guarantees and any other contractual obligations. 5.0 REPORTS:
5.1 All non-IBR pipes shall be supplied with 4 copies of mill test certificates, where as 8 copies indicating the following information duly signed by the inspecting authority. a) Purchase order number b) Material specification and grade c) Size, schedule & thickness d) Quantity e) Lot/ Batch number f) Chemical Analysis results g) Mechanical test reports h) Hydrostatic test reports i) Non-destructive test examination reports. 6.0 MARKING:
6.1 All piping shall be legibly marked to display the size, schedule/ wall thickness, weight per meter, material grade, test pressure, length, etc.
6.2 Marking of pipes shall be paint stenciled or apply rolling or stamping. 6.3 In addition to the above information, all lengths shall be given 20 mm wide colour band as per colour coding of pipe material. 6.4 For pipes covered under IBR grade shall be marked "IBR" with 20 mm wide colour band. 6.5 Part number shall be marked on both ends to identify the pipes for transportation, handling and storage. 7.0 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION
7.1 All ends shall be plugged or capped. One coat of anti rust paint shall be applied on surfaces, except for Stainless Steel pipes. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1003 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1003 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPES 0 8.0 GUARANTEE:
8.1 All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship during manufacturing/ handling, defective material. 9.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDING PURPOSE ONLY:
9.1 Each sheet of technical conditions shall be duly signed and stamped by the competent authority shall be enclosed along with the offer, without which shall be treated as incomplete and rejected without reference. 9.2 The price shall be quoted on photocopy of the same sheet of MTO attached with the enquiry specification and any deviation from the required specification shall be clearly marked. Prices typed or printed on other format shall not be considered for evaluation and rejected without reference.
9.3 Deviation list with proper reference number shall be attached in separate sheet, incase of any stipulated deviation from the clause stipulated in code and other enquiry documents. It shall be assumed that, the offer complies with all the requirements in totality and such assumptions shall be strictly binded on the supplier. 9.4 If the test and third party inspection charges are not mentioned separately, it shall be assumed that included in the offer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1004 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1004 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE FITTINGS 0 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE FITTINGS Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1004 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1004 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE FITTINGS 0 1.0 GENERAL:
1.1 This specification refers the responsibility of the supplier and covers supplementary requirements relating to manufacturing, inspection, testing, painting, packing and dispatch, etc. This shall read in conjunction with the enquiry documents. 1.2 All standards referred shall be latest edition. 1.3 Incase of any conflict between different specifications, the Supplier/ Contractor shall contact the Owner for clarifications. Otherwise it is understood that, all clauses are clear to the Vendors. 1.4 The quantities mentioned are tentative and may have a tolerance of 25% and shall be decided in the time of order. 1.5 All Galvanized fittings shall be dip galvanized. 1.6 All big bore pipe fitting end shall be beveled and as per ANSI B 16.25. 2.0 MATERIALS:
2.1 All materials shall be as per Piping Material Specification for Fittings.
2.2 Separate test certificates shall be produced during delivery of each item. 2.3 All Forging for CS fitting to comply with ASTM A 105, which carbon contents shall be maximum of 0.25%. For Alloy steel and Austenitic stainless steel A1 182 maximum carbon % shall be .08. 3.0 TESTING:
3.1 Thickness and size of each fitting shall be mentioned shall be ultrasonically tested as per ASTM E 213 or ASTM A 388.
a) Pipe size up to 4" NB >Sch 120 b) Pipe size 5" NB and above >12 mm Any defects producing signal greater than the appropriate reference groove shall be unacceptable. The allowable defect shall be longitudinal flat bottom groove on the outside or inside surface of the pipes and length not greater than 25 mm, width greater than 1.6 mm and depth not greater than the smaller of 1 mm or 5% of the wall thickness. 3.2 Incase of pipe fittings for low temperature service, the parent material including weld and heat affected zone for low temperature services shall be impact tested on charpy V notch in accordance with the requirement of specification. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1004 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1004 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE FITTINGS 0 4.0 INSPECTION:
4.1 Inspection authority means any agency authorized by the Owner for Inspection.
4.2 Pipes fittings & Flanges for steam service shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of IBR Form III. 4.3 The Inspection agency has right to select random samples for inspection and reject the materials, if the sample furnished does not meet the requirements mentioned above. 4.4 The inspection agency shall be allowed to access at any point of time to the work site for checking the materials. 4.5 Testing performed in the presence of the purchaser's representative shall not relieve the supplier of their own responsibilities and guarantees and any other contractual obligations. 5.0 REPORTS:
5.1 All non-IBR pipe fittings shall be supplied with 4 copies of mill test certificates, where as 8 copies for IBR services indicating the following information duly signed by the inspecting authority. a) Purchase order number b) Material specification and grade c) Size, schedule & thickness d) Quantity e) Lot/ Batch number f) Chemical Analysis results g) Mechanical test reports h) Non-destructive test examination reports. 6.0 MARKING: 6.1 All pipe fittings shall be legibly marked to display the size, schedule/ wall thickness, weight, material grade, test pressure, etc.
6.2 Marking of pipes shall be paint stenciled or apply rolling or stamping. 6.3 For items covered under IBR grade shall be marked "IBR". 6.4 Part number shall be marked on every pieces for transportation, handling and storage. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1004 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1004 SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE FITTINGS 0 7.0 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION:
8.1 All ends shall be plugged or capped. One coat of anti rust paint shall be applied on surfaces, except for Stainless Steel pipe fittings. 8.2 All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship during manufacturing/ handling, defective material. 8.3 Each sheet of technical conditions shall be duly signed and stamped by the competent authority shall be enclosed along with the offer, without which shall be treated as incomplete and rejected without reference. 8.4 The price shall be quoted on photocopy of the same sheet of MTO attached with the enquiry specification and any deviation from the required specification shall be clearly marked. Prices typed or printed on other format shall not be considered for evaluation and rejected without reference.
