Introduction: The aim of this paper is to present a case with a discoloured anterior teeth with spacing and
functional application of zirconia based crowns for a smile make over.
Case presentation: A 24 year old male patient reported to department of prosthodontics with a
discoloration and spacing in upper front teeth region and desired for an esthetic smile with white teeth.
After complete examination zirconia based crowns have been considered as a valid management option to
solve aesthetic and functional problems in the upper aesthetic zone.
Discussion: Smile rejuvenation can positively impact a patient's self-esteem and emotional health through
an improved appearance. This era of development and technology led to creation of different biomaterials.
zirconia- based ceramic crowns offer a good esthetic result with minimum tooth preparation combining
Keywords: strength and could be considered as a treatment option in selected clinical cases.
Zirconia crowns , aesthetics, fluorosis
,bleaching, glass ionomer cement
* Corresponding author: Dr. Preeti Budhwar, Post-graduate Student, Department Of Prosthodontics, Army College of Dental Sciences Secunderabad, India
showed that patient had moderate dental fluorosis and is in agreement with shillinburg1 et al 1997 and those
spacing between upper anterior teeth. concluded that full crown restoration is the most type of
Following a detailed clinical examination and careful preparation with long services calculated by years. Also
evaluation of the objective parameters of the patient’s the most common esthetic problem associated with
age, profession, smile, esthetic and functional demands porcelain veneer is the impact of the luting cement on the
and to boost his confidence towards life, it was found final shade of the veneer4.
that zirconia crowns were best suited for this condition in According to Heffernan et al., Zirconia as compared to
maxillary anterior teeth from canine to canine. other all ceramic systems has the better opaque effect7.
With zirconia, crowns offer intense strength and
PROCEDURE durability and could last a lifetime. zirconia is naturally
Prior to beginning of teeth preparation, the shade compatible to body chemistry. Minimally invasive as
selection was done using vita shade guide. The axial require less removal of your enamel, more natural tooth
reduction of approximately 1.2 to 1.5 mm and incisal structure remains intact. Also less wear on antagonists8.
reduction of 1.5 to 2.0 mm was carried out1,2. All the The latest in dental crowns, the e-Max brand is made
line angles were rounded off. A circumferential chamfer from lithium disilicate ceramic — a strong, specially
finish line was prepared for all the teeth from canine to harvested material known for its strength and aesthetic
canine. qualities9. E-max is more translucent than Zirconia. The
Impression procedures were carried out with addition translucency of E-max crowns allows in more light. This
silicon and then sent to the laboratory. Provisional creates a more lifelike crown that requires no stain.
crowns were fabricated using tooth coloured auto However, for a dark tooth underneath, this characteristic
polymerizing acrylic resin and cemented with eugenol makes Zirconia the better choice10. But Multiple-unit
free temporary cement to the patient. Final restoration lithium disilicate restorations are not advised. The 360-
was cemented in place with glass ionomer cement. 400MPa flexural strength of lithium disilicate is
relatively weak compared to the 1,000MPa flexural
DISCUSSION strength of zirconia-based restorations11.
The zirconia based restoration was considered ideal in Also Zirconia materials are so strong, they can be made
this case as the patient’s desire for quick treatment and thin- more conservative in the preparation, saving more
closure of spacing between front teeth. of patient’s’ original tooth structure. Zirconia may be as
Bleaching procedure was prohibited as it required more thin as ½ mm; the minimum thickness of e.max Lithium
sessions. The effect of bleaching on natural tooth is not Disilicate materials is 1.5 mm to 2 mm. but E-max
permanent and is somewhat unpredictable to speculate crowns can fracture at the time of try-in or during
the colour change. Seepage of bleaching agent into the adjustment of the occlusion. The most common reason
surrounding periodontal tissues can lead to gingival for the ceramic to fracture is inadequate material
irritation or severe damage6. thickness12.
Zirconia full crown was selected over labial veneers
because of their clinical longevity and survival rate, this
Fig 1: Pre-op Picture
Zirconia-based tooth-supported crowns showed
promising clinical results restoring anterior teeth.
CAD/CAM technology in the manufacture of Zirconia
has become a reality in dental practice that demonstrates
important physical and mechanical properties of high
strength, adequate fracture toughness, biocompatibility
and esthetics outcome.
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Prosthodontics, rd edition, Quintessence Publishing
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Fig 2: Pre-op Picture
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4. Dr. Nidha Madan, Dr. Deepak Raisinghanis,
Designing a smile: A case report. International
Fig 3: Final prosthesis (zirconia crowns)
Journal of Applied Dental Sciences. 2017; 3(2):01-
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