8.5 Deviation list with proper reference number shall be attached in separate sheet, incase of any stipulated deviation from the clause stipulated in code and other enquiry documents. It shall be assumed that, the offer complies with all the requirements in totality and such assumptions shall be strictly binded on the supplier. 8.6 If the test and third party inspection charges are not mentioned separately, it shall be assumed that included in the offer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1005 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1005 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 0 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 1. GENERAL: 1.1 Scope: This speci ficati on def ines t he responsibil ity of the suppli er and Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1005 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1005 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 0 1.0 Scope: Covers suppl ementary requirements rel ating to manuf acturi ng, fabricati on, i nspecti on, testi ng, pai nti ng, packi ng and despatch etc, thi s speci fi cati on shal l be read i n conj unction wi th code and enqui ry documents. Owner' s general rul e the most stri ngent requirement shal l govern and opt ion shal l be bindi ng. The vendor must be i n consult at ion wit h the owner f or any cl assi f icati on. 1.2 Al l the standards referred shal l be of l atest edi ti on. 1.3 In case of confl i ct between dif ferent specif i cati on and general condit i on of suppl y, the vendor shal l contact the owner f or any cl arif i cati ons/conf i rmati on; otherwise i t shal l be assumed that al l cl auses are cl ear to the vendors. 1.4 The quanti ties menti oned are tentati ve, may vary ± 25% and wi l l be decided at the f ine of pl acement of order. The quanti t y of indi vi dual i tem may var y more than 100%. The pri ce shall be f irm f or thi s variati on. 1.5 Sub-orders of castings/ f orgi ngs shal l be placed on f oundri es approved by the owner f or vendors/ as per approved vendor l i st provi ded by the owner. 2.0 GENERAL I NSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDI NG PURPOSE ONLY: 2.1 Each sheet of techni cal conditi on of suppl y and speci f i cat ion sheets shal l be dul y si gned and stamped by competent authorit y and shal l be encl osed al ongwi th off er wi thout which the off er shal l be consi dered incompl et e and rej ected wi thout any reference. 2.2 The price shal l be quoted on the zerox copy of t he same sheet of the Bi l l of Materi al att ached wi t h the enquir y speci fi cat ion and any devi ati on f rom the required speci fi cat ion shal l be marked therei n. Pri ces t yped on other format shall not be consi dered for eval uat i on and rej ected wi thout any reference. 2.3 Any devi at i ons f rom the cl ause st ipul ated here, i n the code and other enqui ry documents shal l be cl earl y menti oned i n a separate "Devi ati on Li st" with proper Ref. No. In the absence of any such indi cati ons, i t shal l be assumed that the of fer compl ies wit h al l t he requirements in totali t y and such assumpti ons shall be stri ctl y bi ndi ng on the suppli er. 2.4 Secti onal assembl y drawings. Incorporati ng val ve Tag No. , Enquir y No., t est pressure, manuf acturi ng code, dimensi onal detai l s and Bil l of Mat eri al s of al l parts shal l be encl osed alongwi th the off er, wi thout whi ch the of fer shal l be consi dered i ncompl ete and rej ected wi thout any reference. 2.5 Al l testi ng charges shal l be i ncl uded i n i ndivi dual pri ces of the it ems. If third part y i nspecti on charges are not i ndi cated, i t shal l be assumed that i t i s i ncluded in the off er. If third part y i nspection charges are extra, i t shal l be indi cated as percentage basis of i ndi vi dual i tem. In no case thi rd party i nspecti on charges shall be indi cated as l umpsum amount. 3.0 MATERIALS: 3.1 Copper and copper all oys are not permi tted for constructi on of any parts of the val ves. Thi s i s to be speci fi call y confi rmed by the vendor i n the of fer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1005 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1005 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 0 3.2 Al l materi al s, whatsoever, required to compl ete the suppl y shal l be procured by the suppl i er and al l such materi al s shal l be covered wi th due identif iable materi al test certi f icates. 4.0 TESTING: 4.1 C. S. Butterf l y val ves to AWWA C-504 shall be desi gned and tested accordi ng to: i) Maxi mum shut-off pressure: 6 kg/ cm 2 g at 70ºC ii ) Tests are t o be conducted as speci fi ed under sec. 4.3 and 12 of AWWA. C-504 and records of these test s are to be submi tted. ii i) Type of i nstal l ati on i n pl ant. 4.2 Al l val ves casti ngs shal l be of radi ographi c quali t y, the casti ngs of fol lowi ng val ves shall be subj ected to radi ography t o t he foll owi ng extent : Materi al Pressure rating Extent of radi ography (Lbs.) (Mi n. 1 valve) CS/ LT 150 l bs (upto 26") 100% val ves CS/ AS/ SS 300 l bs (upto 18") -do- But t wel ded ends of valves of al l rat ings shall be 100% radi ographed. Radiography fi l ms shal l be suppli ed al ong wi th del i very of val ves. 4.3 Stell i ted val ves shal l be subj ected to 100% D.P. Test of st el l i te faci ng and 10% hardness test f or the hard faci ng. 5.0 INSPECTION: 5.1 Inspecti on authori t y means Owner/the i nspect ion agenci es approved by the Owner f or both IBR & Non-IBR i tems. However thi rd part wi l l be inspecti on agency shal l be appointed by the owner for I BR & Non-IBR i tems & Chi ef Inspector of Boi l ers f or IBR i tems f or Indi an vendors. 5.2 Val ves for st eam servi ce are marked I.B.R. i n pipi ng bi l l of materi al s. These val ves shal l be tested i n accordance wi th the requirements of I.B. R. and certi f ied i n form Il IC by authori zed i nspecti on agency f or the start condi tions as per data sheets. 5.3 The. Inspecti ng authori t y shal l be provi ded f ree access at al l reasonabl e ti me to those parts of suppl i er's work engaged i n producti on and testi ng of materi al s ordered. 5.4 The i nspecti ng authorit y shall have the ri ght to sel ect random sampl es for check test and rej ect materi al s, i f sampl es furnished as above and tested as per the speci f icati ons f ail to meet the requi rement speci fi ed. 5.5 Qual i t y assurance pl an shall be approved by concerned agency appoi nted by the owner i nspecti on department bef ore starti ng of assembl y & testi ng of val ves. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1005 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1005 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 0 5.6 Al l valves shall be i nspected duri ng vari ous stages of manuf acturi ng, starti ng f rom i dent i fi cati on of raw materi al s to compl eti on. Val ves shal l be consi dered acceptabl e f or despatch onl y af ter the i nspector i ssues f i nal certi f icate of acceptance. The vari ous stages of inspecti on of val ves incl ude i nspecti on of valve casti ng, f orgi ng, spindl e and tri m material s recei ved from sub-suppli er by co-rel ati ng t est certi f i cates and check anal ysis wherever requi red. Parts assembl ed i n val ves such as bonnet, wedge, seat s, gl and packi ng etc. shal l be inspected pri or to assembl y of val ves f or workmanship and l ong l i fe. Af ter the assembl y of valves, the hydrodtest wit h water or ai r test f or body & seat shal l be carri ed out f or each valve as per speci f ied standard and test pressure. Fi nal l y al l valves are to be cleaned, dri ed and pai nted onl y after i nspector i ssues f inal acceptance certi f i cate. The vendors who are having I SO 9001 certi f icati on shal l not be rel axed f or any of the stages of inspection menti oned above. They may gi ve 15 days noti ce to the concerned i nspector for ever y stage of i nspect ion so that thei r product ion schedul e i s not af fected. 5.7 Testi ng performed i n the presence of the purchaser's representati ves shal l not rel i eve the suppl i er of thei r own responsi bi li ti es and guarantees and any other contractual obl igat i ons. 6.0 DOCUMENTATI ON: 6.1 The manufacturer shall f urni sh si x copi es of secti onal assembl y drawi ngs wi thin 3 weeks of recei pt of L.O.I . i ncorporati ng manuf acturi ng, testi ng standards, val ve di mensi ons, part l i st i ncl udi ng material speci fi cati on, Tag. No., purchase order No. etc, f or purchaser's approval before starti ng manuf acturi ng. The valve shal l be manufactured as per del i ver y schedul e on the basi s of drawings approved by the purchaser wi thin 4 weeks. 6.2 The manuf acturer shal l submi t the fol l owi ng drawi ngs and documents i n 6 copi es each alongwit h the suppl y of materi al . i) Materi al test certi fi cat es f or body and tri m material s. (i n thi s, suppl ier must i ndi cate cl earl y chemical composi ti on and physical properti es). ii ) Hydraul i c test certi fi cate. ii i) Manufacturer' s guarantee certi f icate. iv) Approved secti onal dr awi ngs of the val ves showi ng complete di mensi ons with part number and descri pti on for easy ident if i cati on al ong wi th the materi al of construction, etc. v) If appl i cable, I. B.R certi f i cate in Form I IIC dul y si gned by the inspecti ng authori ti es f or val ves meant for steam servi ce. vi ) Inspection and test cert if i cates for Non-I.B.R it ems signed by i nspecti ng authorit y. 6.3 Manuf acturer i s requi red to keep proper records of al l the cert if i cates such as f oundri es/f orged shop certi fi cates and the check anal ysi s carried out f or raw materi al s. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1005 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1005 SPECIFICATION FOR VALVES 0 7.0 MARKING: 7.1 Marki ng shal l be accordi ng t o ANSI B 16.34 or API 6D, ASME Sec.VII . For val ves wi th but twel ding ends, Schedul e number i s also to be marked. In addit i on t ag no. shal l be marked on al l the val ves. 8.0 PRESERVATION AND PACKING: 8.1 Al l val ves when of fered f or inspecti on or when prepared f or despat ch to the si te shal l be f ree of sand, rust, scal e, dust or any other harmful matter. 8.2 Fl anged and BW ends of al l val ves shal l be protected by means of metal /wooden pl ates or caps securel y fastened to the valve. A j oint composed of pl asti c, rubber and other non-absorbent materi al shal l be pl aced between t he f l anges and the pl ates. Pl ast ic caps are acceptable f or small bore val ves. 8.3 Threaded or exposed machi ned parts shall be uni forml y coated wi th sui table rust preventi ve. 8.4 Unmachi ned exteri or surface shal l be painted wi t h one coat of bl ack or grey fi ni sh. However stai nl ess steel valves shal l not be pai nted. 8.5 Val ves shall be pai nted onl y af ter i nspecti on is complete i n al l respects. 8.6 Val ves shal l be packed for despat ch i n such a way as to mini mi ze the possi bil i t y of damage duri ng transit . Al l val ves shall be sui tabl y boxed bef ore di spatch . Val ves shal l be di spatched with packi ng i nstall ed. Hand wheel s of val ves of si ze 4" and smal l er shal l be attached to them. In l arger si zes, hand wheel s shall be removed and wi red to the val ves. The packi ng case shal l be marked wi th purchase order no. and shal l incl ude compl ete packing l i st of all the it ems contained in the case. 9.0 GUARANTEE: Al l val ves shal l be guaranteed agai nst poor workmanshi p and defecti ve material as per the 'Warranti es and Guaranti es' cl auses mentioned i n the commerci al terms and condi tions of I nstructions to Bi dders/ Special Condi ti ons of Contract . Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1006 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1006 SPECIFICATION FOR FLANGES 0 SPECIFICATION FOR FLANGES Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1006 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1006 SPECIFICATION FOR FLANGES 0 1.0 GENERAL: 1.1 This specification refers the responsibility of the supplier and covers supplementary requirements relating to manufacturing, inspection, testing, painting, packing and dispatch, etc. This shall read in conjunction with the enquiry documents. 1.2 All standards refferred shall be latest edition. 1.3 Incase of any conflict between different specifications, the Supplier/ Contractor shall contact the Owner for clarifications. Otherwise it is understood that, all clauses are clear to the Vendors. 1.4 The quantities mentioned are tentative and may have a tolerance of 25% and shall be decided in the time of order. 1.5 Flanges manufactured by closed die forging method shall be preferred. 1.6 Flanges shall be supplied in finished, machined and drilled condition. Raised face shall have concentric serrations smooth finish as per applicable standard. 1.7 Welding end of Weld Neck flanges shall be prepared to suit outside pipe diameter (ANSI B 36.10 for Carbon Steel & B 36.19 for Stainless Steel) and wall thickness as mentioned in the specification enclosed with MTO. 2.0 MATERIALS: 2.1 All materials shall be as per Piping Material specification for Flanges. 2.2 Separate test certificates shall be produced during delivery of each item. 2.3 All Carbon Steel Flanges to comply with ASTM A 105, which carbon contents shall be maximum of 0.25% for alloy steel and austenite stainless steel it should company with ASTM A 182, which can b contents shall be 0.08%. 3.0 TESTING: 3.1 Welding end thickness of weld neck flange thickness and size of each fitting shall be mentioned shall be ultrasonically tested as per ASTM E 213 or ASTM A 388. 3.2 One tension test and one bend test shall be carried out for each heat in heat treatment charge. 3.3 Impact test for low temperature services shall be carried out at the lowest design temperature and shall meet the requirements of the applicable material specifications. 3.4 If the flange for 24" and above are fabricated in segments, 10% radiographic inspection shall be carried out for the welded joint s and properly heat treated to relieve stress. 4.0 INSPECTION: 4.1 Inspection authority means any agency authorized by the Owner for Inspection. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1006 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1006 SPECIFICATION FOR FLANGES 0 4.2 Flanges for steam service shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of IBR Form III. 4.3 The Inspection agency has right to select random samples for inspection and reject the materials, if the sample furnished does not meet the requirements mentioned above. 4.4 The inspection agency shall be allowed to access at any point of time to the work site for checking the materials. 4.5 Testing performed in the presence of the purchaser's representative shall not relieve the supplier of their own responsibilities and guarantees and any other contractual obligations. 5.0 REPORTS: 5.1 All non-IBR Flanges shall be supplied with 4 copies of mill test certificates, where as 8 copies for IBR services indicating the following information duly signed by the inspecting authority. a) Purchase order number b) Material specification and grade c) Size, schedule & thickness d) Quantity e) Lot/ Batch number f) Chemical Analysis results g) Mechanical test reports h) Non-destructive test examination reports. 6.0 MARKING: 6.1 All flanges manufactured as per ANSI B 16.5, ASME B 16.47, API 605, MSS SP44, shall be marked as per MSS SP25 and applicable codes. Schedule number of weld neck flanges shall also be mentioned. 6.2 Heat number and heat treatment, flanges manufactured with other standards shall be marked as per relevant codes. 6.3 If the standard is silent on marking, material specification, pressure rating and the size shall be marked by punching. 6.4 For flanges covered under IBR grade shall be marked "IBR". 6.5 Part number shall be marked on every piece for transportation, handling and storage. 7.0 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION: 7.1 The flanges shall be thoroughly dried after inspection prior to dispatch. All Stainless Steel flanges shall be coated with hard film type of rust preventive to protect against rusting during transportation and storage. 7.2 Exposed faces of flanges shall be protected properly to avoid any damage. The welding end shall be covered properly with end protectors. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis New Delhi MPEC-212-1006 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1006 SPECIFICATION FOR FLANGES 0 7.3 Flanges shall be tied together through bolt holes; preferably the pairs and no faces shall be exposed. 7.4 The purchase order shall be clearly mentioned on each package along with packing list of all items in the case. 7.5 Preferably flanges shall be packed separately sorted by size and grade with proper tag numbers to identify. 8.0 GUARANTEE: 8.1 All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship during manufacturing/ handling, defective material. 9.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDING PURPOSE ONLY: 9.1 Each sheet of technical conditions shall be duly signed and stamped by the competent authority shall be enclosed along with the offer, without which shall be treated as incomplete and rejected without reference. 9.2 The price shall be quoted on photocopy of the same sheet of MTO attached with the enquiry specification and any deviation from the required specification shall be clearly marked. Prices typed or printed on other format shall not be considered for evaluation and rejected without reference. 9.3 Deviation list with proper reference number shall be attached in separate sheet, incase of any stipulated deviation from the clause stipulated in code and other enquiry documents. It shall be assumed that, the offer complies with all the requirements in totality and such assumptions shall be strictly binded on the supplier. 9.4 If the test and third party inspection charges are not mentioned separately, it shall be assumed that included in the offer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1007 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1007 SPECIFICATION FOR GASKETS 0 SPECIFICATION FOR GASKETS Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1007 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1007 SPECIFICATION FOR GASKETS 0 1.0 GENERAL: 1.1 This specification refers the responsibility of the supplier and covers supplementary requirements relating to manufacturing, inspection, testing, painting, packing and dispatch, etc. This shall read in conjunction with the enquiry documents. 1.2 All standards refferred shall be latest edition. 1.3 Incase of any conflict between different specifications, the Supplier/ Contractor shall contact the Owner for clarifications. Otherwise it is understood that, all clauses are clear to the Vendors. 1.4 The quantities mentioned are tentative and may have a tolerance of 25% and shall be decided in the time of order. 100% additional quantity shall be taken for hydrostatic test. 1.5 Dimension shall be as per specifications ANSI B16.20 for metallic gaskets. 2.0 MATERIALS: 2.1 All materials shall be as per Piping Material specification for Gaskets. 2.2 Test certificates shall be produced during delivery of each item. 2.3 In case of SS wire impregnated metallic gaskets; asbestos paper shall be used in place of asbestos sheets in order to give good finish and better packing density. 2.4 In case of metallic gaskets, end or SS wire shall be spot welded so that ends are not loose. 3.0 TESTING & INSPECTION: 3.1 Inspection & Testing authority means any agency authorized by the Owner for Inspection & Testing. 3.2 The Inspection agency has right to select random samples for inspection and reject the materials, if the sample furnished does not meet the requirements mentioned above. 3.3 The inspection agency shall be allowed to access at any point of time to the work site for checking the materials. 3.4 All items shall be tested & inspected in presence of one or more representatives of Purchaser. 3.5 Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1007 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1007 SPECIFICATION FOR GASKETS 0 3.6 All items shall be inspected & tested at any stage during manufacturing from identification of material till completion. Items shall be allowed to dispatch only after the final acceptance certificate issued by the Inspecting agency. 4.0 REPORTS: 4.1 All items shall be supplied with 4 copies of mill test certificates indicating the following information duly signed by the inspecting authority. a) Purchase order number b) Material specification and grade c) Size, schedule & thickness d) Quantity e) Lot/ Batch number f) Chemical Analysis results g) Mechanical test reports h) Non-destructive test examination reports 5.0 MARKING: 5.1 Relevant identification marks shall be there in each items as per standard on a metal tag to the items using low stress die stamping method. 5.2 Each gasket shall be marked with size, rating, material specification, dimensional standard, etc, as per standard. 6.0 PACKING FOR TRANSPORTATION: 6.1 Different sizes shall be shall put in separate polythene bags and the bags shall suitably packed in wooden boxes with proper tagging, for identification. 6.2 Every case shall be marked with sizes and materials and one copy of packing list & purchase order. 7.0 GUARANTEE: 7.1 All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship during manufacturing/ handling, defective material. 8.0 INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDING PURPOSE ONLY: 8.1 Each sheet of technical conditions shall be duly signed and stamped by the competent authority shall be enclosed along with the offer, without which shall be treated as incomplete and rejected without reference. 8.2 The price shall be quoted on photocopy of the same sheet of MTO attached Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MPEC-212-1007 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1007 SPECIFICATION FOR GASKETS 0 8.3 With the enquiry specification and any deviation from the required specification shall be clearly marked. Prices typed or printed on other format shall not be considered for evaluation and rejected without reference. 8.4 Deviation list with proper reference number shall be attached in separate sheet, incase of any stipulated deviation from the clause stipulated in code and other enquiry documents. It shall be assumed that, the offer complies with all the requirements in totality and such assumptions shall be strictly binded on the supplier. 8.5 If the test and third party inspection charges are not mentioned separately, it shall be assumed that included in the offer. Pro[ect fng|neer|ng Consaltants , New Delhi MPEC-212-1022 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1022 SPECIFICATION FOR STUD BOLTS 0 SPECIFICATION FOR STUD BOLTS Pro[ect fng|neer|ng Consaltants , New Delhi MPEC-212-1022 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1022 SPECIFICATION FOR STUD BOLTS 0 a. GENERAL a. This specification refers the responsibility of the supplier and covers supplementary requirements relating to manufacturing, inspection, testing, painting, packing and dispatch, etc. This shall read in conjunction with the enquiry documents. b. All standards refferred shall be latest edition. c. Ìncase of any conflict between different specifications, the Supplier/ Contractor shall contact the Owner for clarifications. Otherwise it is understood that, all clauses are clear to the Vendors. d. The quantities mentioned are tentative and may have a tolerance of 25% and shall be decided in the time of order. 100% additional quantity shall be taken for hydrostatic test. e. Dimension shall be as per specifications ANSÌ B16.5/ APÌ 605/ MSS SP44. f. Threads shall be as per ANSÌ B 1.1, table UNC2A (for size 1¨ and below)/ 8UNC2A (for above 1¨ size) g. Ends of stud bolts shall be finished with a chamfer of 45 0 to a depth slightly exceeding depth of threads. The end surface shall be smooth to facilitate marking and shall be perpendicular to the axis. h. Stud Bolts shall be free from harmful defects and shall have fine finish. i. Stud bolts shall have good finish and burrs, scale, chatter marks or other imperfections shall not be there. j. Nuts shall have 30 0 chamfer at both the faces and the faces shall be machined properly. b. Materials: a. All materials shall be as per Piping Material specification for stud Bolts. b. Test certificates shall be produced during delivery of each item. Pro[ect fng|neer|ng Consaltants , New Delhi MPEC-212-1022 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1022 SPECIFICATION FOR STUD BOLTS 0 c. Testing & Inspection: a. Ìnspection & Testing authority means any agency authorized by the Owner for Ìnspection & Testing. b. The Ìnspection agency has right to select random samples for inspection and reject the materials, if the sample furnished does not meet the requirements mentioned above. c. The inspection agency shall be allowed to access at any point of time to the work site for checking the materials. d. All items shall be tested & inspected in presence of one or more representatives of Purchaser. e. All items shall be inspected & tested at any stage during manufacturing from identification of material till completion. Ìtems shall be allowed to dispatch only after the final acceptance certificate issued by the Ìnspecting agency. d. Reports: a. All items shall be supplied with 4 copies of mill test certificates indicating the following information duly signed by the inspecting authority. a) Purchase order number b) Material specification and grade c) Size, schedule & thickness d) Quantity e) Lot/ Batch number f) Chemical Analysis results g) Mechanical test reports h) Non-destructive test examination reports i) Results of impact test. e. Marking: a. Ìdentification marks shall be stamped clearly at the end of stud bolt and one of the faces of nuts as per Owner's standard. b. All studs & nuts shall be marked with size, length, material specification, etc, as per standard. Pro[ect fng|neer|ng Consaltants , New Delhi MPEC-212-1022 All rights reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1022 SPECIFICATION FOR STUD BOLTS 0 f. Packing for transportation: a. Different sizes shall be shall put in separate polythene bags and the bags shall suitably packed in wooden boxes in a proper way to avoid mixing and damage during transportation and storage. b. Every case shall be marked with sizes and materials and one copy of packing list & purchase order. c. Part number shall be marked on every case for transportation, handling and storage. d. Studs & Nuts shall be applied with rust proof coating after inspection. e. Each stud shall have washer & nuts. g. Guarantee: a. All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship during manufacturing/ handling, defective material. b. Ìnstructions for bidding purpose only: c. Each sheet of technical conditions shall be duly signed and stamped by the competent authority shall be enclosed along with the offer, without which shall be treated as incomplete and rejected without reference. d. The price shall be quoted on photocopy of the same sheet of MTO attached with the enquiry specification and any deviation from the required specification shall be clearly marked. Prices typed or printed on other format shall not be considered for evaluation and rejected without reference. e. Deviation list with proper reference number shall be attached in separate sheet, incase of any stipulated deviation from the clause stipulated in code and other enquiry documents. Ìt shall be assumed that, the offer complies with all the requirements in totality and such assumptions shall be strictly binded on the supplier. f. Ìf the test and third party inspection charges are not mentioned separately, it shall be assumed that included in the offer. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MFE-221-1023 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1023 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS 0 SPECIFICATION FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MFE-221-1023 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1023 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS 0 1. GENERAL A Thi s specif ication defines the responsi bi lit y of the supplier and covers supplementary requirements relating to manuf acturing, fabrication, inspection, testing, paint ing, packing and despatch etc. Thi s specif ication shall be read in conj uncti on with Code and Enquiry documents. As a general rule the most stringent requirement shall owner's option shall be binding. B Al l the standards referred shal l be of latest edition. C In case of confl ict between different specif icati ons and technical condit ion of suppl y as mentioned in this specif icati on, the vendor shall contact the agree appointed by the owner f or any clarifications/ confirmation, otherwi se it shall be assumed that all clauses are clear to the vendors. D The quantities menti oned are tentative, and may vary ±25% and wil l be decided at the time of pl acement of order. The price shal l be firm for these variations. E Si zes of al l items shall be produced by the contractor. Actual trap size shall be indi cated by manuf acturer to spit the service conditions. F Al l the traps shall be provided with built-in strainers. Where built-in strainers are not possible to be provided, external strainers shal l be provided; Prices f or bui lt-in type strainer shal l be included in trap price itself. Prices of external strainers shall be quoted separatel y with complete specif ication. Strainer shall be suppl ied by the Vendors. Al l external strainers f or traps shall have the same rating/facing as that of respective traps. G High veloci ty area of traps shall be hardened. Vendors shal l furnish guaranteed hardness values and method of hardening. 2. 0 GENERAL INSTRUCTI ONS FOR BI DDING PURPOSE ONLY A Each sheet of technical condition of supply and specification sheets shall be dul y si gned and stamped by competent authority and shal l be enclosed along wi th of fer without which the off er shall be considered i ncomplete. B The prices shal l be quoted on unit basis on the zerox copy of the same sheet of the bill of material attached with the enquiry specification and any deviat ion from the required specif ication shal l be marked therein. Prices quoted on ot her format shall not be considered for evaluation and rej ected wi thout any reference. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MFE-221-1023 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1023 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS 0 C Any devi ations from the clause stipulated in the Code and other enquiry documents shal l be clearl y mentioned in a separate "Deviat ion List" with, reference number. In the absence of any such indications, it shal l be assumed that the contractor compl ies with all the requirements in totality and such, assumptions shall be strictly bi nding on the supplier. E The tendered shall enclose copies of their descriptive literature, catalogue, detail drawings showing al l major dimensions and material of construction of equipment parts along with off er. F Al l testing charges shall be included in indi vi dual prices of the it ems. If third party i nspection charges are not indicated, it shall be assumed that it is i ndicated in the of fer. If third part y inspection charges are extra, it shoul d be indicated as percentage basis of indivi dual item. In no case thi rd part y inspection charges- should be indicated as lump-sum amount. 3. 0 MATERI ALS A Copper and copper alloy shal l be completely excl uded from material of construction of traps. Al l material s, whatsoever, requi red to complete the suppl y, shal l be procured by the supplier and all such materials shall be covered with due identif iable material test certificates. B For f orging to ASTM-A-105, carbon content shall be equal to or less than 0.25%. 4. 0 INSPECTI ON & TESTI NG A Inspecting authorit y means Owner/the Inspection Agencies appointed by the Owner. However, inspect ion agency appoi nted by the Owner shall conduct inspection for Non-IBR items and Chief Inspector of Boilers f or IBR items f or Indian Vendors. B The inspecti ng authorit y shall be provided free access at all possible times to those parts of supplier's work engaged in production and testing of material s ordered. C The inspecting authorit y shall have the right to select random samples for check test and rej ect material s, if samples furnished as above and tested as per the speci fications, fail to meet the requirement specified. Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MFE-221-1023 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1023 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS 0 D Al l i tems shall be i nspected during various stages of manufacturing starting from identification of raw materials to completion. Items shall be consi dered acceptable f or despatch onl y after f inal certificate of acceptance is issued by the Inspector. E Al l steam traps shall be supplied with test certificates in IBR Form 111-C dul y signed by Chi ef Inspector of Boiler for each i tem. F Testing perf ormed in the presence of the owner's represent atives shall not rel ieve the supplier of their own responsibiliti es and guarantees and any other contractual obli gations. 5. 0 DOCUMENTATI ON A Fol lowing certi ficates in 6 copies duly signed by Inspect ing Authorit y shall be f urnished along with suppl y of materials:- i) Dimensional check ii) Material Test Certif icates iii) Chemical anal ysis iv) Hydraulic Test Certi ficates v) IBR Certificates in Form III-C B 4 copies of detailed drawi ngs showing all dimensions and material s of constructions of various parts, detai ls of end connect ions; shall be sent f or owner for approval before starting manuf acturing within 3 weeks of receipt of the L.O.I. C Approval of drawi ngs by the owner shal l not relieve the manufacturer of their own responsibilit y and guarantees and any other contractual obligat ion. E The manuf acturer shall submit 6 copies of final approved dregs along with suppl y. 6. 0 MARKI NG A Each trap shall be marked per as per MSS SP 25 and applicabl e codes with the followings detai ls: a) Tag No. b) Type and si ze c) Pressure/ Temp rating d) Material e) Capacit y (*) May be marked by st encill ing or on a metal strip attached to the body Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis, New Delhi MFE-221-1023 All Rights Reserved DOCUMENT NUMBER REV 212-1023 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEAM/ PROCESS TRAPS 0 7. 0 PRESERVATI ON AND PACKING A All items shall be coated with suitable rust preventive and properly packed to avoid damage during transport and storage at site. B The packing case shall be clearly marked with purchase order number and shall include complete packing list of all the it ems contained in the case. C Flanged and BW ends of all traps shall be suitably protected by PVC/ Wooden/ Metall ic caps to avoid damage duri ng transit. A joint composed of plastic, rubber and other non-absorbent material shall be placed bet ween the f langes and metal lic caps. 8. 0 GUARANTEE A All items shall be guaranteed against poor workmanship and defective material as per the "Warranties and Guaranties" clauses mentioned i n the Commercial Terms and Condit ions of "ITB/ SCC". Project NO. Code Serial No. Rev. Page 1089 202 103 0 1/13 OWNER : PROJECT : Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis 57, First Floor, Khizirabad, NEW DELHI - 110 065 INDIA pH: +91 1165760320 [email protected] 0 25.03.2011 SB BAK B 01.03.2011 SB BAK A 19.01.2011 SB BAK REV Date WRITTEN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY MPEC INDIAN INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY -BOMBAY, MUMBAI 1 MW SOLAR THEMAL POWER PROJECT PIPING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR 1 MW SOLAR THERMAL POWER PROJECT STATUS document revisions ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION UPDATED AS PER COMMENTS ISSUED FOR COMMENTS Notes : Appd REV PIPING MATERIAL DESIGNATION SPEC. NO. DESIG. MATERIAL SPEC. NO. DESIG. MATERIAL PMS-101 A1A3 IS-1239/ 3589, 150# PMS-102 A1A4 ASTM A106 Gr. B, Sch 40/80, 150# PMS-103 A1G1 PMS-104 A2A4 ASTM A106 Gr. B, Sch 40/80, 150# IS-1239/ 3589, 150# GALV. PMS-105 B1A4 ASTM A106 Gr. B, Sch 40/80, 300# PMS-106 B2A4 ASTM A106 Gr. B, Sch 40/80, 300# PMS-107 D2A4 ASTM A106 Gr. B, Sch 80/XXS, 600# PMS-108 A1F2 ASTM A312 TP 304L Sch. 10S/40S 150# FLUID MATERIAL DESIGNATION DESIG. SERVICE DESIG. SERVICE BFW Boiler Feed Water CW Cooling Water DMW Deminarelized Water CA Compressed Air HPS High Pressure Steam IA Instrument Air LPS Low Pressure Steam MPS Medium Pressure Steam NI Nitrogen RW Raw Water SW Soft Water SC Steam Condensate TF Thermic Fluid REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Date Sheet 1 of 1 Prepared INSULATION : NO TRACING : NO CLASS : A1A3 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 150 # Max/Min Working Temp. Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 MM 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 Notes : Appd REV 80°C / (-) 5 o C 9 ANSI B-36.10 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB SLIP-ON ANSI B 16.5 Heavy Plain Bevelled FLGD SW ERW Welded FLGD IS: 2062 (Plate Flange) 2 - 12 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 24 2 - 12 150 # WAFER Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK Packing Graphite REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A 105 2 - 24 ASTM A 216 WCB Trim SS 304 Trim Gasket SS 304 Spriral Wound with CAF End Connections SW FLGD SW Rating 800 # 150 # 800 # 150 # 800 # 150 # Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 24 1/2 -1 1/2 ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK BUTTERFLY Tag No. (As per VMS) Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A-193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A-194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard Type Flat Type Thickness 3 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Material Asbestos Free (Armid fibers bonded with Nitradine Butyl Rubber) ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Type/End SW BW Bevelled ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A105 Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 Face Finish Serrated Type End SW BW Bevelled ANSI B-16.9 Dimension Standard Face Rating 150 # RF Material ASTM A105 Type Schedule Number/Thickness Blind Flanges BLIND Type Pipe Flanges NOMINAL SIZE : 1/2" - 1 1/2" Ref. Note no. IS: 1239 Part - 1 IS: 3589 Thickness mm Material Ends Dimension Standard CARBON STEEL SERVICE : Cooling Water,Raw Water DESIGN CONDITIONS : A1A3 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS -101 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : 6 CIass-A1A3 Date Sheet 1 of 1 MPEC-1089-202-103 PMS INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : A1A4 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 150 # Max/Min Working Temp. Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 MM 50 80 100 150 200 250 NOTE:- Appd REV Sheet 1 of 1 CARBON STEEL SERVICE : Soft Water, Condensate, Nitrogen DESIGN CONDITIONS : A1A4 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS -102 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : NOMINAL SIZE : 1/2" - 1 1/2" Ref. Note no. 15 - 40 Thickness mm/Inch Material Ends Dimension Standard Type Schedule Number/Thickness Plain Bevelled Sch. 80 Sch. 40 ASTM A106 Gr. B Blind Flanges BLIND Face Rating 150 # RF Type Pipe Flanges Material Face Finish 125 AARH Type End SW BW Bevelled ANSI B-16.9 Dimension Standard ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A105 Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 Type/End SW BW Bevelled ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Type Ring Type Thickness 4.5 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Material SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND, 150# Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK Tag No. (As per VMS) Rating 800 # 150 # 800 # Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 End Connections SW FLGD SW Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A105 2 - 10 ASTM A216 WCB Trim SS 304 Trim Gasket SS 304 Spriral Wound with CAF Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Prpd Prpd Graphite BAK Appd Ckd BAK Date Prepared Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved 2 - 6 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 ANSI B-36.10 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB SLIP - ON ANSI B 16.5 150 # 800 # 150 # FLGD SW FLGD Packing Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Jan. 11 ISSUED AS STANDARD CIass-A1A4 10 180 o C / (-) 20 o C 15.0 REV DATE SEAMLESS ASTM A105 0 MPEC-1089-202-103 PMS INSULATION : NO TRACING : NO CLASS : A1G1 Max.Working Pressure RATING & FACING : ANSI 150 # Max/Min Working Temp. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Inch 2 3 4 6 MM 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 NOTE 1 NOTE 1 NOTE:- 1 Appd REV 150 # BLIND DIP GALVANISED BLIND ASTM A105, DIP GALV. ERW ERW BLACK THREADED TO B2.1 (NPT)DIP GALV. SLIP-ON IS: 1239 PART 1 Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 Graphite 150 # End Connections SCR'D 2 - 6 ASTM A105 DIP GALVANISED 2 - 6 ASTM A216 WCB Trim SS 304 Gasket Asbestos Free (Armid fibers bounded with Nitradine Butly Rubber) Packing Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd DATE DESCRIPTION FLGD FLGD SCR'D FLGD SCR'D FLGD SCR'D Prpd 800 # Rating 800 # 150 # 800 # BALL Type GATE GLOBE CHECK Tag No. (As per VMS) Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard Type Thickness 3 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.21 Material PTFE Enveloped ANSI B 18.2 ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 800# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A 105 DIP GAL. ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Type/End THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 THREADED TO B 2.1 (NPT) BW ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Serrated ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius STD. Material ASTM A 105 DIP GALVANISED Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# Type End FF Type Pipe Flanges Material Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.5 Blind Flanges Face Face Finish Rating Ref. Note no. Thickness mm/Inch Schedule Number/Thickness Material 1/2" - 1 1/2" Dimension Standard Type ASTM A105 THRD. 8 .0 AMB 12 .0 HEAVY IS: 1239 PART 1 DIP GALVANISED A1G1 Kg/cm2(g) Degree Cel. Kg/cm2(g) SERVICE : Compressed Air, Instrument Air NOMINAL SIZE : DESIGN CONDITIONS : Date Sheet 1 of 1 FLAT RING PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS - 103 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : CARBON STEEL Bevelled Ends Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 CIass-A1G1 2 - 6 1/2 -1 1/2 150 # 800 # 150 # Ckd THREADED TO B 2.1 (NPT) BW ALL PIPES & FITTINGS TO BE DIP GALVANIZED AFTER THREADING/ TAPPING. 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 6 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 6 MPEC-1089-202-103 PMS INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : A2A4 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 150 # Max/Min Working Temp. Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 MM 50 80 100 150 200 250 NOTE:- 1. ASTM A 106 Gr. B is IBR Grade Material and the certificate shall be obtained when the service is used for IBR category Appd REV A2A4 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS -104 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : CARBON STEEL SERVICE : Low Pressure Steam, Medium Pressure Steam, Boiler Feed Water DESIGN CONDITIONS : 10 225 o C / (-) 20 o C 15.0 NOMINAL SIZE : 1/2" - 1 1/2" Ref. Note no. 15 - 40 Thickness mm/Inch Schedule Number/Thickness Sch. 80 Ends Plain Sch. 40 Material ASTM A106 Gr. B Bevelled Dimension Standard ANSI B-36.10 Type SEAMLESS Face RF Material ASTM A105 Type Pipe Flanges SLIP - ON Blind Flanges BLIND Rating 150 # Face Finish 125 AARH Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.5 Type End SW BW Bevelled ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard Type/End SW BW Bevelled ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Type Ring Type Thickness 4.5 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Material SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND, 150# Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK Tag No. (As per VMS) Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 Rating 800 # 150 # 800 # 150 # 800 # 150 # End Connections SW FLGD SW FLGD SW FLGD Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A105 2 - 10 ASTM A216 WCB Trim SS 304 Trim Gasket SS 304 Spriral Wound with CAF Packing Graphite REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved CIass-A2A4 Date Sheet 1 of 1 INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : B1A4 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 300 # Max/Min Working Temp Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 MM 50 80 100 150 200 250 NOTE:- Appd REV CIass-B1A4 Date Sheet 1 of 1 Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK SS 304 Spriral Wound with CAF Prpd Ckd Appd Packing Graphite REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A105 2 - 10 ASTM A216 WCB Trim SS 304 Trim Gasket FLGD SW FLGD End Connections SW FLGD SW Rating 800 # 300 # 800 # 300 # 800 # 300 # 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK Tag No. (As per VMS) Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard Type Ring Type Thickness 4.5 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Material SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Type/End SW BW Bevelled ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.5 Type End SW BW Bevelled ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Rating 300 # Face Finish 125 AARH Type Pipe Flanges WELD NECK Blind Flanges BLIND Face RF Material ASTM A105 Bevelled Dimension Standard ANSI B-36.10 Type SEAMLESS Sch. 40 Material ASTM A106 Gr. B Thickness mm/Inch Schedule Number/Thickness Sch. 80 Ends Plain NOMINAL SIZE : 1/2" - 1 1/2" Ref. Note no. 15 - 40 SERVICE : Nitrogen DESIGN CONDITIONS : 15 250 o C / (-) 20°C 22.5 B1A4 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS - 105 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : CARBON STEEL INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : B2A4 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 300 # Max/Min Working Temp Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 MM 50 80 100 150 200 250 NOTE:- 1. ASTM A 106 Gr. B is IBR Grade Material and the certificate shall be obtained when the service is used for IBR category Appd REV Graphite SW FLGD SW FLGD SS 304 Trim SS 304 Spriral Wound with CAF ASTM A105 ASTM A216 WCB FLGD Body 2 - 10 Packing Gasket 1/2 -1 1/2 ANSI B 18.2 End Connections Material SW Trim 1/2" - 1 1/2" 15 - 40 Ring Type THK. AS PER PIPE ANSI B-16.9 Rating 800 # 300 # 300 # GLOBE CHECK 300 # 800 # 800 # Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK BAK Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 Tag No. (As per VMS) NEEDLE ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard Type GATE Material Nut / Washer All Sizes Material SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND Bolt / Stud All Sizes Thickness 4.5 mm Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 Type Type/End Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB ANSI B-16.9 SW BW Bevelled BW Bevelled Type Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 3000# Face Finish Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness Type End SW Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A105 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB Dimension Standard Pipe Flanges WELD NECK Blind Flanges BLIND ANSI B 16.5 ASTM A105 Material Rating 300 # Face NOMINAL SIZE : Ref. Note no. RF Material Sch. 80 Sch. 40 ASTM A106 Gr. B Plain Thickness mm/Inch Schedule Number/Thickness Ends Dimension Standard Type CARBON STEEL SERVICE : Thermic Fluid DESIGN CONDITIONS : B2A4 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. : PMS - 106 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : CIass-B2A4 Date Sheet 1 of 1 18 425 o C / (-) 20°C 27.0 ANSI B-36.10 SEAMLESS 125 AARH ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Bevelled SW 1/2 -1 1/2 800 # MPEC-1089-202-103 PMS INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : D2A4 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 600 # Max/Min Working Temp Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : 1.5 mm System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4 6 8 10 MM 25 40 50 65 80 100 150 200 250 NOTE:- 1. ASTM A 106 Gr. B is IBR Grade Material and the certificate shall be obtained when the service is used for IBR category Appd REV BAK ASTM A105 SW ANSI B-16.9 1/2 -1 1/2 BW CIass-D2A4 Date Sheet 1 of 1 Prepared Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Ckd Appd 0 Jan.11 ISSUED AS STANDARD BAK Packing Graphite REV DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION Prpd Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A105 2 - 10 ASTM A216 WCB Trim STELLITED, 13%Cr. Trim Gasket SS316 Spriral Wound End Connections BW BW BW BW BW BW 600 # 2500 # 600 # 2500 # Rating 2500 # 600 # 2500 # Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 Dimension Standard ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK NEEDLE Tag No. SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND, 600# Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Ring Type Thickness 4.5 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Dimension Standard Dimension Standard Material Type Material Type/End Face Blind Flanges ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.5 ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius Material Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness RF, 125 AA RH WELDNECK BLIND Type End Rating Type Pipe Flanges 600 # Face Finish 125 AARH Material ASTM A105 ASTM A106 Gr. B Sch. 120 Sch.XXS SEAMLESS ANSI B-36.19 Thickness mm/Inch Schedule Number/Thickness Ends Material Dimension Standard Type Bevelled NOMINAL SIZE : Ref. Note no. 1/2" 3/4" 15 20 SERVICE : Boiler Feed Water, High Pressure Steam DESIGN CONDITIONS : 58 425 o C / (-) 20 o C 87.0 D2A4 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. : PMS 107 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : CARBON STEEL 6000# BW Bevelled THK. AS PER PIPE ANSI B-16.9 ANSI B-16.11 ASTM A234 Gr. WPB 1.5 D SW ASTM A105 6000# ANSI B-16.11 BW Bevelled 1.5 D ASTM A234 Gr. WPB THK. AS PER PIPE INSULATION : YES TRACING : NO CLASS : AA1F2 Max.Working Pressure Kg/cm2(g) RATING & FACING : ANSI 150 # Max/Min Working Temp. Degree Cel. CORROSION ALLOWANCE : NIL System Test Pressure Kg/cm2(g) Inch 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 MM 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 NOTE:- Appd REV CIass-A1F2 5 AMB. 7.5 REV DATE 0 PLAIN Piping MateriaI Specification Psojrci lxqlxrrslxq Coxsuliaxis Jan. 11 ISSUED AS STANDARD 150 # 800 # 150 # FLGD SW FLGD Packing 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 Date Prepared Checked New Delhi - 110 065 Approved Graphite BAK Appd Ckd BAK Ckd DATE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Prpd Prpd Material Body 1/2 -1 1/2 ASTM A182 F 304L 2 - 10 ASTM A351 CF 3 Trim SS 304L, NOTE - 1 Gasket SS316 Spriral Wound End Connections SW FLGD SW Size Range 1/2 -1 1/2 2 - 10 1/2 -1 1/2 Rating 800 # 150 # 800 # ANSI B 18.2 Type GATE GLOBE CHECK Tag No. Bolt / Stud All Sizes Material ASTM A193 Gr. B7 Nut / Washer All Sizes Material ASTM A194 Gr. 2H Dimension Standard Type Ring Type Thickness 4.5 mm Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.20 Material SS 304 SPIRAL WOUND, 150# ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 ANSI B-16.9 Material ASTM A182 F 304L Type/End SW BW Bevelled ASTM A403 Gr. WP 304L ENDS TO MATCH PIPE THICKNESS Radius 1.5 D Material ASTM A182 F 304L SMLS Rating / Schedule No./ Thickness 3000# THK. AS PER PIPE Dimension Standard ANSI B-16.11 SW BW Bevelled ANSI B-16.9 Dimension Standard ANSI B 16.5 LJ ASTM A182 F 304L IS 2062 SERRATED Face Finish Type End Rating 150 # RF Type Pipe Flanges Material SW ASTM A312 TP 304L Blind Flanges BLIND Face ANSI B-36.19 ERW Thickness mm/Inch Material Ends Dimension Standard Type Schedule Number/Thickness NOMINAL SIZE : 1/2" - 1 1/2" Ref. Note no. 15 - 40 SERVICE : DM Water DESIGN CONDITIONS : A1F2 PIPING MATERAL SPECIFICATION SPEC NO. :PMS -108 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BASE MATERIAL : ASTM A403 Gr. WP 304L SMLS Sheet 1 of 1 STAINLESS STEEL Plain Bevelled Sch. 40S Sch. 10S MPEC-1089-202-103 PMS B R A N C H S I Z E B R A N C H S I Z E B R A N C H S I Z E